Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1891, p. 8

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above bead if.O.T. U. or credit for awxrant of New Years the W. C. T. 0» wi!l not meet thia week. AT the request of Rev. Mr. Wells, who II to deliver the lecture, the regular monthly temperance meeting will be post­ poned until Hie second Sunday evening in January. Temperance pute coal on the fire, meal .'IB the barrel, floor in the tub, money in the purse, credit in the country, content­ ment in the house, clothes on thechildreir, j j ^ v i g o r i n t h e b o d y , m t e l l i g e n c ? t h e pj ' brain, and spirit in the whole eonstitdh %- Hon.--Benjamin Franklin. y;;' • & > V ' hr *** the Totumt Man Safer" • - ;' cutOhmuel JTFJJJM.) fljree HfHe kiltcip, soiled ftftir *jttens. Aid to d(H ' -Y'll »>• Wise old </L C' /DKINECOBHWA ̂5ANTACLAUS SOAP * • W ' t" as1" m 0;','- \l.'K iftessi,- f&K mk J "S When King David, sad and weary. Homeward turned at close of day, l)i che distance nw the herald, •ringing tiding# of the fray. Straight the good king goes to aeeft Ifcr the message cannot watt, Alad with trembling voioe he qn *te tlie young man, Absalom, safe?" For the loving heart within him. Yearned o'er his rebellions »oa» Though he led the hosts to battle. Striving for hit father's thronflf§i§:i Bo the hearts of many parents*^. While ttieir boys are far away.* By temptations dark snrronn Ask this qnei tion day hy day. Many a father in his office, •b he looks oat on the street, Vhinking of the many evils Which he knows his boy mast Many a mother in her kitchen, Bending o'er her daily tasks,-- •*Is the young man sate?" they're th And with tears the question ask. Rare you ever walked at evening, . Up and down the ocean's shorty Seen the wrecks of $ohie vessels That the waves once proudly ten? So upon Life's boundless ocean, And along its wave beat strand. Battered wrecks we find all roud us, Wrecks of men on every hand. Fnt np signals where there's danger, Where he'll see them on his way. Parents, do not fail to warn him. While you for his welfare pray, Baiss the first one o'er the dransbop, He must pass it every day, / And the bright fall room will tempt *• OS plead with him to stay away. Place one by the gambling table, / Where he wastes so many dimes; Where he learns to "play for money," Leading on to darkest crimes; And be sure on "Loafers' Corner," That you hoist a signal high; Where he's sure to heir had laaffaage, Curses and profanity. Baise the signals! Hoist them higher^!® While you pray, or "work and wait," ; ]Parents, sisters, friends and teachers,1- Veto to keep our young men "safe," P1LLSBUBY So true. w IF "WFYF?%se Itffle kittens, wadjed tljeir NJITTERIS Vl/ify tljis SOAP of aj^ber ljue, Quickjy ̂ yrtisljed e&cfy st&% \̂rjd%ir nitteip dj&irj ere as brig!̂ aqd soft as rpvf. , ( SANTA CLAUS SOAP-MADE ONLV ST" N.K. FAIRBANKS Co. CHICAGO HERE TO BT&Y.O , * h p - ; W . • • ' _ . t WITH A FVUL L1NX OP ' j " * =s=t ss* 1 Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOT JONS, 1 HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. It is no use to make a noise about what you are going to do, un­ less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. Real Bargains of great value to every one of our customers. My stock is coDCLplete in every department and comprises 2v6fJrtMngfsually Sept in a'fcieraT&ore. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, # JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, Sept 23d, 1891. * 03LE% Coat. keep yon dry to itwproof CXEB1. tin todnl ItNtti Wfff ffT-T , _ UM, T eonnttontlriNflflAi Beware of Imltatlo&a. Vm* cnvlM without ttt "VUi la • perfect riding «oat4>nd roufnewlthoatl Tower, Boa ton, OF ELEGANT HOLIDAVl l GOODS! ' - ' • a ^ ^ " mW- t \ 4 U* kmim Just received, in large variety, appropriate selection, and prices the lowest. To examine them ia sure to satisfy, and satisfied people always buy. Our stock is very lar^e, carefully bought, and all newandoftbemostsijljjfcjOTfc.jWr shown iyojtjj, in part only ol| w ' ^ * Plash, JLeatber, and Wood covered Albumin ID rich coloringe and fancy trimmings. , ,A ^ Shaving sets? Smokine sets, Gufi, Collar anl Xewelry Boxes, Mirrors, Toilet, owes. Gents' Toilet sets in leather c Triplicate Kirrors, Broom Holders, Jewelry Cases, Pfcrfhme boxes, Handkerchief boxes. A. stock o^choioe Perfumery. Writing sets, gold pens, rings, initial scarf pins, Vest and