Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1892, p. 5

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V WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1,1892. & Taking effect on Monday, Sept, lt(k» Ifnlu pais UU station as follows: pais t)>ls i QOLIRO KOITH. 1891. p (Milk Fiwiskt Arrive -•$ *WUllsias Bay Freight passes. « *Lak« &AMVS pMMDiror " {,; K • Lake 8«MT* Kxptess .4^ *Lake Usnava Fassenger •• «01M SOOTH. • JMoHsnry Passenger Depart ....... .. -- assei 7:20 A. M. 3:1C " 9:56 •• 4:60 P.K. 6:61 " Lake Geneva Passngr pas* *Lake Geneva Express : ' - "'Williams Bay Freight \ :l :*i.ake Oaiwn Passengnr 1 :<f ..7-85 A. K. ..7:80 «' .....8:22 «• ...,1:30 P. M. «• EXPLAWATIOW. -f Dally except Suniay. 1 Sundays only. B. iTWj,-^ KeHenrv, 111 MASOMIO. '->$?% MCHENRT F,ODGR, No. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- igulttr Communications tke seeond ud Mii th Mondays in e»c& month. W ?* rfTTTPTTT-^ wr H/E. WIOUTMAK carried fifty-five paa- Bngers to Pistaqua Bay on Saturday fc»t. : : . • ' . . „ . BED HOUSE fishing has been good the past week, a large number being taken >ur fishermen. REV. B. BRUNNING, formerly pastor of ie Universalisb Church here, is ftoW lo- at Berlin Falls, N. H. . I IF you want Schlitz Milwaukee Lager >'jf&eer, by the Keg. me or Bottle, call on Engeln, Biver Street. ife READ the advertisement of Clover Blos- #Dms wanted, by S. 8. Shepard & Son, to found in another place in this paper. S J-F I J. H. TAIJIUOCK, Secretary Of the BaD- foad and Warehouse Commission, will , please accept pur thanks for a copy of $k-i^e report of the Commission for 1891. 'THERE were twenty-seven rainy days in ! month of May, and at this writing the prospect looks favorable for as many > in the month of June. OWING to the backward season the jOniversalist Sunday School will hold their 'Children's Day service on Sunday, June 19th, instead of June 12th, as was given :^tji last wesk's issue. / SOME farmers are not yet discouraged /over the corn prospects. A farmer said / the other day that thf best crop of1 1 corn he ever raised in this county, he . slanted the 10th and 11th of June. THE next monthly Temperance Lecture Sj^ll be given b|y Rev. W. E. Pitcher, of Elgin, at the City Hall, Sunday evening June 5th. Subject--"The Drink , Q?(Jsage." All are cordially invited. The / fecture will commence at 7:30 o'clock. " DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Monday, T"*puesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly oc­ cupied by Drs. Childs and Norton, oppo- te the old Parker House place. THERE will be an entertainment in Band Hall, Ringwood. Friday evening, June 3d, given by the pupils of Ringwood School, for the benefit of the sidewalk ind^ The entertainment will consist of Recitations, Dialogues, Solos, Quartettes etc. Admission, 15 cents. Children, 10 ' UBING the storm on Saturday evening t light nine struck a large evergreen tree in front of the residence of Prof. F. > HI. Overaker, tearing it all to pieces, and / cracking twelve lights of glafo in the win- I dows of his residence. We have seen | havoc by lightning before, but it is sel- i dom that it demolishes the object struck AVjgjp completely as in this case, FRANK MASQUELET and J. J. Frett, of Chicago, were out the first of the week and purchased an acre of land of M. Schaefer.on the river, near what is known aa tne Lone Tree, where they will put up § cottage and make a handsome and plasant summer resort. This is but one Of many who are taking np the pleasant places on the river, and it will not be long before every foot will be taken be­ tween McHenry and the Lakes. PROF. ARNOLD, has been playing in Several recitals in Chicago, lately and has l|on much praise by his work. The v Saturday evening Herald says of him-- J, *'Mr. Arnold's work was delicate, sympa- * t&etic anp artistic." And in a later issue. **Mr. Arnold ably assisted and his play- fgig added much to the beauty of the entertainment." Prof. Arnold has a large class in Mc Henry and is giving * ' entire satisfaction. Pupils received now lor summer term. Can be seen at E. W. filowe's, Friday and Saturday of each •t 1 .lipeek. , v: '. V REMBMBER Stang Bros have only gen­ tlemen and ladies with their United Monster 25-cant Shows, and tolerate no gambling. No fakers or tricksters, thieves or thugs follow this show or are In any way connect.