Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1892, p. 5

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% *ms •*"**> \ 4L**3 SS*rV * • * 7 ^ y * ̂ y , ^ * * * ^ , y r f T iiiiHiiifii JSVjs i.'iaru V'V,. . \ *&'• IT'Ml «V:Ai <pS^ ;«':3« i r.\« WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1893. S*P: .. offset on °nn<lay, N< v, 6th, 1891. ins pus this statton as follows : ,F ?; OOIMO XORTB, t*Wltliams Bay Freight passes.... 9:IC A- M. :*Lake Geneva PuwnK<r " .... MB " :tL»ie unncvn Fsm«i^c< " 6:96 " 'LakeOenevaExpreaa " .... *:0Q •• ,.*L»ke titnm Passenger •* 0O1BQ SOUTH. f Passenger Depart ?l*ke Geneva Express *• *Willisms Bay frcifltt *• •Lake Ueaera Passenger •• EXFUNiTIOll ....7 33 A. M. ....8-28 " .. .1S0P M. ....8:26 " *&& "!«»»*' «"«<&•* •:#$ Daily except San Hp 9undays only. ;fs Daily... *lfev B. BtrsB, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. 158 A. r. and A. M.-_MOHLB»AR LODGK, SO. I ftegul&r Communications the second and tturlb Mondays ia euH month. H W. A. OHIBTT. W. M. ;' McUEMU CHAPTKR IT. D. ;"'OBDEK OK THK KASTERN STAB ISegaUr Meetings the First and Third Wed- aesasy evenings of each montn, at Masonic JCTU A. * TORT, Worthy Matron, MAUY L. VBBTWOETH, Secretary , 1 ' . 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. We are now making a systematic ef­ fort to collect the large amount due as ?BXSOXAI«. * Mas. S. KBJTXEDY Chicago visit on Monday. „ Da C. H. FEGERS paid a professional visit to Richmond on Tuesday. P. H. MCGKATU was a Chicago visitor on Sunday. FRANK McOMBEBand wife wer* Chicago visitors the first of the week. BEN ROBINSON, of Nutida, was nailing on friends here on Monday. CAL. LINCOLN, of Wayne, 111., was visit­ ing friends here a few days last week. C. B. CURTIS, of Elgin, was on our streets the first of the week. „ REV. H. ^LADE was on the sick list a few days last rfeek. Dn. E. Y. ANDERSON and wife, of Wood­ stock, were calling no friends here on Monday. HENRY MADDEN started for Jackson, "Tenn , last week, where he proposes to spend the winter. GLEN WAITE and wife, of Moskateen, Iowa, are visiting with friends in this vil­ lage, this week. Miss DORLKSCA GRASGKR;!* visiting ith friends in Oshkosh, Wis. She ex­ pects to be absent about two months. JOHN GREEN, of Chicago, was shaking hands with old friends here on Monday morning. HON. F. K. GRANGER was in attend­ ance at the meeting of the Board of Su­ pervisors, at Woodstock on M ond ay and Tuesday. • - ' . . _ .. , . / .Jons HEIMER has bought of the Owen °® "d if those in arrears, /Efitate the building now occnpied bv the who have heretofore thoughtlessly let i their subscriptions run, will give the mat-^L§idei^Jion. **• their earnest attention now, it will pd us much in our efforts. The amount to each is small but in the aggregate is large to us, and we need and must have the money in our business. We are now sanding out bills to every man in arrears, and if our subscribers will respond promptly it will save us the trouble and expense of sending a collector or calling around personally. But the money *we must have, and we have resolved to col­ lect all outstanding subscriptions be­ tween this and January 1st. Reader, if this means you send in your back dues at o&ce. If you are not coming to town iitndby mail. THE German Lutherans hare opeirea a school in their church on the West side. E are indebted to some friend for of Denver, Col. papers, just received. THE Board oi Supervisors were in ses- t Woodstock the first of the week. #, Happy and content is a home with "The Ro- .̂ jfiester," a lamp with the light of the morning. Catalogues,write RochesterLampCo.,NewYork. WORLD'S Fair Souvenir Half Dollars Una; be secured by leaving orders at the mk of McHenry, 111.