Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1892, p. 5

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i v - 'i5MBji| OF ZLLOfOXS. GOBSORY FRUTT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1892. _ Tftklpg effect on *nnday, Sept. Utk, IBM Trains pass this at&tion as follows : OOIHO HOBTB. ?*j'k Pwirtt Arrive 4; PWttUamaBMjr freight preset. ? f Lake Geneva PaMenger " . iVf Lake (tornv* Express , *Lake Geneva Piantoglr •« .. , oofia SOUTH. . JMoHenry Pauenger Depart . jfUk^ Geneva Passu gr passes PLake Geneva Express «• * Williams Bay freight '• •Lake Geneva Piwaeuger . :i, • . •• • ^ EXPLANATION. %" *c viC6i>i Sua $ Sunday* only. 7:90 A. M. 9:1C " #:56 " 4:80 P. M •:M " ...7:S0 •• ....8:42 " .. .1:80 P. M. ... .8:96 » Moitenry, hi ; MASONIC. •.^JFOHWWR LODOK, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M,-- ttegular Communication a the second and •north Mondays in each month. W. A. OBISTT W. M. •• ANNQUNCBMK1STS. , I hereby announce myself a candidate s;' far the office of State's Attorney of this county, subject to the decieion of the $vpwb!lb&u Couuty CoBTvutiOii. ; : „ A. B. COON. A ^ JU ) * 1 ^ ^ -I hereby announce myself a candidate "for the office of Circuit Clerk of this county, subject to the decision of the | Republican <tounty Convention. fe - ^ - • . w. p. Moms. TY " - . / *OK COUNTY SURVEYOR,, J nerefry' anounce myself as a candidate * |®r the office of County Serveyor, of MCHenry county, subject to the decisio* the Republican County Convention. V „' CHARLES H. TBYON. ^ ! NUNDA TOWN COLLECTOR, _ .1 hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the office of Collecter of the Town of Nunda, subject to the decision of the voters of said Town. . G, L. HUBBARD. r: " The i CAUCUS. eP legal voters of the Town are requested- to meet in To Caucus, at the City Hall, in the village if McHenry, on SATURDAY, MARCH 19t li, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of putting in nomination candidates for Town Officers, to be supported at the com ing Town Meeting, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. ORDER OF TOWN COMMITTER. COMPOSITOR WANTED. £s'vlt good competent compositor can find ft situation by applying immediately at this office. Also Boy wanted to learn the Trade. yfiPpiAi^ ^ F. L. McOMBiWr attended to Chicago on Monday. MRS. E. LAWMIS visited witjh friends in Chicago last week. ARCHIE ELDBEDOK SI OB the eick hat - thisweel^;:;;;\ * HON. J . C. DONNBIA*, of Woodstock n,^M" -„»a X UWJUtty, Mnffi AMY OWEN returned bom her visit m Chicago on Saturday last. SHERIFF UDELL was attending to Hum, neea in this village one day last week. CLARENCE GRANGER, from the southern part of this State was visiting with Hon. F. K. Granger last week. P. T. Rows and wife, of Hebron, were the guests of Dr. H. T. Brown and wife one day this week. E. A OSTRANDER and wife, of Janesville, Wis., attended ibe iuoerai of C. W. Slafter, in this Tillage, on Monday. Miss JULIA STORY has been suffering from an attack of La Grippe, the past wpGk, but is now reported better. I LE^WAITE, who has been quite sick rfor some time,is able to be on the streets vjgain. MRS. O. N. OWEN, who has been in Elgin the past six weeks, at the bedside of her sister, returned home last week. GEO. W. OWRN HTH^ WIFS ABA IM TO Owen and wife, attended the funeral of Miss Lul'i Babbitt, at Elgin, on Wednes­ day last. • THE Literary Club will meet with Mr.and Mrs. C. H. Albrecht, Wednesday even* ing, March 16th, at 8 o'clock. All are invited to attend. _ F. M. OVBRAKKB. President. JUUA k, 8TO*T, Seoretair. Come One Come All I 3ee what the spider has in his 4eb for yon. "If at first you don't succeed try try again." At G. W. Uealey's, Thursday evening, March 17th, 1892. An interest­ ing programme has been prepared. Tracing of each string 15 cents. Supper 10 cents extra^ DIED.