. . . '•. , •* ,- : •' \~*T ,Vv,J *#W' ' < "' ' ' tjV*' ifv'-'i'c' Jt, *:,',": • - . «"i. J' **- -< A" «. - SSfS^sW <..» it «****+*#£ • I'L y.', i'-y.-' • 1 \ '<T.ii'iii'.i 11V M Pled sod but to Truth, to Liberty and Lawi No Favors Win u» end no Poor Shall Awe." . : vo®. is. •: ...... , ; M'lIENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1892. NO. 13. V>c-- *?' j^e^eirj fhiileder. PtaUIBID EVBKT WKDIUOiT BT j$Sar . V AJS S L Y K Hp*. EDITOR AMD PROPRIETOR \it% In Pekovskj'i Block, wtdowlwth of tin P«rtWI<«.;,> HRW OF SUBSCRIPTION. wfc* . • .'t.... If Not Paid within Throe Month# •Act >j4»Ar< niiAWH fAA«i?A(l for ttlfM month! in the tftoie proportion. ' ioe or six a!5& Mated of Advertisings We announce liberal rates for advertising n the L'L/IIHDKA-TIBR, and endeavor to state hem eo plataly that they will be readily un- erstood. They are •• foitefre$ - J J^Ch .. . i at ft 00 1000 15 00 30 00 80 00 100 00 3 Inches one year » --.• 3 Inches one year . . V Column one year * •' it Ooluqan one year* « Column one year * » One inch "means •'** tmo inch down the column, single column width. Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of ohanging as often 'as they choose, without extra oharge. Regular advertiser* (meaning those having etandlng cards) will be entitled to Insertion of local notloes at the rate of 5 cents per line each weok. All others will be charged 10 cents per Hne the first week, and 6 cents per tine for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will toe charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as thie Is set in) the first issue, and 5 eents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement wiUoost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, 11.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDKALM will be liberal In giving editorial notiees, but, as a business rule, it «*><l require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its oolumna for pecuniary gaim. "• ATTENTION! .?• ••>.tdtfeiitfmfc&uriihu • MM A ' Firmer* and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWSI V *TMh milkers or Mprinftrers, to mil it Wf premises before purchasing. I can fun isb aneh by the ear load or single cow. PORTER H, WOLFRUM, OHHCVO Fum about tour miles northwest of Barvertt. Illinois. BUSINESS CARDS. r.O. COLBY, D D.S. DENTIST, Woodstock, III. SpeHal a«en-ti lating children's teeth Parties coming from a distance would do we to give li ely notice b mail. Office, Kendall h:ock m 'street and Publte square. O. J.jHOWARD, M. 1>. IllIY-10l\N AND SURGEO , Mclfenry, I III Office at residence, one door w at of J. A.Story's Drugstore. a H. FEGEBS. M. D- MeHenry PSff'SSiS tf USS20* v -- -- " ' . f'-jffi: . WM. OSBORNE, M. O. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGBOX. Office at Residence, West McHenry, IlL Calls promp.ly attended to day and night. Liverv Stable. W B. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor, fire* fli class rigs with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. 4G #, BUEPABD. »• SHBPABD SHEPARD * SHEPARO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Suite SIS, North-ern oSfeS Building, 16 LaSalle Street Ohtoago, IlL , «• J* KNIQHT * BROWN, A i^ORJriEYS AT LAW. U. S. Express Oo.'s A. Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. J03LYN ft CASEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WOODETOCK IN. All business will receive prompt »tt»n. ttoa. ft1- .. , \ O. P. BABNB9, f ATTORNEY, Solicitor, audi. Counselor, Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. V. 3. LUMLEY. -*#«>**** AT laW» an(l ^ A <*-~^OD,T0«. ilW^ Office in Park House, first flood MISS MYRTLE BRIUL Teacher oi Piano and Organ. Visits He Henry every week, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and is prepared to tahe scholars at any time. Terms reasonable «Bd satisfaction guaranteed Can be seen at he Parker House on any of above named p»y«- A. M. CHURCH, Watolimaker and, Joweloar \TO.OmH ndredTwenty-Five State St Ohi- JW oag , II . Special attention given to re pairing < ine wntchesand Chronometers. «T AV ll Assortment of Goods in his line JOHN P. 8MITH, Wotohmoker A Jeweler ,/ MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. , A FINE stoek ofOloeks, Watches