Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1892, p. 5

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JMH fknbtkr. WEDNESDAY. AUG. 17, 1892. fiking effect on "iinday, J una I'th, 1891 Tmlaa pas* this station as follows : 001X0 NOBtH. |Mi)k Freight Arrive 7^»A.M. * Williams Bay Freight passes ...MC •Lake Oencv» Passenger M *Lake Geneva PasBBnger " . * Lake Geneva Express " . •Uk« Geneva Passenger ** . ooiie IODTH. tMoHenry Passenger Depart *Lake Geneva Paasngr passes *Lake Geneva Express " *Wiltiams Bay Freight «• * Lake Geneva Passenger " *Lake Geneva Passenger '< tLake Genera Passenger " IXPUHATIOir.' . • Dally except Sun-lay. 1 7 ' ' ,M^,r. Mo Henry. HI .... »:M 2:4ft P. * ... 4:80 " .... 6:M - 7*5 A. X. .. .7:30 8-9# .. ISO P.M. J! :3ft .. .ft :3d -- 7<P MASONIC. MCIIBNBT LODOK, MO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- ftegular Ooinmunicatitns the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W. A. OaiSTT. W. M. McHKNRT CHAPTER U„ O. ORI>BR OS1 THE EASTERN 8TAR. Regular Meetings the First and Third Wed. nesday evenings of eaoh month, at Masonic Hall JULIA A. PTORY. Worthy Matron, Mas BAKBARA VAH SLYKE, Secretary. Republican League Club* A meeting for the purpose of perfect­ ing the organization of the Republican League Club, for the town of McHenry, will be held at the City Hall on Friday evening of this week. Let every republi­ can in the township be on hand at the City Ball at 7:30 o'clock on Friday evening. I aboard for Chicago next Tuesday. Bis sure and see Miss Olson, the child |dancer,atRiverside Hall, on Thursday pvening. . WALTER BOLDER had the misfortune •to lose one of his fingers in a reaper one lay last week. GOLD Medal Contest at the City Hall, Ion Wednesday evening, Aug. 24th. See Jnptice in another column. THE German Lutherans of this vicini'y > the number of about thirty, attended the Missionary Picnic at Dundee^ on 1 jndaxJast. J AS. LADD will sell a car of cows, new lilcb and springers, at the depot, in this pillage, on Monday next, the 22d. F. K. granger is £he auctioneer. THE McHenry County Fair has a new Ivertisement this week. Do not fail to id it. The Fair opens one week from nejt Tuesday. AN infant child of Theo. Myers died on iturday evening last of cholera-infan- bum. The funeral was held from the lohnsburgh church on Monday morn- jng. - - - [ Tuesday, Aug. 28, yon can visit Chica- at the extremely low rate of $1.25 found trip. Leave McHenry 8:25 a. m., ch Chicago 10:25 a. m., leave Chicago r.OO p. m. KAR'S GAIETY CO., at Riverside Hall, |tn Thursday (tomorrow) evening. Fif- sn star burlesque artists, for one night ^nly. You will miss a rich treat if you lil to go. Reserved seats for sale at Story's and Besley's drug stores. Only f 1.25 the round trip to Chicago, puesday, Aug. 23. Leave Ringwood 8:10 L m., McHenry 8:25 a. m., Terra Cotta |:30 a. m., Crystal Lake 8:40 a. m., ich Chicago 10:25 a. m.f leave Chicago |:00 p. m. _________ DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, KU be in West McHenry every Tuesday Ind Wednesday of each week. He can »ifound at the office formerly occupied |y Drs. Childs and Norton, opposite the |ld Parker House place. / THE Harvest Party, at the Riverside louse, on Thursday evening of next ek, the 25th, promises to be a pleas- it and enjoyable affair. In fact all* this popular Hotel are, and the incing public never fail to be on hand, emember the date, August 25th. [WHILE attending the funeral at Johns- lrgh on Monday, the harness on the lorse of C. Stegembnn was badly cut by Jirae malicious person, and Mr. Stege- and wishes us to say that the party [ill not get off as easy if the like occurs gain. A word to the wise should be Efficient. I THE dog poisoner is again around, the ; of Dr. Fegers and H. W. McLean ging this'"time the victims. The dog >isoner is a villian who is no respector size or quality. The big and little, the lean cur and the much priced pet falling }ike under his displeasure. He should 1 forced to take a dose himself. [WE learn that the body of a man was lund floating in Fox Lake on Saturday- st. We did not learn bis name but 1 that he had been stopping at the |ippincott Hotel, wait in poor health id had probably committed suicide, le body had apparently been in the iter eight or ten days. He is supposed > have