Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1891, p. 1

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piaiitalert PUBLISHED BVKBT WBDMMDAT BT •Af.*s»-VAN SLYKB,- • EDITOR A»D PROPBWTOB. * Office in Bishop's Bloek, V\l«"4k»0SI*a PBSBT At nmrniM®#,. TBB&H or 90B9OBIPTIO*. toe Tear (in Aavanee) HNot P»id wllhin Three Months...... .. ^Subscriptions received for three or six Months in the same proportion. Kates of Advertising. 800 1000 IS woo 6000 We announce liberal rates for advertising • the PL\TR* KUALER, AND endeavor to state hem so plainly that they wilt be readily un> •rstood. They are *a follows: 1 Inch one year m~~ » ' ,4 S Inches one year - is, - * "r t Inches one year - «> / * » JC Column one year - H O o l i i m n o n e y e a r - . . . . Column one year - - . • - 100 00 ' One inch means the meaiarement of one Mch down the column, single nolnmn width. Nearly advertisers, at the above rates, have tbe privilege of ohanging as often as they thoose, without extra eharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices al the rate of 0 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eents per line the first week, and 5 cents per line for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at tbe rate of 10 cents po line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and 9 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will oost 91.00 for one week, 91.50 for two weeks, 9L00 for three we«ks, and so on. The PI.AIKDRA.UIB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it wilt require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its oelnmns for peeuniar gain. BUSINESS CARDS. O. J. HOWARD, K. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHenry. 111. Office at resldenee, on* block east of Public School Building. RCAXRS. M. D. pHfslOlAN AND 9URGEOK, Mefitenry, i Ills, office at Residence. WM. OS BORN B, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. , Residence, West McHenry, III. prompjy attended to day and night. OSee at Ctalls Liverv Stable. B. WIQHTXAlf, Proprietor, class rigs with or without, drivers ...finished at reasonable rates. Teaming of ill kinds done on short notice. I NEAR THE DEPOT* £ ITE8T MoHENRY, ILL, Keeps open for the aooommodatloa of tbe Public a First-Class .Salaaa aad Restaurant. Where he will at all times keep the beet Where he will at all times keep the brands of Wines, Liquors and Oigars wjp w nrafciin the market,. Also Agent Tor FRANZ FALK'S Ifihravkte L&gw Bwr. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- irays on hand, cheaper than any other* quali­ ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended ta . GOOD STABLING roaaHoitsm> J tVOall andjsee us. Robert lohiMlil. West MoHenry. I1L BUSINESS CARDS. •. V. KBKPAKD. r. L. SHKPAKD. SHE PAR DL 4. SHEPARD, Suite 912, Norlh> IS LaSaUe Street ATTORNEYS AT LAW. era Office Building, Ohleago.IU. KNIGHT * BROWN, A TTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S. Expreas}Oo.'B XX Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. JOSLYN. ft OASBY. ^TTOBNBYS AT LAW, Woodstock tion. 111. All business will reoeive prompt atten- A P. BARNES, TTORNET, Solicitor, and; Counselor, k. Collections a specialty. : WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. V. S. LUMLEY. ^TTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor la Chancery, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in Park House, first floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker audi Jeweler NO. One Hundred Twenty-Five State Rt Chi' oago. 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. 9TA Full Assortment of Goods in his line Attention Horsemen! MOHBHBT, III., April 1st, 1898, I would respectfully invite the Public to ©Ail and examine m / stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No buei. nee* done on Sunday. H. 8. OOLBY M'HBtTBY IU. The Police Gazette, Is the only illustrated paper in the world containing all the latest sensational and sporting news. No Saloon Keeper, Barber, or ClubRoom can afford to be without It. It always makes friends wherever it goes. Mailed to any address in the United States securely wrapped, 13 weeks for (1. 