Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1892, p. 5

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W- 1' ip1.' •»*. < • / * • -;**• xwiW' |l?#| WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1892. p. -Yakiag effect on "uaday, Jan* Uth, MM. Xr&in* pass (hie station as follows: OOIKO soeth; tMilk Freight Arrive 7:*> K. M, *W illiams Bay Freight pusses.... 9:10 " M.nke Ueneva Passenger " .... 9:59 " *i/ake Genevt Passenger " ......8:44 P.M. Lake Ueneva Express " ....4:00 •' ? *L*k« U«B«Tt Passenger '* (:ll •« ! OOIMO SOUTH, flloHenry Passenger Depart 7 "25 A. M. "Lake Geneva Pasangr passes 7:30 " Utnera Express " I:)i " Williams Bay Freight *•' .. .1:30 P M. ;* Geneva Passenger " .....3:96 " 'v *l,ake Geneva passenger 1' •• (Lake Geneva Passenger " EXPLANATION, * D«Uv except Sun iajr. ' «|g Sundays only. " B. Btraa, Agent. MeHenrv. IU L MASONIC. McHknbt Lodok, No. 168 a. P. and A. M.*- Kogular Oommunicatons the second and touri'n Mondays in each month. W. A. OBISTT, W. M. BE sure and attend the Dramatic en- tertainment, at Riverside Hall, to-night. Our neighboring city of Harvard hag organised a Republican Club and are now _ready to open the campaign. 3Jc uOt forget tuc ?urly tit the McHenry House, July 4th.See notice in another column. WM. FBETT, formerly of Johnsburgh, late of Chicago, died in the latter city last week. He was a man well known and highly respected in this community. Lovers of fine trotting should bear in mind the Races at the Nunda Driving Park, on Saturday next, the 25th. Some fine sport may be expected. THERE will be a Picnic in the Johns­ burgh Grove July 4th. A large dancing platform will be erected, good music and plenty of refreshments furnished, and a general good time may be expected. R. W. Tuck, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist, (graduate Ontario, Canada, Vet­ erinary College,) Elgin, 111., will beat McHenry Monday of each week. Leave orders with R. R. Howard, West McHenry. TICKETS have been issned from this office for a Fourth of July Party, at Swenson's New Hall, Wauconda, Monday evening, July 4th. A fine Chicago Or­ chestra will furnish the music. Tickets, including supper and care of horses, 12. Read the new advertisements of R. Bishop, John Evanson & Co., John J. Miller, new Meat Market, Barbian Bros., Fox River Steamboat Company, and J. W. Cristy & Son, all to be found in an­ other column. v> H. V. SHEPARD, of Chicago, WM on onr streets on Monday. MRS. S. P. COLBY; of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Miss Lura COLBY, of Nunda, visited with friends here Sunday. AUGUST Nordquest, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents in this village. A. C. QRANGER, of Chicago, was on onr streets on Sunday. D. C. WAITE, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting among old friends here this week. Miss ------ COLBY, of Nunda, spent Sunday with her parents, in this village. MRS. O. W. OWEN has been quite sick the past week, but is now reported im­ proving. PROP. GRIMES, of Nunda, is the guest Of Prof. F. M. Overaker this week, and they are enjoying themselves fishing. Miss BARBARA WIEDEMANN and Miss Sophia Schumacher, of Elgin, are visiting with friends here this week. 8. BOND, of Liberty ville, was the guest of Geo. W, Owen, in this village, on Mon­ day. Mbs LIBBIK MCDADE, Of Pittsburgh, Pa., is visiting with *be family of Dr. Osborne, in this village. G. E. CHAPELL and wife and Mrs. John­ son, all of Chicago, were the guests of A®#- W. Owen and wife the first of the we*. DR. Joiin OSBORNE, and two friends, Mr. Waltpn and Mr. Oeffner, of Ham- stead, Pa., are the gnests of Dr. Owboi^- and wife, in this village v (§0 shutters and doors'." ',kt)o not be frightened, Laurel,*' said Ella Tyrrel, handing a cup of tea to their visitor, newly arrived from London, "the clectric bells are already ordered, and will soon be put up, and in future Giddes saysshewill take UD the butter-dish as well as the DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of uach week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Childs and Dr. Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. /CHILDREN'S DAY was held at the Dni- /versalist Church on Sunday eveping last, /and the house was packed to its utmost ^capacity. The church was beautifully decorate^ with flowers, and the program was one of the finest, which reflected credit on all who were engaged. THE arrangements for the Annual In­ dependence Party, at the Riverside House, are progressing favorably, and those who attend are sure of a good old- fashioned time. When you are making your arrangements for the Fourth do not fail to put down the Riverside House fox the evening. Tue two prizes offered for the boy sell­ ing the largest nnmber of bars of Cyclone Soap, by the 20th of June, were won as follows: Harry Eldredge secured the first prize, selling 2240 bars. Charles Swadish took second prize, selling 1302 bars. Each received a fine watch valued at $25 and $20 respectively. As will be seen by an advertisement in another column, the Fox River Steam­ boat Co. propose to run an Excursion from McHenry to Fox Lake every Sun­ day, leaving here at 9:30 A. M., and re­ turning, leave Fox Lak at 5 p. m. This will be a great accommodation to many who are unable to attend this beautiful Bummer Resort at any other time. The Excursions will commence on Sunday next. "ALI BABA" will enter upon its third week at the Chicago Opera House to­ night. What is known as the "second edition" will be given? In it many inno­ vations will be made, and some radical changes in the music, dialogues and sit­ uations. The part of Cassin, formerly played by Dan Hart will be taken by Ed­ win Foy, Mr. Hart having been transfer- ferred to David Henderson's New York company and cast for bis <i)]d role of Nicolo in "Sinbad." Foy will have a number of new songs, among them two entitled "Happy Rhymes" and "They Discharged Him Because He was Old," and a humorous song and dance trio with Max Millan and James Thompson, called "The Poets Dream." In the first act the duet "Just a Kiss" has been re­ placed by one with the title "Quite Another Different Kind of Person Alto­ gether," sung by Bessie Cleveland and Ida Mulle. A quartette and grotesque dance will be done by the Misses Cleve­ land, Mulle, Dacre and Raymond and Edwin Foy, and new solo dances will be | introduced in the Jewel Ballot by Martha and Hnlda Irmler. Henry Norman's I strong baritone voice will be heard in a sea song and cHorus especially written for him by Col. W. T. Barton, the author of "liazzle Dazzle," entitled "A Jolly Old Tar," and the finale of the piece will be considerably changed. The patronage I of "Ali Baba" continues very large. DENTBT.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, | will be in West McHenry every Monday, I Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly | occupied by Dr. Childs and Dr. Norton, lopposite the old Parker House place. '.J I «- **. -J" u,, ' \AN interesting Musicals was given atE. * « . _ , ; , W. Howe's Friday evening. June 10, by* each of the party: pfapils of Prof. Arnold. The following ^ Deist, 2167 Archer Avenue, 29 programme was given: pounds. ^Piano--On the Sea Hennes Barbara Barbian. Piano--The Pink hichner Lura Owen. Piano and Violin--Flower Song... Messrs. Barbian and Arnold. Organ--Florence Waltz „... Hattie Howard. Piano--Dancing Fairies Carrie Colby. Organ--Grant's March !.... AUie Waits. , Piano--Nocturne Lichneif II Trovatore..... Don) Lizzie Osborne. / ^Piano--New Spring ..Leehge X Kate Howe. / H. MILLER & Soii, our Marble dealers, nave been getting out some of the finest Monuments of late ever seen in this sec­ tion. That this is appreciated is evi­ denced by the large amount they are do- jing, having twelve completed to put up this week, besides a large number of un­ finished orders now on hand. They are Completing one for the late A. H. Hanly, of this village, which is very handsome. It is eleven feet high, 4 foot at the base and is made of Barre, Vermont Granite. The design is neat and ^handsome, while the workmanship cannot be surpassed \by anyy^ They have another monument on which they are at work, which is thir­ teen feet high, three and a half feet at the base, and is of Scotch Granite, the design and workmanship of which is also very fine. In short Messrs. Miller & Son have few equals and no superiors in getting out their kind of work, and those con­ templating purchasing anything in their line should not fail to call at their shop and look their work oyer. Their work is the best and prices reasonable. J. M. CHANDLER, whom we noticed a few weeks since as here in the interest of Geo. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, getting the points for a Farm Plat Book of McHenry County, but who was called to another field, has returned and is now busy com­ pleting his work here. To repeat what we said before so that q)l may under­ stand it we would say that this book will give an Outline Sectional map of each Township, with Plats of Cities, Towns, and Villages, and Historical Records of hundreds of leading citizens, together with a double map of the United States, and Railroad Map of the State, colored Counties. Also a complete analysis of the system of th9 United States land sur­ veys, with engravings, diagrams and drawings. Mr. Chandler is doing his work thorough and well, and when, com­ pleted this book will be one which no family can well do without. As we said before none will be for sale except to sub­ scribers, so that in order to secure a copy you must subscribe now. If you do not do so you will much regret it in the fu­ ture. Do not decide hastily when Mr. Chandler calls, as it is a work you can­ not afford to be without. In the Inter Ocean of the 15th, in the /report of the races from Lima, Ohio, we learn that "Henry O." a George O. colt owned by E. C. Howard, got a record of v2:24^. be being the first one of George O's get to enter the list. The above rec­ ord is a remarkable one when we take everything into consideration. This colt was six years old May 3d and has never had a days training until this spring. He was shipped May 23th from Lake Villa to Gee Grimes, at Franklin, Ohio. Then on the 29th to Dayton, Ohio; six days later to Waupoosa, Ohio; from there to Terra Haute, Indiana; and then to Lima, Ohio. He has not been work­ ed but three miles this season, which he made in 2:34, 2:36 and 2:30, until the day of his race, when he went to a record the first heat of 2:24%, and that after be­ ing on the cars ten days out of twenty- one. His mother's breeding has never been established and is non-standard can make such a showing? George O , 2:21%, will put four more in the list from non-standard mares this yeah This lit­ tle town has the greatest sire on earth, and he is being used by horsemen from far and near. NICE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Bros. NEVER have the citizens of McHenry n more highly entertained than they have this week by the Leon ard& Thomas Dramatic Company. Our people appre­ ciate a good thing when they see it and have shown it. by giving this excellent company full houses each night of their engagement here. \ Indeed, they are a Cohipauy uf ladietfaud gentlemen, every one a star, each one taking his or her part in a manner not to be excelled. It is seldom that one finds, outside of the large cities, a company possessing such real merit as this troupe. A social chat with some of the members, who, by the way are as pleasant entertainers off the stage as on, discloses the fact that they come from the leading theatrical organi­ zations of this conntry. On Monday evening they opened with that great Dialect Play "That Swede," and follow­ ed on Tuesday evening with that great­ est of all Comedy Dramas, in Five Acts, entitled "Divorce, or Lost and Won," in both of whi,ch the talented young Actor, Frederic Herzog, done himself honor, and was supported by the entire company in an unexceptionable manner. This Wednesday evening, which is posi­ tively their last night here, they will present the beautiful Play of "Lynwpod," and no one should fail to attend who wish an eVening of real enjoyment. This Company go from here to Wauconda, and we take pleasure in recommending them to our readers in that vicinity as well worthy of their most liberal patron­ age. They have made a reputation in McHenry that will give them a crowded bouse at any time they return here, which we hope will be soon. . A party of fishermen from Chicago slopped at the McHenry House a couple of days last week, and when they went home they voted that MeHenry was the greatest fishing ground in the Nortb^ fost. / The following is the dumber of THE many friends of Prof. J. H. Burger and wife, formerly of this village, now of Inland, HI., will be pained to read the following, clipped from the Leland Ex­ press: DIED.--At her home in Leland, Thurs­ day, J line 2, little Ada, only daughter of Hrof. and Mrs. J. H. Burner, of diph­ theria, aged nearly two years. The fun­ eral was held at the family residence, Rev. Ericson conducting the services. She was laid to rest in the Iceland Ceme­ tery until such time as it may be possible to remove her to Dundee where an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Burger is buried. Brother and Sister Burger have the sym­ pathy of the entire community and es- l»ecially of the orders of which* they are members, the I. O. of & T. and M. W. of A. The floral tributes were abundant and beautiful, quite covering the little mound. *%dawasan interesting child and will be greatly missed by her fond parents. May they be sustained in their hours of bereavement by the consoling faith in a glad minion with their little daughter in a lands whose inhabitants shall never say "I am sick" and loved ones shall no more be torn from our fond embrace. Fo'd the little hamts so waxen O'er the pulseless, baby breast, , Eor our tinning one Is sleeping - In death's lone aid dreamless re*t. Press th* go!