T; U, DEPARTMENT and Notifies umtcr the atmvft head irm*iie<i by the Laities of the W. O. T. U. lie Editor claims no part or credit for kmc. ft'- te rn. fwy * . ' THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet, with #re. Dr. Brown, Thursday after Bon, April Tth, 1892, at half past two «'-doA. •* ' MBS I-. E. BRNHRTT, Presi«i»»t. MU. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. Shut up the Dram Shops. We ask m»m of evory shade of politics, Of every creed iu religion, to join us in our earnest efforts to stop the liquor trafie and seal up the dram shops. It is unreasonable and arbitrary to demand a law which shall squelch tin1 cause of the effect we a!l deplore. Here is a mau who contributes nothing towards his* own support; he is a tax and a ritaisance, vi brating between the grog-shop and the station house. Sober men have to foot his bills, support his family, suffer the in fliction of his bad habits, and run the risk of his torch and his knife. Now is this a fair and square condition of things? Shall the innocent be burdened with the sins of the guilty? That man would take care of himself and of those who de pend upon him, if the liquor shops were dosed. He would contribute his share of tax toward the support of the institu tions bt government, and he would cease to be a scarecrow in soeiety. Now rum lights his torch; rum nerves his arm to strike the innocent; rum fires the tempter which make his mouth break out in erup tions of wicked speech; ruin sharpens the blade of assassination. We ask for a law of prohibition which shall say without circumlocution, "No man shall poison another man: no man shall sell to an other that which will deprive his mind of reason aud his heart of feeling." We de mand prohibition because it is in accord ance with the laws of self-preservation-- first law of nature; because is is practical and has worked wonders of reform where it has been carried into execution; be cause the tax-payers and all the decent members of society, and the w ives and children of all, are entitled to its protec tion; because even the dram-sellers and their drunken victims will be benefitted by it; and because it is in unison with the high and holy enactments of God in the Ten Commandments. There we find no half-Way law, no license for the commit ting of sin. "Thou shalt not steal," is the language of the Scriptures. He who receives nujpe^" without returning an equivalent steals. The rum-seller does not give an equivalent for the money he receives; hencevhe steals. We ask onr human legislators to echo the divine leg islation, and say to the dealers in rum, "Thou shalt not steal." Thou shalt npt make thy neighbor steal. "Thou shalt not kill" by selling that which does kill a hundred thousand victims a year. Pro hibition is a translation of the sixth com mandment into human law, "Thou shalt not kill"--not even for five hundred, or five thousand dollars. "Thou shalt not kill" with arsenic, nor with alcohol, by degrees or suddenly, in the city nor in the eountry. This is prohibition. We want to prohibit vice and crime,' theft and murder, and all the evils which flow from Intemperance. p. m r P; : . t- > i > ; m V • CHEATING I" HORSE BLANKETS Nearly every pattern ef Hors* Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation lopks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells lor only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that & Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that tile trade mark is sewed OO inside of the Blanket. I mm / m Five Mils *5/A-- ; 1%0I Extra T««M \ / * *Baker HORSE RLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST, 10& 6/A STYLES prices Id suit everybody. If you can't gel titem from your dealer, write us. Ask for Book. YOB can gel it without charge * WM. AYRES £* SONS. Philadelphia J. R. SAYLOR & ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A UTTLE GOES A LONG WAYS because shoes r.noc Macfcorvd with it can IKJ kept dean by washing them with water, l'eople in moderate circunstances find it profitable to bey it at 20c. a bottle, because what they spend for Blacking they save in ehoe leather. < It is the cheapest blacking considei ing its quality, and yet wt. want to sell it cheaper if it can be done. We will pay $10,000 Reward for a recipe that will enable us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a price that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. This offer is open until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Old furniture painted with PIK-RON (this is the name of the paint), looks life stained And varnished neu> furniture. One coat will do it A child can apply it. You can change a pine to a walnut, or ft,cherry to mahogany; there is no limit to your fancies. All retailers sell it. man To say that his wife csn't mskc as good bread as his Mother did. CILLETT'S ^Q/c> tt't . T^HE RIPANS TABULES regulate tae stomach, liver and bowels, purify * the Hood, arc pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor* dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, FSul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney mplaints, Liver „• r.,, . .