Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1892, 1 000 1.pdf

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* • V'•fbt i u . ___ f,v ,- ,v> : * * :>J *»^Ti £V<M ifif;0 F.,,.< i V--; Zf.' -- -- 'K.y]-' - I-.,.' .:-i. J ,^f.iiir ; ,;,t£--i ,:Vl fiV.^ -11 --! " 1 1 1 ,"v" v'\ v •• ; "Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Lawi No Favors Win us»ncl no Fear Shall Awe.'** • , - fan, . ,l inJ Mll , : VOL.18. •*. '1'i'rii' • 1 '• 10 ' • ~ ' % M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST3, 1892. ' >. NO. 4. . iMlf.arf Sliirikdif• iS^' /^•sf^pinBMWW Kvebt WnornmuDXT • * j41 t'A. M,^VAN SLTKS,- •MO PJIOPRIXTOB. r Office hi Bishop's Block# s;i .-Qwositb P«m*T * Ownjr§k.,'vli,|. ; : TKflM^i OF STTTOOMPTIOBT: Bib Tear (in Aavaace) -•••••••;•• Kot P»W within Three Moattaa...... StttMcriptlous rseelvsd tor iuM lu>B tii(• in She »!«« proportion. .. .fLSO . . a. 06 or sia m? Kates of Advertising. silfe »nn»uno« lioerai mw« "«• a«T«rtisS»5 n the PtAtNOEAtsa, and endesTor to »tste Item so plainly that they will be readily un. er»too<I. They are »« followe: 1 Inch one year . f r ., #00 8 Inches one yeaf • '£ ; , v; - }®J® 8 Ineheeone year . »-: \i- », 'fi' J®®* Column one year . t- »« Jf Oolnmn otic year- ^ • 6000 Column one yoar - - - - - 100 08 Op® inch means tbe meaiureitent of one ineh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have tkt privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 8 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 Mints per line the first week^ and 6 oemts per line tor eaoii 3uuu<j<iu«u£ "'««*•>• Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first Issue, and S eeats per line for subsequent issuea. Thus, an inch advertisement will oost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 fur two weeks, t«-00 for three weeks, and so on. The Plaixdhalbb will be liberal In giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use. of Us oolumns tor pecuniary gain. Uaitefi S^tis ffarClaim Apcj vnn- n. cowlin, Woodstock - - Illinois. Prosecutes all class98 and kinds of claims against the United State* tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made tn prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered'lf postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM. EL COW UK Office at Resideaea, Madison St., Woodstock, Illinois. iSHORT BORN BULLS w For Sale at Living PrfceeTBy the under­ signed. Call on or address FfiANK COLE, SPRIKO OBOVK. ILL Bprlag Grove, III., Not 12. 1890. ATTENTION Farmers and OairymsL It will pay those looking for * CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at my premises before purchasing. I ean furnish •ueh by *he oar load or single cow. POBTKR H. WOLFRUM. OBBKOm. Para about fonr miles north,* eat oijiaryitnl, Illinois. ... i s \ ;V!/ih>;." 'v ; .• •• .... .w;. Ai'ricao BUSINESS CARDS. •4 0. COLBY, D D,8. iFFtCK in Hoy's Block, over Kckert I Tonng's store, Woodstock, :IIL O. J. HOW ABO, M. 1>. pinraoiAN and SUBGEO . McBenry. _ 111. Office at residence, one door west of J. A. Story's Drug S tore. / li'iijii ... 1 " *|fe .. O.H. FXQEB8, K. D- . PHVSIOlAK AND SUBOBOH. MeBMry Ills.. Office at Residence. C WM. OSBORNE, M., D. t£BYI»IOlAff AND SUBQEOM. tmOfflc« at Residence, West BicHenry, I1U promptly attended to day and night. Liverv Stable. Cures all Blood Diseases that «rlse from the rffect of Bad Blood. A sure cure for Oancer, Oatarrah, Piles, Sink Headache, Dys­ pepsia, WhoopmK Uough, iRbeutnati6m, Oon stipatiun, etc. Blossoms, per pound - . V, ' tfl.50 Fluid Extract, per bottle , ' «*.. * 1.00 Solid Extract, per poun<f 2&M e.50 Botd the Solid and Fluid Extracts are mmle from the same stock of Blossoms, and are equally al good and efficacious as the Bios som*. JULIA At 8TORY. Agenti MoHanrv. Illinois. WIOBTMAN. ttHm ]ff. class rigs with or furnished at reasonable rates. *11 kinds done on short notice. Teaming of "JUV. aHBTABD. SHEPARD Jt SHEPARD, ATTORNKYb AT LAW. 8uite 512, North, em Office Building, » LaSalls Street