neck chains, cuff buttons, brooches, ear drops, Bracelets, solid silver and triple plated knivea^forks, spoons. Goblets, napkin rings, etc. 9 ^TSilk handkerchiefs and mufflers in large assortment in black, white, cream, and a fine line of colors, from 15a to $1.50 and $3. HSee IKir Holiday Lamps, ^ tti stKhd. floor, hall *nd hanging lamps,, very desirous. Prices'dolvn. White! granite, lustre, band and decorated' to suit everybodv.y ;}/-chamber sets, at prices Fancy Glassware, in plain and colored, including the stylish ruby pattern. Also, moustache cups and saucers, ahaving mugs, fruit plates, salvers, toy sets, night tamps, ef|« i' Abo offer k full stock of choice groceries,' fruitl, nuts, candies, etc., bought specially for the holiday trade, ' : From now till January 1st, 1892, we will make eMraorlmll^ terms on our Cloaks. vrapSt Jackets, Overcoats, Clothing, Shawls. Blankets, Yarns. ^^^l|E;!|̂ 1^d5i^ten8, <^p^-s|JjiaeiTOr, Flannels, Robes, etc. •>'.>* -*'•* V' Remember we are still in the swim when you are in need of the famous Candee rubber footwear, or the fully warranted custom made Boots and Shoes from C. H. Fargo & Co* $ > * ' As usual, we are headquarters for the famous Badgerlteilftfly warranted overalls, duck and goat coats, jackets, etc. Nearly every pattern of Hors* Blanket is imitated in color abd style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength,and vehiie it sells for only a little less than the genu­ ine it isn't worth one-half as much.. The fact that 4k Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the trade mark is sewed Ofl the inside of the Blanket, I W* r m rrl/A ̂ HO §\ TERTF \ IM m Baker HORSE RLANKETS THE STRONGEST. 10C» 6/A STYLES A prices ta suit everybody. If j-cm cctiS grt (hem from your dealer, vrite us. Ask fat |he S/x Book. Yob can get it without charge WM. AYR£S SONS. Philadelphia And we want ft n all In it, <Sa ftet w® want everybody to We here appllt-d the linlfe and cat prices all to pieces. We want the cash,,and cash makes tbe marc go and (be wheels go round and never falls. > We can nndereell ar\b«dy. becaoee we d« onr own work, «ra pay na not', we make no unnecessary expeosetj buy for spat cash, attend to our owe host- ness and oobody alse'it, andclva lbt. buying pnblio the beo^ Qt of H eadlqiia-rte r» -FOE BROS! McQENRY, ILL Quick Sales and Small Profits, . *F» j on will find our s and Shoes complete in eve*'y way . and in gizes from the smallest in-! •' ^ * -- *. ,v < w fin Great Variety. . .«• GLOVES and 139"Bear in mind, 5 per cent off for alFcash trades. ^ A good Roasted Coffee for 19c. Headquarters for the west side for Pillsbury's Flour. Call, now and in future on ~~~ ' SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry, N. &}* : • : WASHBUB ̂ Flour Mills Co. ST BS i.W. j*1--. nuKBAtt for the HOIIL.DAYB. Santa Clans' Heailparters . B E S L E Y ' S , WEST MoHKNBT, ILL. In making our annual bow to the buying public ire would inform them that we are better than ever prepared this season to meet their wants in " ^ - Better fhari£ever before, though always the best. We head the list with JPillsbury's Best at $1.45 per sack ;;|f|iily of the Valley, 1.30 «• . A No. 1 family flour, 1.15 " I- & lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat •• Flour, 60 cents, k « lbs, granulated Corn Meal, iki : 50 cents. j-, ' ' 1-2 lbs^anulated Corn Meal, •;:> ^ 25 cents. L 25 ta. winter, wheat ' Graham J; , Flour, 70 cents. 1-2 lbsj winter wheat Graham * y f\ flour, 35 oents* f;:- r;' V 'SSF* All flour guaranteed! or v"\; fnoney refunded. ¥ vl Flour delivered to any part oi ^ |r lite village free of charge,; , »»» ? ** • r-f f~" (iive us your or^^ aad we JWill try and please you in quality *nd price in any fiomr yon might want. 'V---/ " Bemember t^he placi, J mSi Fox Biver Valley W Mills. *b4 receive free mall - _ . M® Solid Lctther ******* ""fW "«*«H| the best ana cheap, gfr y ; <rt.fl*«0®eawfor 100; 15 cents for 20. ( * « . ' f i ; " I . " - - * - " " . ,#Voillngton. Ohio. From a Penny Whistle up. FINEST LINE » LAMPS Bee our Piano and Banquet Lamps. Books for Tonng, Book* for Old: Blocks* Etc. In short if you want a present tor your wife, daughter, son or your best girl, you cannot fail ot finding what you want by calling at our store, Gome now and TAKE FIRST PICK, All got to be sold before January 1st, Q W» BEALEY West McHenry. III., Dee. 1st. 1801, * * * STOVES. STOVES. We have the largest stock and the best