Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1892, p. 4

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DSC. 14. 1893. VAN8LYKE, Editor. m- * it - i?r PARTY *E-0BGANIS5AT10lf. Tlwr» to » gwwrsl dweuaaiori in the Re­ publican preM m to the necewity of a re- orfMiMtion of the Republican party in this st&tt, **<* twiottt plaas are sub- iuiy«*L That such a diacussion comes up, of ifc- •aif ghows a weakness, and it is well to Ittquire what the cause of it is. Here is a party with the most splendid record of the past and the grandest purposes of the future, progressive, earnest and American throughout, a party nnder Whose administration the Union was saved from destruction, the stain of slavery wiped out, the credit of the na­ tion placed beyond that of any other nation, and marvelous industrial devel­ opment have taken place; a party whose lest administration has eclipeed all pre­ vious ones its progressive ideas, in busi­ ness methods and in its effects on the general welfare. It has been the party .*& the people and of American ideas at aS times. By all rules of judgment such a, party, on such a record, should be dominant at all times. The people would Bfttorally etand by the party of the ptople. t And yet this party is defeated on a fair fight before the people, losing states which heretofore have been unquestioned ia their loyalty, after a campaign which appealed to reason and to sober judg­ ment, in which there was no artificial ex- vfeitement to bias them, but in which they -pere left to act deliberately. There can be but two reasons for the Overwhelming verdict against the repub- Jfcan party. Either the principals and .. tbc policies it urged did not meet with favor among the people, or it has lost the confidence of the people. In the first ease, if it is right, then the people have tieen wrong in their verdict, and will find It oat, and correct themselves at the aext opportunity. It is believed that this is the case and that the event will prove it. But if it is a loss of confidence, that is a more serious matter and calls • lor a remedy. Is it that the Republican jparty has drifted away from the people *ad they no longer feel that they are a part of it and have a voice in its conn- eels? There is something in this long possession of power which is very apt to Create a loose co-operation of leaders, who begin to think themselves the party fend lose touch with the people who Cast \the votes. When a party is young or in the minority the machineiy of party or­ ganisation embraces everyone of the jtofth. It is wide and has a multitude of - wisdom. But when ' such organization becomes the possession of a few, who give out cat and dried programs of action, without explanations, and only * orders to carry it out, that makes rebel­ lion in the Republican party in the "country. . •i:k ; The Demqcratic partv can be cowtroll- ed in this way. It is used to disciplined 'Democrats expect to be commanded and e lojalty to chiefs is a cardinal principle of that organization. But the Republican • party is differently constituted. It is •made up of that element of old Demo­ cratic and whig parties that rebelled Against dictation. They left and formed • sew party because they could not en­ due the dictations of the southern share­ holder who controlled both party or­ ganizations, and the Republican party gv . has always been a party ci "kickers." ; v Every voter must have his say or he feoa't rote. * ' ' > - Wkieh of these two systems ft beet is to decide. The system of the Dem- } 'ocratic party perhaps reflects most credit on the party as a mere organization, for It allows a more perfect organization but the system of the Republican party re- fleets most credit on the voter, and where | there is a community of intelligent, inde- * pendent voters, the Republican party is always the strongest. . But to the close observer there ie still j|;v another reason, which in this State, has X been the prime cause of our defeat, r Would-be politicians, whose only am­ bition is to be noted as leaders, have been pat at the head of the county and district committees, a great flourish made,, canvass of voters' -in different parte of the county made |n back offices at the county seat without the least idea as to their correctness, and the nens sent out that this and that county was all right and in line for the Republican ticket, when the facts were they had no more idea of the situation than a man in the moon. It it about time these fair weather figure heads were relegated to back seats. They are not in sympathy with the people, and while professing great things are ever ready to knife any and all who do not bow to their supreme will. This in a great measure, was the cause of the defeat of the Republican party in this State, alhd the large redac­ tion of the Republican vote in many of the counties. We have nSany true and tried leaders in the Republican