Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1891, p. 5

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; :4 •iw. i WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 9, 1891. Taking «ffoct on «nn<lay, Juaa Utk, Mil Tnlai pass this^station as follows: OOINO NOKTH. (Milk Freight Arrive 7:90 A. M. *Wlllianis Bay freightptUM.... »:1C " •Lake Genera Passenger " 9:56 •• f*Lake Geneva Passenger •* 10:l» " •Lake Geneva Express *:80 P. M. *iakke Geneva Passenger M (A1 ** QOIMO SOUTH. fMoHenry Passenger Dtflrt 7r*5 A. M. •Lake Geneva PaMngr passes 7:30 " •I>ake Geneva Express " 8'33 *' •WilliamsBay freight «• ...1:80 P.M. •Lake Geneva Pameager " 3:8tt. " ; •Lake Geneva Passenger " 5:# « I JLake Geneva Passenger " 7:88 * BXFUKLTIOI.! Dally except 8un Jay. / Sundays only. Stops only to leave Passengers^ B. BVM, Agent. McHenry, 111 .'V $ ItfV MASONIC. MoFf rmrt LODGR, No. 158 A, F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and foarth Mondays in each month. W. A. CBICTT, W, M. BASE BALL at the Driving Park on Fri- ^ dayy A good game is expected. " BE rare and attend the Races at Gage's Driving Park, McHenry, on Friday, Sept. L8th. II S.': DIED, on Sunday, Supfc. 6th, of cholera infantum, the infant daughter of J. Hur- relle and wife. / WM. RTOFFEL has opened an Insurance I office in Elgin, and is agent for some of \jbhe best companies in the country. UNLKHS indications are read falsely . general trade will be good from no^ on, 5 with marked activity in special spots. T. J. ELLIB will please accept the thanks of tte PLAINDEALEB force for a basket of very fine eating Apples, left at this office. THE Trotting Stallion, "George 0." went to Janesville on Tuesday, where he is entered in the Free-for-All Baoe, which takes place on Friday. FOUND, in this village, a small Umbrella. The owner can have the same by calling , at this office, proving property and pay­ ing for this notice. INSURE all your property with Simon Stoffel, who represents the very best com­ panies and looks after the insured with great and experienced care. REMEMBER the Matinee at Gage's Driv­ ing Park, McHenry, 111., on Friday of next week, Sept. 18th. Three Races and dead loads of fun. GEOBGE FRETT, son of Win. ]£rett, for* merly of Johnsburgh, died at his home in Chicago, on Sunday last, of typhoid . fever. He was about 20 years of age. AT~C. E. ChapelP»4YK>sing Out Auction Sale, at Algonquin, on the 15th, will be Sold eleven head of horses, including one very fine Imported Clydesdale Stallion. ONE bundled and two tickets were sold 'at this Station for the Chicago Excursion on Tuesday. When the train left here it was composed of twenty-one loaded ..coaches. I Perry & Owen will receive this week the largest stock of men's and boys' fine clothing to be found in the county. All new fresh goods of'latest styles and bought to sell cheap. THE editor has bean wrestling since Saturday night with the Cholera Morbus, and therefore our readers will excuse any shortcomings which they may discover in our columns this week. THE Ringwood Cemetery Aid Society will hold a peach and cream festival at Band Hall on Thursday evening, Septem­ ber 17th. A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to all. COM. EIGHTY choice Milch Cows, will be sold at C. E. Chapell's Closing Out Auction Sale at Algonquin, on the 15th. Be sure and attend if you are looking for bar­ gains. LOST, between Evanson & Co.'s store, in West McHenry, and the Wheeler Farm, a lady's Black Satin Handbag. The finder will confer a favor on the owner by leaving it at the Wheeler Farm or at this office. EDISON is quoted as saying that ulti­ mately one's house will both be lighted and heated at a cost which will not ex­ ceed sixty cents per annum. If this be true "ultimately" cannot make its ap­ pearance upon the horixon of life too soon. - "THE telegraphic reports from Inde­ pendence, Iowa, failed to report that the trotting stallion, "George O.," belonging to George W. Owen, of McHenry, 111., had cut his record from 2:26 to 2:21%, though such was the case." The above from the Track Notes of the Chicago Inter-Ocean may be of interest to doubters. / THE Boarding House of Miss Curly Parker had a narrow escape from fire on Thursday last. Fire was discovered in one of the sleeping rooms on the second floor, and by prompt action was extin­ guished with small loss. Had it not been discovered when it was the buildingconld not have been saved. PBBSONAX. C. E. CHAPELL and wife, of Algonquin, were calling on friends here on Tuesday. GEO. MCLKAN and wife, of Champaign, are visiting in this village this