Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1891, p. 1

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No Favors Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and L«w| Win us and no Fear Shalt M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1891. VOL. PVBUCRKD IVIIT VBHnHOAT BT U f . T A N 8 L Y K B , - EDITOR AN0 PROPRIETOR Office In Bishop's B1 --OSWMIIT* Pmr * v ' TB&m or suBsoaiPTioir., Tear (In Aervaisee) T391& U Mot Paul within Three Month* &M Sabsoriptions received for thru or Six - Mooths in the same proportion. ; Rates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising a the PL^iitbgnsa, and endeavor to state team so plainly that they will be readily un- erstoo l. They are a* follow*.: s V *•;„ 1 Inch one year . • ^ « #2 2 Inches one year « - 4^ -'•* 10 w S Inches one year - • • 4=t'}S,<b7 - 15tt SColumn one year - • • • * 80 00 Ootumn one year- • • 60 00 Column one year - v •" ? - W000 Ott« inch means the «**«ri-ette»»t of one iaeh down the column, single column width, Toarly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra eharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion of local notioes at (he rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 5 o*nts per line for oaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged onparsil at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (noni. type, same as this is set In) the first issue, and 5 cents per line for subsequent ispuea. Thus, an Inch advertisement wllloost tL00 tot one ?fe*k, >1.60 for two weeks, *L00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAmDKAxa«»wUl be liberal In giving editorial notioes, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of Us columns for pecuniary gain BUSINESS CARDS. a. •. IHEPAID. r. I. SHKFAKD. 8HEPARDI * 8HEPARD, ATTORNKYfe AT LAW. Suite 512, Worth ern Office Building, 38 LaSall* Street Chicago, 111. 45 ly KNIGHT BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. U. 3. KXPROMSOO.** Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. J08LYN;* CASEY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WOODSTOCK NU All business will receive prompt atten­ tion. a P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, ANDS Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, IIXrKOT*. Counselor, V. S. LUMLBY. A TTORNKY AT LAW, and Solioltor la CL^I^^BODSTOOK, ILL. Office In Park House, first floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO* One HundredTwenty-Flve State At Chi cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. »"A Fall Assortment of Goods in his line Attention, Horsemen! MOHBITRT, III., April 1st, 1OT8, I would respectfully invite the Public to 0*11 and examine H17 stock of Horses before making arrangement* elsewhere. No busi­ ness don* on Sunday. N. 8. COLBY M'HBNXT 1U The Police Gazette, W>.., BUSINESS GABDS. O.J. HOWARD, W. O. * PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MoHeary. III. Office at residence, one block east or Pablie School Building. O.H. FEGERS, X. D- PHYSIOIAK AND SURGEON, 111*. Office at Resldonoo. WM, OSBORNE, K. O. t>BYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. MM »t L Residence, West MoHenry, III. 0*11* promptly attended today and night* Liverv Stable. , P^pT4 E. WIGHTMAK, PreprMKOr. iMl JdL« class rigs with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rate*. Teaming of ill kinds done on short notloo. NEAR THE DEPOT, VirEST MoHENRY, ILL, - Keep* open for the aeoommodatkm ,of th* Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, «KtoMre he will at all times keep the oesl brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigar* (to be found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK»8 lfilwukM Lagtr Ban. Beer in Large or Small Keg* or Bottlb. al- ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD 8TABULNQ JOJVHOAM& • WOall andjaee us. Robert Sohli»la. • IfcHeary, I1L . ; 5AL00N AMD BESTAURINT. Is the only Illustrated paper In the world containing all the latest sensational and news. No Saloon Keeper, Barber, loom ean afford to be without it. It atwaya makes friends wherever It goes. Mallod to any address in the United Slat** securely wrapped, 13 weeks for fl, VtvaOaat* for sample copy. BICHAED X. FOX f-BAVKLm SQUAKB, K*W York United States far Claii Ape; WM- H- COWLIN, Woodstock - -* Illinois. Prosecutes all elassss and kinds of claims against She United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is