Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1892, p. 5

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Wr ur}M^p$i\ hZr** «V/4 NE8DAY, NOV. 9, 189®. :'%MMM»R, N*V, ETNU; I (fall Atettee aa follows: ekMMKwmnb-- - 2.1 y iri snev* Kt fXSMMl ©nnevn \ 'fibaee Gaaev* Si *t*ke Ueoeva Jjj mi. •••wan " •*" r, 9:J£ A M e^uro aooTR ...7 33 A.M. . ,d-»s » .13(1 P M. ,9m . ",../ 3SS5 «X"^WA«W. .W-i".^V' • patly except Sunday. • _•'• f NM»rionly. Daily. S. BtffS. Agon*. MsBsarv, ill MASO*IO. •oBirar LOTKJK, W<>. m A. r. im A. M.- Begnlar Oommanicati">na the second ud fourth Mondays in each month. W. A. Cuwr. W. M. | * •>!.: - rt',„»>; ,t. . -J'"' ^115?®!^' BijJwi 1W 6Wl«H! WM. WAtM«t»FET Sunday witkfrirtids Chicago Opera House fell on the 206th in Elgin. j BAY OWES was shaking hatdsaHh friends ben* the first of the week. , MRS. J. P. Goren cauie oat from Chica­ go on Saturday. She exprcta to remain 1 here for the next few months. 1>R. OSBORNE and family moved to Chi­ cago this week where the Doctor will practice his profession. and last performance of "AH BabaV remarkable run la Chicago. Thi« is a record that had never been equaled b,? any organiz ttion playing west of New York City. The final |ierforman'ee watt a gula night. The house, a* hits beeu the case throughout the run, was pucked to the doors, and the demonstrations of the aifdience wer-* in the measure of a most enthusiastic farewell. The occasiou was Miss LORETTO WALSH went to Green- | further signalized by the tirst appearance wood on Monday, where she is engaged J of a new drop curtain by Frederick Dan­ te teach school the coming winter. gorfield, the scenic artist of the house. F CHET. HOWARD reports the arrival of a Immediately after the performance the lftGHfiSNKT CHAPTER U. D. 6BDBa Of THE EASTERN STAB. Regular Meetings the First sad Third Wed. tiftl** e*onla53 of mptt monlil> *l Maeonlc J nr,rA A. f TORT, Worthy Matron, .... llM. BAUBA&A VAW SLtKB, Secretary. Evanson's Friday Sale. / C. H. PARKS is building A fine residence / on the lot lately purchased of W. A. t^JCrfsty, east of the Pickle Factory. THE Rev. C. W. Fletcher will deliver a Temperance Lecture at the City Hall, oi Holiday evening, Nov. 12 R. READ the notice in aoother column the Auction Sale of stock, farming tool etc., by F. L. Cam Rmjwoml, to t#.k® place onSaturday next, Nov. 12. •>. THE auction of a car of cows, advertis- : «a to take place at the stock yards, near the depot, on Saturday last, failed to . come off. Cause, want of buyers. Jto believe there were seventeen bal­ lots cast by women, for Trustees of the University of Illinois, on Tuesday in this village. THE Thanksgiving Party, at the River­ side House, Nov. 24, promises to be a int and enjoyable affair. Slocum's Full Orchestra will funish music. Ye 4$ncing public should bear this in mind. ; ALL those looking for bargains and *knne of the finest Jersey stock in <his flection of the country, should not fail to Attend the auction of F. L. Carr, at Blngwood, on Saturday of this sreek. The Boston girl never hollers "hello" at the mouth of the telephone. She sim­ ply says as she puts the receiver to her ear:"I take the liberty of addressing you via a Wire surcharged with electricity. THE tickets for the Thanksgiving Party, at Heimer's New Hall, Nov 24, have been issued, and a general good time may be expected. Smith's Orches­ tra will furnish music. ' IF A. A. Arnold or Allen Arnold, who Worked for some farmer in this vicinity last winter, will call at this office he will learn something to his advantage. Or U uaable to corns here send your address. ' C. GIUMOLHA left on our table on Tues­ day, an apple which he put into his cel­ lar a year ago this fall, which is as sound aa the day it was picked. Mr. Qrimolby has the knack of keeping apples fresh for a long time, known to but few. DR. A. G. AURINGER has arrived, has moved into the house lately vacated by Dr. Osborne, occupiee the office of Dr. Childs on the West Side, and is ready to attend to cattfe Read his c»id is another 4qffimn. fine boy, at his residence, on Tuesday ^evening and is correspondingly happy. D®. H. T. BROWN and wife, who have been sojourning in the city for the past six weeks, returned to their hone in tills village to-day, Wednesday. J. H. JOHNSON and Daniel Bing, of Woodstock, and Samuel Lincoln, of Hartland, were electioneering on o« streets one day last week. THE Chautauqua Beading Circle will meet with Miss Amy C. Owen, on Thursday evening, Nov. 10, at S o'clock. Miss JULIA A. Srosr, President, Mtss Am O Own. HecyeUry. THE ladies of the Willing Workers So­ ciety connected with the Univeraalist Church, will meet with Mrs. E. M, Owen, on Thursday afternoon of this week. Mus. 0. N. OWEN, Secretary. DB A. £. At RINGER has moved into the residence formerly ocsupied by me and 1 take pleasure in recommending him to my patrons. DB. WM. OSBORNE. REPORT of West Side School, McHenry, Illinois. . > j No. day taught........ 