Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1892, 2 000 2.pdf

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fei ?£tx f* VW' 1 P>-,,>-,j EMt^r r "jifV ;-L i /•• ., S '!' •' ,-• FA J-", "Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Lawi No Favors Win y»»nd no Fear Shall Awe.". 4 jPiiMI^BP tmr Wioawir kr, . _*jSl. •.AM m.M* YX K.H, «UK»A*D paoraiwraB. UBee In Blntaop*> Block, mm or oaths.... :htM Ion. Saontkt t& tlu Mtt Katies of Advertista* irn ittee liberal rates for advsrtial&g rbKAXSii, and endeavor to state feayfastf* i«siyear - •» • ..-.' 5 flO • oneyear . . , ••• •»., low .jas^sr-.s ss - • a s : ? : : ; - f • . ; • > • . • . » s uMti tbe nnrariitnt or on* l the colnmn, siagle column width. it (bo akove rate*, have as often at they f®- fttfnlir advertisers (meaning those having landing cards) will be entitled to Insertion r local aottaea at (M nte of 6 eenta pa* line kch week. All other* will be charged io toentaper Hae the flvst weak, and ft enU per ' . . Ilea for eaehenbeoqaent week. • y» Transient, adyerttaomenas wiii im »Wg«4 M the rate of " " " *>*y»s,seiR«ae i t tan i«* look H wAcka, aad ao on JS#"" will a* vtH „ - ̂ uisunJ&esKs: te per linefor subsequent tssnea. Thus, ichadvert! , SLflOfor a, and so o ..... The PtAuroaAum will be liberal in giving notions, hut, m a business rale, it • * -wul require a suitable fee fioa everybody •eekiag the uae. of Ita oolamna for peenniary business CARDS. «1 O. OOLBY, o D, 9. ' F»CB In Hoy'a Block, oyer Kekert Toung's store, Woodstock, IlL O. J. HOWARD. U.D. 101 AN AND SUBGSO . lieHenry, Office at reslrtsnce, one door treat of 111 , Story's Drug Store a H. FKOSBB, V, D- f>HYSlOiAN AND BUBGEOX. MoHeary lotta,, OAee at Betidenee. | WM. OSBORNE, *., D, 'ThHTSIOIAlf AND SUBGEON. Office at jIT Residence. West MoHenry, 111. Delia p,ly attended to day and night. Liverv Stable. WIOSYItAir, Proprietor. First with or without drivers E. class rige ratshed reasonable rate*. 1 kind a done oa short notloe. Teaming of IBUAID. 9.U SBBTABD SHEPARO A SHKPARD, VTOKMKYh AT LAW. Suite US, Horth- . era Office Building, 88 usBalle Street hie ago, 111. ®- lj KNIGHT A BROWN, TTORNBYS AT LAW. U. 8. ExprMe Oo.'S Building. S? asti 89 w*«hinffton St. f't .>"• ' OH IUAXJO, 1(.L. ' • .;.J. '1 *v* , <)1&I II 'I I II ' • p. yiljllll^jillll t' • '•/ * J1 • iOSLTN A UASXr, . TTQRNKY8 AT LAW. Woodstock IlL All boaineaa will reoeiTe prompt at ten- ton* ^v,;V itiA 4 V. F* BARMV9« TTOKKET, Solicitor, Ad I OouaiOion Ootleetlona a apaciaity. WOODSTOCK, lUUKOM. V \ . i .' i y. a. HTMLM. • ITTORNBY AT LAW, and Solicitor la 1 ̂"tfbooraooK. H.L. OAee la Park Houae, Orat *oor, H , 4" r' MI88 MYRTLE BRILL. Teacher ot Piano ana Organ. • '"*i; Vialta Me Heary every week, fhuradaya, Fridays aad satvrdaye, ru«1 ta prepared to . >. vlake sebolara at any tinaa. Terms reason• Me " !. "Jaad Mttsfhotton g'tarsateed Can be see# at "ti-S.m:, be Parker House oa any of above named rWJW - . -sr.,;; :,V-; CHURCH» WAtohniaker and Jeweler 2 ih **i_ I' - , / nfcJO. On <« H aUreJTwenty-rive 8tat« M Ohi- cag , II . Special attaation given to ra- ^pairing < tne watohes aad Ohronome te?g 4ar** 11 iUlortaint o* Goods in his line r /THE POLICE GAZETTE 'S\'" la tki««l}rlHMtnte4 paper in the world - .^j..:.eontala4a§ ail the latest aenaatlonal sad ^ »P°rtin#aewa No Silooa Keeper, Barber or 'T:\ •• *>• *«* n oaa aftosd M be witltuut jt. It iwa»s »akesfriends whererer it goes KmW4 to aay addresi$n the Ualted states. Men . . Bwa»ksto|l.i( att lor sample copy. 1I0KAKD S. tot rsAXXu* S^oan, Xew York S.v v^':' 40HN Pm SMITH, Ac *fe<vreler MeHKNIY. iLUtOlt. AriKE stoek of Clock % Watcbas and Jew. etry alwayso* hand. Rpeelal atteatioa i watahea. Qivo m* JKHBUf P- 8MITB. v?'