Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1892, p. 4

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?£•< > ;• % I'.i •- • * i • JHaiitotlef. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1892. VAN8LYKE, Editor. REPT7BL.ICAN COtTNTT OONVBN- TXOIT. file Republican Voters of McHenry County Kt« requestert to tend delegates to the Re­ publican County County Convention to be held at tbe Court House In Woodstock, Satur day, April 231, 1*92, at Uo'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following County officers: Circuit Cletk, States Attorney. Coroner, and County ,8urveyor, and also for the purpose of select }ing twelve delegates to represent McHenry County in the State Convention to be held at Springfield, May 4tb, 1*92, and nine delegates tm the Congressional Convention to bo held at isigin April 26th, 1892. and 2t delegates in the Senatorial and Legislative Convention for the 41th District to be held at Woodstock. April totb, 1892, ;to place in nomination candidates •or the Legislature and the Senate from said ptli District, and for the purpose of transact tog such otber business as may properly come before the Convention Each town 1* en­ titled to the following representation: Hebron ..11 Richmond.. ......... 13 Burton. MoHenry i«. Nunua Barrefille....... Algonquin... ..' . Cary, precirmt,.' Crystal Lake.. Total.. cneea 8 arengo. --19 > : ... 6 isermmg ,....23 Ulen. ..8 ai'tland,.-..; ...... % t i u y . . . ^ . 5 ral.. 8 I : Cirafton..iiVi ....... 7 l)orr ...... .....20 •Q rvcuwuou.. .... 7. , And it Is recommended by the committee „ ,lhat the various towns hold tbeir caucuses on •atnrday, April 16th, 1892. V J, lt.OA.BBT, Chairman. ^ A. B.Coof, Secretary. Mi'} , v __________ ' BBPUELICAN CONGRESSIONAL OONVENTION-5th DISTRICT. t ; ^ The Republicans o! the counties com- ,^-/"J%jo8ing the Fifth Congressional District *%kte requested to send delegates to a con- - Vention to be held at Stewart's Hall in J?; the city of Elgin, Kane county, state oi ; Illinois, on Thursday, April 28th, A. D. ••fe"£*1892, at one o'clock p. m., for the pnr- i > %, j>ose of placing in nomination a candi- -> -date for representative in Congress, a li* f5; JDandidate for member of the state board tof equalization, to appoint two delegates ||;\/ *ind two alternates to the Republican '(j '^National Convention to be held in the t'ity of Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 7th, T;' A. D. 1892; and also to choose a Dresi- * deutial elector for said District, and kf to transact such other business as will i,>x'** §>roperly come before the convention. r The several counties of the district will fft be entitled to delegates as follows: Counties. , No. of Delegates. •Kane. d- .'i( DeKalb j* *•" " Me Henry... ..38 20 18 14 11 Congr e s- sioual Com­ mittee Fifth DiB trict. r4-ffiSv. ite< ••>Lake . 'Boone... H. T. Rockwell, Kane, , Abbam Ellwoop, DeKalb, Iba R. Curtis, McHenry, G. R. Lyon, Lake, F.S.W hitman, Boone. Dated March 8th, 1892. former gclf. At ths two places, over twenty vers killed, and the injured are cuuutnl by scores. Reports oi damage «ome from Missouri and Iowa, while at Santa Anna, Texas, several fatalities Occurred. At many points rin ths Mis­ sissippi and Ohio rivers boats were driven ashore and submerged. Only Negro In the Coanty. Friday morning a Millersburg, Ohio, fiuiotu oct.i't/ii lliiltKiinp county will instruct its delegates to vote for Richard Yates for Congress-man-at la-ge. We hoj>e that in this utterance Brother Ilodder is not inspired. It seems to us that it would be the worst pfcee of political folly and ingratitude that could be perj>etrntt'd. The Republican family in the Fifth dis­ trict, is now remarkably harnonious. It is very desirable that this condition of affairs should continue. We are all proud of the record which Mr. Hopkins is making, as representative from this dis­ trict. We consider