Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1892, p. 8

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1^:7^ -J,' f ;"*? • * zf~-WT^W, |Hg*? «p«»l vv ... . , t » "*• 5 yr *y«irjjK WSTWBiPywi t.T; U. MPAItfMSflT fttxi KoitoM under the ab<m- i»ea . innnMtd by the Unites of the W O. T. U» *«*d (be JMltor claims 10 pert or credit for* the Mute, ite'" Milwaukee in her anxiety to attract? visitors daring the World's Fair, has re- oeived a proposition from one of her citi* ana to the effect that the seven b;g brew* «rs of the city erect a mammoth beer ®T5g 011 the City Hall square and kee^ Iree beer on tap for all visitors. What a proposition from an American city. With the recurrence of la grippe comes the old prescription of whiskey. Dr. G. F. Shrady, General Grant's physician, on being asked if whiskey was a good pre­ ventative of the disease answered: " Whis­ key is never good to ward off anything. Good food is the best meaus with which -to ward off disease. To doee with whis­ key is like adding shavings to the fire. There is no physical, mental or moral ex- ease for a man's drinking whiskey as a preventative of disease." Save and Have, or, Waste and Want. Either man mnst be content with pov­ erty all his life, or else be willing u> deny himself some luxuries, and save, to lay tile base of independence in the future. But if a man denies the future and spends all he earns (whether his earnings be one dollar or ten dollars every day), let him look for lean and hungry want at some future time--for it will surely come, no matter what he thinks. To save is ab­ solutely the only way to get a solid for­ tune; there is no other certain mode, "those who shut their eyes and ears to tfoeee plain facts will be forever poor, and for their obstinate rejection of truth, mayhap will die in rags and filth. Let them so die, and thank themselves. Bat no I They take a sort of recompense in corsing fortune. Great waste of breath. They might as well curse the mountains and the eternal hills. For I can tell them fortune does not give away real and sub­ stantial goods. She sells them to the highest bidder, to the hardest and wisest worker for the boon. Men never make so fatal a mistake as when they think them­ selves creatures of fate, 'tis the sheerest folly in the world. Every man may make or mar his life, whichever he may choose. Fortune is for those who by dilligence honesty, frugalty, place themselves in a position to grasp hold of fortune when it appears in view. The best evidence of frugalty is the five hundred dollars or more standing in your name at the sav­ ings bank. The best evidence of honesty consists in dilligence and frugalty. rPHE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach, liver andbowels, purify * the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual./ A reliable rem­ edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the FacerBright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chrbnic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor­ dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney '4 * C o m p l a i n t s , L i v e r petite, Mental Depres Rash, Painful Diges" Blood to the Head, Salt Rheum, Staid Headache, Skin Dis Tired Feeling, Torpid Brash and every other that results from im in the proper perform SuvS Troubles, Loss of Ap- sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, "Water s y m p t o m o r d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene- fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. i gross $2, *4 gross $1.25, gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage. paicL Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, New York. HERE TO STAT, O "WASHBtTKIf Flour Hills Co. & INS And, No Mistake. WITH A FILL LJK OF IISHHiHBiiiinnmiiiiiiiiDuiiummaiiiiiiBntiiijmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmuiiiriiiiiiiiiiuttmmiiiiitHiiiiiHfii I Clean, Freh Stock of DAY GOODS, NOTIONS, V « a | HATS, CAPS OOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. 8 c= s «= k = It is no use to make a noise about what you are going to do, un- | less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. Real Bargains of great value to every one of our customers. -------- 6> My stock is complete in i&very department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look ^s over, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. 0. S. CUETI5 & 501, Cralner, Paper Hangers, Kalsominers* Decorators. McHENRY,; ILLINOIS. All work promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Country work a specialty. Call on or address G. 8. Curtis & Son. McHENRY. ILLINOIS. B *fore you purchase your Wed­ ding Presents he sure and look over the»fine stock of r*jf Watches, Clocks. , Jewelry, Silver affi »• Plated Wai|% TO BR FOUND AT !