--At his residence in this village) on Saturday evening, March 12th, 1892, of Consumption, CHARLES. W. -SLAFTER, aged 29 years 4 months and 8 days. His funeral was held from the Methodist Bt WILLIAM A. NASON SI. D. ^fhe study of crime, and of the relation of criminals to society at large, has be­ come a very interesting and important r»? orsninil r-t ^ '5T J numerous, aud their HabjecUi of study are so abundant that it can bo pursued al­ most everywhere. Ever sincf mankind began to gather themselves together into communities it has been noticed that in every such com­ munity there were certain aberrant men and women who avoided the duties they owed to the community in which they were placed, and devoted themselves to personal gain without giving therefor an equivalent. These aberrant members of the community were those who would not conform to the habits and customs of their law abiding neighbors and contrib­ ute their quota of work or action to the general good, but were those who selfish- ly applied their energies solely to self aggrandizement regardless of the rights of others, They were the robberB, ^ the thieves, the purloiners of more industri­ ous and rightminded persons' ^oods,and made thpir living at the expense of their fellow men. Then there was another class who were equally aberrant in that they would not subject themselves to the restraints nec­ essary for the good of\the community. Theywere the men of vicious desires and ungovernable passions who, thinking only of self and self gratification, devel­ oped a personal grudge against all who interfered in any way with their vicious and wilful mode of life. They were the murderers and criminals who never hesi­ tate under thtjf influence of their desires or passions to commit acts of vioieuue or any other crime against the person of those who opposed them. Societjnias ever held within its lines, both those classes of rebels against its rules and thus has been established the two great criminal, classes, of those who commit crimes agillfW property, and of those who commit crimes against the person Of the prevalence of criminals of both kinds, history, and especially legal his­ tory, furnishes abundant proof. Victor Hugo, in his immortal work, "Les Miser- fcuntta sJo 2sai, meets on the second lennh Tnesuiiy evening* ot each month i»i ti A. It. Hail. Oomra-tes|>«>m other t*oat« are «'«><»i lly invited to visit" Po.-u meetings, W. I*. »T. UI.AWK, Commander, W K. PRICKKT A-tj t«nt Church, on Monday afternoon, Rev. Geo. w ^ ^ Wells, officiating, and wa&attended by a liable" has illustrated graphically the deep large concourse of relatives and sympa- [significance of the relations of the crimi- thizing friends. An obituary will appear [nal classes to society in general. He por- in these columns next week. DON'T forget the Caucus, at the City Ball, on Saturday next,, at o'clock, P. M. ' ARE you going to attend the Cobweb Social, at G. W. Besley's, on Thursday to-morrow, evening. All are invited. FRESH FISH of all kinds at Howar Market, West Side, every Friday. All Choice brands of Oysters, by the can bslk. Call and see what he has. MARRIED.--At Woodstock, March 1( 1892, by Rev. R. K. Todd, Mr. Abrahan} S. Ward and Miss Georgiana Draper, both of Nunda. •J trays not only the individual criminal, comnianuing intTuenee it Oxerls in Ui development and growth, but also world of journalism, the editor bus dctef the intricate web of criminality which mined after mature deliberation to |4ac« , . . . ,, , this paper on a CASH basis. 1 perlpeawS And llltonftCflft th6 whol© social The subscription 1 rice of the. Blizzard world, and any student of human nature hereafter will be $1.25. CASH IN ADVANCE V _ . . , _ . No names will be placed on the books social questions, finds abundant le?",the accompanies the order. % proof of the truth of Hugo's observations When the time of any subscriber has ex * _ . ,. paper will be stopped unless ui soon as he investigates the 'seamy AUGUST BUCHOLTZ, the Tailor has 'moved his shop to the rooms over Hea- man Bros, store, where he will be pleased to see all his old customers and as many .new ones as see fit to call. ATTENTION is called to the new adver­ tisements of Simon Stoffel and John Evanson &Co., West McHenry, and J. W. Ctisty & Son', Ringwqod. to be found ; in another place in this paper. , AN Iowa subscriber in making a remit­ tance adds the following postscript: "N. B. If there is a sewing machine, thrash­ ing machine or saw mill goes with this subscription, never mind sending them, a61 just wish to get the news from the town ! left years ago," / PARTIES were here last week looking up ~F.