and Je«- A. elry always on hand. Special attention glm to repairing flu* watohes. Give me 1 oaU. * JOHN P. SMITH. United States ffar Claii Aieiicy -OF- WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois^ Prosecutes all clasiss and kinds of claims against the United^Statea for ex Soldi -rs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty Is made in prosecuting old and rejec ted claims. All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are eneiosed for reply. WM, H. COW' Office at Restdenee, Madison 8t^ Woodstoes, Illinois, SHORf mm BULLS For Sale at Living Prices by the under signed. Call on or address FBANK OOLE, SPPIKO d^QTIS. ILL SPrtng Grove, III, Nov n, tm. vF V. 1. Barbian. J. J Barbtsa BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail DBALBKB m flNB CIGAES, Mr HENRY ILLINOIS Belntr now plessantly located in our n w store, former y <»rciip;crt by AUhoff Bros , W>» ar<^ now prepar d to offer to the smoking i>iib lie a line line f Cifr^is of <;ur own itiamittr. ture, t frettier with -Mnoking and chcwmg Tobacco ol tue best brands, •» Upas a Specialty. We have a very large asrortment fteti som- r*rj handsome patterns. CALL AND tiXE US. KilMil 91toe MffRenrr. 111.'. June 90. W 9 J NEAR THE DEPOT, VTE8T HoHBVBY, IUi Keeps open for the aeoommodatioa of the PuMlo a First-Olftso' Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the beet brands of Wines, Liqnors and Cigars (to be found in the market. v Also Agent For FRANZ FALKW ' 7 llilwankM Lsgir Batr. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, oheaper than any other, qn • li ly considered. Orders by mail promptly Attended to. QOQDl8TABLlNQ~tX>R HOR81TB WOall andjsee us. RoJlUft Sohlessle. West McHenry. III. mm AMD BEST AO BANT MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. rm*. BTOVK^ :"•> £>i , " --Agent for-- FIRE, - LICHTNINC, All Aeeideatal Insuranee. Also Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, •ad California Lands. Call on or addrese W*.SXOfTJ£L, HcBeniy, UJ; Horiem@nf took Here. I have a fine stoek of H Tses, among wh'oh are •• Young Green Mountain Morvan," "Mor rill Charles," and others. Call and see these Horeee before making arrangements else- WherC' N.S. COLBY. jgoHenry, ill., May 10.1892. WANTED. SALESMEN. L*eal and traveling to represent our well known house. You need n 1 eapltal represent a Arm that wnrrants nnrtw>rv stoek flrst-nltss and true 10 name. VOBK ALL TBI T1&B. «io per month to Ike right man. Apply quiokstating age. LLMAYAOO. ; - ~t/y STOFFEL, Fine Eentncky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, --AGENT FOR Fbcmix, of Bteoklyn, t. T. Capital, 5.008.31S. Rockford, of ftockford, III soa.448, ill, if HartM, loiuL Capital, 82,620 21 a c*refnlly and safely pfawd on si! classes of property agiinsi fire, i ghtmng, ana tornado, either tor vash or on loux time, without interest Fire p:>!ioicaon live stock cover w.me in buii ung or on farm igaiast lon« or damage by fire or lightning an>i agaia»i lightning anywhere. Hay, straw, stalks and fodder ar» covered by one policy, io building or stacks on farm. Grain, seeds and mill feed are covere<i under or e sum n building or on ties free of cargo. Gasoline oroi< stove and steam thresher permits Kranted In nolicles free of charge Household goods of every deserlption. Including coil, wood and provf- aitn* ail coveted under one item. Complete reoord8 kept of all poiiuiM, uoml ititfnt, *i' igs. ments and transfers made. Call for list of over 700 policy holders in above companies. Simon Stoffel. McHENRYg H. Miller & Son, -DEAL BBS IN-- MARBLE 4 GRANITE, H^iniiDatSi Head«to new Tables, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices./? Satisfaction Shops at McHenry and Johns* burgh, III, where at all times can be found a good assortment of finished work. Respectfully, Henry Miller ft Hon. W#1 Wfttaooftcia Unti-Uoroe Thief Aaeoclatifi^,, omctM. ARTBorm COOK, Pres. EDOAKGKSCIT, See'y. JAB. MUBUV, V. E. E. UIUTKBTJ Treas ....... . .._ DIBEOTOXS. ~ Sdgar Green. Frana'ThomM. XIDBBB. Henry Warden, H P Hughes, Morris Fori. A J Raymond, Frank Thomas. KBMBCRS. A Cook Mtrtlc Morse A U Bangs Plutarch Hougbton .. E E Gilbert tleo Darrell R O Hill.... .....E x Harris , .... H F Hughes S H Harris ....... J F Roney ....Edwin Cook... Frtnk Thomas Seth Tut Edf^ar Green A J itaymond .. Geo Pratt Moses Beach. ., James Murray. J 1) McCabe.... Henry Werden. J E Glynch .... Ira Smith Delos Ames ... Geo Jones ..... T Bacon Ki Paddock. .. MO Smith...: Mot Ford. ... . W M Uiough ..... ..Stebbins Font P A Nimskey .... ..R F Johnston Warren Powers .... ...Geo Bates Jas Monaghan. Jr .... ...Robert Harrison John Spencer. O W Dunklee Charles I>avlittv MichaelSlaven ... .. Gus Staxon Golding Bros T V Slocum -AND- J. In any quantity from ft Glass to 1C0 barrels. Snitz AT WHOLESALE on RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or wise as cheap as the cheapest. We buy none but the best and sell at Seasonable Prices 'all and SM roe and I wilV twe on ^ell. ANTOUT *wym> * iu,. ibt#. .A PHILIP McCRATH, AOBKT FOA TUB tout • Brewioi • Cupi, DBALEB IV rmsnmrcsT - - LAGER BEE» By kf| or otsp, at wbolesale or retail Choice Brands of Clgari, Its, ' wmT MoHENM^ IM^ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. September lesting, 1892. The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county met in annual seesioo at the Court Bouse, at Woodstock, Sept. 13, 1892. Meeting called to order by the clerk. The chairman being abeent Supervisor Granger mover that Sup. Barber act as temporary chairman. Carried. The following members of the Board answered to their names at roll call: 8up». Amory Barber, C. P. Wright, S. K. Bartholomew, R. J. Beck, F. F. Axtell, W. H. Groesbeck, Wm. Desmond, F. E. Slovens, John Well stein, L. T. Hoy, S. E. Clark. G. W. Conn. Geo. McOonnell, R. A, Stevens, F. K. Granger, J. H. Gracy and W. P. Thompson. Sundry bills were PWMl to th«f Board and referred to the proper committees. Communication from county clerk of Stevenson county in relation to a system for making better roads was read to the Board and on motion was referred to the committee on roads and bridges to re port on same. Sup. Swk VsiOV6u that She Board ad journ until 2 o'clockLp. in. potion car ried. • 'i; % " Board met at 9'clock d. m. pursuant to adjournment. Committee on town accounts presented the following report which was read to the Board and on motion adopted to-wit; STATE OF ILLINOIS,! McHenry County, J Board of Supervisors, 8ept. term, Sept. 13, A D. 1892 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board oT Supervisors:--Your committee to whom was referred Town Accounts would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. We would recommend that tax be levied for the ensuing year ai per certificates from the several towns: TO <N9. HI ley .....A;... Marengo ...... .... Mar ngo v.llH* Dunham Cli p nmng Harvard Oity....... Allien ... ...... .. Hartlsnd....... .,•< So ii oca ..... Ooral .)rnfton ... ^ . . Huntley vlllai* .. Dorr City of Woo^Uto fc Greenwood ... .V;: Hfliron Richmond... ...... Burton McIIenry . Nunda . .. NuLda village...... ti " 2 PC Algonquin ... VtlCryetal l.i a Wo 60 pc 6fi p i* a6 p c M|ic 81) |> c K0|)C 00 p r 80 p c i«ip: • 1«0 U 435 2600 W pc no p c I «90 460 8U0 " S80 '(W 55C »N> iH'3 "nolo 260 24<« 160 100 500 40# 1000 « MOO *STT0 1200 '3600 700 1'W : fnpeetlally submi tted. •. ^ WM. DKSMONO, •' .v >• •. Chairman. 1 v: j. H. GKACY, 8- B- CLARK, ;c, |f F. E. STBVBNS, T F. K. GRANGER. Committee on education made the fol lowing report which was read and on motion adopted to-wit: , SF ATE OF ILLINOIS,! : /'# McHenry County, j Board of Supervisors, Sept. term Sept. 13, A, D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the annual report of W. E. Wire, county superintendent of schools, would beg leave to submit the following.report on the matters before them: That we have examined said report, compared said report with books and accompanying vouchers and find the same correct. Your committee would therefore recommend the adoption of •aid report. Your committee have also, examined the superintendent's report of institute funds and find the same correct with a balance on hand of f 164.77. submitted. W. P. THOMPSON, _ Chairman. W. H. GROEHHKCK, JOHN WELTZBIK, '<1 W. CONN, ^ A. BARBER. WOODSTOCK, III.. Aug. 31,1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, below find state ment of receipts and disburamentefor the year ending Aug. 31, 1892: 1801. To bal from lastyear. f 5 00 Nov. 7 Fines of Boyington, J P... 10 00 16 Fines of B. Gilbert, J P... 20 00 1892 Feb. 10 R. W. Overton, J P 3 00 15 S. Disbrow, J P 8 00 26 Randall, J P 75 26 N. A. Chandler J P 8 00 Mar. 1 A. Boomer, J P 20 00 8 Jas. Bobbins, J P. 2 00 16 School fund, state au<Pr5001 50 16 Inst, fund, state auditor 868 01 25 Fines G. McCounell, J P 8 75 May 1 " I). C. Mallory, J P.. 5 00 Aug. 31 Office expenses... 