TlCittf. FOR PRESIDENT, •NJAMIN HARfHSoU FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, WHITE LAW REID. im. ^iA: •>:? 1 m- ^ ssmm TICKET. ' 3^r Governor. jfV-?' " JOSEPH W. ri?ftfc* Jkr jAtiUewmt Governor. 4 ' ; 1TK4K B. EAT, - !.{'J%r Secretory . ' 0 (Y _ . 18 A AO ST. PVARROH.' PtibUe JUestati^ obaa W. PAVjgr*., _ I*, , Xor&ate fVwunair, slj_! HENRY L. HERTZ. AriterMytimenri; ] GKOBUB W. PKINOS. <• ~f~:] ftr fluifew lllinoit UniveriUjfl SOLON PHILBBm,. J " • : '.-i SMERY OOBB, ^ . Y * ^ : B.B.STINTON, I* GEO. S. WTL1.ITV v. *" aiCHAUU YATK8, Z'}> A&££^/OJT4£ TICKET. tor Congretiman, fifth Dtotrie^:c. - ALBERT J. HOPKINS. r Mpnbcr of Board of Mgualtta^tt^: ° GEORGE W. ELDBEDGB. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. For Stale Senator, Eighth Distri^ ttEUBBW W. COOK. r jfUr JBrjHwanttoifoM, JCighth DitrlfU .* HQBKRT 4, BECK, IX votes;.' ' Wi% GEORGE REED. Vf vote*. mUNTY TICKET* Wbr Cf rcmt CXtrk, "WEBSTER P. MOESE. tbr Stalet Attorney, ADELBERT B. 000*T. JPbr County Surveyor, CHARLES H. TBYOS. tbr County Oormtr. CHARLES B. COOK. & ' kk « » ;<?($' ,v'k : ' on the Elgin Board o! Trade >VB8 active, bjdding began at floated 22c; buyers kicked jftair oae sale at 22c. gave 1800 lbs: sold at 22c; 10980 last week 21c. was paid and a 18 @ 18%c. Total sales to-day H. J, Collis, of Ne^ York, Cleveland daring the war [ a patriotic statement, and ,«aea Yallandigbam cop- IpKolil 3-364, while the Union pMiDijlAgiB trenches in front of 1 And Petersburg, was stamping denouncing Lincoln, the war i and declaring that the Ed not be saved by force of kve bo doubt as to the popu- Harrison and find will tmr&rj northern state." th parties are figuring on the new i, In New York as the hope of decid- i way that State will vote in If the election of 1888 is any t as to how Mr. Cleveland draws itte State will again be against .-m 1888 the Republican increased 1 rote over that of 1884 by .95 per The Democrats decreased their -38p®r cent. Cleveland was bene- the new voters in 1888. lose in the same ratio this be beaten by 80,000 plnral- IHew York. Bat even that figure I teach the estimate of Lieutenant rfiheehan, a member of the Dem- itional Committee, who has fthe Republican plurality in New 11*50,000. 1 Is a wonderful city. This rt Is made, not because a great father people have said the same. |por for the purpose of making a tamark, but because it is an an- > lict. In J une, 1890, the gov- Jenumerator8 found its popiila- a little under 1,100,000, or ibly more than double the fig- \ The present growth of the »than 100,000 annually, and iiperease it is easy to calculate amount to by the time the it is again ready to number The school census, recently I, and very carefully taken by jieiaons, places the present |P$MMgo at 1,428,318, or |WQ^OOO in excess of that of At this rate it will be Kti in eight years longer 500,000 dwellers in the Watch its progress. Starrest Excursion. Tk#8ts for Harvest Excursions over L~~ "" * Line" will be sold iP^ASept. 27th, 1892, at (round trip to points in •Iowa, Western Minnesota, Dakota. Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming, Utah good for return passage from date of sale. For information, apply to stock. w Mrith cWflHpi* Ona" dredabtt seven |^j||pp||yoted the ^ppropriafiotf." llbat nXtmliw slxty-ftve were from the southern shftM. At least thirty of the sixty-five aerNNi- ia the confederate army. All Vrf the re publicans that were preaent voted in favor of the aprtropriation. Sixty-three democrats voted tor it, and as stated above, one hundred and seven s voted against It. The northern democratic tail could not "wag the dog!" The above figures tell the whole story. Among the ex-confederates who "voted as they shot" we jlnd the name of Wheel er, the famous cavalry commander; Buuuctucui, oi the "Stonewall brigade:" Breckinridge, who was a private; Branch, who was on Gen. Hoke's staff; Bankhead, who served four years in the confederate army; Alexander, on Gen. Hoke's staff; Forney, confederate general; Cobb, of Alabama, captured at Gettysburg; Jonee, cadet in military institute at Richmond daring the war, and served incidentally in defense of that city; Williams, who was a captain, and Wise, a staff officer in the confederate army, and so on, in- cluding officers and privates, and con spicuous among all of them, Kilgohs, of Texas. It is a sorry spectacle f<^r north ern democrats to contemplate. One