T. L. BUKTARD iX'». V: KNIGHT * BROWS, A TTOBNKYS AT LAW. U. 3. Expr«fcS CO.'s ^ Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. OHIO AGO, ILL, JOSLYN * OASEY. • TTORNEYS AT LAW, Woodstook 111. i, All business will receive prompt att««»- a P. BARNKS» '.v. TTOBNEY, Solicitor, Ad I OonnSaior, L OolleotlonB a specialty. WOODSTOCK, lLLlHOIt. v . vs- V. S. LUMLBY. ^ TTOBTffinr AT LAW, and SolM*** » ^ 0han°e^bODSTOOK, ILL. ^Office ia Pftrk House. Hr«t floor» 1 MYRTLE BRILL. g|eaclier ot Fiano ana Organ ? Visits Mc Henry every week, fhursdaya, L Srldays and Saturdays, and is prepared to iahe scholars at any time. Terms reasonable "Shd satisfaction guaranteed Can be seen at fee Parker House on an? of above named pay®- ' A . ' C H U R C H , %Atohmaker and Jeweler / %TO.On-» H ndredTwenty-Five State Rt Ohi- JN cag ,11. special attention given tor* pairing« Ine watches and Ohronometers. . .48TAP 11 Assortment ot Goods in hi* liaa f*HE POLICE GAZETTE • Is the only illustrated paper in the world ttontalning all the latest sensational and •porting news No S*loon keeper, Barber or Club Boom oan afford to be without it. » wnys irakes friend® wherever it (toes Milled to any addressjln the United StatM, cicely wrappml, IS weeks for f 128 Send Five cents lor sample copy. BICHABB KJ. FOX SQDARB, N<rlr York !€?•« LX* '* ' """V v ^ ; i' • -*J ^ . , • " , m< " > . JOHNP. 8MITH* «tol&iKaa,lcer Sk, Jeweler MoHENRY, iLLINOia. FINE stook of Clocks, Watches ana Jew _ elry always on hand. Special attention iven to repairing Una watches. Give bm JOBtf P. SMITH. r-hm 4-*\ *1# s *' 4< ' * t. »... " 1 1 WM. STOFFEI4 IJFIRB, - L1GHTWINO AMlintUl Iiuiizus*. • AIM Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, |umI Oallfornia Lands. Call on or address WM vrOFPKL, McHenry, Ul: --7-- D. 1" \~XC- i ^ *.*» K Ky McCLAIN, Contractor anJ Buildor. Does all kinds of work io his line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop retld.'toe one biookeMt of |y*uooad« Mill, Ifaaowida, Ul, Blossom Gih 351 N. Clark St. CM|fi^CO.iy.A the Great Blood Purifier. W. J. S&rbiaa. ' |.7 1ttMtl BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail Btuni at FINE CIGARS, ilc HENR ¥ ILLINOIS Beinor now plessantly located in our nnw store, former y occupied by Althoff Bros., we are n«>w prepared to offer to the smoking pub lie a fine line < f Cieara of our own manutac. cure, tofreiiior witu and v!i>™!sg Tobacco ot the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large anrortment • **ry bandeome patterns. ' CALL AND 8KB US. KAMUPVaa* M"Henry, 111.', June 90, lt-92 SIMON AOXNT FOB---- Phitb, of Bteokljn, t. T. Capital, £5,008,31 <5. Rockford, of Rockford, III Capital, 802,448, national, of HartM, Com. Capital, $2,620 aiS. Insnranee carefully and safely placefl en all classee of property against fire, lightning, and tornado, either tor cash or on long time, without interest Fire policies on live stock cover Mme in butl iing or on farm igatnst loss or damago by lire or lightning an<i against lightning anywhere Hay, straw, stalks and fodder are covered by one policy, in building or stacks on farm. Grain, seeds and mill feed are covered under o* e sum jn building or on farm Insurance transferred to other locali. ties free of carge. Gasoline or ol' stove and steam thresher permits granted in policies free of charge Household goods of every description. Including coal, wood and provi­ sion" ail coveted under one item OomptPt* reconle kept of *U policies,condition*,assign­ ment* and transfers made. Oall for liat of over 700 policy holders in above companies Simon Stoffol. 1w;I, nit;.....i IMCHENRY«V THE DEPOT* VfEST MoHENRY, ILL Keepa open for the accommodation oft&e Public a Flrst-Olass Saloon and Eestaorant, Where h« will at all times keep the beai - - " Oil brands bf Wines, Liquors and (to be found In the market. Also Agent Por gars Ht JEiller & -- DEALERS IN- MARBLE fc GRANITE, :;F«ANZ FALK^1"-'- ttlwuto Lager Bwt. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- •rays on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. <&"??