WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4. 1801. •I. VAN «LTKB. Editor. TlieSM about -j . -*?y j t be nan! at GBO. AdTtrtillU . MnrtlilBg YORK- •; ISTButter was dull on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday. Sates were 7,290 grands, at 28 conts igtinrt 32 csete last ||e6k and 27 cents one year ago. 'In a recent speech in Ohio, Senator Sherman gave utterance to the fol lowing truism: "Under Republican policy jjpV> :fomrtiihes embarrassed, but never y -, Ranged, our country has become free, f] Without a slave; strong without stand- t v hcarmies or navies; rich with wealth • / \ % better distributed, labor better paid, and , equality of rights better secured than || 1 . einy country if the world." ' 1ST The average "reformer" is having i.ju ' H hard time of it. A year ago he was •ff! ware that the low price of farm products f e f j ^ a s a l l o w i n g t o t h e M c K i n l e y b i l l ^ . Prices are higher and the tariff bill is ^ v * Still unrepealed. Last years' arguments ^5 ,•* ^ Cannot be used, and his ingenuity is f j aeverely taxed in the attempt to devise I*>*•; new ones that will not be too gau«y for belief, even by those who read but little , , and think still lass. MT Postmaster General Wanamaker ^loes not thmk the time has come to rec- Atnmend one cent letter postage. Cer tainly it has not. The people do not de mand it. They want better and better service as Postmaster General Wana- maker is trying to give them. Congress should be generous in its appropriations for this department. There is no place Where the people get their money's worth 40 quickly or where they appreciate every Improvement made more than in the .postal service. 1^" Before 1860 no plate-glass worth speaking of was made in America, and ' Americans had to pay the Englishman and Frenchman f 2.50 a square foot for it The tariff encouraged Americana to begin its manufacture, and now it is «nly about $1 .00 a ̂ tuare foot for large Store fronts, and 25 to 75 cents a foot flor smaller sizes. And the mem who make plate glass in this country receive dkrable tfce wages of the men in the same fine of work abroad, *:•; iSTSinee Mr. Williams was troubled by pie authorities at Independence, Iowa, the leading turfmen of Aurora have tak en advantage of his displeasure and Offered him a bonus to bring Allerton and his entire stable of fast horses to Ipuae county. He has taken the propo sition under advisement and it is proba ble that he will accept, as he has an nounced that he prefers this locality to amy other on account of its proximity to Chicago. If Mr. Williams concludes to he will build a kite shaped track Aurora. from the Bloom- iBfftot Paattgnpk, and believe it to be the--Ua--to!all old soldtan, and hot f&et *mf patriotic citizen: "Ths lata Irish-Republican convention paid to Governor flier a neat and de served compliment in the following words; "The State that gave to the nation Grant, the genius of its regular army, and Logan, the foremost of volunteer generals, does itself honor by placing in ns executive chair a private soldier, j os. W. Fifer, whose prudent and able admin istration shows that in a true Democracy the simple citisen may be depended upon alike to maintain its integrity in war and to enforce its laws in peace. "Since Mr. Fifer has been governor of this State the Pantagraph has not been fulsome in its praises of his official con duct. We know a public man mast make his own reputation. This cannot be done for him by puffing in the columns of a newspaper, any more than a great and deserved reputation can be destroyed by the same means. We are, however, pleased to note that in the three years of lite service Governor Fifer has taken the same exalted place in the confidence of the people of the great State of Illinois that he had formerly held in the estima tion of the i>eople ol McLean county, where he had been known from boyhood. This confidence he ka& secured because he deserves it, because by vigilant, dignified and thoroughly honest attention to the business of his office he has served the people who elected him in a manner not surpassed by any one of his predecessors. The time has come when the people may form a judgment independent equally of the criticisms of wounded office seekers, and the extravagant praises of partial and enthusiastic friends. The work of two regular sessions of the Legislature and one Bpecial session has now passed under the eye of Governor Fifer, and while he has respected the legislative wis dom within its proper domain, he has not hesitated to defeat