mad* in prosecuting old Sbd rejected claim*. All communication* promptly answered If Postage Stamp* are *nolos*d for reply. WM, EL COWLIN Ode* at Reald****, Madison li, Wood a toe a. ATTENTION U,. Fanners amfUairymen.' It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Pnah milkers or springers, to call at *T premlae* before purchasing. I oan furmlaa such by th* car- load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFBUM, OHIHUflO. Farm about four mil** a«rthw«*t of Harvard, Illinois. PENSIONS'. The Disability Bill l« a Law Soldiers Disabled Since War are Entitled* the Dependent widows and parm>ti now de­ pendant whose sons died from the effests of arnvy services are included If you wish your claim speedily and successfully prose- " address. JAM IS TAMCBR. Lat* Oom<nl**ioaer of 1 WASHINGTON D. A v, I. BarUan. J. J. BarMas JOHN P. SMITH, Watohmaker & Jeweler^ McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention given to rapalrtag fine watches. Give ma * call. _ _ JOHN P- SMITH, WM. STOPFER far-- " . „ FIRE, - LIGHTNING, And AeeHieatal Lunrane*. Also Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama* aad California Lands. Call on or address WM. STOFFEL, MoHenry, ill: Quintette Orchestra, MCHENRY, ILL. Are prepared 1 to furnish First Class MuMc to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Kobt. Madden. Clarionet, 0, Curtis, Cornet. L, Oiren, Trombone, E, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communication* to Jerry Smith, McHenry. HOWARD STEVENS, 1 Bella, DEALER IN Makes a specialty of Door Bells, Wln<*ow and Door Connections and aU kind8of Burglar Alarms. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or address HO WARD -STE VENS. W**t McHenry .Illinois. »1 k I I I. ill"I IMIIH^t»>-.M^I.I.»Vli.1l I SHORT BOM BULLS W For Sale at Living: Prioea^g^t^ undep- m Call on or i FRANK COLE, SPRING flROTB, ILL. Spring Grove, PI, Hov IS. ism. $989. SALARY and Commission to Agents, Men and Women, Teach •ra anrt nierg»men to introduce 1 new and popuknuttrntiard book, MARVELS of the NEW WEST A new Agent mid 70 in one week. AgmP* pro/its, $ 136 50. Over 350 original engravings. 10,400 copies sold in one week, Exclusive territory. Endorsed by th* greatest men of ocr country, Apply to THE HJENR Y SILL PUB. CO., Norwich, Omn MoHENRY, I§4: Fine Kentucky Liquors, Frenck Bitten, ; licHenry Lager Beer, MSS --AND-- J. Mill Milwaate Bottle Beer, la any 'quantity from ft init* Olass to 1C0 barrels. AT W ROLESALE oa RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or MM as heap as the cheapest. W*ebuy none bat the best and j ill at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will you well. ANTONY ENGLEU : H o 1 8 8 8 , ; ̂ BARBIAN BXOS. ' / Wholesale and Retail « DIUIII nr FINE CIGARS, MoHENRY ILLINOIS,, Having leased the brick building one door South of the post oflloe, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking aad ohewing tobaoao of the be*t brands. Pipes a Specialty. W* have a very large assortment, aad | *oa* Tery:kandsome patterns. : r GALL AND SSE US. %tnW«*rv. 188* Bay Colt; 15 3-4 hands high Foaled May 11,1888. WEIGHT, 1150 POUNDS. SIRE, ALROY 6715, The sire of Al»id S:«8if, Atla* f» T**rs Allspice, 2.-39M; Alztppa. *:40; Alal**, 9:4IX, aad other good one*. , >? v 1st d»m, AWTHBM, tihe <l«ao* Chmral, ana of Waters' tiaest brood mares. Anthem, l»y Cuvler 100, sire of Klvlaa 2:18>s, Chanter, 8-30X. Edwin C, 2 21Y, Day Dream, 2:21X, also sire of dams ot Patron, 8:14M aad others. 2nd dam, AUGUSTA, dam of Chanter 2-20J£ Shall cross, trial. 2 23 [half in 1:10]; Augusta, Anthem and others. Augusta by Bysdykes Be!lfoUnder, sire of the dam of Kingsley, 8-98V. son of Ham ble ton ten 1© [sire of Dexter S:17K, Nettl* 2:18, Orange 3irl 2:20, and 38 others in the 2:80 list, aad grandsire of 826 performers]. ACCIDENTAL will makw the season St my stables in the THlage of Richmond, at to injure Season begins Feb 1st. Call *nd see him before breeding your mares. • " , ' . .":*»t--AGBMT FOB---- _ ^ of Biookljn, !. Y. Capital, 5,008,315. Rockford, of Rockford, III Capital* 802,448, Jgtioial, of Hariri, oil. ttapital» S2,620,213. Instiranee carefully and safely placed on all claesec of property against fire, tigblning, and tornado, either tor cash or on long time, without interest. Fire policies on live stock cover asme in building or on farm igainst loss or damage by lire or lightning