Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1891, p. 7

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V TT •. -- Avtuyua Hew instances of modern Indmtrial any one specialty are aiora surprising than that of the manufacture «f artificial dyestuffs. fo England, France, GflrmMi, and some oilier coun­ tries; bnt espec'ally In Germany* this in­ dustry has attained such prodigious growth that in some cases the extensive ifrorks resemble a small town or vil age. This appears from the publl hed statis­ tics of one of these plants--that of the Farbwerkjp, at Hoechst-on-Nain, where »re employed some 1,100 workmen, 50 foremen, 9 engineers, besides 86 clerks and 57 chemists. The works cover an area of 72P.000 square yards, and from one end of the works to the other the distance is 3,300 feet Besides a great variety of , dyestuffs, the acids em­ ployed in their production are also man­ ufactured, amounting in one year to 23,108,000 kilograms of sulphuric acid, 12,800,000 of other acids, and 3,624,000 of coal tar products. How ABOI T THE PBCDIXCI of allowing a on, rasping the Palmonary Bi onchliil organs, when that approved and Speedy remedy, Dr. T). Jayne's Exjec- torant, can be obtained frou any Apoifa- eoary. ___________ Employer (to tardy clerk)--Young nan, when I was a clerk I always found It paid to be punctual. Clerk--I suppose that wa« because your boss fined you when you were late. ' Something is lost when you use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's Catarrh. The worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties. No matter how bad your case, or of how long standing, you can be cured. Inetirablc cases are rare. It's worth #800 to you, if you have one. The mar-uf acturora of Dr. Sage's Remedy looking for them. They'll pay yon that amount in cash, if they oan't cure you. It's a plain square offer from A responsible businette house, and they mean it. It seems loo one-sided, too much of a risk. It would be--with any other medi­ cine behind it. It only goes to prove what's been said : incurable oases are raro--rwith Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.^ Other so-called remedies may pal­ liate for a time; this cures for all time. By its mild, soothing, cleans­ ing and healing properties, it con­ quers tho worst cases. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of tho sense of taste, smell or hear­ ing, watering or weak eves, when caused by the violence of Catarrh, as they all frequency are. Remedy sold bydruggista. only 6& cents. iveToi Two Bottleo Cured Her. VI CABBoUf, la., July, 1889, I was Buffering 10 years from shooks in my hsad, so muoh go that at times I didn't expsct to recover. I took medicines from many doc­ tors, bnt did not get any relief until I took Pastor Komig'a Nerve Tonic j the second doss Nliertd us and 2 bottles eared me. 8. W. PKCK. BHUNO GBOVI:, MoHenry Co., 111., May, "80, Daring tbe last two years I suffered for a few lays every month or two from fainting spells, of which three doctors oooid not relieve me, but mads it worse. It is six months now since I took Pastor Koenlg's Nerve Tonic, and have had no more spells. OTTOMAN. P. J. Sherlock, of Stewart, Lss County, 111., found Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonlo to be a good nsnsdy. He says: Could not sleep after midnight for several months, sleep now very well, lis, TO not taken any lor two months. FREE •A Valuable Disease* sent and poor patients this iicdicloD free of charge This remedy has been prepared by the Bevevand Pastor Koenlp, of Fort warns. Ind„ since 1BJ6, and isadfcr prepared aode' his direction by the KOENIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, Ilk Boki iii-Dgsiat* at SI per Bottta. 6ibrl& Bsne8iM.>n5. 6 Bottles for 19. 8ia HiitiiT Taoitrso*, ths most noted physician of Eng. land, says that mors ttksa half of oil diseases come from errors in diet Send for Free Sample of Garfield Tea to 819 West 45th Street, New York City. GARFIELD TEA Hi VI ofbsd Mtisnesra Stele Headache; plexion;caresCoii»tlp»tieit. THE SUA EST PILL IN THE WORLD I UTT'S ® UVER PHXS* have all the virtues of the larger ones; ^ equally cflhctlvej purely vegetable. ̂ Exact sice shown In this border. ANAKKSISnivew mutant relief, and is an INFALLI­BLE CtJRE for PILES. Price, 91; at druasists or by mail. Samples free, ddreos "ANAKK8I8," ii «t«. Nitw Yon* Crrr. W.1WORIM&; Washington* D.c, lymin laM war, Ua«adicatlngolaiaa%attj sinca, Fnvras ii dlsabl perlenc< A Bom, Wii PILES j>5rge. No Sal'e IZOirn-»He atll SOLDIEBSl .J disabled. 12 fee for Increase. 38 rears ex- psrlence. Write for Laws. A.W. MCCokmick A Bam, Vaiumos, £. A ft CUTCUTMATI. O. Cure in IB days, No 8al*c. N« suppository. Hnui MAUDRUL Addreit J. fl.KKKVK8.Bo* SMSJiew VorkCity.N.Y, OPIUM Morphine Habit Cured in lO to 20 day ft. No pay till cured* OR. J. STEPHENS, Lebanon,Ohio* & & .... PATENTS! emmm i*!