by his veto such dishonest jobs as were concocted in fraud of the rights of the people. The people know Gov. Fifer is Incorruptible; they know he is intelligent; they know he rep resents them with credit and dignity wherever he goes, and, knowing this, they have reposed in him a confidence which is not overstated in the resolution we quote above. Mr. Fifer was a private in war, but he is a major-general in the high political duties of peace. He won his stars by merit and he wears them modestly and worthily. So may honora ble merit ever prosper. OHIO IK LINl! KoKinley Elected, by 80,000 Majority. vvw yo&x oobb dxkockjlticm iowa xs nr doubti The Republican Ticket in Ohieago Bleated by 10,000*»!ority. r IV Lieutenant Governor Bay teOs a good story to illustrate the unhappy Condition of the calamityites in Iowa and Nebraska. He says: "I ran against line man who offered about as bur an ex ample of the sorehead as I haveever met. % year ago he was discouraged, and he Offered his splendidly improved farm for •ale. Well, he, could not get his price tpnd he held on to the farm. This year his harvest was so abundant that it brought more than he could have had lor the land--improvements, stock and all--a year ago. 'You surely ought to be satisfied now,' I suggested. Tour farm has paid yon out of debt, and a man ought to feel considerable satisfac tion in producing such a crop.' 'Yes,' he moaned, (I probably ought to be thank , but just think of the awful strain on the land.' " ^ iWThe old war schooner Detroit, of j • tabs British navy, which was sunk in Lake . fSrie on the 10th of September, 1813, I*; - when Commodore Perry won his famous f Victory, is to be raised by Capt. Michael |̂ i ' ^ Carr, of Buffalo, one of the best known ^ jrilots on the lake and an experienced ff diver and raiser of sunken vessels. This « tbistoric war vessel is to be cleaned up, patched up, and floated around to Chica- ^ go, there to be one of the attractions of r,the World's Fair. The Detroit was built £'f' lor the United States navy, but was soon I K after captured by Barclay, the British |{v- admiral of the Lake Erk squadron, and p/ then was sunk by the American sailors px, i and gunners under Perry. She was pierced for 18 guns and measured 805 S]\sf> tons, and In the great battle she was pitted against the strongest of Perky's •hips--the Lawrence--and went down af ter a long and desperate cannonade. * teTThe government of the United States, although the beet, the simplest t'and least expensive of any of the great /^governments in theworld, requires a con- |i:siderabie revenue we derive mainly from a tariff levied upqn foreign imports. Re move that tariff and there must still be •an income derived from some source. What shall that source be? Aw increase ;«rf the internal revenue? A direct tax upon the lands and chattels of the peo ple? An income tax? A system of li censes? All of these plans are possessed ^JBore objectionable features than the at system. Even the average re- who has given any serious it to the subject would not assent . a change, or to any change •xeitpt as to the articles upon whfeh the tariS is to be imposed. With 'the femntry 'prosperous, the system of iwfstme woridagwith little or no friction, •ad the income sufficient and so easily I that no one feels that a burden is ;«poaUm individually, is it not tteeondade to let well enough alone * list power in the nation the tin friendly to so admirable a than tuna it over to a The election on Tuesday passed off in a quiet manner in nearly all the States but the returns received at the time of going to press are too meagre to give a fair estimate in all the States. Enough is received, however, to show that the gal lant McKinley is elected by full 20,000 majority, while Fasset is probably de feated in New York by 25,000. Iowa is still in doubt, being claimed by both parties, with the chances in favor of Wheeler, the Republican candidate. Chicago elects the full Republican ticket by about 10,000 majority. YOUR BREAD i CAN'T BE SOUR IF YOU USE GILLETT'S MAGIC YEAST PURK QUICK •OONOMICAL KEVER GE7$ * SOUR. e for "Magic" at your Grocer's. Let >»'•» •ell his other kinds to other people. * Nation's Prosperity. . Henry Clewe & Co. in their financial re view for the week, say: The foreign demand for our wheat con tinues upon a very large scale, and the S'eld in the price of that cereal is calcu-ted to stimulated its export. The return of gold from Europe shows no riptom of abatement; and at London loss of gold has so far produced no effect upon the Bank of England rate, nor