ranks. Then why set them aside to gratify the ambition of a iw ruie or ruin pot-house politicians, whose only aim is to be called a leader and be able to handle the loaves and fishes for tfeafr own selfish purposes. •' It is time a halt was called, and the quicker it is done the better. Until it is dona the Republican purty has little to hope tor. On general principles, it has, however much to hope for. Its re­ cord is clew; it made a stand for honest principles and with a candidate above The coming administration and ^fetional, will be compar­ er^ fn every partfeolar, and if it fails ap to the higtl standard set, or produce socb results of prosper- be overturned. But better will help, and no man or •hoald be allowed to rule foe detriment Of the party. It ovea that figure-heads nor ornamental in a Bratorfaadwork theircolnttlns with accounts of Cleveland's duck and snipe shooting and no doubt many tales are being told jwt to fill up. We Me by one of the dfapatobes that the big fellow hides behind a floating blind and we are told in detail that he killed so many green heads and red heads; that so and so loaded his'gun for him and another so and so 'picked up his game. All this may suit some people .and that way of hunting may make others believe in the natural simplicity of the president elect, but the fact is if we ehoald learn, by accident, as it were, that the presi­ dent--that-is-to-be-had gone out hunting believeing there was a duck some where around had crawled on his--well crawled about half a mile through the wet leaves and by perseverance got a shot at a didipperand by accident killed it and th en out of very excitement waded into water up to or above his pantaloon pockets to get the game, then would he seem to be a man just like the rest of us. It's a great wonder there are not more ogotistieal office holders than there are, when even the great free press shows such a tendency toward todyism. I®" The St Charles Chronicle says' "Congress convened on Monday, the e mber from this district, Hon. A. J. Hopkins, leaving for the capita! on the Saturday previous. He will have an­ other term of lonesomeneas, owing to the big Democratic majority, but will be heard from nevertheless. The fifth dis­ trict of Illinois is not represented by & stick." ' ..LL» WButter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday sold at 30 cts, on a steady market, a total of 10,44 pounds being disposed of for $3,132. This price has prevailed for three weeks. The price a year ago was 28 cts. to *v#*T ©ire or ou* A. Tarft of Paniles. &y special arrangement with the Pub- s% Ushers we are enabled to make every on«M of our readers a present of one of exquisite-oil pictures, 36 inches long, a companion to "A Yard of Roses," which all have seen and admired. The exquisite picture, "A Yard of Pansies," was paint­ ed by the same noted artist who did the "Roses." It is the same size, and is pro-r nounced by art critics to be far superior!^ to the "Roses/? The reproduction is is equal in every respect to the original, t- which cost #300, and accompanying it jJJ are full directions for framing at !\ome, at a cost of a few cents, thus forming a t- beautiful ornament for your parlor o^aj^ superb Christmas gift, worth at leatJkf »5. V To save you the cost of the picture be­ ing mailed to us and then to you, it will be sent directly from the publishers. Fill out the blank below and send to the publisher, W. Jenning Demorest, 15 East 14th Street, New York, with three two-cent stamps to pay for the packing, mailing, etc., which will entitle yoit to receive one of these beautiful and valu­ able works of art by return mail. You will be delighted with it* ̂ * * r ft • • • * Pithy, Pointed and Pertinent. If there were a doeen more cabinet portfolies£Mr. Cleveland would stand a better chance to satisfy all the states nowjdemanding a member of his cabinet. Henry George, Jerry Simpson and the other free traders must begin to suspect the democratic party of having buncoed them. Oklahoma seems on the verge of get­ ting the gold mining craze, which is a lit­ tle worse than that for corner lots in future great cities. There is nothing weak-kneed about the President's message to Congress. Benja­ min Harrison is not a wobbler; he stands now just where he stood when a candi­ date for reelection. One need not be rich to enjoy making Christmas presents.. It is not the value of what is given, bnt the feeling which prompts the gifts that makas the pleas­ ure. It begins to look as though the leaders of the democratic party wanted to have the republicans organize the Senate of the Fifty-third Congress; they an afraid of the'responsibility. , , The British government asked for and obtained an extension of 60 days in the time for submitting its final papers in the Behring Sea arbitration case, which postpones the first meeting of the arbi­ trators to February 23, next. Democratic Congressmen ate