< Orders by mail promptly attended 14,3 | GOOD STA BL1NQ FOR HORSfiS ^ VOril and,see us. Robert Sohlessle. West McBenry. UL fifonumeuWt H ea dato&es Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de» scription neatly ejfWM^d ftt !jo west Prices . Satisfaction Ba&ra&ttsd. Shops ai McHenry and Johns- burgh, III, where at all times can be tound a good of finished work. A. Snglen'» JALOOX AND RESTAUR iNT. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fins Kentucky Liquors, Frewii, Bitters*.. McHenry Lager Beer, -AND- J. Schlitz HiMe Bottle Bm In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to ICO barrels. 4.T WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, ke^s or caw at cheap as the cheapest. We buy none but the best and sSell at Eeasonable Prices all and eee roe and on well. ANTOHT I will o* BOARD OF SliPERVISOES. Proceedings of the Regular July Meet­ ings, 1892--Election Judges appointed --Tbe Assement Equalized--Other im­ portant Business Transacted. * The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry countv met in regular ses­ sion in the court room of the Court House iu Woodstock on Monday, July 11th, 1891, for the transection of such busioese as might come before them. Meeting called to order by the chair­ man. Tbe following members answered to their names at'roll call: Supe. Amory Barber, C. P. Wright, H. K. Bartholo­ mew, R. J. Beck, F. P. Axtell, W. H. Groesbeck, Wm. Desmond, Geo. B. Richards, F. E. Stereos. John Welzien, L. T Hoy, S E. Clark, Geo. McConnell, F. K. Grander, J. H. Gracy, W. P. Thompson, B, Stevens. motion of Buc: Hoy the reports of the circuit clerk, county clerk, sheriff and county treasurer were referred to the proper committees; Sup. Beck moved that the Board ad­ journ until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. MONDAY, TWO O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present at roll call except Sup. Conn. The committee which was. appointed to act in connection with the board of highway commissioners of the town of Nunda in relation to building a new bridge across Fox river at Barreville, made the following report, to-wit: To ihe tho Board ©«8oj*r- visorsJuly meeting, A. D. 1892. The undersigned, appointed by this honor­ able body as a committee to act in con- nectiou with the board of highway com­ missioners of the town of Nunda, in said county, as required by law, in and about the matter of building a bridge across Fox rfVer in the said town of Nunda, as prayed for in a petition presented to your honorable body by said board of highway commissioners, would beg leave to report that we, your committee, met with the said board of highway commis­ sioners and organised a joint board by electing F. K. Granger as chairman and G. L. Bryant town clerk of Nunda as clerk. The joint commission as then constituted visited the location for said proposed bridge, and after f'lll and cart­ ful examination and deliberation, were unanimous in opinion that a necessity H existed for a new bridge, as represented in said petition. The necessary length of said bridge, in the opinion of the com­ mittee, will be four hundred and fifteen feet (415) feet. Your committee find on inquiry, that a good, substantial iron bridge can be built for $6,500 to $7,500 and a good, substantial wooden bridge lor $5,000 to f 0,000. As to the legal question involved your committee has made no thorough examination. From a ha-ty examination of the present statute on the subject it seems to your committee that much of the rigor of the former law is now removed and that the evident tendancy of the law is toward making the county share the expense of bnilding all large bridges in the several towns. Your committee would respect­ fully ask for further instructions from your honorable board. V .. W. P. Thompson, ' *5 ' V V John Weltzien, * 1J /\* F. K. Granger. ' Su p. that the report be re­ ceived aud action be deferred until to­ morrow morning. Motion carried. Sup. Bartholomew