~' WM. STOFFEU --Agmt for-- • LICHTNING, And AeeUUktai Iimiw. Alsalowa, MinnoeotiLllebrask^ Alsbeiaa, Md Oaatornia Landa. Call on or addreea WM STOPrXL, MoBenry, Ul: V • ~ : ' . ». MeCLMN, . tontractor anJ BuiMtr. Does all binds of work to his line. - SatitftkeUm fetid -5V-:r: ̂ , ? % 5 States ffarClaia Ape? • --or-- WM- H. COWLIN, Woodstook ; . Illinois. Prosecntes all alaseea aad kinds of claims * Hie United States for ex-Soldiers, ident BelatlvflB or Heirs, tn proaectniBg old and oommuBieattoaa foataj* Stampa are oae promptly answered if Ioaed for r«p»y. WM, B. VOWLJ.H *0®«e_a» Beaideaae, Xladiaoa SL, WoodetoeK, ««UUVtS« ttte tmder-ForSate at Living Prices t •-••/:9igaad. CaJ! 02 or s« »,f! FRANK OOIB, v 8PRtNO««afflE,il.L cprlaff Oroye. pi., Kov li. 1890, * T ATTENTION I : Farmers and Dairymen. , Itflll pay those looking for % fs; > OOWS/K.": , tn i>t|l *1 mf premises before purchaafna. I can famill inch by the car load or single cow. JP OETJtft B. WOLFR17M, CBlKCIO tmm ahoat «oar miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. *.|.B»itioa. M'HENRY, ILPNOIS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUSTS, 1892. BOARD or &TJPERVIS0S8. j. j Boifetea BARBIAN BROS. »Whol«ale and Retail FINE CIGABS, MtcBBNRT ILLINOIS • Beta* now pleasantly looate<l in our nnw store, former y orciip-ed by Althoff Bros., we are a«w prepsr*it to offer to ibe smoking pub Ho a line line - £ Curars of oar ot ii uuuiutac- tore, together with <mok'.ng and chewtag Tot*oco ot the beet braada. Pipes a We have a very large aerortnwM s*d v««» kudeona Battvec. ~ ^ C A L L A N D 8 M O B . MnHeary, I1L», June », ««3 SIMON STOFFEL, Affiricas ClDTCT Bin &0; 351 N. Clark St. OHIO^OO, ILL. Iho Great Blood Purifier. Cures all Blood Diseases Mi*t «rlse from the rffoct of Bad Blood. A sare cars for Cancer, Catarrah, Piles. 8l«k Heailacho, i>y« pepsia. Whooping Oougn, iBhenmatlam, Qon stipati • -*•-lipation, etc. BLOSSOMS, per poand' • FLOIO EXTRACT, per bottle •OLIO EXTRACT, per pound 110.50 -v.. '1.00 #'< v, Mm BotH the Solid and Tin Id E.ttTli«8 8rt,Tttade from the same stock of Bioasoma, and are equally at good and efficacious aa the Blos­ soms : . «IUt>IA At STORY, Asenti i *' MoHenrv. Illinois. HEAR THE DEPOTx WEST MoHENRY, ILL Keeps open for the aoeosuwdanBn eft he Public a Flrst-Olaas Saloon and Restaurant, Where he wlH at all timea keep tbe best brands bf Wlnea, Liquors and Olgara (to be found in tne market. • Also Agent f or ̂imANZ J3\AXJK|litr ..v,: KUwaakw Lagir Btar. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles *1- ways on hand, eheaper than any other, qnall* ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. OOOl) STABJANQ FOR HOBifB v jrCtelUnd.see us. ; ' Robert Sohlesale. keOnaxy, UL ., . mm. -w Bnglea'» mm AND RESTAURANT. ISoHKNRV, :.A^ ILLINOIS. Kentucky Liquors, French Bitter ̂ ICeBenry Lager Beer, -AID- J. Mliti liltailet Bottle Beer, any quantity from Sniix In any q 01ass to ICO barrels. O WHOLESALE oa RETAIL Beer in bottles, k ebeap aa the chea . • -- ~-v -\ We buy none bat the mot and sell at Reasonable Ptioes or cam a* all and Me ae aod l on well. AKTOMT trill use Aourr Fhenoiz, of Bneklya, f. Y. Capital, S,008^ 16i! Rockfo rd, of Rockford, III Capital, 809,448, 1 MatiODdl, of Hartlord, Corn. Gs£E&S!. ! S, , Ineuranse carefully and safely placed on •all elhsser of property agoiust Are, iigktatng, and tornado, either tor caah or on long time, without interest Fire pollcieeoa liva stock oovcr s»tne in bull ungoron farm igainst losa or iiam&KO by fire or lightning an<( against lightning anywhere Hay, straw, stalks and fodder are covered by one policy, in building or stacks on farm. Grain, seeds and mill feed are covered un<ier 0'e anm <n buiWing or on farm Insurance transferred tn other locali­ ties free of carge. Gasoline orol' store and steam thresher permits granted in policies free of oharpe Household goods of everv description. Including coal, wood and provl- 8lon« aiI <.0vsi c<! ;;r.;1 cr one item Uotnn'^ts records kept of all polirint, conditinn», a«' ign menu and transfers made. OaJI for list of Over 700 policy holders in above companies Simon Stoffel. nr McHENRY le k Grail H. Miller & Son, ^ --DEALERS SK-- ' VARBLE & GRANITE, S(oauments, Headat^nee Tables,^3to. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. gV.itftfto fiufutndt Shops at Mc Henry and Johns- burgh, 111, where at all times ean te tound a good assortment of toihed work. tRespectful!y, ( Henry Miller & Son. Wf«uaomla Antt-Hoc* TW#f •' AMOolatlotk OFriOERS. AKTBtJR Coos, Pres. EDOAK GRRKV. Sec'y. Jas. nusuT, V. •• K. E. GILBERT, Troas DIRBOTOBS. Edgar dross. .frana'ThomM, .V; BIDBRS. Henry Weidon, B f Haghea, Morris ror^. A 9 Raymond, Fiaak Thomas. •atiBBBs. Wirtlr, Morse Plutarch HoughtOR .. Geo D^rrell ,.K T Harris . S 11 Harris ....... «... -..ICdwin Oook....,....... Beth Turner W M Clongh ........ ... ..fitebbms Kord ......... ......"5" A Nimskey ......... .i....ft F Johnston ....... .. .. ,.,Warr«*n Poweis ..... ...Hieo Bates Henry Werden...«...'..las M«i<aghan, Jr .... J EGlvnch ......Kolwrt Ha r^oa Ira ^mith ............... John Spencer,.......... Delos Anus ....... ...O W Dnnklee Geo Jones .....Charles I»avlirr.....;... T Bacon ...............Michael Slave# .. BlPsddodk . .. Gus Staxon ....... M CSmith.. Goldlng Bms «* *.>...• Mot Ford. ..'i' V Siocum.......... • JFRoaey. A Cook. .. AC Bangs B E Qiibort R " Hill H F Hughes J F Rouev Kr -nk Thomas .... R<lirftr lireen ... . A J Kaymond ...... Geo I'rntt Mo'e» Reach... James Murray. J D McCabe PENSIONS! Tfi« Disability Bill Is a Law Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled*. Dependent widows and pararts now de pendent whote eons died from the offsets o* army services Sre ircludrd If jou wish your claim apeodily and successfully- prose- euted.addres JAMES TANMCR. «A3IIINGTOiri».a Lola Comssiaslenor pi Peneions. SEND SI u«tabie Hwagy Waal and receive free men MOasIM Lasiksr M- ustsbie Hw«gy Wasbars, the best and ckosp- mt, orttd oenw for KW: IS cents for *». * Atop at (Fnucooda Proceedings of the Regular Jvljr Mmt- irifcs, 1892-- Election Judges appointed --Ihe As&eioeat Equalized--Otitw ijp, portant Busioese Transacted.1 >• ' The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McIIenry countv met in regular ses­ sion in the court room of the Court House in Woodstock on Monday, July 11th, 1891, for the transaction of such business as might eome before them. -Meeting catted to order by tbe chair­ man. , The following mnnbers answered to their uatnesat foil call: Supa. Ansory Barber, 0. P. Wright, 8. K. Bartholo­ mew, H. J. Beck, F.. P. Axtell, W. H. Grocsbosik, Win. Desmond, Geo. B. Richards, F. E. Stevens, John Welzien, L. T Hoy, S* E. Clark, Geo. McCooneH, F. K. Granger, J. H. Gracy, W. P. Thompson, B. Stevens. (hi motion of Sup. Hoy the reports of the circuit deck, county clerk, sheriff aad county treasurer were referred to the proper committees. Sop. Beck moved that the Board ad­ journ until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. • ' MONDAY, TWO O'CLOCK I\ M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present at roll call except Sup. Conn. The committee which was. appointed to act in connection with the board of highwaj commissioners of tbe town of Nunda in reiatkHi to building a new bridge across Fox river at BarreVille, made the following Teport, to-wit: Tf tho riwiTn>ai>nl t.h« llnnril t\f Siinw- visorsJuly meeting. A. D. 1892. I'he undersigned, "ppwnted by this honor­ able body as a committee to act in con­ nect so;? with the board of highway com­ missioners of the town of Nunda, in said county, as required by law, in and about the matter