so much afraid that they may injure their pros­ pects for pap by offending Mr. Cleveland that one of them has actually proposed that Mr. Cleveland prepare a tariff bill for the next Congress to pass. And these are the men selected by the voters of the country to make good times better. Bah! The present Congress will be called upon to choose between a continuance of 'immigration and its consequent intro­ duction of the cholera, or temporary sus­ pension and less danger from cholera. Aren't, Mr. Cleveland's friends a little egotistical when they claim to have car­ ried New YorR* in the face of Senator Hill's covert opposition? That Tam- many majority in New York city certain­ ly did not strike the Ordinary individual as a specimen of covert opposition to Cleveland, and no well informed persop will deny that Hill had, and has, abso lute control of Tammany. The true philosophers in the democraie party are those who express a willing­ ness to leave the decision of the extra session question to Mr. Cleveland. Perhaps Mr. Cleveland has only been getting into practice, so that when he pulls bis gun on the Tammany tiger he can make a dead shot. Democratic reform is of the illusory kind, as will be seen next year. J The Sam Randall wing of the demo­ cratic party has been very quiet for a long time, but the indications now are hat it .will do some load daring he Fifty-third Congress. English holders of Confederate bonds are said to be anticipating some action on the part of the democratic Congress looking to their redemption. Foolish Britishers. Some men gain widom with age, but the Prince of Wales isn't one of them. He is in another woman scrape. The country is doing its best to make Congress understand that legislation is wanted to keep the cholera oat of the United States. Jay Gould #asfe very smart man, but he did not succeed in taking any of his accumulations away with him. The fellow who hasn't.a#income nearly always favors an income tax as a method for raising revenue. How many of those who abase Jay Gould would object to having their names in his will. Democratic rule has not been of finan rial benifit to the State of South Carolina, which will default in the payment of bonds doe ngxt July. A.I ANNUAL REPORT OF TARY FOSTER. 8BORB- ttovcnaec ud KxpwditiirM of the Last Ftac*l Ymr-Kl«rtl<m KodU«« Flffvrto-- Repeal of Sinking Fnod L*wi Re com. mended--Redemption Reserve Should Do Increased. The Country's Caab. The annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury shows that the government; revenues from all sources during the last fiscal year were $425,868,260. and the totol expenditures $415,953,806, leav­ ing a surplus of $H,914.453. With the cash balance, the national bank redemp­ tion fund and a few small items added, this surplus was $40,750,488, which was applied to the payment of the public debt.. As compared with the fiscal year 1891 the receipts for 1892 have fallen off $32,675,972, ti e principal losses being customs roceipts, $42,1169,241, and in profits on coinage, $5,681,479. On the other hand, there was a ga:n of $8,284,- 823 in internal revenue receipts, $4,998,- 690 in postal service and in sal&s of District of Columbia bonds of $4,412,- V44. In the ordinary expenditures there, was a decrease or $10,349,354, which is accounted for by d i m i n i s h e d p a y - ' fnents for discount - t a x e s , r e f u n d f o r excessive customs, deposits, draw­ b a c k s , , c e n s u s , quarterm aster's supplies and inter­ est on the public debt, the decrease i n t h e l a s t i t e m alone being $14,- 1 6 9 , 0 1 9 . F o r t h e present fiscal year the revenues are estimated as fol- $1 SECRETARY YOSTSB. thowtag the Holiday E^joiclng " I m m * ' t h f e r e w i l l b e 1 0 , 0 0 1 OhinimMX lefttilkrtjftetered on the 6tb of says Mr. ueftry. "Even if we had to send that many hack at a cost oi $20 apiece or $*00,000, it would be get­ ting rid of them very cheaply." Mr. Geary suggests that the United States naval vessels Blight carry them back to China. This Would 1 ssen the cost of deportation to the Government and at the same time give the navy something | ROADS FOR FARMERS. : • & Th* ConfKM at Indtanapolta Attack* QneaMon with Energy. The second day's session of J^te Inj dlana Boad Congress at Indianapolis; •was attended by 4U0 or 5000 delegates! While the • congress is divided as t« what steps should be taken to secur< better roads it is apparent that the outs come will be at least a healthy publii sentiment in favor of good reads, whicl will result eventually in some desirable legislation. The farmers who are in % majority in the conaress have not had i great deal to say, but whenever the} have spoken they have opposed anj movement which proposes to increase their taxes or add to their tended in» debtedness. | At the opening of the session Rufui Magee of Logansport *o!Iered a resolu­ tion that the World's Fair be opened on Sunday, jhe