* : SANTA GLAUS SOAP 'tis of iniiaumi bV uie LtttlSI Of ttW W.fi T. U le editor claims no pari or credit for f "t= Herwdit? in Alodholiam. Oaly thoee who have felt the power of ^itestroyer, know, or can tell what a fMjfal curse parents may bequeath to itMsir children. One who has wrestled with the monster says: I pray heaven that all along the temperance lines the brothere and sisters may take up the ^sry, in the church, the school, in the store, the work shop, the market, at the street corners, at every public temper ance meeting and everywhere, LIVING ISSUE! LIVING ISSUE! ! Some of your readers may think me boardering on fanaticism. To Such I would say: "Go see what I have seen. Go feel what 1 have felt!" On my father's side, grand father and grandmother, both rest in drunkard's graves. The rum fiend cast my father out of the pulpit, from which he had been preaching many years with groat acceptance. Strong drink drownd- ed my best beloved brother at the age of 33. The demon has haunted me more or less all my live, since I was 10 ; years old. From my 15th year to the , age of 35 I kept him at bay. Then caroe a turn ia ray circumstances. The demon conquered for a few years, bringing me again and again on the verge of suicide. A portion of the time I am quite clear from the desire of strong drink. I feel , to loathe, abhor and hate it. Then, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, my physiological crookedness, or hereditary Devil (or whatever else you may name : It) seems to be resucitated, and with hell- : isb malignity urges and goads me every step to drink again, and while this feel ing remains uppermost, it is a daily and hourly fight, and many a time ending in m wuvpletG break dowa of agony and tears. Now Sir, I know that there are hundreds of thousands of men, whose ex periences correspond with mine, and thousands of those victims of the most terrible physical disease that ever afflict ed our common humanity (notwithstand ing what is said by a certain class of proud, boasting, pharisaical, inexper ienced, self-righteous men) who have been ready at any time during the past twenty years to lay down their lives for the sake of humanity, if thereby the drink traffic might be brought to an end, How long, oh God? How long shall it be before thy people shall read and think and acknowledge and act upon thfc terrible physiological fact, as laid down by Dr. Richardson and other leading scientific men, that the number of those who are born with a tendency to drunk snness is fearfully on the increase? m 1892, we shall give a discount erf 20 per cent on our remaining •--•••a ,• k ' IA, J. v~ '4** 't'iy' :4*" Our previously L6# prices on the same, to? gether with this discount makes It to your interest^ to buy what you may - want forfuture use us now.; a ' • • J /> "I ^ ^P^^g^Respectfolly, * & Ringwood,Hl. Ijfhlnk over this and come and see our Goods. „ », -it* ^ T1 ^ H ̂ IK A ' „* ' u 0. Land where our fathers dfcdl •, <*r. ?V,M Land where our Mother* v ̂ cntd| Over the wash-tub tied '̂ l ff • ' ̂ Let freedom ring. v - My native country thee**?; , Land of the noble, free-*' * Thy name 1 love; >• 1 \, * ! love thy treks and frillf *;tv.1 J But oh: what laundry bills* My soul with horror thrills; When I think of thee. Let music swell the breese, > 1 And blow through all ^ trees * „ 1 \i,- Hail SANTA CLAUSi ' * Let tired mortals wake " 1 A n d g l a d l y t r y a c a k e , * ' Let all for cleanness salefe, * ̂ Join the applause. ' ' • V- i f . feraiSt blade both fbtir and six Wade ht$i anl "him' hiicfe. Can be adjusted in a minute tor wide or narrow rows, atid narxowcuUivatin^. , ^ • "•iff MAKERS FOR AU , NATIQNSH^,^ 1 you are looking tor a first Btstsa self or hand dump rake we ate in line, and can please you. Our stock bonsists of the Hollings- worth. Western ;>iar, Bonanza, N 0 Thompson, all oi w&ich.#re * Nt>. tgoods* -- - "rt~ ~ - 1 i JDLIA A. STOBY, DEALER IN:- OKS DOOR WEST OF RIVEBSIDB BOOSK, KelMuy,!