-1 frinsred eyelids gently '• • 0>r *hc z\i"tiy, t'liiutiiu v.r Kyes that closed on *atth forertr - Open up In Paradise* ', Vain we question why It happened How it ran be lor tlie toeat, ' AS Vine why those feet so early ; ; * In their journev, nefcied rest. - But though hearts ar» stehine, broken With the dull, increasing p%iin. Though the light or life septus vanished • -- -NCVS* to COutv IJWCHL """ Yet, Oh would we ask ta call her t ro.n her home of light- above, WouUl we ask that <}:>d h'ul lefi her Here to cheer us with her love. Even with our love to guide her. In the path of peace and right. Would she still have entered fteaven With a soul so pure aud white, M. 0. H. Mr. and Mrs. Burger have the sympa­ thy of a host of friends in this village jand vicinity, in this their hour of sorrow. HARVARD. 'p^na'sof fish reported as having bcfn la^Safurd6 WoodBtock aq 11 rrVif Kr annli lV»/» * Frank Hurley picniced at Beloit Wed­ nesday. E. L. Downs returned from a three **» vwnuo twvui »ivu iiuui o bUfW H. Conrad, 2167 Archer Avenue, 24 weeks trip Saturday. He is traveling for nnnJa Annlntfin Pn nf l^himurn » pounds. Frank Goedek, 2220 State Street, 19 pounds. Peter Sneider, 2135 Archer Avenue, 26 pounds. Gus Rydell, corner Archer Avenue and Purple street, 48 pounds. Wendland Bros., 2260 State Street, 26 ^pounds. L. Schubert and wife, 8012 Butler Street, 60 pounds^ Henry Schroeder, 2347 Sti|e Street, 19 pounds. In connection with thia it must be re­ membered that the water has been un­ usually high this spring and consequent­ ly fishing has not been as good as usual But when you want to go fishing you can find no better place than McHenry. THE Women's Columbian Exposition Club of McHenry will meet with Mrs. Cr T. Eldredge, Wednesday, July 13, at 2 o'clock, p. M. Programme: Topic--Spain. Legendary Spain--Introduction and influence of the Gothic element. Mrs. C T. Eldredge. Causes of the decline of Spain. Mrs. J. I. Story, Spanish Literature. Mattie Smith. Painters and Sculptors. Mrs. F. L. McOmber. Spaiji an object of interest to travelers. Mrs. O. N. Owen, Let all club members make an effort to attend this meeting, and an especial invitation is extended to all ladies to join us. Miss J. A. STORY, Pres. MRS. G. 6. SMITH, Sec. Beal Estate Transfers, Recorded up to and including Jane 11. Phoebe A Kane sn>l hus to H F Jones, Juan side nw% se- 16 Uebron t 800 0C J F Moore and w to 3 Paul, 1 3-4(1 a sec 20, Dunham 24200 3 K Bartholomew and wtoOM Rood, It 8 blk 25, WTT sec 23, M 18 add'n Ma renno ISO 00 Adeil Digginsand AO Digg;ns to L D 4 blk 21, Hart's 3d adn Harvard 300 00 J Fmsky r to J F Clancy, ne^ n»Jf see, lf», wX e% sec 18, and e 25 a of that pi seX sec 18 whlon lies s->iuh of highway, Nunda 30C0 UC S K Bartholomew anil w to T Loomer, It I, i*Ik 12. M I S »dn Marengo 150 00 9 K Bartholomew and w to Delia A B Re d It 4 iilk 10 M I S adn Marengo 150 00 S K B a r t h o l o m e w a n d w t o M r s D A B Rend. It 8 blk 26 M I S adn Marengo 150 00 Alice B Johnson to Harriet B Booth, pt su -It It 26 assrs qlt sec 36 Marengo 180U 00 W A Trent and w to Mrs Fabrina Gochuy, publt 16 of It 44. assrs pit sec 36, Marengo 325 00 F F Axieii a w to usrrie M Gilbert, It 8 blk 9, Blackman'sadni.ity otHar­ vard • 860 (0 9 S Shepard and w and H V Shepard and w to Nina G Oristy, 1 66 100 a land in sw^ sec 26 McHenry 640 00 P H Klapprich and w to C Champion and w H foreman, gravel pit !u sec 8, MoHenry 650 00 L B S B a r r o w s t o t r u s t e e s F i r « t F M church, of WoodBtock, It 7' blk 1, Ktnily Hutehins' adn Woodstock... 300 00 J Duradnik to G Fischer. Its 4, 5' 7, blk 2, alt-o It 8 blk 3, H Hubbards 1st adn vil of Algonquin 1700 00 W Mor on and w ta F Alamek. It 3, blk 13 Plumleigh's adn vil Algonquin.. 1200 00 Jane M Morion and hus to F A lamek, It 4, blk 13 Xlumleighsadn Algonq'n 2300 00 J Winke aud w to T Kaboo, ne side It 1 blk !) Plnnileigh adn Algonquin, alsopc ne side U 1 blk 9, to extend to outlet of Crystal I.ake.. 1900 00 H Haffry and w to O Russ Jr, 9k It 2, blk 1, vil Huntley 500 W) Paulina Blossom to E O Blossom, sjf It 3 and 4, blk 8, vil Union 50 00 W I Torboss and w to P Welborn, It 4, Ellen Plarce's adn Hebron 300 00 8 K Bartholomew aud w to F Seward, li 6. blk 6, and It r, blk 10 in wj{ seo 35. M 18 adn Marengo 300 00 Fourth of July Party. There w|# b« a Fourth of July party at the McHenry House, .Monday evening, July 4th. T*he music will be furnished by Noonan's Band, and nothing will be left undone to make it pleasant for all who attend. Come out and celebrate the ever glorious Fourth, and winduD with agood dance at the McHenry House. Floor Managers, John J. Bishop, J. J. Barbian. Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West Mc Henry every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week! --„ .„ He can be found at the office formerly but this record makes her standard and occupied by Dr. Childs and Dr. Norton, all her filly colts. What other stallion °PPOB'te the old Parker House place. return until, July 6th. For tickets and full information apply to agents C. & N W. R'y. 49w2 Appleton & Co., of Chicago. The Woodmen's Picnic, at Beloit, last Friday, was attended by about ninety from this place. They report a jolly time. Ray Lyon was seen on our streets Monday. He was here on business. The ball club is all equipt and ready for business. They would like to hear from some of the suburban towns around Harvard. J s. Walsh has returned to work on the Hera hi. He says this hot weather is too much for Groesbeck's literary pro­ ductions. They were liable to spoil be­ fore he could get. them ofl his hands. Chas. Saunders, who has run a milk route in this city for the paet fifteen years, has sold out to Fred Rentley. Charlie has been elected President of the Trotting Association and will make things boom in racking circles. The Grover Cleveland club, of Madison, passed through Harvard Mouday. The train was composed of one baggage car and several coaches. But the coaches were "not in it" with the baggage car. The refreshments were in that car, so were the passengers. ' The Republicans of this city turned out enmasse Tuesday evening, June 13, to organize a Republican L&ague dub. Great enthusiasm was manifested by tho°e present. Speeches were made by Capt. R. J. Whittleton, J. D. Clark, L. H. Stafford and others. An organization was effected by electing L H. Stafford president, L. O. Digging secretary and F. F. Axtell treasurer, F. H. Coe was made captain of the marching club. The officers and members of this club will do everything in their power to further the election of the Republican nominees. While it is dollars to doughnuts that Harrison and Fifer will win, it is well to remember that our friends, the enemy, are still on earth, and liable to show signs of life at any time. It is not well to be too sanguine of success. Every Re­ publican should do something to help keep the rascals out. The work of putting in the mains for the water works is bt-Mig pushed as fast as the weather will permit. H. S. Williams is building an addition to his block, corner Ayer and Brainard streets. J. D. Clark attended the reunion of his regiment, held at Janesville last Friday and Saturday. John Snowden Visited in Chicago a few days last week. W. C. Wellington has just finished put­ ting in a new plate glass front in his store. This will give him much more light. We are pleased to see our neigh­ bors seeking light. Some of them need it badly. Our Republican club now numbers about 300. This is the largest club ever organised in this city. The weather has been such that the farmers have not been able to get into town to join, but they are all in line and anxious to put them­ selves on record as being ior Harrison and Reid. If there are any soreheads in this neck of woods we would respectfully call their attention to that old rymetbat runs something like this: He who sulks and stays away, will be left to sulk till his hair turns gray. Nunda Department. Nunda Post, No 226, meets on the second ana fourth Tuesday evenings of each month lu G A. R. Bail. Oouirades from other Post* are cordially invited to visit Post meetings. W. P. St. Oommander. W. E. Pricket Adjutant P. England spent Wednesday last in the city. Miss Carrie Goodwin, of Elgin, is spend­ ing a week among her old schoolmates. Miss Stella Clark, of Danville, 111., who has been visiting her friend Miss Marion Thomas, returned to her home last week. Mrs. Warren, of Woodstock, Sundayed with her daughter, Mrs. Smith. The W. R. C. will serve ice credtn in the G. A. R. hall next Saturday evening. B. Ford Sundayed in Nunda. Miss Grace Stevens, of McHenry, spent a few days last week, with her Nnnda frieuus. Wm. Hutchinson and wife spent Tues­ day in Nunda. Misses Hattie and Eva Ballon, who have been spending the last year at Eure­ ka College, returned home last Friday evening. < O. Congdon Sundayed in Nnnda. - R. Philp spent Friday last in the eity. Bert Ford, of Woodstock, spent Tues­ day in N»nd»^, The Kalophon Quartette, which fur­ nished music at our commencement exer­ cises, gave complete satisfaction and we lope that we may hear theui in Nunda Again. After a severe illness Walter Hubbard Is again seen on our streets. ' The Msntwe Annie Pinip and JennieCha- pell, of Algonquin, attended