20 No. pupils enrolled.........«»;,..„,............55 Average daily attendance 48 ETTA S. KITTLE, Teacher. . LIST of letters remaining unclaimed in this office, Nov. 1,1892. J. L. Barlow, Mies Ida Kermer, Torel Kallas, Frank H. DeLaney. In calling for the above please say they are advertised. , * 4 0. N. OWEN, P. If. LACK of self confidence is often the cause of failure. Many men seem to have no faith in themselves, consequently no assertiveness, no independence, nojpluck and no push. They seem to be afraid to stand up and speak out for themselves, and prefer to lean on others. Poverty in such cases is inevitable. WORKMEN engaged in digging gravel rat Haeger's hill, near Dundee, last week broke into an Indian burial mound anil unearthed the skeletons of 14 persons! tome being children. They were founch in one heap, evidently all having been buried at the same time'. MEW method of counting the words |n a telegram has gone into effect on the Western Union and Postal telegraph lines. Under the new rules telegrams will fee cheaper. Single letters, fignres and signs, instead of being counted M a word, will be grouped, and three count ;;||| as a word. IN general terms it may be said that four classes of men carry weapons con­ cealed upon their persons. They are officers of the law who need them to en­ force obedience to authority; criminals^ who make use of them for defense, or in perpetrating outrages upon society; fools who think it smart to go around like a cowboy; and bullies who need a drink of whiskey and a revolver to give them the courage which nature has de- 7"ed them. DR. WM. OSBORNE, who has had a successful practice in this village for the past four and a half years, has concluded to make a change, and removed the first of the week, with bis family, to Chicago, Where be will practice his profession. Dttt'inf^his residence here the Doctor has made many warm friends, professionally and otheryise, who will much regret his decision to remove from Our midst, while his family has won a place in social circles that it will be hard to fill. The be«t wishes of this community go with the Doctor and*bis family in their new home. j ON Saturday evening last the many friends of Loretto Walsh gave her a very pleasant surprise at her home, south of this village. The evening wa« spent playing various games until about 11 o'clock when the company adjourned to the dining room where they found a bountiful supper laid. After supper they returned to the parlor for about an hour then started for home, all feeling that they had spent a verv pleasant evening not soon to be forgotten. > ONE WHO WAS THESE. company, numbering 115 people, and all the cumbersome accesuries of the "All Baba" spectacle were loaded on a special train and started for St. Louis, where the piece will be given for one week, when it will continue its tour west, v0n Sun­ day night a large audience witnessed the opening performance of Prioirose & West's minstrels, and the indications are that the attendance will be large throughout the engagement. The corn- company is the biggest and strongest that these popular purveyors of min- sirelny have ever takes upon the road. A most acceptable feature of the per­ formance is its first part, consisting of a burlesque of the popular opera "Mikado" New songs and plenty of side-splitting gags, not nearly so shop-worn as one usually expects in a minstrel show, add to the attractiveness of the performance. On Thursday, Nov. 10, the sate o| seats will be opened for the Potter-Bellew per­ formances of Zola's realistic drama, "Thereee Haquin." EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--I wish to ask for a small spacevin your paper to ask a few pertinent questions. No man in the village of McHenry likes better to see the boys enjoy themselves and have a good time, in alegiiimate manner, than we do, but when it comes