him an exceedingly able representative and destined to re­ ceive still further honors at the hands of his party. This, however, does not blind our eyes to the fact that Mr. Fuller, who also lives in this Congressional District, has been endorsed by the Republicans of Boone, Stephenson and other counties forthe position of Congressman-at-large. Other counties, as they 4ihold their-con­ ventions will surely instruct for him. Mr. Fuller is recognized as one of the best speakers, most able politicians, and staunchest Republicans in the State. His services to the party during the memor­ able Logan campaign, as well as during the last senatorial contest, and on many other occasions cannot be forgotton by the party, and ought to be rewarded by it. Now if Kate county, under these cir­ cumstances, should instruct for some other candidate; it could hardly be con­ strued by the remaining counties in this district, as anything but a direct notice that no one but a Kane county man need apply for any of the prominent offices that might come this way. This is not just, nor is it good politics. There are enough Republican voter* in this district and enough brilliant Republicans to en­ title us to the Congressman-at-large as well as our own representative. We are all united on Kane County's favorite Bon for Congressman from this district. Now let this district be united on Mr. Fuller for Congressman-at-large. This is reason; this is political comity. We are in favor of reciprocity in politics as well as in commerce. There is no reason in politics or in friendship why Kane county should not cast her vote for Mr. Fuller any more than there is why Boone county should not cast l\pr vote for Mr. Hopkins. We feel confident that Kane county will do so. "Let us JiaVe peace." There should be no clpstifng of interests in this matter. Thrbest friends of the one are the beat friends of the other far the respective positions.--North inob lynched an unknown negro, hang- tag him to a tree. He had been about (• -the towa a few weeks and had been ^ . notified to leave. He had lingered about *>' - |>eopk' 6 doorsteps and annoyed them in Various ways. There are supposed to t>e no negroes in Holmes County! Noth­ ing is known of the victim's history, not •ven his name. He xr&s said to be the -Wily negro in the couniy. | Cael trlth Pistol and Shotgun*. Monboe Guion and James Ketchum, Itoth St. Louis, Mo., barkeepers, fought ifc duel at Creve Coeur Lake. Guion was Armed with a revolver and Ketchum Uriith a shotgun. After the second shot Ouion fell, wounded in the abdomen With buckshot. Ketchum declared his konor satisfied, and the wcu ded man Iras taken home. &\v . ^, HEWS NUGGETS. >r Fifer now has over three delegates instructed for him and jonly about forty counties have held their Conventions. It is a showing of which j+Kg Oovsrnor fioa just; csus© "to f©©l <1 proud. His clean administration and cbrilliarit record throughout has endeared I him to the people and no syndicate or iring of political tricksters can defeat him •He will be nominated on the first ballot NcHenr/Rsad Commia*inner'« Financial Statement. STATE or I LLINOl", Coonty ot McHenry, 88. Town of MeHrnty. Tbe following is a statement bv Castor Adsms, treasurer of the highway commission* crs of the town of McHenry, In the county and state aforesaid, of t^e amount, of pabiie funds rcce'vcd «nd expended bv him during the fiscal rear just closed, emltnp on the Slat dav of M trrh, li-92, sbowin# the amount Of linbl'u funds on hand at the cominonce«r«nt of «ai>l fiscal \car. the amount of public funds received and fron what sonrces received,th amount of public funrts expended and foi whHt purv>o«es expended, durirs aald flsca year ts aioresaid. fundi received and from what sources received 1891. Am't Mar 31, Ral on hand from last year §1218 14 Nov 7. Kec'd dehnquneot and R R tax 843 56 1892 Mar i5, Rec'd of J H Freund. collector 2160 41 Total receipts 18<22 11 j funds expended and for uhntporposeteiqunt! 