Commence­ ment here. Frank Colby visited in Nunda Tuesday. - I. A. Chase has a brother visiting l|im. Miss Eva Miller spent a few days last week in Carpentersville. L. H. Davis, of Eureka, HI., occupied the pulpit in the Christian Church last Sunday. Miss Bertha Fowler, of Evanston is still holding meetings in the M. E. Church. Miss Clara Grimes, of Elgin, visited her Nunda friends Sunday. The 4th of July is coming but no cele­ bration in Nunda. The Misses Philp entertained theyoung people, at their home, last Saturday evening. The Woodstock Public School closes next Thursday, and the Commencement Exercises are held that evening. Miss Mary McNair, our assistant prin­ cipal, returned to her home in Winneba­ go last Wednesday. She returns here to teach next year. The tower of the school buildincr, which was struck by lightning during thesevers storm on June 7, is being repaired by J. Darby. Mrs. F. Shepard, of Chicago, is visiting her many friends in Nunda. Miss Marion Thomas visited Chicago Friday. H. B. Thompson, of Chicago, was call­ ing on Nunda friends Wednesday. Half Bates to Cincinnati. On account of the Prohibition National Convention, the Chicago & North-West- „uu „ trirt, uqiu-, ,ree. n«na ern K y Co. will sell excursion tickets to your name and address to H. E. Bucklen Cincinnati and return at half rates one £ Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of fare fare for the round tnn. Tinlt«f» nn n„ x? „ ALGONQUIN. Mr. and Mrs. Edsall started for Buffalo N. Y., on Saturday last to spend their summer's vacation. A few couple from here attended the Picnic, at Beloit, on Friday. C. E. Chapell has gone North on a business trip. Miss Estelle Peter, of Chicago, is the guest of J. Peter and wife. W. P. Benson and family are to attend the commencement exercises at Beloit College, this week, Mrs. R. Haeger will give a ten cent tea on Wednesday next, for the benefit of the Congregational Society. Mrs. Wm. Geister is the happy possess­ or of a 10% pound daughter. Mrs. V. N. Ford was taken quite ser­ iously ill on Saturday last, after her re­ turn from Elgin, but is now somewhat better. Miss Effle Jaynes, of Elgin, spent Son- day here with her people. Harry Morton, of Elgin, was calling on his many friends here on Sunday last. Mrs. C. E. Chapell is visiting with friends in Beloit this week. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. «Call on the advertised Drug­ gist and get a trial bqttle, free. Send i r o V o 0 i i " r j - • ,-- Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as sale June 26th and 28th, and good for a copy of Guide to Health and House- return until. .Tulv 6th. For t.wketn nnd t . . hold instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. G. W^ Jtesiey's drag stoz*. Demorest Contest The aighth Demorest contest will be held at Ringwood, Friday evening, June 24th. The following pieces will be spoken: "Saloon City Government." " Home versus Saloon." "A Plea for the Fatherland." "The Greatest Party." , "Redemption for our Country." " The Saloon the great Problem of the Hour." " A Vision of Prohibition." Members of McHenry Epworth League will assist in the music. Come and hear one of our best contests. Admission, 10 cents. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, ot Elgin, will be in West Mc Henry every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Childs and Dr. Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. r Half Bates to Omaha. On account of the National Convention of the Independent party, to be held at Omaha, Neb., July 4th, the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co will sell excursion tickets to Omaha and return at half rates --one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 29th to July 2d, inclusive, good for return passage until July 15th; inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western for tickets or further in­ formation. 50w2. Fourth of July Bates. On July 2d, 3d and 4th, the Chicago & Northwestern R'y Co. will sell round trip tickets between all stations on its lines at very low rates. For tickets and fill information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. 