of building a bridge across Fox rIVer in the said town of Nunda, as prayed for in a petition presented to your honorable body by said board of highway commissioners, wonld beg leave to report that we, your committee, met with tbe paid board of highway commis­ sioners and organised a joint board by electing F. K. Granger as chairman and G. L. Bryant town clerk of Nunda as clerk. The joint commission as then constituted visited the location for said proposed bridge, and after f'lll and cart­ ful examination and deliberation, were unanimous in opinion that a. necessity existed for a new bridge, as represented in said petition. The necessary length of said bridge, in the opinion of the com­ mittee, will be four hundred and fifteen feet (415) feet. Your committee find on inquiry, that a good, substantial iron bridge can be built for $6,500 to $7,500 and a good, substantial wooden bridge for $5',000 to $6,000. As to the legal question involved your committee has made no thorough examination. From a ha-ty examination of the present statute on the subject it seems to your committee that much of the rigor of the former law is now removed and that the evident tendancy of the law is toward making the county share the expense of building nil large bridges in the several towns. Your committee would respect­ fully ask for further instructions from your honorable board. W. P. THOMPSON, " I' Joror WELTEWIT, F. K. GHANOEB. Sup. Hey moved that the report be re­ ceived aud action be deferred until to­ morrow morning. Motion carried. Sup. Bartholomew moved that the matter in controversy between W. E. wire ana A. d \uuu ili r^latiGu to uuC3 made by the justices of the peace and the clerks of the courts be referred to the committees on fees and salaries. Car­ ried. CcnssiusicatloB from Jas. Moore in re­ lation to a bounty claimed for himself for entering the service as chaplain iu the 95th 111, Vol. Regt. was read to the Board and on motion was referred to the committee on claims. Sup. F. Stevens moved that tbe Board adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Carried. TUESDAY, JULY 1$, TEN O'CLOCK A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Members all present at roll call. Slip. Granger moved that the matter of W. E. Wire and States Attorney Coon in relation to the fines collected by justices of the peace and clerks of the courts, which was referred to tbe committee on fees and salaries to make a report, and which safd committee referred back to the b&ard, be referred to the county judge for bis decision. Carried. Sup. Hoy moved that the report of the committee on bridge across Fox river, which w^s read to the board yesterday and action be deierred until to-day be accepted. Motion carried. Sup. Beck moved that the committee appointed to act with the highway com­ missioners in tbe town of Nunda in the matter of building a new bridge across Fox river at or near Barreville have power to act and do in building the bridge as to them would seem for the beet interests ol the town and county. Motion carried. Sup. Hoy.moved that the amount ap­ propriated to pay one half the expenses for new bridge shall not exceed $4000. Sup. Beck moved as an amendment that the amount appropriated for one-half the exnenaes for new bridge shall not ex­ ceed $3,500. Tbe ayes and nayes being called for, respited as follows: Ayes--Sups. Bartho­ lomew, Beck, G roes beck, Desmond, Clark McConnell, B. A. Stevens,--7; Naves-- Sups. Barber, Wright, Axtell, F. E. Stevens, Weltzien, Hoy, Conn, Granger, Gracy, Thompson -- 10. Amendment lost. \ote being taken on tbe orignal mo­ tion. ayes and nayes being called for, re­ sulted as follows: Ayee--Sups. Barber, Wright, Axtell F. E. Stevens, Weltzien, Hoy, Conn, McConnell, B. A. Stevens, Granger. Gracy, Thompson.