week. MRS. F. T. COLBY, of Englewood, has been visiting with friends heretbe past two weeks. Mas. J. P. GOING, who has been visiting here the past few months, returned to her home in Chicago, last week. MRS. CYRUS COBB and Miss Frank Cobb, of Chicago, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cobb and L. K Newman and wife, in this village. D. W. THOMAS will have an auction sale of one car of choice Milch Cows, at Algon­ quin, on Saturday next, September 12th. Read the new advertisements of Simon Stoffel, John Evanson & Co., M. Englen and -T. R. Baylor & Son to Ub found else­ where in th?s paper. AN election of officers of the W. C. T. U. Will be held at Mrs. W. A. Cristy's on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 10th. , MRH. L. B. BBHHITT, President. Ma*. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. THE most recent animal story Is of a cat raised in a chicken coop, and he mounts the roost and sleeps on one leg with his head folded'under another a la Plymouth Rode. Thie ie given M ft bona fide item. THE Willing Workers will meet with Mrs. J. I. Story, at Hotel Riverside, Thursday afternoon, Sept. 17th, for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year, and ail interested are earnestly re­ quested to be present. FOB years a class of people have been shouting, "What's the matter with Han­ nah?" and it has just been discovered that the only thing that troubles her is the fact that it doesn't make any differ­ ence which end of her name you begfin at when you want to spell it. , „ RASMUS OLESON, living in the vifeinity of Ottawa, when asked if he could recom­ mend the Piano binder, thought he could and did so in writing; that is, he signed something purporting to be a recommen­ dation bnt which proved to be a note for $500. And now Rasmus is "all torn up." / THE Reunion of the 95th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, held at Ma­ rengo, on Friday last, was well attended by the old veterans and their friends and was a very interesting and enjoyable oc- ^casio^/ Owing to sickness we Ojte unable ^tomake a more extended notice at this time, as we would like THE wise men with telescopes in hand, in the dome of the Lick observatory, on a high California mountain, think they have discovered snow caps on the moun­ tain ranges of the moon. From this al­ leged discovery an atmosphere is de­ duced. Atmosphere! How in the name of General Scott could the man in the moon so long have existed without breathing? What ninnies wise man are! THIS idea which some people possess that the public is easy to be humbugged is a very good one until it is tried, says Edward W. Bok, in the Ladies' Home Journal. However clever we may think we are ourselves, there is always some allowance to be made for the truth that God gave some brains to some one else, and that "some one else" may, just as likely as not, be the verypne w|u>jBi,you are trying to humbug, f News has just been received here of the death of Edwin Griswold, at his home in Jackson, Tennessee, which occurred Aug­ ust 24th. Mr. Griswold was an old and highly respected citizen of McHenry where he lived for many years, but moved to Tennessee a few years ago. His many friends here extend sympathy to the be­ reaved family in their hour of sorrow. HARRY G. SLADE, oi Elgin, will be in McHenry-next week, for the purpose of making arrangements to get up a Class in Laiuoge, or Moulding in Clay. Speci­ mens of this work were on exhibition at the Woodstock Fair and attracted mueh attention. Remember Mr. Slade will be here next week, and will call on those in­ terested in this work. YOU'D scarce expect one of my age in merchandise to engage and hope to get a paying trade without the local paper's aid. Yet I did that very thing. I opened up a store last spring. This month the sheriff took my stock and sold it from tbe auction block. Don't view me with a scornful eye, but simply say as I pass by: "There goes a fool who seems to think he has no use for printer's ink." There is a truth as broad as earth, and business men should know its worth. 'Tis simply this: The public buys Its goods from those who advertise.--A Business Man's Experience. Furohaeine Agent. A. S. Wright, of Richmond, wishes to inform the public that he has commenced to make regular trips every day between Richmond & Chicago, going on the train which passes McHenry at 8:22 a. in., and will be ready to do errands for all who wish in a prompt and satisfactory manner and at reasonable rates. A. S. WRIGHT. September 1st, 1891. 