* Price is $1 each. THE German Catholics, of this village, are contemplating the building of a new luroJ^here in the spriug. PHE G. A. R. Post elected officers for lie ensuing year at their meeting on Thursday evening last. H. C. Mead was Commander. Jos. HETMER and a party of hunters killed forty-two rabbits one day last week. Aiid it was a poor day for rabbits Post Office. We did not learn the THE Chautaqua Reading Circle will meet with Miss Juiia A. Story, on Thursday evening, Dec. 8, at 8 o'clock. Let there be a large attendance. Miss JULIA A. STO&T, President, M'88 AMY O OWKW. Secretary. . AN exchange, whose veracity we are not inclined to doubt says that a "blind man appeared in Aurora the other day with a placard on hie breast which read: 'I am blind, and the father of eight chil­ dren by a horrible accident. meet with JE are being treated to a spell of loudy, disagreeable weather, and unless f there is a change soon the roads will be [Sad, especially so for loaded teams. NEW advertisements can be found in ©ur paper to-day for Simon Stoffel, John XCvanson & Co., J. W. Cristy & Son, Dr. JTruth and Chas. H. Chase. Read them. •:S& OCB merchants are busy preparing for Jfhe Holiday Trade. We believe no town #lfa county, can show a finer line :"\#l Holiday Goods than can be found in . IfcHenry each year; AT the meeting of the Tillage Board, eld on Monday evening, the resignation f S. Kennedy, 'as Marshal for the East ide, was accepted and Geo. 8. Curtis was ited in his place. THE entertainment and supper yiven by the Willing Workers, at the City Hall, on Friday evening last, was, notwith­ standing the weather, well attended, and a very enjoyable affair. The receipts ere over |50. IWGL; TICKETS are being issued this week for T-f .^fihe Annual New Year's Party, to be held v ' ̂ Btt the Riverside House, J anuary 2,1893. X Slocum's Full Orchestra will furnish the 5^ 1 :«nusic and a regular old fashioned time $ 4 •; may be expected. J. V • INVITATIONS have been issued for a yjNew Year's Party, at Heimer's New Hall, ^'"'"Mc Henry House, for January 2d. ' <* .Smith's Orchestra, five pieces, with Harp ' accompaniment, will furnish the music. (v'^See notice in another column. THE Columbia Club will Mrs. J. C. Fitzsimmons, Wednesday, Dec­ ember 14th, at 2 P. M. PROGRAMME -- TOPIC GERM ANT. Art. Miss Story. Music and Literature Miss Amy Owen Notable Places Mrs. Frank Haule.v Historical Sketches Mrs. Geo. Smith Miss JOUA STORY, Pre*. { MRS GEO. SMITH, Secretary. ' MEN have various ways of carrying money. Butchers, grocers and bakers carry it in a crumbled wad. Bankers in nice, clean bills, laid in full length in a morocco pocketbook. Brokers always fold their bills twice. The young busi­ ness man carries his money in his vent pocket, the sporting man carries his in bis trousers pocke , while the editors carry theirs in other people's pockets. OCR readers will do us a favor and greatly benefit themselves by reading the advertising columns of the PLAIN DEALER and patronize the business men that ad­ vertise therein. The PLAINDEALER is a clean, newsy paper, circulating among a liberal and substantial class of people, commanding the patronage of all enter­ prising business men of McHenry. If you want to save uiouey patronize the business men th$,t invite you into their place of business through the columns of your home paper. WORK on the new Condencery, to W built at Algonquin, has been commenced^ and it is expected the building will be \ completed and ready for occupancy by February 1st. The building is to be 50x100 feet, the center 50 feet two -stories. The company who have talieta hold of this matter are perfectly reliable, and unl ke the traveling sharks do not ask a bonus, but are willing to invest their own money in a legitimate business like any other business men. This is indeed a boom for Algonquin and we congratulate them on their good for­ tune. A JoLUET physician declares that sleep iDg on the left side will cause one to have a bad taste in the mouth and will lead to dyspepsia. To corroberate bis theory he says: "All food enters and leaves the stomach on the right side, and hence sleeping on the left side soon after eating involves a sort of pumping operation which is anything but conductive to sound repose. The action of the heart is also interfered with considerably, and the lungs are unduly compressed. It is probable that lying on the back is the most natural positi&n, but few men can rest easily so, and