Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1891, p. 8

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y • -:-r' r . .. * y .*>- . 'V- <. Stow Stake. Travelers op bujtmert or boat on ideas vr*, famfWy visit one of the great eitlM of tat West, if their tourney is at all protafld. Nowhere etoe can be seen mkm osntree oI enterprise and American rim M in Chksago or Kansas City, and few invite lovers of elegance and beauty Hk« St. Louis. In going further into the ,'Great West" there are various routes the tourist may select, but supposing the •tart is made from Chicago the great starting point of western travel, no line can be found more desirable than the Chicago A Alton, the great "Three Link" route, and its uiurarpaasod connections. Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here found for safety and comfort. The coun­ try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of •oenery--the vertible garden of the conti­ nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the Chicago ft Alton if you wovld haw a pleasant journey. SUDDEN DEATHS. JBeart disease is by far the most tre­ atment cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally under­ stood. These are: a habit of lying on the right aide, short breath, pain or dis­ tress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma* weak and hungry spells, wind In stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on heart disease free at Geo. W. Besley's, who sells and guarantees Dr. Miles' un- equaled New Heart Cure, and his Restor­ ative Nervine, which cures nervousness, headache, sleeplessness, effects of drink­ ing, etc. It contains no opiates. If you are looking for a fine buggy, it will pay you to look our stock over be­ fore placing your order, as we have just received a new and fresh supply, and be­ lieve we can save you money, if you will favor us with a call. Our time is yours. No trouble to show goods. For sale at Bishop's. f. -J, p\ • - • ?'<w \-n ' SANTA CLAU5 SOAP! There's baqks of violets, Banks of iv|03&,, Arjd bdJjhs wfyere miners grope i And baJjKs tpjfdle golderj coin > B"1 FAIR BANK brWTHE BEST SOAP. N.K.Fairbank&GO. CHICAGO. c'»vvSS.SAH™Claus&)«> PILL8BFRT •, - .V • WASHBURN it lioor Mills Co. fe'; HERE TO... STAY, Q II i Mif. iihsmii !• mi n n jTiif -f •tr-IL"'-i1i-iTti'fit|i|iiiii1i i jujj^ , si: & fA . ' Bi • i And, TVo ftftaettfee. waa a rma. lism or ^iiiiiiiiuiiBnnmniiniiiiuuBiimmu&fliiuui!nnmni!iiiiiiiiiutmmuiiiiiiiiyiiiimmtDiiiiBitiiiiii§||, I Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I 1 HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES; GROCERIES; Etc. I It is no use to make a noise about 'what you are going to do, uii- B8 you are prepared to do it when the time cornel. Our Greeting for the Fall, Real Bargra ns of great value to every one of our customers. |tpsk is comj)lsJ?e in eyery department^ comprises : • \ mlly Eept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. Bespeotfully, JbHN L STORY. McHenry, Sept.^2d, 1891. * (One Door We«t «f fiMrilde House,) f, • i ^ ' ' "f --DEALER IN*-- 9 . . ^ ^ J •(' I rr*-?A FULL LIMB OF--#*V Unci, Qunlcals, Dye Stufb, Palate, Oils aad Colon. Constantly cn hand. Also a large line of, , \ Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles^ ND COMPLETE STOCK OF-- STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, ^fhyaloiaiw Jr*re«oi-lptloii|i • M-* ' Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A. STORY. 0' Too Much OUR-PECK'S HUSKING & SHELLING ATTACHMENT U^ln oonn^jtton wHh our Fodder Onttem-the UREATB8T LABOK^ATING MACHINE --» '•"'SieMtke Cern while Catltacrear Write for illustrated CMakjpM, adriat g»^? Bf ihe two of this attachment 70a JoHukud' •Mder. It Ukm bas S<tt f additional power >ad No RztraJL.abor. Writs for illartntod CMdacne; cMm rail deeoription and testimoiiialB; of our oelebrst<3 Use Pillsbary's Best F1 your bread will always b spring of joyin the fami ' aweet and wholesome. :? V.