-d with the company. !io boisterous, indecent or nngentlemanly conduct will be tolerated on the grounds, and the authorities ID every town in ^hich they exhibit are cordially request^ fd to co-operate with Stang Bros, in sup­ pressing everything not strictly in ac­ cordance with law and decency. Don't lailto see the high wire ascension each flay. McHenry, Monday, June 6th. LAST week's Elgin Courier had the fol­ lowing on the death of a gentleman Jfcnown by many horsemen in this section, - *'After years of suffering, known only to ; cthose who attended him, Henry A '. Tread well passed away at 7 o'clock Wednesday. He had not beenjn robust health for some time, but no immediate •danger was felt. On last Saturday he was Out driving, his horse became frightened, and he was thrown from his cart and received injuries from which he never ral- ;ijied. He was the only son of the late J. Jt, '• if.'Treadwell, was born in Elgin,. July 3, ^p.854, was well known among horsemen, ' land had many <warm personal friends, Who will regret his early death. . h, * ^ - JAMES B. PKRBY, Jr.» ofWoodstoek, was on onr streets on Saturdays M. D. STODDARD, of Nnnda, visited firiends here on Monday. S. SIMMONS and Ed Chapman, of Wood­ stock was on our streets on Sunday. A. HILL, of Wankegan, was shaking bands with friends here on Saturday. / ANDY MILLER rejoices over the arrival (of .a fine girl, at his residence on Tuesday. / MRS. C. W. SLAFTER has been on the jcsk list the past week but is now better. Jos. J. FRETT and Frank Masquelet, of Chicago, made us a call on Monday. MRS. JOHN WENTWORTH, of Austin, 111., was visiting with friends here last week. MBS. O. N. OWEN and Mrs. E. W. Owen were Elgin visitors a few days last week. ASTER CRIB LKITNER, son of Adam tner, has been quite sick the past week, now reported better. "OHN HONSLETT, who has been attend­ ing Commercial College, in Chicago, canie home the first of the week. DR. W. E. PILCHER, Dentist, of Elgin, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Tuesday. MARK FOOT®, of Chicago, > was shaking hands with his many friends here on Monday. MRS. BECKENRIOGE and Master Floyd Moore, of Englewood^ are the guest of Hon. F. K. Granger, and wife this week. HON. GEO. W. ELDREDOE and wife, of Richmond, attended the Decoration day services, in this village, on Monday. A Woman's Columbian Exposition Club, of Ringwood, will meet with Mrs J. W. Cristy, Saturday, June 4th, at 3 o'clock p.m. All are invited. Msg. H. P. BUCKLAWD, Pres.- AmiA A. WATKRMAX. Seo, DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be ih West McHenry every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Hecan be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Childs and Dr. Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. MONDAY next, June 6th, is the last day of grace to pay your Poll Tax. If not paid to one of the Road Commissioners or the Town Clerk on or before that date suit will be commenced and the said Tax collected by law. Save yourself costs and trouble and pay your. Poll Tax at once. THE closing exercises of the Public School will take place in the City Hall, Friday evening, June 3d. A cordial invi­ tation is extended to all patrons and friends. The programme will consist largely of essays and will not be espec­ ially interesting to little children. If you have flowers or presents for the graduates bring them with you, F. M. OVERAKER. THE meeting of the Woman's Columbi­ an Exposition Club which was to have been May 31st, on account of the intense rain storm was postponed for one week. Next meeting to be at Mrs. Joslyn's, June 7th at 2:30 P. M. All are earnestly invited. Ladies from adjoining towns will be most welcome. » NINA DONNBLLY, SECY. A story comes from Wauconda, in which > McHenry young man figures as the hero. The gist of the story is that said young man has been in the habit of call­ ing on and corresponding with one of Wauconda's 400, whose papa seriously objected to, and on papa's finding him recently nicely domiciled in the parlor, run him out with a revolver, firing a shot at him as he went, grazing his manly bosom and giving him a bad scare. He says it was a close sha ve. We promised not to tell further particular!. OF course everybody will mako ar­ rangements to attend Stang Bros. United Monster 25-cent Show which exhibits in McHenry, Monday, June 6 th, which will be an agreeable surprise to our people. It is not a gigantic three-ring railroad hippodrome, nor does it aspire to the dignity of 'The Greatest Show on Earth' but it is a fine exhibition given in one ring by a select company of artists in their several lines of performances. Ac­ robats, Gymnasts, Riders, Trapeze and Spring Bar Performers, Jugglers, Tumb­ lers and hundreds of interesting features worthy of