been from Chicago. (LIGHTNING rod men got after William fyke, of Mayfield, DeKalb couuty, re- Intly, and if he hadn't somehow per­ vaded them to stop tbey would prob­ ity have still been putting up rods kmewhere on his premises. As it was |ey protected him from electric bolts 250 worth, and now Jie has laid in a ck of bull dogs and shot guns. IOBT. STANLEY, has built a new hotel Nippersink Point, and will have a raffd Opening on Saturday and Sun; f, Aug. 20th and 21st, at Which time are will be Pigeon Shooting and other }rts, and on Saturday evening a dance the best of music. Stanley knows to make it pleasant for his friends > will not fail to <i» ao on thia oe- FKBSONAX. MARY WENTWORTH- returned from her eastern trip last week. j7a\ SHELDON, of Huntley, was over to attend the races on Saturday.. NILES BURTON, of Richmond, took in the races hare on Saturday. Casper McOmber, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Miss MYRTLE CHILDS, of Witmette, 111., is visiting with friends here this week. Miss MARY WELSH visited her sister, Mrs. Peter Gilles, at Elgin, last week. MRS. A. D. LYNN, of Milwaukee, is visit­ ing friends here this week. , Lou EVANS, of Richmond, took In the Races here last Saturday. MRS. ED. MONROE, of Chicago, was vis­ iting friends in this village last week. MRS. T. F. COONEY, of Chicago, is visit­ ing with friends in this village and vicin­ ity. MRS. HENRY MENTZER, of Greenwood, was visiting with friends here the past week. SAMUEL CONE and wife, of Wankegan, were visiting with their daughter, Mrs. G. W. Beeley, a few days last week. JACK MCCABE and Lewis Hill, of Wau- conda, were McHenry visitors on Satur­ day. ROBT. GOSLIN, of FOX Lake, has been visiting with old friends here the past week. Miss ELLA WELSH attended the Ice Cream Festival and Dance, at Wood­ stock, last, Thursday evening. Mus. D. FRANCES HANLY is entertain­ ing cousins from Chicago, Miss Sadie Lowe and Miss Annie Burnap. Miss DELIA WELSH spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Long, at Wood­ stock. MRS. M. H. COLYER, of Elgin, Is visit­ ing with friends in this village and vicin­ ity. MRS. O. W. OWEN is considered no worse than last week, and if anything is slightly improved. MRS. M. NEWELL, who has been visiting in Chicago for the past two months, re­ turned to her home in this village, last week. MRS.11UNTLKY returned to her home at Cabery, 111., on Saturday last, after spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. John Slimpin, of this village. Miss LIBBIE ADAMS, Miss Ruth Mc- Kinney, Will -loslynand Dell Sanford, of Marengo, are rusticating at the this week. / PROF. F. M. OVERAKER and family re­ moved this week to Genoa, 111., where the Professor has been engaged to teach the coming year. TWYBESLEY, of Council Bluffs, la., and Eddie Besley, of Waukegan, were the guests of Geo. W. Besley and family a few days last week. Excursion to Chicago, Tuesday, Aug. 3. Round trip only $ 1.25. WtPTJBLICA* RALLY AT HABVAKD. By a letter received from the Secretary of the Republican Club of Harvard, wj learn that the republicans of that ci will hare a grand rally on Friday, AUt_ 26th, at which time the Hon Wm. £ Mason and other speakers will be pres­ ent. The Chicago and Sharon Glee Clubs will be on hand and furnish some rousing campaign mnsic. AH Republi­ can Clubs are cordially invited to join with our Harvard brethern on this oc­ casion and make it one of the largest gatherings of the kind ever held in the county. This is one of the first big meet­ ings in the county and let all republicans show by their presence that McHenry county is wide-awake and will male a good showing at the polls in November, DENTIST.