8tf MATINEE! AT QAOE'S DRIVINO FABX, WEST M'HEXRY, ILL. Friday« September 18, 1891: There' will be a Matinee at Gage's Driv­ ing Parte, West McHenry, 111., on Friday of next week, September 18tb, at which time there will be three races, as follows: 2:45 Class, 3:00 Class and a Green Race. The amount of purses and other particu­ lars will be announced in these columns next week and by Pouters which wilt be issued in a few days. In the mean time get ready to attend the Matinee. Some grand sport may be expected. ARBBST OF A PBOMIWBNT BAJTCEB A Mysterious Frlaoaer Taken to Head­ quarters. Great excitement was caused yesterday by the report of the arrest of a leading financier. At headquarters it was ad mitted that there had been an arrest, but the detectives refused to give any further information beyond saying that they had been working on the case for weeks, and were satisfied that the right party had been captured. Tbe amount in­ volved is said to be over four million dollars. They further informed the re­ porter that the full particulars of this startling affair were given in "Old Sleuth, the Detective," issued to-day as No. 2 of The Calumet Series. Any will gladly show you a copy. Surgeons sponges etc., at J. A. Story's. SERVICES at the I niversalist church every Sunday, at 10:30 a. m. For new, stylish and well made ladies', misses, and children's cloaks, wraps, jackets, sacques, etc., in plush, diagonal, beaver, etc., go to Simon Stoffel's. BOTH prisoners who escaped from the Woodstock jail iu May last, have now been captured. The following particu- las of t he capture of the last, one we ttnd in the Sycamore Republican : Two Sycamore boys, Willie Whalea and Will Allen, were out peddling watermel­ ons on Monday. At a farmiioiiHi! Willie caught night of a uiau whom he •^'cog­ nized as a former occupant of the Syca- moi e jail. He was working for a farmer there aud weut by the name of Jim Smith. Willie <wid nothing at the time but upon returning toSyeaniore inquired if there was a reward offered for the tel- IOW'H capture and informed other officers of his discovery. Sheriff Ostrander and Frank Smith went out on Wednesday and captured the fugitive from justice. He is .lames Russell, alias James O'Brien, alias .Tohn Carroll, alias Jim Smith. Last summer a man who called himself Jim O'Brien was arrested in Sycamore for the theft of a tub of butter. He was convicted and sentenced to a term of six months in the county jail. At the expi­ ration of his term Sheriff Holcomb was in need of a turnkey, and O'Brien having behaved well and being otherwise compe­ tent he was given the place. A week or two after Sheriff Ostrander came into office O'Brien's services were dispensed with. He then went to work for one of the Browns at Genoa, but left suddenly. The next heard of him was in McHenry county where he had been lodged in jail for the crime of rape. He and another prisoner pried the bars apart with a piece of gaspipe, and made their escape in the latter part of last May. A reward of $200 was offered for O'Brien's capture, and though he had evidently been in this vicinity ever since the escape, no trace of him had been discovered until Willie Whalen espied him on Monday. Sheriff Ostrander returned the prisoner to the Woodstock jail. IVMrs. Helen M. Gougar, the nrtted temperance speaker, said the other day she expected to live to see the Republican party in its grave. What a subject she will be for another Rider Haggard to write upon! The difference will be that, unlike the creature of his imaginative brain, the new "She" will not wear the appearance of youth and baauty upon her two thousand years old carcase. The Republican party has accomplished much for the good of the country and of hu­ manity, but it still has upon its shoulders the responsible task of preventing some other party from tearing down tbe glorious structure it has built. It will live and be performing good works long after the Gougars and St. Johns and other one-idea individuals have mold- ered away and joined their kindred dust. (^T*In this age of wonders no one is astonished and nothing seems impossi­ ble. Still .some incredulity is shown when it is claimed that man can to a cer­ tain extent command the elements. What appear to be authentic reports state that the party sent out by this government under charge of Gen. R. G. Dyrenforth has succeeded iu making it rain at will. The General has long been convinced from observing rain fall in arid regions where blasting was going on, that the rain was due to the concussions. Desiring to test the theory the govern­ ment appropriated f9,000. The experi­ ments have been tried in arid regions in the West, and with