lone Union soldier appears in the lists of southerns who voted against the appro priation--Tareney, of Missouri. Allthe Farmers' Alliance members voted with the democrats. The patriotic soldier- state of Kansas must feel honored in having Jerry Simpson, an ex-Union, join the exconfederates in their effort to make the World's Fair "a failure." An examination of the vote will no doabt show that several northern democrats who were Union soldiers did vote "as they shot," but the republicans have made a clean record. Aarain they have demonstrated the truthfulness of the declaration that the "Grand Old Party" is the party of patriotism and of progress. A further examination of the subject discloses the fact that on the insulting proposition made by Mr. Blankhead. in the form of an amendment reducing the appropriation from five millions to five dollars, sixty-five southerners voted aye," and twelve northern democrats-- the total affirmative vote being seventy- seven. Among the 65 we find the same array of ex-confederates. Sectionalism could go no farther! Its vile form was wholly unmusked by that vote. But this arraignment of the democratic party does not apply to the progressive ele ment North or South. It refers to those whose patriotism Is "bounded on the nOrth" by Mason ft Dixon's line, M who would rather hear "Dixie'* played any tinae than "Hail Columbia." An Irishmen to Iriahnua. John Brenan, in his book, ^Erin Mof. The Story of Irish Republicanism," off ers the following reason why Irish- Americans ought to be republicans: "The writer of the following pages candidly believes that while foreign rule has been the crowning and allcompre- hending curse of Ireland, and while land lordism has been among its most potent ills, yet British Free Trade, idenical with the Tnriil Reform which the democratic party now seeks to inflict upon the United States, was the underlying, if not the immediate eause of the terrible fam ine of 1846-47. Ireland, one year with another, produces sufficient" food to fat ten more than double its present popu lation; yet among the working people there poverty is perpetual and fatwiww periodical. Since the destruction of Ireland's manufacturing industries un der the operation of free trade, agricui ture is tlje only important industry of the people; and a country devoted to agriculture alone is a country already doomed, while a nation whose industries are healthily deversified is proof against famine and decay. "It is not difficult to understand why England favors free trade with America; nor is it to be wondered at that among a people of great intelligence and of many minds like the Americans, Eng land should find many devoted believers in her plausible thories; but it is a mys tery of mysteries why Iri-hmen, of all other citizens in America, should be re lied on to vote in American elections precisely as England would have them vote; and that when Grover Cleveland or Harper's Weekly sounds the drum-beat of England, calling for soldiers to fight her battles at the American ballot-box. those who most cheerfully respond to the roll-call should be the sons and kin dred of Irish exiles, driven from their Island home by that same free trade policy; why those whose own factories have been destroyed by English free trade should be so anxious to vote upon themselves and their fellow citizens the same calmity iu America, or desirous to vote themselves into the conditions from which they fled when they Jeft their own green land with tears in their eyea and curses on their lips." 1 Excursion Bate* to Milwaukee. On August 10th and 11th the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will sell excur sion tickets to Milwaukee and return at one and one third fare for the round trip aecount St. Andrew's Society Picnic. Tickets good for return passage on or before August 12th, 1892. For tickets and full information apply to Agents of the Chicago & North-Western R'y. gW3 Lake Bluff Gamp Meeting On account of the Camp Meeting at Lake Blaff, the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will sell excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates from July 1st to September 1st, inclusive. For tickets and full information, apply to agents C. &N.'y. ATTENTION! LADIES 1 t Fob the next thirty days, the Onder- signed will sell hats, trimmed and an- trimmed, baby bonnets, boys' hate, in 3p now he hie holding a , enteha tariff