assortment of Stoves ever shown in our city, including the world renowned Howe Ventilating Stoves. The Improved Moore's Heater. ^ - v V ' , ' A L I N E o r T H E F A M O U S P l̂iiilfittlar Stoves and Banges. V\'» FOR ALL KINDS OP FUEL. V Gold Coin &to vee.UniversalSto Te», Jewel Stoyea, Garland Stoves, and others. -,fi. #KE OUR LINE; IT WILL PAT YOU. iita Ba rgain in a Base Burning Woo<H3tove at |15 |W*A lurfaco burning. Coal Heater at $7. * ygTA few Bajgains In second-hand Heaters. Wesl McHenry, 111.. Oct. 14, 1881. STOKY & M'OMBER, JULIA 1. STORY, Door West of Riverside House,) MoHENRY, . . TLM^OISi DEALKRIN--^ DRUGS , I N E S , V ----A FtJLL LINE OF- Drop,OwataJi, OytStnffii, ?4inti, Oila tad^Cobn.. i ^ Constantly cn hand. Also a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, ---- ND COMPLETE STOCK OF v STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDflBTBES, P hysioiana Presoriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Eegietered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. With TwoStdres, One on the West and one on the East side, they present to (he buying public A Larger Stock 0# iU KINDS Ot , 'H FURNITURE TLls Fall than ever bAfore, which we are offering at greatly EEDHCEi) PEIC18,, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We also keep to stock^full lfne of CARPETS,. And give yon anythlog ffftlSltbe cheapest to the finest Brussels, at lower prices than any other houBe' In the CQOAty. u ' We have taken, tog our pains ORY, BUY YOUR Goal, Feed, AND S Where you, can do the best. This means of ? W. A. r . • ^ .--AT TH*-- Pickle J|aetory> ' v . J West MoHenry, IU. Grain of all kinds bought and sold. It "Will pay yon to call and «eeme.' < ; ItMpeetfUlly, J % . ̂ Before you purchase your Hol­ iday Presents be sure and look over the fine stock of Watches, Clocks. - J , : • Jewelry. Silver and i Plated Ware. - -, -s • i T ' • ^'||rOM FOUND Aff :f , *' jHENRY, LfiL T new snd fresh.,, "Ko \Tt% > w. A OIWSTY. * \ - S 0 * * ^ old, shelf-worn goods. Prices to compete with any, quality of goods considered •Call and see me before you pur­ chase I can save you money. JOHN P. SMITH. McHenry, 111., Nov. 24* h, 1891. 9 SDIBTMISS SUP?] | COFFINS: CA8KETS * TEIMKINGSl Of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call aod •*»e us when in want of anything ib our line. A splendid New Hearse In conneotfor( which will be furnished at Seasonable Bates. ^ 1 JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, 111., September. 1691. o. Record SiSM>2 No. 970 _Wlll be for aervioe at the Hams of Geoige W. Owen, XoHenry, Illinois. TERMS. ^ ^ r _ _ _ h , b a l a n c e o y w o t due six months from service without interest, One half payable in Cash, balance by Note ntfis from service wl( Interest after due at 8 per cent. •George O." was si rod by Lakeland AMallah 861, by the founder of our trotting « onden. Old Rysityhes Hambletoman, 10. Dam of George O. is blyf Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, SO,1 record 2:29M. She paeedatsix years oil a half mile in 1:06#. and at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. "George O." has had vn-y limited advan­ tages in the stud, nevei having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts are all very Speedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a record of 1:49. trial % mile In 1*2 to Bo&d Oart. v SF*"' exosei w. owxv. MtUmrv. lUtooU. ww**' " «. ' . -j* I A new HOP, but they will have to go at (he lowest poeslble prioes. Undemrear. - wia* - V;| /iBoaiery, Notion*, AC Prices that will astonish you*, ^ < *\f;' ; « ^ * 5 ' *M>' „ ! •*". :'fe-A. '•*Utj: Canned Fruits, YF China-ware, •• '•.„Glass-wai,efci* Crockery; : LAMPS,; UONFECTIONERY, Tobacco, Cigars and Snook* ers* Articles - In great Variety. T R U N K S r>$ ' ~ v M .V.£ Almost given away. .#*$*;' 2. S T-T 7 yi'W "• k 5;i '-v. .- ' i. " " '*/ ' < 4, t ; f , V In our hardware department > you will find a complete stock of.; , ^Shelf. Hard ware. Tinware, Car* penters' Tools, Cutlery, Harness and Wagon Goods, also Fishing 1 Tackle, Wool and Seine Twine) - J}* at nrices to Biiit^..'^ •'-:0m v? Si , < f:u And Violin Repairs, The largest assortment to be .40iii4 kv 1 Books, Stationery, and Church Goods. Come and see mo and you wilt ^ not go away dissatisfied w to pnees and quality cf goods. M. ENGELN t N e a r t h e I r o n B r i d g e , jifr* \ ̂ P •

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