astonishing success if reports be true. Balloons and kites were sent up bearing bombs which exploded at a given heigth, and these explosions were soon followed by torrents of rain that fell over a large region from what bad been before a clear sky. Thousands of acres are to-day wastes through lack of water, and only need this treatment to make them fruitful. How practical the results, aud what effect on the rain pro­ duct elsewhere if a systematic manufac­ ture of rain in arid places were to be made, is not known, but the matter will bear thorough investigation. Honest Profits. & farmer who buys a colt for $30, And after raising aud training Jt aells it for f 150 makes his profit honestly, and is complimented for bis business sagacity; but a man who pays, a million dollars for an unprofitable railroad, and by good management makes it pay and sells it for two million is called a monopolist. Why is not one transaction as honest and legitimate as another? The sice of the transaction does not change its eharacter. There ought to be some dis­ crimination in criticisms of men who make money. Those who create or dis­ cover wealth deserve credit, not abuse, for it. It is only the rich who grow rich because others grow poor, that should be denounced. Men who develop the stores of nature, or invent useful machines, or make great and valuable discoveries are public benefactors and the world ought to be glad to see them richly rewarded. AUCTION SALE. Having decided to rent the farm 1 will sell at public Auction on the farm known as the Pyott farm, adjoining the village of Algonquin, on Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1891, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. rn., sharp, my entire dairy, consisting of 80 choice dairy cows, part fresh, balance October and November cows. Also, 11 head of horses, as follows: 1 imported Clydesdale stallion, 4 years old, King J oe, No. 3,795; 1 matched pair brown horses, 5 years old, weighing 2000 pounds, sired by imported Belgium horse, 1 pair mares, eight years old, weight 2300 pounds, 1 bay Clyde horse, six yrs old, 1300 pounds, 1 brown horse, 8 years old, weight 1400 pounds, 1 chestnut mare six years old. 1200 pounds, 1 pair very closely matched colts, own brothers, three and four years old, weigh 2400 pounds, 1 yearling colt, sired by Fitz Roy. Free lunch at noon. TERMS.--A credit of one year on ap­ proved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for caen. Settlement before property is removed. " C. E. CHAPELL. H. B. THROOP, Auctioneer. XTTBBEB OF A SOCIETY OBELI* A Prominent and Wealthy Tonne Xan Arrested for the Crime--The Police Reticent. For the past few days a great deal of comment has been occasioned by the mysterious disappearance of a beautiful young girl, the daughter of one of our wealthiest and most exclusive families. Now comes the rumor that she has been murdered. Most startling of all is the roport that one of our wealthies young men has been arrested for the crime. By request of powerful and influential friends of tbe parties concerned, the police absolutely refuse any information at present, but the inner history of thjs mysterious oc­ curence is fully narrated in "The Shadow Detective, "by Old Sleuth; issued to-day in "The Calumet Series." Ask your news­ dealer to )et you look at a copy. FOX LAKE. Mrs. W. L. Goggin, of Chicago, who haa speut the miner at the Howard House, is probably tbe most successful lady angler at the lake. Clark & Neltuor, who kavs run the Lakeside Hotel for several years, expect to give it up this season, not being satis­ fied with the business done. The rush of summer business which was not very extensive is now over and only few guests are found at the hotels, though they will keep open until after the shoot­ ing season which opens the 15th. Mr. Hodgec, formerly one of the pro­ prietors of Oak Glen House, intends to erect a fine hotel n 'Xt year on the lot on the south shore that he recently purchas­ ed of D. S. Dailey. Since the sale of Oak Glen House to a Chicago club there has been no hotel in that neighborhood. Clark &. Neltnor, of the Lakeside Hotel, announced a clambake, such as they have at the seashore. The Miueoia Club closed itB palatial club-houBe last week for the seasoi. , H ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAOTOEALER Algonquin was well represented at Baraum & Bailey's circus at Elgin on Wednesday of last week. \ Several from here attended the funeral of George Pettibone, at Elgin on Wednes­ day of last week. IK you are Rooking for Bargains in Stock, be suremnd attend the Closing Out Auction Sale