50w2. PIANO TUNING. As I shall be in McHenry and vicinity for the next week or ten days, any parties who have Pianos to Tune or Re­ pair can have the same attended to in first class manner and at reasonable rates by leaving word at Lewie Waite's, R. A. Howard's, or at Perry & Owen's store. Do not delay, qs my time is lim­ ited. D. C. WAITE. RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have on my grounds to offer for the spring trade a first class lot of Nursery Stock in Apples, Crab Apple*, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Grape Vines, Hardy Shrubs, Roses, etc. Also a good line af Shade and Evergreen Trees, of several varities and sizes. Come and see me or send your order and I be­ lieve I can please you all with good stock and honest prices. Yours Respectfully, . J. E, Buckland, Ringwood, 111. DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly oc­ cupied by Drs. Childs and Norton, oppo­ site the old Parker House place. FAIL TO DO OUR DUTY. Everybody has at times failed to do their duty by themselves. Hundreds of lady readers suffer from sick headache, nervousness, sleeplessness and female troubles. Let them follow the example of Mrs. H. Herbechter, Stevens Point, Wis., who ior five years suffered greatly from nervous prostration and sleepless­ ness, tried physicians and different medi­ cines wfthout success. But one bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine caused sound Bleep every night and she is feeling like a new person. Mr»0 Elizabeth Wheeler, Lara­ mie city, Wyoming, who trfcd all other remedies, declares that after three weeks use of the Nervine for headache, nervous prostration, et<v, she was entirely re- ieved. Sold by ali druggists. Trial bottle free. See a fine new line French Ginghams at Evanson's. More than 25 styles. mM Business Notices* Pillsbury's Best seldom equalled never excelled. Tiy it only $1.45. * Can you use a barrel of Pillsbury's Best at $5.60 cash. If so, lsuvftfow order at mill-to be delivered/ IT" TT GENTS. ~ - If you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do you a. splendid job. Call at Perry & Owen's and get a 20 lb box of choice London Layer Raisins for $1.25 per box. Same as yon geriferally pay 155£ to 15 cents per pound for. # St. Patrick' s Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. G. 'W. Beeiey, Druggist. DON'T BE"AFRAID To try the Family Flour from the Fox River Valley Roller Mills, $1.15 per sack, cash. Every Back warranted or money refunded. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP­ ERTY At low rates consistent with absolu^ safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling geed*- nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks on his books ali the time. We believe that the Lily of the Yalkiy Flour at $1.25 per sack is equal to any flour offered at $1.35 in McHenry. Leave your order for a trial sack and if not found as represented your money sdl! be refunded, Remember the Fox River Roller Mill. Perry & Owi •• •••-"y f f y T T r T f t r * FOR SALE. A house and two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. House contains seventeen rooms and is suitable for one, two or more families. 1$ well located and all in good repair.. For further particu­ lars inquire at this office. That Tired reeling and the St Louis Limited. That tired feeling caused by a tedious all-day ride from Chicago to St. Louis, can be easily cured if the "Alton's" St. Louie* Limited is patronized. This fast day train jeaves Chicago 11a.m., arrives St. Louis Y:30 p. m. Its route lies only over the Chicago & Alton R. R. Low Bates to Chicago and Beturn _ For the Democratic National Conven­ tion to be held at Chicago June 21st, agents of the North-Western Line will sell excursion tickets at the rate of one fare for the round trip. For tickets and full information concerning dates of sale, etc, apply to agents C. & N. R'y. 46w4 CLOVER BLOSSOMS ! 800,000 Pounds Clover Blossoms Wanted. At our Dryer, in the village of McHenry for which TWO CENTS PER POUND Will be paid, if delivered in.good shape. S. S. SHEPARD & SON. Children and Orown-up People Cry for It Children cry for certain patent medil cines, but children, and grown up people too cry for the "Alton's" St. Louis Limi­ ted lies only over the Chicago^ Alton Itailrond. 42 The "Alton's" St. Louis Limited. It's vestibuled, luxuriously equipped, but beet of all it's fast. Leaves Chicago 11 a. m., arrives St. Louis 7:30 p. m. same day. For all this there's no extra fare. The route of the St. Louis Limited lies only over the Chicago & Alton R. R. 42 SUDDEN DEATH. The papers are full of sudden deaths. If you have choking sensations, flutter­ ing, pain or tenderness in chest, faint easily, take Dr. Miles' New Cure for the heart, and so escape death, as did Henry Brown, druggist of Cleveland, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. Try a sack of Good «utf flour 95c, Honest Abe, 1.10, Rival, 1.10, Ciscoette, 1.10, New Process, 1.20, Geneva. 1.30, Pillsbury's Best, 1.45, buckwheat, corn meal and graham at lowest prices. 22 pounds granulated siigar, 1.00. Good roasted coffee, 18c. 8 pounds good tea dust, 1.00. 