152 25 We keep all kinds of Bottle Geods PU(1I as Pop, Gioger Ale, etc., and de liver to the boat or any part of the vtl lagK Our team will make trips to the Lakes, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Headquarters In Cisper Wirrsblock, West McHenry where all are Invited to osll and see us and we wlil use g«u well. West McHenry, June 7,18Q3, 1991. Sept. lflTO.yfcchoo! guides 15 Stamps and en v. 2 80 Ex., school laws.. 3 Oct. 13 Htainps and cards 4 Nov. 2 Stamps and env.. S 1) Express.. 6 IB Stationery 7 28 Stamps and env.. 10 28 Cards 11 80 School law Oct. 31 Circulars 8 Nov. 9 Cards and print'g 9 Dec. 3 Blank certificates 12 16 Telephone 15 Envelopes '13 19 100 school man.. 14 22 Env., letter heads,15 25 Stamps 15 1892. Jan. 6 Stationery.,17 8 T e l e g r a m . 1 8 22 Telephone............. 28 Express 19 2<> J ustice blanks 20 . 38 Stamps 21 Feb. 8 Telegram 22 8 Express 23 f> Stamps..... 24 ,6 Ex. questions....... 25 1$ Stamps...... 26 Treas. blanks....... 27 16 Express 28 10 Telegram. ..»«•««.«««««'HO Js't pP5 <50 .. 30 i25 •i526 ,,s.|50 : s35 8 65 100 *4 22 Stationery 30 25 22 Cards and print'g. 31 4 50 24 Blanks 32 104 26 Stamps... 33 1 00 Mar. 7 Stamps 34 * 1 00 21 Stamps. 35 2 00 April 1 Stamps 36 l'OO 25 Stamps. 37 1 50 May 17 Stamps 38 100 23 Stamps 39 2 00 28 Stamps 40 2 00 28 Express "41 65 29 Examination blks 42 1 68 80 Stationery 441 75 Jane 3 Examiim'n papers 44 7 00 15 Circulars to treas. 45 1 50 21 Folders forteach's 46 - / 2 00 22 Expenses 4T-..•.• 25 22 Env. andpaper..... 48 6 25 30 letter heads, env. 4® v 4 70 July 12 Stamps 50 2 00 16 Blanks 5t> i 2 24 22 Blks for teachers.. 53 1 25 Aug. 2 Stamps..... 58 2 00 11 Express 54 25 22 Stationery...... 55 50 29 Stamps, 56 2 00 Distributed by t'w'p treas ,,..8,814 31 Commissions 108 83 Pub. examinations. 18 12 Balance ......^ 8 75 Total |5,602 26 Further, I would report that I' have examined the books, accounts and vouchers of the several township treasur ers and find them correct and the school fund safely secured. Our teacher's institute, which was held at Woodstock, July 25 to 29, was very satisfactory and the teachers received mnch instruction from the same, iiespectfully submitted, W. E. WIRE, County Superintendent of Schools. STATE OF ILLINOIS,! ( , VSB McHenry County j WoonsTorK, Aug. 31, To the Honorable Board of Supervis ors: As required by law 1 herewith pre sent my annual report of disbursments from the institute fund for expense of teacher's institute held at Woodatock, July 22 to 29,1892: von or Dec. 22 W Pub Co physeh't 1 1 $22 00 July 27 Anna Davis inst w'k 2 2 51 50 26 H. Mci'onnell same.. 3 3 * 27 S. B. Hursh " ..4 4 27 B. U. Reeder " ..5 5 29 A. Bunker, r'nt sch'l building 6 6 Aug. 2 A. Flanigan s'tr b'ks 7 7 2 Houghton, Hiftiin & Co., Sing'g books.. 8 8 2 Rev. Mathews lecture 9 9 2 W. Wireexp.dray'gelO 10 62 55 50 00 63 25 10 00 600 812 10 00 4 75 Total $283 17 1891. Sept. 1 To bal. on hand $143 84 Dec. 19 To ex as per treas vou'r 40 00 1892. Mar. 30 To same 120 00 June 20 To same, 24 0o Ang. 10 To same ^ Aug. 31 To same >34 00 Total amt. received afi per report! ! ~ of county treasurer 4-^7 94 Total disbursm'ts as per report... 283 17 Balance j $164 77 Respectfully submitted v, W. E. WIRE, County Superintendent. i The committee on finance made the fol lowing report which was read add oa; motion adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,) >88 McHenry County, j Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Sept. 13, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee on finance would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters "before them. The County Treausurer reports a bal ance on nand in the treasury of thirteen thousand nine hundred and forty-six dollars and fifteen cents, ($13,946.15). Your committee would recommend that the sum of fifteen thousand dollars (15,000) tax be levied on the property of the county to pay contingent expenses of the county for the ensuing year. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. E. STEVENS,- Chairman, P. F. AXTKLL, G. W. CONN, J. H. GRACY. The committee oa education presented the following report which wa« read and on motion adopted to-wit; STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County, j Board of Supervisors,Sept. term, Sept. 13, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee to whom was referred report of County Superintendent, W. E Wire, for quarter ending Aug. 31, 1892, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined the same, and find it correct, recommend its approval and that the amount asked for be allowed, as follows: 2:) days apent visiting Bch oU $ \ . ...§]|R 00 29 days cxpO '«Oi " " 1...... 99 0l» 6 days spnn in examiuation 4 . .. 20 00 5 days spent m Tcacher* Inst 4 .,... 20 00 Mdayaapcnt incfllce work 4 ..... fit 00 * Total amount $241 00 All of which is respectfully submitted, W. P. THOMPSON, Chairman. JOHN WELTZIEN, W. H. GUOESHECK, G. W. CONN, A. BARBEB. The committee on personal property oresent^a the following report in rela tion to rebate on taxes of John Goodwin deceased, which was read and on motion adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, Tr McHenry County, Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, 8ept. 13, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee on personal property to whom was re ferred the petition of W. A. and Fred Goodwin, Administrators of the estate of John Goodwin, deceased, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Your committee after carefnl examina tion is of the opinion that there is no cause for rebate of said taxes. <!F ' * **•' WM. DESMOND, |F. E. STEVENS, ' W. H. GROESBBCK, V_,Nl4 * ».* .* i-4' ' IS. E. CLARK. tiis'.'k; im. «lfe: .: * it. A j L ^ 2 - 4 , «' ' -JjfUxJ\:'i u£ .2.1 «v Wf -i -. Sup. Granger moved that the Board adjourn until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Motion carried. WEDNESDAY MORNING. 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. Board called to order by the chairman. Members all present except Sup. Bar tholomew, Richards and Thompson. The committee on poor farm presented the following report which was read and on motion adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, } W McHenry County, ) Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Sept. 13, A. D. 1892. To the Honorable Board of Super visors: Your Committee would beg leave it) Nubuiii tile following report: Committee met at Poor Farm, Aug. 28, for the purpose of making out bills accrued by keeping inmates of poor house since the 23rd of March, 1892. The following bills were audited and ordered paid: ^ M. D. Hoy & Soni.... $ 25 00 T. J. Dac.v ...180 87 M. Zimpieman 21 67 Philo Roe...........----3 75 C. F. Gaulke 80 64 John Tong 3 75 S.Wright 5 85 Whitson Bros B3 35 Bagley & Caskey 18 29 A. Dreyer 5 20 C. W. Hill 11 39 W. D. Hall 5 85 Eckert & Young 65 55 C. L. Douglas & Son 84 65 E. A. Murphy & Co 26 27 C. F. Thorne 44 75 Bunker Bros 175 3S C. Quinlan... 3 00 A. F. Field........ 9 10 N. S. Robb.. 440 00 N. S. Robb 21 73 Supplies on hand, March 23.... 95 55 Total ... $1,206 33 Of the forgoing $967.44 were for run ning expenses. CREDIT* By board of O. White............... By board of Mrs. Lawson......... Calves sold $ 98 25 65 58 23 50 102 14 Supplies on hand..., Total ......$ 289 47 Which amonnt being deducted leaves $677.97, as net runningexpenses. Whole number of weeks board 792 2-7. Cost per week 86 cents. Cost of medical at tendance for the inmates for five months $ 25 00 Clothing furnished 70 58 Tobacco 22 72 Total $118 00 The following bills were sent to the persons and towns liable for the same: Riley $41 38 Dorr ...$ 92 80 Marengo. Chemung... Alden Hartland. Seneca^..... Coral' Grafton.... 71 03 Greenwood.. 44 05 20 15 Hebron 18 80 44 48 McHenry 55 01 87 16 Nunda 64 52 80 46 E E Richards 65 58 18 80 Jas White.... 98 25 19 37 Algonquin... 154 00 Total 965 84 Your committee examined the sewers and found they were iu need of repair and directed the superintendent to see that it was done. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. W. CONN, Chairman, L. T. HOY, I WM. DESMOND, ^ K F. K GRANGER, R. J. BECK, The committee on roads and bridges presented the following report on the communication trom Stevenson county, concerning the building of good and per manent roads, which was read as per ex hibit "A" to-wit: "EXHIBIT A." At a convention of the Commissioners of Highways of Stevenson County, Illi nois, held on the Uth day of June, 1892, the followiug was unanimously passed: Resolved, that the senator and repre sentatives to the general assembly from this sentorial district be requested to use their best efforts to secure theapass- age of the law making permanent roads a county matter (and to authorize the issuing of county bonds for that pur pose,) and use all honorable means to get an appropriation from the state for respective counties, and that a commit tee of three be appointed by this conven tion to correspond with the proper au thorities of the different counties in the state, and urgt upon them the desirabil- !fn rvf inaftinnfintv -f hnil* f Jlf! 7PS icy UI mow uvviug IVJfiVOVUVWVMVU for the passage of such law. And be it further resolved, that in the sense of this convention, the Board of Supervisors of this county make a levy of twenty cents on the hundred dollars on all taxab'e property of this county, said levy to be appropriated for building of permanent roads under the direction of a committee of said Board and the commissioners of highways of the town in which the improvement is made. Respectfully, JACOB JAEGER, D. F. THOMPSON, ' H. POFFENBERGEB Committee. And on motion the report of the commit tee was adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,) >88 " * McHenry County, ) Board of Supervisors, Sept. term, Sept. 18, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee on roads and bridges to whom was re ferred the accompanying resolution marked "exhibit A" would beg leave to submit the following reports on matters before them: In their opinion the building of perma nent roads is a matter of vital impor tance to our people. As to how such roads are to be built and paid for pre sents a field for mature and intelligent thought and action. Your committee are of the opinion that to make the state treasury contribute to such expense would lead to such an expenditure of state funds as would in the end prove disastrous to the best interests of the state. Thinking so, your committee would respectfully protest against any scheme looking toward state supervision of the highways. As to the necessity or advisability of a law authorizing counties to construct permanent roads, and bond the said counties to pay for the same, your com mittee are not satisfied as to what is the better proposition. Your committee would respectfully recommend that the senator and repre sentatives to be elected from this, Eight Senatorial District, be requested to give the matter their earnest attention, and to give the subject such support as in their judgment may be necessary, audi to the best in terests of the people. Ailm which is respectfully eubmitted, F. K. GRANGER. V Chairmaa^t " ®ARBEB» , ' ?W. P. THOMFOOH, , v-i .JOHN WELTZOW, w.H. GROESBECK. Sup. Granger moved that the Boa«| adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. Carried ' £ Two O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment Members all present except Sup. Bar* tholomew, Richards and Thompson. The committee on fees and salaries pre- : sented the report which was read and 0*L motion adopted- to-wit: - "y j. *. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ] . • 4 T ; McHenry County, J ^ Board ofSupervisors'Sept.term, 14, A. D. 1892. . Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committer on fees and salaries to whom was ro le red the matter of the salary of the cir-'" cuit clerk, for the term beginning Dec. 1, 1892 would be leave to submit the fol lowing report on the matters before them: We recommend that his salary be fixed at the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per annum, and that he be allowed the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.0) per annnm for clerk hire which shall include all services and clerk hire of every kind. I Alftrf which Is respectfully submitted^ < ?V W. H. GROESBECK. J: ) .y-c . F. F. AXTELL, " .GEO. MCCONNKLIi, »wW <• k - a6;?