-' - T. * ^ommon Rots Clothes and " r ' I, aps HandslJ : I V O R Y SOAP , DOES NOT. , . SOME HOME PICTURES. . . Ways Bjr Which Children Are Taught to llMoms Cswsrd* and Lisn. "Tommy, YOU have disobeyed me, arid I am going to punish you, so walk right into this dark closet!" The voice was cold and stern, and the manner was equally unyielding. Tommy, crying and struggling with all his might, was pushed and dragged into the closet, which was certainly dark enough for all practical purposes, and the key was tume I in the lock. .'•Mamma, it's so dark! I'm afraid, rlcase let me out!" pleaded the ab­ ject Tommy. But he was not yet s ib.lued. The nuttier, stealing nois- lesslv up to the dobr, groaned in, a most horrible manner, and rattled a piece of chain. ;'Ob, mamma," shrlCced the frightened child, "please let me out! 1*11 never bo bad any more!" Then the door qras opened and the little prisoner came out, white-faced and wild-eyed. J This was Tommy's flrsWesson. "Here, Tommy, dear; take this nice medicine the doctor left for you. Conic, now, open your mouth, pet, and take your good medicine." "I thought you said it was good!" shrieked Tommy, when he had gulped down the nauseous mixture. "So it is, dear--good for sick bqys!" was the calm reply, as the mother put away the spoon and bottle. That was Tommy's second lesson. Tomniy had been standing at the gate fur more than an hour, watching for bis/mother. The day was cold and tiie wind blew upon him mercilessly, but still he waited, his eager little face pressed agaipst the bars of the gate. At last he saw h(>r coming, away down the street, and then how he went rushing out to meet her, his cheeks glowing and his eyes shining. "Give it to Hfe, mamma! Oh, give it to <116," he cried, holding up both hands. '•Crive you what, Tommy?" asked the mother, pushing past him. "Why, my candy, mamma! The candy you promised to get me." "I forgot it, Tommy. You'll have to-do without this evening." "But, mamma, you promised it," •cried Tommy, in the micst of copious tears, as though that was reason enough. "But didn't you hear me say I for­ got it?" asked the mbther, as though that, also, were reason enough. And then Tommy was senl to bed. supper- less because he cried. There were several lessons for Tommy in this--I really can not tell how many. \ "Mary," said Tommy's father one day in a grieved voice, "how does it come that Tommy is growing to be such a coward? I wanted to send him up-stairs after my slippers last night, and nothing could induce him to go because it was dark. The idea of a boy being afraid of the dark! He's going to be a perfect milksop--and I was so anxious for him to be a fear­ less, manly boy. And then the mother said she couldn't account for it any way in the world. She was sure there had never been any cowardice in her family. She had never dreamed <>f such a thing as being afraid in the dark when , she was a child, and it was a' mystery to her how Tommy got such notions into his head. "Mary,"said Tommy's father again, a few days later, "twice lately I have caught Tommy in a deliberate lie, and I have suspected him of lying half a dozen times in as many days. Now, lying is one thing I can't positively stand. I have tried so hard to teach the boy to be perfectly frank and honest and to tell the truth at what­ ever risk." And Tommy's mother said that she really couldn't understand it, that Tommy's training had been of the most careful kind; but she thought Tommy must have learned to tell falsehoods from that last servant- girl. As for herself, she had never told a lie in her life. Whereupon Tommy was called up and was lectured and talked to and talked at until his brain was in a whirl. He did not say anything in his own defense. He micht have said a great deal, but he was no ora­ tor, and besides he did not understand the whole situation himself. Even if he did understand it all it would not have been very polite, would it, for Tommy to say that his first les­ sons in cowardice, and meanness, and selfishness, and falsehood, and deceit, were taught him by his mother? The above is merely a little series of ^pictures, says a writer in the St. Louis Globe Democrat. They were not taken with a kodak, but the camera was a very good one and has taken a vast number of such pictures. Have you ever seen anything like them? A Tarrlblt 'Experlmfd, Rev. IX J. Burrell,* the pastor of Westminister Church, recently took a long railroad journey, and, as luck would have it, was the occupant of a sleeping car together with the mem­ bers of a comic opera company. One evening, as a preclude to his sermon, he told his congreation of the horrors of his trip-in graphic language,which must have made the good sisters and brethren gasp for breath afc-"thc thought of their beloved pastor being all alone in a car in which the giddy actors and actresses whiled away the time by singing the popular songs of Wbe day, and gave neither him nor theirselves time for pious meditation. "Lord Bacon," said Mr. Burrell, "in his essay on 'Friendship,' says that a crowd is not company.' This