with Gov, ttntiMfca*a been reading BfH mdr" llMtaet boomed the ting himself licked. : > < Cleveland Ohio, *ras struck by light ning the other day, and Cleveland the candidate will be struck by lightning next November, for the second tfrae, not withstanding the adage about lightning never striking twice in the same place. Assassination is always cowardly and is sever justifiable, and everybody who sympathizes Kith the strikers at Home stead ivjcicss to kiiOw tli»i they are unanamouB in condemning the attempt made by the Russian anarchist to mur der Mr. Frick. The democrats are already beginning to try to step over that rotten free trade plank in their National platform, and in localities where there are protected in dustries they do not hesitate to say that they believe in protection of. established industries, The democratic party hr>8 never foaght a national campaign in which it fBcTjtaot'try to stand on all rides of every* important question, and the coming campaign ia not to be an ex ception. j Our democratic exchanges are unani mous In saying that Tammany has "buried the hatchet." Yes, brethren, you are right, and when it is pulled oat next November the loss of blood will be too much for Grover. Mr. Cleveland is a believer in the theory of civil service reform, but in practical matters be pins his faith to men like Harrity, the Philadelphia spoilsman. Dan Lamont's absence from the coun try is made pajnfully evident by Kr. Cleveland's late letters and speeches. Une!® Sara to that Cou&ufcui coon: Will you come down, or shall I shoot this load of retaliation into you. David Beaton Hill is reported to have said that he was tired of the Senate. The Senate has been tired of Hill for some time. Mrs. Cleveland evokes more enthusiasm at democratic meetings than anything else connected with that party. Harrity may have to send her and her little daughter on a campaign tour. The big crops in the northwest are talking this year, and it is no calamity wail, either. Orand and Petit 7urof§ Sheriff Udell has been commanded to summon the following named persona to serve as grand and petit jurors at the September term of the McHenry county circuit court, which convenes in this city on Monday, Sept. 26,1892: grand. Delos Poyer.... .Marengo D. A. Narrows Dunham A. B. Biggins Dunham an Goodseli...... Chemung ...Chemung Alden ...Hartland 8eneca Coral .....Grafton Grafton k Dorr Dorr Clayton T. P. Marshall. Peter Fitegerald....... .......... Wm. Haley, Jr 3. M. Farr George H. St. John................ D. M. Williams James Breman Frank Gould Carl Ritt... Frank M ansfleld..".....,... ..Greenwood Frank ltowe Hebron L. B. Rice Richmond J. W. Sanborn Burton Geo. Hanly .....McHenry Charles Hobert. .McHenry Robert Wingate Nunda Homer Clemens, Nunda J. F. Baldwin ..Algonquin Thomas Allen ..........^...Algonquin POTTO. - ; Thomas Gray..-......* ....i...... Riiey Marengo J. Patterson.. A. A. Ryder W. H. Powers........ Wallace Phelps...... H. H. Megran John Conn, Jr Edward Cash Wesley Lattar Fred Cutter Dennis Kane. Michael Sbehan...... Horatio Hakes.. Wm. Thompson.................... Frank Yrooman..... Henry Kahle James G. Kelley........ Fred Johnson Emilus C. Jewett C. F. Thorne Frank Kimball....... .......Marengo ...................Dunham ...................Dunham .....Chemung Chemung Chemung Alden Alden .............r.. .Hartland Hartland .Seneca .Seneca ...Coral ..Coral Maxwell Brunson...... Ed Seaman E. F. Hewes Riley Holmes... Edwin Monear.... L. Coalman John Brent* Elmer Wright H. Magoon R Steel Wm. But!er. Park Ford A. F. Johnson L. H. Wenholx. JamesPhilp Grafton ...............Grafton .Dorr JDorr .Doit .......Greenwood Hebron .....Hebron .........Richmond .........Richmond Burton ......v.. McHenry (•••tMMflUcHQiirT Nunda Nnnda Nunda ........Algonquin Algonquin ........Algonquin -.Algonquin Union, Feb. 9,1892. Mr. SophusV. A. Richard, Woodstock,III. Dear Sir: This is to certify that I have been using the egg food a few days and the hens are beginning to lay. I be!ieve it to be a good thing for fowls. Yourg respectfully, Mas. G. W. Goodrich. Sophus' Egg Food when fed for cholera should be mixed with bran, double the amount being used as called for in di rections, If chickens cannot ea t, stuff the mixture, slightly wet, into their mouths and it will cure them. Engine for Sale. We have a 20-horse power, Portable Engine for sale: Is in first-class running order