•ifr. Troubles, Loss of Ap- sion. Nausea, Nettle tio.n, Pimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water symptom or d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene- fited by taking one tabule after each fneal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cufre for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that cart be injurious ta the most delicate. 1 gfoss $2, % gross $1.25, gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15' cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY ^ew Vdrk. •v>' •> •>' petite, Mental -Depres Rash, Painful Di-ca Blood to the Head, Salt Rlieum, Scald Headache, Skin Dis Tired Fcclinj, Torpid Brash nrkl every other that results from im i n the proper perform We are too busy to talk Politick re- fSt •' *<fceiving- Spring Goods-LV f̂;1 And making the same low, way down la price, which Is the con- trary to the goods which is "way up," Oar styles of any and all goodsmow arriving are strictly correct, while our assortment i largest and most carefully selected ill town. Give usr a ca Medfrmn Prtcfd and Fine Dresd Goods, Dress Trlmmlrtin, Notion 09 linens. Hosiery* Furnishings* Domestics, Fabric 5 juid Colorings C9rrot „ M l , J > » l , ' . I j ' J 1 * Stylish Spring Wraps and Jackets now made up "to kill," in colors and black, for ladies an 1 mises. in all sizes, and at the lowest possible priccs v • > Our stock of serviceable and stylish clothing is yet large and roe Will give you the great advantage which his mother had, and besides, bread made with this yeast will help bring back his boyhood's digestion, ensuring his enjoyment of the rest of your cooking also. Get Magic Yeast at your Grocer's. It is always GOOD ud always READY. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for MODERATE Fees. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT OFFICE end we en secure patent in less tune tn»n those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-i | tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till paUnt is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. 1 OPP- PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. JULIA A. 8TOBY, >»-L' " II i DEALER IN ONK DOOR WEST OF R1VBRSIDB HOU8K, Scieatifle Anericaa Agency for HOW EABNEC ISLAHD. EnKrpriiint Taoac and started me. I workeal CAVEATS, 1 TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, eto. FOr Information and Handbook write to MCNN & CO., 351 BIIOADW Y, KEW YORK. Oldest tiuieau for aecaiint: patf-nts in Amrrtoa. Every patciit tak, a out by tis is brctiKht bofoce the public by a notice given free cf cbiugc ta the JP'RIFAIIFIC ^MENRAU Largest circnlatir n of any scientific pa^er In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly year; tl.50 six months. Address Mt PDIJLISHKRS, 361 Broadway, New York. o intelligent M3i%: f Tme & Co. Imtnietid ttoftdily and made money faster lhan I expected to. I beeam«abletobny an island andballd • Bmall summer boteL If I don'tpneceedat that. 1 will go to work a$ram at the business in which 1 made my money. Tine A Co»i Shall we instruct and start yon. readerf If wo do, and if yoa work iodnstrimisly, yon will in do# time be ahloiobny an island and build & bote?, if yon with to Money can be earned at onr new line of work, rep» idly and honorably, by those of either ?ex, young or ela« and in their own localities, wherever they five. Any one can do lb© work. Easy to learn. We furnish everything. Ho risk. Von can devote yonr spare moments, or all yonrllaM to the work. This entirely sew lead bric^ ^onderfal sac-cc=s toeverv worker. Bepinneraare earoin^fromSSftM per wr-ek and npwards. and more after A Httleexpe-rience. We can furnish yota theemployment--we teach yott FJCKE, This is sin age ^ marveioos things, and berele another preat, usefr.i. wt4pb><givin^woDder. Great gains will f^wsrd erery iriJuaUibos worker. Wherever you art, and whatever von uro doing?, yon want to know about thi# wonderful work at once. Delay means mcch money ioat to you. No space to explain here, bnt if you will writ# to w, we will make all plain to yoo FREK. Address. TJ&U£ CV.I SOX #00* AUFFIIBTAI MAI--I STORY & The place to buy goods is where you can get the beat returns for your money. This bein & the case you are in duty bound to give us a call and 3© convinced that our store is the place to do vour trad ing. We carry the largest stock of GENERAL HARDWARE STOVES. The largest assortment of Steel Goods and House-furnishing goods. The finest line of Cutlery and Sporting goods. The best assortment of Fancy Agate Iron-ware, Granite Iron an( Blue and white ware. We Manufacture our own Tinware, Copper and Galran- izsd Iron Good. Carry a large stock Rope, Glass, etc. ' ~t--BREEDERS OF 'organ:: Horses, ^Embracing tb« celebrated General Hiftord, Green Mountain and Morrill Mood. 8TOCK FOR SALE. Stallions add Filliet. riendfor pedi grees. •; {ficx and Registered Poland Cbloa --SWINE.