moved that the matter in controversy between W. E. Wire and A. B Coon in relation to fines made by the justices of the peace and the clerks of the courts be referred to the committees on fees aud salaries. Car­ ried. Communication from Jas. Moore in re­ lation to a bounty claimed for himself for entering the service as chaplain in the 95th 111, Vol. Kegt. was read to the Board and on motion was referred to the committee on claims Sup. F. Stevens moved that the Board adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Carried for tbe several amounts allowed, aa fol­ lows, to-wit: F B Steven*, burying indigent soldier.$ MfO W W Woo<l, one d»* nokting co 'ourt.. 10 00 I. P Card, J P f«LMopI« vt J Fenneil 7M Slime, people vs J WVulehllok, 7 ft WE Wire, «ffl«e exp Apr 1 to Jus? 1... S3 3f BR Auat'n, in «e for )*ll *n<tcourt h'M 18tt FK Grange*, burying indigent eoidier. 29 M AHd Urto'l. .Iti ting urHoner* from Hie 1, 'Su. to J one 1,189-i 224 00 Sime, it»m»«, telephone, taking John Fennello » from Deo 1, Wm Avery, pfflc* ex pent WD Hall' lumber, lime, tile and brick. L T Hoy, money advanced to pay ie pairs on basement to jail QeoD Barnard, index to court record.. J V»n Slyke, blanks for co. t easnrer... A is Booi'iier. just. f«esj;ec|;!s vs Essseli Wm Desmond, committee work. . F .r * hfirid.rne. witness fees and milage io Klgin, janitor and jsiirr, 1, 1881 to June 1, 1899..... S»M »n Si 44 28 90 9080 8 00 490 too people v«SDGeath»r<1. Bat tea, name, peop'e v» V'anHuhaiok J Ju*tin, same, people vs Geatbaid...; Jos Buck, •• " «• Mra W Thomp'n, do people vs Mathews bllaa Rlcharda, name.. Norma K Thompson, same <J A White, *Hmt . ...... J Boxi>vumor, same people J Znnk... Bill Kavear, eaine Oha< Stevenst/n, same ... ........ BGllben, justice fee - people ts Oomsky dame, people ve Q eat bard. Total iS 390 *» M0 aeo a«o s«e aeo w- 1000 690 Henry K'/i S6». TUESDAY, JULY 12, O'cmkk . Wauconda ^ntbHsrM Thief Association. OFFICERS. ABTHOS0OOK, Pres. Eooab Gmuir. 9e«% Jas. mubbat, V." K. E. Gilbekt, Treas DIBBOTOBB. J F Boney. Edgar Green. Franx'Thornta. BIDBBS. H F Hughes, rru ror% A J lUymond, Ftank Thomas. v ^ . MBMBSB8. A Oook. ........ M irtlr Morse A C Bangs Plutarch HoughtOB E E Gilbert, Geo Dan-ell... R 11 Hill K T Harris Henry Werden, Mot toilM. H F Hughea J F Ronev rnnk Thomas .... Ed ear (,reen ... A J Kayinond Geo I'ratt Mofen lieiich. .. . James Murray..... J D McOabe Henry Werden.... J E Glvnch Ira smith Delos Ames Geo Jones , T Bacon . »»i HI paddock , M C Smith:., Mot ForU. 8 H Harris ....Edwin Oook. Seth Turner W M Ulongh . ........ . ..Stebbins Kord ......... ....P A Nimskey ». ..B F Jolin«ton ...Warfn Poweis ..... ...Geo Bates .... Jas Moivasrhan, Jr ,... ....Bobert Ha r son John Spencer..... ..... ... ..^O W Dunklee .. .. ... Charles Davlin......... MichaelSlaven ... ...... Ous Staxon ....... Goldinp Bros .. ....... 'I V Slocum * PENSIONS! The Disability B i l l Is a Law 8oldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled* Dependent widows sncl parents naw de pondent whose eons died from the offsets o< army eervu-es are ircluded If jon wish your claim speedily and successfully prose cuted, add re s JAMBS TANNER. IV A3HINGTOND.OI LM« tominlWloner of Peii6ioi.s. 'i' >s & t* Tpim%* V v icCMEx&* 1 e % " e 5 e k ' M : w e ' « i t s - m i s « k SENU 91 900 Solid Leather Ad' uelabie llusgy W»«her«, the i^stand cheap ml or ttc cenis for 100; IS cents for -»o. V "s '* • • a5S533^CO>Oos • * is:* i j S ~ 1 _g_s " / ~ ̂ 881 8«8S§5»5oeS§MS > 05 • O- M. ,8' 8B6£»iMS3Mi«3 |j|-S|gg|rV|2| flol SI S«S2S!S2!O®TES3 p- r § 12! a C5 s H H W08 03 BILLS PAID. Hiram emith, sawing 6 cords wood $ S78 J J Stafford matress for jail S75 F Schrj ver, drav ins ashes . 160 Woodst'k Men tine I Oo, pub prooeedlngs S800 Same 'I years sub Senl'l farm S00 Same, i>ui>i'«h!npc election law. 10 Wi »sme, «• call for board of snpervit's 1B0 Wm Allen, lu cord# of wood, 40 0.» Hiram Smithy sawing 6/tords wood 4t0 H D Watling, Sdavs bailiff Jan term.... M50 Alonzn Digglns, 8day* same* Moo H H McOaiilev, 8 " •" *000 1, Benthufen, 10 " M ............. 