-' a w HUSK ABD SHELL tovtb. CORN jar ONE OPERATION APPLETON M HORSE POWERS. CORN SHELLERS! HOBLER'8 SELT* CUTTERS Our goods need no braggy ads to puff them up. The quality and the prices are w* " ~ and see us. J. \FULLY GUARANTEED l9South Canal ^"cRSoAGo'/iiSf BAKES BEIT JIB BBE< Than any other ;flonr manufac­ tured. xf yon are not using Pillsbury's Best try a sack and you will use no other, only $1.60 per fiaek|'., ||fe also oanp^r; Wive v6 yonr orders and we *ttl try wid please you in quality J and pJbe in any flour you might > wanjr oaa do tbe best. This means of . .1 r , !v ir« •puyyouR , Feed, GRAIN. STOVES. We have the largest stock and the best assortment of Stoves ever shown in our city^ including the world renowned Howe Ventilating Stoves. The Improved Moore's Heater. A LINE OF THE FAMOUS Peninsular ^toyes and Ranges* * TOR ALL KINDS OF FUEL. Coin Stoves* TJniversalStoves , Jewel Stoves, Garland Stoves, and ethers. SEE OUR LINE, IT WILL PA "ST TfrQU. fas' We have a Bargain in a Base Burning Wood Stove at $15 A aurfaco burning Coal Heater at $7. few Baogains In second-hand Heaters. STORY & M'OMBER, Weal McHenry,111., Oct. H, 1891. mp WfQiC* ;vf^NIT THE' Pickle Factory, ./tflfest McHenry, III. of all kinds bought and ft" sold. i*s . • I * ' -* ^ It will pay you to call and I'Ŝ iTsSl Tatetpnt M. Tli. rtSH BBAin>0UflDBl«^MrTCaM wetweroef, Mcfwlll kmp yon Iff te th» li>rde«t atorm. Tha BtwfWIUli 8UCKXB it a perfect tuta| coat, aa] COTCI-Ith. entire «*ddl«. BmraiaaflmitMIOM. Mon.fcnolD.itithoattka'MI I)r»nd" tr»rt»-in»rk. IIMMraM Cattlofu frM. A. J. Towtr, Bo.ton, MM SALESMEN! LOCAL OR Tli A V ELI AG. To represent our well-known house. You need no capital to repretect * firm that warrants nursery stock first class and true to name. WOaK. ALL THE YEAR. «100 per month to the right man. Apply quick, stating age. L L. MA Y & CO. Nurserymen, FlorUts &2\ 1 'A .UL, MINR. and Seedsmen. Bw8 (This house 1* responsible.) WANTED! gents; terri irge to be •tion and WHAT? Reei jnelble men for Ken-eral or etate asentR. No can. _J YMStng, but to take charRe of local agents; territory rights re­served; business too large to be managnd from S5i'L. office. Instruction and transportation FKEB to right par- ' Ke.8ao.^V(l(lre88 Treae. OASKEIJj LITE HA-BY CLUB, 254 irank-on 8U Chicago, 111. Don't take our word for the assertions made in our advertisement, but come and satisfy yourselves as to the correctness of It. J. W. CBISTY & Son, Ringwood. i A pamphlet of Information and ab-i L\str»ctof the laws, showing How to/ ^Obtaii) Patent E. Caveat«, Trade/ ^Mark». C>.)>5 rigUtb, nmt }rtt.A MUNN A. CO. : 3G1 ItruHdwai, Hew York. IT, SEND 81 f? A. CR1STY. l; and receive free mail . -- -- _ - ^OO Solid Leather Ad-Just»Dle Buggy washors, the bestand cheap, est, or 60 cents tor 100; 15 cents for 20 V >.-W " , >« <.4r H.H. SAUNDERS, Wellington. Oh If. ORISTY & SON, : S- ' £ingwood, Illinois. E. M. OWSR *' SON, KINDS. mmm '"HORSE BLANKETS Nearly every pattern of Hons Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasrit the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu­ ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that % Horse B/ankets are copied is strong evidence that they'are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the 9k trade mark is sewed on tile inside of the Blanket. '• Five Milfc Boss Eleetrle Extra Test 1 Baker HORSE IRLANKETS • Rl\ THE STRONGEST. I X, 6/A STYLES dtpficest 3 suit everybody. If yo.t can't get ttem from your dealer, write us. Ask Tot ttie S/a Book. Yoa can get it without charge WU. AYRES SON8, PhiladdpUi FOH"!U.". .'£ BROS.