49end Five Cents for sample copy. HICHAM K. FC1 : J0A3NCUM SQUAB*. New York United States War Claim Agency WM- H. GOWLIN, Woodstock • • Illinois. Prosecutes all olasssa and kinds of claims .gainst the United states for ex-Soldiers, heir Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. la prosecuting old and JOHN P. SMITH, Watohmaker Jfc Jeweler* MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock, of Clocks, Watches ana Jew. elry akwavs on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watekss. (live me JOHK * SMITH. STOFFBIT, --Agent for-- FIRE, - LIGHTNING, And Accidental Insuranoe. AIM Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabassa, and California Lands. Call on or address WM. STOFFEL, McHenry, til; Quintette Orchestra, McHENRY, ILL. Are prepared) to fnruish First Olacc Mtarta to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Bobt. Madden. Clarionet, O, Curtis, Comet. L, Oiren, Trombone, B, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, MoHenry. QAK LAWI ACADEMY Will op^n lit eeoond year on Wed­ nesday, Sei«r. 16, 1891, and will offer special prlvll^g** to the right class of siudents. The institution will be con­ ducted as a Home School Ibr Boys Where they will r^eelvfifhe bene dtp of a thorough preparation In all of (be oommon branches of Mad;. GERMAN AND MUSIC, We claim for our school a pleasant and heaMiv situation, and the past year bears as out in tbe Assertion. TE&M8 A.HD DZSGEIPTiYf 02&CVLAS Seal to any address on application The school is situated at Ring wood, llcHenrv Co* 111., on the C. & N. W. R. R,, 59 Miles from Chlcage, 15 miles from Lake Geneva, and 6 miles from Fox Lak«. No saloon, billiard hall, or other letfiog place in (own. Address Oak LawD Academy, 8tf RING WOOD. 111. HOWARD STEVENS, DEALER IN Sleotrio Bells, Makes a specialty of Door Bells, Window and Door Connections and all kindsof Burglar Alarms. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or address HOWARD STEVENS. West McHenry, Illinois* ifijliji nj SHORT HORN BULLS m For Sale at Living Prioee by the onder- «... address Call on or FRANK OOL SPRING QBOTB. IKX. Spring Grove, IH., NOT. M. 1880, A specialty is made rejected claims. All communications Postage Stamps are cno WM, H. OOWLia Olllee at Residence, Madison St., Woodstock, Illinois. promptly answered If Iosed for reply. ATTENTION !**• I w wife Farmers and Oairymeis It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at "J iremlaes before purchasing. I can furaisa inch by the oar-load or single oow. PORTER H. WOLFBUM, OHIKITM, Farm about tour miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. ; A. Sngls&'s ULOON AMD RimURiXT. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Tina Eentucky Liquors, French Bitters, / McHenry Laeer J&8E, f --AND-- Itt any ^quantity from, % Snit* Q-1&88 to 1C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE oe RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or 4»ae as heap as the cheapest. We buy none but the best and ••11 at Reason able Prices. Call and see me and I will use j©U well. ANTONY ENOLBN A l>ir*t-cla*»iHoute. Ihe^Boy* All Stop Thtrt. THE Culver Housd. RICHMOND, ILL. Goodliiwy. Good Sample Boom. FREE BUS TG AND FROM ALL TRAINS FOR JPA TRON& OF THE HOUSE.. I run a line of carriages to Twin Lakes from Llchmond, three-fourths of a mile nearer than any other road, and more level and Eleaeaet by far. If you intend going to Twin akes, stop at Richmond and inquire for CULVER'S Bl'3. It U always there, rain or shine. Kound trip uricesas usuai. O. N. CULVER, Prop. (QM SALARY and Commission te Wwlllla Agents, Men and Women, Teach­ ers and niergvmen to Introduce a new and popular standard book, MARVELS sf ths NEW WEST -<4 new Agent told 70 in one week. Agents projilt, $136 50. Over 880 original engravings, 10,400 copies soid In one week, Kzelusive territory. Endorsed by the greatest men of our country, Apply to THE HENB Y BILL JP^i700^e^\amn ELGIN ACADEMY. PENSIONS ! The Disability Bill Is • Law Soldiers Disabled Sinoe War are Entitled* the v,I.lkiia> .* 7-BarUu BARB IAN BROS. Wholesale and Betail Diuni nr FINE CIGARS, MeHENET ILLINOIS, Having leased the brick buildiug one door South or the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found line cigars of our own manufacture^ together with smoking and ehewing tohaoeo of MM best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment and| soate TCryrhandsome patterns. CALL AND BBS US. BUNttair «*ne - - iNM Bay Colt; 15 3-4 hands high Foaled May 11,1888. WEIGHT, 1150 POUNDS. SIRE, ALROY 6715, The sirs of Al»td £:»*. Atlas fl T t.VXi Allspioe,***; Alslppa. S:40; All S:41X, aad other good ones. cars siaa, iflHenry, 1888. i**: >,'l """ 1st dam, ANTHKM, the dam of Choral, one of Waters' finest brood mares. Anthem, by Ouvler 100, sire of Elviaa 2:183tf» Chanter, 2-20V. Edwin C, 2 21V. Day l>ream, also sire of dams ot Patron, 2:14V and others. 