Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1892, p. 8

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13 '« fwV' ff bL^ Mi Mlv The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. H. MoOmber, Thursday afternoon, Oct.. 20, o'clock. Ms*. L. *. BKumiTT, PiasMeat KM.*. J. VVALai^Seeretarv. JbB Dodoe--Ok the Stormy Day.--It Nifta a half-drizriing, half-stormy day in the middle of November--just each a day as pnte nervous people in a bad humor with themselves and everybody else. Job Dodge sat brooding over the Are im­ mediately after breakfast. His wife ad­ dressed Mm as follows --"Job, can't you mend that front door latch to-day?" "No," was the answer. "Well can't you fix a handle to the mop? " *'No." "Well can't you put up some pins for the clothes in our chamber?" "No." "Well can't you fix up that north window, so that the rain and snow won't drive in? " «j(o--no--1" answered the husband sharply. He then took his hat and was ob the point of leaving the house, when Ma. -rife, knowing that he ^as going to tiie tavern, asked him kindly to stop a moment. She then got her bonnet and cloak and said to heir husband, "You are going to the tavern; with your leave I will go with you." The husband stared. "Yee," said the wile, "J may as well go as you; if you go and waste the day, and tipple at the tavern, why shall not I do the same?" Job felt the reproof. He •hut the door; hung up his his hat; got the hammer and nails; did all his wife had requested him, and sat down by his fire at night, a better and happier man, t* - . JHe Stood Rooted to the Spot Reins »ltu*Md On tbe banks of the Fox Hirer, In the VUltg* of McHenry, .special at urn will begivea to the eatertainmeat <*f 1 «a era, FiahenMH ana Plaaaar* Maker* rally. Sportsman luppUM with Com< plate Outfits. A FINE PAR IN CONNECTION I It. SAYLOR & SONS, .^Y^G/rRI.WC W>r't * J l/v ' <*& • - '* • ¥'> ' I:, n* i. .• it,! • Sr ; s3r O® being told that we could sell him such an elegant watch at fig­ ures so extremely low. By the way, have you seen our new line of ladiea' and gents' gold chains, breast pins, rings, ear-rings. ^ If not, why not. They are certain­ ly the finest of tbe kind in these parts. Wonderful variety, hand­ some and shapely. -BBIBDiSS OV MorganHorses, Embracing Iho celebrated G-eneral Giflord, Green Mountain and Morrill blood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stallions and Fillies, riendfor pedi­ grees. Imx and Registered Poland Chlca ~SWINE.̂ = Choice Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. K!g^ Crad@ Jersey Cattle. For sa le. Come and lnspeot stock or address, J. R. BAYLOR & SONS WestMeHenry, llU '"PHE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach, liver and bowels, purify ^ * the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem- ^ edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic^ Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor­ dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney Comp 1 aint s, Liver ,,ri u - Troubles, Loss of Ap* petite, Mental Depre3 . sion, Nausea, Nettle Rash, Painful Dfccs £ 45 Blood to the Head, Salt Rh eum, Scald Headache, Skin Dis Tired Feeling, Torpid Brash and every other that results from im in jthe proper perform it tlon, Pimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach* Liver, Ulcers, Water s y m p t o m o r d i s e a s e pure blood of a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to overheating are bene­ fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation* They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate, i gross $2, gross $1.25, % gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address THE K1PANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, We with to announce that we an now ready to show the public a larger and a new stock of s JEWEX.RY hi, • Necklaces, Hairpins, Ring#. Cuff pins. ^Bracelets, ... , Brooches, Ll - Laoe pins, Q: „ va fifcarf pins, p. Cuff bottom, Earrings, Is 4 Caotors. Pickle and oelery dishes, >*V Knives and Forks. 