^ •^-1 YOUR BREAO CAN'T BE SOUR ^ IF VOU USE GILLETT'S MAGIC PURE QUICK fCONONIfCAL NEVER GETS SOUR. Drttgs tMedicirles --A FULL LINE O*- ConsUntly OD hard. Also a largs line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles# AKD A COMPLETE STOCK OP STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS* SUNDRIES •- .„•» . . ~ • ... Physicians JPrescriptiouis , * {• ir"- Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Fnarma- c'iBjbr Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A. 8TOIIY1 „. , ? Aak for "Magic" et yonr Grocer's . K^y f(U bli other kinds to other peo; He Stood Rooted to the Spot T f* ! ^ . On being told that we could sell him such an elegant watch at tig- Urea so extremely low. By the Way, have you seen our new line ; &f ladies' and gents' gold chains, breast pins, rings, ear-rings. If not, why not. They are certain ly the tinest of the kind in these parts. Wonderful variety, hand- £bme and shapely. • -i ^ We wish to anuooDoe tint we are fow ready to show the public a larger And a new stock of JEW ELR Y it 1 ' vv f Bracelets, Necklaces, < ii; v . .Brooches, Hairpins, bc ^ " L«ce pms, Bloss. E ' ' ^,tv Scarf plus, Coft pins, IU >iY Cufi buttons, Earrings, £ •A - Cantors. Pickle and celery dishes, lr hT Knives and Forks. 1847. Rojret Bros, • '^Spoons. Napkin rings, • Albums. Scrap books, gi' Optloal goods. Achcol books, •T.'^ :•••• * Cwyons. Pencils, >*'*' ' Tablets, Slates. 1 ^ Watches, Clocks, "•5. If yon think of buying a new sewing • i tnachine be sure and cair and examine (;":^ihe new Wheeler & Wileoo No. 9. the ^tandard Machlae of to-day. Besides lhat,w@ have the American.Domestic, . Honsehold, New White, and several Ptker leading machines, on which we #. Dan save you from five to ten dollars. Yours truly, Heaman Bros MoHenry, Ill.,SApril. 1892. 'Sgy'&r's-ix.s " 1 " .1 %•>' , A few beautiful designs left in our , crockery list, of Fruit Plates at reduced * prices, who will get them 1: J • ' " ., INSDBE TOUB ^gD-EABNED PBOP- , , At low rates consieteiit with absolute J'i-y fMkfe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who • is agwit for three Bterliog good compar ^ukas, and has upwards of 1300 risks on BOOTS'^ SHOES. Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer fer them, if he does not keep them send to us lor an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARQO & CO., Chicago. For sale by SIMON STOFFEL. West McHeory. JIISTEN BROS; DEALER IN- A' RAKES! "PC* Harvesters, Binders and Mowers^ The old reliable Mc(Jormick all steel Binder and steel Mower, ,hey never fail in haying and harvesting when time is money. Call ano look them over*^ We are after >011 with the Wonderful Holmes Adjustable Folding Buggy Pole. It is the best on earth, and the only real adjustable )ole ever put on the market, beeuube it is adjustable to any width without tools, W- >\% How are you riding? If for business or pleasure, comtort or safety, buy the celebrated Abbptt Bj|^g|es and styles, Timpkin and side springs. /'1 *•* ' ? "T«t. . You will find the celebrated Abbott Bugoy on our floor, in anv style you* might want, and would be pleased to sshow you goods and name prices. We thank you for past favors and hope for a share of your patronage, believing that we can do you good in anything 7011 might Tfant in our line, Very respectfully, RICHARD BISHOP. WASHMEN - Flour Hills Co. W|th two «tore^, <be on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public Of ail kindsoi Furniture than ever before' which we are offering at greatly BEDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY, --jw--• We also keep In *tork a fnll line o L W. sam pies of CM R PET8f »od can give yon anything from the cheapest to the tinest Brussels at tower prices than any other house In the county. We have taken great pains In selecting eur viosmmo simns, Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings, of the laten deslgus. Everything new and ele gant, Wo eeep nothing but the best. l>o fail to call and see us when in want of anything in our ltne. A Splendid ITew Sesurae, In connection, which will be furnished at Reasonable Bates, Moltonry, III., July 11,1002, 4 USTEN BBX)S« Better than ever before, though always the best. We head the list with Pillsbury's Be t at $1.45 per sack Lily of the Valley, 1.25 A No. 1 family flour,1.15 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat Flour, 60 cents. 