1891- * ^ April 14, Allen P Colby, work with team f, " Jacob-tock, work on bridfre . 1 •« o A'iams work on JohnsburganJ - McHenry road .. •• Homfr Wattles, work or May 2. L Miller. «ru>>. road in l>ist.s «« 21, J O Heller, new grader .. " 21, (ieoi Rp Sheid, ro.ut work June22. Hunt A Adams, new plow J May 1H. Ben Buss, freight 00 Kt&df •• J8, •• " plowl June27, A Thelen clean'g Jolinb'e < «• M .1 Kreund grub r'd <lis't «< c H Trvon surveying ni*w ro! •• t> rnnk Miller, t?am, dis't 10' " S Kreund, 354 0(d« gravel 17 70 | Allen P Oolby, grad ng: 9 W> 29 Wilbui- Taunber Co., lumber .. 7S 35 July 25 Petor Schrein«r, work river br'g a (Hj " J Deidricb, * ork in rils't 10-- 24 25 " M Jungen. over work Indis'r. 11 3 13 " P G Mayiea, maklngroad papers.. 37 (HI •' P •'iodrlch, ov«r work dis't 15.. 8 00 Aug 29 Kd Say lor for work on ro«d " Js.C-on Stock; work In flis't 15 Sep. 1, John Huemann, 95 lo«ds gravel.. 4 75 " '26, Henry Betterniin, blackemithiog 130 '• M Freund, work in dis't 1 . .... 5 00 •• Jas. Robbies, cost in road appeal 8 00 Oct. 31, E C Bernard, work on roud in 00 *• Anton Myers, 19o 1 ads gravel.. 9 50 " Grimolby & Pint, rep'g grader.. 4 65 " Ed Savior, work and materlai.. fi 50 •• Allen P Colby, road labor 19 50 '• O A,dams, wrrk on road., 90 00 Not. 18 O T EMredge, for constable fees 8 75 1 *• Vfm ^oonanf diieh ngon Wtod- ttock and WoHenry road 10 00 *• J Juet«n, overwork an overseer 2 60 De *. 96, Wilbur Lumber (Jo, for lumber, 91 85 " •• M Weber, work on lren bridge.. 13 58 18SM. Jan 30, Mrs Jane Carr, gravel 1 " John Miller, gravel 1 " M tJ'ar>T, gravel Feb 27 Jae b Stock, ie-,airirg bridges.. Mar 29 H<~mar Wattles, work In dis't 8.. «• Jerrv Siierman, gravel " '* Ij" v & Adamt, for nails .. *' *• R Bishop, planing lum»>er •• JVanS'yte. for printing •< •< Wilbur Lumber Co, lumber.. .. " " Kred Hi em ^nn, drawing lumber " " P and Win Ailsms, drawing •• 10 50 " " 8 8 Sherman, car watrr gravel.. 16 25 " " F(i Miyes, clerk fees 36 98 «« J j Kre nd, drawing lumb»r 4 00 " Jacob S'ock, c.mmi8«er service 45 04) '• •« Allen P Oolby •• •• 45 00 .• <1 p weber, work on river bridge 16 00 " " O Adams, comin'r^.... 48 CO " " 2 per cvn t com mission.......y 25 35 1 ' $1292 98 3722 1 Balance on hand ....(2129 13 Castor ADAMS, Treas. State of Illinois, McHenry County, Town or McIIenr *, ss. March 29,1692, This certifies tbat we have t' Is day exam­ ined the accounts and vouchers of castor Adamr, Treasurer of the BoaW of Commiss loners »f High ways of the towiSj%f McHenry, and find the same to be rorrect, And a oatance in his bands of road and bridge funds the sum of two thousand four hundred and twenty- nins dollars and thirteen «ents B Gilbert, J. P. James Kokbinr, J. P F. U, Matkr, TovaOlerk. F K. Grakgsk, Supervisor. P. C. OOLBY, D D. S, in Hoy's Block, over Eckert yj Toung's store, Wooiistock, lit MISS MYRTLE BOIU. Teacher ot l'lauo and Organ. McHenry every wejk, Thursdays, "iaays »nd Maturdays, and is prepared to ia»e scholars at «ny time. Terms reasonable and satisfactiob guaranteed On be seen at the Parkor House on any of above named da STOP. READER! OtoeUrn a Momont of Tour Tim# Think over this and come and see our Goods- v / Washington. D. C.. March K [ I To THE FARMERS OF MCBENRY COUNTY AND VLCINITY. V m^dkab frIb^-you®' CftlCoarg°ofIUtU >^"1 «ra now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of 25th, in which you inquire concerning mjt Agricultural Implenieiits, second to none ih the county* and at ^2Si^r^^c^^eX^oC^^i«? P"^8 thnt I am wdl pay you to investigate. [cans iu the several C->ngr38»lonal districts . ^ [and by our State copverjtiJn to represenf [ the party In national convention to held at Minneapolis in June next,' lia» been received, and I take pleasure in ans* wering you frankly as to ruy position. £ I have said to the