*G. MAYES, Ton n Clerk. /3os. HEIMER, who we noticed last week pa having purchased the McHenry House 'property, has taken possession and com­ menced the repairs, which •We understand will be of quite an extensive nature. He proposes to make it a popular resort for Hunters, Fisherman and Sportsmen gen­ erally. Boats, Fishing Tackle and all sportsmen's supplies will be kept for the uw of his guests. When the repairs are completed it will be a great improvement to that part of the town. Teacher's Meeting. During the month of March, examina­ tion of Applicants for teachers' license will be held at the following places: Woodstock, March 12,1892. ( /a location to start a Milk Condensing, good repair. For f Works. They proposed to put in a laf^T Ta^inquire at this office, plant and employ from 50 to 150 mi This is what McHenry needs, and su an institution would be of great benefit to both the village aqji surrounding country. We shall have more to say in \ jnelaiion to this next week. v • : w \ c< ISAAC JECKS, an old and highly respect- i ed citizen of this town, died at his resi­ dence, three miles west of this-village, on Thursday night last. His disease was sdmeold trouble that hpd been bother­ ing him for years. He was a man highly respected by all who knew him, and one who will be missed in the community where lie lived. ^ • •,}/ ./ CllWfOll. The pastor will treat the following su^> m* on the dates named, in the evening^ Should circumstances interfere with the discussion of any of the subjects, that will not interfere with the following dates, and the one omitted will in that case be taken up after the others. 1. Divine Revelation. March 20. $. The Authority and Use of Sin.* March M |. IB Punishment Eternal ? Aprils. • '. '14. Come Out From Among Them. A^ril 10. ' 5. If a Man 1KB ShaD he Live Again? April 17, A. M. ' V;J «. 70 x 7-- April 24. 7. Modem Infidelity. B. Rom. 6-4, 5. Ma >. A Cloud and its Silver Lining 15. 10. A Valley of Dry Bonee.~.May2% Ton are invited to come. '? 8. ^ •% May v Barb Wire is cheap this spring. Don't "* ':M|iect the fences but put them in order with Eli or the S. barb wire bought right Harvard, Marengo, Huntley, Nunde, McHenr.v, Richmond, Hebron,. 14, 15, 16, i7' 18, 19, 21, Examinations to commence promptly at 9 o'clock A. M. Applicants mvst be on time. ̂ W. E. WIRE, CO. Supt. of Schools. FOR SALE. A house and two lots, situated in the Tillage of McHenry. House contains seventeen rooms and is suitable for one, two or more families. Is well located and all in good repair. For further particu- pired his R, order for renewal is received, accoiupiiai^ side" of life as it is called. by the cash. ^ ^. This is the last number that will be sen Accepting as we must the fact that to subscribers who are in arrears. crimes are daily being perpetrated, and At the end of one month from this date U,L .. . . . . . , . ' also the fact that criminals exist, and 'Are ever ready to act for the detriment of man both individually and socially, it becomes a matter for the state, as legis- latorbfor the good of its citizens, to take cognizance of, and try to regulate these troublesome elements of society. To do this two courses are open, one to arrest and punish all who commit criminal offences, and the other by enacting laws establishing police surveillance, and the adoption of such modes of punishment fo» those convicted of crime, as will deter others from committing like criminal acts. To accomplish theee ends a study of the criminal classes becomes necessary. For records and observation both prove that the classes of men who commit crime are ever possessed of similar quali­ ties of mind and body. That is, that the average criminal who: commits a bur­ glary, has a class of physical and mental peculiarities similar to the average of all burglars. And so on through other classes of crime and wrong doing. And some investigators even claim that by certain features of physiognomy alone, the criminal by nature may be recognized and the kind oftcrime he will commit be predicted. Investigation, at present is very active in this direction, and valua­ ble results must be evolved from such studies. There i« net room in this article to go very analytically into this subject, but for purposes of illustration the whole class of criminals may be divided into three groups. First, the brutal or ani­ mal type; second, the vicious or persist­ ant type; third, the neak or uncertain type. # The first, or brutal type, we can easily picture, the purely animal face, retreating forehead, small brain, thick lips, coarse features, stolid look, and