an<< against lightning anywhere. Hay, straw, stalks ami fodder are covered by one policy, in building or stacks on farm. Grain, seeds and mill feed are covered under one sum in building or on farm Insurance transferred to other locali­ ties free of carge. Gasoline or oP stove and steam thresher permits granted In nolicies free of charge. Household goods, of every description, including coal, wood and provf- sion« all coveted under one item. Complete records kept of all policies, conditions, as»ign- ments and transfers made. Call for list of Over 700 policy holders in above companies, Simon. Stolid. W**t McHenry, Illinois. CEDAR LAIN STOCK FARM, HEB&ON, ILL. Phillips & Richardson, BREltDEBS - High Grade Jersey Cattle, (REGISTERED POLAND CHINA HOGS, AND PURE BICED POULTRY. Silver Laoed Wyandottes, Light Bramas, Ply| mouth Rocks, S, C. White and S, C. Brown i.eghorns, Patrldge Cochins, and othor Varieties. Mammoth Bronze and White Holland Turkeys. Pekln Ducks and White Guineas. We have a lew high Grade Jersey Caul* for •ale. from choice selected stock. Our Poland China Hog's are of the best ana choicest strains. We have some very cholc* spring Pigs for sale at very reasonable price*. An inspection of them is invited, or write n* your wants and we will quote you prices. All pigs eligible to any register. Poultry for s»lo at reasonable prices. Eggs during season. We have some very choice Poultry of all kinds at Fall prices. All orders for Pigs, Birds or Egg* receive prompt attention. Our stock has been carefully selected and Is strictly pure, and we Guarantee it «s such. Our customers may rest issnred that we shall ship only such stock as will reflect credit upon ourselves an I them also. Correspond­ ence cheerfully and promptly attended to and respectfully solicited. Visitors welcome any dav but Sunday, and v.e extend an invi­ tation to all to call and see our stock. Hoping to receive a share of your patronage, and assuring our friends that we will labor to please you, we await your favor*, Tour* Respectfully, PH'LLIPS * RICHARDSON. Bcptambar. v9°- Thia Trade Mark la on Tie Best Waterpof Coat I In the world. Be'-. ».i«ibt* I men lor (rear eral or State .•aents. No can- IVMsiug, but to take eharge of local agents; territory rights re­ served; business too large to be managnd from main office. Instruction and transportation VBU to right par­ ties. Atid'e»8 Treaa. UASKEI.ii " MTEBA- KVCWB. m *rank- 8C, Chicago, I1L WANTED! " igents; terrt irge to be i stlon and WHAT? SOLSOBS' D1FABTMXVT Mlted by WM. N, OOWUH, WOO03TOOK, nx, m "lb car* far him who Aat torn* (A* battle, and for Mt Widam mm Orphan*." --Lnroour. "Friandihip, Charity. Lou. yprthg aoiw of Patriot lag* of each month. G- km 11. Directory. M'HKtTBT PORT KO. 643. Meets the Flret and Third Thursday evea L. 1. BBNHITTI Ooa. NR, in WML 1 M**t* fr*t aad third Monday evaalag* of *a*h math. A.«. WBT«HT, Ooa. niMiiMnaoM, fourth' Tuesday F. K. Cox, Ooa. HAKTAKD POM, BO VS. Meat* the secona ana to*rth Monday *&ea '"sr.r1 Meet* th* Hcosd awl evealng* *f **oh month XuaMoPot»lN& urn, very Seooad evening* of eaoh month IT, B Moat* every, Seooad wld Fourth Friday B.R. Moaar*, Com. WAUOOHDA rOBT, HO. 368. Post meets everv second and fourth Satur­ day evening In Q. A, R. Hal!, Main St. JL L. Paioa, Com. Aloag Ut* Skinanh Line. The order of Sons of Veterans was founded in November, 1881, by Maj. A. P. Davis, of Piteburjc, Pa. The census report there are 1,026,000 soldiers still living. The figures may un­ dergo a slight change in revision, but this is substantially correct. General Maury is the third distingtriah- ed Confederate officer to have a desk in the War Records Office in Washington. The other two are General Marcus Wright and General George Field. The following pensioners were on the rolls May 81, 1890: Army invalids, 415,650; widows, 105,759; navy in­ valids, 5,437; widows, 223. Act of June 27,1890, army invalids, 56,417; widows 8,114; navy invalids, '{,885; widows, 1,118. Mexican waff survivors, 16,850; widows, 6,940. War of 1812, survivors, 295; widows, 7,758. Grand total, 630,' 294. - At *he dfw* of year 1890, Ohio had 57,087 pensioners; New York, 50,206; Pennsylvania, 46,578; Indiana, 47,798; Illinois, 39,943; Michigan, 26,- 853; Missouri, 23,749; Iowa, 22,189^ KaneaB, 22,321; Massachusetts, 21,8 Wisconsin, 16,788; Maine, 15,924, and Kentucky, 15,909. The number in none of the rest of the States eome np to five