25 lbs, granulated Corn Meal 50 cents. 12 1-2 ll)S granulated Corn Meal 25 cents. 25 lbs. winter wheat Graham Flour, 70 cents. 12 1^-2 lbs, winter wheat Graham Flour. 35 cents. |g" All flour guaranteed or money refunded. Flour delivered to any part ol the village free of charge. Give us your orders and w© will try and please you in quality and price in any flour vou m* ' ' e place. wv. - Are topics for general discussion* 8k> b the success we are meeting with in the sale of t • fl GENERAL HARDWARE. '*X The point is here. We carry a large and well assorted stock, and l e u l a t e 1 - - - - - - - demands. We sell at reasonable prices, use atl alike, land rc^ireMttt 0||r goods as they are. The success we are having in selliug ? SVAPOR STOVES - if , .. Is owing greatly to the stoye we are handling. WME SUBFRISl] f" ^ •"'* The handsomest, the simplest; the cleanest, the most durable, and consequently the best. See it before you purchase ia MMMU we carry Fishing Tackle. haftiitiiS6S, Spbii> ing Goods, Croquette Sets. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Screen Doors, etc. / . We make a specialty in Dairy supplies and Jobbing in sheet metals. W - % W r - 4 ! //"'• , . \Vv,W STORY ^ iktitowsm,^ ; IWest McHenry. r- A\y't #' ' '<4, ',^'V ** ' | JOHN L STORY,/Ql f|l!ver8ide Block, McHenry, 01 $k V:-«, s > . '•* * I . 1 The undersign'd, having decided to open the Central 19: at Market, one d^or Eaf»t of Bar^'an'* cigar store, will, on and after Monday, June 28th, be ready with ^ (ulleupily of Fresh & Salt Meats, . SAUSAGE. ETC.. Also, FRUITS & VEGETABLES IS THBIB SEASON. ; V • v 8^Steeping none but the best, l Oftt and tasty ma ket. and strict attention to business, be hopes to mdrlt a share of public patronage. Call and see us sind 'wo wili try and please you. MATSTOFFEU MoHenry, June 22,1892. J. R. SAYLOE & SONS, ' BREEDERS 0»- Bememli«r - ' -r i" Pox River Valley Roller Mills. Embracing the celebrated General Giflord, Green Mountain and Morrill blood. , STOCK FOR SALE. Stallions and Fillies, dendfor pedi grees Eesel tad Registered Poland China =swiNE.--' CHMbloe Merino 8heepi , Mammoth Bronze 1 urkeys. High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Com« and Inspect stock, or address If. SAYLOK & SOliS West Mehenry, 111 * ON HAND WITH A. 1 Clean,Freili Stock of DRY 600DS, NOTIONS,! 1 HATS, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. | It is no use to make a noise about "what you are Sfoing V do, mi less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. " Real Bargains of great value «o every one of our r us to me rs , 1 V Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wiph to buy or n ;r:- Respectfully, " r:V: - McHeury, Sept. 22d, 1891, y M I . SUMMER Outfit of ua; We do not follow bn lead, in ladies' fine shoes and slippers. Call in, see our styles an get prices. A full line of men's fine shoes, tennis, canoe and child hand. ^ , , ' ^ " a1' Ai{ ^ - mm . i : FoW is the time you want a tfne and good stilt of clothe, and we will make you prices lower than ever beiore. As usual, w^ have a fuH and ^complete line of eonfirmation suits, at «UI prk Call and see them before buying fpy: iiiiliT0;<i ' ;-J Parasols, Gang, Mosquito Bar, Straw Hats. Lap Fly Nets, Gauze Underwear, for men and ladles* * <h 1^1 Remember our Horkford Overalls, Shirts and Jackets, men's fin] Shirts and Neckties. CHOICE FRESH GROCERIES 'R'AFE5*': >°'h 'i# mm evifv,; * • % % / - 'J* \ <• " JOHN J. ^ours as ever ^br business. jLER, West McHenr • --'tit. ... .. 1,.:. '..Li** ,*.L ; :vjS-a i -'i. \ 1