„ JSlr.n % « i or credit for * , J ilttiMCi :&Wt VS*T* ' MV - % » <"s #•£<$!».*(*« & »., V.l , v>„ -ff.'• t-" »•* - <f ' -y; Heradit? in Alcoholism. Osl? those who have Wfc the power of p, know, or can tell what A parents may bequeath to One who has wrestled t tfctf monster says: I pray heaven t*tt*)OBg the temperance lines the Mid sisters may take up the ^ la the church, the school, in the atari, the work shop, the market;, at the Hi^l flttnwrs, at every public temper and everywhere, LIVING ' ISSUE! LIYING ISSUE! 1 Some o! your readers may think me boardering on ; fanaticism, To such I would say: "Go • see what I have seen. Go leel what I have felt!" On my father's side, grand- pj father and grandmother, both rest in * drunkard's graves. The rum fiend cast fHl. my father out of the pulpit, from which he had been preaching many years with S great acceptance. Strong drink drownd- ed my best beloved brother at the age of 3.3. The demon has haunted me more or less all my live, since I was 10 gj^yti*V years old. From my 15 th year to the I'£;iV \ age o! 351 kept Mm at bay. Then came a turn in my circumstances. The demon P, If*' conquered for % few years, bringing me j fJtfft, . again and again on the verge of suicide. A portion of the time I am quite clear j from the desire of strong drink. I led. ' to loathe, abhor and hate it. Then, in a I iff the twinkling of an eye, my j physiological crookedness, or hereditary D&rif (or whatever else you may name , "* It) seem8 to be resucitated, and with hell- isb malignity urges and goads me every step to drink again, and while this feel- ing remains uppermost, it is a daily and hourly fight, and many a time ending in 1^.4' *.^ a complete break-down of agony and team. Now Sir, I know that there are j 91! V* hundreds of thousands of men, whose ex periences correspond with mine, and I thousands of those victims of the most j f terrible physical disease that ever afflict ed our common humanity (notwithetand-1 !W^ " |Qg what is said by a certain class of proud, boasting, Pharisaical, inexper ienced, self-righteous men) who have ' :J *'$ Mi^i"i|ty"'!iUMiiyi 9ft s. .>si :iU fl8©5|» we shall give a? Miscount of 20 per cent lSi<l , ^lf| remaining vV* v ^ Our previously . •^prices on the same, to--; i - :» , I •• , ; x ' gether with this discounts:; i v* . ' makes It to your interest̂ 4| to buy what you may want fop« future use e4 ̂ •us now.;.'t te*-\ ' »*. .'.. t->'- " - * " •' s# &*'* been ready at any time during the past] twenty years to lay down their lives for I 4 "3 the sake of humanity, if thereby the [ drink traffic might be brought to an end. 1 ̂ jf How long, oh God? How long shall it j be before thy people shall read and think and acknowledge and act upon thfe y: ••'" *t'v;;© -r-A fh mvmni'm » >•: ' "v 'm \// *' • t 'nfj&ly -"V •"v,vj* w\ 'W'vte 1 i" - * t , ^ ,J vv, GLAUS; ake r Hall Let ti And Let sak^";^,gsa Join flw' '" V \ r-v,,'- " l-.'-fe 'irr*--• "*3"a» A both vi m* an4 sk b^ade nn \ low hitch. Can be adjusted in a minute tor wide or narrow rows, uhd aad narrow cultivating. :lj" ' |' I - "f! •! in- *. i *.•* A4* l t 't? f •j.u, Respectfully, -T. M * Kingwood,!!!. • 'k I RAKM Are topics for general discussion. So is the success we fere meeting with in the sale of 7 r you are looking tor a first ctals eelfor hand dutrip'tow® in line, and can please you. Our stock bonsiets of the Hollinjars- wortb. Western oiar, Bonanza, N C ,Thompaon, all ANo/ " • ' v " Harvesters, Binders and Mowers. The old reliable McCormick alt steel Binder and steel Mower, they never fail in haying and harvesting when time is money. Call a n a l o o k t h e m o v e r * / . / * ' - x 1 demands Wo g«H &t i&sdnsMto* priccs»M «!> Alike, 'i*s& r̂ pysaê -̂ ̂ goods as they are. The saccoas we ire having in selling f 1 {J*-. "T " at .' : >.%!* ' 7 *. i> /- • '» " • **f 41^\" I'- . * - . » - v ' V ̂rf' * -i-'t ̂ " >•* We are after you with the Wonderful Holmes Adjustable Folding Buggy Pole. It is the best on esrtb, and tha only real adjustable pole ever put on the market, beouuise it is adjustaSte to any width without tools, "^5)'-V ; • "A1.' 