of 0. E. Chapell, at Al­ gonquin, on the 15th. Mrs. H. A. Benthusen received a tele­ gram on Friday of last week saying that her father, A. A. Hartqne^t, of Lincoln, Neb., was very sick. She left on the four p. m. train for Lincoln, but on Saturday morning Mr. Benthusen received another dispatch stating that Mr. Hartquest died on Saturday morning. Mr. Benthusen took the four p. ui. train to attend the funeral. Robert Phillips and George Helm have started a cider mill here and are now ready for the public to bring on their apples, and they will grind and press them on short notice. So pick up your apples and bring them in and get your cider made in first class shape. Mrs. James Philp and daughter Annie visited with friends in Chicago on Friday and Saturday last. J. W. Kee and family, of Chicago,spent Saturday and Sunday here with his father, Uncle Robert Kee. There will be Harvest Home services at St. John's Episcopal Chnrch here on Thursday evening of this week. Charlie Wandrack has sold his residence on Chicago street to Alvin Vanderan, our tailor. Charlie will either build or buy on the south side of the creek. John Peacock and wife, of Osage City, Kan., are the guests of Howard Phillips and wife. Agents for the Illinois Kidney and Liver Cure are here, bnt it is another lot from what, was here a few weeks ago. Our public school opened on Monday of this week with Mr. Edsall, of Toronto, Canada, as principal, and Miss Ella Hart as primary teacher. Mrs. Dr. Coltrin and children, of Brace- ville, Illinois, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Helm, are visiting the families oi Helm and Peter here. BE sure and attend the "Closing out Sale" of C. E. Chapell, ^t A%onquin, on the 15th. See particulars in another place in this paper. Sherm Chapell started on Monday of this wieek to attend school at Beloit, Wis. Geo. Dodd and wife visited with their son Charlie, at Elgin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edsall are boarding with Miss Anna Kee. M. M, Young, our late school principal, has secured a situation as book-keeper for the milk association, in Chicago. Our new iron bridge across Fox River is progressing slowly. Our base ball boys played a game with a McHenry nine here on Thursday of last week which resulted in a victory for our I.WWJI U VO AO# - - -- V. N. Ford attended the reunion of the 95th Illinois Regiment on Friday. He reported a very pleasant time. •• D UBX. BETWEEN TWO SHOWN CLUBMEN. A Midnight Combat. The police ascertained at an early hour this morning that a sensational duel took place last night in the parlors of one of tbe most exclusive clubs in the city. One of the principals is a wealthy young artist. His opponent is said to be the son of a railroad president. One of the combatants lien at his home at­ tended by several physicians. The other has escaped. It is rumored that a very beautiful young girl is the cause of the trouble. Full particulars can be found in "Estella's Husband," by May Agnes Fleming, issued to-day. Price 25 cents. Ask your newsman to show yon a copy. A 3AJ-TIK0RB BELLE X v A NOBEB LOBD. A Sensation In Fashionable Circles In Saratoga. Among the arrivals atone of the hotels yesterday in Saratoga were two stylishly dressed and beautiful young girls accom­ panied by an elderly lady and three servants. They registered from Balti­ more, and it was learned that they were reigning belles in that city. The eldest sister had just entered her twentieth year. Her friends tendered her a delightful reception, and she was the recipient of many unique and costly gifts. Her fiance arrived upon the brilliant scene driving a pair of perfectly matched cream colored ponies, handling cream reins with gold buckles, and attached to a cream colored dog cart with gold trim­ mings elaborately mounted. These he presented to the lady of his choice; and at an early hour the following day the chief designer of AW York and Paris Young Ladies' Fashion Bazar received a message from tbe ladies to produce with­ in the next five days four pale cream In­ dia silk dresses of the same tint as that of the gold-tipped dog-cart. The propri­ etor of the New York and Paris Young; Ladies' Fashion Bazar will spare no pains to make these natty driving costumes the most showy and gorgeous of the season. The design which struck their fancy was that shown in Fig. 5 of the September number of the AW York and Paris Young Ladies' Fashion Bazar. But where that dress is designed in pink, their dresses are to be finished in pale ecru. The frill on the sleeves of Fig. 5 will be jauntily looped up with real pearls set in gold