8#00 V» mRoach, 10 •• " 85CV DW Hewitt, 8 •• •• «i00 J I, H.b'ard, 6 " •• »oo !! Scir.cur, diesis frrjswi.. 4 66 n L Doug.m, flour for poor farm...,... 11K0 E S 41c Hidden, work and material mart house 5 5u A E Cunningham repd*sk co treasoSlce • 75 W H H' bbs, meals lor jurors 4fi5 Belcher .t WRitheny, rep oourt house jail 118' ROSiniili, r*ptiring boiler 800 F K Gr mger. special committee work.. I7C Z W CUric, drawing ashes 520 <) H Donnelly, court seal 675 J Van Slyke, prsnt'g letter h's and en? 4 BO U Brink, papering and paint'g in jail... 8 70 DM Cohen, 1 grogs lead penojle. 400 T McD Richards, halt years la ary, eto 880u Wtiitson Bros goods, jn 11 and court h'se 876° J Derinont, work >*no rep on well....... 086 A F t>ield, oil and coal 63 87 Isiocs Co tax receipts and blka treHs, statoncrv sheriK 1860 *ame Court docket and blanks 4160 Same, blanks and envelopes co olerk.... 000 Sanne blanks and supervisors oall j" .'israc committee cards joo F Pett'bone, 24 ballot foxes, 56OO Same, blanks for recorders office... 79 50 Same. •• •' co oierks office 857 4_ Lincoln Asvlum Feeble Minded Child n >866 Elgin Asy turn. Insane ibill 57 74 Tout ;...*»<* All of which is respectfully sabmitted. R. J. BECK, Chairman. F.E. STEVENS, F. K. GBANOEB, C. P. WBIOBT, G. MCCQNNBLL. Tlie committee on lands offered the toi- lowing report, which was read to the Board and on motion was adopted, to-wit: vy STATE OF ILLINOIS,\ |f MCHBNBV COUNTY J m Board of Supervisors, July term, July 11th, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the equalization of lands would beg leave to submit the following report: That we have equalized the same by making the following additions and deductions, send recommend U» -fl#6 same: All of which is respectfully submitted. John Weltziek, Chairman. Wm. Desmomo, F. E. STEVMib , W, H. Gboesbeck, S. E. Ci.AHK. The committee on personal property presented the following report, which on motion was adopted,-to-wit: , ,>St. ,, ........ STATE OF ILLINOIS I McHenry County J Board of Supervisors, Jul, 11th, 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Tour committee to whom was referred the assessment of personal property in the several towns would beg leave to submit the following report: The following is a report of the fees re ­ ceived by Wm. Avery, County Clerk. » Amt fees ree'd as per exhibit Earned, due anil unpaid.-- ... 86103 Earned as per exhibit B from Dae. 7, lail, to June 1. V'tt .. Total t**s*? Lessam't preTioneearninga teelnded. KiH • Mftif ..«150W . r ' •MftOCO .96316 Towns - ' , » Rilev uunham ..... Ohemung.,.., A do- Hartland...... Seneca...... Horal Grafton...,.., Dorr... G eenwood- ebron . ., ,, Rio-imood..... nurton... »v c«enr».... Hund»^ .... Algonqwin.. Totals Aa«e»aM V* ue 4*r ot add Pr 01 Ued Kqoaiiz'd Value « 52,410 2 9 M.45H 20 i 187714 SS "r.?|:«« . • • • * K7108 <• |8i,ftiU JSir.30 <• |8i,ftiU a MGu2 31? .*'• ®1«S7 S <V2T5fi 93 * 7H.575 ,MI, ...... 76575 84 MW ... 4 B15IK) 16 r H7.750 .. « 1)1885 • 'li7.674 9 • • BMfiSifli 85 G 'i8 v> 1 ,,,,, B7340 50 . 78,71* . ... 1 771)30 56 . S1.06H ft • •. ;v 115121 40 « «• .. 2 •h- SCO.U3 7 .... la 1 45 320 311) ..... 1 119115 SI 10(i.670 18 12ti543 & wwm t ««&*7 15 .:ft,130O» IVif* 1-S8 |f|; fff ffllf] = sssas3ss88ei ilfrgissitsiiiji: > n n S3 Z? S to •-- -• •• ^ ̂ ® SI • ^2&gi5aaSsi:siiI5»'i • Board met pursuant to adjournment. Meeting called to order by the chairman Members all present at roll call. Sup. Granger moved that the matter of W. E. Wire and States Attorney Coon in relation to the flues collected by justices of the peace and clerks of the courts, which was referred to the committee on fees and salaries to make a report, and which said committee referred back to the board, be referred to the county judge for his decision. Carried. Sup. Hoy moved that the report of the committee on bridge across Fox river, which wa^ read to the board yesterday and action be delerred until