--12 Nayes --Sups. Bartholomew, Beck. Groeebeck, Desmond, Clark--5. Original motion carried. The committee on claims presented the following report, which was read and on motion was adopted, to-wit. - - ̂ STATE OF ILLINOIS U, McHenry County, j ^ Board of Supervisors, July term, July 11th, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Geu'ieman of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them and recom­ mend tbe payment of the following, and that the dark be directed to issue orders fol- joon 760 7 5& S3 33 18 85 29 no for the several amounts allowed, a lows, to-wit: F Ejite*eae. bnrriag tRdteeat soldier | J* WWood, one day notdiag co •onrt I. P Card, j ? fWLMopl* vs J Penned Same, people TS JWVantchatek, W E W ire, ofloa exp Apr I to Joty l... B s An stin, m se for Jail and eonrt h'se F K Grangei, burying indigent soldier. Asad u«1e>l. dieting prlsoaOrs fMtu Doc 1. "fl»l. to June 1, WM sm 00 taking John ilor and jaiier, Janel, im. 280» WmATery, offliw» aspens* s 22 M Ran lumbar, lima, tile and brtck. 51 44 L T Boy, money advanced to pay to „ J»»r» on hasomont to jail Geol> Barnard, Index to con it record.. J Slyke, blanka for oc. t• eaaurer... A L Boomer, jnat. fees people vsBussell Desmond, committee work s J therbnrae, witness Mea nnd milage i. wi. to June I, im Sane, stamps, tslophoaa. Fennel to Klarin, jmlt from Doe I, wt to Jn people v» KDQtatfcSfd Wm Bates, same, people ve Van^obaiok J Jn«tln, same, people ve Geathard.... JoaBnck, « »- SS* ^'Pbomp'n, do people vs Mathews WU»BieharoU, same.. ... . Norma B Thompson, same t) A White, same ...... J Boxbuimer, same people ve J Z«nk... Bill Karser, same. Ohat Stevenson, s&rue S Gilbert, justice fee < people vs Oomsky Sbbw. people vs ©sMAnir....^. . 38 90 80 80 800 4 60 9 8(1 ill >90 I • 25] »«0 3«0 2 no 300 % GQ IS 10 00 690 5-811 = = • Is? % o 5 j S'.lSI§§Il5iWS > <K » £ il 8S2gggg£s8SS Ir •, 1 " : : k>: i-' : : o, 1 £** I + i - »o«: : - a' S' w' 1 Ox 1 iliiipiiliZfiJii Ij IssSSHygiSsij S I £ ^ V » Total |605 03 BILLS PA lb. Hiram smith, sawing Soords wood | J J Stafford matress for )ail FSchryver,fir*vinaashes . Woodst'k Sentinel Oo, pub proceedings Same 2 years sub Sont'l poo> ferai same, publishing election law, . .... .. seme, «• oali for board of Bnpervls's Wm Allen, iu cords of wood,... Hiram_8mith, sawing 6xorda wood. ng, Sdavs bailiff Jan term, (gin R D Waill A ion co Digglns, 8 days same a B MoOauiev, 8 Ij Benthuten, 10 Hm Roach, IS •< DW Hewut, 8 •• J L Hib*ard, 8 » a.«ia« eo*» o L Iioagta*, flour for poor farm....... K S ilcfadden, work and material abort house. ... s & Cunningham repd*sk co treasoflce W H U^bbe, meals lor jurors Belcher A Mhtheuy, rep court house jail R O Hmiih. r*p«irlng boiler . F K Gr.-mger, special ( ommltteo work.. /, W Olwrk, drawing ashes.. ...., o H Donnelly, court seal... ... ......... J Van Slyke, print'g letter h's and enV U Brink, papering and paftat'g In jail... D M Cohen. I gross lead ponqjlp. T Met) Kichardf, half years l.vary, etc Whltson Bros goods, Jail and court k*ss J Dtrmont, work »nd rep on well A r r icin. oil and ooai Wooil«tocs Sentl Co tax recetpia and blka treas, stst onerv sheriff. Court docket and blanks ...... . Sams, blanka and envelopes co clcrk.... Same blanks and supervisors call ....... Han committee cards i,. P F Pet.t'bone, 24 ballot boxes .. Same, blanks for recorders ofllne..... ... Same, •• " co clerks olBce . .... . Lincoln Asvlnm Feeble Minded Child's Elgin Asylum. InsansiMII....... ........ 37S *70 160 25 00 ,8 00 10 00 180 40 0.1 4 M 12 50 20 00 tore 25 00 25 (H> ao 00 It 00 5 So 2 75 455 11 8J 800 8 7C 530 6 75 4 50 6 70 4 00 38 Ot- 87 60 aw S3 S7 13 50 4100 900 5 CO 100 55 00 79 50 157 4 >8 55 87 74 lowing Board Total ..