buckles. The Septem­ ber number, containing this magnificent design, is now for sale at all news-stands. Price, 2o cents. V JUST ARRIVJ^B. v AiKvt&er mipply of tie Abbott buggies in any style you want End Timkin, Chicago Coil and Side Spring buggies. Call in at Bishop's warehouse and make your selection before tbe 4th- Prices and quality guaranteed, Buhkesd Notifies, World's Fair" at Brake's, C*8 and see it. ______ NICK line of Pipes, Just received, at Barbian Brothers. FIJTE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. All kinds of implements, buggies and carts at Bishops. Call and learn prices. Pillsbury's Beet seldom equalled never excelled. Try it only $1.50. WANTED-G00D MILLING WHEAT. Good Milling Wheat wanted at the Fox River Yaltej Aiills. ILJ^BOP. WHIPS. V Wfcl&tfi secured a bargain fii Wfcips-- 25 to 50 cents for a good one. Higher prices if you wish. JOHN EVANSON & Co. No ride jerks with the Sultan on rough Mads. At Bishop's warehouse. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. Value received or money refunded is a rale we are always happy to stand by. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. The most simple, neat and safest tug attachment yet invented found on the Sultan Road Cart only. At Bishop's warehouse. Wehayesome extra values which we are offering, among them are our 14c, 15c and 20c Satines, which we are now selling for 7c per yard. J. W. CRISTY & SON., Ringwood. NEW OVERCOATS AND CLOTHING Of the newest styles, best workman­ ship, and largest variety for men, boys, and children in town. Extra fine Melton and Kersey overcoats, in medium and heavy weights in blue, green, brown and tan colors from 13.00 to 25.00. Men's good heavy overcoats 5.00 to 20.00. Boys' overcoats 2.50 to fl2. Choice styles in suits at popular prices. HOUSES TO RENT. Three good Houses to Rent. Inquire at this office. ______ , * FOR RENT. A home on the West side, miitable for a small family. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE CHEAP. Two "George 0." colts 5, years old, well matched. Call on O. N. Owen at Bank of McHenry. ̂ FOR SALE. A "House, Barn and four Lois, in West McHenry. House in good repair and in a desirable location. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT FOR CASH RENT, A farm of 190 acres. Ninety acres un­ der cultivation. Call on or addi-ess John A. Smith, two miles east of McHenry on the Pox Lake road. 7w4 FOR SALE. Three or four good brood Sows. Also 20 to 25 Pigs, about ten days old. Ap- ey to John A. Smith, two miles east of cHenry, on the Fox Lake road. 7w4 FOR SALE. A second hand Gasolene Stove as good aa new and in &ood repair will be sold cheap as the owner has no use for it. For further Information inquire at this office. CIDER MILL. Lm now prepared to make yonr Apples into Cider on short notice. Bring along your Apples and I will guarantee to give satisfaction. THOS. KNOX. McHenry, Aug. 26,1891. Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his prices. Beloit fine pants only ......f4 00 Beloit heavy mixed 2 50 Men's business suits..... 9 50 Uassimere suits 4 80 Boys'suits 4 00 Boys' two-piece suite 1 00 Knee pants 25c, 35c, 50c, 100 Men's Congress Gaiters $1.50, 185 Ladies' fine shoes 1 75 A nice line of Groceries. Hundreds of goods at your own price. E. LAWLUS. Opposite the Riverside House. Look over the fine summer shawls, fine lace summer corsets at Evanson's. DON'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, M.P. Nor take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles® Nerve and Liver Pills, They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drug store. _______ FOR SALE OR RENT. A good house, situated in the village of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern, and a small garden. Also,® building, 12x32, containing two rooms.' Can be used for dwelling or shop. Pos­ session given at once. Apply to WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, April 20,1891. INSURE TOUR HARD-EARNED PROP­ ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute sale indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 700 risks on nis books all the time. NOTICE TO HORSEMEN. If yon are looking for a first class Road Cart, the best finished and softest spring that can be found, look at the Sultan cart, for sale at Bishop's Warehouse. DONT SKIP THIS For it is not an advertisement bnt a pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory. West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid for oats. 6 W. A. CRISTY. FOR SALE. Forty sens of Land, situated in the town of Richmond, belonging to the es­ tate of