resolution was laid o» the table by the congress without dis«> cushion. The Illinois Highway Improve­ ment Association sent a letter of greet* ing to the congress, and stated that fot twenty years it had been trying to re* form the road laws of Illinois, and no# began to see daylight. The letter stated that the Governor-elect and a majority of the members of the Legislature were pledged to road reformation. g He is a bier man. Alld recognizing 1,1 hi9 9ervices h»Te retained him and he will tw found with "Some Criticisms of the Present wnstantij? at our store irom now on until Dec 24, at miduigkfc^ lie nas our stock in charge and will be glad to see you all. MRS. SAWTA CJL.Jk.Tjm ^ \ • JOHN EVANS N m "T* r ' Great Christmas Carnival. OPIN TO THt NATIONS* i?" SbB unu jual demand there GOODS III 3Hdtos variety on the West side. Iwye now on hand and a e daily receiving a full assortment ot i STAPLE AND FANCY HOLIDAY PRESENTS* also#nd presents her compliments to the men, women ftod children of McHenry and vicinity, and begs tbem that in antici{Mb» tion of the holidays she has opened an unusually large stock of lers, irrors, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Albums, 'Slippers. Toilet Soaps, Shaving seta, work Boxes, Jewelry Cases, Scarf Pins, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, etc. I that goes to make up a substantial C h r i s t m a s P r e s e n t . „ - c / . . ' ^ , . v . At the commodious and well Appointed store of John Evanson & Co , where she will be pleased to see you all every week dav in De­ cember. She also begs to call your attention to the fa«t that through the intimate couaection existing between her husband the hon Santa C laus and the manufacturers of holiday gifta she will be able, tjoyoj^r you excepcional opportunities to puichase Dentist.--Dr. W. E. Pilcher, of Elgin, will be in WestMcHenry every Saturday of each week. He can be found at the office formerly occupied byDrs. Childs and Norton, opposite the old Parker House place. NEW YEAR PARTY. Yourself and lady are cordially invited to attend a New Year's party atHeimer's new Hall, McHenry, III., Monday evening January 2, 1893. Floor Managers, J. Bishop, John J. Barbian. Music, Smith's Orchestra, with harp accompan­ iment. Tickets, 50 cents. Jos. Heimer, Proprietor. A Barrel, of Tacks for Five Cents, at Uncle Ben Gilbert's, on the West Side. During the Holiday trade we shall »c6nltnu% fo offer for sale tho best line of Shoes, Overshoes, Felt Boots and Overs, Clothing, Over Coats, Suits, Plush Bobes, Blankets, Underwear, Gloves and Mtttens, Plush Caps* all at come off prices.; ii i : : . - S Fresh Groceries, the best brands of Flour, Buckwheat, cern Meal * id Graham. Alsoachoicelotof Apples and Potatos. w , ^ Yours as ever for businesiu JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. gilts, at very reasonable prices indeed. A made very happv by a small gift at Christmas. We are piepaied tp • - - -i-v * - i "Seeing- Is Believing.1 WANTED AGENTS, local and trav­ eling at once, to sell Orna- ncntal Shrubs, Rosee, Trees and fruits- Experience unnecessary, Salary and expenses pa2d weekly. Perma­ nent positions. No security required, init furnish references as to good ohnrxeter, OH AS H OHA8K, Rochester. N.T. (Mention this paper.) BIT FRTJTH! Will b e a t the Woodstock House, Woodstock, on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1892* Office hour* from OtSOa. m.to4 p. m. And a good lamp must be simple; when it is not simple it is •not good. Simple, Beautiful Good--these ! words mean much, but to see " The Rochester " will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough cad seamless, and made in three pieces only, it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar­ velous light is purer and brighter than gas light., softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. Look for this stamp--Thk Rochester. If the lamp dealer hasn't the (sennlns Rochester, and the style you want, sead to us for our new illustrated catalogue, land we will .send you a lamp safely bv express--your choice of over !i,000 varieties from the Largest Lamp Store in the world. BOCHE8IER lamp CO.v 42 Park Place, New York City. "The Rochester*" iA^^Rubkr DR. O. B. FRUTH, Late Surgeon in the Provident Medical Di'p n. sury of New York now President of the Fruth Mtdical Institute, charter eh < Low Bates for the Holiday*. On December 24, 25, 26 and 31, 1892 and on January 1 and 2,1893, the Chi cago & North-Western R'y Co. will sell excursion tickets at very favorable rates For tickets and farther information apply to agents C. A N. W. B'y. 32w4 BO OTS-% SHOES Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEECO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer f©r them, if he docs net keep them send to us for an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago W For Sale by SIMON ST0FFEL, West McHenry' His long experience