and almost as good as new. Will be sold reasonable, If called for soon. Hajtly & Sons. Ajdminiatrator's Notice. INSTATE of Stephen Freund, deceaced. It The umiersicaed having oeeo Aoi>ointe<1 Administrator, with will annexed, of th* Es tate of steuben PrenaU, deeeated, late ef the County of MeHeniv and Bute of Illinois hereby give* notice ih it he will appear before the County Court of MeRenrv Owroty, at the Oonrt Boom, In Wood• took, at the September term, on the flr»t Monday m Septembe; next, at which time all persons heviaa claims against mil estat* are notiHad and requested t0.satt?n? fo.rJ'he P»rpo»e of hav ng the same :«ij <> s ted. Afl persons Indebted to said astate are requested to make immediate faywant to th« ui'deraigned. Commen ..WE WIT,I -tin <?rder lacio&e out our immense stock ot good# bv the 1st , t 3 , 2 , , VV an order to do so will give the following: ofgeptembdr, and C -'i'M TheFORTIEiTH ANUTJAL: W*: 1 ii" ̂ If .. "i >4 - *' BOARD fa v ^ w •# 1 "*?V* Mr&tlixfc* irooDSf OOK. ita.' to Sept. 2d, are laboring to make the Fair ol 1892 superior to all pre vious ones. If the citizens of this county wish so s^e it success ful they mjust assist the officers in every possible manniar. ; . 4-•: Me Henry House, McHENRY* ILL. J0t. HKIireil. - - Propcietor. neinr situated on the banks of the Fox River, io the Vill tge of MeRonry, spcr.lal at tention will be given to the entertainment ft Hunters, Fishermen and Pleasure Seekers generally. * Sportsmen Supplied with Com plete Outflta. BAB °J$, CONNECTION M. O'BRIEN, BOOSE &CARBIA&E FAINTIB QrQiner. Paper Hanger, • V " Kaisominer, Ito., Et% " ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS. All work promptly done and satisfac tion guaranteed. Shop over HauperiBch's Blac&smith Shop. Give me a call. M. O BKIEN, -• fW< v 'r McHenry, May24,1892: f PHILIP McCRATH, AeaiiT rnisa VoBisfoek - Breviii - Coipy, ©BALER IK 'fc'-I rm xiBTtfcxr UQuoas.iK. • ; " • i:2. ;U6ER BEED - ' ijr '3" ' lteg or ease, a^ wholesale or retail , €lioloe Brands of Cigars, Etc. v WEST McHENRY, ILL. We keep all kinds of Bottle Oeods such as Pop, Ginger Ale. etc* and df- dver to tAe boat or any part of the vll lagn. Omr team will make trips to the Lakes, and all orders will receive prompt attention, Headqnarters In Cuper Wlrfs block. West McHenry. where all are Invited to ca^and sea ns and wa will usa you well. West McHenry, 111.. June 7.1803. Administrator's Notice, Estate of Richard Ay Iwnrit t*e"eased Theunderstgneri Administratrix of the undersigned having been Appointed late of Hlchard Ayl. ward, deceased, late of the OountT of McHen ry and elate of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of MeBenry Coinnty, at the Oourt Boose, la Woodstock, at the September term, on the first Monday in September next, at which time all persons having etalms against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebtod to said estate a re requested to make Immediate payment to the under, signed. Ww4 Lizzia Ayi.waiu), Administratrix. We believe that the Lily of the Valley lour at f 1.25 per aack Is equal to any Flour flour Leave not w« Elver at $1.85 in McHenry order for a trial sack and if as represented your money refunded, £laiftSM&eir>: 44m JFox MilL OOUNTB ON OUR QOOBS 20 per cent On Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Notions. per cent on Hats and Caps. 1 •*, 'li"', *; " • £ < . j , ' , - *< i-"- ^ /•La*..!,...* • j» K .f'L, i v vX V*1 •V S? - •-{ -M1 / i.; .' v. V,- -r;!- V A . ' I I ̂ ; ' I • 'iiiv-i. »• v> if U Remember, ti ia is a bonafi«|e closing sale and our entire stock of goods must fe* disposed tM' Without regard t» cost, the citizens ot Lake County and vicinity are invited to come and examiner ^ pur goods, Special Bargains are offer ed in Waae<ni^ III t iliity ^Oth, 1893. i '^Pounty and vicinity are invited to come and examiner1 all lines ol goods. * ^ . L..-. -u ' ./ ':'*i V*' -h .. <•> ' r i ci: * ! -<->&>? The business of the sttvre is peaching up to a mark o4 the Highest expectations. ^ \ * It you have needs to which the store ian minister you have the smartest stock of the town at your command. The retailing power of the store is showing advantages to you that you may get pie^eai^ pra^/>tj^oji The Summer . ^ Clearing Sale Is on--have told you ' sp ot course- ; ;L :>-•» (• . belore, A cheerful spot lor the bargain hunters among Crashes, Towels lai Daiash, We B»-nf tf.',#' • ' • .L, Saturday, Aug. 6 sale day to clear out quick.J " ̂ ••1 <•' Iv V " i Tho hesitating trader need not come with the any after Baturday. :VX"' Ghallies of the hijsrh grade order to clear out at 8 1-2 cents, lower grades 3 1-23. Are you interest ed in the Summer Corset? 