Republicans who hav| written to'rue and to the gentlemen repref Renting tbe press wl>0. have interviewed me, that I would esteem it a high honor to bitvo the support of the Illinois delegation in the National Itepubll* can Convention fo* President of the Unit »/>ed States, and WOJD tyjfb* pleased to mm-- GENEVA ' LAKE CUT FLOWERS, ITTNERAL WORE. PARTY DECORATIONS. Before You Order BEDDING PLANTS*. For ihe Sprii^gr, send for our II lustra ted C Jataloguc. LAKE GENEVA, - WIS* YOUR WIVES CAN RUN 1 ronr husbands easier, more ecol» omically and with infinitely lei8 iriction and domestic infelicity if you will only buy your merchant dise ot «n. , YOU PLOWS 1 We carry tbe Gcsley« FuIleT and Jobns.on., and the celebrate Bradley Garden City Clipper, in wood and steel beams. I In deeders jou will find the Steel Frame f*rairie City Iinfit'Jve^ lor 1892, haying steel frame and hinged scatterers, allowing scatter­ ed to pass any obsliuction. Scroll cut off in ieed cups, and POSITIVE FORCE FEED, ^ The Gillette 0:° McHENRY Butter on the Elgin, Board oj' Trade, Monday sold for 25 cents a poured against 28 and 28^cents last week, and 25 a year ago. In all 9,480 pounds sold for #2,370. ̂ Pithy, Pointed and Pertinent. r Congress could not do a more popular 1,thing than to pass that bill appropriating df100,000 towards the entertainment of *the veterans who will attend the G. A. R. ^encampment, at Washington, thisyear, t The United States did not seek either ^of the wars it has had with England, nor jdoes it seek a war now, but if war comes it will administer a third licking to the I "worlds' bully" much easier than it did dupon the other two occasions. If this be ^jingoism let the pro-English press in this ^country make the most of it. I The Cleveland boom was a little late in 1 taking the road, and a little slow in re- g covering from the Hill smashup, but it is | now running on schedule time agan. The Chicago boodlers found talking -fh General Duetin, of Sycamore, who was placed in charge of the sub-treasury, Chicago, by Presdent Harrison, died in the South a day or two ago, where he had gone for his health. "Gov. Fifer has designated Friday April 8, as Arbor Day; and in conformity with the governor's proclamation State Superintendent Raab recommends that the public schools of the state observe the day with appropriate exercises, in­ cluding the planting of trees, shrubs, and floVers upon school premises. Nearly all the counties" in which Republican conventions have so far been held in this State have instructed their delegates in favor of the renomination of Gov. Fifer. This is as it should be. "Pri­ vate Joe" has given the State a wise and patriotic administration, he is one of its most gifted Republicans, and he is the most popular man to head the State ticket. 10*The Inter Ocean says: "Judging from the counties which have a already held their Conventions, Gov. Filer is reasonably sure, barring accidents, to come in under the wire first, only one ballot being necessary." And they might also have added that the howlers in McHenry County, are now all trying to 'get into the Band Wagon, but the people propose to let them walk. McHenry county will send a sound Fifer delegation to Springfield May 4th. ¥ $1*: The Indiana, the relief ship sent to Russia, with flour and provision for the starving peasants, has arrived and was received with great demonstrations. The cargo will be distributed immediately. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says that Russia is deeply grateful to the American people for what they have done. If the American people knew, says the dispatch trOm the American committee in St. Petersburg, the extent of the suffering in the famine districts of Russia they would everywhere come t« the rescue. Twenty millions of people are in danger of star­ ve, ton and typhus fever Is racing in many provinces. rough the ceiling as dangerous as other men have found talking through their hats. The boodlers will hereafter do their confidential talking in the mid die of an open lot. Poor Hill. The Georgians are already referring to bim as a "dead duck" in the political barn-yard, and only the other day they were enthusiastically entertain­ ing him on "taffy". It is significant that the only hope the democrats now have of obtaining the Presidency is through throwing the elec­ tion into the House of Representatives which they already control. As this can be done only by the third party carrying several of the Northwestern States and as none of those states can be carried by that party without the votes of the Re­ publican members of the Farmer's Al­ liance and kindred organizations, it would seem to be a sort of forlorn hope in which they are indulging. The heart must be hard that does not respond in some way however small, to the wails which every breeze is wafting from the millions of starving Russians to their more fortunate brothers and sisters throughout the world. ' The things that Lord Salisbury knows this country will reject, and which he is willing to submit in order to gain time for the Canadian poaching sealers would fill a book. **• The New York headquarters of the Cleveland boom are in Wall street, and it is probable that he expects the largest part of his "sinews of war" to be accumu­ lated in the same locality. This years cotton crop will, in is esti­ mated, reach 9,000,000 bales- Cotton iB no longer king; it has been deposed by over productions japd it is not to be wondered at that the cotton raisers cry hard times. No producer or class of pro­ ducers can be successful if the unwritten law of supply and demand be violated. There is a slight difference of opinion between President Elliot, of Harvard College, and some other eminent gentle­ men who are supposed to be familiar with Utah matters, concerning the aban donment of polygamy by tbe mormons We are subject to twenty-four hundred different diseases, and yet we blackguard H. Miller & Son, -DEALERS IN--^ MARBLE & GRANITE, WORKS. S. a u m m m 21 £ 3 Having put in one of the above named machines we are uonr prepared to clip horses on Phorfc notice, and guarantee satisfaction. By this ma­ chine a horse can be Clipped Quicker & Setter Than by any other procrpg. Call and see ic woik and leave your orders at Howard's Market, West aide. B$&»Charges reasonable. * HOWARD & KENNEDY. West McHenry, April 4, 1892 DISC HARROWS. We have in stock the Budlong Rotary Disc Harrows, also the iradley Rotary Disc Harrow, and you make no mistake when you purchase either of tbe above harrows lurnished with three-horse equipment, complete. Lever and Common Havrows. & Ml line in steel and wood, and at prices guaranteed to please M onumetats, Headstone Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed at the liowest Prices. Satisfaction Qaarastttd. Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, 111, where at all times can be lound a good assortment of finished work. Respectfully, Henry Miller & Son. SIMON STOFFEL, AGENT FOB--- Fhsais, of Btoaklyn, I. Y. Capital,;5,008,31S. Rockford, of Rockford, III Capital, 802,448, National, of HartM, COBS. Capital, 82,620 213. Insurance carefully and safely placed on all classee of property a'g&inst Are, lightn'ng, and tornado, either tor cash or on long time, without interest. Fire policies on hva stock cover ssm'e in buiHing or on farm igainst loan or damage by tire or lightning and against lightning anywhere, liay, straw.stalka and fodder ar« covere# by o»« policy. Tb bnildtn) or stacks on farm. Grain, setds and mill fee< are covered under ore sum n building or on farm. Insurance transferred to other locali­ ties free of carge. Gasoline oroU stove and steam threshsi permits granted In policies free of charge Household goods of ever description, including coal, wood and provl sions all