to destroying prop­ erty and wilfully annoying our citizens we think it is going a little too far. Now the question we wish to ask is this: Are our village authorities doing their duty when they allow such disgraceful proceed­ ings as occurred in our midst on Hallow­ een night to go unrebuked ? We can laugh at a joke, but when property is destroyed, carried away or stolen, right under the very eyes and it would almost look as if by the countenance of our offi­ cers, it is high time something was done to punish the offenders and put a stop to acts to this kind in the future. Our citizenshave rights which thesehoodlums should be made to respect, and the quicker is doaeihe better for all. AN OLD BWHOEIWV A BREAD making machine, which Hie dough in at one end and turns out perfectly baked loaves at the other, has been invented, and it is now possible for .•young husband to have good bread Without sending for his wife's mother. ••%i time, Itd-fashi for h >EVEB tfoeaofa snoct) gesuoB •Ares are qrhieh a may give him good n pies withoutsend- ndmother. or when ly ing upon our back to the light Attend to your di­ rk longer than two ing your eyes and ve minutes. If your them in water to and a little brandy ng public should note the time table 6f the C. & N found at the head of this [1 be seen that they haye regular Sunday train, pass- on, going south at 7:33 A going north at 5:16 p. M our citizens who wish id «hurch in Chicago and time for tea. fnaan from Chicago, who was i the Lakes, stopping at Ben > was shot through the flashy i right arm by the premature 1 his gun, on Saturday morn. | As usual in such eases be was the gun from the boat by the hen the hammer caught on the the result above stated. Dr. the wound and he depart* home disgusted with gun* and f generally. %r .L'... Bul Estate Transfers. Recorded up to and including Oct/ 29. APnis W Pnimetlfr a"d ha* lo P Fitz geralil, sfjtf (ve of h\) and snJi sec '27 rt'tten (>70H) ..... ... . ..1(000 00 M Dugeiietai to il Deg*n lot 4 Johns l>n reh .. 1900 00 C Boiand to T Ft Leonard nw G rds It 9 blt4, Plutwn' mfn Or;«Ut Lake . 600 CO Ma&dilina Schmidt and hua to 6 IK Her<tk otz, ail wjtf swjf see 21 s of hy Greenwood. .. till '0 M W Hunt nGW Young, It 2 blk 18, «-a k laud Com 8 00 J O Choate to same, it fi Ulk IS Oakland fie.i» 40 00 S K Bitrth 1 mew ard w to S Rowland it blk 3 M 1 H a<ln Marengo . ISO 00 Same to J T Belden It 5 ilk 2M IS adn Mareiifn-- ISO U0 Same to Phebe J McDowell It 5 bile 12 •ud It 2 blk l'l Mm-enpro . .. ... 300 Same to * Mellow ell It f> blk 3 Afarergo WO 00 •anit) to H MHtowell it i • U 4M*r«npo ISO 0V K It More« nml w t>> W Mf Oto k, l Si n w M n e M t e r , ' I S C < « " > ! . . . 2 5 0 0 0 9 C W erntmm and w to T Smith 6 Ola in* K>e St J.nd 27 M 604 00 W Vadsy to Emily Va»ey fir by lOr In nw cor H Si H88r« pit eec .HO Mar. n« • 1709 00 Mary A Teepl* to E vi-a T Snlth IC6# t i n u X v v ; < j s e e 6 O a r n l 7 4 f # 0 0 Mtrtha uoi kcli ana hus to T S Riley it 8 bib 5 -tpnneerV 2d adn Marengo .. 400 00 O Lewin and w to R &u .rcwn iml w It 8 blk 47 llaruard 180 0U M*rgaret Wulia. e to »TI Fitch Its land 2 ' Ik 1 M<"Henry (w of ry) 280 00 tt K Todd to > ili oik li Mansfield's adn vVoofislock 81000 Same to same Us 81 and 10 pit and pt b'k li Man«fleldsa In Woo'ld'ocfe,.1®© 06 00 N Rosing to D T "milov Its 2 and « Ro». logs subdluoffrlcej^ »ec 17 McHenry 400 00 • Little Things Worth Knowiay. Do you know that you can drive nails into hard wood without bending them yon dip them first in lard? That corks wanned in oil make excell­ ent substitutes lor glass stoppers? That a lump of camphor in yonr clothes-ppess will keep steel ornaments from tarnishing ? That stale bread will clean kid gloves? That bread crumbe cleanse silk gowns? That milk, applied onee a week with a soft cloth, freshens and preserves boots and shoes? That gloves can be cleaned at home by rubbing with gasoline? . That weak spots In a black silk waist may be strengthened by "sticking" court piaster underneath? That tooth powder is an excellent cleanser for fine filagree jewelry ? That a little vaseline rubbed in once a day, will keep the hands from chapping? Kfew Cook Book Free. The Price Baking Powder Co.,Chicago, has just published its new cook book, called "Table and Kitchen," compiled with great care. Besides containing over 500 receipts for all kinds of pastry and home cookery, there are valuable hints for the