1847, Rogei Bros, ; , - iSjpoons. Napkin rings. Albums. (Scrap books, Ey*-,. '. Optical goods, Achool books. f p . - f * C r a y o n s , P e n c i l s , f-J - Tablets, /Slates*, . Watcbaa, Clod*, l- Pi iM' If yon think of buying a new sewing Machine be sure and call and examine tie new Wheeler & Wilson No. 9. the standard Macblae of to-day. Besides that, we have tbe American. Domestic, Household, New White, and several •ther leading machines, on which we san save yon from five to ten dollars. V . . . **< * Tours truly, "** * Heaiixan Bros. MoHenry, I1L, April. 1893. B.' p!v |68'^ LivV, p. TOUR BREAD *4* 'J* 1 V: ^ ill be of better quality and Cost Leas, if you use Washburn's Gold Medal Flour, SI.30 Also quote WMte Swan, S1.25 little Qaisfc tj":. In barrel lots 5 cents per sack ^ leas. All fully guaranteed. W. A. CRISTT, Tho Flour, Feed and Coal Dealer M. O'BRIEN, HOUSE & CABSMESFAINTIB o,,nKa8&., tw. McHENRz\ ILLINOIS. All work promptly done and satisfac­ tion gnaranteed. Shop over Hanperisch'a Blacksmith Shop. Gi,ve me a call. M. O'BRIEN, McHenry, May 24,1892. BOOTS ̂SHOES. Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEECO , New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer for them, if he does not keep them send to us for an illustrated descriptive list. C. Jf. FARGO & CO., Chicago. For Sale by SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry* STOVES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS i O R S T O V E S , Our Fall Stock is Here. The largest and finest assortment of Coal and Wood Beaters, Cook Stoves and Ranges ever seen in town. The world renowned Howe Ventilators, asserted by the highest authorities to be the only correct Ventil­ ating stoves con str acted, for the promotion of health by perfect ventilation, and for greatest economy in the use ot fuel. A complete line of tbe lemons Pcniutula Steve the most popular stove in the market. A written guarantee with every stove. A full line of Gold (Join Heaters tor woodftod 6Qid. The best stove fcr the price yet produced. We will take your old stoves in exchange for new ones, and allow you their full value. We will repair, polish, and put up your stove* on short notice and at reasonable prices. our stock of stoves. It will pay you. I STORY & McOMBER. Wm KoHenry. 111. im. E V ANSON & CO. ******* HENS LAY f« k '> . ' ŜD &BEP& .THEM HEALTHY * « M ' ' - f * : ' r • r- Try It. ' Fob Sajls vt C';- : . JOBOT SVANSON A CO. fe e Wen McHenry, IU. OH AS. KUHNEBT. Joboabargb. til. J.W.CBI8TY 4 SON, B'ngwood, 111. FBANK ROWEg£%4 f Hebron, III. W-J* ^ I - / Are you Cloaked P $3g"To be in Fashion. We all wear Cloaks, and those who are seeking style and price should call at once. WRAPS 'We submit a few honest st; for your inspection. CLOAKS IU WE SHALL OFFER WHICH C A N N O T A F F O R D Our Ser/ants He'er grumble, Our liffe n;s. c A * ** 't.j.. •!a"'"""fe" ^Guu cause of our R>r all sorts of cleaning It ne'er comes anpas. Made only by ' V7 • " -Vji, Aff N.K.FAIRBANK & Co. CHICAGOI >•* 11-', f* ' r*u. 1 - * - T SXDS 1 Has laid in the best and largest stock in the following lines of good» for Fall and Winter trade of 1892-3 that we have ever shown at one£ < ; time, to which we invite inspection. • Honest Goods at Living Priili; Is our motto. If you stop and think ior a moment you cannot helm " ~ but see that our expenses are lm* tb«n our «w»mw^||torp, stef ' thus enabled to give you lower prices on honest goods. We handler ^ ^ none but the best makes of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. In Leather^ - $ goods we can give you anything, from a child's light shoe up to aVxt man s strongest