unintelligent expression. Having none of the higher faculties of man, he has no moral or men­ tal hesitancy to keep him from crime. His momentary animal desires are his guide to action. He murdera for slight selfish reasons, or sacrifices life or prop­ erty to gratify momentary animal pas­ sion, and has no scruple for bis act, only a purely animal dread of discovery and punishment. His crimes are largely against the person. Our second group, the vicious type, make up the mass of criminals. They are the class of criminals who steal, forge, pick pockets, a^d occasionally kill to es­ cape detection/ They realize their vicious acts as criminal, but persevere in them through a vicious perversity of their moral and intellectual nature which they do not attempt to throw off. Detection and punishment have no permanent effect on this"ol£i88. They constitute the class who serve repeated terms in our peniten­ tiaries, and are permanently criminals. Their crimes are largely against prop­ erty. This class of criminals often per­ petuate themselvps through a line of de- cendents. Several notable examples of families of (his type having heen discov­ ered as filling certain American States They make up the army of \profeseionat criminals, and are frequently jknen of shrewd wit and fair education. (To be Continued.) * FOR SALE. The place known as the James Sutton place, situated in the village of McHenry. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire of JOHN KNOX. FOR several years I was troubled with catarrh, erysipelas, and other diseases coming from impure blood. I had receiv­ ed very little relief from physicians when my attention was called to Red Clover Blossoms, as nature's own remedy for all blood disorders. I drank the tea made from the pressed blossoms, very faith­ fully for several months and was perma­ nently cured. I believe Red Clover, to be the bpst, known remedy for the blood. » MRS. E. J. CARLS, .•J**'-*"' 279 Oak Street. Chicago. ' Try a sack of Good Nuff flour 95c, Honest Abe, 1.10, Rival, 1.10, Ciscoette, 1.10, New Process, 1.20, Geneva, 1,30, Pillsbury's Best, 1.35, buckwheat, corn meal and graham at lowest prices. 22 pounds granulated sugar, 1.00. Good roasted coffee, 18c. 8 pounds good tea dust,1.00. 12 cans choice fruit, 1.00. ") ¥onnt truly, SIMON STOFBEL. *?"; CEMETERY WORK. Nick Winkles is now prepared to do work in the Cemetery on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Lots cleaned, raised, sodded and put in first class shape at" reasonable rates. Residence a few rods northof Cemetery. 50,000 DOZEN EGGS WANTED, For which we will pay highest market price in cash or trade. We wiH consider Prisons, it a special favor if farmers will bring their eggs here, and those who do not wish to trade with us will promptly re­ ceive their cash and uo quest ions esked. We are in the cold storage business hence the announcement. Bring the egprs and Republican Caucus next Saturday March 19th. Under the new law there wiii iwiiu niditjp wiu<ii<lAtes so Jet every voter attend the Caucus and get the right men nominated. The Sons of Veterans Basket Sociable held last Wednesday evening in G. A. R. Hall was a success considering the in­ clement weather. It is to be repeated some time in the near future, and we are told in some other style. Mr. L. Munch's team took fright at the milk stajul Friday morning and ran away thPdwipu Mr. Munch out as they ran down the Railroad bank. We believe no serious damage was done. Nunda is the best producing town in McHenry county. It has the largest crop of candidates of any town in the county yet heard from; | George Erwin is reported slightly better. » The flour and feed store* appear to be doing a lively business. Is it best to consolidate Nunda and PpTTClftl I T ol^A MIL • V K VW* AJU.