upon the rat® in the open market, while in the stock market the preference for American securities is causing a steady stream of buying orders to be cabled to New York. This is certainly a better condition of foreign finances *h«m has been anticipated. The uneasiness caused by the new Russian loan and by reports of fresh trouble in the Argentine Republic seem to have the effect of stimu lating the London demand for our in vestments. So far as respects our local money market, the imports of gold and the moderation of the shipments of cur rency to the interior leave no doubt that for the remainder of the year and prob ably until early next spring, there will be no difficulty in procuring money for stock exchange purposes. This is from a business circular, issued for business purposes and so may be taken as a fair statement of financial conditions. . It shows a conditions which may well cause congratulations. While much of this prosperity is due to hard ships abroad over which it would be mean to exult, yet not being responsible for those hardship, we can surely con gratulate ourselves that we are in shape to gain the advantages which such a condition offers. The fiochester Herald reviewing the condition from the same standpoint says: "As a whole our people are prosperous and our finances are in splendid shape. The credit of the government is such that it has been enabled to extend gome of its bonds at two per cent., and all that are due it can pay the moment they are presented. But how are other countries situated? Canada has an enormous debt which she can make no pretense of reducing, but is on the contrary adding to; Mexico averted bankruptcy only by compromise with her foreign creditors. The Argentine Republic is hopelessly in volved; Brazil is struggling; Venezuela is going down under a flood of paper money; Peru is in poverty, and Chili has been torn to pieces by a revolution. On the other side of the great ocean Great Britain is still staggering from the causes that brought about the Baring failure and the decline of manufacturing; Germany, Austria, Italy and Russia are drained of their best producers and their money by mighty standing armies and constantly threatened war alarms their people, while the bounties of nature are far less than the most economical de mands, and in all these countries the poorer people are already suffering greatly. The thrift of the French is well known, but that country has an expen sive standing army and its crops are also short. In France, Germany, Austria and the little republic of Switzerland the manufacturing industries which have heretofore found a large market in the United States are stagnant and hun dreds are out of work." Our country is full of critics and grum blers, but a review of the condition of affairs in all countries shows this country as exceptionally favored in trade, in manufacturing, in products of the soil and mines, and in social and stability^ SBSBa=s5=====^ JUST ARRIVE® i Another supply of the celebrated Abbott buggies m any style yon want. End Timkin, Chicago Coil and Side Spring buggies. Call in at Bishop's warehouse and make your selection before the 4th. Prices and quality guiaraptifd. - Administrator's Notice of Piling Pinal Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry Comity, •a. Estate ot Wm. R. Willard, deceased Public notice is hereby gtren that the under signed, administrator •!« b^ni» nor? of the es tate of Wm B- Willard, deceased, will attend before tbe county court of HcHenry county, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 7ih day of December, lflBl, next, for the purpose of making a final settlement of said estate, at which time and place I will ask to be dis charged. All persons interested are notified to attend if they choose so to do. Woodstock, III., Hov. 9d, A. D 189L Jambs B. PKBRY. Administrator De Bonis Hon, Estate of Wm B. Willard. I7w3 Administrator's Notice of Piling Pinal Settlement. STATE OP ILLINOIS, McHenry County, -s. Estate of Mary Willard, decessed- Fublic notice is hereby given tbat the under, •ined, administrator of the estate of Mary Willard, deceased, will attend before the county court of McHenry comty »t the Oonrt House In Woodstock, on the 7th day ot De- cember, 1801 next, for the purpose of making a final settlement of said estate, at wbicb time and p'ace I will ask to be discharged. All persons Interested are notified to attend if they choose so to do. Woodstock, 111, Nov 21, A. D. 1881. - t J Anns B. Pkrrt Administrator Estate of Mary WUiard MO.S70I. R«0«rd2iftl 1-2 