#9004 All of which is respectfully submitted. E. J. BECK, Chairman, F. E. STEVENS, F. K. GBANGKR, C. P. WKIGHT, G. MCCONNBLU The committee cm lands offered the Un­ report, which was read to the and on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHENBY UOUNTY Board of Supervisors, j uly term, July 11th, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors : Your committee to whom was referred the equalization of lands would beg leave to submit the following report: That we have equalised the same by making the following additions and deductions, aftd recommend the adoption of the same: •H AU of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WELT hex, Chairman. WM. DESMONO, F. E. STEVEKS W. H, GKOESBXCK, S. E. CLAHK. The committee on personal property presented the following rrport, nuich OB motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS ) __ M«;Henry County J ~ t Vj Board of Supervisoiw, inly tertft, ^iiy 11th, 1892, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your committee to whom was referred the assessment of personal property in the several towns would beg leave to submit the following report: Towns im®.-.... Marenga. I «u pliant Oheiuung.... A de Hartland Heneca....... »!oral Grafton....... Dorr .. ...... O eon wood., rbron .... ., Biomosd..... wurton... ... • ollenrv.... Nunda Algonqutn.. Totals Assess'*! Va oe J iVlKi 189.106 «7.;nj 181,(30 ss,on 53 M7 70,578 84 896 97.75W 177,674 85 618 78,744 81,066 90,539 1GO.U37 130 319 106.676 fe 1.646,8® Fret add Pr ot dad Bqnaiit'd Value The following is a report of the i ceived by Wm. Avery, County Clerk, Ann fees rSf'd se psr exhibit Aj,.., Earned, <tne anti unnaM. ~ Earned ss per exhibit ft iwî A June L V9i . Total... . Less am't prsyioas earnings iaaladedw „ , ' Toui earnlnge for kalf W^«t8*r ?5,^7J5>r ha,f Jf*r Olerk hire.... Total.... # OSS for half year... .Balance doe elarL..4 «lll County treasurer reports as follows: IH percent root o« *39,526 65 received from township collectors ....# 8 por cont com on $2!,5$5 rf^ceire i from county collector. Mil!!;; delssqssat Ustsfo" pab!!*»i'E 23S tracts ard 235 lots at S cents. Making rtelltquent tor jvdgmenca 164 tracts and 184 lots at 3 cent* .. .. Soiling IS tracts #4,30,35 lots 75c total.. Total $130* ? •xpe?idedl: Clerk hire .f i50 00 Poota^e and express ... 7«| Trtasiirers salrry half year.... 780f« Total......... «9C7<» HheriB Udell reports as follows: _ Earned :»l For court costs, shenffs ',:v „ fees in suit, court A $ 40158 Miscellaneous services B 35178 Totals.... ... $ 753 33 Salary for halt year BeoVs for services dnr*ng half yoiur.. ishu 94 H7108 181630 uiliuS 36 52T5R 99 76575 81500 16 91C85 191887 S3 87340 86 77956 56 85121 40 H2362 94 13603) 45 119115 81 120548 83 • 646887 15 I s 3; s l i i g g a 2 5 g g g g g g g g g fit -- I 5SSS----S ---- -- S^eSSSJS5-1 S I g!£g^s25?gssas£assgl ft s. ; ;n \ \u » » • I «• liriaifiiiikiiitii" All of which is respectfully submitted. A. BASBEB, Chairman. F. K. GBANOEB, R.J. BECK. " J. H. OKACY, C. P. WRIGHT. The committee on town and city lots made the following report, it vafr^dopt- STATE OF ILLINOI8,\__ S MCHENBY CODIFTV, Board of Supervisors, July two/ A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petitions of Mrs. Kate Edwards, of the township of Marengo, and Mrs. Margaret Graham, of the township of Dorr, asking for a re­ funding of taxes, would beg to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore them: In the case of Mrs. Edwards we would ask that the matter be deferred until the next meeting of the Board and that the lady be requested to produce the collector's receipts covering all the land in controversy. As to the case ol Mrs. Graham, your committee can find no good reason to assign why her assess­ ment should be lowered or any part of past taxes refunded. All of Which is'iespectfully submitted.. V V . H. T. HOY, Chairman. JM. II. - A". P. THOMPSON, '•4 ) I "• -• GEO. MCCONXSSLL, f irf.