table and l^itchen, showing how to set a table, how to enter a dining room, etc., a hundred and one hints in every branch of the culinary art. Cook­ ery of the very finest and richest as well as that of most economical and home like is provided for. "Table and Kitchen" will be sent post­ age prepaid to any lady patron sending her address, (name, town and state) plainly given. Postal card is as good as letter. Address Price Baking Powder Co., 184, 186 and 188 Michigan street, Chicago, III. (Mention if desired in German ) , BOY WANTED. , ( A fiby1 Wanted to do chores his board and go to school. Any boy want­ ing such a place can apply to BRADFORD Suittu Nnitda I'om, fin mfcts on thn t«M«ond an*' tonrtli Tuesday fvemngMd em-.h m-Hitfe in U A. It. Hmil. »^uir«>»r-8 fmiinnhfr Postf arot'ortii .lly invited to visit P"»i iinTtniff*. W. ST. Cl.MH, COHHilltltder. IV K. I'KIUKKT AdJ taut Miss Anniw Morse spent Thursday With Miss Clara Beckle.y. Miss May Hamilton spent a few days of last week at Algonquin. Mrs. Sarah Wilcox is visiting In King- wood. ....... Miss Georgia St. Hair spent a few days of last week iu the city. G. L. Gardner has moved into Mrs. James Smith's house for tha winter. L. D. Lincoln, of McHenry, was iu town laht Thursday. Ernest, BeartMey and family, of Kan­ sas, are visiting fiieudtt in Nunda. A reception and pound social will be tendered Rev. Plum and family, Wednes­ day evening of this week. Chas Lindecrona spent Sunday with friends in Nanda. ^ I. A. Chase and family have U'ttNuntfa. Mr. Corl and family will move into the house lately vacated by I. A. Chase. The last rally of the campaign, which was held at JMunda Monday evening was lai^ly attended. Three good speeches were delivered. Miss Leila St. Clalp k at Mrs. Frank Smith's. Mrs. Smith visited bar brother at Woodstock Tuesday, . ' W A N T E D . • Anyone having a good farm to rent on shares, with stock and farming tools, will learn of a.respoueible tenant by in­ quiring at this office. Auction Sale of Trotting Bred Horses. F. J. Ayers, proprietor of Ayer's Stock Farm, Burlington, Wis., will have an auction sale of trotting-bred stock at his barns in Burlington, on Tuesday, Novem­ ber 15,1892. Fifty-two head are to be sold, mostly the produce of Swigert,650, and well-bred brood mares in foal to Swigert, 650. For full particulars send to the above address for a catalogue containing pedigree and description of the stock to be sold. 'v. THANKSGIVING PAHTT. Yourself and lady are cordially invited to attend a Thanksgiving Party, at Heimer's New Hall, McHenry, 111.,Thurs­ day evening, Isov. 24. Floor Managers, J. j. Barbian, John J. Bishop. Music, Smith's Orchestra. Tickets, 75 cents. >' n Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. p - - --------. Whom it Xay Concern. This is to certify that having separat­ ed from my wife, Mary Jane Jones, I forbid anyone trusting her on my ac­ count. * ROBERT JONES Dated Nov. 9, 1892. DB. NORTON'S BOOKS. By his request Dr. Norton's books of account have been placed in the hands of H C. Mead, West McHenry, (or collec» tion,and all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the doctor will please settle with Mr. Mead and greatly oblige his bereaved mother MRS. AUGUSTA NORTON. WANTED.--Salesmen, Local and Trav­ eling, to represent our well known house. You need no capital to represent a firm that warrants nursery stock first-class and true to name. Work all the year, f 100 per month to the right man. Ap­ ply quick, state age. L. L. May & Co., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St. Paul, Minn. This house is responsible. 0-8w Our "special values" nave prices at­ tached which will sell them. Some one will buy them and they will save money by so doing. You should get your por­ tion of such nape. J. ̂ W. {jrie ty A SOB Bingwood. ALGONQUIN. . .