was most forcibly brought home to m short time since, when I was fo to make a journey to San Fran in company with a comic opera pany. Closer quartet cannot well be imagined than those of a Pullman car, and I was only non-professional there. At first there was a little re­ straint evident, but that soon wore off and they were their own sweet selves. There are men who find ser­ mons in stones, but I defy them to find any good in , these. There were twelve men and as many, alleged 'ladies. Ail night, when wakeful man should have been occupied with solemn meditation, the air resounded with the indelicate songs of 'Glrofle ;Girofla,' still more indelicate stories told by both sexes, the rattle of glasses and the popping of corks, and torn the smoking-room was heard the rat­ tle of ivory chips and demands 'two' Ot-pjfee' ^ flgrs, <©ne would say, was as tunitv to deliver ;i horn so. It was a glorious o; >portuuWt*£fcr 1ng quiet. To east a hfciiw J**"* them would be to cast before swine. Could a more horriWe .doom be devised for these artists than to.ho suddenly transported to the raidsf (J bright spirits singing Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord, God Almighty! Still, there are those who think there Is but one place to which all will finally come. They would feel as much out of place in Heaven as would the mem­ bers of our presbytery drinking beer, playing poker and "singing KJirofie Girofla.' And is there any less dan­ ger of contamination by going to see these people on the stage? No, there is even more, for on the stage there is ah opportunity for an even more shameless display of indelicacy. I do not mean to say that there are no good people on the stage. Far from it; for I know some of them myself whose lives are as pure as those of any member of this congregation. But these very people are the first to de­ nounce the widespread impurity of their professional brothers and sisters."--St. Paul Globe. m An Obulnate beg. A Massachusetts gentleman has a large dog, a cross between an English mastiff and a St. Bernard, which is very fond of killing cats. Indeed, it is practically impossible to keep a cat at the stable, so fond is Karl of de­ stroying them. He has been whiDped and chained up, but though in gen­ eral he is well behaved, he cannot^in this respect l>e brought to reason. Whenever K&rl kills a cat, which happens every week or two. the groom is in the habit of digging a grave, and then making the dog bring the body of poor puss to the spot. Karl takes the body of his victim to the place, which has now become quite a popu­ lous cemetery, and while the grave is beingr?lug he lies beside it, licking the cat all over as if, preparing her for burial. > When the grave ls ready, heinvari- bly gives puss a vigorous nip on the spine, as if to make sure that she is really finished, and then taking her up by the back of the neck, he grave­ ly drops her into the hole prepared for her. When all this is overlie follows the groom to the stable to be whipped, lie knows what is coming, and evi­ dently accepts it. fis a necessary part of the process of killing a cat; but it does not in the least prevent him from disposing of the next pussy which is brought to the stables. Driving on MnUdy Jtoad* A writer in the Providence Tele­ gram undertakes to show how a wagon may be kept comparatively clean when driving over a muddy road. Accord­ ing to him this result depends upon maintaining just the right speed, the golden mean, as it were. If the horse is driven at a walk, say about three miles an hour, the mud which adheres to the rim of the wheel will be carried up by it as it revolves. As it gets to the top its weight will cause it to fall, spatter­ ing the spokes and^the hub. If the horse is going six or seven miles an hour, the rapid revolution of the \Vheels .will send the mud fly­ ing, and all parts of the vehicle will receive a copious plastering. But now, if a gifit of four and a half or five miles an hour be taken, the mud carried up from the ground will neitner drop nor be thrown off, and the Consequence will be that with the exception or the rim of the wheels the carriage will come to the end of the journey comparatively clean. Everything depends upon striking just the right gait and maintain­ ing i Continental Currency. 