*StEvei"\ i! sip. uonn movent that all unreturnea road warrants that are returned within twenty days from Sept. 20, 1892, be re ceived and filed, Carried. The special committee appointed as purchasing agents made toe following report which was read and on wotioa •> r' adopted to-wit: --- , -IN STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 : McHenry County, J T', \ Board of Supervisors .Sept. term, Ssj^l^ 14, A. D. 1892. i: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your special com mittee appointed for the county would - beg leave to submit the following report v? on matters before them: Said committee met and organised and after due inquiry for bids for furnish ing coal for the use of the county, con tracted with A. F. Field, of Woodstock, for 05 tons, ior use at the court house and jail, at the price of $7.10 per ton on board cars at Woodstock, and with W. D. Hall, of Harvard, for 60 tons, deliv ered on cars at Hartland, for use of poor house, at*$6 97 per ton. Your committee would say, that after investigation, they are satisfied thattfca county has been paying too much for fuany of its supplies, and hope to be able to suggest some course that will enable the county to obtain needed supplies, for the running of various county offices, at as low a cost as is practicable. .Having this end in view, your commit- , tee would respectfully recommend thsi V • " ' "~'k ' adoption of the following resolutions. Resolved, that various county officers be directed to keep a memoranda of all supplies needed for the proper conduct ing of their respective offices, and at the iend of each month certify the same to the chairman of this committee, where upon the said committee shall proceed to make such purchases at the best possi ble price, ail of which is respectfully sub* ~ HOY, * _ 4\ K. GRANGML "f j# gjQcg. ' < The committee on roads and bridge* presented the following report, which was'- read and on motion adopted, to-«rit; STATE OF ILLINOIR,! V >88 McHenry County, j Board of Supervisors, Sept. term,Seal, 14, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on roads and bridges to whom was in ferred the various road warrants would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: They have examined the same and Had as follows: Tne town of Hebron returns warrants. from fourteen districts, all correct. < ' The town of Burton returns warrants irOiu three districts, all correct. The town of Alden returns warrants from twenty-nine districts, all correct. • It is believed that the three above nattr ed towns are the only towns remaining under the labor system for road work, r All of which is respectfully submitted. \ .Z388^.K.GRANGEB, . ' Chairman.. i' &ii A. BARBER, ">:Y ; „ JOHN WELTZEIN, ^ I _ W.H. GROESBECK, ; Tfee committee mi claims presented th* fallowing report, which was read and -motionadopted, to-wit: ^ STATE OF ILLINOIS,) - W r. ^ * McHenry County, | / ' \ \*(i Board of Supervisors. Sept. term, Sept. 13, A. D. 1892. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your commit toe on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presentsed to them, and recommend the payment oi the following, and that the clerk be di rected to issue orders ou the Conner Treasurer to the claimants for the sev eral amounts avowed as follows: W. E. Wire, stationery, stamps....$ 9 24 W. iVT. Wood, hold'g co. co'rt 10 00 J. Babcoek, 100 nom*ncertificates 2 50 Ml D. Hoy & Sou, meds to Sheriff. 46 80 J. C. Choate, mds to Sheriff 12 40 J. C. Choate, mds to Sheriff........... 195 $02 89 Your committee on claims would rec ommend the following, that all person* or officials contracting any debts against the county, to present all such bills against the eouuty on or before the meeting of the county board following the contracting of such debts. Yotir committee would further recommend that no bills against the county be paid, labor bills excepted, until aporoved and allowed by the county board. >, All of which as respectfully sobeuMeS, this 14th day of September. A. D. 1892. R. J. Beat, . >r(CaMt«M 1m Last i^gn.} ¥ • K. GnAjtcuR*. I'- P. WWANT, E Sr* vans, . McCostmuju