hence it is best to cul­ tivate the habit of sleeping en the right side. It is very largely a matter of habit and the sooner it is acquired the better for the sleeper and the worse for the phy­ sician, or more probably for the patent medicine vender." YOUNG man there is one thing yon can­ not do. You can't make a success in life unless you work. Better men than you have tried it and failed. You can't loaf around street corners, smoke cigars, tell fonl stories, drink whisky and sponge on someone else without making a failure in life. You mast learn a trade or get into some honest business; if you don't you will be a chronic loafer, despised by all. There is no place in the world for loafers. The rij>e fruit is all at the top of the tree and you must climb if you get it; if you wait for it to fall at your feet you will never get it. Smarter men will jump up and pluck it. Move, do something no matter how small, it will be a starter. Help yourself and others will help you. There is no royal gate to success; toil, grit endurance, these are the requisites. Wake up and see what you can do. - *>>< B«al Sstate Trassfan. . . Recorded up to and including Nov. 28. N Srhnei<ier and « 10 P Mehrinsr. Us 8. *, 6 6. 7, 8, 9 and 10 Woodlawn I'ark. fl200 00 Navy Pa 'dockand h>ia to Strati Aan>i Kmi'v Pmidi.ct, lis 4, 6, 7 and rt blk 5, Pa dock'f K.r*n to Crystal Lak • 2000 00 August L (iraburn to EE RichttnU ft R C JAVI ett. Its 2 and 3 i^iies adn to Woo<l«to<-k . 128 00 O Thompson a d w to W Q Thompson It 5 oik 9, I awroDce 10 00 J N risnev to J ard O A Talbott, 7a in wX r* X sen II, Rile 4#0 78 OTO-pron to Delia Wallace wtf It 7 blk 3, A den. 600 00 T Ohampin and w to l.<izt 2, blk 16. Un'o- . 100 00 O 0> mt ,J0 « D Howe n»>4 ecjtf, end n» >i A«r 8 Murei g'" W0 00 M I Jostyn, master, to W Bodonetedt, n- X SP«- 6 Kilev 1700 00 O W Knhlnnk and w to J FT Hutka its Sand 4, blk 10, P umieigh'sa n to Al- gonqnln 9000 00 CHENRY Post 643 elected the follow ig officers last week: H. C. Mead, Com ander; A. Weber, S. V. C ; G. Rotber- mel, J. V. C.; C- Howard, Q. M.; Dr. Fegers, Surgeon: D. Parker, Chaplain; L. E. Bentett, O. D. ; Wm Schreiner, X). G. ^ EXECUTOR* SALE. The undersigned executors of the es­ tate of the late E M. Owen deacesed, will sell at Public Auction at the farm barn in the Village of McHenry, on Thursday, Der. 15th, 1892. at 12 o'clock, M.,sharp, the following: 14 cows new Milch and snringers, 2 heifers coming 3 years old, 2 heifers coming 2 yeurs old, 2 bulls' 3 and 4- years old, 13 pigs. 1 stack stalks, 1 stack straw, 20 tons tame hay, 10 tons upland hav, 300 bushels corn, 200 bunhels oats, 40 bushels wheat, 30 bu. barley, 1 feed cutter, 1 tank heater, 1 work horse 6 years old, 1 tigw mower nearly new, 1 top buggy, 1 brood mare standard bred, 1 daisy «*orn cutter, 1 set double harness, 2 set double bob sleds, and other goods not. mentioned. ^The E. M. Owen farm of 180 acres taftrent for cash. All sums of 0 and under cash, over that sum a credit of 8 mouths will be given on approved notes at 6 per cent interest. 2 per cent off for ca*h. No property to be removed until settled for. G. W. OWEN & O. N. OWEN Executors. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. A BARREL of Tacks for Five Cents, at Uncle Ben Gilbert's, on the West Side. ALGONQUIN. There were three cow sales hi town l*st week and as near as we can leant cows sold at a good price. J. Helm and Esq. Philp were in Chica­ go on Thursday last. Our creek bridge is completed and is a good one. Clothing, Hats and Cape. Boot? and Shoes, Gloves and Mittens, all first class and at bottom prices, at John Peter's. Our new saloon had a grand opening on Friday last. A male quartette, from Elgin, entertained the guests, and they had a fine lunch of roast turkey. Mr. Hula's boy was thrown from a a horse on Saturday last, and his head was quite badly cut. The Fancy Fair and Supper, beld by the ladies of St. Joho's Episcopal Church on Wednesday evening of last week, was a success both socially and financially. The proceeds of the evening were f 60, clear of all expenses. If you are looking