-/'ID', of Chicago, and W«a»k Spitz^r, of Woodstock, addressed the Re­ publicans of Algonquin, at Columbia Hall, on Tuesday evening of last week, but there was not a very large turnout on account of the weather. Our Marching Club attended the Re­ publican rally at Cary on Friday even­ ing of last week. They reported a very pleasant time. IF you are looking lor Bargains go to John Peter, at hiB new store, where you will find everything usually found in a gCHvT£»I store. Christ Frank moved into hie new house last week. Our dairymen are shipping about 300 cans of milk daily to the Carpentersville condencery. It goes down on the 11:35 train and the empty cans come back on the 2:25 train. J D. Reyes and family returned home on Sunday last after a weeks visit in Chicago. Wm. Glacier has been quite sick for the past few days. A fine liue of Dress Goods, latest pat­ terns, at John Peter's. Died, at the home of his parents, in this village, of typhoid fever, Fred Peno, aged 27 years. The funeral was held at the German Lutheran church on Tues­ day, at 1 o'clock, and the remains were ioterred in our cemetery. The remains of Johji Kutchera were interred in our cemetery on Monday of this week. Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoea, Glove and Mittens, all first class and at bottom prices, at John Jeter's. J. Van Slyket of the PLAINDEALER. was a caller in town on Monday of this week. H. Keyes has his new house nearly ready to move into. Wm. Morton, of Elgin, was a caller in town on Monday of this week; Before yon buy your underwear call at John Peter's and see the fine line he has just received, at prices from 50 cents up, Election day passed ofi very quietly here, the weather being fine but pretty cold in the morning, it being the coldest night of the season. Before buying your fall and winter goode call and examine goods and get our prices on gloves, mittnis, hate, un derwefr, hosiery, overcoats. It would also pay yon to look over our stock of men's, boys', ladies', misses and^hil- Jdren's shoes, rubbers, etc. ? JOHN PETER. . - -- ' AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion on the premises of Mrs. Mary A. Dodge, in the village of Ringwood, on Saturday, Nov. 12, commencing at 1:30 L» M sharp: 1 foil blond Jersey cow, Alzina 2d, 55575 A. H.,4 high grade Jer­ seys, ev*ry one being a choice cow, 2 Jer- wy heifer calves one % and one 15-16 blood, I full blood Jersey bull, Roderick P. reg. A. M., and the dam and sire of Imp. st"ck. Roderick P. is 4 years old and is a sure sire and a tractable animal. He won first pretnium at Woodstock Fair. Also a lot of farming tools, household fnrriitun1, bay, cornstalks,etc. I shall also offer at private sale on the above date one Typhoon mare, 6 years old. sure in foMl by George O. "Mamie" was raised by J. O. Coulraan, of Rich­ mond, and her dam has produced' only first class stock. She was driven by Mr. C. in lesH than 3 minutes as a three year old. and has never been tracked since. I will guarantee the mare if sold. We have room to sell under cover, and unless the weather should be very stormy the sale will be positive and without reserve. TERMS --Sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sura a credit of 1 year on ap­ proved notes at 6 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cush. No property to be removed until settled for. P. l.CASR. VIK GRAKQER, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned having rented hisfarm, will sell at Public Auction on tbe premises miles East of McHenry, and 2 milps Northwest of Volo, Tuesday,Nov. 15, '92 Commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M., the fol­ lowing, 22 head of stock, 15 cows, 8 are coming iu first part of winter and some in the fall. 5 2 year heifers, 1 Bull 2 years old, 1 bull 3 years old, 1 gray team work horses, 1 brown horse 4-years old, 1 brown horse 7-years old, 1 2 year old colt, 1 mare colt, 1 year old iu spring, 60 head of sheep, 4 sows, 13 pigs 3 m old, about 150 chickens, 2 empire self binders, 1 pulverizer, 1 Manny mower, 1 kirby reaper, 1 prairie seeder, corn culi- vator, hand cultivator, 3 drags, 1 sulky plow, 2 hand plows, 1 vandivere corn planter, two-wheeled road ecraper, truck wagon, lumber wagon, hay rack, horse rake, set bob ploighs, ice rack hog rack, double seated platform buggy, single bug. gy. buggy pole, cutter, fanning raHl, Fairbanks scale, corn sheller, grindstone, hog scalding trough, kettle, ice tools, outfit of blacksmith tools, 2 set dbl har­ ness, 2 sets single harness, milk tank, 4 milk cans, 8 cream cans, 2 butterchurns, 50 tons hay in barn, 600 bushels oats, 46 bushel spring wheat, 52 bushel winter wheat 27 bushels buckwheat, 1 crib of corn and ^quantity of corn stalks, quan­ tity corn iu shock, 1 cook stove, 1 heat- insr stove, and other houwhold furniture. TERMS--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of 1 year will be given on approved notes at 6 per cen t interest. 