'Along in the latter part of the last century the Continental money issued to the extent of $240,000,000 had been sinking out of sight. Just befpre the final collapse a desperate effort was made to hold up the currency, but notwithstanding all that the govern­ ment, aided by the leadiug men of that period, could do, a dozen egg? spld for $5,000 in Continental paper money, and a silk hat of the period, Which would be worth about $7, cost ail40,000 in Continental currency. The word was burned into the lan­ guage, and then, as now, the utter worthlessness of a thing was conveyed by the expression, "It is not worth a (continental." - THERE'S no disgrace In being poor. Tbe thing is to keep quiet and not let your neighbors know anything The Ocean Xo linger Trarlcnli*. We speak of the ocean as "track- less." It is so no longer. If two vessels sail rroni New York for Cal­ cutta, they will, if intelligently navi­ gated, follow so nearly the same course, that their paths, if plotted on a chart, will hardly diverge by fifty miles at any point. The same is true of every other route. Let us consider the case of a vessel bound to New York from Liverpool. Her captain might, if prepared for a constant bat- tie agains'ts adverse winds and cur­ rents and winter gales, select a route not very different from that followed by ocean steamers .between those ports. Otherwise he would follow the southern route laid down by the Sailing Directors: and after beating to the westward a few hundred miles to make sure of clearing the coast of Spain, would shape course to the southward, passing as far west of Modeira, as the westerly wind of these latitudes will permit. Between Madeira and the Canaries, but a few hundred miles to the westward of both, he would fan his way across the baffling "Calms of Cancer," and pick up the northeast Trades. With these astern and freshening every mile, he would sweep down to the South and West, and when well over toward the West Indies, haul up to the north­ ward Bermuda. Here he would have to work again across the Calms of Cancer, and then, with the uncertain, btit probably westerly winds of our Atlauta coast, and with the Gulf Stream in his favor, he would stand on and make his port, having sailed forty-five hundred miles between two ports, less than 3,000 miles apart, but with winds and current almost uniformly favorable.and with fine and bracing weather.--Goldtjiwaite's Geo­ graphical Magazine. WONDERFUL W ORLDS O FLIGHT. tome of the Marvelous Thing* JKevaaled by the Talaoeopn, J J the increased power of telescopes, number of stars within our ken has been increased from 2,000, the number which may be seen in both hemispheres by the naked eve, to' probably about 80.000,000. The star nearest to the earth, a Centauri, is about 275,000 times as far from us as the sun is, and Sirius is about twice as far away as that; if, however, we could view these bodies at an equal distance, a Centauri would appear nearly twice a^ bright as our sun, and Sirius forty times as bright. Star sixty-one, Cygni, has a velocity of not less than thirty miles a second, or 3,000,000 miles a day. So far,then, we find that the stars are at different distances; that they are of different sizes, and that, instead of being fixed, they are all in movement. Such bodies are masses of glowing gas, the materials of which are, for the most part, precisely the same as those of which our earth is built up, the great difference between such stars and the earth at the present time being that they are hot while the earth is cold. The sun is so hot at present that its outer atmosphere, instead of being composed of cool oxygen and nitrogen and water vapor, as happens with our own, consists of brightly shining hy­ drogen gas and iron vapor chiefly. The iron is not solid .and it is not molten, but exists as iron stejim it, perhaps, a distance of 200,000 miles above the shining orb that we see and call the suh. This, I think, may be taken as a fair indication that the sun is a very hot body, especially when we remember that, as its center is approached, the temperature must always increase. 1 have said this much about the sun, i« "iiuse if is very natural to ask whether all stars are like the sun. It used to be thought that they were, but I, for one, do not think that this is so. When we come to examine vhe bodies which shine in the sky, those dim patches of gray light called nebu­ la*, as well as many of the stars them­ selves, the prism tells us that the light which they send to us is very different from the light sent to us by the sun and by other stars, the light of which is exactly like sunlight. A great deal of work recently done shows that probably many stars, in­ stead of being like the sun, .built up, as the cometa are, of enormous clouds or swarms of little bodies,some of them, perhaps, no bigger than grains of dust,the different quantities and qualities of heat given out de­ pending upon the motions of these little particles and the average dis­ tance between them. So, when we have a great many of these little masses closely packed to­ gether and moving rapidly, they will have an opportunity to strike one an­ other and thus produce light and heat in a greater degree t han can happen in those other so-called "stars," where the dust is sparser aqd the motion less rapid. As soon a$ the supply of heat ceases, the mass begins«to cool. Our sun is such a cooling mass. The coolinggoes on until at last a body such as our own earth is* formed. This is why it is that the chemical composition of the sun and eartn are so similar. If this is what really happens, we can easily explain the colors of all the stars. Each stage of heat' in a star has its own special color. It is true that sometimes very nearly the same color is produced at two different stages of heat; but aside fropi this, we know that very white stars are at the condition of their greatest heat, and that yellow stars are cooler, though some are old, some young; and that very red, butespecially blood-red start? are tottering on the verge of invisibil­ ity, having run through all their changes.