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Drs. Childs and Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. Excursion to the World's Fair city, Tuesday, Aug. 23. Round trip only f 1.25. Leave Ringwood 8:10 a. m., Mo Henry 8:25 a. m., TerraCotta 8:30 a. m., Crystal Lake 8:40 a. m., reach Chicago/ 10:25 a. m., leave Chicago 7:00 p. m. THE Cemetery Aid Society will meet' with Mrs. Lola Walsh, Friday at 3 o'clock p. m. A full attendance is de­ sired. MRS. JOHN I. STony, Pres. J YIJA A. STORY, Sec. <THE entertainment for the benefit of l^oodland Cemetery, at Riverside Hall, on Saturday evening, wets a snccess both financially and otherwise. The play of the Country Cousin was rendered in an unexceptional manner by all, while the Ice Cream was such as only the ladies know how to serve. The large crowd all went home well pleased with the evenings entertainment. The receipts were#56.32. MANAGER David Hendersons bookings for the Chicago Opera House after the present run of "Ali Baba"tis finished are fully up to the usual standard of that house. Francis Wilson will appear, also Modjeska, with new material, Mrs. Bern­ ard Beere, the English actress, will play her engagement there, and a number of novelties are also underlined. Mr. Hen­ derson has cancelled Harry B. Smith's opera of "Jupiter,"' owing to its failure to run the allotted time originally set out for it in New York City. THE discovery has been made that onj one side of the new quarter dollar, there! are thirteen separate representations ofi the number thirteen. It was probably the intention of the designer of the new quarter to have thirteen oc<?ur thirteen times, but there are few people who have noticed this fact. There are 13 stars, 13 letters in the scroll held in the eagle's beak, 13 marginal feathers in each wing, 13 tail feathers, 13 parallel lines in the shield, 13 horizontal bars, 13 arrowheads in one foot, 13 leaves on the branch in the other, and 13 letters in the words "quarter dollar." NOTICE.--While asleep in the Park some two weeks since my watch was taken from my pocket and has not yet been re­ turned. Now I wish to say to the party that I have a witness who saw him take it, and if it was meant for a joke if it is returned at onee it will be all right, and nothing will be said. But we think the joke has been carried far enough, and if the watch is not returned at once I will see what effect the law will have. JOHN PETER WEBER. FOR SALE. (ood land, on the east bank mile south of Also a pair of years in the of FA There will be a meeting of the Harrison and Reid Club of Nunda /and Crystal Lake. Saturday evening, Aug. 20th. It is hoped every Republican will be present as there is some matters necessary to be attended to to perfect the organization. Also to arrange for future work. As this campaign is expected to be a elean and Honorable one throughout, the ladies are invited to attend our meetings, thereby aiding in the good work. Some good speaking may be expected. W. P. ST. CLAIR, President, C. E. ROWLEY. Secretary. . Gold Medal Contest Htwre will be a Gold Medal Contest at the City Hall, in this village, on Wednes day evening. Aug. 24th. The following are the contestants and their residence: Myrtle Freeman, Ida Frey, Annie Hay, Llewellyn Clothier, Charlie Smith, Fannie Osborne, Greenwood Woodstock. Woodstock. Tyron's Grove. Ridgefleld. McHenry, This will be one of the most interesting Contests held in the county. Let all turn out and hear it. Admission to H all 15 cents. Baal Batata Transfers. Recorded up to and including Aug. 6. J D Donavan and w to D Floyd. It 13. bft 1, Woo<t8lork f SS3 83 R K Todd 100 Miller, pt It 8, blk 12. also 'to3, t unq 3 and easterly 21ft It 6, Man*Iiel<l'* mlrtn Woodstock 775 00 J T Clancy to Kllen R Clancy, ne V nejlf s*n 19, vtx se ?4 sec 18. and e 25i IB), 6< V pec 18 8 of h v Nun^a 5000 0* 8 K Bartholomew and w tol* B s>n th It 2. i lk 14, and It Vblk 82, M I 8 adn Marengo Same to J B Babcork U 6, blk MIS adkn Marengo .. . T J Sbiiler and w to P (isffeny, 4\8 rd» sw cor nw It sec 25, Hnrtlaud .... M I* Gage and U Gaire to M McDonald ?,Ua se cor nw?4 sec 35, McHenry Z Louden beck and w and J H Louden- beck and w to J N Louden beck tX nw* sec 3, ex 4Ca s end Coral 170U 06 875 00 150 or 80 00 180 00 "You bring up your girls," says Ruskin to English mothers, "as if they were meant for sideboard ornaments, and then complain of their frivolity. Give them not only noble teaching but noble teach­ ers, and give them the help which alone has sometimes done more than all other influences--the help of wild and fair nature. You can not baptize them right­ ly in inch deep church founts unless you baptize them also in the sweet waters which the great law giver strikes forth from the rocks of your native land." ON Thursday, (to-morrowjj ^vening, Kar's Gaiety Burlesque Co. will appear at Riverside Hall, in this village. This company is composed of the