for Bargains go to John Peter, at his new store, where you will find everything usually found in a general store. Miss Lottie Chandler, of Elgin, spent Sunday last here, the guest ot Miss Grace Peter. Misses Annie Kee, Grace White and Cora Jayues spent Saturday last at Elgin, Mi*s .Tenn?e Chapel is visiting with her brother Sherm, at Beloit, Wis. Miss Hubble, of Elgin, was the guest of Miss Annie Philp last week. I. V M<^ntayneand wife'of Elgin Sun- dayed here with .1. Helm. ' Mrs. Tom Mnushaw, of Cary, was the guest' qf Mrs. J. II. Philp last week. Beforayou buy your underwear call at John Peter's and see the fine line he has just received, at prices from 50 cents up. The bills are out for the All For Fun Pleasure Club, for their Christmas ball. A. Doig has bean on the sick list for the past few days Christ. Frank is going t<o build Todo Dodd's new house. He commences it this week. Before buying your fall and winter goods call and examine goods and get our prices on gloves, mittens, hats, un­ derwear, hosiery, overcoats. It would also pay you to look over our stock of men's, boys', ladies', misses and chil­ dren's shoes, rubbers, etc. JOHN PETER. Work commenced on our condencery on Monday. They had five teams and about a dozpn men at work grading down the sight and as soon as they can get ready the store will arrive so the masons can begin the foundation walls. They intend to drive it right along to completion. v A Sunday Salt. Mr. Constant Squabbler--What kind of a suit do you think I had better get for Sun tays? Mrs. C. S.--Wvil, if you want one to match your usual Sunday disposition, you had bettor get a pepper and salt •nit.--Exchange. FOR SALE. House and one acre of land, in this vil­ lage. House contains ten^oomn. There is a good barn, an abundance of small fruit. Is pleasantly located and will be sold cheap. Inquire of. * O. W. OWEN. Mc Henry, Nov. 22d, 1892. FARM FOR SALE. Consistiugof 120 acres, situated two miles Southwest of Volo. All under a good state of cultivation. There is a good German school at Volo. Terms reasonable. Inquire of R. G. SMITH. Dated Nov. 19fcu, 1892. li DB. NORTON'S BOOKS. By his request Dr. Norton's books of account have been placed in the hands of H. C. Mead, West McHenry, for collec­ tion, and all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the doctor will please settle with Mr. Mead and greatly oblige his bereaved mother • ^^'•MITA. AUGUSTA NORWMT. •pecial Notica. * * All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the late Dr. B. F. Norton, are earnestly requested to pay the same to H. C. Mead before Dec. 1st. By so doing you will confer a great favor upon hi bereaved mother. AUGUSTA E. NORTON. DENTKT.--Dr. W. E. Pileher, of Elgin, will be in West McHenry every Saturday Of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied by DRE. Childs and Norton, opposite the old Parker House place." FOR SALE. Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale. 1 breed none but the beet. Inquire of FRANK COLE. 20-3m Spring Grove, 111. Your choice of either a Towell Rack or Antique Oak Center Table with every jound of good Baking Powder, at John [. Story's. OVERCOATSj The largest stock of Overcoats in town at J. J. Miner's. Business Notices. Buy a stove of Story & McOmber and get a % life size crayon portrait of your­ self FREE. Font good Heating Stoves for Sale -- Will be sold for half (Mice. Inquire of E. Lawlus. «. NEW YEAR PARTY. Yourself and lady are cordially invited to attend a New Year's party at Heimer's new Hall, McHenry, III., Monday evening January 2, 1893. Floor Managers, J. Bishop, John J. Barbian. Music, Smith's Orchestra, with harp accompan­ iment. Tickets, 50 cents. Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. A SMALL boy in a Brooklyn grammar ' school has furnished the latest informa- -n i-. tion about girls, in a recent composition: f "Girls is pretty and afraid of guns. They S wear toe rubbers and look at the clouds id say, 'Oh, how perfickly lovely."