--Great Divide. Some Canvas gpongifc "Some of the most beautiful things that live in the ocean are the sponges of the great depths, which have often very curious and interesting forms," said a naturalist to a Washington Star reporter. "Not least remarka­ ble are the so-called 'sea-nests,'which are in the form of spheres or some­ times egg-shaped. The outer coat of one of these specimens is a compli­ cated network over whicli a delicate membrane is spread. iTn^ornamental frill adorns the upper part while the lower portion throws out a maze of glossy filaments like fine white hairs. These hairs penetrate the semi-fluid mud in every direction, thus holding the sponge in its place, while a con­ tinuous current of water is drawn by waving 'cilia' through all parts of the mass, passing out by a hole at the top. In this manner the animal absorbs whatever food may be afloat. ^Another singular sponge is the •glass rope,' which sends down into the mud a coiled wisp of filaments as thick as a knitting needle. The lat­ ter opens out into a lirush, fixing the creature in place after the manner of a screw pile. Still another remarka­ ble sponge is found in deep water off the Loffodon Islands. It spreads out into a thin circular cake, surrounded by a fringe of what looks like a fringe of white floss silk. Yet another curi­ osity is the 'cupectella' sponge of the Philippines, which lives imbedded to its lid in the mud and supported by a lovely frill." Mirrors ot Wood. In Germany wood with a mirror polish is coming into use for orna­ mental purposes in place of metal. The wood is first submitted to a bath of caustic alkali for two or three days at a temperature of about 175 degrees Fahrenheit, then dipped into hydro- sulphate of calcium for twenty-four to thirtj'-nine hours, after which a concentrated solutionJ of sulphur is added. -After another dip in an acetate of lead solution at about 100 degrees, a shining metallic surface is given by polishing when dry with lead, tin or zinc. y Havana Hack man. Havana has about fou^ thousand conveyances, and the drivers are the most unscrupulous men in the busi­ ness. They could give the old-time hackmen at Niagara Falls points, and then beat them in getting fares. A traveler sums up the situation in three sentences: "Ride at the peril of your purse; walk at the peril of your life. If you ride, they will rob you. If you attempt to walk, they . & •THE OUKE AND "PMS FARMER. Ho^r an OM Tenant Farmer Intervievted HI* Nob'© Landlord. They say that the lato Duke of Bed-! ford's Tavlsto :k agent, now deceased, ( was iv pit tod to carry matters with a somewhat high and even tyramical l and, .and, hav ng a desire to benefit a neighbor ng tenant, had giv n an old firmer notiee to quit tossession of a field which for several gencrat'ons had b en part ai d i aree; of tho far n which he and. his :aih rs.before him had rented from the i uke^ This interie »nce was preatiy resented by the farmer, who, , how iver, co.ikl got no satisfaction from ' th<5 azent, and final y left the latter with ? the threat that he would "s e the Duke," j a threat which the agent heard with lit-! tie concern, ki owing well that the old mau had never stray, d mo e than a few mile-; from Tavistock, and jndging ac­ cordingly that he was not likely to ,<y ney sudden y to "Lnnnon." " He reckoned, however, witb&it knowl­ edge, for the old fa1 me-stent straight home, donned his "Sunday be-t'."aud, to the amazement of his/folk, marched otf to the rai way statio.i and took his ticket fo.- Padding ton. The sccnc chances to the mansion in Easton s ua e, where about 7'p. to. an old countryman, dressed In th;> style of fifty years ago, knocks at the door and, In excited and well-nigh breathless ac­ cents. asks the foo man who opens it If "Mr. Duke of Hedfoid" lived there. The foo man guessed something of the state of the case and forthwith took wo d to his grace that one of 'his Tavistock ten­ ants wished to see him and invmedia ely the o d man was ushere^ into the pres­ ence of "Mr. Duice " Not till then did the old farmer's courage £|ve way, but seated in the luxurious library, words a'toge her failed hi|n. \ The Duke ordered up refreshments, but they were refused by jthe old man until he had told his ta'e, whiclihe did in broken accents, and tho Duke listened attentively, asking one or two simple but direct questions, a d then tx>ld his o'd tenant that he need not troubie any more, as he should givo orders that his tenancy was not to be disturbed. - But the Duke's kindness did not end there, for. ascertaining that the old man had no notion as to a night s lodging, or. In­ deed. of his next step, the Duke ordered his carriage, had the old man driven to Faddington and safely deposited in the night mail with a tirst-class ticket to Tayistock in his pocket A Very Common Want. "Oat ot "distrait." 