patronage and of a refined na­ ture. Remember the date, Monday, June 6th, and come early. , THE Woman's Columbian Exposition Club of Mc Henry County, fully organized with list of officers. Mrs. Mary Joslyn, President, Mrs. Nina Donnelly, Secretary and Treasurer. LIST OF VICE PRESIDENTS. Woodstock. Mrs. Wm. Allen; Harvard. Fannie Wellington. Crystal Lake, Louise Crow; Greenwood, Nellie Baldwin; Nunda, Emma Beckley; Richmond, Lyda Eld- redge; Hebron, Susie Matthews; Ring- wood, Hattie Buckland; Mc Henry, Julia Story; Cary, Mary Hamilton; Algonquin, Libbie Chapell; Alden, Jennie Groesbeck; Marengo, Riley, Union, Lucinda Park- hurst; Ridgefleld, Mrs. Hale; Huntley, Mrs. Whittemore; Franklinville unites with Woodstock. MARY R. JOSLYN, President. NWA DONNELLY, Secretary. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry fevery Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Childs and Dr. Norton, opposite the old. Parker House place. SHOULD you require a tonic or be troubled with poor circulation, indiges­ tion, insomnia, or any nervous trouble try a bottle of American Clover Blossom Co.'s Fluid Extract of Clover. One dol" lar per bottle. AMERICAN CLOVER BLOSSOM Co. 85lk. Clark St., Chicago. Low Sates to jChicaso and Return' For the Democratic NatfeM^taveu- tion to be held at Chicag^^^^^Hlst, agents of the North-Wes^^^^^Vwili sell excursion tickets at tnj^^^^^Bone fare for the round trip. 9^^^^^Bsnd full information concerninj^^^^^Kale, apply to agents C. ^ THE Memorial services, on Monday, wele, notwithstanding the inclemency of the "cither, well attended, and of thp most interesting character throughout. The programme was a good one, the isinging, recitations, etc., being appro­ priate 1 o the occasion and rendered in a manner that done credit to those who participated, and honor to the day. The address of welcome, by Hon. F. K. Granger, was pertinent to the occasion, timely and to the point, and were well received by the large audience in attend­ ance. The address by C. M. Eldredge, of Chicago, was one of the finrst we have listened to in many a day. He is an easy, graceful speaker, and those who listened to him were sure that his utter­ ances came from a loyal, patriotic heart. The committee surely made no mistake when they secured Mr. Eldredge to deliver the address on this occasion. The closing remarks by Prof. F. M. Overaker were timely and left a good impression on all present. At the time of closing the rain was pouring down in torrents, and it was found impossible for the little girls to decorate the pro ves in thn fV*TVl| nfATi'V* was intended, consequently the Com­ mander of the Post made a detail of comrades who performed that duty, not­ withstanding the storm. The program was carried out in full, and resected great credit on those hav­ ing the matter in charge. EVERYBODY knows that a two or three ring show is only a bristling aggravation and anything bnt satisfactory, as one looses while watching what is going on in all the rings, the whole performance. Stang Bros, come to our town with an old-fashioned one ring Show, such as we all delighted to see in the palmy days of youth, when we as boys brought water for the elephant, run errands, and then slipped in under the tqnt to see the glories of the one ring show and hear the gags of the old clown with bis high, peaked hat and striped tights. Stang Bros, come to McHenry, Monday, June 6th, with a clean, well regulated,- first-class show. Make your arrangements to give this day to the Stang Bros. United Mon­ ster 25*cent Shows. A Great Story. "The'Scarlet Letter." Nathaniel Haw­ thorne's most celebrated story, and one of the most famous in American litera­ ture up to a few weeks ago cost, in chea p­ est cloth binding, f 1,00, or in paper, 50 cents. We have just received a very neat and thoroughly well made cloth edition from John B. Alden, Publisher, New York, which he sells tor 20 cents, plus 5 cents for postage, if by mail; the same in paper cover be sells for 10 cents, post paid. His catalogue of choice books over 100 pages, which he sends to any­ one for two cents postage, is a library curiosity, which every book-buyer ought to have, of course. His publications are not sold by booksellers, but direct. Ad. drees JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, 57 Rose St., New York. THE great Yearling race for a stake of $200. Everybody is invited to, attend the first meeting of the Nunda and Crys­ tal Lake Driving Association. Gala day, Nunda, 111., Saturday, June 11, 1892. Come, spend a few hours and see some of the best races ever trotted in McHenry county. Programme: Yearling race. On the above date the first yearling race ever trotted iu McHenry county will be drove out between Judge Sherman's yearling fillie, of Lake Geneva, and H. B. Throop's colt, Ben T., of Nunda. Stakes |300. Free for All Trotting, Harry D., 2:36%, Frank E. 2:29, Dellmora, 2:35. Also Three Minute Trotting, and 2:45 Pacing. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 10 cepts. Teams, 15 cents. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West Mc Henry every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Childs and Dr. Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. Official World's Fair Guide. It affords us pleasure to annouce that the official Guide to the World's Colum­ bian Exposition and the great city of Chicago is now ready in elegant book form of over 400 pages, richly embel- ished with superb illustrations of the highest order. The aid of the best pho­ tographers and engravers has been in­ voked that the beautiful and picturesque features of the great Exposition and points of intererest throughout the city Chicago be clearly preeented. Twenty millions of dollars will have been expend- ded on the grounds and buildings before the gates are thrown open in 1893. Who can immagine what the genius of many men can create with such a vast sum at their command?' Who can pic­ ture in immagination what these wonder­ ful buildiugs and grounds will look like- when erected ? The fairy castles of tales of fiction will not compare with them. The Guide does not only describe to the minutest de­ tail everything inestimable value per­ taining to the Exposition and Chicago but a full page picture of each of the mammoth exhibit buildings in oil colors. Also many others, illustrating artistically the useful, the beautiful and the curious that will be there in magnificient dis­ play. Whatever movable things the world has that can please the eye, de­ light the ear and instruct the mind--the richest products of every clime. It caps the climax with a magnificent cycloramic view, "Bird's-eye Yiew of the Exposition Grounds and Buildings," beautifully lithographed in eight oil colors, size 7 x 27 inches. It is a book for the millions who con­ template visiting Chicago in 1893. It will be purchased by the millions who cannot go, but will desire to know just what their friends are seeing. In fac*, every loyal American citisen should possess a copy of this great work. The well known Pacific Publishing Co., of St. Louis, Mo., are the sole State agents, and they want agents to sell the book in every town. Full particulars and terms will be sent on application. Read their advertismeot in another column. Mrs. C. B. Warner has been called to Louisiana by the illness of her mother. A number of the G. A. R., went to Cary to attend Memorial Services. C. P. Barnes, of Woodstock/delivered the Memorial Address at Crystal Lake, May 30 th. A very fins program was prepared for Memorial Day but only partly carried out at Nunda and Crystal Lake, on account of the rain storm. Mr. Eti Barnes, formerly a resident of Nunda, but now living in Iowa, is visiting Capt. Beckley. Capt. Nish, attended Memorial Service at Woodstock. We have been told that a very interest­ ing Memorial Service was held at Ridge- field Memorial 8unday. Forty or more of the G. A. R. A W. R. C., attended from Nunda. The Woodstock Post G. A. R., aud S. Y., also attended. Messrs Gene Andrews and tiorden Beckley Sundayed in Nunda. Mrs. Kate Foote spent a few days with her home people the last-part of the week. A rainy Memorial Day. Miss Edith Kane, of Chicago, Bpeht Sunday with Mies Minnie Owen. ; 7vUa A. Story'• X<oe*is. will save money by buying Cas- eairta for children. 1440 drops for same price 900 drops under the name of Castorla. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in­ stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, science teaches us to add Iodide of Potassium, Stillingio and Poke Root. W© eel! it. Try a bottle and pur­ ify your blood. Instanter, for tooth ache, it will stop it We wish to call special attention to our new line of Birthday Cards. Also latest designs in writing tablets and very fine stationery just received. Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal Lozenges, if troubled with indigestion. It will soon be time when you will not wish a roaring fire for a little quick heat. Get an Alcahol Lamp and save time trouble and money. We have all kinds. A few beautiful designs left in our crockcry list, of Fruit Plates at rcdncod prices, who will get them. You can find some most beautiful hand painted China at J. A. Story's. There are a few choice vases, pitchers, AT) I TIT A. SI W v-tv,, Oi cut? ivujtu ?? ui^^ici are- selected expressly for the Christmas trade and they are perfect in both design and workmanship. Do not fail to see them. T might have kno^n." rii l S™ 81 with theu* Five or six years afterward I Was RO- friends in the county Dg- to London from Yorkshire, and the Messers l ease and Gee spent Sunday >nly other passenger in the compart- with friends in Nunda. Beat was a lady. With loud whistles Miss Mabelle Philip visited with friends approached the Box Tunnel. in the country Sundav. The lady started nervously, and won- The Misses f^rtha Truax and Nett»d*red thiere dafeger. I frilSin1ffl"' ... „ .. * . ' _ safestplases on the line, as extra pre- M»ss Grace Mc Cueve, of Fort Wayno, • - '.I-- I- «I»M T M |AN. I ^ • Ind., is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Lucy Keller. Miss Hattie Andrews, Elgin, Sundayed with her mother. Mrs. Dwiglit Warner has returned from a three weeks visit in Iowa. HARVARD. Fred. Coe is moving this week Into his father's house on University street. Mr. Lillibridge went to Marengo last Friday, on business. The Athletic B. B. C., of Rockford, were billed to play here Decoration Day, but could- not make train connections be­ tween here and Belvidere, where they played iu the forenoon. The game will be played later in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frengel.of New York city, are visiting Mrs. Frengel's brother, E. M. Titcomb, of this city, this week. The reception at E. I). Beardsl.v's, last- Friday night, in honor of 0. H. Beardsly and bride, was attended by about 20 ) guests. Matt. Hayes, of Chicago, is here calling on friends and relatives. He is a member of the " Franklins," of the city league of base ball clubs, and an A 1 player. Frank Truax, captain of the Harvard base ball team, spent Sunday at Sharon. Lot P. Smith and wife were here over Sunday. They were visiting Mrs. Smith's parents, R. A. Nugent was down from Geneva Lake Saturday. He has been up there for the last two weeks fixing up bis Lake property. "Dick" says there's millions in it. Coal Oil Smith came home to attend the Beardsly reception last Friday night. He is still traveling for the Standard oil people, and it is said of him that he sells more oil t&an any man in their employ. Capt. R. J. Whittleson and wife arrived home from Washington last Friday. The captain is employed in the Agricultural Department as special purchasing agent. He has a first class situation and de­ serves it. He was a rattling good soldier and is just as good a Republican. His son Ray, who is attending a business college at Rockford, came up to spend Sunday with his parents. About forty members of the K. P. lodge of this city went to Janesville on Monday evening- to meet their brethren of that city. They arrived home Tues­ day morning, looking as though they liked it. It rained nearly all day Monday, mak­ ing it impossible to hold the Memorial Day exercises in tbegrove as prearranged, so the roller academy was selected as the next best place. Harry B. Long, of Woodstock, was the speaker, and deliv­ ered a touching address. After the ser­ vices in the hail members of the G. A. R. went to the cemetery in a pouring rain to scatter flowers on the graves of their fallen comrades. James Walsh, the handsome young foreman of the Herald, went to Wood­ stock Monday, on special business for Dr. J. W. Groesbeck. Hottoea*' - As a special feature we are ing a large assortment of shawls prices that merit yonr insptetios, J. W. CKBTY & SON. Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient fix dates for you at this office. Now is the appointed time to buy your Wall Paper for the assortment is cotn- fOete and it will do your eyes good to ook it over at J. W. Cristy & Sons's. HAVE you bought your Spring or Sum­ mer suit yet? If not call in at John J. Millers's and see the large line they are showing. 42 tf Can you use a barrel of Pillsbury's Best at f 5.60 cash. If so, leave your order at mill to be delivered. ALGONQUIN. The Pierce Concert on Wednesday eve­ ning of last week did not give very good satisfactioa. The concert by the Academy Glee Club, on Friday evening, was well attend­ ed, and t&ey gave a fine entertainment, which was much enjoyed by all present. Miss Ida and Harry Morton, of Elgin, spent a few days here with friends last week. Charlie Chapell, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day last here with his parents. Ernest Benson is home from Beloitfor a few -days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morton, of Elgin, are visiting friends here. Mrs. Emerson, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day and Monday last with friends here. Miss Florence Miller, of Elgin, spent Monday here with her mother. Beverly Bennett, of Chicago, has been visiting here with bis many friends for the past few days. James Pyott, Jr., of Chicago, spent Monday last with friends here. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Congre­ gational Church will meet with Mrs. Geo. Dodd, on Wednesday of next week. Memorial services passed off very pleasantly, although it rained most of the day. The services were held at the Congregational church. Frank Spitzer, of Woodstock, was the orator of the day. After the programme at the church the G. A. R. boys took carriages for the cem­ etery, led by the Cary Band, and followed by citizens with carriage, where they decorated the graves of their old com­ rades with beautiful flowers. The Columbian Exposition Club met with Mrs. C. E. Chapell, on Saturday last. A very enjoyable meeting was held in spite of the inclemency of the weather, and the disappointment of the non-ap­ pearance of Mrs. Joslyn. Ice cream and cake were served, and the Elgin gleeclub also helped entertain those present. The lawsuit here last Saturday, brought by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of Cary Station, against Right Brown, to obtain possession of a build­ ing, resulted in establishing the fact that Mr, Brown had a legal lease of the prem- Dr. Nason will, for a few weeks, occupy Dr. Winchester's office in Elgin during the absence Of tue latter on a visit to his father in Michigan. Patients wishing to consult Dr. Nason during that time will find him in his office at Algonquin from 7 to 8 o'clock every morning, and the remainder of each day in Elgin* FOR SALE! The steamer "Mary Griswold" at about one-third her value. Inquire at Bank of McHeuy. CNENTS. If you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do you a splendid job. Some of you know what we mean when w® say, sl&rgktsr. Those of you who don't can find out by calling and noticing the price on certain bargains we have to offer. J. W. CRISTY A SON. PILLSBURY'S Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., bakes more bread, bakes whiter bread, bakes better bread than any other flour manufactured. If you are not us­ ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Buy no other. For sale at the Fox River Valley Mills, McHenry .JUL FOR SALE, ^ A house and two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. House contains seventeen rooms and is suitable for one, two or more families. Is well located and all in pood repair. For further particu­ lars inquire at this office. DON'T BE AFRAID To try the Family Flour from the Fox River Valley Roller Mills, f 1.15 per sack, cash. Every sack warranted or money refunded. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP­ ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for thr»e sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks on his books all the time. Try a sack of Good JNUII flour 95c, Honest Abe, 1.10, Rival, 1.10, Ciscoette, 1.10, New Process, 1.20, Geneva. 1.30, Pillsbury's Best, 1.45, buckwheat, corn meal and graham at lowest prices. 22 pounds granulated sugar, 1.00. Good roasted coffee, 18c. 8 pounds good tea dust, 1.00. 12 cans choice fruit, 1.00. Yours truly, SIMON STOFEEL. We have in stock, numerous articles which we are bound to dispose of before moving into our new store. Call in and get your share of bargains. The cost will not be considered in making prices. J. W. CRISTY A SON. CEMETERY WORK. Nick Winkles is now prepared to do work in the Cemetery on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Lots cleaned, raised, sodded and put in first class shape at reasonable rates. Residence a few rods northof Cemetery. We believe that the Lily of the Valley Flour at $1.25 per sack is equal to any flour offered „ at $1.35 ii\ McHenry. Leave your order for a trial sack and if not found as represented your money will be refunded. Remember the Fox River Roller Mill. . NOT ONLY SPRING CHICKENS But also Spring Clothing will from now on be in great demand. Our stock of fine medium and common clothing, for the entire male population of this section is here. The variety is the largest, styles the best, wear the most durable and the prices the lowest. » Yours Very Truly, SIMON STOFFEL. RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have on my grounds to offer