&A.V. VUI PWT U14UII3 * 1 DOI TJ some talk both for and against such a move. There will be some aiea ieaidencea built in Nnnda village tbi& J»a#n. We arc the Scss of Veterans se­ cured the services of the popular Auc: tioneer, H. B. Troop to sell their baskets and they brought outside prices. • Members of the W. R. C. are invited to an old fashioned quilting at Mrs. Capt. Beckley's Wednesday March 16th. It is reported that Mrs. John Marshall is very sick. Mrs. Hartman returned from B trring- ton Saturday, where she has been for some time past. She will remain here for a short time. Most of the sick are reported better. We are now having pare unadulterated March weather. J. P. Beardsley, and an old resident of this place, and now a resident of Larned, Kansas, who has been visiting his brother N. Beardsley and friends hereabouts, re­ turned home last week. D. L Barney formerly one of our popu­ lar business men, but/who j8 now travel­ ing for the Detroit /stove works, made his family a flying visit Friday of last week. Prof. Grimes visited the city Saturday. Also Mrs. S. D. Gates and Miss Pomeroy. Georgia St. Clair left Saturday morn­ ing for a shore visit with her'sister at Hyde Park, Illinois. Sheriff Udell was in town Monday. Geo. W. Smith from Pennock, 111., was here last week Supervisor *. Gracy t$as in town on Mondeay andlrented the Mrs. Stewart farm. \ Mr James Whyte visited in Elgin over Sunday. < Eugene Andrus camel opt from the city Sunday. ) Victor Goodwin, of Elgin, was seen on our streets Monday. Some of our townsmen are engaged in a wolf hunt We haven't heard of any being caught. Mr. Irving Miller has gone to Richmond to do some artistic work for Mr. Wray. Irving is a first class workman. We are for W. P. Morse for Circuit Gierk. ' " 8. S. Shepprd would make a good Collector for the town of Nunda. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on the Coinpton farm 1% piles North of Volo, and 2 miles South or tin Big Hollow Factory, on Monday, March 21.1891,commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. the following property: 1 llambletonian Morgan stellion, sire of Jockey and many other fast ones, 1 Ilambletotiian Morgan driving horse, 5 years old, 1 good farm horse, 1 riding or driving pony, 1 5 year old colt, broke single and double, weight 1300 lbs., 1 farm wugon, I spring wAgon, 1 drag, I mower, 1 single buggy, 1 speeding cart, 1 light driving harness, 1 buggy pole, 1 single harness nearly new, 3 set horse blankets, 00 fine chickens, 2 shot guns, household furniture and other articles too mumer- ous to mention. The usual free lunch at noon. TERMS.--All sums of $10 and under cash; over that sum a credit of one year will be given on approved notes at 0 per cent interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No projierty removed until settled for. ^ BEN. M. COSSMAN. F. K. GRANGER Auctioneer. MISS MYRTLE BRILL, Of Chicago, will resume her class in Music in this village and vicinity, commencing Thursday, .Ian. 21st, 1892, and will meet her pupils Thursday, Friday and Satur­ day of each week thereafter. Would be pleased to meet all her old scholars and fu* innnr U6W QD6S &.& niBy wish to tfiks lessons." MV^TLE BRILL. ffiisieiiroiiil at Besley's. Call and Pillsbury's Best seldom equaled Aevetv Try it only #1.3*. ̂, Cristy & ,, .s .HJr3e For Carpets, Wall Paper;'Curtains, etc. gp^only to S. Stoffel's. ti V^ELECTRIC BITTERS. Tm^remedy is becoming so wt nd sa popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric sing the same song of praise:--A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran­ teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneye, will remove pimples, boils, Bait rheum and other affections caused by impure blood, Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction jruaranteed or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $ 1 per bottle at G. W. Bes­ ley's drug store. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best*SaTve*7n~the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, Tetter, chapped hands, ohilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo. W. Besley. SUDDEN DEATH. The papers are full of sudden deaths. If you have choking sensations, flutter­ ing, pain or tenderness in chest, faint easily, take Dr. Miles' New Cure for the heart, and so escape death, as did Henry Brown, druggist of Cleveland, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. No healthy person need fear any dan- gerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the game as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and eomplete recov­ ery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it during the epilfmies of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneu­ monia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale toy G. W. Bedey, druggist, { k* Ajfr J* . ALOOMQUIN. EDITOR PLAANWR&F.ENMr. and Mrs C. E. Chapett attended the funeral of Miss