to-day be accepted. Motion carried. Sup. Beck moved that the committee appointed to act with the highway com­ missioners in the town of Nunda in the matter of building a new bridge across Fox river at or near Barreville have power to act and do in building the bridge as to them would seem for the best interests ot the town and county. Motion carried. Sup. Hoy.moved that the amount ap­ propriated to pay one half the expenses for new bridge shall not exceed $4000. Snp. Beck moved as an amendment that the amount appropriated for one-half the ex nen pes for new bridge shall not ex­ ceed f3,500. " The ayes and nayes being called for, respited as follows: Ayes--Sups. Bartho­ lomew, Beck, Groesbeck, Desmond, Clark McConnell, B. A. Stevens,--7; Naves- Sups. Barber, Wright, Axtell, F. E. Stevens, Weltzien, Hoy, Conn, Granger, Gracy, Thompson -- 10. Amendment lost. , , Vote being taken on the orignal mo­ tion, ayes and nayes being called for, re­ sulted as follows: Ayes--Sups. Barber, Wright, Axtell F. E. Stevens, Weltzien, Hoy, Conn, McConnell, B. A. Stevens, Granger. Gracy, Thompson.--12 Nayes -rSups. Bartholomew, Beck, Groesbeck, Desmond, Clark--5. Original motion carried. . . . , . The committee on claims presented the follo wing-report, which was read and on motion was adopted, to-wit. STATE OF ILLINOIS McHenry County, Board of Supervisors, July term, July 11th, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them and recom­ mend the payment of tbe following, and t that the clerk be uirwiod to !b3u& orders oatbsoouikty trwaqrtrtotto ciamaota 1 | . ®355-i- All of which is respectfully submitted. A. Babber, Chairman. F. K. Granger, R. J. Beck. J. H. Gbaqy, C. P. WRIGHT. The committee on town and city lots made the following report, It was adopt­ ed to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,\ McHenby County, / Board of Supervisors, July tern/ A. D 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petitions of Mrs. Kate Edwards, of the township of Marengo, and Mrs. Margaret Graham, of the township of Dorr, asking for a re­ funding of taxes, would beg to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore them: In the case of Mrs. Edwards we would ask that the matter be deferred until the next meeting of the Board and that the lady be requested to produce the collector's receipts covering all the land in controversy. As to the case of Mrs. Graham, your committee can find no good reason to assign why her assess­ ment should be lowered or any part of past taxes refunded. All of which is respectfully submitted.. L. T. Hoy, Chairman. [ W. P. Thompson, I Geo. McCoNNEtL, i F. F. Axtell, S. K. BARTHOLOMEW. The committee on town and city lots made the following report, which waa read to the board ajod on motion adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS McHenry County ) Board of Supervisors, July term, July 11th, 1891. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the assessment of town and city lots in the several towns would beg leave to submit the following report: That they have examined and equalized said town and city lots by add­ ing to and deducting from the valuation -- ---J to-wtt* ' • ' • '-•: Your committee would further recom­ mend that the assessment on personal property of Wm. Moody, which appears on the books of Richmond aud Chemung, be erased from the books of the town­ ship of Richmond. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WELTZIEN, Chairman WM. DESMOND, F. E. STEVENS, W. H. GROESBECK, S. E. CLARK. The committee on railroad, telegraph and telephone presented the following report, which on potion was adopted, to-wit: | STATE OF ILLINOIS McHenry County Board of Supervisors, July tenn A./I). 1892. , , Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the assessment of railroad, telegraph and telephone prop­ erty would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report on matters before them: That the assessment of railroad property be subject to and equalized by the per cent, of addition or deduction which shall be adopted by this honorable board; also telegraph and telephone property be equalised the same as rail- All of which is respectfully submit. • ' „<XdP. WRIGHT, Chairman .. 