2nd dam, AUGUSTA, dam of Chanter 2:20* Shall cross, trial. 2 28 [half in 1:10]; Augusta, Anthem and others. Augusta by Bysdyke's BcllfoBnder, sire of the dam of Kmgsiey, (•MW, son of Hsmbletonlan 10 [sire of Dexter 2:17)1, Nettle 2:18, Orange 3irl, 2:20, ami 38 others in the 2:30 list, and grandsire ot 825 performers]. ACCIDENTAL will make the season at my stables in the village of Richmond. to insure. Scaeon begins Feb. 1st. Call and sea him before breeding jom mares. , c. xx. aJbiCK, ••S* " " . " i. - T •»" • • , • ' •' ' Dependent widows and parents naw dc. pendent whose sons died from tbe cfitts of army services sre Included If you wish your claim speedily and snoocssfuliy prose­ cuted, address JAMES TAHNSR. • LAts OOmoilsalcaer ol Pensions. |« ivricaa Clerer Blossom Cb. 351 N. Olarfc St., CHICAGO* ILL. The Ciwt Blood Purifier. Con- Cures all Blood Diseases tint «rlse from the effect of Bad Blood. A sure cure for Cancer, Catarrah, Piles, Sink Headarhs, ljy« pepnla, Whoop.UK • ough, iHheuinatism stlpation, etc. " t BLOSSOMS, per pound - f ,F FLUID EXTRACT, per hcttle S SOLID EXTKAOT, per pound > Boti the Solid and fin Id Cxtraete are i from the same stook of Blossoms, and equally as good and efficacious as the soms. M0 lade are JULIA A- STORY, Agent. tSeM«nryf Illinois. CEDAR LAWN STOCK FABI, The Academic Deparlment gives boys and girls thorough and systemat­ ic training in the Anolent Classic*, Germans English, the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Etc. And prepares students for any oourse ID any oollege. | Tbe Haooal Trainiii Department Has every facility for giving the best Instruction in all tbe Mechanical Arts Students are taught to draw, to pat­ tern and to construct. Pupils taking a regular oourse In the Academy re­ ceive the beqefl't of this department without exrA C«|ES. fhe Intermediate Department Gives personal attention and special instruction to children not sufficiently advanoed for the Academic oourse. The Normal Course Comprises all the studies necessary to obtain a First Gradt Cert ideate snd several advanced studios, at tbe option of tbe student. A Business Course Including Book-keep lag, Shorthand, eto. For Catalogue and formation, sd- 4fMA.GK WELCH,Principal. Elgin, 111. F<tll t«rm opens Aug. 31,1891. SIMON STOFFEL, AOSNT FOB Plurals, of Broeklya, Y, Y. O Capital, 5,008,31 ff. Rockford, of Rockford, III eapltal, 802,448, , of Hartfiri, Con Capital, $2,620i2l3> Insnrance^ar^fcn? and safely placed on all tMwpertv against Are, lightning, and tornado, either tor CAB It or ou long tUi<e, without interest Fire polictes on lire stock cover same in building or on tarn* igainst loss or damage b/ lire or lightning and against lightning anywhere. Hay, straw, stalks and fodder are covered by one policy, in building or stacks on farm, tir&in. Reeds and mill feed are covered tinder ore sum in building or on farm Insurance translcrred to other locali­ ties free of enrge. t-iasoline or oil stove and •team tlireslisr permits granted In policies free of charge. Household goods, of every description, including coal, wood and provf. 6t'>ii« ail covcied under one item. Complete records kept of alt policies, conditions, assign­ ments and transfers made. Call for list of Over 700 policy holders in above companies. Simon Stoffol. West McHenry, Illinois. SOLBOBS' DIFABTIOIT. Id I ted by WM. H, COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, OL, "lb oars for him who has borne the battle, and for hi* Wbkm amd Orphan*." --LTHOOLK. ••MhmdsMpt Charity. Lou alty- Worthy ton* of Patriot toUher*." C- A. R. Directory* Meets evenings if caoh aonth VHSHST rosx WO. 643. Meets the First and Third Thursday area, lags cf eaoh month. LI.BmiTT.Oos. WOODSTOCK VOST, MO MS. Meets first aad third Monday evenings of TTLN IRT~*V . A.&WKTAAV.ONA. imni roaT. ao m, the secead aad' Ibnrth Tuesday P. S. Cox. Ooa- BilUBD rOST, BO n Meets the second and fourth Monday eaea lairs of eaoh month. B. M. AUSTIV, Oonu Kuuono POST, HO, MS, Meets every Seooad aad fourth Friday evenings of eaoh month. I. B. Moaais, COM, WAUOOMDA rOBT, HO. 368. Post meets every second and fourth Satar- day evening in a. A, B. Hall, Main St. A. L. Paioa, Com. " " 1 1 F. K. CRANCIH, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock,. Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kind* attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive xwompt at­ tention Address. r. IT. eaAinm West MoHenry HBBBOV, ILL. Fhltttps A BleharcftMil» BBBEDBBS OF High Grade Jersey Cattle, IBBG1STBBBD POLAVD OHIKA MOOS, AND PURE BRED POULTRY. Silver Laeed Wyandottes, Light Bmmas, Ply| month Bocks. 3. O. White and S, O. Brown leghorns, Patrldge Cochins, and other Varieties. Mammoth Bronze and White Holland Tnrkeys. Pckln Ducks and White Guineas. We have a lew high Grade Jersey Oattle for sale, from choice selected stock. Our Poland China Hogs are of the best and ehoioest strains. We have some very choice spring Pigs for sale at very reasonable prices. An inspection of them is invited, or write us your wants and we will quote you prices. All pigs eligible to any register. Poultry for sale at reasonable prices. Eggs during season. We have some vary choice Poultry of all kinds »t Fall prices. AH orders for Pigs, Birds or Bggs reeelve prompt attention. Our stock has been carefully selected and IR strictly pure, and we Guarantee It *s such. Our customers may rest \ssured that we shall ship only such stock as will reflect credit upon ourselves an ! them also. Correspond ence cheerfully and promptly attended to 'led. Visi and respectfully solicited. Visitors welcome anv day but Sunday, and wc extend an invi­ tation to all to call and see our stock. Hoping to rcoclvc a share of yonr patronage. "" " it we will labor to and aesuringonr friends that' please «oa* we await your favors, Tours Respectfully. PHILLIPS & BICHABOSOir. aeptewber, MP. - . . :: BESJ jnefblc in for gen­ ii or State a«ents. No can* ilng, but to take charfte of IOCKI agents; territory rights re- •di basinets too large to be managed fret •"fin office. Instruction and transporters FKMB to right psr- -- ^ ties. Address Trees. ASKEUi. LITBBA- ? CLDB, 254 Prank- 8C, Chicago, 111. WANTED! igenta; terri irge to be > ;tlon and traasportatlpO WHATP •SmorlM of H8t. BT R, J. BABSOFC The days are full of memorise, Aad scenes of long ago Arc gathering in the minds to-nltf* • As time doth onward low. I seed these lines with greeting, • greeting kind and true. As I think with pride of those bygone days. The days whea we were the blue. Of the hearts with toad pride bcatlag. Of the steps so firm and brave, Of the manly forms of comrades Who now fill a soldier's grave. Along ths Skirmish Uae. A soldiers' monument will be nnveiled at Mendon, Maas., Sept. 1. The present rulings of the Pension Bureau are the most liberal ever made. At the same time they are jost, and BO fair minded man could object to them. Most of the new law pensions are being rated at |fi a mnntb. There ut a scare at the Treasury for fear there won't be enough money to pay the pensions and other expenses of the government. Pension money is raised by taxing whisky and tobacco, and the men who pay these taxes don't object to liberal pensions. Every now and then you will see a statement that upwards of 15,000 was allowed some pensioner. These are usually exaggerations, and are made to prejudice the public against the pension system. The present practice of the Pension Bureau is to allow claims under the new law. If there fa a claim pending under the old laws, it is presumed to haye beea abandQp^d when t>*o m^leaat a claim under the new law. Gov. Simon Bolivar Buckner, of Ken­ tucky, is a well preserved specimen of the Southern general, is tall and straight, and carrion his »ixty-eight years lightly. He was tbe commanding officer who sur­ rendered Fort Donelson to Gen. Grant in February, 1862, bis superiors, Floyd and Pillow, making their escape before their capitulation. It was to General Buckner that General Grant directed his famous dispatch Calling for the nncnnriltirm^l surrender of the big fort. General Butler's wife was with him most of the time during the war, and he says: "Thus I had the advantage over most of my brother commanding gener­ als in the field in having an adviser, faithful and true, clear-headed, conscien­ tious and conservative, whose conclu­ sions could always be trusted. In the mere military movements, although she took full note, she never interfered by $ suggestion, for in regard to them I relied upon the opinions of my yaloed, accom­ plished aqd efficient staff. Suicide in Battle. A group of old soldiers gathered hi the rotunda of the Kimball house the other day were telling stories of field and camp during the war, when one of the number gave the