2 per cent off for cash. Free luueh at Noon. PETER MILLER. F K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. I. Tbe undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion, on the Richard Givens farm, three miles southeast of McHenry, on the river road, ou Tuesday, N«»v. 2«. Io02, com­ mencing at 10 o'clock the following property: 18 cows, new milch and springers, 5 2-year-old heifers, coming in iu spring, 1 2-year-old bull, 1 yearling bull. 1 span Morgan mares 11 and 12 years old, 1 bs^y mare 4 years old, 1 sor­ rel horse 5 yean old, 2 walking plows, 1 breaking plow, 1 drag, 1 cultivator, 1 pair bob sleighs, and other articles not mentioned. Free lunch at noon. TKRMS.--Sums of $ 10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be given on approved notes at 7 per oeut. CHAS. (IIVKNM. F. K. GRANGES, Auctioneer. Fair dealing and lowest prices have earned our present tr*de and by follow­ ing in the same course aud improving every opportunity to lower our present low price?* we expect to increase our trade. Call in and see how it operates. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. For lame back there is nothing better than to saturate a fiauiiel cloth with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on the affected parts. Try it aud you will be surprised at the prompt relief it af­ fords. The same treatment wiil cure rheumatism. For sale by G. W. Besley, West Mc tieury. J. A. 'Barrus, Voiq. L. N. Fsnne, Wauconda. 1/ • FOR SALE! The steamer "Mary Griswold"at about one-third her value. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. . _ . MONEY TO LOA#-;;/^ Two thousand dollars to loan on good rcai estate security, for a term of three or five years, to suit borrower. For particulars inquire at this office. Kww PIGS FOR SALE. V I have a fine lot of Boar Pigs for sale. They are from Hunt's best strain and all eligible to register. I«w2 WM. A. SAYLOB. ' BUBIIHKW Notice*. DRESSMAKING. MRS. TABOR has taken rooms at the residence of Mrs. L. Stoddard, in this village, where she is prepared to do Dress Making on short notice and in a satisfactory manner, Tbe ladies are in­ vited to call. 16w3 Our stock of gloves and mittens is com­ plete and we can offer you inducements that should influence you to buy of us. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Yourinterests and ours are mutual. We put in our hardest work and use our best judgment, in buying goods that will give our customers the best service, for it is in the satisfaction rendered in present deals that we hope to increase our future trade. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. FOR SALE OR RENT. A good house, situated in the village of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also house containing ten rooms. A barn, well and cistern on the premises. Also a building, 12x32, containing two rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop. Pos­ session given at once. Apply to WESUEY LABS. Ringwood, Oct. 17,1892. C«#imOQ«M. A. Stoijr'K FARMS FOR RENTI One hundred and twenty acres, a mile and a half east of Richmond. Good house and barn. Stanchions for 22 head of cattle. Also 255 acres quarter mile south of Richmond. First class buildings, and 42 milch cows left on the place. Farms will be rented on shares or for caeb, to suit tenants. Splendid water supply on each place. For further par. ticularn apply to or address 16tf MICHAEL GREELEY, Richmond, III. FRIDAYS AT EVANSON'S STORE. Many people have superstitious ideas concerning Fridays and undoubtedly some are well founded. Much good and likewise mmy evil deeds have been re­ corded on Fridays. No matter, we mean hereafter to make Fridays at our store a sort of "clearing house" day, a special bargain day, when odds and ends to­ gether with such other merchandise as we deem in our judgment proper, shall be converted into cash quick. We invite you and urge you in the strongest terms possible to take advantage of this sale as it will surely result in mutual benefit. The first Friday bargain sale is Nov. 11* The principal feature of this day will be Underwear, Sheeting. Prints, Cloaks, Overcoats. Yours Truly, JOHN EVANSON ft Co. Evanson's Friday Sale V-I'M, FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned Executor of the estate of John Freund. deceased, will offer- for sale, at Public Auction, on Thursday, Nov. 17th, 1892, the farm of the said deceased, situated one' mile northwest of Johnsburgh, and three miles north of McHenry, consisting of 232 acres. Some timber aud balance under good state of cultivation. Terms made known on day of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. JOHN HUEMANN, Executor. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. Dated Oct. 17,1892. 1^5. FLOUR REDUCTIONS. £ We have just received another carload of Chick's famous Rock ford Flour, all made from old wheat, which we offer by the sack at the following low prices, with a full warrantee. Honest Abe $ 1 00 Rival 1 00 New Process 115 Roller Straight 120 Half Patent 126 New Method 1 80 PiHsbury's Btet 1 35 Now is the time to buy of SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry. Evanson's Friday Sale. FOUR good Heating Stoves for Sale Will be sold for half price. Inquire of E. Lawlus. ' Do you want Boots and Shoes? Go to Evanson's Shoe sale. $5000 worth to be sold at 75c on the dollar. Evanson's store invites your inspection. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate o A. H. Hanly, either by Note, Book Account, at the Mill or on the Farm, are requested to call and set­ tle the same without delay. Do not wait for a second notice, as delays are danger­ ous. Mas. SUSAN HANLY. 9iul « '• Administratrix. It wilt pay to travel a few miles for the purpose of buying shoes at Evanmn's. f5000 worth to be sold at 75con the dol­ lar. Buy a stove of Story & McOmber and get a % life size crayon portrait of your- self FREE. You should see the "special values'* we are offering, but don't buy unless your judgment tells you it is for your intetetft. J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. GENTS. ^ II you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do you a splendid job. Do NOT forget if yon want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. Too many Ginghams. We offer them Saturday, to clean up, at 5 cents per yard. Other bargains also await you. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Customers are pleased with the appear­ ance of Evanston's store. Plenty of merchandise, every comer is full. The flour house is full of best Washburn's superlative Gold Medal, at $ 1.80 par sack. MRS. ROWLANDS & ST. CLAIR, MILLINERS, OF NITNDA, III. have a large assortment of trimmed Hats and Bon­ nets, ot thelatest styles and prices sur­ prisingly low. La<lies please come and see. * 14w3 Hairine for Sale Welwvfe a 20-borse power, FbrtabW Eugind for ssio* Is in tirst-cidss running order and almost as good as new. Will be sold reasonable, if called for soon. HANLY ft SONS. itefMfj New Cloaks, New Jackets, Fall Overcoats Clothing, INSURE YOUR H ARD-EARNED PROP ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks on hisUoob|alltime. ' <3ENTt» r V1 CaTl fti anfl soe the sample the Royal Tailors of Chicago, first class in every respect. Good goods, lowest Erices. A fit warranted or no sale. Ed >awlus, in front of Riverside Hotel, Mc­ Henry, HI. Over 200 new, stylish garments, for Ladies, Misses and Childrens' wear Consisting of Jackets, Saques, Cape coats, Newmarkets, etc., just received and now on sale. See our elegant styles, colors and trimmings. Prices way down to satisfy calamity howlers. Only at SIMON STOFFEL'S. Julia •. Story's Xjoofcla. You will save money by buying Cas- earia for children. 1440 drops for Same price as 900 drops under the name of Castoria. We guarantee it. 'Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in­ stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, science teaches us to add Iodide of Potassium, Stillingia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle and pur­ ify your blood. Cactus Oil for sale at J. A. Story's. A new assortment of crockery, among which will be found new and beautiful de­ signs in chamber setts. A six piece sett, new shape and new decorations, onlv f3.00. A few beautiful designs left in our crockery list, of Fruit Plates at reduced prices, who will get them. A new and and complete line in station ery including card', invitations, box stationery, etc., just opened at J. A. Story's, Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal I ozeuges, if troubled with indigestion. J "rWel " ,< . -A- • . * w-Mg • • • :J » % ^r, 4 -4 We have received ih's week tbe 8>at Invoice of rur large Fell Cloak Heck, i he balance to follow »oon. We buy ol the best cloak house In ihe Wfat, *nd buying la la ge quantities for cish can clve you bottom prices en h!1 grades. We aiways carry a large stock, and the atyh-s, fit and workman­ ship of our garments are ahead of tdem all. Call and examine tbem before pure! asirg. ' Dress Goods. ,, . . . . We are showing some elegant pat* terns In Henriettas. Bedford Cords, Herges, Cashmeres, Flannels. Moha rs, Plaits Ac. Trimming* and ButMh• to match. Our fine Black Goods fet- ^ '&> •• **.