for the spring trade a first class lot of Nursery Stock in Apples, Crab Apples, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Grape Vines, Hardy Shrubs, Roses, etc. Also a good line af Shade and Evergreen Trees, of several varities and sizes. Come and see me or send your order and I be­ lieve I can please you all with good stock and honest prices. Xours Respectfully, J. E. BUCKLAND, Ringwood, 111. NORTHERN GROWN SEEDS. Our seeds are all new, true to name, and will grow under ordinary circum­ stances. For field seed corn we offer the famous Pride of the North, Learning, Early Butter, Smut Nose, and King Philip all r itra early and great yielders. For silo or fodder purposes we have in stock the Mammoth Southern, Red Cob and Whit© all at lowest prices. Pumpkin sr jd, German Millet, Hunga­ rian, Timothy, Clover etc., always in stock. SIMON STOFFEL. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for (Juts, Biuises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped'Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pries 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. y FEARFUL AND WONDERFUL. The Bible says, "man is fearfully and wonderfully made." But physiologists all concede that the most wonderful part of man is the nervous system. In it are located the seats of life and mind, and the control of all the bodily organs. When the nerves are destroyed the part is paralyzed. The flesh, blood and bones are as nothing to it. Derangements of the brain or nerves are the causes of headache, fits, dizziness, fluttering of the heart, sexual weakness, sleeplessness,neu­ ralgia, cold hands and feet. A free trial bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervide--the latest Mid most successful cure for these may be had at all drug Btores. We are putting give-away prices on some articles, simply to close them out. Tbey must go. J. W. CRISTY ft SON, Ringwood. 111. GET your Sumirfer suit where they have t.hf» lnrcrp«t" stock !it lO^VSSt pTICCS. Th^t means of John J. Miller, West McHenry, 42 tf Barb Wire is cheap wis spring. Don't neglect" the fences but put them in order with Eli or the S. barb wire bought right of J. W. Cristy & Son. bv Come to-day if you can and buy your i Wall Paper. If you cazmot come to-day Icomeas soon as yon can. The sooner jyou come the better your chances at a J. W. Cristy & Son's. If you want a boy's or a man's suit, or an odd pant or vest, you cannot afford to buy until you have looked our stock over, as we have the largest, the newest and the cheapest stock of clothing in town. John J. Miller. FIELD SEEDS. _ We have a limited amount of Pride of the North and Corbid seed corn, also Mammoth Southern and Red Cob Ensi­ lage for sals. 42w4 JOHN J. MILLER. LOST. We have sufficent Wall paper in stock to paper the walls of 225 rooms 12 feet wide, 16 feet long, and 10 feet high. J. W. CRISTY & SON St. Patrick's Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. G. W. Besley, Druggist. SU DDEN~DE ATH. The papers are full of sudden deaths. If you have choking sensations, flutter­ ing, pain or tenderness in chest, faint easily, take Dr. Miles' New Cure for the heart, and HO escape death, as diu Henry Brown, druggist of Cleveland, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. NEW RESTAURANT. Mrs. S. A. Robbins will open a Restaur* ant and ice Cream Pallors this week, in the Nichols block, where she will fur­ nish warm or cold meals at all hours, Ice Cream by the dish or quart, and will keep all kinds of f:-uit in their season. It will be her aim to keep a neat and quiet place and respectfully asks a share of public patronage. Remember the place Nichols block, two doors north of Perry & Owen's store. MRS. S. A. ROBBINS,: McHenry, 111., May 24th, 1692. ' DON'T BE A CLAM. praise to the town you live in and also to the paper yon see this add in and great profit will be given unto you if you bay Men's Cassimere suits only .....f4.50 Men's pants f 1.25 to f5 00 Gents nobby check suits... 6.00 to 8.00 Fine drees shirts. 50 to 1.25 Boys suits 1.00 to 4.00 Knee pants 20 to 1.00 Boys % wool waists 25 Boys School Shoes 1.85- Mens Shoes #1.00 to #3.00 Lots of new goods every woek at Bed Rock Prices. En. LAWLUS, In front of the Riverside Hotd. GOOD LOOKS. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be in­ active, you have a bilious look, if your stomach be diso' der' d you have a dys­ peptic look and if your kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the a^reat alterative and tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boilfe and gives a good complectiou. Sold at G. W. Besley's drugstore, 50 cents per bottle. « NOW TRY THIS. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you hava a cough, cold, or any trouble with throats chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. Large size 50c and #1.00. # NEWSPAPERS ENDORSE. "Educators are certainly the greatest benefactors of the race, and after reading Dr. Franklin Miles' popular works, can­ not help declaring him to be among the most entertaining and educating auth­ ors."--New York Daily. He is not a stranger to our readers as his advertisements appear inourcolumns in eyery issue, calling attention to the fact that his elegant work on Nervous and Heart Diseases is distributed tree by our enterprising)druggists. Trial bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine are given away, also book of Testimonials showing that it is unequaled for Nervous Prostration, Headache, Poor Memory, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Fits, Epilepsy. _____ SPECIMEN CASES. S.H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma­ tism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degra appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buckleu's Arnica Salve, and hie leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catafaa, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured Mm entirely.* Sold bar ^. W. Besley's Drug Story. Sophus' Egg Food When fed for efmlera should be mixed with bran, double the amount being used as called for in di­ rections. If chickens cannot eat, stuff the mixture, slightly wet, into their mouths •ltd it will cure them. mm ' , , ̂ ; :N- * ** * V 4 iS*-» 1 ^ t , , 2 - a * v - j- r?f . ^ /J; o r\; ̂ , '1: v- • We have bought an overstock ot spring and summer clothing and the weather has proved sucit a drawback en the demand tor- such goods we will commence a Special Clothing Sale, to reduce stock, on Thursday,? May 26, and continue one week, ^ ^ Following are some of the prices. I^ Men's black frock worsted suits; ;Jp #10, now 6. « Men's pin-head check all wool suits, #15, now #10. 4 ] Youth's gray all wool suits, $12 50, now #6 50. , ^ Men's dart fancy oersted $16.50, now 13 ? Men's Bl'k worsted sacks, #9.00. f now #8. Child's f piece suits, #2, now , % { We haye many equally as good ^ bargains, Come and see us. On all carpets we will give & ca^h discount of 10 per cent lor the next 30 days. Wall Paper. We are having an immense trade in wall paper and borders. To close out our entire stock we .-vill give you a cash discount of 20 per cent from now on, on all our different kindsexcept browns, All paper trimmed free of charge. Come and get the first selection. v SHOES. Our shelves are overloaded with all kinds of floe shoes for Infants, boys. ; girls, men and women. We si vay* leer p the best goods sod our prices are surprisingly low this season. 'UM; Do you intend painting this season? 11 so you are certainly interested enough to make a practical test of the paint before­ hand, If you will buy a quart can of our celebrated "Monarch" paint and the same quantity of ^ any other paint yon may think " favorably of, selecting about the | same color lu both brands, take them home and paint a few feet on the side of your house or other t building you intend painting, t By measuring the quantity used ^ you can readily see which paint / has the best body, whi h will spread the smoothest and appear the best. The experiment on the home or other building will not hurt it, as yon Intend painting it over again anyway. .. After this (rial, if you da not decide fc In favor of the "Monarch" paint we will rej[u'd the money paid for the i quart can !n csperlascniSug. Tuls !• a * fair proposition. We w 11 guarantee the Monarch Paint to be tree from water, benzine, barytes, whiting, or any other adulteration. Monarch paint is guide of whits lead, zinc and pure linseed oil, and will cover more surface than aiiy other palut manufactured. Try It. We also carry m full line of oils, varnishes; brushes,andeyerjthlng in the paint line. '4-*, Yours very trnly, Perry & Owen, General Merchant* McHENRY, ILL. PERRY A OWEN. Bankers. MCHENRY, - - This Bank reewtmt depmitft. tas and! sells Foreign and Dommtio Jit» change, and doe* a Seneral Banking Bastem, We endeavor to do ail (feutneM m- Irmted to our care in a imnvMr tt/td upotI entirety autisfactory to OMT customer* and re^pectfuUg to&eif lAf/ pubUc patrotiag*. MONEY TO LO*N| On Real Estate and other firtS c&f security. mm® In 2ir*t Class [Qmp IfOUNItt ffflfff>_ Fours

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