figures. Gen. Longstreet says that on one of the long night marches in Virginia the only way he could get rest was to lie down on the ground while the column was passing and sleep for an hour or so. He woke up just as the stragglers were' coming along the rear, and an old Geor­ gia cracker was soliloquizing about the situation. "1 love my country and I'll fight for it, and I'll die for it, and I'll go naked and barefooted for her, but when this war is over I'll be caused if I will ever love another country." Capt. Robert M. Woods, *;#l!fiiiant of the 64th Illinois, was the first adjutant general of the Grand Army of the Repub­ lic. "Little Red-Headed Bob" signed every paper discharging the men of the Fourth Division, Seventeenth corps, when they were mustered out at Louis­ ville, Ky., in July, 186.V He was a pop­ ular man in the Seventeenth corps, and his genial qualities were known to the rank and file of every regiment in the corps, who used to joke him upon his red head whenever he passed the marching column. He always took these pleas­ antries as they were meant by the boys, and had a witty answer to all their jokes. His name should, and will, go down to posterity with that of Dr. Stevenson's, and when the National Encampment comes to Washington "Bob" should be one of the favored gaeata.--National Tribune. Work of th* Pentloa Offie* During the week 6,429 claims were re­ ceived, of which 97 were original invalid; 141 widows; 6 bounty land; 20 navy; 33 old war; 0 on account of Mexican service, 114 accrued pension and 2,004 applications for increase. Number of re­ jected claims reopened 154. Act of June 27,1890, 3,414original in­ valid, 599 widows. Number of claims received to date un­ der act of June 27, 1890, 690,437. Claims disposed of to date under said act, 229,251. The names and postofBce addresses of 1,527 officers and comrades were furnished for the use of claimants. There were 85,844 pieces of mail mat­ ter received; 66,962 letters and blanks sent out. The number of cases detailed to special examiners was 327; 301 reports and cases from special examiners; cases on hand for special examination, 3,782. Report of certificates issued: Original, 4,718; of which -- were under act of June ST, 1890; increase, 1,232; accrued, 89; reissue, 0; restoration, 0; dupli­ cate 4; act of March 4,1890, 0; total, 0,039. Total number . of «»7,010^fV - ;# "/.UWi, Old Jimmy Buehanaa. Few Americans have so unenviable a place in the history of their country as the wretched old poltroon whose name heads this paragraph. Professing to be a Union in an and to desire* the suppression of the Rebellion, he yet permitted himself to be bulldozed by the Southern leaders into sanding a mes­ sage to Congress, after the election of Lincoln, in which while denying the right of a State to secede, he denied thfe right or authority of the National Government to coerce a seceding State back into the Onion. He allowed the old traitor, John B. Floyd, his Secretary of War, to send nearly all the munitions of war from Northern to Southern arsenals, that his fellow-traitors of the South might have the means whereby to destroy the Onion. He permitted his Southern masters to bulldoze him into the refusal to send pre­ visions and re-inforcements to the gal­ lant little band under Anderson at Fort Sumpter, until the rebels had raised such an army and so fortified Charleston that he was not able to relieve Anderson and prevent the insult to the flag the old coward had sworn to protect. The witty politician, John Van Buren (son of ex- President Martin Van Buren) character­ ised the attitude of Buchanan in very few words. He said: "President Buchanan sat in the White House drawing, like a bread-and-milk poultice, the rebellion to a head." When Buchanan was elected President in 1856, Parson Brownlow, of Tennessee, predicted that under his ad­ ministration the country would go to the devil, because Buchanan had never been married and had never loved a woman.*-- Canteen. The recent reunion of the 95th Illinois, held at Marengo, was fairly well attended. There were 128 old veterans present. Marengo was finely decorated, and a good substantial dinner was served, which no one knows better how to appreciate than the old soldiers. The programme as published herein some weeks ago was carried out and everything went well. Company E was the most fully repre­ sented, there being thirty members pres­ ent. Company H only had three mem-, bers present. One by one the "boys" are dropping off, seve^H having joined the silent majority since the reunion of year previous. "A aoldier a* brav* as th* i rave* Has gone on the laat march of a ^ Bk* fought the la# t terrible hattlC Ha* answered the last toll call.