eoveied under one item. Complete records kept of all policies, conditiona, assign­ ments and transfers made. Gall for list of over 700 policy holders in above companies. Simon Htoffcl. FEARFUL AND WONDERFUL. The Bible says, "m«n is fearfully and wonderfully made." B /tphyBiologists all concede that the most wonderful part of man is the nervous system. In it are located the seats of life and mind, and the control of all the bodily organs When the nerves nre destroyed the part is paralyzed. The flesh, blood and bones are oh nothing to it. Derangements of the brain or nerves are the causps of headache, fits, dizzinesn, fluttering of the heart, sexual weakness, sleeplessness, neu cold hamrtf* and tmt. A frt*> trial V, J. Burbiui* BARBIAN J. J-Baibian BROS. Wholesale and Retail DEALEB^ IH FINE CIGARS, McHENRY ILLINOIS, Baring leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, Where, at all timep can be found line cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a vary large assortment a d eona Tjry hand some patterns. CALL AND SEE US. BARB' / V "iEf VtBrrrs. b. Wauconda Anti-Horse Thief Association. OFFICERS. Arthur Cook, Pres. Edqar Grkkn. Sec'y. Jab. Murray, V. •• E. E. G i lbert, Treas DIRECTORS. Edgar Green. FranK Thomis. RIDERS. J F Roney. Henry Werden, M H F Hughes orris Fori. A J Raymond, Frank Thomas. A Cook. A C Bangs E E Gilbert.... BO Hill H F Hughes.... J F Ronev MEMBERS. Mirtlc Morse' Plutarch Houghton Geo Darrell E T Harris S H Harris ...Kdwin Cook... Frink Thomas 8cth Turner Ed«ar Green W M (jlongh A J liaymond Stebhms Ford Geo Pratt jp A Nimskey Mosen Beach. .. .... ..It F Johnston ...... JamcH Murray ..Warnui Poweia .. J D McOabe ...Geo Bates Henry Werden <Jas Monaghsn, Jf- J E (jlynch ^..Hobort Ha rleon ... Ira Smith John Spencer..... , DeloH Ames ..O W Dunklee .. .. Geo Jones Charles Itavlin..... T Bacon Michat l Slaven ... Ri Paddock (ins siaxon M C Smith .Golding Bros Mot Ford T V Slocum --f % the poor doctor who wrongly diagnoses j o{ I)r MileH, NervUk_the ,ateBt| our complaint. He baa just 2,399 chances I and most successful cure for these diseases I against him. may be had at all drug stores. ' WORTHINGTON COMPANY 747 Broadway, N. Y., Announce foa immediate publication M No. 12 la their ROSE LIBRARY SOKE CHILDREN OF AMI BY R. M MANLBY A -""ell-developed story, easily winning and retaining the readers attention to the end. It is a vital contribution to the social * udy of New York society, for it presents a picture of Amerioan life that is most capt-vating to the thoughtful render. There is eucd an almos phera ol t'e realty over the uncommon ha| penings of the novel, the narrative show- such careful study and shrewd observation of metropolitan life, tbat those who will notice tije tppes, distinct and interesiiug in their persrnality, wil at once recognize th» verao lty of the representatinn. For this reason will produce a profound impression wherev New Vork influence is predominent Thou ands, however, who wish to read the book with the expectation to be enterta ned only will be fascinated by the magnetism of the story, the ch*rm of its langnage, its intricate p'ot. ltu telling Incidents, Its strange coinci. dences anl its vigorous and at times thrilling acti ns, revealina the inner life, pleasures, intellectual pursuits, as well as the frivoll. ties of the wealthier classscsof New York Price, Cloth (illustrated), Paber, 50 cents. $1.00. BUGGIES. BUGGIES. You will find the celebrated Abbott Bu^gy on our tfoor, in anv style you might want, and would be pleased to show yoy goods and name prices. We thank you for past favors and hope tor a share of your patronage, believiDg that we can do ^0u good in anything you might want in our line, Very respecuully, RICHARD BISHOP. 