* MCHENRY, ILL •• .. rJ; Do You Want a Do You Want a ROAD OART? tiyss Wi;* '/."yii t i1 (#^»r Do You Want a ROAD WAGON? ^ -m: Do You Want * ;>2 ' " "• " HARNESS? i-niw 6 9 W m t 9 » 0 # $ 4 t M'%, With.Two Stores, One on the West and one on the East side, they present to the baying public A Larger •V •' KINDS •v -<-:r FURNITURE Tills Fall fhtn pyer before, which we are offering ai greatfy v: BECUCES TBICIS, NOW lit THE TIME TO BOY. We also keep In stock a f«!l* line of samples of CARPETS, And can give yon anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels, at lower prices than any other house In the oonaty. We have taken great pain* In seleot* log our T8DIBTA1I1Q SUFFLIIS COPFIJTB: CASKETS ft TBIMKUNM. Of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and s*e us when In want of anything In our line. A splendid New Hearse In connection, which irlH be furnished at Seasonable Bates. 1JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, 111., September. 1691, In fact we buy the Best goods that money can buy and safe .. ipifff ;»•« Record 2i2t I-a CAN SAVE YOU MONEY 'T* * A^'" i •' •*** - •--"" - • * i . *' ̂ On anything in 6Ur line. No. »TO|. _W111 be for service at the bents of George W. Owen, MoHenry. Ullnola. vf«'A •IW' TERM8,, mm •Z'iXR ft; •v &£• jMail and wire orders receive our prompt attention {Thanking you tor pust fevors we remain %<• ; S i ' t V" <')?• ' , - ^ y < I , ItsiS^taSiaSssi SiiSi ours Very Truly, E. 'M. OWEN & • .One half payable In Cash, balance by Note due eix months from service without Intereet. Interest after due at 8 per cent. "GeorgeO." was sirea by Lakeland Abdallah Kl. by the touixler of our trotting wonders. Old Rysdykes liambletonian, 10 Dam of George O U by AutQorat, a son of George M. I'atcheu, 30, record 2:23^. She paced ftt six years ol I a half mile in 1:06#, and at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. "George O " has had vi> y limited advan­ tages in the ntud, nevei having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but hie colts are all very4 apeedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a record of 2:49. trial X mile in 1:22 to Boad Oart. ^ -i Mttfmrv. JtUnots «x»«i w. own. And we wast you all In it. factwe want everybody to«pjoy ; it. t " >'• We have applied the knifp ud out prices all to pieces. We want the Cash, and Cash mak^ the mare go and the wheels go round, and never fails. We can undersell anybody, be- ' cau>e we do our own work w<§ ! pay no rent, we make no unnec- cessary expenses, buy for ppot cash, attend to our own business ard nobody else's and give the buying public the benefit of Mr • ' - Quick Sales „ Small Profits, You will find our stock of Boots y and Shoes complete in every way and in sizes from the smallest in-* font to the largest man* -; '1$ Xt! :k'i ir'\i HATS & OAFS ? .ft-. Xa Great Varwty^ \ v ^ *' " i * '•"•r v ^ ••J. > «i.. GLOVES and „ • ' i- ? •]'-' 4 ' *' k } A new line. but they will have to : go at the lowest possible prices. ' • *:~ki aaerweajr,:.ari|',| •-% • • fBosier^r, Notions, • i . . At Prices that will astonish yoa. S m.' ii Groceries, .r^i a Canned Fruity China-ware, ̂ Glass-ware,! Crockery; Tia^mpa, " " : t er, "'4 i 1 GONFECTIONKBY, > ^ so, Cigars and Sipols erg' Articles -• In great Variety^ , 4-' vx 1 T R U N K S ' A.ndl "Valine® Almost given away. ^ ID our Hardware department you will find a complete stock of Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Car­ penters' Tools, Cutlery, Harness and Wagon Goods, also Fibhing Tackle, Wool and Seine Twine, Rope, 4bc., at prices to suit. \ ! •• -'."fc. L' , , * i Hontb Orpoi,' Vioiiii Strings, t And Violin Repair8y The largest assortmeut to ^ 'found in the country. ^ ^ ^ 4 f ' 5 v ^ r ' " " * ^ 1 , r School Books, ™ ; Stationery, " pieeandCh^Gaort^ ^ ft. Come and see me and you will not go away disnatisfied as to prices and quality of goods. .ENGELN jl^r the Iron Bridge, ^ - it- * McHenry, Illf j-

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