*1 -- Woodstock Sentinel. men served in the Onited States army in Jpexas, and belonging to the in fantry Was in the habit of standing with his toes jpointing inward, to remedy which the sergeant continually addressed him while on parade with "Stick out your toes, Patrick." It took Patrick years to acquire the habit of sticking his toes out. Just about the time he had succeeded he was transferred to the cav­ alry, where his habit of sticking out his toes interferred much with his usefulness as a horsemen. The sergeant was con­ tinually calling to him: "Stick in those toes, Patrick," much to his disgust, and he exclaimed with some emphasis: "Divil take such a service. For five years it was nothing but 'Stick out your toes, Patrick.' There is AO plaxin' the black­ guards." Prompt Knllng. It is chiefly in civil courts that com­ plaint is made of "the laws delay." Courts martial are only temporary organizations, and can not continue cases from term to term. But with all the promptness of military legal proced­ ure, it is not often that a decision is ob­ tainable with so little hesitation as in the following case: An old lady living in "Dixie" in the time of the rebellion brought her com-, plaints to the headquarters of the Con­ federate General Bragg, where she was met by his adjutant, and the following conversation ensued. Old Lady--Is this where Capt. Bragg lives? Col. Brent--Yes, madam; can I do any­ thing for you? Old Lady--Well, you see, mister, I live over where the flghtin' was, and when Capt. Bragg's company skeered the Yan­ kees, they ran rite peerst my house--rite peerst--when up comes Capt. Forrest with bis crittur company (cavalry) and makes a line of fight rite through my yard, and OYersets my ash-hopper, and treads-- Gen. Bragg (sitting near)--Col. Brent, see that the lady's claim is settled imme­ diately.--Youth's Companion. Inter-State Industrial Exposition, of Chicago. The nineteenth Annual Exhibition of this organization will open to-day, Sept 16th, and close Oct. 23d. The great building has been completely and fully decorated, and all available space allot­ ted to intending exhibitors, for what promises to be the most complete and magnificent exhibition hi its long history. The Cook County Agricultural and Horticultural Society, with a prize list running into the thousands of dollars have undertaken a floral display that has never been equalled in thiscountry. In the building will also be exhibited an exact reproduction in minature of the buildings and grounds of the World's Columbian Exposition, with magnificent electric, effects; covering as it does aspace of 5,000 square feet, it it one of the won­ ders of modern mechanical art, and will be worth a journey to see. The Lincoln Log Cabin Association will also be exhibitors. 4 ' 7l •* •* * 'i ! yt.,%. •. .. .if,, V.., it.. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Proceedings of the Regular September Keating, 1891 The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county met in regular session in the court room of the court house in Woodstock on Tuesday, Sent. 8,1891. Meeting called to onler by the chair­ man, Geo. H. Garrison. The roll being called Hie following member^ answered to their names: Sups. I'- Wright, II. J. Beck, H. S. Williams, Y*. H. Groeebock, Wm. Desmond, F. E. Stevens, John Weltzein, L. T. Hoy, Geo. H. Garrison, Geo. W. Conn, A. R. Alex­ ander, B„ A. Stevens, F. K. Granger, J. H. Gracy, W. P. Thompson. Sundry bills were read to the Board and referred to the various committees. Sup. Beck moved that the Board ad­ journ until two o'clock p. m. Carried. TWO O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present at roll call except Sups. Barber, Patrick and Richards. A communication from John A. Dufleld was presented and read to the Board in relation to printing the delinquent tax list and all legal blanks for the county officers--that they be let to the lowest responsible bidder. Sup. Granger moved that the commu­ nication be laid on the table indefinitely. Carried. The special committee appointed at the July meeting to purchase voting booths and other material necessary to put the new election law into successful opera­ tion made the following report whicn on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS!. McHenry County, pr Board of Supervisors, September 8, A. D. 1891. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your special com­ mittee to whom was referred the matter of voting booths and make such other arrangements as art necessary to put the new ejection law into successful opera­ tion would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report on the matters before them: We have examined samples of booths and obtained prices from various firms, and, alter giving the same due consideration, we gave the order to the P. F. Pettibone Co., of Chicago booth* and 33 annexes of patent, which is known . booth. The terms of the co follows: Complete booth, nexes, $6.75 each, free on boa. _ in Chicago, marked to reach e& by freight so iar as possible. All of which is respectfully submit L. T. HOY, F. K. GRANGER, •; F. E. STEVENS, WM. AVERY. Sufi, OwMSgSP »oved that the supervis­ or of each town provide the necessary rail to be used in connection wit h the voting booth, such rail to be paid for by each town. Motion carried. Sup. Conn moved that the board ad­ journ until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. and report on same at next regular :--; of oo--" lup. G: ing of county board. Sup. Granger movi the care of Perry Spooner for the past 22 er moved that the bill wood and up- Sept. Mr. weeks be sent to the town of Gi for payment. Motion seconded m > vote declared carried. G. W.COSH,,* I . WM.D££oa* , '* ^ L. T. HOY, - Hie committee cm efariww presented the following report, which was rc&d and am motion was adopted, to-wit : STATE OF ILLINOIS! McHenry County, J1"" Board of St 't. 9, A. D. 1891. Chairman, and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that thoy have examined all claims presented to them and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be <B- rected to issue orders on the connlgr treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wft; W. E. Wire, co supt, office exp from June 30,1891, to Aug 31, 1891 H Ostrander, for capture and re­ turn to custody of Asad Udell, sheriff of McHenry county, of James Russell, alias James O'Brien, alias John CarroU D B Sherwood, holding co coort. '.Vf* . . '"-."J p- '^4 'V; • ' ft* ' a*NK><2" 10 00 ̂ , v' Total.......,.,...., ........,.$230 88 The following bills were presented and laid over for further consideration: A. J. Boyington, justice's costs in eases: Peo» >le vs. Wm. Frits; People vs. Manni* )tto and John Brown; People vs. Chas* Diets. All of which Is respectfully submitted. • R. J. BECK, - „ ^ C. P. WRIGHT, '• 7fv; I • 1 5 F. E. STEVENS, « y ' " / G. B. RKHABBS, I ~ - ' \ " * U JOHN WET/TEE IN. The committee on finance offered following report, which was read to Board, and on motion \ wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,! McHenry County, / s,,, ,., Board of Supervisors, September tarm, 'X . September 9, A. I)., 1891. * - Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of ties Board of Supervisors: Your committee n finance would beg leave to submit lbs illowing report on the matters before te county treasurer reports a * • ice on hand in the treasury of * 13.59. Your committee would Me* !i$® >88 WEDNESDAY MOLTTTINO, TKN O'CLOCK. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Board called to order by the chairman members all present except Sups. Barber and Williams. Sup. Beck offered the following resolu­ tion to-wit: Resolved, That the county of McHenry assume and pay all unpaid bills, costs and expenses in the case of Perry Spoon er, a pauper in the poor bouse, up to the second day of March last, conditioned lwood accept the said Spooner as a pauper chargeable to said town of Greenwood and will pay all bills chargeable for the maintenance and care of said Spooner since said March 21, 1891, and in the future so long as said Spooner remains a pauper. Provided the town of Greenwood accept the propo­ sition within ninety days. R. J. BECK. Sup. Garrison moved as an amendment that Perry Spooner become a county charge instead of being a charge to the town of Greenwood. Vote being taken on the amendment re­ sulted in the negative. The vote on the original resolution was taken and de­ clared carried in the affirmative. Sup. Wright made verbal report that he had made satisfactory arrangements with Mr. White, of Marengo, to keep his son, who is an inmate of the poor house, at $4.50 per week until further notice. The committee on poor farm presented the following report, which was read to the Board and on motion adopted, to- wit: Committee met at poor farm, Aug. 21. Committee were all present. They im­ mediately proceeded to estimate the cost of boarding inmates per week since Mar. 20. The following bills were audited aad ordered paid : L Woodard 8 70 G F Mills, clock and rep 8 50 Woodstock Sentinel 2 00 Henry McCauley 1 60 N S Robb, salary 448 06 E A Murphy & Co.....