Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1892, p. 8

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.•"",5*V?' '*lJr% - f I »„ %v .' ^*# * *"*• *?w " ^ V' '• '""k""' *"; < ,^tr 'I '• '• ' V 1 ', >•',. . v - •"« ** ' » 1"„ * 'iv »^.V.V, s,.,i' » «•> f- -' "• < •>'>r~ < *~ 1 « •> * "* • » * * < ^ / K i1 t- * ' „ | -, * % ~ v >. - « " "«P^r ' _«V*^V£~ »£ f( U. OIPAFTTMBNT, i end Notices under the above head feed bjrYhe Ladles of tbtWO. T. tf. titor etttm no pan or eredit for OimiKO HABIT. «i»III ft habit break?" . . . s jas yon did tb*t habit make, ' ^ A* yon gathered, you mnit lo|^ , t" s ,5* jroo vielde l, now refuse THria.; bf t read tha strands we twtifc «Tiil hey W»'rt us neck and wrist; Tfertftd bv thread ihe patie- t hand Mutt ontwioe pre free we •ugfc.:. .Wy- Ae we »>oild -d rto»e by stone,, t i We mast toll, unhelped, alone* " Till the wall is overthrow®. RA §f: w;,y PC: 5$: .«atMm«ft**r,Mf#tfy,.. llgtaterevcy test gees by: | V"i,ding In, th" stream grow# deep V' > i 1 j*I> o the , o. "t's 'oifim r •" W,\ * -**4'; * J»*'W . O f/% ' / - f' •>: i ?*> * ;•* ••. "• v S. 1 *•* ' 'M " * Sti5*«XV- .- • *, <o *?• ! • i .' r 1 «"*• 1' " V e i' <"-* '• '• s-i T *" • • •• t v"\' .' ' Kite-font# ihtf *4• t?in;fle-» si* om»m, IwWt'lMrti'W sh* bridge at tiwt', *• ||g . ; What does Prohibition Mean P . ItTMftaos Wead to hunprrv children, It mean* happiness to sad and overworked women, it means the help of the commun­ ity for men who are struggling with a fearful appetite. ( It means the practical application of ©or prayer, "Lead us not into tempta­ tion," for our sonB and otir friends when they «t»p across the _ threshold of their homes. It means that the government of the State or of the city will not, for dollars and cents, allow men to destroy the hap­ piness of your daughter (or some other man's daughter), whose husband, when not tempted to the uttermost, will prove aithful to his family] and useful to the community. Prohibition means that when drunken mem till their wives and daughters, there trill be no blood-guiltiness on your hands who voted to remoye the opportunity of Intoxication from the inebriate. T. Tvf?f;T;;T. T:TrTrT';-7,";-T; T-vT. ?-;T;~T7T". # rT,HE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach* liver and bowels, purify * the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem­ edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes; Disor­ dered Stomach, Dizziness* Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney Complaints, Liver , Troubles, Loss of Ap­ petite, Mental Depres K-5?J Rash, Painful Diges Blood to the Head, Salt Rheum, Scald Headache, Skin Dis Tired Feeling, Torpid Brash and every other that results from im in the proper perform sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water s y m p t o m o r d i s e a s e pure blood (Mr a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene­ fited by taking one tabule after each meat A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate, i gross $2, j4 gross $1.25, % gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address THE^RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, New York. you purcliaseyour WeVi- ding Presents be sure and look over the fide stock of Watches, Ciock^ A ^ Jewelry, Silver an! f'tted Ware# 'm o i. - i •••• tO pK FOCMD At -r * &' *jk . P, SMITH'S (roods M.H snil fi f - h ^ - I I whell-wofn groods Prices to evsinppte wiM any, quality ;of go ids considered (-all ar d see me before you pur­ chase, I can save you money. JOHN P. SMITH. HcHtnry. 