--Ex. THE Marengo Postofflce "was entered ; by burglars on Tuesday morning of last week aud about $225 in money and stamps stolen. The safe was drilled and either dynamite or powder used to force it open. At last accounts no ^aw had : been obtained of the burglars. !AN exchange says "the new $o00 bill || is a fine specimen of the engravers art fa adorned by an excellent likenessbf Senator Sherman." We hope this is true. Nothing so irritates and unhorses us as to find in our pocket a f500 bill awkwardly engraved and disfigured by a chromo of a truly illustrious man. WE have issued Tickets this week for the " All for Fun Pleasure Club," of Al­ gonquin, who will give a Christmas Party, at Columbia Hall, in that village, on Friday evening, Dec. 23d. The music will be by Slocum's Full Orchestra, Con­ sisting of seven pieces, and the occasion promises to be one of the pleasanteet held in that village for many a day. The members of this Club are eminently suc­ cessful in getting up parties of this kind, and nothing will be left undone by the management on this occasion to make it a party long to be remembered with pleasure by all who attend. TICKETS have been issued for a Christ­ mas Party, to take place at tbeSwenson House, Wauconda, on Friday evening, December 23. The music will be by the new First Infantry Band, of Chicago, six pieces, with Albert E. Clark as musi­ cal director. This is said to be one of the finest Orchestras in Chicago, j^nd the dancing public should not fail to come out aud hear them. E. A. Golding will have sole charge of getting up the Supper for the occasion, which is a guar­ antee to all who attend that this part of the entertainment will not be lacking in any particular. Remember the date, Fri­ day evening, December 23. Go straight on and don't mind your enemies. If 1 hey get in your way walk round them regardless of their spite, celebrated character who was surround­ ed by enemies used to remark: "They are sparks, which, if you do not blow will go out themselves." "Live down preju dice," was the Iron Duke's motto. I^t this be your feeling while endea voring to live down the scandal of those who are bitter against yoit. If you stop to dis­ pute, you do but as they dtsire, and open tfie way for more abuse. Let the MASTIFF PUP LOST. Strayed from the undersigned a female Mastiff Pup. Any one knowing of her whereabouts will confer a favor by leav­ ing word at Owen's Warehouse, Mo- Henry. GEO. W. OWEN. Low Kates for the Holidays* On December 24, 25, 26 and 31, 1892, and on January 1 and 2, 1893, the Chi­ cago & North-Western R'y Co. will sell excursion tickets at very favorable rates. For tickets and further information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. 22 w4 Great Price Reductions will be made on all warm wintergoods, consisting in part of Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, Hosierv. Underwear, Hoods, Mittens, Robes," Horse Blankets, etc.. as we are fully determine to sell the bulk of above goods during December. SIMON STOFFEL PRICES THAT WIlL CLOSE Out at once our entire large stock of stylish and reliable ladies', misses' and children's Cloaks and Jackets, regardless of first coet or future profits. Come early as we mean business. SIMON STOFFEL. WANTED! Agents to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and orna­ mentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. MAY BROTHERS. Nurseryman. Rochester, N. Y. PIANOS TO RENT. Six Upright Pianos to Rent from now until June 1st, at half price. Inquire of O. W. OWEN. IA DUNDEE man went to bis wood shed, ~ the other day, to get his overshoes, and v v found a hen's nest in one of them. A V,*"' "ij correspondent says this is the only reo- J poor fellow talk--there will be a reaction * • ord where the covering of a Dundee foot if you do but perform your duty; and « as found large enough for the purpose, hundreds who were once alienated from W * Was the hea »,P^pouth you will fleck t^ joa, *i4 Leghorn? tWrerror. t' 200 Tons Corn Wanted! At the Highest Market Price. W. A; CRISTY, West McHenry, 111. Evanson'sspecial closing outbargains: Thomas Hardy's Methods. Tnoinas Hardy, the novelist, has been telling something about his home and method