the late Chas. Harrison. Is well fenced, has running water for stock, and is a desirable piece oi land. ^ Also a few choice Jersey Heilenrmnd Cows, and two Bull calves for sale. Also one P. K. Dedriek, Belt Perpetual Hay Press, in good repair and guaran­ teed in every particular. Will be sold cheap if appliea for soon. For further particulars call on or address, 8-w4 P. S. HARRISON, ltingwood, IB. J. G. Bone, a druggist at Danmore, Pa., says be has never sold a medicine that gave such universal satisfaction, as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhea Remedy, and that the large demand for it has been a great surprise to him. It is sold here by G. W. Besley, Druggist. "We know from experience in the ass of Chamberlains Cough Remedy it will prevent croup," says Messrs, Gad- berry & Worly, Percy, Iowa. They also add that the Remedy has given great satisfaction in that vicinity, and that they believe it to be the best in the mar­ ket for throat and lung diseases. For sale by G. W. Besley, Druggist. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS, First class in every respect, have sent E. Lawlus, Tailor, three hundred more samples of their cloths, to take orders nnd measure men for suits. Good fits and low prices on the very best goods in the market is what you want and no humbug. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel. Shawls large and sightly, $1.25. Ladies' capes and jackets nearly half price to close. Good working pants 85c. Boys knee pants, four years old, 25c, Velvets, plushes and dress trimmings of nearly every description just in. Silk laces reduced. Black Vandyke Points 4 inches wide, only 1,15c, Men's Congress shoes, 1,25. Everything must move. Call in. ' JOHN EVANSON & Co. There is little doubtbut that many per­ sons suffer for years with ailments that could easily be cured by the use of some simple remedy. The followidg incident is an illustration of this fact: My wife was troubled with a pain in her side the greater part of the time for three years until cured by Chamberlains Pain Balm. It has, I think, permanently cured her. We also have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever needed and believe it to be the best in the world. P. M. BOS- TON, Pennville, Sullivan Co., Missouri. For sale by G. W. Besley, Druggist. Jolla A. Story's Locals. Do you want to remove sunburn or tan from the face without injury? if so use Malvina Cream. All kinds of soaps and washing powders at J. A. Story's. Are you ready to try "Van Honten's Cocoa"? Julia A. Story keeps it. It makes a delicious and healthful drink. Try it. Get your fly paper at Julia A. Story's. We keep both sticky and poison. The finest assortment of tooth soaps and powders ever kept in tbe county at Julia A. Story's. Get a hammock and be comfortable these warm days. Different kinds at Julia A. Story's. 8PITZER A BARNES, Solicitor* STATE OF ILLINOIS, MoHenry County, se. Circuit Court of MoHenry county, To the September term, A. D. 1891. Oynthia Smith, et. al. vs. Geo. W. Conrad, et. al-, in chancery. Afti'iavlt of the non-residenoe of Albert Ostler, Iila Ostler, Nicholas F. -plcer, Mrs. Nicholas P. Spicer and William Henry Edittk, defendants above named, fbaTlni been tiled In the ofllce of the clerk of Mia Circuit Court of McHenry countv, notice is hereov given to the mid non-resident defendants, that the complainants filed their bill of complaint in said court on the chan. cerv side thereof on the 3d day of Septembef: A. D lX!Me and that a summons thereupon issued out of said court against said de. fendants, returnable on th« nth day fof Sep tetnber, A, D. 1891, as is by law required. Now, therefore, unless you. the said Albert Ostler, Ida ostler, Nicholas F. Spicer, Hrt Nicholas F. Spicer and William Beniy Edick, shall personally be and appear be­ fore the said Circuit Court of McHenry county on the first day of the next term thereof, to be hoid*n at the Court House In the city of Woodstock in said county, on the 28th day of September, A. D 1891, and plead, answer or demur to the said com- piRinaiH'A.itill of complaint, the same and the matters ami things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a de. eree entered against you according to tbe prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof t have hereunto Mt my hand and affixed the seal of said court at my ofllce, in Woodstock this 5th day of Sep* tember, A. D. 1891. w. p. Mo*», Olerk. Spitzer & BARMSB, Oomnl't's Sol'ra. sepif^iwj^^.,^, im. ...v »w« Ladies * IS CflEArCR than any other dressing , ftf any pricc, be it 5 cents, xo cents, or >5 cents, you can