Lulu Babbitt^ at Elgin, on Wednesday of last week. 4 Fred Kays met with quite an accident on Friday of last week. He put a ladder against the bam and climbed up to watch the Hbntley cheese factory burning, when the ladder broke and ho fall, striking on his hands and face, injuring him quite badly. * John Ray wood, living west of this town, fell from a load of corn stalks on Saturday last, dislocating one of his shoulders. Miss Ida Morton spent Saturday last with friends in Elgin. John Church, of Crystal Lake, called on Mrs. Wm. Morton one day last week. There was a Peoples' Caucus held ,at the Morton House on Saturday last, and the following ticket was put in nomina­ tion : Town Clerk, V. N. Ford: Assessor, Willet Phillips; Collector. Ed. Kern; Highway Commissioner, Harry Hamil- jT°wnCommittee for next year, C. KW. Wandrack, L. A. Boomer and John Beeler. • Funeral services we* held at the Con­ gregational church, mn Sunday last, over the remains of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bogart. Mrs. S^ru Seiberi, of Barrington, was the guest of Mm Helm on Monday of this week. J Our photogxaph gallery has opened up ^for business and now is the time to get the picture of your beet girl. The Ladies Aid Society of the Congre­ gational Church will meet with Miss Annie Kee on Wednesday of next week. John Elbert, who has been working for Joseph Johnson for some time, moves with his family to Elgin this week. The infant child of Fred Borchyrt died of eclampsia infantum last Thursday. Mrs. V. N. Ford has beeu confined to her bed for some days through sickness following la grippe. Amelia Adamek ha&had am attack of lagrippe. VOLO. '•™M •*LAIXI>EALBR Miss tfffie Hu- son, oi Waukegan, is vision* with E. L. Huson and family for a few days. Supervisor Raymond has been attend­ ing a meeting of the Board the last week. He returned home on Saturday last. Born, in \ olo, to Mr. and Mrs. Lumely, a daughter. Mother and daughter are getting along as well as could be ex­ pected. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Walton, a daughter. Mother and child are doing well. The Hotel at Volo is open to the trav eling public. Meals by tne day or week Proprietor, Jacob Wirtz. The Feed Mill, in Volo, is running to its fullest capacity every afterpdom Pro­ prietor, A. J. Raymon S. O. Wilson and family have moved back on their farm. They have been liv ing in Chicago for the past year. * Boss ft Co. t«wd, V SEED TIME AND HARVEST. A\good harvest can only be reaped from good Seed. We have for years carried in stock and do now, a full assortment of Garden and Field Seeds of all kinds, Seed Corn, etc., at prices always right. S. STOFFEL Now is the appointed time to buy your Wall Paper for the assortment is com- fi'ete and it will do your eyes good to ook it over at J. W. Cristy & Sons'g. GET MARRIED, But flrsTlbuy your outfit for yourself and your intended of 8 Stoffel. Quite a trade bteese is going on this week at Evanson's, on the West side. Overcoats, Cloaks, Underwear, and such warm goods needed for next winter at 25 per cent discount. Do you want any at these prtoes? Ifsostepove. GENTS. If you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do you a splendid job. To the Publlo. Having sold out my Jewelry tmetaees I am now devoting my entire time to selling Pianos and Organs, and wish to say to the public that when in wjafnt of either a Piano or Org-an, ,1 can furnish you with any of the leading Pianos or Organs made, at the lowest prices the same can be bought anywhere, and guar­ antee them just as represented. I have been in business many years, and can refer to hundreds who have purchased in­ struments from me. A residence of over fifty years in the county, and thirty years in the Piano business entitles m^J^i^laim some knowl­ edge of the business. Then we say if you want either a Piano or Organ come and see us before you buy of any irresponsi­ ble traveling agent, who only wants your money for inferior instruments. I keep and deal in none but the best, and am prepared to guarantee what I say. \ 0. W. OWEN. McHenry, ill , Feb. 8,1892. "The Racket se« it. NICE tine of Pipes, juBt reciivsd, at Barbian Brothers. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigai* and Tobacco,sat Barbian Bros. Buy your Spring Suits from the best store in town. That is at S. Stoffel's. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. . .. FOR SALE. A House, Barn and four Lot*, in West McHenry. House in good repair and in k a desirable location. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE CHEAP. Two "George 0." colts 5, years old, well matched. Call on O. & Owen at Bank of McHenry. : < We are putting give-away prices on some articles, simply to close them out. Tbey must go. & JLVW. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. lit. , DON'T BE AFRAID To try the Family Flour from the Fox River Vaiiey itoller Mills, $ 1.15 per sackf cash. Every sack warranted or money refunded. As a special feature we are now offer' ing a large assortment of «haf!g at prices, that merit yonr inspection, J. W. CRISTY & SON. DO NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we e»n fix dates for you at this office. Can you use a barrel of Pillsbaiy'i Best at $5.40 cash If so, leave yonr order at mill to be delivered. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is for three sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks oa his books all the time. St. Patrick' s Pills arecarefnlly prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill thai can be produced. We sell them. Besley, Druggist. SEED BARLEY FOR SALEiii The subscriber has a quantity of seed barley for sale. One years growth from New York seed. Warranted pure and free from all foul seeds. Also'shell corn on sale at lowest price. / F. K. GRANGER. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest^, surest, 80 doses for 25 centa. {temples at Geo! W. Besley's Are too toy tews week reeemBir fkotv* SPUING STOCK To tell ot the \ v -- They are offering. Suffi e It w say, their prices were never &o low, and their new ETrw^|§J» , ^ 1 NEWSPAPERS ENDORSE . -- i "Educators are certainly the greatest remedy is becoming so well knowfi- benefactors of the race, and after reading n"nnl°" "" i 0r pranklin Miles' popular works, can­ not help declaring him to be among the most entertaining and educating auth­ ors."-- New York Daily. He is not a stranger to our readers as his advertisements appear inourcolumns in every issue, calling attention to the fact that his elegant work on Nervous and Heart Diseases is distributed free by our enterprising|druggists. Trial bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine are given away, also book of Testimonials showing that it is unequaled for Nervotls Prostration, Headache, Poor Memory, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Hysteria* Fits, Epilepsy, We want eveiy mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarse­ ness from the start. After that a pecu­ liar cough is developed, which is followed by the croup, The time to aet is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and f 1.00 bottles for>nale by G. W. Besley. y FELL DEAI* These words are very familiar to our readers, as not a day passes without the report of the sudden death of some promt inent citizen. The e explanation is heart disease. Therefore beware if yauhave any of the following symptoms: iSHBrt breath, pain in side, smothering spells, swollen ankles, asthmatic breathing, weak and hungry spells, tenderness in shoulder or arm, fluttering of heart or irregular pulse. These symptoms mean heart disease. The most reliable remedy is Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which has saved thousands of lives. Book of testi­ monials free at all drug stores, where the Jiew Heart Cujre isgtlso «ol% ,;\U. m FOR RENT. The undersigned offers for rent 55 or 60 acres of choice tillable land, situated one-half mile south of McHemy village. For particulars call on V MICHAEL CLARY. McHenry, Feb. 9,1892. 81 w8 PILLSRURY'S Beet XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., bakes more bread, "hakes whiter bread, bakes better bread than any other flour manufactured. If you are not us ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Buy. no other. For sale nt the Fox River Vaiiey Mills, McHenry, III We believe that the Lily of the Valley Flour at $ 1.30 per sack is eqlial to any flour offered at #1.45 in McHenry. Leave your order for a trial sack and if not found as represented your money will be refunded. Remember the Fox River Roller Mill. You can find some most beautiful hand painted China at J. A. Story's. There art a few choice vases, pitchers, etc., of the "Royal