« A traettnquality andprtee. NbERWEAR, 1 - i * " fe t*e time to fetrf:1 Is crowded full and ih* weather will seon force you to buy. Come where vou can select from a large variety la quality and price. We will give foa ihe best va!ues for voor money loo. •^PRICE'S fiP,alfl Bakin_ vCL^Powder MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes,Dr.Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. IJr. Price'a Coutaina ; No Ammonia, No Alum, - Or any other Adulterant. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Its Purity Has never been Questioned. 40 Years tHe Standard. i#' urt i» "meTIANKSBIVlB Tea A Dinner Setts. A lniiBtook of Orocki^-' ware, etc. JflST IN TIMS 10,000 yrds Standard Prints* Good styles, fast color*, ai 3 cents per yd , worth 5 to T. J. c. CHOATBI Woodstock. III. ' aaj a UTpn Wide awake workers every. (VHIl I tl# «rher« for "fiiepp's Photo graplrB of 'he World," the ftiexte^t book on fllironn'CI e*rl'•; •wstinK #100.000; retail for NH H I I N *3 26, eaMi or imualmieiU*; mam UIIJUL I U ninth illus rated rircnlars and terms frei*; flally outmit over 15'"> volumes. Agents wii<i wit snores $ M r, Thomas L. &HPHOT0GHAPflS»H'»» Woodier, O . in 40 minutes; Rev, J. How­ ard vltdi'OD, l.vonn N, Y., #101 'ii 7 hours; a .̂ ;rr.vT,,'?E£'.0F THE w ORLB on c-fdit. freight paid. A<ldre*8 " » "aJW ULOBK BIBLE PUBLISHING o , 723 nhestnut St Phila,, Pa, »r a <8 Dearborn ft,. Chisago. FOR SALE, For sale, at much less than its value, a farm of two hundred and forty acres of first class land, that will carry sixty cows. Said fa-m all under cultivation, and situated four miles from Woodstock and one and one-half miles from Frank* linville Factory. Terms to suit purchas­ er. *,^ H. STEWART, : MBtf i • vY Woodstock, IU. > v-' , hr- »i PENSIONS! The Disability Bill Is • Law Soldiers Disabled Sinoe Jkp War are Entitled' Dependent widow® anl jar«' te BI« d» perni ent wl oie sons die<i frt m t' e efforts of army re>vi<ee ar« irclud^d If you mish your claim -peeuily and successfully yrchK- ented, wWre's JAMC8 TANKER. Ute Mi*l«aias«retPsaatoMk CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS and we are putting In a fall line meet the demand. Suite of our fall overcoats ami suits arrived last week and this week more will come. We bought them rigtit and you shall have them at the rigtit price. Bring he% bn\8 In early and fit them out wlill»> »he «tore is fi L. in N»*ck Wear ana *tyllf>ta Hats we lead Our new goods io tl es« lines th! ^ Boots and Shoes* As heretofore our shelves are loaded wIMi the best HI a k AS of foot wear. *e guaian'e« io give the beat wear- »ng goods for the price, of any hooae • u ili*» cmtit rr. We #rc showing <otue -p»olal b»rgahi» lo fine (.fioes. In ho h Met/a MIMI Lidife* wear. Call and lu> -pect then*. ' "m liOW ABOUT PAIJSTt Ihin't f^|| in yiMir t*«mso paint-- ••J lliblsll, I'aiot and On* er« treiy •ow. at d n«*x». v«.»r y< u will undoubt­ edly have tu |wv a UIIKMI higher price. W v furry a full lltiM of Colors in the t>o8> Mlx»d Paintamad% aud It *||| w 'o paint now while prfoea are low. In '* sj? : ^ r#} * * 4v * P .M Si U r " • >'V1 i 'M ' 'i • ' V f t .. $ miW* -- We buy ever.- week and kcepour stock •* lrei»h atid cl* an. Oui large line of canned and ririi d fruits, bough', be'ore the rise ar* worked dowri io ibe l«»w- •-M living prices. We keep «.n lund 8weet Potatoes, Apples, Onions and other Vegetables and Prutia. ^ very truly, & Owen, V deneral Merchants. MoBlWIir, U&. , A. 111(11)II»,||I I I.I III I Ml n, I I^III !» Bank of linr, PERRY ft OWEN, Bankers. MoHENRY, - - BILLINOMk This Batik receive* bmtt and *ell* Ibreign and Domestic jSar> change* and does a General Banking Busineta, We endeavor to do all ibusint** em~ tnuted io ottr care in a manner amd upon (errns entirety Mttefwt&rff to «HT cu$tomer$ and re*pectfiU& softeft U| public patronage MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first etm? security Sfredal attemHm gfam feeesl tectums M JHrst Class Ocmsp i, Ymr* tpedtuB} N*IY * «moTAiv mumum*

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