following graphic account of the suicide of a Federal officer on tin field of Gettysburg: "It was thero," said he, "I saw I Fed­ eral officer, chargined because nothing would stay the retreat of his men, raise his pistol and blow oat his brains. It happened on the second day'3fight. Gen. Longstreet had just come up with part of his corps from Chambereburg, Pa., and vigorously assailed Sickles' corps, which he was driving back in great dis­ order. Sickles halted and formed his men in line to receive Longstreet's on­ slaught. "It was one of the tew times I ever saw corps commanders at the front line. Sickles, with his ^taff, was riding among his men, encouraging them to withstand the Confederate onslaught, while Long- street with his staff, and Col. Freemantle, an English officer and correspondent of the London Times, were cheering oar boys to the charge. We advanced and and gave the Feder­ als a terrific volley at close range. They staggered under the galling fire, when Longstreet ordered as to give them the bayonets. As the men wavered and broke into a run, an officer stepped to the front, and, with his sword, signaled them to come back. Again and again he waved to his men, bnt by this time they were in full run, and the officer in his angry mortification, raieed a pistol to his head and fired. When Gen. Long- street and Col. Freemantle rode up they looked down at the brave Union officer, but the tide of battle swept us on.--At­ lanta. Constitution. TWKK Mark Is on Save $36.50 "cMto California. J. 0. JUDSON & CO.'9 personally conducted Cali­ fornia Exeu'sionB In broitd pmgo Puiioian Tourist Sleeping Ours, via l;onvet & Kk> Crandc R. R., (the scenic line of the world) leuve Chicago via Chieago A Alton K. H. 12:00 noon Saturday of every week, id 1 each excursion in charge of an efiieieutarv manly excursion manager. Pullman" oars tb roush from Boston unrt ('bi lent and frentle- tourist Bleeping «M.rp E&iina u"3wu ChiCMOtCSCn eiaco and Los Aisijelea, V<<r r»te|. reservation of bertha, etc., call on or address. J. C. JUDsolfAGC. 106Clar" Street Chlcaco. » STATE OF 'LLINOIS. County of McHen. ry, aa. County Clerk's Oflloe, Sept. id. 1891. I, Wm. Avery, County Clerk of McHenry county, hereby give notice to the owners ot the lots situate on the southwest fractional quarter (except tbe northwest fraction of the southwest fractional duart-r) of section No. seventeen (17) in township No. forty.five (45), north of Range Mo. nine (9) east of the third principal meridlm, known as Pishtska Bay Club Uroundts, in Township of McHenry, County of McHenry anit State of Illinois. Now, unless the owners of the above men­ tioned Lota cause the same to be surveyed, Slatted and recorded, within thirty days from ate of the publication of this notice, I, Wm. Avery. County Clerk of McHenry county, will cause the same to be surveyed, platted and reoordet at the expense of the owners of •aid lots, as the law requires in such eases, made and provided. WM AVKHY, Is Favor of Kuskiaf FMSISM. Pension Commissioner Green B. Raum, who has been in the city two or three days attending to his refrigerator busi­ ness, said yesterday that the company in which he is interested has opened a cold storage house on Jackson street that will begin operations in a day or so. Gen. Itaum also called on pension agent Clements and unfolded a soheme for re­ ducing the expense of the pension office. "I'm going to rush through 350,000 pension oases awaiting action," said the Commissioner, "and finish the work by the end of this year. If a man is entitled to a pension he onght not to be com­ pelled to wait for it. There is no use al­ lowing these cases to hang on when we have such a big force of clerks at Wash­ ington, and I don't see any reason why we shouldn't get through these cases and reduce the force of clerks. We have 2,000 at work in the Washington office and they are a heavy expense. I've found they are capable of much more work than they have accomplished in years past and now they will have to turn out 350,000 original cases by the end of the year." Colonel Clements says the plan is a good one, and that, if 350,- 000 pension cases are "turned out" this year, it will be double the number dis- ,o: HsBcatthcBsllsul It was in a well known hotel in Bangor, Me. A party of gentlemen we^e convers­ ing on one subject and another. During a lull in the conversation one gentlemen noticed a scar on the hand of another and interrogated him as to the cause. The other answered that he had received it in a very curious way. and told the following story in regard to it: I got that wound at the battle of Get­ tysburg. I had been fighting al! day and felt very tired, and so sat down on a rock and shot from the: a. I was just loading my paMribn lean, lank fellow darted by me, Aaklng for the woods like a streak of greased l:ghtning. I up with my gun and let drive at him, but he didn't drop, and, as I had shot just 999 and didn't want to lose the thousandth, I started after him. I neve.