boot. In ladies' fine or heavy shoes we can show > you a larger assortment than you can find elsewhere, as we make the! :V"' shoe biisin«ss « specialty, Tho Woonsocket Uub'^i Boots ate ad the wearers, ^ nfUHl ^CLOTHING I CLOTHING I V As m the past [two years we are again in the lead this Fall and Overcoats for men and boys. We have bought and ar® op our counters one thousand dollars worth of new clothing, in ad-: ditionto our large stock now on hand. You cannot afford to bt»vP your fell and winter clothing without first looking us over. Hav#< handled the warranted not to rip Rockfbrd Overalls, Pants ancg Shirts with success in the past, and haye again placed our order for five hundred dollars worth of these goods. Call in and you cannot hei^ i^emg suited in thi§ lii$, . , GLOVES TENS. vPf-"'V r tr 4 \ ' 'ri A splendid assortment. Our Hosiery stock has also received itsl necessary attention. A full line ot cotton, fleece lined, woolen and^ ^ worsted Hose, in ladies' and children's sizes, , T 3! ' * : / • : : • vVr f.s. f ***&••••• • Jfr v- All sizes and kinds, double breasted and jdouble bark, in cotton and! woolen. ^P*Hats and Caps, Trunks and Traveling Bags. tSPFresh Groceries and the best Flonr for the least moneys always on hand. Yours as ever for business. •* 4', You will also nna our prices on regular stock to be lower than you are in the habit of buying, unless you are trading with us. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry JULIA A. STOBT J. W. CBISXY & SON. Ringwood, 111. •JUSTEN BROSj DKALBR IM With two stores, one on the West side and one oik the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public Of all kinds ot Furniture than ever before which we are offering at greatly .REDUCED PKICES FOW JS THE TIME TO BUY, Underwear, II Winter Garments, If Winter wear SHAWLS I We »1»o keep In stock a full line samples of CARPETS, and we can give yon anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prires tit an* oilier hooM la the ooanty. - J'sfr JACKETS ! THB BHOB SAIill I® open. $5,000 worth at 75 cents on the dollar. The Flour is Cheaper. r JOHN EV ANSON We Siave taken great pslos lu selecting oar UBD1BTAKH& SUFFLUS, Coffing Casket* and Trimmings of the lat­ est designs. Everything new- and elf. «ant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see us when In want la our line, JL Splendid ITew Se&rae. tn connect lon.whlch will be fnrnlthed at Reasonoble Rates. JUSTEN BROS. • '.4 *} •>' 'r* i •> ,.n « . >V&*r 1 ikM toil .. t I . <'">• t... . i >. t MOHenry, III., 1892. X , - rji* 1:: J ?;/?; i.h - y Jf v ' V,*' ^ • i*\ -*• '** * :<b' il 'S INIALBR XT' OHE DOOR WEST OP R1VEBSIDK HOUSE, MeBiwy.lll, s Medicine ••r• t|p| ~m-A FULL LIH*:OF-- Smi.neiicslL l)( Stnfll, Paints, OAs &Colom ̂ Constantly on band. Also a large line of Urtent Medicine*. Toilet ArticiflW. ' AMD A. C01IF1XTB STOCK OW TATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fhy«ioiaiw JPriWdrl|rtloii# Carefully and accuratey compounded by cist Your patronage is respectfully solicited, ; ' • •l i T JA STOliYi Hlverside Bloek, BIcHeniy, ON ttAND WITH A CL*AK, FRKSH STOCK OF I # ^ , Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Ca r Boots and Shoes, ft 11 no ise io make a noise about what you are going 4adflb «»., less you axe prepared to do it when the tims comes. ̂ 'mSM V ^ 1 Real Bargains of great value to every one of our customers. _ Stock i" in d«nartm«nt anH mmnricM EversriMng usually Kept in a mmnl Hmk Call and look us over, whether yon wish to buy or nof. 9%*' • " r v V - ' ' » f >L . - Va/S. , V ' : JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, III., 18i)2, , ) . a'I.*', r'm'i ' . I- - \ . ' ' '*>< - '• s -f; t & i T - ̂ -.t' •'2 - / : . . . . , i . - - ' i . i t-Mk- ' • r, 4': L krt^ tv m" •#. a®

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