Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1892, p. 8

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' " a v 4 ' 1 ' - - iHlftiiiiili W. c. T; U* DBMRTMINT ,r*T?-r j r.r •••«* • ,v: $;; & ,jr -- jl> v ,-*f 1 * r/l * 7X\v. ?- .V5* $i . * ; «* * v '* N Art )<-:«*> MM! Notice* under the a hove tiea.l vj r v sum* ci N *> ^ ' A idij . .:,j^ Qiv® Us a Moment of Your Tim* tn ftirnithed by tbe Liditi of the W.O T. U »D<1 ;HO editor claims I ' v<* * : no part or credit for tlit 9s- Think over this and come and see our Qoods. atorsi Matrimony and Fast Youn» Man* f he pastor of a church in one of our large citiee said not Ion# ago : "I have officiated at 40 weddings since 1 came here, and in every case, save one, 1 felt that the bride was running an awful risk. , Young men of bad habits and last tendencies never marry girls of their own sort, but demand a wife above sus­ picion. 8o pore, sweet women, kept from tbe touch of evils through the years of their girlhood, give themselves, with all their costly dower of womanhood in­ to the keeping of men i$ho, in base asso­ ciations, have learned to under-value all that belongs to them, and then find no time for repentenceinthe sad after years. There is but one way out of this that I can see^ an(i that' is for you--the young women of the country-- to require, in as­ sociation and marriage, purity for puri­ ty, sobriety for sobriety, and honor for honor. There is no reason why the young men of this Christian land should not be just as virtuous as its young women, and if the loss of your society and love be a price, they will not pay it. I.admit with sadness that not all our young women are capable of the high standard for themselves or others, but I believe there are enough earnest, thought­ ful girls in the society of our country to wprk wonderB if faithfully aroused." A few beautiful designs left in our crockery list, of Fruit Plates at rednced prices, who will get them. It will certainly be for your interest to Me what bargains we are going to offer Saturday, June 25th. J. W. CHISTY & Sox. Ttingwood. YOUR BREAD CAN'T BE SOUR IF YOU USE GILLETT'S MAGIC YEAST On and after July 1st, 1892, we shall give a discount of 20 per cent on our remaining stock of WALL PAPER. Our previously Low prices on the same, to- ' V \ gether with this discount makes It to your interest to buy what you may want for future use of us now. Respectfully, J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111. PURE QUICK ECONOMICAL Ask for '1 Magic" at your Grocer's. Let hh« sell Ins other kinds to other people. JULIA A. BTOBT, NEVER GETS Boun. SALESMEN. K'\R:4 WANTED * Local and traveling to TCpresent our well known house. Tou need B > capital TN represent a firm that warrants raery su»ck sirat-c.i is* an<l true to name. WORK ALL THE TEAS, f 10 per month to the right man. Apply quickatating age. L. L. MAY & OO. 8T. PAUi^ MIDJf, florist* and Seedsmen. (This House is responsible.) Scientific Americas Agency for ONK DOOR WEST OF BIVBBSIDK HOUSE, Xsleary.Ill, CAVEATS, i TRADE MARKS, OESIQN PATENT^ COPYRIGHTS, etc. ' 'JJ Handbook write to i BDOAUW .T, NEW YOBK. V8ecurinff patents in America. by ,!s !s brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Jtocntific JVtttmcsm Ljuyest circulation of an? scientific pa^r in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No inteilicen* *£1 should be without it. Weekly, 83,00 i year; $1.50 six months. Address MuNN & CO PlTBLlSBBRS* 361 Broadway, New York. "* Horsemen, Look Here. I have a fine stock of Horses, among which are "Young Green Mountain Morgan," "Mor- rill Charles." and others. Call and see these Horrea before making arrangements else- where. M „ N. & COLBY. McHenry, 111., May 10,1892. He Stood Rooted to the Spot On being told that we could sell him such an elegant watch at fig­ ures so extremely low. By the way^have you seen our new line ot ladiea' and gents' gold chains breast pins, rings, ear-rings. If not, why not. They are certain­ ly the finest of the kind in these parts. Wonderful variety, hand­ some and shapely. We wish to announce that we ere now ready to ehow the public a larger and a new stock of JEW13LRV Bracelets, Nfckltci, Brooches, Hairpins, Lnce pins, Rings. <Scarf pins, Cnff pins. Cuff buttons, Earrings, Castors. Pickle and celery dishes. Knives and Forks. 1847. Roger Bros Spoons. Napkin rirgs. Albums. tfcrap books. Optical goods, Aobool books. Crayons, Pencils, Tablets, <S'lates. WVetaes, Clocks, If yoo think of buvlng a new sewing .•saohl oe be sure and call and examine $be new Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. the . * •tandtrd Machlae of to-day. Besides ? ih&t, we have the American. Domestic, -Household, New White, aod several Other lealing machines, on which we •an save you from five to ten dollars. Yours truly, Heaman Bros. ' VoHaury, IU.,|AprLl. 1892. DEALER IN;- Drugs E Medicines -A FULL LINE OF- Dints, Meals, fye M, Pauls, Oils & Colors Constant!j on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OF ^STATIONERY ASP DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fhysicianai Prescriptions i... Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist- Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A, STOliY: BOOTS'̂ SHOES. Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer fer them, if he does not keep them send to us for an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago. For sale by SIMON ST01FEL, West McHenry. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE <»f Stephen Freun<i, deceased. The uDflersigiied having ueen appointed Administrator, with will annexed, of the Es­ tate of Stephen Freunil, <le«ea*ed, lute of the County of MoHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice th * t he will appear before the County Court of McHenrv Oonntv, at tho Court [louse, in Woodstock, at tbe September term, on the llrst Monday in Septembe; naxi, at which liine all persons having claims against said estate are notified and rcqueateil to attend for the purpose of having the saint adjisted. A'.I persons indebted to said estat*i are re<iuested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. <s Dated thie l(J'h day of June, A. D. ]8»2. JOHN H. IWIII, Administrator with Will Annexed. Bonanza steel blade both in four and six blade high and low hiich. Can be adjusted in a minute for wide or narrow rows, und ior deep and narrow cultivating. RAKES! RAKES! If you are looking tor a>first class self or hand dump rake we are in line, and can please you, Our stock bonsistsk of the Rollings- worth. Western Siar, Bonanza, N C Thompion^ all ol wojch are A No. 1 goods. f»yoie>wii ! Harvesters, Binders and Mowers. The old reliable McCormick all steel Binder and steel Mower, ley never fail in haj and look them over. thejr never fail in haying and harvesting when time is money. Call We are after >ou with the wonderful Holmes Adjustable Folding Buggy Pole. It is the best on earth, and the only real adjustable pole ever put on the market, because it is adjustable to any width without tools, St« Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Isaac Jerks deceased • The undersigned having been appointed Executor of tbe last will and Testament of Isaac Jecks, deceased, late oftheOoun'y of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby, trives notice that s*e will appear before th4 County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Aug Term, on the first Monday in Aug. next, at which time al' pernons having claims agaicst said estate are not!lied and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adju«ted. All persons indebted to said ewtate are re­ quested to wake immediate payiueut to lite undersigned. Oated this 21st day of May, A. D. 1892. «7w4* MAKY A. JHOKS, Executrix. Administrator's Notice, Estate of Richard Aylw&rd A creased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix ol tbe estate of Richard Ayl- ward, deceased, late of the Countv ol McHen. ry and state of Illinois, hereby glvea notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry Comnty, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at the September term, on the first Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against salt! estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted . All persons indebted to said estate a re requested to make immediate payment to the under, sighed. S2w4 Lizzia AYLWABD, Administratrix. BUGGIES. BUGGIES. HOI? are you riding? If for business or pleasure, comfort or safety, buy the celebrated Abbott Buggies and lioad Wagons, iu all styles. Timpkin and side springs. You will find tWceKfirated Abbott "Buggy on our floor, in anv style you might want, and would be pleased to show you goods and name prices, We thank you for past favors and hope for a share of your patronage, believing that we can do you good in anything you might want in our line, Very respectfully, RICHARD BISHOP. Very Busy, but still in the Ring, Receiving and Selling. • • T Large quantities of first claes, new and very stylish spring and summer mer­ chandise, whicb is plaoed on our counters at the lowest price possible obtain­ able with cafh and experience. We make no enlarged statements of our stock, •tyle, prices etc,, but simply aod candidly ask the buying public to call on us convinced. See our new Spring Dress Goods and TRIM MI iVOS. In black, tad. gray, moire, mahogany red, seal brown, golden brown, navy blue, bronze <reen, myrtle green, drab, terra cotta, pink. etc.. as well as line plaids and stripes in the most fashionable wear, and stylish and permanent coloring. In dress trimmings we have a good stock of velvets, velveteens, plushes, surahs, cords, braids, patterns, etc., to match dress goods. We can supply all demands, whether for wedding or funeral requirements, at bottom priees. - W1 HAVI SUITS For all the Men, Youths and Boys in this section. Especially purchased to meet country trade requirements, in style, sizes, wear. and prices. Our cry is CLOTHING! Suits! CLOTHING! From now till the big stock becomes little and the naked go dressed well. Prince Albert, square cut, frock, sack, four button, cutaways. In fall suit, finely cut and trimmed, bound or plain, In colors and black, fiom $4 50 to 925 per suit. If you are considering whether to comm't suicide or matrimony cotue to us for vour outfit first. Fine Spring and Fail overebnts, odd pants, children's two and three piece sulks from ages 4 to 15, Blouse and sailor waists In leadlog styles. fl HOUSE CLEANING TI»lE driven tbe men from home, but rtil leaves a demand w ith the womeu for our new line of Carpets, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Itaee Curtains. Poles, Oil Cloths, etc. Our stock of above goods !