• P. SMITH'S • McHENRY, I'!?. w - ^ Goods all new sod fresh. 'No old, shell-worn goods. Prices to compete with any, quality of goods considered. Call ai d see me before you pur­ chase, I can save you money. JOHN P. SMITH. McHc nry. 111., Nov. 24 h. 1891. •M HOW I EABcEB ISLAND Enterrirlilii^ Yonn^ Bf an § Trne A Co. Instrncted and started me. I worked steadily and made money faster than 1 expected to. I became able to buy an island and bnild a email summer hotel. If I don'tsnccoedat that, I will go to work ft^nin at the business in which I made my money." True «fe Co.: Shall we instrnct and start you, reader? If we do, and if yon work industriously, von will in due time be able to buy an island and build u hotel, if yon winh io Kuney can be earned at our new line of work, rap­ idly and honorably, by those of either *ex. young or old, and fa their own localities, wherever they live. Any one can do the work. Easy to learn. We furnish everything. No risk. Yon can devoteyonr spare moments, or all yourtime to the work. This entirely new lead brings wonderful sac- cess to every worker. Beginners are earning from $25 to £50 per week and upwards, and more afier a littleexpe- rience We can furnish you theernployment--we teach yon Fit EE. This is an age of marvelous things, Rnd here is another great, useful, wealth-givingwonder. Great gains will reward every industrious worker. Wherever yon are, and whatever you are doing, you want to know about this wonderful work at once. JDelay means much money lost to you. No space to explain here, bnt if you will write to ns, we will make all plain to yon FIC.EI*. Address. TBUJE ds CO.| 2tox 400» Augusta, ]jfaluh < O B © s S f Q © erf r+- 5' OQ OS 2. -a fb QD / CD * * W H> s p * n Si y m O w go as & • P F M I d o p er « <V < •i a Si M % H W Kl if* P P a CD CD Q< GEO, W. BESLEY, Dniist ill iK#' Jfe! 1%,- Better than ever before, though j always the be*t. We head the list with Pillsbury's Best at $1.35 per jack JUly of the Valley, 1.25 *• A No. 1 family flour,1.15 •* . 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat! v , Flour, 60 cents. §5 lbs, granulated Corn Meal, fc'fr 50 cants. f l2 1-2 lbs granulated Corn Meal, ^ s 25 cents. lbs. winter wheat Graham! DEALER IN- DRUGS AND UEDIQNES, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet'Articles, West McHenry, Ill*« / PURE VINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL USE, «r ALSO. flOTTLED ALE AMD PORTER FOR MEDICAL USE. j» Thes best brands of Cigars and smokng and chew ing Tobacco always on hand. CHEATING HORSE BLANKETS Nearly every pattern of HorsS Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most ca^es the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, But it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength,and while it sells for only a little less than the genu­ ine it isn't worth one-half as much." The fact that Horse Blankets are« copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, ane^every buyer, should see that the ?A trade mark is sewed ofi inside of the Blanket. Fiv3 Mils 'im Boss ElcctrSo ctra Test i SiMlirPTS' ^iRr THE STROTjoLST 1 v, t,'.A STYLES prices tD suit everybody. If) o.i can't eet Hxtm from your duller,. Trrl^e us. Ask ft* the Book. Y«S J&n get it without charge' 1VM. AYES'; ^ SONS. Philadclp^, 'it* : ' And WeVnnt you all In it. 1« f«oi we wiDt 6rtr)budT to enjoy It. We htfte appH. a .l e tnlfe iod cut ^ prlct s »11 to pieces. . v ; We want the cash, and cash mske* ihf mare go and the whee ls go rot iua V ' - i And never fails. - ' c#n....undersell anvbody, beenuMl * °°r ..own rk, we pay no rent| j we make no linn* crpgary expends, bu* ^ for ppot vhib. *»tend to our own bue& npep antl itobrdy ejpe'n, arid give thSi buying public & -*•. • . <| ' Jft^ '-is Quick Sales ana Small Profits, • ' * & Headquarters -FOR- FURNITURE! -JUSTEN BROS.-- McHENRY, ILL Dnnlri ftmJI (ILa a m I i W d U U W l : Y ou will find our stock of Boo$a - -t 4 and Shoes complete in every way - and in sizes from the smallest in­ fant t J he largest man. HATS & ©AFS In Great Variety. • I GLOVES and MITTENS I A new Un«\ but they wi 11 have to go a the lowest possible prices. Underwear, With Two Stores, One on the West and one on tho East side, they present to the buying public A Xt&rger Stook OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE This Fa'l thin ever bftfore, wbTch we1 are oflering at greatly BID1ICB3 PUCES, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We have the largest stock and the best assortment of Stoves ever shown in our city, including the world renowned I Howe Ventilating Stoves. The Improved Moore's Heater- We also kt>et» in stock a full line of samples of • CARPETS, Andcangivfi yon shy thing from the cheapest to the finest Brussels, at lower prices than any other house in the county. a A LINE OF THE FAMOUS lr'eiiin&iilar' Stoves and Ranges. We have taken gr. a< pains in select lng our U3D23TAW SUPPLI3S COFFINS: CASKETS & TRIMMINGS, Of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but thfi best. 6Do not fail to call and B«»e us when in want of anything In our line. FOR ALL KINDS OF FUEL. Gold Coin Stpvfes. Universal) Stoves, Jewel Stoves, Garland Stoves, and others. SEE OUR LIITE, IT WILL PAY YOU. 