of work. If he turns out 3,000 words in a day he thinks he has done well. He usually begins work between 10 and 11, and writes until luncheon. He has never tried the typewriter, but he writes with copying ink, duplicating his MS. by the copying press, so as al­ ways to have a second copy of !hi» work. An Author Honored. The colored "womeh of New Orleans have sent Judge Tourgee a silk laprobe, of which the material has been grown, spun and made up and delicately em­ broidered by the women, as a token of their gratitude for Judge Tourgee's ef­ forts on behalf of their race. • measure of eagerness, and even of something very like impatience, is a pretty good characteristic of young peo­ ple. Boys and girls, young men and maidens, ought to be wise, but not with old men's wisdom. The only specimen of fossilized or pet­ rified cave man ever found in the United States was that discovered by an ex­ ploring party at Craighead cave, near Monroe, Tenn., in 1882. An electric incubator, in which the temperature of. the egg, drawer is auto­ matically regulated to the fiftieth of a degree Fahrenheit, has been exhibited In Liverpool. There is a sign on the entrance 'o a London cemetery which reads, "No ad­ mittance except on business," FOR SWEETNING. Look iu at Uncle Ben Gilbert's aod see a KETTLE RENDERED, DRY and LIGHT NEW ORLEANS SUGAR. The Purest Sugar in the world. $4.00 for 100 Pounds, or 22 lbs, for $1.00. The largest and beet assortment of Men's and Boy's Suits in town at J. J. Miller, s. One hundred and fifteen pairs of Bed Blankets, from 90 cents to $4.50 per pair at J ohn I. Story's. You should see the "special values" we are offering, but don't buy unless your judgment tells you it is for your interest, : J. W. Cristy & Son, Ring wood. GENTS. If you want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do you a splendid job. Do NOT forget if you want a first daw Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can' fix dates for you at this office. Our Shoe Stock was never more com­ pete. Ladies' and Children's Shoes rom 35 cents to $3. Men's and Boy's from $1 to $4.50 at John 1. Story's., FOR SALE! -- The steamer "Mary Griswold" at about one-third her value. Inquire at Bank of McHenry, Hrve you seen the line of Overcoats at J. Miller's? He will give you the best goods for the least money . One half dozen Silver Plated Teaspoons given away with every pound can of the Yale Baking Powder, at John I. Story's. Bagine tor Sale. We have a 20-horse power, Portable Engine for sale: Is in ilrst-claes running order and almost as good as new. Will l>O OAI^ reasonable if called for soon. « HANLY&SONB. Ladies call and look over new goods before purchasing your Holiday Pres­ ents. JOHN I. STORY. For pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus there .is nothing better than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and l)iarrha>a Remedy. For sale by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry; I. A. Barrus, Yolo; L. M. Fenne, Wauconda. FARM FOR RENT. Farm of 175 acres within one-half mile Of railway station, at McHenry, with large new barn and new house. Is one of the m«>Rt productive farms in the couuty and best located as a stock farm, Sonie choice lots for sale in West McHenry. Also rooms for rent. Inquire of O. N. Owen, at Bank of McHenry. A son of M. D. Pusser, a merchant oi Gibraltar,?*. C. was so badly afflicted with rheumatism for a year or more as to bo unable to work or go to school His father concluded to try Chamberlains Pain Balm on the boy. It soon cured him and he has since walked one and half miles to Rchool and back every day 50 cent bottles for sale by G. W. Besley West Mc Henry. J. A. Barrus, Volo !*».