7 G. W. CONN, • B. A. Stevens, S. E. CLARK, WM. DESMOND. Committee on education made the fol­ lowing report, which was read to the Board and pn motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS \„ McHenry County j Board of Supervisors, July twin A. & 1892. . • Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of the county superintendent of schools would beg leave to submit the following re­ port on matters before them: Your com­ mittee has examined said report, And tbe same correct and recommend that amo int asked be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. P. THOMSON, Chairman. G. W. CONN, JOHN WELTZIEN, A.BARBEB, W.H. GROESBECK. The committee on public buildings and grounds made the following report, which was read and on motion adopted, to-wit. !. - - 7 STATE OF ILLINOIS VM A , McHenry County, f jV ' < Board of Supervisors, July term A. IB. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on public buildings and grounds would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined the court house and adjacent buildings, and find quite a number of minor repairs needed, such as the re­ building tbe tops of one or two chim­ neys, painting the tin aud wood work of t.h« dome on court house, repairing plank Walk in front of court house. We alBO find the building on the S W corner of the lot in very bad condition, sill, floor and walk badly rotted, and the building generally in very bad shape. We would a«k the board to instruct this committee as to what course they deem it best for this committee to take, repair or re- k^AU of which is respectfully submitted. F. F. AXTELL, Chairman. L. T. HOY, WM. DESMOND, W. P. THOMPSON. X Sup. Granger moved that the commit­ tee be empowered to make such repairs as they may think best. Motion carried. The committee on fees and salaries presented the following report, which was read and on motion adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILiLNOIS \ McHenry County, / Board of Supervisors, Julj term, A. 1). 1892. ' t Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of the county officers would" beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters before them. * . . „ The circuit clerk's report is as follows: Earned For Recording..... « lerk'a fees, cnita l» oourt .»» Keo'd H i r «®*v dose, eapt he for* Rec'd f IOU0 90 9S*>3» 50 S» Total..., . rierk hire. M 'e»Aian*oaa Clerk'* Mtlary * * half y«ur •173446 $1341U . BUS . w£. * *y * "V. % X K" TQ*U«X?M4U«m Total earnings I Salary for half year Olerk hire Total.... ...... e'eea tor half year . .Balance doe elerk....t 4SS98 County treasurer report# as follower: jj 1* percent rom o» #29,52665 received from towBShi;: {-.".'.lectors § <49#•-' : 3 per cent com on f2>,596 received frost county collector., ,. . .. Makln? <lelir.<|iient tints for puM!-nat*n 2:M tmets ar.<l 'J35 lots at 3 centa. Making delicquent tor judgments 164 tract* and 1H lots at3 Gent* .. Seeing A3 tracts M.30,35 lota 75c total.. ToUl . Expended: Clerk hire... Postage and express .... Treasurer a salary balfy* Total......... «SOT« Sheriff Udell reports as follows: Xarned For court costs, shenffs fees In suit, court A. t 40168 Miscellaneous services B 85173 Totals ....#7(9 31 Salary'for half year Rec't's for services dnr*ng half year.. Amount due sheriff.. | 444S4 And wis would recommend that aa or­ der be drawn on the county treasurer for the above amount of $444.94. Also that an order be drawn on county treas­ urer for the amount of $4tK>.8o due County Clerk Avery. In the matter of controversy between Sup. Wire and State's Attorney Coon, your committee would ask to bring the matter before the board for further la- structions. - All of which is respectfully submitfoil* W. H. GROESBECK, Chairman. > G. MCCONNELL., F. F. Axtrll, B. A. STEVENS, E.J. Bkck. , , . , The committee on fees and salarieatb whom was referred the petition oi Rev. Jas. H. Moore for war bounty in 1864, made the following report, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: * Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: The claim of Jas. H. Moore in regard to a certain war bounty, would respectfully report there is no evidence before your committee showing that the said Jas. H. Moors has any claim against the county. The committee on elections presented the following report, which was read to the board and on motion adopt*!