convince yourself by bearing one shoe dressed with Acme Blacking and the other shoe dressed . with whatever happens to be your favorite dressing. While Acme Black-, |ng will endure a month through snow ?r rain, and can, if the shoe is soiled, be washed clean, the other dressing will not \ast a single day in weft weather. Your shoes will look better, last longer and be more comfortable if dressed with Wolff's Acme Blacking, WOLF? * K4HD0LFB, PldlwlelpMe, A pamphlet of Information and ab­ stract of the laws,showing Uow to Obtain Patent*. Caveats, Marks, Copyrights, sent firtt. UDM MUNN * GO .A 361 Broadway, Hew Tot B. S. CtJBTZS & SOI, Grainer. Paper Hanger* Kalsominers, Decorators. , McHENRY,i ILLINOIS. All work promptly done and .aat'sftwtion guaranteed. Country work a spaelalW. Call on or address C. S. Curtis A Son. McBKNRY, J£LUtOJ8. SITUATED OPPOSITE The i nera Spring. W, H. ROTNOUR, THE BEST OB SAiTPLE JtOOMS IN CONNECTION, 'MMm We have just received i large ln» •olee of fine drets good* of tbe latent fall styles, and have already sold aevef* al patterns.! We look for a larger trade in rbis line than for several yean pMt, and when you want a new dress «w and see our new goods as we are ing large preparations to meet «* . i early fall trade. Our extra large llnf " . < ^ of black goods Is very attractive con^, ^ slating or tbe finest grades in silk ana - ^ " f :| wool warp Henrietta*, Sebaatopota," * ~ - J! Qoeen1* Cloth, cashmere lergea, etc PERRY 4 0WSN. i READ! READ! RSADl% Our eet prices !o'fe?' and CfetirtfK Fine Shoe# aa advertised tbe past te#^; weeks baa cleaned out a great many pairs and left as in good sbape for the immense slock we have purchased for? the fall, a great part of which has ari*. rived at>d is now on ea'e. We still eon# tinue Belling our §4.50 aad 94 X grad* of Ladies* Fine Wear at 93 90. A lot of 93.35 and #3 grades at 93 36. Tbesi are all drst class goods, and are gen nine bargains. Some sizes In gents* 99 grade at 93.45, and 93.35 grade at 91,6ft. . Our boy8' and girls school shoes are unsurpassed at prices lower than ever^ PERRY & OWEN. ; j 'fill MAD! JPAD|^ The Clothing Trade has begun •how activity and we are turning out •ome flue suits in fancy catslmeres and; v worsteds In the latest approved style# ,^'f and elegance of fit. 1 he greatest aft* traction In our clothing is low prtoelt. You will find oar prices on dothing , ' lo*er than the lowest. PERKY & OWES. * LOOK! * LOOKtt JLQOK.'.'f Look ttlrbugb our big line of stiff Hata, crushers.aiid the d.fierent shaoet and shades of soft Hats, we carry $ u greater variety than any other plae* In town. READ! MAD! READ! W e ofer for a short time eome raff bargains in eoraets we are unable tm get more of. Our 91.25 grsde are bo# 93a The 91 grade Is ROW 78C. Tbe 75* grade is now 49c. We have Dr. Befell- ling's corsets to fit every form. -Anf Isdy not satisfied wltb Dr. Schilling's corsets after wearing a month may re* turn and their money be refunded.^ Wbo would mk a .better recommendt 'IS DON'T! Don't yonr bouse need painting £ Now is tbe time to paint. Remember we carry tbe best mixed paints made, from 91-30 per gallon up. 41*° >trictly pure white lead and strictly pure oil*. call on as for prices. < ] PERRY 6 OWEN, ~ >• STOP! OTOPt t You will soon need some more waft paper and perhaps a new carpet. Our Itrloes on these things are extremely ow. we defy competition. Do not fail «o en? eort&ins, mounted curtains for »1. PERRY A OWEN. JS'* KEAW: BEAD! WAD! We still handle the best brands ot Floor including Pillsbury's Best# IPblte Lily,Honest Abe.andottwaa|| lowest prices. PERRY 4 OWEN. ' ... 9^ RE AD! BEAD! BEAl>!-«§^ We want to Impress on the minds of ', all that we pay cash lor all onr good% which places u« in a position to boy at-, tbe lowest cash figures, take advantage of spot cash discounts, etc. Henee wf oan sell you tbe best goods at est eaah prims sad will do It. - y / < v, We always carry a full stock of DrVf> *d Fruits, Canoed Goods and F*esp|&- Grocerles of all kinds, also tbe flnesgf; Candles in town as any schoolboy will: •• , •" ' wV: iPerry & Owen# McHenry, III. ySSS-:' PIRRTA OWKNi Bssksrs, ILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, tayt and setts Fbreign couil Domestic Jab- change, and does a Geaeral Baaldaa Bssisess, We endeavor to do aU jbusiness #MTFIT* in OMF ears At a manner MC-' upon te.-m» entirely customers, and respectful̂ so&ctt IA#, HOTEL. WOODSTOCK. WOODSTOCK. IU# MOUSY TO LOAN; factions, INte'U Jfc ifrtf Claws , Companies at tM Tame pmmr A *mmm I9TAKY mklfc;, - •;

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