50 cts. lor a good one - ' "v-"" 1 MUST Go from our shelves to the homes of our many patrons^ at actual * wholesale cost prices, to make room for warm gopds now being 'purchased and in part arriving. Our stock of cool summer goods it* yet quite complete and of the latest quality, consisting in part ot etching, > VmnMm* Ueet« Fans, 6love8, flobes, Dress Patterns, Lawns. Buntings, Ghallies, Organdhs, Chambrias, Namsooks, lnd«a: ^ Linens. Skirtinfl. Shawls. Corsets. Mitts. Ete. ; Above goods must be all closed out by Sept. 1, regardless of tost j without tail, and an early call will save you profits and give variety to choose from if called for early. - A" siWi# IDira STOOIJ QF MISDIUM Fine & PALL J. +.£/.\ , . t • \ •• - ' * Is very complete now, and more new clothing 1b now arriving, vur style«£'rf' qualftSep and workmnnshlp are of the very best, with assortment very fargic- L • and profit ft the smallest Look us over when In need ol Clo hlrg orGenl^. «- 4"?. f ^ ¥ & - • Furnishings, k - f". ' •: For Stylish Snltingrs. Dr^st Surahs, Velvets, Silks, Trimmings. ete,, iHhfMNl" headquarters, tfith large selection at modern profits / ^ ^ For Fine, Medium and Heavy Footwear Come our way for proper styles, best dT work and_ plenty^ to choosfl|' I frcwai» Custom work and warranted, \ ^ 7*. v ' • " "T' • •••'• • ^ y j.L "L, : -y'. ^ C'arpeU. Window Bliade*, Lace Cnrtatna, Poles. Poitlersi", > . ; • Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Trunks, Satebal* Always in stock at right prices and qualities. JTJSTREGEIVED, - ; Two crates of Table ware. from England, of the latri terns In tea, dinner and breakfast sets, In white and luster brand. What you want for harvest and threthl-ig times. New glassware, lamps, eto. f A e have just received 17 styles ot the famous Menasha all-wool Flannels in stripes, ehecks ana plaid* Look tbem wir,^ - ,a4 • l >^uv 'u&A i f ft# ;i FLOUR IN OAR LOADS. IM i C '( ' er-Will y ou cogie Saturday for Urashos, Towels and Damasks. It will save you dimes, perhaps dollars. - L. - • : * . x We bid you welcome^ ^ lYAMSON Csvests, and Trade-M arks obtalnsd, and sll Fit. ' ent business conducted for Moderate fees. Oun Office ia Opposite U. a. Patent Orncr ! and we can secure patent in less time than those , remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, tf patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How toObUin Patents," with | ' coat of same In the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Horsemen, Lock Here. I have a fine stock of Horses, among which are " Toting Green Mo as tain M or ran," "Mor rill Charles." and others. Oalt and see these Horfes before making arrangements else where. I*. «SV COLBY, McHenry, 111,, May 10,18W. WANTED. • }fM£' ,v.\# 1 mmmi "MMki 84LI8NIEN. Local and traveling to represent our well known house. Ton ne«<l n»capital t-> represent a firm that warrants mi wry stock Brat. «l tss and true to name. W0KK ALL THE TEAS. Sl« per month to the right 1111,11. Apply qulckstating age, % %;t k. MAY A OO.^ ST.PAUj^ MISNi' Florist- and Seedsmen. '.(This house is responsible.) •. 'f-A V""' ' .. "J. • "•M * ^ X f ^ single sack. Honest Abe $1.10 New Process tl 20. Half Patent^ ^ $1.30, with,5c less on each sack in barrel or larger lots only. Trtf:- -•-'4'^: us on flour as we deliver free in any part of the village. i . '-V > ,v-/i ,v! *' -s ., ,;v j. i •% * r%%; * * We are now handling large lots of,Chick's well known Rocfctor<$i Flour, all fully warranted, and by buying in car lots we can offer superior grades, all made from hard, old wheat, as follows, by the Honest Abe $1.10 New Process tl 20. A sf only and always handle only the finest and best of Gro* < oerios and Provisions, and carry the highest grades of Teas, Coffees ; and epiote to be found, • - Now and in future call • ' V'V*" rl "*v- '4 •.'C -1 West McHenry. 111., 1892, ".i? Conlme n ci n g A tig. MTThe entire stock of J, C. Fitzsimmons, consisting of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, and Gaps, Groceries, etc, ATCOSTI 'V:- . r- - .. ^ J. G. West McBenry, 111,. July 85th, M2, x .>r ' «,,/ *T'. ?i\,. ' •• v'; iii 'nil H I ' 1 - 'ill 11*1