* saw a man ran so fast in all my adventu.ous life, and I could see that was gaining upon h'm, but every once in a while I lost sight of him behind a or rock. I noticed a lull in the fight, and glanc ing aside, I saw both armies had stopped fighting and were straining their eyes to see the raoe. That raised my oourage, aad I forgot all about being tired. Jqgt then I made a spurt of speed, and as I did so I felt something strike my hand, which spread out like the fan of a windmill. Well, to make a long stray short, caught up with him and was about to collar him when he turned about and tried to stab me. I dodged his blow, and just them something hit him and he Ml over dead. I sat down beside him to rest, and as I did so noticed blood trickling down my hand. On closer investigation I found that there was a bullet hole in my palm. The dead man had a bullet in his breast, and I am positive in my belief that both wounds were made by the same bullet, and that it was the same bullet that I had fired at the Confederate. The race was so hot that 1 caught up with and passed it at some time durng my chaee. That is why I now wear that followed each discharge, and in a tew minutes were back again mingling with tbe crowd and listening to tits rommmla of the veterans. "It reminded than of the war," they said. Some of them could "distinctly trace ths flight of the shell from the in­ stant it left the gun till it exploded." We begged Col. Aylett not to nndeesfvs them, but he declared that it would be wrong to leave them under a f«lm> im­ pression. The whole affair showed what strange pranks imagination will some­ times play with sober reason.--FontA's Companion. Pwsicas aad the PahUs Dsfct. In an admirably written article in ## North American Review for August, Gen. Green B. Raum, Commissioner of Pen­ sions, makes one point in favor of His soldiers unusually clear. He says: At the close of the war, when the coun­ try was staggering under a grs&t weight of debt and taxation, the men who eon- trolled the legislation of the country did not decline to provide for the payment ot the public debt because it was large. Such action would have been both cow­ ardly and dishonest. On the contrary, they faced the great problem with cour­ age and solved it with wisdom and hon­ or. They amended the Constitution of the United States, and in Amendment XTV., section 4, it is declared that th® validity of the pnblic debt of the United States, authorised by law including debts for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion shall not be questioned." Hers is a solemn constitutional recognition of the right of these soldiers to pensions, and of the duty of Congress to enact suit­ able lawn granting the k i same. This amendment recognises and protects two great classes of financial obligations. The one is to those who held the securi­ ties of the government issued to raisd money to carry on the war, the other is to those who took the personal risks of war and whose patriotism and valor saved the Union. The heroism of the men in arms made the great cause trium­ phant, and by their BOOGSSS converted the depreciated obligations held by pub­ lic creditors into glittering gold; and now, when this mighty obligation of the old soldiers has matured, because of their infirmities and their weight of years, shall it be denied them because the sum is large? In 1865 the interest charge upon the public debt was nearly $151,- 500,000, and the pensions were $8,500,- 000, an aggregate erf $180,000,000. The public creditor expected his interest, and it was paid by the people without abatement. The population was then $35,000,000 and this annual charge of interest and pensions was $4.57 per capita. The public debt is now almost pud. It is no longer a burden. The bondholders have received $2,600,179,- 000 in interest and premiums July 1, 1861. The pensioners have received $1,284,716,000. The present interest charge tor 1891 is $36,408,000, aad the pennons for this year will cost $116,- 000,000, or an annual aggregate of in­ terest and pensions of $152,408,000. We now have a population of 68,000,000, so that this annual expense of interest and pensions m $2.44 per capita. The grati­ tude of this nation to its defenders should be measured by the value of the servioe rendered and the financial ability of this people to respond to the demands of just pension* legislation.