15 per cent Discount THIS a&NDNEXT WEEK We wis'i to announce ihit we are now feady to fhow the public a larger a':d a ntw stock of JEWELBY pul'ftbU- for Enter Presents. In Bracelets, Nfcklac 8, B>ooclep, Hairpins, Laow pins. Rings &carf pli.s, Oi.ft pins. Cuff buttons, Ea rings, Cantors. Pfckle ard celery dibits, Knlvrs and Forks. 1847. Boatei Bros. Spoons Napkin rings. Albums. (Scrap books, Optical goods, (tetaool books. Crayons, Pencils, Tablets. (Slates. Wacbes, clocks, If ycu think of buvinp a new sewing machine be mre ar d call and examine the new Wbeeler & Wilson No. 9 the standard Machla* of to day. B« sides that, we have the American.Domestic. Household, New White, and several otber leading machines, on which we can pave you from Ave to ten dollars. Yours truly, • Hearnan Bros. McHenry, Ill., Airil. 1892 -a 9) > W I* K i N a 0 I < s a e & fri « W * a la H CO § ep* M a. 00 M 00 +5 So Jd* £ a o B <0 > I . 9 JO Mo. ©701. Record 2*21 Will be for service at tbe barns or Gec rge W. Owen, Mclicnry, Illinois. TERMS. S75. One half payable in Cash, balance bv Note due six months from service wlthoat interest, Interest after rlue at 8 per cent, "Georfte O." was sired by Lakeland Abdallah 861. by the founder of our trotting nonders, old lt'ysdvfees Hambletnnian, 10. Dam of George O u by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, 30, record 2:23Jrf. She paeed at six years ol t a.half niile in 1:06>£, and at 17 years a full mile ii 2:U7. "GoorgeO." has had vcy limited advan­ tages in the stud, nevei having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prires. He sired a two-joar-old with a record of 2:40. trial X mile In 1:23 to Road Cart MeBenrv. Illinois. eSOBOS w OWE* Barb Wire is cheap this spring. Don't neglect the fences but put tnem in order with Eli or the S. barb wire bought right of J. W. Cristy & Son. 1 Record, 2:28%. Will make the season of 1898 at Woodstock. Description.--Dark brown, 16 hands weight 1200; sire of Loafer, trial 2:20^ at 4 years, the f&etest colt ever raised in McH' nry Co., Gee Z Dee 2:25, Fona 2:33 at 4 years. Modesty 2:40. Typhoon 16790. by Narragaoiet 167^9 In dun by Swigert 650, tbe dam of Vic H, record 2:13J; Typhoon, 2:28;; Valentine S*tgeit. 2:26$. 2d dambv OoldsmItb'B Abdallah 2:30, ihe dam of Mary Sprague 2:21. Tkuhs --825 to insure a mare In foal payable when known to be In foal Altfr Nov. 1,1892, he will be advanced t<> 950, Pasture furnished, Call and get tabulated pedigree. E. W. HOWE, Woodstock, IU. CHARLES STRAIGHT, Chicago. MAKES HENS LAY AND KEEPS THEM HEALTHY Try It, Fob Sale bt JOHtf EVANSON ft CO. WestJMcHenry, 111. CHA< KU J W.CBI3TY A Sm Rlngwc FRANK HOWE, Til. d, 111. n, III, -j \ T-' if '.t r4 May think this an empty boait» >ut call it what yon will* we aftk . trial to p*of» iff fcfulb ^ lalgity. dollar you spend with us brings its full return* Every purchase made ot us is appreciated. We do not assume that you cannot -k.i 4 buy elsewhere; you are not be­ holding to us. Hence we pay money in this way to seek your patronage. The next TIME You need anything we keep pleaso see our stock. The closing out sale of our odd shoes and other merchandise is on now. Special sale of muslin Under­ wear Saturday, April 9th. Come and it will pay. We bid you welcome. EVANSON A GO. FILL8BUBY WASHBURN Flout Hills Co. b: d Better than ever before, though always the best. We head the list with PilLibury't) Be tat $1.45 per «ack Lily of the Valley, 1.25 «• A No. 1 family flour, 1.15 '* 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat Flour, 60 cents, 25 lbs, granulated Corn Meal* 50 cents. 12 1-2 lbs granulated Corn Meal, ,25 cents, 25 lb». winter wheat Graham < Flour, 70 cents. IS 1-2 lbs, winter wheat Graham flour, 35 cents. All flour guaranteed or money refunded. Flour delivered to any part *oi the village free of charge, . Give us your orders and we will try and please you in quality and price in any flour you might want. • - Fox Biver Valley" ̂ Roller Mills. Remember the plaee.

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