Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1892, p. 8

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W. C. T: U |? - Articles and Notloos wilder the »hove h«*<1 are furaUbcd by tbe LftUiea of the W,() T. U Hd the editor claims no put or credit for tb* Mine. &,• -. * • - ' , ^y.% f. •:MK: : W ^fK- ? • • i&' * & • fe* •*V The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mra. "Wentworth, Thursday afternoon, June 16, at half past two o'clock P. M. MRS. 1,. E. BENNETT. President. MfcS. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. Mother's Influence. , ^ie o! the old dramatists wrote: . "The mother in her hand holds the key Of the soul; and she it is who stamps the mould i 01 character, and makes the being, who , would be a savage But for ^ier gentle care, a Christian 1 man. The mother of JohnQuincy Adams said in a letter to him, written when he was Only ten years old: I would rather see you laid in your ffrave than grow a pro­ fane and graceless boy." Not long before the death of Mr.Aclams a gentlemen said to him, "I hare found out who made you." "Whatdo you mean?"saidMr.Adams. The gentleman replied, *'1 have been reading the published letters of your mother." "If," this gentleman remarks, *1 had spoken this name to some little boy who had been for weeks away from his mother his eyes could not have flashed more brightly, nor his face glowed more quick­ ly than did the eyes of that venerable old man when I pronounced the name of his mother. He stood up in his peculiar manner and said,-- *Tee sir; all that is good in toe, I owe to my mother." Nobody knows of the work it takes To keep the home together; Nobody knows of the steps it makes; Nobody knows--but mother. Nobody listens to childish woes Which kisses only smother; Nobody's pained by naughty blows; Nobody--only mother. Nobody knows of the sleepless cftt® Bestowed on baby brother; Nobody knows of the tender prayer, Nobody--only mother. Nobody knows of the anxious fears Lest darling may not weather The storms of life in after years; Nobody knows--but mother. Nobody kneels to the throne above To thank the heavenenly Father For that sweetest gift of mothers love Nobody can--but mother. ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any t other Dressing at 5 cents, v ; A UTTLE GOES A LONG WAYS ; because shoes once blackened with it «n i be kept clean by washing them with «Mr. • People in moderate circumstances ftai It profitable to buy it at 20c. a bottle, ha ; what the j spend for Blacking they m shoe leather. It is the cheapest blacking consSoug its quality, and yet wt want to nil it cheaper if it can be done. We will pay $10,000 Reward . for a recipe that mil enable us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a price that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. This oiler is open until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia, Old furniture painted with PIK-RON . j is the name of the paint), looks like stained and varnished new furniture. One coat will do it. A child can apply it You can change a pine to a walnut, or a cherry : to mahogany; there is no limit to4your fancies. All retailers sell it. NOTICE, i * > A* ^ nirimaniia Gillett's Quickest e ONLY YEAST rq&Kip? * Brs&d wbicb Prevei?ts Cures- Dyspepsia Horsemen, Look Here. I have a fine stock of, nmnn? which arc •' Young Green Mountain Morran," "Mor- rill Chariea." and others. Call and see these Horfos before making armngeir.eats else­ where. N. S. COLBY. iMcHenry, 111., May 10,1892. • fc- L' HPH E RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach, liver and bowels, purify the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rejm- edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor­ dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney Complaints, Liver petite, Mental Depres Rash, Painful Digcu Blood to the Head, Salt Rh e urn, Scald H eadache, S k i n D h Tired Feeling, Torpid Brash and every other tliat results fromy im in the proper perform Troubles, Loss of Ap- sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water s y m p t o m o r d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to overeating are bene- fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate, i gross $2, % gross $1.25, gross 75c., t-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. THE RIPANS' CHEMtCAL COkPANY^^w-York, Or 4 » ] 4 > j 4 - r* • 1 V f ' « if i ' /v'v •"* '1 Fairbanks Santa Cl-aus SoafI frfjy f°T all rtoujcfeolel jujd, LAUTid^r puifwfejl fad* only WN.K.FAIRBANKS CO. CHICAGOi STOP, READER! Give Us a Moment of Towt Time Think over this and come and see our Goods <£t We are located for a Are you on the list? strange for one of the If so, don't wait for a better chance, but Couple of Months, And We Want Your Trade. And Check Rowers, the simplest Check Rower and best Planter on earth. HARNESS! HARNESS 1 7 a, a of heav; doubl e harness « f mo wn make several sets of second-hand double and single harness, must be sold this week. Will trade for old ones. DISC HARROWS. We have in stock the Budlone Rotary Disc Harrows, also the Bradley Rotary Disc Harrow, ana you make no mistake when you purchase either of tbe above harrows lurnished with three-horse equipmet, ncomplete. G. L HUBBARD, NUNDA ,ILL, He Stood Rootedl to the Spot On being- told that we could sell him such an elegant watch at fig-1 ures so extremely low. By the [ way, have you seen our new line of ladies' and gents' gold chains, breast pins, rings, ear-rings. If I not, why not. They are certain­ ly the finest of tbe kind in these parts. Wonderful variety, hand- j some and shapely. How are you riding? If for business or pleasure, comfort or safety, buy the celebrated Abbott Buggies and Road Wagons, iu all styles. Timpkin and side springs. BUGGIES. BUGGIES. You will find the celebrated Abbott Buggy on our floor, in anv style you might want, and would be pleased to show you goods and name prices, We thank you for past favors and hope for a share of your patronage, believing that we can .do you good in anything you might want in our iine, Very respectfully! RICHARD BISHOP. RE TO STAY, O We wish to announce that we are now ready to ehow tbe public a larger 1 and a new stock of JEWELRY And, No Mistake. WITH A FULL LIKE OB « p\ ajt * M tf.'.'l Bracelets, Necblacrs, Br 00c lies, Hairpins, Lace pins. Rings. £carf pins, Cufi pins. Cuff buttons, Earrings, Cantors. Pickle and celery dishes, Knives and Forks, 1847, Roget Bros, Spoons. Napkin rings. Albums. »S'crap books, Optical goods, Acbool books. Crayons, Pencils, Tablets. plates. Watches, Cloeks, If you think of buvlnp a new sewing machine be sure ard call and examine ^ the new Wheeler & Wileoa No. 9. the Standard Machiae of to-day. Besides h\ 1 thai, we have tbe American.Domestic. •°household!, New White, and several other leading machines, on which wo -- "*ve you from five to ten dollars. Yours truly, • i Heaman Bros. I JCoHecry, 111., April. 1892. v • . Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, | HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. | It is no use to make a noise about- what you are going t® do, un­ less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall, Real Bargains of great valu < i,o every one of our customers. My stock is complete in every department and cofnprises Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. t Respectfully, ^ JOHN I. ST i McHe^ry, Sept 22d, 1891. CALL IN. J. W. CRISTY & SON, RINGWOOD, ILL. The Wonder of the Age! Why? Because it has neither Elevated Tubes, Tank or Drip Cups. Because it lights instantaneously. Because it will burn any grade of gasoline, heavy or light. Because it will do one-third more work than any other Vapor Stove* Because it has no equal for Baking, Broiling, Roasting or ironing. Because it is the most Economical, Simple and Convenient Vapor Cook Stove ever put on the market. er Don't fair to see this Wonderful, Labor-saving Stove before baying, or you will surely regret it. Bear in mind that the ••Dang­ ler Surprise" fc a welcome surprise and blessing to every household. For Sale STORY & McOMBER, West McHenry, 111. GEO, W. BESLEY,- DKALKR IM- DRUGS AND MEDIQNES, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, Went Mellenrj, 111* / FURS VINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL UBS, w ALSO. BOTTLED ALE AND POHTER FOR «*EOlCAL U8E. JUIilA A. ©TOBTT. urn DEALER INS- OHB DOOR WEST OF BIVEBSIDB HOU8K, HeBtarj,!!!, Drugs s Medicines -A FULL LINE OF Dross, Chemicals. Die Stuff's, Paints, ils & Colon Constantly on band. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF ^STATIONERY ASP DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fhyedoians Prescription* • Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- o'st. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A, STOI1Y: </ ^ .;fy- - The best brands of Cigars and smokng and chewing Tobacco always on hand. ^Physicians' Prescriptions' Carafully compounded. Give me a call • West McHenry. III., 1892. OEO. BE9LEY. The West Side Boot, Shoe and Clothing Store. 1892 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. <892 fagPTo the people of WcHenry and Lake Counties, we would say, that this spring1 we are better prepared than ever beforeto figure with the buying public in the following lines of new and well bought merchandise. If you stop and think for a moment you can not help but see that our expenses are less than our competitors, and consequently we can and will give you lower prices than you get elsewhere, Our Boot, Shoe and Rubber Stock was never more complete. We are showing a line of ladies' fine shoes at $1.50, $1.75, $2 25, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 per• pair. C^|r lines ot men's and children's shoes are equally as well filled. CLOTHING I CLOTHING ! Our spring and summer clothing is here, ready for your inspec­ tion. " e put into our btore this spring the largest and finest lot of new Clothing that we have ever shown at one time. .Our assort­ ment in this line is very complete, quality durable and stylish. You can not afford to buy anything in this line without first looking our stock over, as itcompiises everything from a four-year old knee pant tip to a man's best full suit. A full spring stock ot new and stylish hats just in, call and see them. We still have the largest assortment of Rockford overalls, jackets and shirts, in town, all fully warranted not to rip. Trunks and traveling bags, rubber and oil cloth coats. frW"Choice, fresh groceries everv two weeks. Flour by the sack or barrel at prices to meet any and all eempeti­ tion, quality considered. Yours as ever for business. - JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. ".L A ^ S&JL .;! "r iv? -3".

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