--Afettaui Tribune. t last to llgW General Sheridan was not a tan man, though he had & commanding presence. While he was an under officer he was one day drilling a company and was annoyed by the unsoldierly appearance of a t«M, round-shouldered Irish recruit. 'Don't stand in that way!" Sheridan finally as- claimed. "Tou look like a Chinaman doubled over a wash tab. Straighten up --form erect, chest out and chin elevated Like this 1" Then the officer gave the man a superb example of the perfect sol­ dier in parade movement, his eyes fixed unalterably away from earthly tilings. "An' it's straight ahid I'll be afther look- in, all tbe toime?" asked the recruit, glancing down at his superior officer with a twinkle in his eye. "Yes; if yon wssn to be a respectable soldier, certainly." The Irishman puffed himself out like a pigeon, and stepping off to the measured Right 1" "Left!" he exclaimed: "Well, Good-boi to ye, leftenant: I'll niver see H iipMB "--Youth's Companion* •tot «u Halls. A corresponeent favors the Companion with the story of a practical joke which was played by an ex-Confederate officer Col. Aylett, upon some of his old compan ions in arms. He had a company of Mends at his country-place, near Rich­ mond, and one evening a display of fire­ works was announced. Towards the close of the evening Col, Aylett called me and two or three other young fellows to him and said: "I waat yon to help me fool some of the old soldiers if yon will." Of course we jumped at the chance, and asked for orders. "What I mean to do," he said, "is to make these veterans believe that I am shooting bomb-shells from my shotgun. Here are some giant firecrackers. Each of you take two of them, go down into the field yonder, spread yourselves out into a line about a hundred yards apart, and listen for the bugle. I shall aim at you in rotation, and as soon as you see the flash of the gun, the one whose turn it is must throw a cracker as high into the air as possible, so that it will explode before reaching the ground." We slipped away in the darkness, and the guests were invited oat upon tbe lawn to see the Colonel shoot some bomh-fihells from his gun. The signal was given and tbe gun was fired. In a few seconds a bright flash was seen in the air, and a loud explosion followed. The shots were repeated until six had been fired W. * *• Harvest Excursion*. On August 25th and September 29th Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. sell Harvest (Excursion tickets at Way the will very low rates to points in northwestern Iowa, Minnesota, North and Sputh Da* kota, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyomii^j, (Jtah, Idaho, Colorado and Montana. For full information c o b corning rates and arrangements for these excursions apply to Agents C. &.N. W. R'y. PUXSBURY'S Best XXXX Minn., bakes more bread, bread, bakes bettor bread than anyothsr flour manufactured. If yon are not us­ ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Bay other. For sale at the Fox River Yal Mills, McHenry, 111. St. Patrick's Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and s<wnw««p to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. G. W. Beeley, Druggist. If you are looking for a flns boggy, H 'rill pay yon to took our stock over be­ fore placing yonr onto-, as we have jost received a new and fresh supply, and beh lieve we can nave you money, if yos wm favor us with a mil. Our time is yours. No trouble to stum goods. For sals al Bishop's. \ HOWARD STEVENS is selling Kleetrli Bells, Door Connections, Window Conrai* tions, etc., which he is prepared tod«iiv«r and put on your doors and windows and guarantee satisfaction. Do not fail to examine what he km when he comes. _______ Do NOT teppjit if yon waat a- inrt dM* Auctioneer, to call on F. K. OraagST, McHenry. Or if more eonvenknt «• ant v- AA : v Wftffnnld huftr tlui awl»n»<teM that i St JsIihh for VOlt ftt tkk 3.. - *.*.*.1 .J*. ...1. .. t.,2 . . i . . , ...iS

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