'Physicians' Prescriptions- Carefully compounded. Give me a call. ents. West McHenry. 111., 1892. 121-2 lbs, winter wheat Graham |f - Flour, 35 cents. 0"- All flour guaranteed or |gt money refunded. X, ';/< Flour delivered to any part ol %f tne village free of charge, f e : « Give vs your orders and we " trill try and please you in quality j5 and price in any flour you might Want. V Eemember the place. Fox River Valley! Roller Mills. OR NO m A 4S- page book free. Addrett W. T. flTZ GJBHALD, Attorney at Law. S>i< itiiu « 5ia., I>. C. ftnd receive free me a _ _ 300 S«1I<1 Leather Ad* Washers, the beet ana cheap- , <»t fat UtO; ib cento for 20. M.H. SAUNDERS, . . Wellington, Ohio SSMfi®. JOHN J. MILLER, WEST McHENRY, ILL, i wm i> To the People of McHenry and Lake Counties: Owing to the continued mild weather we will make you some |extra low prices on the following warm goods. Overcoats, for Men and Boys, i Heavy woolen Suits, Underwear, Hush Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Woolen Hosiery, men's* ladies and children's Felt Boots and Overshoes, also Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, and all other goods in the winter line. We call your special attention to our line of ladies' Fine Shoes, Can show you the finest assortment in the county, also a full line of men's shoes that we are selling at way down prices. A. large stock of Overalls, Jackets and Shirts always on hand. Fresh Groceries every two weeks. The best brands of Flour. Buckwheat, Corn Meal and Graham [ always found here at most reasonable prices. Yours as ever, for business, v. JOHN J. MILLER. West McHenry, Illinois. JSgjH'We have a Bargain in a Base Burning Wood Stove at $15 t^gf~A aurfaco burning Coal Heater at $7 . Heaters. West McHenry, 111., Oct. 14 1891. STOKY k M'OMBEB, JULIA A. BLOBY, (One Door West of Riverside House,) McHENIiY, - - TLIJAOIS. DEALER IN DRUGS , ME D I C I N E S , A FULL LINE OP Drags, Chmicftla, BJI Stofia, Pilate, Oil* and Colors. Constantly in hand. Also a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, JUD COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Fhysiolans .Prescriptions * ' " Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA *. STORY. A splendid NeW Hearse In connection, which will be furnished at Reasonable Bates. JUSTEN BEOS. McHenry, 111., September, 1691. Record 2:21 1-2 ^Notions, At Prices that will astonish you. Groceries, Canned Fruits, China-ware, < Glass-ware, Crockery, Lamps, •i Wall Paper, CONFECTIONERY, . Tobacco, Cigars and 8mok< era* Articles In great Variety. * -0 T R U N K S And Yalises Almost given away. In our hardware department you will find a complete stock of Shelf Hardware, Tinware* Car- pentera' Tools, Cutlery, Harness and Wagon Goods, also Fibbing Tackle, Wool and Seine Twine, Rope,^c., at prices to suit. No. 9701. Wtll b« for service *t th« biirns of George W. Owen, McUenry, Illinois. TERMS. $75. One half payablo in Cash, balance by Note due eix months from service without interest. Interest after due at 8 per cent. "George O "was slreii by Lakeland Atxlallfth 35t. I>y the founder of our trotting bonders, old Ilys'lvkes Hambletnnian, 10. D*m ofGoorKe <) u by Autocrat, a s6n of George M, Patchen, 30, record 2:23)4. She paced at six years ol' a halt niilo in l:06jtf, and nt 17 years a fuii miie in "Geovfr^O." has had v»>-y limited advan­ tages in the stud, nevei having bred a stan­ dard bied mure, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prices. lie sired a two-year-old with a record of 2:48. trial X mile in 1:22 to Road Cart exoses w. owur. Me Henry i Jllinoit, month erpiR, Yioli Strimu, And Violin Repairs, The largest assortment to* be lound in the country. School Books, Stationery, uBrevf&ries and C hurch Goods. Come and see me and you will *3 not go away dissatisfied as to ^ prices and quality of goods. ^1 M. ENGELIF Near the Iron Bridge, j* . McHenry, 111. t;>- - •, • , 'ilv, I L, Mi

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