&.Fenne. Wauconda;, WARM GOODS TALK. Before you take cold walk right into the undersigneds place of business and look over those stacks of new, stylish ladies' misses' and children's Cloaks Wraps. Jackets, Saques, Newmarkets, in all sizes. The most fashionable colors and cuts, at the most agreeable prices, Our stock of Overcoats, Llothing, Flan­ nels, Blankets, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Mittens, Shawls, Footwear, etc., is first class in both style and assortment. Those in need of good Uuderwear should give us a timely call and save money and a bad cold. Don't be backward in com­ ing forward to trade with SIMON STOFFEL. OVERCOAT I ̂ ̂ -r'K* ' ^ le Is booming* and we are mablpg' the Telling -"ii •fi Prices! On them. We have a good stock ' to eelaet from, of th* ; <r LATEST KX8 To Whom it May Oonoern. This is to certify that having separat­ ed from my wife, Mary Jane Jones, I forbid anyone trusting her on my ac­ count. ROBBBT JONES. Dated Nov. 9, 1892. DRESSMAKING. Mas. TABOR has taken rooms at the residence of Mrs. L. Stoddard, in this village, where she is prepared to do Dress Making on short notice and in a satisfactory manner. The ladies are in­ vited to call. 16w3 INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 1200 risks on his books all the time. Do you want Boots and Shoes? Go to Evanson's Shoe sale. $5000 Worth to be sold at 75c on the dollar. Evanson's store invites your inspection. FLOUR REDUCTIONS. We have just received another carload of Chick's famous Rockford Flour, all made from old wheat, which we offer by the sack at the following low prices, with a full warrantee. Honest Abe Rival New Process. Roller Straight.. Half Patent New Method Pillsbury's Best ....; $1 00 1 00 115 120 125 : 1 30 135 Now is the time to buy of SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry. WANTED.--Salesmen, Local and Trav eling, to represent our well known house You need no capital to represent a firm that warrants nursery stock first-class and true to name. Work all the year $100 per month to the right man. Ap­ ply quick, state age. L. L. May & Co., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St. Paul, Minn. This house fa responsible. 9-8w Our stock of gloves and mittens is com­ plete and we can offer you inducements that should influence you to buy of us. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Shaker Flannel, 5c Tennis " 5c Cotton " 9c $4 Bed Blankets $3 1.25 " 95c 150 Shoes, $1 $ 6 Shawls. $4 50 14 " 11 12 Cloaks, 8 9 " 7 2 Shoes, 1 1 25 " 85c Come to the store it will pay yon JOHN EVAKSON ft Co. MRS. ROWLANDS & ST. CLAIR, MILLINERS, OF NUNDA. III. have a large assortment of trimmed Hats and Bon­ nets, ot the latest styles and prices sur­ prisingly low. Ladies please come and An honest Swede tells bis story as plain but unmistakable language for the ben«$t of the public. "One of my child­ ren took a severe cold and got the croup Igaveher a teaspoon of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and in five minutes later I gave her one more. By this time she had to cough up the gathering in her throat. Then she went to sleep and slept good for fifteen minutes. Thenshe got up and vomited: then she went back to bed and slept eood for the remainder of the night. She got the croup the second night and I gave the same remedy with same good results. I write this because I thought there might be some one in the same need and not know the true merits of this wondeful medicine." Charles A. Thompson, De Moins, Iowa. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by, G. W. Be»ley, West Mc Henery. J. A. Barrus, Volo. L. N. Fenne, Wauconda. It will pay to travel a few miles for the nnrpose of buying shoes at Evanson's. the dol- The laws of health are taught in the schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit and are never illustrat­ ed by living examples, which in many cases might easily be done. If some scholar who has just contracted a cold was brought before the school so that all could hear the dry, loud cough and know its significence; seethe thin white coating on the tongue and later, as the cold developed, see the profuse watery expectoration and thin watery discharge from the nose, not one of them would ever forget the first, symptoms of a cold. The scholar then should be given Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy freely, that all might see that even a severe cold could be cured in one or two days whan prop­ erly treated when the first symptoms ap­ pear. This remedy is famous for itscures of coughs, colds and croup. It is made especially for these diseases and is the most prompt and most reliable medicine known for the purpose. 