'v '%i vA jt /?£ 3 - 'i> i" "Si- h.4.-?/̂ : Cd-: Wmm,n terrible physiological fact, as laid down I W A' ' Cfi by Dr. Richardson and other leading | p j B Jj K Jmj.- L̂PJHv1 Jh.'̂ It t scientific men, that the number of those . . ... . . . . . i. M ». I < , \ ' WW wwy, eaness is fearfully on the increase? •J?"' _Pi, t •*!** V'* i S»« VOUR BREAtt Sfefw-' DEALER IN;- Drugs I Medicines FULL LINE OF-- -u^JDmss, Meals. l)t M, Pants, Oils & Colors Constantly on har d. Also a large line of \ l̂ itent Medicines. Toilet Artlclei. AHI> A OOHPLBTI STOCK OP STATIONEET AMD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES PILL8BFRY • : ~i: " • # *£ W- - -•'if: CAN'T BE SOUR I. :' if you use j* Cafefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered ^h&rnia- GILLETT S List trnir MtmiMM ig respectfully solicited. 1 JULIA A. STOIlYi MAGIC cis^ Tour patron :%l i f - i < • ' ' :..Uf : 1^- hf( iCtr ,; NEVER GETS SOUR. Jade for "Magic" 8t yonr Grocer's. L«thlm ; IMi *u« other kind* io otker puaplâ .'i \\ ,; • He Stood Booted sftj .','-'-ri.to the Spot;. •ftf* ' Oi being told that we could sell , 1^'1 T him such an elegant watch at fig- J" ures so extremely low. By the y> , , way, have you seen our new line " of ladiea' and gents' gold chains, It, breast pins, rings, ear-rings. If •^'v. 1; not, why not. They are certain tV' i1 ly the finest of the kind in these parts. Wonderful variety, hand- tome and shapely. i}/:." £*' ' / We wish to aonooooe tint ^re are 1 now ready to show the public a larger a&d a new stock of JKWJKLRY Braoslett, Necklaces, Broochw, Hairpin*, £'i>v ' Lsoe pint, Rlogs. ;i> f , , , A n r i p t a a , C n f t p ! ^ OaflWtem, Earrlofi, CaRtort. Plokla and celery dUhei, / Knives and Forks. 1847, Boget Bros, & spoons. Napkin rings. Albums. fibrap books, Optloal foods, Acbcol beoks. • 1 1 iV-Vv'fv' mtv Are file Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Pit. Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer fer them, if he does not keep them send to us for an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago. •• -j. • - » -- mmm *•» :JUSTEN BROS; •DEALER IX- CfKrons,. Pencils, ffablers. Elates. wucia, clocks, :-U. ' If you think of buvtn? a new sewing JMCtilne be sura and csll and examine Hmmw Wheeler & Wikoa No. 9. the fltodard Macbiae of te-day. Besidos lint, w« have the American.Domestic. Ilf sbold, New White, and several ether leading machines, on which we «an save you from five to leo dollars. . Yours truly, Heamau Bros. MoBecry, IUM|AprlL 1892. > ' With two store*, Qne> on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public A torn beautiful designs left In our list, of Frail Plates at reduced Who will get them. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP- consistent with absolute . with Si mon Stoffel, who ...... g good compar law upwards of .risks on allthethiw. Of all kinds ot Furniture than ever before' ^rhich we ate offering at greatly , liEDUCED PRICES. mow IS THE TIME TO BUY, We also keep In stork a full line o ssmplee ot CAHPKT8, snd can give you anvthlnK from the cheapest to the finest Brussels ftl low^r pjijcfs ijiso ttur other house lo the eonnty. ^ ̂ - We have taken great pslns In selectlngeur vamtwm somas, Coffins. Gaskets snd Trltnmlogs. of the late*) desigus. Everything new attd el«- f ant, Wb eeep nothing but the best. Do ail to call end see us when in want of anything In our Itne. v^/Ay ||||v How are you riding? If for business or pleasure, comtort or 1 ' / \ ? . .CV . • You will find the celcbratod Abbott Buggy on our floor, in anv style yorf might want, and would be pleased to sshow you goods and name prices, We thank you for past favors and hope for a share of your patronage, believing that we can do you good in anything YOtt^jgh!.