'the btnctil." these are familiar appellative* for uncomfortable, an- definable sensations. »cc mpanied with lassi­ tude, nerrbusueaa, Indigestion. Poverty of the blood, to r medy which an effeq|!ve stomachic persistently used 1B the paramount need, Is con­ clusive evidence tlvit the system is insufficient­ ly nourished became--and for no other cans* where organic disfiLse does not exist--the food ia not assimilated. Be enforce the flagging ener­ gies ef tbe stomach, reform an irregular condi­ tion of th« bowels, keep up a healthful secretion ot the bile vl h Hostottr-r's Stomftoli Bitters. For over thirty yesrs this popular medicine tea supplied tho common * ant of the nervous In­ valid. the dyspeptic and of persons deficient in vitality, an efficient tcnic. To its power of im­ parting strength is attributable its efficacy as a S reventive ct mala 11 and la Krippe Thoroutth-y affective is it, too. for ibsiuiiathiu, kidney iomplaint and neuralgia. The Care «r a Furnace Fire. " The furnace fire should be shaken down and raked perfoct'y clear in the morning. A few shovelfuls of coal should be put on and a 1 the draughts opened, writes Maria Parloa in her de­ partment in the Ladies' Home Journal. The ashes should<then be taken up. As soon as the coal begins to burn well and the fire looks clear at tho bottom, put In enough coal to come almost to the top of the fiie-pot. Keep the draughts open until all the gas has burned off; then close them, and later, if the lire bo too hot, open the checks. Except in ex­ tremely cold weather this is all the at­ tention that ought to be necessary through tho day. The fire mu£t be raked down and fresh coal or cinders put on in the evenlug, bu|^ small of coal will answer fdr the night, unless the draughts have been open the greater part of tbo day. On an extremely cold day it may be necessary to have the draughts open a ^art of the time and some coal put on at noon. All the clinkers should be removed when the fire is raked down in the morn­ ing. The water pan should be replen­ ished once a day. If the furnace fire be allowed to burn to a white heat it will be ruined for that day unless more coal bo put on a little later. The cold-air boxes must admit eno igh air to drive the hot air through the hopse. ^ Heating stoves and open grates are to be mandged as far as possible the same as a furnace. With tho stove there is no trouble, there being plenty of checks and draughts. How's This? We ofTer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot be eared by taking Hall'* Catarrh Cure. F. .1. CHEN FY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney, for the last fifteen years, and beUeve him per­ fectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligaUona- niaue by thoir firm. West A Tri ax, W holeaalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug- fis'8, Toledo, Ohio. fall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting surfaces of directly upon the blood and mucous tbe svsttm. Testimoriais sent free, per Dottle. Bold by all Oruggists. Prioe, 76o Ice Cream and Klectrlclty. A new experience of tho danger of electricity has to be recorded. Dr. George S. Hull recently conducted some experiments with ice cream freezers, and he f^nds that galvanic action takes place, which results in the Introduction of poisonous salts of copper and zinc into the cream It appears that the free er and the piddle are generally made of dissimilar metals, and the cream, especially if mixed with fruits or other acid, or even saline substances, forms an electrolyte, which naturally comp'etes the necessary conditions for galvanic action. With galvanic action there is, of course, chemical action, re­ sulting in the formatio.'t of salts of zinc and copper, which become mixed with the cream. Dr. Hull has probably dis­ covered the cause of many mysterious cases of poisoning which have followed the consumption bf ice cream. The remedy, however, seems very simple; If the freezer and the mixer were made of the same metal no galvanic action could take place.--Iron.^ „ lbs Only (hie Kver Printed--Can taVIMi the Wordr There Is a 3-Inch display advertisement In this .paper this week which has no two words alike except one word. The same Is true of each new one appearing each week from The Dr. Barter Medicine Co. This house places a "Crescent" on everything they make and publish. Look for it. send them the name of the word, and they will return you BOOK, BEAUTITOL UTHOOKANIB. Or SAHPIilW fREE. Lighting the Great Dom*. It is proposed to light the dome of St Paul's with electricity. LOOKING too closely at a dollar doesn't mall* It any biggor, but very often makes the soul a good deal smaller • « THE most terrible of all failures is to sacceed in a bad undertaking. DON'T tool with indigestion nor with a disordered liver, but take Beechaat'a Pills for Immediate relief. 