12 cans choice fruit, 1.00. Yours truly, Simon Stofeel DON'T BE A CLAM. Give oraise to the town you live in and also to the paper you see this add in and great profit will be given unto you if yt>u buy Men's Cassimere suits only $4.50 Men's pants $1.25 to $5 00 Gents nobby check suits... 6.00 to 8.00 Fine dress shirts............... 50 to Boys suits 1.00 to Knee pants 20 to Boys % wool waists Boys School Shoes Mens Shoes $1.00 to $3.00 Lots of new goods every week at tied Rock Prices. • ED. LAWLUS, In front of the Riverside Hotel. 1.25 4.00 1.00 •25 1.85 GOOD LOOKS. Good looks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be in­ active, you have a bilious look, if your stomach be disordered you have a dys­ peptic look and if your kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the a^eat alterative and tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complection. Sold at G. W. Beeiey's drugstore, 50 cents per bottle. NOW TRY THIS. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you hava a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. &arge size 50c and $1.00. # SPECIMEN CASES. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma­ tism, his Stomach was disordeijed, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111.,had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cataba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by G. W. Besley's Drug Story. Sophus' Egg Food when fed for cholera should be mixed with bran, double the amount being used as called for in di­ rections. If chickens cannot eat, stuff the mixture, slightly wet, into their and it will enre -- We^have bought an overstock of spring and summer clothing Y 11 and the weather has proved such ' ^ a drawback cn the demand ior -'h such goods we will commence a Special Clothing Sale^^fT to reduce stock, on Thursday, ^ May 26, and continue one week, Following are some of the pripes. Men's black frock worsted suits; |§ • . ^ $10, now 6. : .,?5i- Men's pin-head checks all wbol v v suits, $15, now $10. ~~S$ Youth's gray all wool suits, $12 50, now $6 50. Men's dark fancy worsted suite, $16.50, ijow 13 J| Men's Bl'k worsted sacks, $9.00. now $8. " Child's 2 piece suits, $2, now r'J $1,78. - We haye many equally as good bargains, Come and see us. CARPETS. ; On all carpets we will give a raih discount of 10 per cent lor > the next 30 days. Wall Pap^f# We are having an immense trade in wall paper and borders. To close out our entire stock we will give you a cash discount of 20 per cent from now on, on all our different kinds except browns, All paper trimmed free of change. Come and get the first selection. • i SHOES. Our shelves are overloaded with all kinds of fine thoes for Infants, boy». glrle, men and women. ITe slvays keep the beat goods and our prices are (urprielngly low this 9eason. * % % Do you intend painting this season? 11 so you are certainly interested enough to make a practical test of the paint before­ hand, #If you will buy a quart can of our celebrated 44 Monarch" paint and the eame quantity of any other paint you may th^nk favorably of. selecting about ihe same color In both brands, tatce them homo and paint a lew feet on the side of your house or other building you intend painting, By measuring the quantity used you can readily see which paint has the best body, whi.h will spread the smoothest and appear the best. The experiment on the house or other building will not hurt It, as you Intend paloling it over again nnvway. After this trial. If you da not decide lo favor of the "Monarch" paint we will refip d the money paid for the quart can in experimenting. This la a lair proposition. We w II guarantee the Monarch Paint to be tree from Water, benzine, barytes. whiting, or any other adulteration. Monarch paint is mide of white lead, zinc and pure linseed oil, and will cover more surface than any other paint manufactured. Try It. We also carry a full Hds of oils, varnishes brushes, and everything In the paint line. Yours very trnly, Perry & Owen, General Merchants. McHENRY\ ILL. tt of McHenry, PERRY a OWEN, Bankers. MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Thia Bank receive* dtpotit*. 6wy» and $eU» JFbreign and Domestic change, and does a General Banking Business, We endeavor to do all [busineat en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon entirety satisfactory to mar customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MdNEY TO LOAN; On Reai Eual*i cmd other first security. Special attention gtom to eosl lectumSt _,t (NbURANCE Camp Jn JMret doss Lowest Rates. FONTS PERRY A OWN* NOTARY PUBLIC, ~ ,*.!V

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