„ 72 99 A S Wright, drugs...... 8 25 A Dre.ver, harness..*. 1 90 T J Dacy, binding twine,etc...... 11 45 Bagley & Caskey,feed 49 38 C F Gaulke, meat....^ 47 16 C L Douglas & Son, flour 120 20 Whitson Bros, hardware... 6 00 C F Thorne, boots and shoes.... 17 35 C T Donovan 9 05 Bunker Bros 150 00 E W Allen, cutting grain........... 12 00 Overlooked in spring report 289 14 Amt groceries on hand Mar 20.. 222 59 Of the foregoing amount f1,367.91 are running expenses Amoont to be de­ ducted : Groceries on band .....$ 123 98 Produce sold from farm 68 10 Board of Albert White 99 00 Board of Mrs. Lawson 66 00 • ^ptal 3o8 03 Set ex penses... . ..-ij 1010 88 Whole number of weeks board, 905; average rate per week, f 1.12. The following sums or bills weje sent to towns and individuals liable for same: Riley $24 43 Marengo Dunham Chemung Mdeu Greenwood- Hebron....... MoHenry 9« 07 2914 26 71 56 41 55 98 24 64 71 31 Nunda Hartland...fl08 21 Seneca 75 90 Coral 5012 Grafton 35 68 Dorr. 58 29 Algonquin....227 67 Jas. White... 99 00 EE Richard* 66 00 24 02-: , MISCELLANEOUS BT'SINEHS. Moved and seconded that Sups. Reek and Hoy be appointed a sub-committee to investigate and report on plans and cost of a building suitable for a hospital id that the sum of fifteen thouuid >0) dollars tax be levied on the of the county to pay contingent £f the county tor the ensuing F. K. GRANGES, COI following i Board and on wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,! McHenry County, f Board of Supervisors, September term."' September 9, A. D., 1891. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee | on town accounts would beg leave t6' "' submit the following report on the mat­ ters before them: We would recommend that taxes be laid for the ensuing year as {)er certificates from the several towns aflf o l l o w s : ' f ' ' TO 91 SB. was adopted, to* BSpe * • "€»i . % •••# . v-1'. • Riley.... Marasco Marengo village DaDham ...a, Obomang Alden Hartland 3*o*oa. Ooral Grafton Haatley village Dorr Greenwood , Hebron..,. Rlohmond Barton .... ........... . McHenry Nnnd* .. X and* village Algonquin Vlf Crystal Lake All ol which is respectfully submitted. R. ML PATRICK, • J. H. GRACY, ,, B.A.STEVENS, A. R. ALEXANDER. Committee on education presented thfe?,,. .wv, following report, which was read to th# > , -j Board and on motion was adopted, to- ̂%j wit: .. ,.w . ' •'< STATE OF ILLINOIS,4 J* ̂ V'f '• McHenry County, / ~ Mr. Chairman and gentteBKM •of'Hw Board of Supervisors: Your committet to whom was referred the quarterly ra» port of W. E. Wire, county superintend* ent of schools, of time spent from Jmt§ 30,1891, would beg leave to submit th* following report on the matters before them: That we have approved said re­ port and recommend that the trills there* in, amounting to $236, be allowed. Ae- ̂ count as follows: 24 days school visittttioat.....MmM ̂WW 24 days expenses same.... 2400 5 days examinations 20 00 5 days teachers institute...-....,̂ . mm 17 days office work 6800 2 days other official dutie*~....~.. 8 00 Total. f236 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. ̂ ̂ G. B. RICHARDS, ' ; ' " -- 7 L. T. HOY, . WV > r r G. W. CONS, . tfe. - 'A W. H. GroesbiMU;..;:;- Coaeluded Next Week* BBTWKEar TWO SHOWN CLUB***. A Xidniffht Combat. The police ascertained at an this morning that a sensation ̂ took place last night in the parlors one of the most exclusive clubs n U citv. One of the principals is a *«M»J young artist. His opponent is saW to be the son of a railroad pfeskhat. of the combatants liee at his 80H» a** tended by several physicians. Tha otfcer has escaped. It is rumored that beautiful young girl Is the a trouble. Full particulars ca in " Kstella's Husband/" bjjr Fleming, issued to-day. •; " -<•*, _ A . , A" . .. 1. -4A ".ui

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