2S cento a box. ., «..w s'. the Moon fw Kan, When the earth was young, says Dr. Ball, astronomer for royal Ireland, it spun around at such a rate that the day was only three hours long. The earth was liquid then, and as It revolved that fearfu speed the sun caused ever increasing tides upon its surface until at last ID bu-st in two. The smaller part became the moon, which has been going a onnd the earth ever s'nee at an increasing distance. The inflaience of the moon now raises tides on tbe ear h, and while there was any 11 nid to opera e on in the moon, theea. th heaped up much greater lunar t'des. TITS nobbiest bunion. -juH thing in boots ia. • KITfW-JUl Pits stopped free ay ur.aiK t - wra Sens Restorer. No Fits after first day's «#«. Ms velltyio core*. Treatise and SM.OO Mu bottls free to Mm..* fa* TW »l[n. tmh Kt- Phita,, FA, WHY continue tbe use of remedies that only relieve, when Ely's Cream Balnv pleasant of application and a sure curd for Catarrh and cold U/1ie.vl, can be bad. I HAD a sevw'e attack of catarrh and be­ came sodeaTl could not hear common con- fon. I suffered terribly from roaring my head. I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, and in three weeks could hear as well as ever, and now I can say to all who are afflicted with the worst of diseases, catarrh, take Ely's Cream Balm and be cured. It, Is worth $1,000 to any man, wo­ man or child suffering from catarrh.--A. R Newman, Grayling, Mich. . Apply Balm into each nostril. It Is Quick­ ly Absorbed. GIVKS RELIEF AT one!. Price 50 cents at Druggists or by maiL ELY BROTHERS, SO Warren St., New York. A Japanese l?se of the Ballot. BufTrage in Janan has been put to a novel use. A village was harrassed ly a midnight robber whom no one conld de­ tect, so an ingenious inhabitant pro­ posed that each villager should write the name of the man he suspected on a slip of paper and put it in a ballot box. On the votes being taken there were fifteen for oho man and the rest were blanks. The robber was so astonished at the proceedinvs that he actually con­ fessed his identity. THROAT DISEASES commence with a Cough, Cold or Sore Throat. "Brtwn'n flrtm- chial Trochea" give Immediate relief. Sofa! only in boxes. Price 25 cts. THE brightest blaze of intelligenca is ot Incalculab y less value than the smallest spark of charity.--Kevins. PTKASAVT, WHOLKSOMC. SPKKDT. Three ad­ jectives that apply to HIU'T HONKY OF HOBK- HOVND AND TAR. PIKE'S TOOTH»CHK DROPS Cure in one Minute. GOOD nature, like a bee, co loots honey from every herb. Ill nature, like a spider, sticks poison from the sweet st flower. i " I have been a great Asthma. sufferer from Asth­ ma and severe Colds every Winter, and last Fall my friends as well as myself thought because of my feeble condition, and great distress from constant cough­ ing, and inability to raise any of the accumulated matter from my lungs,' that my time was close at hand.! When nearly worn out for want of sleep and rest, a friend recommend' ed me to try thy valuable medicine, Boschee's German Syrup. I am con­ fident it saved my life. Almost the first dose gave me great relief and a gentle re- , such as I had not had: y cough began immedi- s ately to loosen and pass away, and I found myself rapidly gaining in health and Weight. I am pleased to inform thee--unsolicited--that I am in excellent health and do cer­ tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's German Syrup. C. B. STICKKSY, Picton. Ontario." #: Gentle, Refreshing Sleop. / y • freshin for weeks. V . •' Special Care Bbovtd be Uken In the winter not to allow the blood to become depleted or impure, *s It It does attacks ot Rheumatism or neuralgia are likelr to follow espesura to col 1 or wet weather, HoodV Sar-aparilla in aa excellent preventive of these troubles, f s it makes the bloed rich and pure, and keeps the kidneys and liver fr^m congestion, so liab'.e at this reason. If you are »ab- ;ect to rheumatic troubles, take Uood'a SarsiparUla as a sa egi ard, and we beUeve you will he petteotly satisfied with its effects. "for clii onic rheumatism Hood's Sarsaparilla did me more good than anythina else I have ew taken." F. MILLIES, Limerick Centre, Pa, HOOD'8 PILL8 cure liver ills, oonstlpfe- tion, biliousness. Jaundice, tick headache. Indices- tioB. Sold br all dnuclsta. Price 23 cents. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success- (ul CONSUMPTION CURE is sold bydnij- pists on a positive guarantee, a test that no other Curt can stand successfully. If you have a COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, It will cure you promptly. If your child has the CROUP or WHOOPING COUGH, use it quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON. SUMPTION, don't wait until your case is hope­ less, but take this Cure at once aud receive im­ mediate help. Large bottles, 5°c. and $1 .cxX Travelers convenient pocket size 25c. Ask your druggist for SHILDH'S CURE. If your lungs are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's Por­ ous Plasters. Price, 25c. Are You ' iSIMOIJSf SOME rKOPIJB AX WAYS ABE AID NEARLY EVERYBODY IS OCCASIONALLY. TAKE in.vniTE'8 DANDELION ALTERATIYE. It <• the beat remedy for diseases of the liver and Kidneys, ft purifies th* Mood and overcomes that feeling weariness which you so often expert* •ace. It will care your headache, ro> store jrour lost appetite, and make yon feel vigorous enongh to take any thine within your Yeaeh. Very large* bottle ftv lL and every bottle warranted. TIIE ANARCHISTS. ; The United States Supreme Court has postponed until the second Mon­ day In January the hearing of the cases of Fielding and Schwab, the Chi­ cago anarchists who are now iil/prison in Joliet for their participation in the Haymarket massacre. These men were filled with an unutterable longing. If they had taken KEID'S GERMAN COUGH AND KIDNEY CURE the mists that clouded their brains would have been dispersed. They would have found that the evils of which they complained were largely the result of ill-health. They would have gone to work to bet­ ter their own condition and those of othets by encouraging habits of in- 6umy and thrift. This they could, have done by taking REID'S GERMAN. COUGH AND KIDNEY CURE, and thus banishing disease from their followers. This great remedy contains no poison* but it is the best thing for all lung and throat troubles on the market. It is a remedy that is the particular and special friend of the poor man, for it will cure his wife and children of half the troubles that afflict them without the aid of the doctor, pet it of your druggist. SYLVAN REMEDY CO., Peoria, HI. ara cfcrav r now than Uiey evaf _ will be again. 1. ou.< sfarm. l>efcriiti«s WOOiXKJf. OSBO&nk, KAH. t taiurd. No ikt-y'B > ate it in allowed KANSAS [AJtflS Lar.ebtcropbeferraitea. Buv s fiwir--. CHA.3. R. WQOiXl PATENTS tee until patent in alio Advice Bo i free. CINE HTERT iSC'f Wash.. D O Y O U 1/ * 1 v It Cares CttMHi tonih«. Sore TTir bRuraia, Whooi> ny Coujtti. BratochlUs Asthma. A certain eftv r too*umption in I s> sires, and a ntp* relief in nilmiiced st " once. You will see (lie exeslle -t i iton< iikii Large (C the Hint dose. Suid by u«*:«n' Dott-ee, 51 cent# and tlJJO. THE - ONLY TRUE IRON T O N I C Will pnrifv RLOOD, restisle KIDNEYS, remove -- -£ .. 01 ' '4 *lhi disorder, builil streaffth. renev e health and Indigestion, •gorofyouth. luiiibsolutely eradicated. Iliiii brightened, hrain power Increased, bones, nerves, mus­ cles, receive new force, •offering from complaints pe» I collar totluMrscx, ttsiugit. ond a care, speed v euro. Returns rose liloom 011 cheeks, bcautliles Complexion. Sold everywhere. AH Pennine poods bear ' Crescent. " Send ns 2 cent stamp tor 32>psm pamphlet. DR. MASTER MEDtCINK CO.. St LMift. «•> ILLINOIS JE I . '""V i CENTRAL sM. 'J SOLID VESTIBULE TRAItt Dailr at 9.00 p. m. from "hicago. Hew and < equipment, built expressly for this awrviee. lighted throughout «i;s. Tickets and fortksr l •nation of rour locit! ticket aaent. or by ail ill--sing A_H. HAJTBOW. Q. F. A..IU. Oent/X. S, taUaseoTnL ARE YOU A FARMER? If so you are one from choice and can tell whether farming as an in­ vestment pays. Do you make it pay ? Have vou first-class tools, fix­ tures, etc.? VoA say yes, but you are wrong if mm have no scales. You should have one, and by send­ ing a postal cam you can get full information from JOKES OF BINGHAMTON, r. GRIND l-E t-'rtkaa Flear keeping I'oBllrT. Al#o ] FEED liLLa, Circulars and testimonials sent •ppliestiMl. WILSON R«0«- *v FAT FOLKS REDUCED Mr*. Alice Muple. Oregon. Ho, •«iUa vi an S20 pounds, now it ia 1 a reduction of 12b fba/'^Fer c ircular* addraaa, Dr. O.W.P.SNYDER. UcYickar'iTh«atn. Cbieaao.Il). PRIVATE - UO Adams St., CHICAGO, H.IU Cures for Lif® all Chronic. NVrveu** Diseases. Of* ganie Weakm-sK. Ba-luniaess. t'aritn* ss to Itirry, 'loo Frequent Evaluations of «h« Bladder. Barren- net*. Book -LIFE'S SECREf EKKOKS. wit;, Ques­ tion List, for t-cent stamp. f a j • 'Pi i Aft 1 W W HEN WtUTINO TO APTEBT18EKS, pl«*ae mmr you u« tbe odwimMsi lath la paper. . 5V?'> v"iT* '! :a%-$ -MM PI SOS CU'Rt t"OR OsanaptiTca and peopls who hare w«ak lungs or Astti- n>3, should uso Piso's Cure for Consumption. It baa tart< «h*asaa«la. it has not injur­ ed on*. It ia not bad to taks. It is tb« b«st cough srrap. Sold eTarywhera. Me. C O N S U M P T I O N , '• i'V- 'WW > i?; 1, Mt̂ s. "*Y WORK SHALL BE T'£TH»CNMLHE0.•• The perpetuation of Mrs. I*inkhaui*i work m Wm.m ft: guarded hv her SUfkrinjE woman attention, and the eonted. These records are «>-day th« largostl* th* world, contain facts aot fbaad dsewb«r% now op«n to all women. LYDIA E. PIIMHAirS Compound to WOMB. - \ •> \ *V;; v V* ' jc , 1 1 . J * * , ? j

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