111., NOT. Xt 18(9. ATTVIAIVZOAI! PILLSBUBY • AVD WASHBUBIf Flour Mills Co. K V.K'y: i;. ««• Better than ever before, though always the best. y % We head the list with Pillsbury'a Best at $1.35 per sack Lily of the Yalley, 1.25 '• A No, 1 family flour, 1.15 •• 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat Flour, 60 cents. ' S5 lbs, granulated Corn'Meal, t;;1 50 cents. ,1| 1-2 lbs granulated Corn Meal, v- • 25 cents. w m" fb4. winter wheat Graham '; Flour, 70 cents. 121-2 lbs, winter wheat Graham t Flour, 35 cents. fg" All flour guaranteed or money refunded. Floor delivered to any part ol the village free of charge, ilive Us your orders alnd we will try and please you in quality | and price in any flour you might Remember the place. iver Valley Roller Mills. . S. C7BTZS & SOI, AIHTEEiS iner. Paper Hangers, Kalsominers, Decorators. McHENR F, ILLINOIS. All work promptly done and satisfaction guars«teed. Country work a specialty. Call 0» or address C. 8. Curtis A Son. MiUXMtY, ILLINOIS. A. 48- page book free. Addrest ti W. T. F1TZ GERALD, AUarney at law. •tsvhaad fata., JUIjIA A. iTOBT, l l l l l l l l l DEALER IN ONE DOOR WEST OF BIVEBftlDK HOUSE., Drugs t Medicines A FULL LINE OF Drips, Chemicals, fye Staffs, Faints, Oils & Colors Conetftntly on band. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OF W STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fhysioians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by , a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A, 8TOIlYr Gome and secure some of the ex­ tra inducements we axe offering. J. W. CR1STY & SON, RINGWOOD, ILL. JOHN J. MILLER, WEST McHENRY, ILLh f II » To the People of McHenry and Lake Countie: Owing to the continued mild weather we will make you some extra low prices on the following warm goods. Overcoats, for Men and Boys, Heavy woolen Suits, Underwear, Hush Caps, Gloves and Mitten*, Woolen Hosiery, men's, ladies and children's Felt Boots and Overshoes, also Lap Robes, Horse Blankets. and ail other goods in the winter line. * We call your special attention to our line of ladies' Fine Shoes, Can show you the finest assortment in^the county, also a full line of men's shoes that we are selling at way down prices. $%rge biock oS Ovcialls, Jackots and Shirts always on hand. Fresh Groceries every two weeks. The best brands of Flour. Buckwheat, Corn Meal and Graham always found here at most reasonable prices. Yours as ever, for business, JOHN J. MILLER. West McHenry, Illinois. GEO, W. BESLEY, TO STAT, O A nil, No Mistake. <« HORSE BLANKETS Nearly everjr pattern of % Horse Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, ant so lacks strlfcgth.and while it sells for only a little less than the genu­ ine it isn't worth one-half as much The fact that %. Horse Blanket ire copied is strong evident hat they aro THE STANDaI^ ,d every buyer should' see C \ . > ^ trade ntalk is aev;ec ( •: ..'Inside oflh^::Blanket. / .j,,, bess Electric / I Extra Teal HORSE BL1IIETS• «RF THE STRONGEST STYLES prices to suit even liody. If ycM can't Ml them from your dealer, write us. Ask lot tiic 5/± Book. Yotl -an get it witliout charge WM. AYRES ^ SONS. Ptuladelphtft Headqua rte rs FOR • FURNITURE --JUSTER BROS. - - McHENRY, ILL f**i "• #; ' € * !rV ' i5 * ; v' ,V > 4 i rfi". And we want yrn a]) |e it. iQ r j>'-% we want everybody to «ojoy It, - ; ^hnvf •?p,l*d k«lfe *»*««* rkfd'^M rices all to piicee. - . »J- ' 3 ' ••--" t; 4. . • ^ We want the eaeh, and eneh makes " ""rfx" ' marc fto and i he w tieeie go roand ' " 'Jfe-J> J d m ver falls. * ^ -J •" 4 tWf can undersell anybody, became ?.«/ !