Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1892, p. 8

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M& itrnl Page] „» show the costs MOT la tfae several g March SI, 1146 00 Grafton $216 00 256 29 Dorr 399 82 . 139 28 Greenwood 104 59 CMowng.... 217 28 Hebron 320 79 AldSS 102 36 Richmond. HMttakd.... 279 73 Burton Some* 174 71 McHenrv... 870 46 tloral 123 44 Nuada 340 73 Algonquin .750 26. 8up. Groesbeck moved that the special committee members of the Board of tfup- „ , ervieors and clerk be allowed their usual per diem and mileage. Motion • carried. %•,' tr'. Sup. Beck moved that the Board do %<'*$, now adjourn to meet at call of the clerk. Motion carried. AMOHV BARBER, Chairman pro tem. il;C Attest--WM. AVERY, Clerk. Call in .i;¥. p. f-i - le Me Henry House, V®' •" v . * 1 McHENRY. ILL. Being iltntM on the banks of the Fox Rlvar.In the villigi of VeHenry,• special at will be #riv«n to the entertain meat of 7 bi »r», Fishermen and Pleasure seekers (•a*-ally. &?r. m M'" r"' K l; f' Uk >Sr> •• • . r 1 - Tit* DtaaMttty Bill Is • Law. War are Untitled* BMOHini vtdows and! par*Tt« M* 4* %mMMI wkeM sons dte<t from the eff^Bta of |mr ttnicM are included If you wish *o«r claim speedtiv ami successfully proae-UMd,Mdr«>i • JAMES TANNER* t~~> ' " wASHINGTOKIXa l*««C*aatssi»MTo£ Fes&Mfes. m *£'r '• -' ^ He Stood Rooted !'•*• to the Spot $ f r O n b e i n g t o l d t h a t w e c o u l d s e l l t liim such an elegant watch at fig- f'* in res so extremely low. By the way, have you seen our new line of ladiea' and gents' gold chains, breast pins, rings, ear-rings. If C Hot, why not. They are certain- • ly the finest of the kind in these feT |part8. Wonderful variety, hand- ,. some and shapely. We wleh to announce that we ire now ready to show the public a larger iand a new slock of 1EWELUV Bracelets, Necklaces, B*ooche«, Hairpins, tiii Laoe ploe. Rings. *"'t ' <Sfcarf pins, Cnfi pins, Ir-5' . Cuff buttons, Earrings, <la«tors. Pickle and oetary dishes. Knives snd Forks. 1S47. Bopet Bros, *-r Spoon*. Napkin rings, v'Th"$ - Albums. «Sfcrap books, i"»-!/Optical goods. Aebool books, Crayons, Pencils, tH y".:" Tablets. Slates, IK I;' Watches, clocks, ' | I If yon think of buying a new sewing - y eaaohloe be sure and call and examine | 4he new Wbeeler & Wilson No. 9. the <y-_ Standard Macbiae of to-day. Besides that, we have the American. Domestic, Households New White, and several <>.< Other leading machines, on which wo ff ion from five to -: \y ' *• ' Yours truly, ' *V-<* . • Heaman lfoHkcrv, til. Kvt\l. 1893. YOUR BREAD P,, W ill be of better quality and Cost Less, if yon use * % ^ Washburn's Cold I; Medal Flour, S1.30. Also qnote . '• White 8wan, S1.26. \ f Little Daisy, 1.20. lift •portomon Supplied with Oom- p!«T« uutfit*. : A FINS BAM 'IN CONNECTION IPENSIONS! Qot^es from »-- ftwt dasa inev«yre«poct. WMd goods, low^et priesa. A fit warraatad or no sale. Ed Lawlus, ia front of Rivwaide Hotel, Mc- Henry, III. BOATS FOR SALE. T have six good new Row Boats, which 1 will sell at less than the cost of mater> ial. Prices from f8 upward. Call and see them. JOHN P. SMIDH. Jnly 11, 1892. £*.-<•, • ClvOSINQ OUT SALE. ̂ Qtifmmer ifoode-aot. goinr Ifi d business--but only offering goods free of profit to make room for fall and winter goods till Sept. 1st. Call early and buy till late of SIMON STOFFEI , There is no use of anyone suffering with the cholera when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can be procured. It will give relief in a few minutes and cure in a short time. I have tried it and know.--W. H. Clinton. Helmotta, N. J. The epidemic at Hel- metta, was at first supposed to be chol­ era, but subsequent investigation proved it to be a violent form of dysentery, al­ most as dangerous as cholera. This rem- ely was used there with great success. For sale by G. W. Besle.v, W. McEenry; I. A.„Barrua, Volo; L. if. Fenne, Wau- conda, druggists. ^ It is not unusual for colds contracted in the fall to hang* on all winter. In such or ^Jjronif! hronrihitin are almost sore to result. A fifty cent bot­ tle Oi Cuaui'i6r!aiu'S COQgh UcBsdy Will cure any cold. Can you afford to risk so much for so small an amount? This remedy is intended especially for bad colds and croup and can always be de- rded upon. For sale by G. W. Besley, McHenry; I. A. Barrus, Volo; L. M. Fenne, Wauconda. HpHE RI PANS TAB ULES regulate tlie stomach, liver and bowels, purify the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem- ^ edy for Biliousness, Blotches oft the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, • (. Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor- ^ dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney ^ Trouble^ Loss of Ap- ^ sion, Nausea, Nettle •/> i. • i • (• C o m p l a i n t s , L i v e r petite, Mental Peprc3 Rash# Painful Digcs Blood to the 11 end, S a l t R h e u m , H eadache, . Skin DIs Tired Feeling, Torpid Brash and every other that results from lilt in the proper perform tion, Pimples, Rush of ^ 5 a 11 o w Complexion, ^ ^ Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, • Ulcers, Water s y m p t o m o i * d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions the by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene­ fited by taking one tabule after each meal A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate, i gross $2, % gross $1.25.. % gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 Cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address T H E R i P A N S C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Y o r k , v , ^ # • • > f -fx " ^ Ei SAYLOK & S0NS« BREEDERS OP Fan aid Winter Necessities. WARMTH, The undersigned, having decided to open the Central Meat Market, one door East of Barbiat^s cigar store. Is now ready with a full supply of Fresh Sc. Salt Meats, SAUSAGE. ETC Alio, FHU1TS & 7EGIMIES, » TAEIR 8KA8«i. By keppltig none hut the best, a nea t and tasty market, and strict attention to business he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Call and see us and we will try and please you. MAT, STOFFEL. McHenro, June, kS92. Morgan:: Embracing tb^ celebrated General Giflord, Green Mountain end Motrili blood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stallion* and Filliea 8sndfor pedi­ grees. Itsex and Registered Poland Cbina --SWINE.™ Choice Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Come and inspect stock or address. J. R. BAYLOR & 8ON8 WestMeHenry, ill. In barrel lots 5 cents per sac k Ml- ft»lly gaft»Qteed. f^W. AsCWSTY, 'M'x' Plonr, Feed and Coal Dealer. '• • ^ 5 - />• - ih k«c. % HENSLAY A&D KMMP& JTBEM HEALTHY Try It, VoaSALBBT I JOHN EVANSON A CP. West McHenry, 111. OH AS. KUHNEBT. Johrabnrgh.IU. J.W. CBI8TY A SON, Blngwood, 111. STOVES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS £ O B S T O V E S . Our Fall Stop lc is The largest and finest assortment of Coal and Wood Beaters, Cook Stoves and Ranges ever seen in town. The world renowned Howe Ventilators, asserted by the highest authorities to be the only correct Ventil­ ating stoves constructed for the promotion of health by perfect ventilation, and for greatest economy in the use ot fuel. * A ((tnplete line of Ike ii n (t p Id im Is Hf if the most popular stoye in the market. A wottogR guarantee with every stove. - A full line of Gold Coin Heaters for 'woodand coil. The best stove Icr the price yet produced. We if ill take your old stoves in exchange for new ones, and allow you their full value. We will repair> polish, and put up yoar stove1 on short notice and at reasonable prices. t3T*See our stock of stoves. It will pay yon. " STORY & McOMBER. West McHenry. III. 1892. ' FIT and VARIETY. Are once more to be found in abundarce In 00 store for your kind inspection. Wi»b years of • xperienee in th«* beat markets, first ela«* pur- cbssirg power, and a ihorough knowledge of the people's wants has enabled n« to Intelligently to buy the best goods oo'y at the leact possible prlc««, Now Receiving over 200 Jackets Sacques. For ladies, Misses and Children, black and colors, fancy and plain, the newest cloths, mostf stylish cut3, latest <o!ors, with elegant variety of trimming Prices vary from $3 to $25 gSizee range from age 4 10 biibi measure 44. CfeU early for best choice, ' MADE ONLY BY ' ,^ ' • $ • , * ̂ , \ »v ^ ' i 5 '# 1 X.?. >1? •;x~ 11 a BIT 9IXSB flaa laid in the best and largest stock in the following lines of goods for ball and Winter trade ot 1^92-3 that we have ever shown at one ^ time, to which we invite inspection. "iZ doodsat Living Pric^ Is our motto. If you stop and think for a moment you cannot help but see tl»t our expenses are less than our competitors, and are thus enabled to give you lower prices on honest goods. We handle none but the bwst. **in,lr®g of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, In JL*eather goods we can give you anything, from a child's light shoe up to a man s strongest boot In ladies' fine or heavy shoes we can show you a larger assortment than you can fltid elsewhere, as we make the shoe business a