* to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS \ $ McHenry County, J Board of Supervisors. July tern A. B., ^ 1892. " 4« Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the selection of judges of election and polling places in the different towns would beg leave to submit the following report on tin mat­ ters before them. RILY -- foiling place, Town Hall, Judges: A. Barber, John Brotsmaa, Moses Dimon. MARENGO --First district polling place: E. 8. Cad well building. Judges: Geo. Crego, Tyler Beldeu, Amos Boyiog-. ton. MARENGO -- Second district polling place: Parkhurst building. JudsMB Geo. Belden Henry Saunders, C. P. WiUht. DUNHAM--Polling place, School House in district No. 1. ,1 udges: R. J. Beck, L. M. Lillibridge, W. D. Lea. CHEMUNG -First district. Potting room. Judges: b«r. P; E. Ka.Be> ders. CHEMUNG--Second district. Pc place, Eugene O'Connor's office. Jut S. H. Callander, P. M. O'Connor, Art Gleason. A LDEN--Polling place. Town Clerk's oiTice. Judgss: W. ^ Gro^beck, Jas. Scott, H. Mauley. HARTLAND--Polling place, Deep Cot School House. Judga»: Wm. Desmond, Cornelius Nolan, John L. Sullivan. SENECA--Polling ulaoe. Town Hall. Judges: G. B. Richards. T. M, Cbok, fM Frank Sillliman. CORAL -- Polling place. Old Sehoi^;,il House in Village of Onion. Jadgee: F. EL £jjs Stevens, L. M. Muzzy, A. S. Peak. - GRAFTON--Polling place, J. 8. Cw».;' M mings' office. Judgres: John Welt*»n, v;^j B. F. Ellis, A. R. Oakley. . .'j DORR--First district polling place* , * room under clerk's office. Judges: L *ic T. Hoy, W. H. Sherman, C. D. Judd. DORR--Second district polling place ^ room under sheriff's office. Judges: A. S. Austin, C. M. Keeler, W. K, Doohttie. GREENWOOD -- Polling plitce. Town i Hall. J udges: S. E. Clark, Henry Free­ man, Charles Herrington. HEBRON--Polling place, Town HaB. Judges: G. VY. Conn, M. S. Goodsell, D. A. Ciflry * jI RICH M0Nt>--Polling place, Burton's Opera House. Judges: Geo. McConneU, . j W . L. Turner, A. S. Wright. \r; BURTON--Bolliug place, Old Holai, i Spring Grove Village. Judges: B. 4* a Stevens, R. V. Thompson, Leonard Coul- man. . • /.-.d Mc HENRY--First district polling place* ••sfej Griuioldby's Hall. Judges: J. W. %| Cristy. John Buckland, Herbert Alien f||| McHENRY-- Second district poling, '•& place, Council Room Village of MeHiaqr. J|j| Judges: F. K. Granger, John Huemati, - fji John H. Freund. NUNDA--First district jiolling pfaM%. ,f; | store of Frank Munch, at Barrefllli, ]<: Judges: John H. Gracy, Louis Motrin *» S. S. Shepard. 3 Nunda--Second district polling pliwa, { D. C. Mallory's brick store-bnilding, Mm* pj| da. Judges: O. M. Hale, G. L, liub" bard, A. A Pettibone. ALGONQUIN--First district wdlioff place, Morton's Hall, Algonquin. JadgSK W. P. Thompson, Willet Phillips, Janmt Phillips, Sr. ALGONQUIN--Second district place, Fifch's Store or at Hotel, Lake. Judges: James B. Thos. Whitaker, Geo. Davis. ALGONQUIN--Third polling . Mrs. Sprague's Barber Shop. Jndge*: G. S. Frary, W. N. McNett, E. Kern* All of which is respectfully 1 S. K. BARTHOLOMEW, B. A. Stevkms, •? W. F. Thompsg*. • A. Bakbeb, C. P. WRIOHT. Sup. Hoy moved that the special < mtttsees, members ot' the board ot r visors and clerk be allow** th«r per diem and mileage. Carried. Sup. Granger moved thai the *>nowadipura. Motion «a»wd 0to. B. I?R*nAW«,€bai place, Ayer's Hotel Sample 1 !<\ F= Axtell, W B Walk« ' 4 ..•.i-n."*:. y.

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