-want in our line, Very respectfully, RICHARD BISHOP. "6 *& ,M&> •* f t ' -v y ' . M WASHBURN r, f* ' 4 jf .V4- ; s' %ttet than ever before, though s tfee best. #« berthalht 4t<1> ^ Pillsbury'8 Be tat $1.45 per iack Lily of the Valley, 1.25 ** A N o . l f a m i l y f l o u r , 1 . 1 5 * • 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat Iflour, 60 cents/ ' 15 Ibe, granulated Corn Meal, 50 cents. 12 1-2 lbs granulated Corn Meal 25 cents. 25 lbs. winter wheat Graham Flour, 70 cents. 12 1-2 lbs, winter wheat Graham Flour, 35 cents. In connection, wblch will be furoithed at Ressonable R*tes, . JUSTENBROS. MoHoray. III.,July II, 1803 All flour guaranteed or money refunded^ Flour delivered to any part ol the village free of charge, <iive as your orders and we will try and please you in quality and price in any flour you might want*'- 4.: Fox Biver Valley Boiler Mills. The undersign'd, having decided 'o open the Central M«at Market, one d™or East of Bsr^'an's cigar st^re. will, on end after'Monday, June 28th, be ready with ^ full supply of Fresh Sl Salt Meats, SAUSACE, ETCu IN THB1B SKA80N. By keeping none bu| the best, a n*at and tasty ma ket. and strict attention to business, he hopes to m^rlt a share of public patronage, Gall and see us and we will try and please yea. MAT STOFFKI^ KoHeorr, June 33.1S9-J. J. B» SAYLOR & SONS, : -- BBKKDER5 * Morgan:: Horses, JjS- vifff- 'Wttti&Si the eelebrated •tf " " bio Ol fiord, Green Mountain and MovrtU Od. STUCK FOR SALI. Stallions and Fillies, riendfor pedi grees. Bssex and Registered Poland China --SWINE Choioe Moflno Sh For sal p. Cdtoe and Inspect stodc, or address J. R. 8ATLOK & SONS West MeHenry, III (1KNEBAL. ' \ The point is here. We carry a large and well assorted stock, and •% •,:? ; o";- VAPOR STOVES Is owing greatly U> the stove We are handling. THB DAMLBB • ^>3.. 1 * •*": .> KV • , Vp' ^ ^ > * The handsomest, the simplest, the cleanest, the tnoBt durable, and consequently the beet. See it before you purchase a stove, ~ goods we carry Fishing Xaclrle.' ing Goods, Croquette Set*. Eiawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Screen: Doors, etc. » We make a specialty in Dairy supplies and Jobbing in sheet metals. - " ; ' T f - • ; West McHenry, 111. " „ r ' K W , M v J0SI I, / -J 1 Riverside Block, McHenry i. ??$• ••-y \ ̂ 4 $ ! *• . /; ' * ' t -1 - i ON SAND WITH A I Clean,Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 3 HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. It is no use to make a noise about what you are going f, do, less you are prepared to do it wheti the time comes. : Real Bargains of great valu c u> every one of our customers. My stock ^ complete in evQry department and comprises , ,l * \?1 I ' 'fwl '-»<v '^fi -1 ' Call and look us over, whether you wifh to buy or not. :X*' *, 1 WarnnntfnlW ^ >1?^| j41fA J- %, .. " Hespectfolly, t t , ft -- ' -- ^ ̂ \ 'w "I w ^ f y ^ McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. 'i%1P$, -ii '• ' *t §*«, ^ :;C And buy your SUMMER Outfit of us. We do not follow btt* lead, inladiesVfine shoes «ad «lippers. Cill in, see our styles an< get prices. A full line of men's fine shoes, tennis, eanoe and child] ren's shoes always on hand. \ wm1 \/ ** At '• ̂* \ **• :fr wmr • "'A: OLOTHINQI CLOTHING I Now is the time you want a fine and good suit of clothei, eiieui and we will make you priest lower than ever before. As usual, w{ have a fuH and ^complete line of oonfirmatioo suits, at all Call and. see them before '*# i'ti <*-' » 4i' ^ ; 5 o,-1. .,i-j <i ni'-xi 11 ̂ " \ ' J <' Parasols, Oana, Hosqulto Bar, Straw Bate. Lap Bel Fly Nets, Gaum Underwear, for men ami ladles* • . • *:i . / • Remember our Borkford Gveftdls, Shirt* and Jackets, men's Shirts and Neckties. ' CHOICE FBE8H GBOC£RIEfil eu> ever. $ yc • • -* •> - .. Yours as ever for business. •#&*v L Liik:•....£i3.il."' i - T , , "x .-j, / • Ll ft). . . il .fi.t*; .fc'1'. J'A . ../» J. . ' . .... '4 i.Vi'j. . ' -t'i.-Ji' f '•'? !?'/•. h. '^V<« .. vr .Ju* A,*??. • fa* JOHN J. MILLER,