Worcester" Ware, selected expressly for the Christinas trade and they are perfect in both design and workmanship. Do not fail to see them. GENTLEMEN. Call in and see the beautiful sample clothes for spring and summer styles. M. Born & Co., merchant tailors, of Chi­ cago, 111., have appointed E. Lawlus, as agent to take orders and measure men for suits, pants or vests. Most of us know the good*, the low prices and the splendid fitting garments are first class in every respect. E^XAWLUS, /McHenry 111. Our readers will notice the advertise­ ments in these columns of Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, Iowa. From personal experience we can say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has broken up bad colds for our children and we are acquainted with many mothers in Centerville who would not be without it in the house for a good many ttoies its cost and are recommejadihgit^every day.--Centerville (S. D.) Chronicle and Mmlex. 25 cent, ~~>0 cent and fl.00 bottles for sale by ", W. Besley. ' Mr. C. W. Reed, proprietor of the Helot Dellone, Omaha, one of the finest new and modern hotels in the west, says of Chamberlain's Cough remedy: "We have used it in our family for years, with the most satisfactory result, especially for our children, for colds and croup. It can be depended upon; besides it is pleasant to take and seems to be free from chloro­ form, and the oily substances put into many cough mixtures." 25 cent, 50 cent and #1 bottles for sale by G. W. Besley, druggist. " _______ * MILES' NERVE AND LIYEB PILLS. Act on a new principle--regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,, constipation. Une­ qualed foremen, women, and children. Smallest,'mildest, surest. 50 doses, 25c. Samples free at all drugstores. Julia A. Story's Looals. You will save money by buying Cas- caria for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under the name of Castoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in­ stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, science ttfHhes us to add Iodide of Potassium, Siuiingia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle and pur­ ify your blood, Instanter, for tooth ache, it will stop it We wish to call special attention to our new line of Birthday Cards. Also latest designs in writing tablets and very fine stationery just received. Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal Loaenges, if troubled with indigestion. It will soon be time when you jvill not wish a roaring fire for a little quick heat. Get an Alcahol Lamp and save time trouble and money. We have all kinds. A few beautiful designs left in our Crockery list, of Fruit Plates at reduced prices, who will get then*;.. ^ -;-j ;•«_ Clothing, Wall Paper, Curtains, Carpets, j New spring atjlw tasoft * itUT Are not to be equated. Wehaveafow more pain of those Shoes at about 1-3 off the legnlar price, an this week add several palT' Come in and look them oven v - w* if: , vTt T C* Now is time to take advantage of the extreme iow prices on Flour. I^T* Re member we curry Pillsbury's Beal, Honest Abe, and other choice brands at the lbw$||:,^rices w. , 4 KJvtfl -vt; Oft •;>&} i • 4 «T" We are sole agent* for IS. Stout'<* patent •« Sna Proof** Kubber B ot, the bes Rubber Boot in the world tor all uses where hard service is required. Made of Pure Para liubber, the best known. Call and see them before purchasing, wd will ia-ii shdw Ihiem to you. ^ We also handle the best F< and Knit boots on the marficet, with two oi three different grades ot rubbers to go with themi at lowest cost prices. "A • * v Jfflon very traly, V • Perry & Owen ̂ General Merchants* MtHMJSMY, ILL. • i; PERRY:<LIOWEN. (Bankers. MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. This Jiank receives deposits, ty and sells Foreign aud Domestic JB3t» change^ and does a „ General Banking Bntteest* We endeavor to do ali ,hmiHes» e*- trmted to our care in a manner emd upon te.-ms entirely mtisfmt&w to omr customers and respeetfiii^f lo&eft ifti public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Heal Estate and other finA rftifj security SpeckU attention given lo«ef* lections^ INbURAKCB first Ckm . Oomp I i In Lowest Rates. ' \ Yo*r» *pecttulty * owrcac* KOTAftY/ PU»U% a * . . J , J " ? , . * , . . « . . . l i e s * . . . j S u f c l

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