best ofytal- ent, among whom are Miss Tiny Olson, the child dancer, and Geo. Nichols, of Haverly Minstrels, and others. Miss Olson won the prise Gold Medal for dancing, in New York, showing twenty- three different styles of dancing. The company carries fifteen first class Buries- v, _que Specialty Artists. . As they remain but one night no one should fail to see them on Thursday evening. Reserved Seats for sale at Story's and Besley's Drug Stores. A WRITER in an exchange gives the following wise counsel: "Don't carry your business home. Leave it down town; wait and npieet its hardships to­ morrow when you haverenewed strength. Don't meet your family with a flag of despair flying at halfmast, and by word and act send a chill to the hearth and hearts of your home which will destroy every chance for them to help you by the loving kindness they would otherwise extend. It is a hard matter to accom­ plish, we know; there are a thousand and one things to banish from your mind, which it seems impossible to do, but it can be done." PISTAQUA BAY. Saturday evening, Aug. 20, at Bay- /view Cottage, the home of Mr. Schillo, will occur the third entertainment for the benefit of the Fresh Air Fund. An excellent program has been prepared, and every body is cordially iuvited. A very excellent entertainment was given on the lawn at Pike's Peak, the cottage of Mr. N. H. Pike, on Saturday evening, Aug. 6.. About 200 people were present and the grounds presented a beautiful appearance with the Chinese lanterns, torches, lamps, etc. $33.79 swas the response to the collection basket. Mr. N. ll. Pike presided with his usual diguity and grace, assisted by Don, his sole heir, who took advantage of the oc­ casion to show off all the tricks in which his faithful master had drilled him. Among the many visitors during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins, of the Leland Hot 1, Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. «T. A. Miller and daughter, of Bloomington. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fales, of Chenoa, came to their cottage Friday and were warmly welcomed. ° On Sunday the Rev. Slade preached an excellent sermon on the lawn at Pike's Peak. Mr. Robt. J. Williams returned to St. Paul on laBt Saturday. The family of Dr. Brown received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Who are now at Yellow Stone Park. They re­ port a pleasant trip and are enjoying sights. THB RAGBS ̂The Raoes at the Driving Park, on Sftt> urday last were well attended aud al­ though the fastest time was not made eaeh race was closely contested and con- uently very interesting throughout. - The Special Race dwindled down to between "Black Clond" and "Sorrel Dan" and was won by "Sorrel Dan," after three closely contested heats, th© driver of "Dan" losing his foothold in the second heat and barely escaping a runaway. Best time 5:70. For the 2:50 c'ass there' were six en- trees and every heat was hotly contested from start to finish, "Frank J." winning in three straight heats, "McIIenry" second. In the 2:35 class there were three start­ ers, "Harry D." "Blucher" and "Ranger H." ;'Blucher took the first heat and for some reason was then drawn, alter which "Harry D." won the race with "Ranger H." a close second. "George O." and the pacing filly "Florence" gave an exhibition heat, which was very interesting to the crowd present. "George O." ha* not been fitted a day this season, but he showed up in fine form, trotting the last quarter of the mile in 36 seconds. Ntmda Department. Nunda Post,>Jo inrtus on litu i an<i fourth Tucauay tvemux-'i't cacti month iu (i. A. ft. Hail. CotnrailPS I'n.ui « ther I'osW are cordt lly invited U» visit I*- M( laeotinga. W. p. st. Claik. Commander. W. B. P&icKKT Adj .tant FAIR. Mchenry couity Special Premiums. The following special premiums are offered in the cullinery department: Best loaf of wheat bread, hop yeast, pair of kid gloves. J. C. Choate. Best loaf of wheat bread, milk riseings, agate tea or coffee pot. Banker Bros. Best loaf of wheat bread, unbolted flour, sack of Pearl White flour. Eckert & Young. Beet loaf of rye bread, print dress pat­ tern. E. A. Murphy. Best loaf of corn bread, lemonade set. B. S. Austin. Best baking powder biscuit, Yeley's roaster and baker. Whitaon Bros. Beet rolls, pair of three dollar shoes. Stone & Hart. Best basket fancy cake, 'trimmed hat. Misses Donnelly. Best ginger snaps, made by young ladies between fourteen and eighteen years, Oxford tie. C. F. Thome. Best Deyil's food, tooth extracted gratis. Dr. F. C. Colby. Best Angel food, Back of Pillsbury's flour. Bagley & Caskey. To the lady winning the most prizes in the culinary department, hard finished oak center table. John Stafford. Entries limited to Wednesday, August ,31st, 10 A. M. sharp. 