-JI F. F. AXTELL, !C ^ T 8. K. BARTHOLOMEW. The committee on town and city lots made the following report, which was read to the board and on motion adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS McHenry County Board of Supervisors, July ternof, ^July 11th, 1891. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your committee to whom WHS referred the assessment of town and city lot# in the several towns would beg leave to submit the following report: That they have examined and equalized said town and city lots by add­ ing to aad deducting from the valuation -- - '-iV ' - . V J < Your committee would further recom­ mend that the assessment on personal property of Wm. Moody, which appears on the books of Richmond and Chemung, be erased from the books of the town­ ship of Richmond. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WELTZIEN, Chairman WM. DESMOND, F. E. STEVENS, W. H. GROESBECK, S. E. CLARK. The committee on railroad, telegraph and telephone presented the following report, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS I McHenry County J • Board of Supervisors, "SvHj tent A/fc), 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Soard of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the assessment of railroad, telegraph and telephone prop­ erty would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report on matters before them: That the assessment of railroad property be subject to and equalised by the per cent, of addition or deduction which shall be adopted by this honorable board; also telegraph and telephone property be equalized the same as rail­ roads. All of which is res] i• v .r •<•"&#* 'v^ tfully submit. IUHT, Chairman G. W. CONN, B. A. STEVENS, 8. E. CLARK, WM. DESMOND. Committee on education made the fol­ lowing report, which was read to the Board aad pa motion to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS). McHenry County j Board of Supervisors, J\ 1892. Mr. Chairman Mid Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of the county superintendent of schools would beg leave to submit the following re­ port on matters before them: Your com­ mittee has examined said report, find tbe same correct and reeomuied that amount asked be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. P. THOMPSON, Chairman. G. W. CONN, JOHN WELTZIEN, A. BABBEB, W.H. GROESBECK. The oommittee on public buildings and grouuda made the following report, which was read and on motion adopted, to-wit. STATE OF ILLINOIS \ / > McHenry County, f Board of Supervisors, Joiytetm A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tbe Board of Supervisors: Your committee on public buildings and grounds would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined the court house and adjacent buildings, and find quite a number of minor repairs needed, such as the re­ building tbe tops of one or two chim­ neys, painting the tin aud wood work of th« dome on court house, repairing plank Walk in front of court house. We also find the building on the S W corner of the lot in very bad condition, sill, lioor and walk badly rotted, and the building generally in very bad shape. We would ask the board to instruct this committee as to what coarse they deem it best for this committee to take, repair or re­ build. w All ot which is respectfully submitted. F. F. AXTELL, Chairman. L. T. HOY, WM. DESMOND, W. P. THOMPSON. Snp. Granger moved that the commit­ tee be empowered to make each repairs as they may think best. Motion carried. The committee on fees and salaries presented the following report, which was read and on motion adopted, towit ' STATE OF IL1LNOIS 1 . McHenry County, J Board ot Supervisors, July term, A. 1). 1892. Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of the county officers would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters before them. The circuit clerk's report is as follower Rec*d #!0UO9ft SAM Amonnt dne sheriff f I And we would recommend that der be drawn on the count for the above amount of that an order be drawn on urer for the amonnt of VSVlIk In the matter of controversy I Sup. Wire and State's At your committee would ask matter before the board fop str actions. • All of which is respectflQ W, H GROESBBCILCI G. MCCONNELL, F. F. B. A. STEVENS, R. J. B|if I The committee on fees and sal whom was referred the petition! Jas. H. Moore for war bounty in made the following repovt. wh» HiGtiGn nS8 auOp ted, to-wifc Mr. Chairman and Gentle Board of Supervisors: The c H. Moore in regard to a * bounty, wonld respectfully repoi ̂ is no evidence before yotr < showing that the said Jae. H.: any claim against the cottn\T. The committee on elections pr the following report, which was l the board and on motion adopted,! to-wit: v ' STATE OF ILLINOIS McHenry County, j Board of Supervisor*. July 1892. , * Mr. Chairman aad Board of Supervisors: Yom to whom was rofoited the judges of electioniand . the different towns would submit thefoUowing retort i terta before them. RILY-- Foiling place, Town Judges: A. Barber, John Brot Moses Dhnon. MARENGO -- First district place: E. S. Cad well building. Jl Geo. Crego, Tyler Belden, Amos ton. MARENGO -- Second district place: Parkhurst building. Belden .H«uy Saunders, Q \ DUN HAM--Polling plaeMjtf in district No. 1. Judgeau R. J. M. Lillibridge CHEMUNG W. D. Lea. -First Earned For Recording tifl0O9O « Icrk's foes, snita la oourt .2858 Iteo'd X >r sow dene, rapt befsto Total.... WU'* r lark hire • M «e»Man<K>ns i. Olerk's iaiAry 6 r half year 8134138 . sue U » .. 730 place, Ayer*s Hotel Sample room, i F. F. Axtell. W. B. Walker, P. E. CHEMUNG--Second dtatrfct. place, Eugene otkmnoi^oSsiKo S. H. Callander, P. M. O'Coaawr, Gleftann. :gl ALDEN--Polling plaotL T« office. Judgas: W. JEk Groei Seott, H. Manlsy. HARTLAND--Polling pi School House. Judges: Cornelian Nolan, John 1*1 SENECA--Polling „ . Judges: G. B. Richards. T. Frank Sillliman. CORAL - Polling place, Oli : House in Village of Cnion. Stevens, L M. Musty, A, GRAFTON--Polling place, minge' offlce. Judges: John B. F. Ellis, A. R. Oakley. DORR-- First district room under clerk's office. T. Hoy, W. H. Sherman, C. DORR--Second district room under sheriff's office. S. Austin, C. M. Keeler, W. R, • GREENWOOD - Polling . Hall. Judges: 8. E. Clark, man, Charles Herrington. HEBRON--Polling place. Town Judges: G. W. Conn, M. S. Gi A. Clary. • RICHMOND--Polling place. Be Opera Houae. Judges: Geo. Me W. L. Turner, A. S. Wright. BL'RTON--Polling place, Old Spring Grove Village. Judges: Stevens, R. V. Thompson,! man. McHENRY--^First district] Grimoldby's Hall. Juc I'risty, John Buckland, He McHENRY -- Second Slace, Council Room Village oi l udges: F. K. Granger, John John H. Freund. NUNDA--First district store of Frank Munch, at Judges: John H. Gracy, Loi S. 8. Shepard. Nunda--Second district 1>. C. Mallory's brick store-1 da. Judges: O. M. Hale, bard, A. A. Petti bone. ALGONQUIN--First district «lait\ Morton's Hall, Algonqnpk i'. P. Thompson, Willet Phi " Phillips, Sr. ALGONQUIN--Seeond i»lace, Finch's Store or at ,ake. Judges: James & Thos. Whitaker, Geo. Utfk ALGONQUIN--Thir^ Mrs. Sprague's Barhsr G. S. Frary , W. X. MeN«l All of which is reepeetfuRf i S. K. BARTBOM B. A. SwvEts, ; W. F. THOMPSCK. A.BARBER, C. P. WRIGHT. Sup. Hoy moved mittees, members ol the vigors aad clerk be per <ttem aad mileage. Snp. Grange* * do now aoioura. Mc 5-. v.'vi- ToUl expoadlt«m..«v>«».. |M1Q Attest-- 1 V.J/*

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