^z; Choice Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. High Grade Jersey Cattle For sale. Come and icepect stock •r addre™ J. II. SAYLOB & SOX of spur, bftib, and Sand Plain Fence wire Make a specialty of Milk Cans and all Dairy Supplies, and jobbing in all kinds of shoet metal. Yours Respectfully, STOKY & M'OMBER, West McBenry, 111., Jan. 27, 1891. GEO, W. BESLEY, We»t McHenry, Ell* / DEALKB IM- Drugs g Medicines complete, but, to attract the good clothing trade tor miles around, r we have just bought a new bill of clothidg of Kuk, Nathan and S; Fisher the famous Chicago clothiers, amounting to $1200, which || will arrive this Wednesday, and contains the finest and most com-,I: plete iine of Prince Albert, frock seek, aiid square cut cuitsa of *he|= latest cuts and honest makes. Special deals in fine odd pants, coatsf and vests. fSgjT'Child's two piece suits and odd pants. Suits for boys and youths, all sizes. Spring Overcoats ; Give us your cloth ing thoughts - - jSIPNow is the time to "howl" about Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall 'aper, Borders, window Shades, Lace Curtains, Poles, etc. 150 patterns of choice wall Paper,- with borders and ceilings to match. Our prices low, and all paper is trimmed free and rolls full length. fgyGive us your Trunk and Traveling Bag Trade, as we carry a j»ood stock, Our new spring stock stock ot the warrant«<l Beloit Overalls, Pants, Jackets, Shirts and Coats is the largest and most, carefully selected iu the county, and well deserves your careful in vestigation, as years ot successful test fully warrant us. in their recommendation, -A FULL LI HE OF- m pup, Chemicals. Die Stofls, Faints, Oils&Colors Constantly on hard. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OP ^STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUND RIES Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered .Pharma cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A. STORY: Again we bought a good stock of the well known C* H. Faig > anp Bassett & Mill's custom made and fully warranted Boots and Shoes. All sizes carried, and as many styles as our trade de mands, and at prices the lowest, quality considered, A specialty made of the famons "box tip" school shoes, and are exclusive agents lere for the famous Candee Rubber Goods. f^fHats and Caps; we do not follow but lead in styles, variety and low prices., l^fTCrockery and Giassware. We only sell standard Groceries and Provisions, pure Spices. Unadulterated Teas. Paper, * Wall Paper, Buy it now. Buy it of us. The new styles are here They are exccdingly fine. The prices were never so low. Our assortment is larger than ever IIRU&S AND MEDIQNES PAtNTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, m WINES AND LIQUORS FOB MEDICAL USE, W AL80. BOTTLED ALE AMO PORTER FOR MEDICAL UH.j» The best b rands of Cigars and smokng and chewing Tobacco always on hand. «, ^Physicians' Prescriptions- Carofully compounded. G ive me a call. West McHenry. 111., 1892. 6XX>, m: BFSLET. Every line in our stock is complete and worthy your attention. * J. W. CR1STY & SON RINGWOOD, ILL. FLOUR. Special orders every Thursday. Reaiectfully youra. Weal McHenry. 111., 1892. HERE TO STAY, O WITH A FULL LIKE Ot No mistake. Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTJONS, 1 | HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. 1 It Is no use jto make a noise about what you aw going lodo, un less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. ReaT^r^iinsjof great valu f iO etery one of our customers. My stock is complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. The West Side Boot, Shpe and Clothing Store. 1 II » •892 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT* 1892 •ISTTo the people of McHenry aud Lake Counties, we would say, that this spring we are better prepared than ever before to figure with the buying public in the following lines of new and well bought merchandise, If you stop and think for a moment you cap not help but see that our expenses are less than our competitors* and consequently we can and will give you lower prices than you get elsewhere, Our Boot, Shoe and Rubber Stock was never more complete. We are showing a line of ladies' fin* shoes at $1.50, $1.75, $2 25, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 per pair. Oiir lines ot men's and children's shoes are equally as well filled. CLOTHING I CLOTHING! Our spring and summer clothing is here, ready for your inspec tion. a e put into our store this spring the largest and finest lot of new Clothing that we have ever shown at one time. Our assort ment in this line is very complete, quality durable and stylish. You can not aft'ord to buy anything in this line without first looking our stock over, as it comptises everything from a four-year old kne* pant up to a man's best full suit. A full spring stock ot new and stylish hats just in, call and see them. We still have the largest assortment of Rockford overalls, jackets and shirts, in town, all tully warranted not to rip. Trunks and traveliug bags, rubber ana oil cloth coats. Choice, fresh groceries everv two weeks. Flour by the sack or barrel at prices to meet any and all competi tion, quality considered. Yours as ever for business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. m Mtfh