6w2 A. F. FIELD, Secretary. OBITUARY. Thos. Ward was born in County Heath, Ireland, in 1830, and died at his home, at Barreville, Aug. 7th, 1892. He came to Wisconsin in 1859, where he resided until 1891. His age was 62 years. A precious one from ns bas poner K voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in onr home. Which never ean be filled. We watched him fade day after day. And gently sink away; And in our aching hearts we prayed That lie might longer stay. We miss thee from our home, dear father; We miss thee from thy place, A shadow o't-rour life la cagf,-- -- We miss the sn shine of thy free. W> miFS thy kind an t wili ng hand, : •" Thy fond and earnest care; Our home is dark without thee-- We miss thee everywhere, -- *. C. JT. A Card of Thanks. We wish in this public manner to thank our friends and neighbors, who so kindly aided and assisted us during the sickness and death of our father and husband. MRS. THOS. WARD, MRS. FRANK WARD Remember the Tuesday, Aug. 23. Chicago excursion This is to certify that I have used Sophns' Egg Food for about eight months and I find it excellent for making hens lay. I therefore cheerfully recom­ mend it to be just as represented. Ashley Anderson, Greenwood, III. Sophus' Egg Food when fed for cholera should be mixed wifh bran, double the amount being used as called for in di­ rections. If chickens cannot est, stuff the mixture, slightly wet, into their mouths ' and it will cure them. ALGONQUIN. Sherm Chapell entertained Mr. Berger and Mr. Hitfler, of Elgin on Thursday of last week. Mark Benson is working for D. W. Thomas in the meat market. Miss Amelia Adamek, of Elgin, is the guest of Mrs. Geo. E. Smith. Mrs. McClure and son, of Elgin, Snn- dayed here with Mrs. C. E. Chapell. Mrs. Fred Bartell and little daughter, Myrtle, of Chicago, are visiting friends here. Burr Benson, of Chicago, is the guest of W. P. Benson. Charlie Thrall, of Chicago, spent Fri­ day last the guest of Walter Helm. Miss Lottie Chandler, of Elgin, is the guest of Miss Grace Peter. Fred Phillips Sundayed with friends in Elgin. Ed. Chandler, of Chicago, visited with C. E. Chapell last week. Mrs. A. J. Servens and Mrs. Frank Burton, of Cary, called on friends here Monday of this week. Miss Ida Morton, of Elgin, visited her many friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spitcer, of Wood­ stock, were the guests of C. Wandrack, on Monday of this week. Charlie Chapell with his friends, Mr. Cassidy and Mr. Arthur Deal, of Chicago, are the guests of C. E. Chapell. Miss Lillie Binnie, of Chicago, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs^E. A. Ford. Mrs. John Strahle and children, who have been visiting friends here the past few weeks, depa rted for home in Nebraska on Monday of this week. CI irk Wolaver, of Chicago, is spending a fen days with his brother Pete. The funeral of Mrs. Brandt was held at the German Lutheran church on Monday of this week, and the remains were in­ terred in our cemetery. Henry Keyes has the frame up for his new residence and with a good force of bands will soon have it enclosed. Our German Lutherans attended the Missionary Picnic at Dundee on Sunday last. C. W. Wandrack and Henry Keyes have a fine flowing well and Mr Hiley is now puttiug one in for Mr. Morton at the Morton House. John Janvak is getting his steam thresher ready to commence thrashing. The city folks who have been spending the summer here are beginning*to return home to the city. John Schroder has moved into the I. C. Goodrich house on Main street. There were a number from here at­ tended a picnic at Gilbert Station, on Monday of this week. The Bohemian Atheletic Club practiced the tug of war and other sports at Colnmbia Hall, on Saturday evening last. Grace Beathusen is visiting Mrs. Frauk Shepard in the city. | Mrs Z. 11. Osman is attending camp meeting at Desplaiuee. »- Mrs. A. J. Severance, of Cary, was call­ ing on friends in this place on Friday. Mrs. Robt. Philplefton Tuesday morn­ ing for Michigan, where she will spend sometime, hoping to rcgaiu her health. The Misses Emma and Jennie Miller are visiting at Ravenswood. Mrs. Hammond is visiting her (daugh­ ter, Mrs. Fred Works. The Harrison and Reid clab will meet Saturday night, Aug. 20; every republi­ can turn out. Rev. Farm ley, of Racine, Wis., an old class-mate of Rev. Hamilton's, preached in the M. E. church Sunday last. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Miller and .Miss Geer, of Crystal Lake, attended church at Nunda Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hatch, of Decatuir, III., are visiting with old friends and rela­ tives in this place. Miss Clara Beckley is visitiu; with friends and relatives in the World's Fair city. H. B. Thompson, of Chicago, was in town Saturday. The Kickapoo Medicine company are still in town, and drawing large crowds to their nightly performances. Miss Eva Baliou returned from her visit in the city, Saturday morning, re­ porting a very pleasant time.4®' Mr. Cecil Pettibone and son, John, of Chicago, were shaking hands with old friends last week. Miss Daisy Benthusen spent a few days of last week with friends in Elgin. Prof. Grimes and family have returned from their Northern trip, looking as though camp live agreed with them. Mrs. James White is visiting her par­ ents at Hebron. Master George Morse, of Woodstock, has been spending the past week with his sister, Mrs. G. P. Huffman. Dr. and Mrs. Morse, of Ridgefield, were seen on our streets Friday morning. / The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church had a picnic in the "old school house" woods on Wednesday afternoon. W. P. St. Clair attended post meeting Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. H. Monroe, ofRidsrefleld, was in Nunda last Friday. Miss Rena Colby visited at her uncle's, O. C. Colby's, a few days recently. Mrs. Tyler Huffman and Miss Nellie Neville spent Thursday with friends in Cary. The Germans held their annual picnic at Dundee Sunday. A number of our citizens attended the Desplaines camp meeting Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Andrews returned from their visit east, last Wednesday. The Misses Jane Gatson and Mary St. Clair called on Miss Grace McClure, Mon­ day afternoon. Miss Jennie Hartman spent Friday at . Keller's. Frank Andrus, who has been sick so long, died Monday afternoon. The fu­ neral was held at the house Tuesday afternoon. Can you use a barrel of Pillsbury's Best at $5.60 cash If so, leave, your order at mill to be delivered. H GENTS. If yon want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do you a splendid job. * FOR SALE! ' The steamer "Mary Griswold" at about one-third her value. Inquire at Bank of McIIenry. Do NOT forget if you want a first eltnw Auctioneer, to Call ou F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we mm fix dates for you at this office. St. Patrick s Pills are carefully prepared from the best material aud according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. *We sell them. G. W. Besley, Druggist. FOR SALE, For sale, at much less than its value, a farm of two hundred and forty acres of first class land, that will carry sixty cows. Said farm all under cultivation, and situated four miles from Woodstock and one and one-half .miles from Frank­ lin ville Factory. Terms to suit purchas­ er. WM. H. STEWART, 52tf " Woodstock, 111. The "Alton's" St. Louis Limited. It's vestibuled, luxuriously equipped, but best of all it's fast. leaves Chicago 11 A. M., arrives St. Louis 7:30 i*. m. same day. For all this there's no extra fare. The route of the St. Louis Limited lies only over the Chicago & Alton It. R. 42 SUDDEN DEATH. The papers are full of sudden deaths. If you have choking sensations, flutter­ ing, pain or tenderness in chest, faint easily, take Dr. Miles' New Cure for the heart, and so escape death, as did Henry Brown, druggist of Cleveland, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter- Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. y PILLSBURY'S Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., bakes more bread, bakes whiter bread, bakes