Will be for service at the barns of George r. Illinois. W. Owen, XoHenry, "TERMS, sua One ball* payable in O&sh, balance by Note due six months from service without interest. Interest after due at 8 per cent. "George O." was strea by Lakeland Abdallah 851. by the founder of our trotting « onders, old Bysdykes Hambletoman, 10. Dam of George O. Is by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen. 80, record 2:23Jtf. She paced at six years oil a half mile in 1:06#, and at 17 years a full mile In 2:87. "George O." has had very limited advan tages in tbe stud, never having bred a stan dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell for long prices. He aired a two-year-old with a record of trial H mile in 1:9S to Road Q»rt. „ „ . 0iomai w. own. MoHtmm, iWwsti. Standard Fall & Winter Goods, atvle, but also in quality and price. _ ___ well made Ladies', Misses' ana Children'* ur new still in tbe ring m usual if not , more so, and kavea larger, cheap- i> er and better stock than ever before. We have had a success ful experience for years in buyingr merchandise suited to the wants of our large trade, not ottly in Our nei| -M, l^h i«ade, r ' • ; * . • • . v -V- • • • CLOAKS, WRAPS, JACKETS AND SACQOIS, Is the most complete ever shown here. • See our ladies' and misses Reefers, Vest Fronts, Top Coats, tight fitting- end double-breasted Jackets of tbe very newest styles, in choice colors and bla k, trim med with astrachan, coney, beaver, and the genuine Krimmer trim ming, which are so yery stylish this fall. Ibices range from $3.75 to $45 each, and made up of beaver, cheviots, glaces, tricots and Berlin Twills, all sizes. our Newmarkets for ladies and mioses, and Cape Cloaks roppr styles and in all sizes. Just uopacked, a large ) Invoice of the > Finest and the Best ) That ever came to McHenry. , ^ s Beavers. Chinchillas. Meltons, Kerseys* Diagonals and Cassimeres fa black and the most stylish colors out, all sizes and prices, from *3.40 to $S8, all good values, and can fit men, boys, youths and children. lag"* See our Fine Dress Suits,--Prince Alberts, Square Cuts, Sacks. Frocks, ^utuwoye, Double Breasted, fine colors, Mceft Jrona $4.40 to $88. - -"y UNDERWEAR! tgr We lead Underwear and proees«ioD right prices. on <9oocF Underwear to fit men. women and children. In all stvleo, grades, variety and prices. Our good. Are. heavy. In dies' wtiite merino Vesta and Pants at 38a.' well worth 80c. See them In time. Ladles1 flne all wool scarlets only 91 and fine natural gray wool* only 85c. Men's fln«. heavy all wool Underwear only •land $125; ex'ra heavy narnral gravs 9105; gray mixed 25 and 45o; white merino, good and heavy, o^ly 50c. children's white merino 9o. 11c to 35c; wool, soarlet. or natural gi ays 25o to 75o, Our stock I* large, and we have all the atsea in stock now. Give ns your attentko for a moment, floe stock of ' that we may modestly tell you of oar Shawls, Blankets, Flannels, Plush and Goat Holies, Hosiery, Dress Flannels* Caps, Mittens, Tarns, - Horse Blankets*Ste, We still handle the famous Memisha Flannels, and the well wear ing St. Joseph's, or Cooper, Wells A Co.'s wtirrante^/Hosiery, in all sizes, cotton and wool. Buy Only and always the Badger dtate, Overalls, Shirts. Pants, Duck Coats and Jackets, as we fully warrant them, and ke?p a full stock at all times. Call on us for CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Curtains, Windpw Shades- Poles, Trunks, Valises, Hand Bags, etc, CriOICB GROCERIES--The best of Flour at towest prices de livered free to any part of the city. Come and get 5 per cent off for caah,oftI/at 1 81MON STOFFEL, West McHenry, NL OUR .PECK'S HUSKING & SHELLING ATTACHMENT HMAl-fflT UBOS4ATINO AIAOHINB Mb oltbkiltuiuMBt|HMilHKalIktU ifi» Cam whfieCatdas rw i additional powr and N> Bxtrm Writa for iUtutmtod Oataloiraa^i^rtaj Uaadln for the farmer. F«ddwTltUkM bot Uttte additional and testimonials; alao ot onr HUSK AMD SHELL Youm COM is ONE OPERATION APPLETON HORSf POWERS, CORN 5HCLLKR8! HOBLtR'S SKLF- (A| CORN •to. 3outh Canal \FULLY GUARANTEED • N Trial. Btuumber (Ml CHICAGO. Ilia MERE I rf • WITH A FULL LINK Of pure alcohol to make Wolff's Acuk Blacking. Alcohol is good for leather; it is good for the skin. Alcohol is the chief ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bajr Ban ilie well known face washes. Wethink there is nothing too eostljtonse in a good leathar preservative. Aextse Blacking retells at 20e* and at that price sells residily. Many people are so accustomed to buying a dress ing or blacking at 6c. and 10c. a bottle that they cannot understand that a black* ingcan be cheap at 2Ge We want to meet them with cheapness if we em, and to ao» eomplish this we offer a reward of $»,OOO t>r a recipe which, wilt enable ns to make Woin'i Aokb Bh&cmxa at such a price that a retailer can profitably sail it at 10c. a bottle. We hold this offer open until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOUPW * BAJfDOLFH, Philadelphia. TVo Mistake. wiiitiiitiimmniiiiiiiiiiimsiiiiidiioimmtiiiiiiiinttntyiiiiiiiiiiiBntmimmiiiiiisii ~ Clean, Fresh Stock «f DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. 