25 and 50 cent bottles. For sale by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry; I. A. Barrus, Volo; L. M. Fenne, Wau­ conda, druggists. PPRICES aSKSSi MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes,Dr.Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Price's Contains No Ammonia, No Alum, Or any other Adulterant. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Its Purity Has never been Questioned. FARMS FOK RENT; One hundred and twenty acres, a mile and a half east of Richmond. Good house and barn. Stanchions for 22 head of cattle. Also 255 acres quarter mile south of Richmond. First class buildings, and 42 milch cows left on the place. Farms will be rented on shares or for cash, to suit tenants. Splendid water supply on each place. For further par­ ticulars apply to or address 16tf MICHAEL GREELEY, Richmond, 111. Julia A. Story's Local*. You will save money by buying Cas- earia for children. 1440 drops for same price as 900 drops under the name of Castoria. We guarantee it. "Health is Wealth" but times have changed in the way to get it. Now in­ stead of selling plain Hood's or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, science teaches us to add Iodide of Potassium, Stillingia and Poke Root. We sell it. Try a bottle Mid pur­ ify your blood. Cactus Oil for sale at J. A. Story's. A six piece sett, new shape Mid new decorations, only $3.00. A new and and complete line in station­ ery including cards, invitations, box stationery, etc., just opened at J. A. Story's, Try a box of soda-mint-and-charcoal Lozenges, if troubled with indigestion. mow FOR FUN WITH TBS BABIES. Our basement salesroom is filied with TOYS and other Holiday Goods- )o(. Bring in the Children and let theaa fee Sauta Clans. J. C. CHOATE. Woodstock. III. DON'T BE A CLAM. Give praise to the town you live In and also to the paper you see this add in and great profit will be given unto you if you buy. Men's Cassimere suits only $4 50 Men's pants $1 25 to 5 00 Gents nobby check suits.... 6 00 to 8 00 Fine dress shirts 50 to 125 Boys suits 1 00 to 4 00 Knee pants 20 to 100 Boys % wool waists 25 Boys school shoes 1 35 Mens shoe** 1 00 to 3 00 Lots of new goods every week at Bed Rock Prices. ED. LAWLUS. In front of the Riverside Hotel. AO Years the Standard, Our "special values" nave prices at­ tached which will sell them. Some one will buy them and they will save money by so doing. You should get your por» tion of such snaps. J. W. Cristy Jt Son 'And tfioy aire boiancl to go before our annual In- * ventoryt SslSlSlfS Te want 1 duce our SHOE % _ , -AND "iiWC"7' i# 4 - %' Fair dealing and lowest prices have earned our present tr«de and by follow­ ing in the same course and improving every opportunity to lower our present low prices we expect to increase our trade. Call iu and see how it operates. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate o: A. H. Han'y, either by Note, Book Account, at the Mill or on the Farm, are requested to call and set­ tle the same without delay. Do not waHt for a second notioe, as delays are danger­ ous. MBS. SUSAN HANLY. 9ml v Administratrix. tJNDERWEAB I And to insure a quick reaction we are putting the Prices Down to a Bed Rock Gash Basi& I* 1 ') ! '"i" 4 Felt Boots, Gloves and Mittens ̂ Bed ets and Horse Blankets Must go, to make i&w for Holi­ day Goods, .. .'J Torn* very trutf. Perry & Owen, "¥i General Merchants, wj iliiiSiSll mini nft. "A McHENBY, ILL. PERRY ft OWINi Bankers* MCHENRY, - - IILLINOIS..; This Bank receive* deposits. A M 1 1 and sells Foreign and Domestic «- - v) change, mid does a General Banking Business, We endeavor to do crfl Iftusfaest truutsd to our care in a maimer • upon te.-ms entirety satisfactory to customer! and re " -- public patronage. MONEY TO On Eeal Etiate and tecuriti/ Qpedat tectums IN! Jn first Lowed M m aroTiUt 11 A Ot f F r' • V *

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