better bread than any other (lour manufactured. If you are not us­ ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Buy no other. For sale at the Fox River Valley Mills, McHenry, 111. Asa general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated or muscular paius, Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm is unrivaled. For sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, I. A. Barrus, Volo and L. N. Fenne, Wau- conda. FLOUR BY THE CAR. BUY your flour on small margins and delivered free. Honest Abe, $1.10; New Process, $1.20; Hnlf Patent, S1.30; Pillsbury's Best, $1.4-5--5 cents off on all grades per sack, in barrel or larger lots. All fully warranted. Leave'orders with SIMON STOFFKL. OUR ANNUAL "•M HARVARD. Mrs. J, W. Severance and danghter,- -Florence, have returnedTfrom their sum­ mer outing at Lake Geneva. "Mack" Church and wife, of Wood- stoek, were visitors at the Walker House last Saturday. Will Wire, the popular Superintendent of Schools, was down from Hebron Fri­ day to witne s the ball game. E. J. Hubble and/amily are sojourning on the banks of Lake Geneva for a couple of weeks. Capt. R. J. Whittleton and wife have gone to Lake Geneva to rusticate for a month. They occupy E. L. Chuich's cottage. Henry C. Burbank and newly made wife are visiting friends and relatives in this city. The Hebron base ball team played the Harvard's last Friday in this city. Score Harvard, 10; Hebron, 6. States Attorney A. B. Coon, of Maren­ go, passed through this city one day last week. He was on his way home from Lake Geneva. John F, Finnerty, of Chicago, was in this city a short time Thursday last. Hon. Wm. Marshall, of Rockford, ad­ dressed the Republican League Club, of this city, on Friday evening last. Mr. Marshall is a fluent and convincing speaker and received merited applause* at the close of bis address. Ed. Truax, of Sharon, came down Fri­ day to attend the ball game. H. D. Crumb went to Milwaukee Friday on business. Mrs. E. Whetberbee, of Spring Prairie, Wis., and Mrs. Clarkson, of Chicago have been here for a week past visiting their sister, Mrs. Mary Bellows. M. F. Walsh, the brainy young editor of the Hern Id spent last Sunday in the wilds of Wisconsin. He reports the to­ bacco crop as looking well. The public school of this place opens a week from next Monday with a full corps of teachers. Miss Nettie Hill, of Belvidere, is visit­ ing friends in this city. F.J. Hubble went to Stougton, Wis., last Saturday to visit his wife who is at that place trying to recover her lost health. Sheriff A sad Udell was up from Wood­ stock Monday transacting important business. The Republican League Club, of this city, is making extensive preparations for the grand rally to be held here the 26th. Hon. W. E. Masou and other good speakers will be here to address the meeting. The Sharon and Chicago Quartettes will furnish good music and it is expected that the marchiug clubs of all the surrounding towns will be here to help the good work along. The manage­ ment have assurance from most all the towns in the county to. that effect. Everything now points to the largest gathering of Republicans ever called to­ gether in the county. At a meeting of the Republican Club last Saturday night the following Darned gentlemen were chosen delegates to at­ tend the convention of league clubs at Springfield next Thursday: Asad Udell, B. Dnbyne. O. S. Eastman, M. F. Walsh J D. Clark. The President, L. H. Stafford, and Secretary, Lon O. Dig- gins are also delegates by virtue of their respective offices. This will be an im­ portant meeting and all delegates should surely be present. We can furnish you with as fine cloth­ ing as anyone in the county and our prices are the lowest. We would be pleased to show you samples and quote you prices. We are ^selling lots of this class of goods and are confident of what we say for we have had many free test! tnonials to that efiect. J. W. CRISTY & SoN,/tiri9Wood. Julia A. Story's Locals You will save money by buying Caa caria for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under the name of Ciistoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in­ stead of selling plain Hood's or,. Ayers ^arsaparilla, science teaches us to add Todide of Potassium, StilliuRia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle and pur­ ify your blood. Cactus Oil for sale at J. A. Story's. A new assortment of crockery, among which will be found new and beautiful de­ signs in chamber setts. A six piece sett, new shape and new decorations, only $3.00. A new and and complete line in station­ ery including cards, invitations, box stationery, etc., just opened at J. A. Story's. Cactus Oil at J. A. Story's. 73 O <D > I e. JZ f-- w b H 81 N % « « I U o3 8 £ o <x> Q eu ® A 00 a © be £ * B O 9 O >* Engine (or Sale. We have a 20-horse power, Portable Engine for sale: Is in first-class running order and almost as good as new. WiH be sold reasonable, if called for soon. HANLY & SONS. CLOSING OUT SALE. OF summer sroods--not going out of business--but only offering sroods free of profit to make room for fall and winter goods ti" Sept. 1st. Call earlv and bny till late of SIMON STOFFKL. BOATS FOR SALE. I have six good new Row Boats, which I will sell at less than the cost of mater­ ial. Prices from $3 upward. Call and see them. JOHN P. SMUIU. McHenry, July 11,181)2. Mr. John Carpenter, oFGoodland, Tnd., says: "I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy, for diar­ rhea and severe cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels with the best re­ sults. In the worst cases I never had to give more than the third dose to effect a cure. lu most eases one will do. Be­ sides its otner good qualities it is pleas­ ant to take." 25 and 50 cents a bottle for sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, I A Barrus, Volo and L. M. Fenne, Wan- conda. SUMMER ORE 600DS, PARASOLS, STRAW HATS HOBSIZNEJ'S. DU&TERS SWEAT' PAi S. ETC., NOW ON • • " We have bought an overstock ^ ot Spring and summer clothing , | and the weather has prbved »och . a drawback cnt the. demand V: such goods we will commence A " f| Special Clothing Sale, lij- to reduce stock, we will conlintw with the following price?. ; Men's blacK frock worsted suits; | 110, now 6. Men's pin-head check all wot^ ; suits, $15, now $10. Youth's gray all wool suit^^j $12 50, now $(] 50. Men's dark iancy worsted suits.' $16.50, now 13 ; Men's Rl'k worsted sacks, $9.00. • now $8 Child's 2 piece suits, $2, mom v $L78- W e have many equal ly as gooIt bargains, Come and see us. CARPETS. Oil all carpets we will give n., ca*h discount of 10 percent foff the next 30 days. Wall Paper. ,4^ We mre having aa immense trade in wall paper aud borders . To clofc© out our tmtire i-took w# will give you a cash discount of 20 per cent from now on, on all our different kinrisexcept browna. All paper trimmed tree of charoft Com ejin djrot the ti rst lcc lugi SHOES. Our shelves ire overloaded with all kinds of flke Miofs lor ii>tants, boys. jflrln, nieti Und women. We. *) vay* ke» p the befet gords m.d our prices nr« surprbinglj low ihib ' > <1 HI .:7 ; ill' ;#|1 - • :f"> "" - • J 'f ; 1 : • ;lj| * 1: 1 , ̂ ̂ m - - , -IT - Is V fa *4 Paint Tour House, BARN AND FENCES With none hut the host Paints. V\ e carry the celebrated "Moil* arch " and •• Warren " Mixeff Painty Both are warranted to contain only strictlv pute whit# lead and zinc, and pure foiiled linseed oil. and will outwear antl look better thau any strictly |>un white lend now made Ourtrucfifc in thesue paints is gradually in* creasing, as the merit* ot tbein become kuown. and we carry the largest st ck ia the county.-- When desirmsr any paints or oils call ou us and get prices. » , -"••i • f.'-i W- Our gtoc-t ry stock is replenish­ ed every week and we keep every­ thing in this line fresh. We shall hereafter keep fresh compressed yeast, and in their season berries aud other frui's. Yours very trnly, Perry & Owen, General Merchants. McHESJiY, ILL. PERRY A OWEN. Bankers. McHENRY, - - ILLIN©IS| V This Bank receive* d^pos-'te. 6tu4k5 • and »f.U» Foreign and Domestic J»» change and does a General Banking Business^ We endeavor to do aU ^business ' trusted to our rare in a maimer an# upon te.-ms rntirety satisfactory to ou? customers and respectfully solicit th§ fmh&e patronage •• vi.,. s MONEY TO LOAN; <>n Reed Estate and othtr first dSsw* security Special attention gtoim to eolt^ v lections •> f'sf1 INhURANCB Gomp k, In first Clam Lowest Bates Fmir» •• HOT4RY •P*rthU^f PERRY * 1 -•v ̂ ' :

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