specialty. The Woonsocket Rubber Boots are Ad­ mitted to be the best by the wearers, W hen in need of a pair p tll. m' w O-ood • Clothing And Pootors are Old Foes. And to continue the hard feeling look over our stock of OVERCOATS & 8UITS £5*S^ved>iM®,,» 'atest styles. be»t qualitM, wd lew«at pncct. v Sanitary Underwear.! In endless variety of styles, goods and sizes, In white, gray and sdarlet. Swift Conue's Underwear for gentleman it all sizes. Posi­ tively all sizes of Underwear carried in stock. f I -- WoolensfFlannels Shawls, Blankets, Yarns, Rnbft?, Mif.fona Hosiery, Gloves. ,.r Are once more to be found in abundance in our store for your kind inspection. With years of experience in the bnst markets, first class purchasing power, and a thorough knowledge of the people's wants, has enabled us. to intelligently buy the best goods only at the least possible prices, New Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Window Shades, Curtains, Etc. RELIABLE FOOTWEAR Can be found at rock bottotoi prices, in great variety as usual, at our store. . IdiPRubber Clothing, New Crockery, New Glassware, Wooden- |d^~ware. Choice Pure Groceries, Teas. Coffees «!td Spioes* fully warranted., ySf^Flour. Flour. Yours for Foil Trade, SIMON STOFFEL Weal McHenry. 111., 1892, JULIA A. DEALER IN OHE DOOR WEST OF BIVEBSIDB HOUSE, VcEtnrj.lll, Drugs g Medicines " ii-i rtlLL LINE Oi'^--- Drin, Ck enicali. D^e Stii, Paints, Oils &Ctlon Constantly on hacd. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. AID A COMPLETE STOCK Of STATIONERY-AND DBUOOISTS' SQKDBIKS V 'i ***** * • Osteon, a. ^Pliysioiaiis Presoriptions Carefully and accnratey compounded by a Registered Pharmc* dst Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. JUUA A, Proscar x. STORY \ T:, g^PPP!P^'i -' ; Riverside Block, McHenry/ OH BAUD WITH' A CLRAH, FBEBH STOCK OF v r ^ Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, i poots and Shoes, It is nQg,use to make a noise about what you are going to do* un lees you are prepared o it when the time comes. Real Bargains of great value to every one of our cust^otjjpf. : My stock is complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a Genera* Store Call |Qjd look us over, whether yon wish to buy or nof, JOHN I. mtwi'm. ' J wM.[ .4" • M • \ ' 0M CLOTHING I CLOTHING 1 As in the past'.two yrars we aie again in the lead this Fall in Suits and Overcoats for men and boys. We have bought and are plaoinr on our counters one thousand dollars worth of new clothing, in ad- dition to our large stock now on hand. You cannot afford to buy your fall and winter clothing without first looking us over. Have handled the warranted not to rip Rockford Overalls, Pants and Shirts with success in the past, and haye again placed our order for five hundred dollars worth of these goods. Call in and you cannot help being suited in this lijje. GLOVES AND mrifn •4 A splendid assortment. Our Hosiery stock has also received its necessary attention# A full line ot cotton, fleece lined, woolen and worsted Hose, in ladies' and children's sizes. 1 » «• „ j. , _ _ 9 . \ -Mr* All sizes and kinds, double breast* d and double ba^k, in cotton and woolen. ^^*Hat8 and Caps, Trunks and Traveling Bags. |^"Ffesh Grocei^ an4 tJt* best Flour for always on hand, y^; ; i„ ' > " „ Yours as ever for business. JOHN J. MILLER, "Wost McHenry* =JUSTEN 0:$ DEALEB IB With two stores, one on the West side and one on the Bast fp side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public Of all kinds ot Furniture than ever before which we are offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES *OW JS THE TIME TO BUY, SQuTFe alto keep In stoolc a full line HV samples of CARPETS, and we eangive you anything from the cheapest 10 me finest Brussels st lower prlres thtaaay other iiouss In the county. " > • . ; • - . In selecting oar inraiBTAKUtt 8VPFLB8, Coffins Caskets and Trimmings of the lat­ est designs. Everything new and elo Kant, We keep nothing bat thi best. Do not fail to call and see us when In want of anything ia our line, - ' A Splendid 2T«w In connection, which will be fnrnlihed at Reasonoble Rates. JUSTEN BROS. MoHenry« lll«« I ?P8i«S! BOOTS^ SMOES " Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer for them, if he does not keep thern send to us for an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago. ;K, Tor Sale by SIMON 8T0FFEL, Wert MeHwiy* : t>. •** t • !»• * * ĉ" ,' ̂ * y* jLfxlJk A i r ) A :*A'. Me£>i •;$, i k t i l J

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