• very large, well selected and standard. We have a lot of good remnants of wall paper, carpets etc, which we will close out very cheap at once. Administrator's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, / * >s«. MCHEHRYCOUKTT. S TESTATE of Lawrence Dorner,deceased. JTJ Public notice Is hereby giveq. that tbe undersigned. Executor of tbe estate ot Lawrence Dorney deceased wlilattend beJore tbe County Court of McHenry county, at tiie Court Hon He. in Woodstock, on Monday, trie 1st day of Aug., 1892, next,, for the purpose of making a final settlement of said estate, at which time and place I will ask for an »rderof distribution, and will also ask to tie discharg­ ed. AVI persons Interested are notuled to at. Utml if tbey see fit, McHenry, I1L, June 28th. A. D. 1«*2. MABTIM WBLHH, 51w* Executor of an id Estate. Carefully inspect our new stylish Spring and Summer Wraps* Capes« Jacketst Shawls* Colors and make-up, assortment and prices are the lowest, and right. Our stock Is yet complete, and prices will at once be made that will olose them out without delay. Call early and be coovlnced. % BOOTS ̂ INI> SHOES. As usual our stock of fully warranted boots and shoes is more complete than ever before. We carry all sizes and all desirable widths and styles. Head­ quarters for the celebrated "Far<o Box Tip" tchool shoes for boys and glris. fully warranted. We are agents here for the Candee Rubber Boots, of whicb we carry • jull stock. |CgT" Buy only the Badger State Overalls. Shirts, Jackets and Pants. All warranted. Crockery, stonfeware, glassware, trunks, valises, bouse goods. Latest styles in straw, lur and wool hats, gents' lurnishings, etc. We only deal in pure and wholesome groceries, provisions and flour, ana deliver the goodt promptly in the village. W« visit tbe citv every Thursday and will fill at lowest prices attobtainable •pedal orders, IQULbok over our locals on garden and field seeds. 5 ofl for cash Re apt ctfully yours. Weal McHenry4lll.2l892, RAIRBANK'S SANTA CLAUS SOAP. * for &II HoujefeoU L1,&vneU$r pur'pojej. /W* OMY WN.K. FAIRBANKS CO. CHICAGO. : Are topics for general discussiott; So is the success we uc meeting with in the sale of ' - • GENERAL HARDWARE. The point is here. We carry a large and well assorted stock, and calcu late to have all the different goods that the hardware trade heie demands. K, v We sell at reasonable prices, use all alike, and represent ait goods as they are. The success we are having jn selling - VAPOE STOVKtf - Is owing greatly to the stove we are handling. WOE DAlf6LEB SURPRISE Tbe handsomest, the simplest, the cleanest, the most durable, and consequently the best. See it before you purchase a stove. In seasonable goods we carry Fishing Tackle, hammocks, Sport­ ing Goods, Croquette Set*. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Screen Doors, etc We make a specialty in Dairy supplies and" Jobbing in sheet metals. STORY & McOMBER, West McHenry, 111. JOHN I. STORY, O Riverside Block, McHenry, ON HAND WITH A §JUUUUIITIDMMI:HII!iiiiiiiuiimmuiiiidiiiii!ummttiiiiiiiiiiiiiutmmiiiiiiuuuim$nm»flHBBB8ui I Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTJONS, 1 H E i HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. | == «0» It is no use to make a noise about what you are going t do, un­ less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Real Bargains of great valu e »o every one of ourcustomers. My stock is complete in every department and comprises i Everything Usually Eept in a General Store. * Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. Respeotfully, JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. TAKE IT COOL And "buy your SUMMER Outfit of us. We do not follow but lead, in ladies' fine shoes and slippers. Call in, see our styles and get prices. A full line of men's fine shoes, tennis, canoe an<3 child­ ren's shoes always on hand. "W CLOTHING ! CLOTHING I Now is the time you want a fine and good suit of clothes, cheap and we will make you prices lower than ever before. As usual, we have a full and complete line of confirmation suits, at all prices. Call and see them before buying. Parasols, Oans, Mosquito Bar, Straw Hats. Lap Robes Fly Nets, Gauze Underwear, ior men and ladles. Remember our Borkford Overalls. Shirts and Jackets, men's fine Shirts and Neckties. CHOICE<FRE8H GROCERIES am ever. We give you tbe best Flour for the least money. Ydurs as evir for business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry, f r' ;\MLt SK-L-. A

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