1 It Is no use to make a noise about what you are going to do, un less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for^the Fall. Real Bareaina of great value to every one of our tustomers. "" . , ^ My stock is complete in every department and comprised " Swything Usually Kept in a General • *h»ther you wish'to-tajr or Bespectfulljr, JOHN McHeury, Sept. 22d, 1891. 'A I. STORY. i, BESLEY WEST MoHBNBY, , ILL, 'V mDJBALBB PAINTS. Toilet POTEUB-- WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE. .Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use The bent brands ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacoo always on hand. % LIIIYLI ,*v ?• Watch the tea business at Evanaon'e. Call at Evanaon'e and learn how to MQnapoadofftwTnto^dkai^ ==PhyBician,s Prescriptions^ ̂ Carefully Compounded. Give me a call* f*. w. BESLEY, Upon the solid foundation of Beit Value we ^uild j>xur trader and the Bock Bottom is one of our Corner jStones. ! *1 % •> FH>RTUNE REE OR When you see such advertisements Don't You Believe It! The day when you can got something for nothing has not come There.are many cases, iq fart, where you don't get what you pay for. Believing thit it pays to be honeet we mark our goods plainly at is feir profit, and trust to seil enough at a reasonable margin to be ^ able to struggle through the world. We are dependent on our friends and cannot afford to other tban fairly, even it we were dis| posed ,a i»crilke principle. „ € :; -^4 CJLOVES Of the Reliable Kind, $1 add $1,25| nfet reliable., much cheaper, 'Vs / Child's Mittens, 5 o* per pair, : ^ iMits' Fine Worsted and 25 e. Mittens, Ladles Bilk Sllttooi, 00$' Plenty of Gloves and SUttons fiSf '* Men and Boys. ; : ̂ i- AIho, large Cream Colored Mnff* lers, 25 o. Men's Extra Heavy Overshirts, $1 85. Much better volue than usual. suss • < B •: Ladies' Extra Fine White Merino Suits, Vests and Pants, 75 cents, and they are "hummers." & s.i ; . -*r:i • • e will make it pay yon to bring the cash in exchange lor our goods. Child'S Cloaking, very newest,] The "Happy Home" Clothing % Is kept up stairs. We bid you welcome. • ' - ' I r : 'm JOHN EVANSON & Co, West McHenry! :V' *'• : " a '- , v,*' v'.y, T0VES We have the largest stock and the best assortment of Stoves evelp shown in our city, including the world renowned Howe Ventilating Stoves. TJie Improved Moore* Heater Coin Jewel Stovee, Garland Stovee, and others. 8EB OUR LINE. IT WILL PAY YOU. . . We have a Bargain in a Base Burning Wood Stove at $15 fSBTA aurfaco burning Coal Heater at $7. *,, /» > ^ &~A few Baigains In second-hand Heaters,*?,' "v • ^ 4; I st" enry. 6ot.l4 8TOKY & M'OMBER, Has made Ample Arnuigements for Fall and Winter Trade. See onr line of Boots, 8hoes and Bubbers. May it rain or stay drf we want to supply you with your Leather and Rubber Foot weari To *ee our btock will convince you that we are to the front in this line. ' f,i OVERCOATS. CLOTHING- ! OVERCOATS; We have toet added one thousand dollars worth of New Oreraotte aad Hal*I to oar afrpady large »toc.« of clothing. ' comprtew all ages and alz< e frrii the cheaper up to the best grnde of Woolen Goods. Come along and bring your * boys and le( u« fit you out, even though you come twenty miles, we will make it pay you well for calling on us. r Don't ml*e seeing onr 1|M • men>, ladles' and children's. •f Underwear, -tie, Whether woole^ or cotton is wanted we will save >ou money In tliu line. " See our Gloves and Mittens, Hats. Caps, Overalls. Duck Coats^l Jackets, Shirts, Horse Blankets and Lap iiobes. A clean stock of : Fresh Groceries always on hand. Flour by the sack or in quantities!$ Running our business under just a<> light an expense ts can be done, and talciofv advantage of all the casa discounts in buying « ur goods, you can readily see tbat we are enabled to or eke you closer prices than a great in any running under* *4' a higher expense. Yours as ever, for business. < $ JOHN J. MTT.T.TCT ̂ eniy, Illinois. "A.: ^ Mi