/ i <«e«'«our own w« rk we pay no rent f5 n* «»»'•• e^MHpy expeoM-s. boy ^or npot cueh. mr^rd to our own hnaf- .. '* * ^ • 8M «nd »iae>. and give ibe 5--- h 4̂" ̂ ' $ /x I *7m ^ ^ ; .Vj QUICK Sales and ss&najyiroflts^ '2\ ; , i ~A • <' *1 ' '] V -. " i£ it V® "x is ai Stesl Youjvill find our stock of Boots -lllf83 and-»hoes complete in every w«y /( " and In sizes from the emallit iit faut to 'he largest man. With Two Stores, One on the West and one on the Eaat aide, they preaent to the baying public A Larger Stock .. OF ALL kinds of FURNITURE Tbia Fall than ever before, which'we ^re offering at greatly BESUCEO mmr- NO W IS THE TIME TO BUY. We also keep in stock a full ilne of samples of ^ CARPETS, And can give yoa an.vfchlDg from the cheapest to the finest Brussels, at lower prices than any other "house in the county. We have taken great pains in select* ing our VIBE3ZAKIM SlFFIHi COFFINS: CASKETS ft TRIMMINGS. ^ Of the latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothiDg but the best. Do not fall to oall aod s«e us when In want of anything in our line. A splendid New Hearse in connection, which will be furnished at Reasonable Rates. JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, 111., September, 1691. Wits A FULL LINE OF ISt DEALEB IN- DRUGS AND KETONES, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, West BIcHenrj, 111* / PURE VINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL USE, ALSO. BOTTLED ALE AND PORTER FOR MEDIOAL USbJl The best brands of Cigars and smokog and chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions' Carefully compounded. Give me a call. West McHenry. 111., 1892. GEO. W, BE8LBY| Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, | HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROdERIES. Etc. 1 It is no use to make a noise about what you are going to do, un­ less you are prepared to dp it whence time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. Real Bjarga ns of great value to every one of our i ustomers. .1 i . . . ; My stock is complete in every departinent and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a General £tore. Call ahd look us over/whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, I McHcury, Sept 22d, Record 2i2 No. 9701. SEATS' «& 0AP§ In Great Variety. --*t , GLOVES and MITTENSI A new line, but they will have to £• at the lowest possible prices. Underwear, Notion*, At Prices that will astonish you. Groceries, Canned Fruits, China-ware, • Glass-ware, Crockery, Lamps, Wall Paper, CONFECTIONERY, Tobacco, Cigars and Smok­ ers' Articles In great Variety. T R U N K S And Valises Almost given away. UAH D WAXEIU In our hardware department y you will find a complete stock of Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Car­ penters' Tools, Cutlery, Harness & » " nd Wagon Goods, also Fibhing Tackle, Wool and Seine Twine, Rope, <&c., at prices to suit. Booth Organs, Violin Strinp, And Violin Repairs# The largest assortment to b* tound in the country. ^ Will be for service at the barna of George tT. Owen, MoHenry. Illinoti. TERMS.S75. One batf payable In Cash, balance by Note due six months from service without Interest. Interest after <lue at 8 per cent. "GeorpteO." was siren by Lakeland Abdallah 351. by the founder of our trotting viondcrs, old ltyBiiyWCH Unmbletomnn, 10. Dam of George O. is by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, 30, record 2:23^, She paced at six years ol > a half mile in 1:06X, ant! "t I? years a full mile !« 2:2". "GeorgpO." has had xr> y limited advan­ tages in the stud, nevei having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell for long prices. desired a two-year-old with a record of trial # mile in 1:22 to Road Oart MiBmru, lUinoU. oxobu w. own. School Books, Stationery, Breviaries and Chugob £rv<Mto. Come and see me and you will not go away dissatisfied at to prices and quality of goods* M. ENGELN Near Che Iron Bridge, McHenry, HI, 3s

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