in the largest hospitals In the world enables him to trpat all O'SOKiC Nekvoi s, Skin and Blo >d diseases upon the latest scientific principles. I>K KRITH has no superior in diagnosing and treating diseases and deformities. He will give #50 for any case he cannot tell the disease and where located in live minute*. Medical and surgical diseases, acu e ana chronic. C&turmh, diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs, Dyspepda, Bright'* Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver. Bladder, Oh runic Female and Sexual Diseases *peedi!y cured by treatment that has never failed in thousands of cases that had been pronounced beyond hope. Many people meet death every re«r who misrht have been restored to perfect liculth had they placed their casas in the hands of exp*rt0. 1>R, FKUTH has attained the most wonder fu< Buucesg in trie treatment of rases to which he devotee special attention, and after year* of experience, bas perfected the most infalll hie method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner vena Debility, Premature Decline of the Man- tj Power. Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair, ed Memory. Meutai Awxiety, Absence of Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney eflections if consulted before Idioe j, Insanity Fallinsf Fits or Total Tmpotency result from YOUTHFU L Kit (toil's the awful effect which blight the most radiant hopes, untieing pati­ ent for busines <, study, society or marriage, MniiUftilv sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men < f exilt^d talent and brilliant luteilect. PILES CUKEIi with- out pain, knifecutery, EI'11.E V positive, ly cured b> our new and never failing hospi tal treatment, PliEE EXAMINATIONS of the ii'in*. cheiLical and microscopical, in all ostex of Kidney Diseases, Brigbi's Disease, Diabetes and Spermatorrhae. Bring speci- B«US, WONDKKKUL CURES perfected In all ease* that havo been neglected or unsklil- folly treated. No experfmeots or failures. We undertake no Incurable cases, but cur® thousands given up to die Remember the date and tome early as bis rooms are always crowded Cases and ocnrespondence csnfldential, and treatment sent by express with full direct­ ions for nee, bnt personal consultation pre­ ferred. Oil. D. O. FRUTN* Mas Utn Amrim. Chicago. . BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. 6 PIECE PARLOR SUIT FREIGHT PAID WITHIN 800 MIILES OF CHICAGO Frames In Selld Oak, or Walnut rorered in Mohair^Crrafilied SSitS with *im Pln«h to mntch; all six pieces have spring edge (soft ^ w« man Consists of 1 sofa, 1 ̂patent rocker, 1 easy chair. l^ivnn snd^ 2 P«rjor oh^a^^ ^^^anu^racture all §jot tor by furniture cioiii<>rs ac prioe is too fow. Entablished twenty jpeare. Kefer to any bank In Cnlted Ktutes. beild Kix cents for sample of plush. BMFIB.S BBDSTBAD CO., MADISON AND CENTER AVE., CHICAGO. ILL. l«dr»iiw«>mi £n BlWEestirrowsrsot Nur I M|aSM ^">?nl ^°m" r and expenses paid weekly from sition. Good cbajicefor Exclusive territory. •of Nursery »tock..^ '-- true to^ tguar^ _ _ to local Ipart tlm» terert any! Jageats. one not earn-H ing |?5 per month* andexpeiuei. Don t\ besiUto because of pre-1 tlous failures in thU or other { Mimml Outfit freo. Addrotfi BROWN BEOS. CO., „ CcmtlxkftntalNarBertoft,^ ObloigoJDIfi B %onm m reliable. Katne this paper.--Ed.)| M c H e n r y H o u s e , Me HENRY. ILL. IDS. HEIMER. - - Pro r\»m Being situated on the banks of the Fox SlTer.ln the VllUge of MeBenry.i special at tention will be frlven to the entertainment <' Hsnters, Flthermen and Pleasure seekers generally. WANTED 8ALESMEI* " * mmw0* Local and traveling to represent our well known house. You need n »capital t" represent a firm that warrant* nursery iir*t-cl\s» and true to name. W0BK ALL THE TEAS, tio per month to thltjrtgbt man. Apply i^uick stating age. MAY * OO. Sportsmen Supplied with Oom plate Outfits. FINS BAR IS CONNECTION JOSLTN * UASBT, Wootatoefc ATTOKHSTS AT LAW, WooAstM A AllMamvilliwim ptwpt A.. - : , y V xVJfe *A. & - HOliinI AT" te;,* New, Novel and Notabllr Our entire stock of Clothing of every de­ scription will be sold nearly at Cost. 1. EVANSON West McHenry. 111., 1898, M0, HOLIDAY fBESBRTS Of merit, style and large variety, are now oflered by us at rook bot­ tom prices, from our latest extensive purchases, consisting in part only of choice Plush. Leather, Wood and Metal Albums, Auto­ graphs. Manicure, Toilet and Shaving sets. Odar Cases, Jewelry, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. -Mirrors, Smoking Sets, Cigar Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes. Fancy Willow Goods, Easels, Music Rolls, Books, Jewelry, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. Searfa, Table Spreads with matched Napkins, Towels, Covers, Plush Caps, Hanging and Vase Lamps. Fancy Glassware. Plain Gold Band and Deeoraied Tea and Dinner Sets. Chamber Sets, Water Sets, Mustache Cups and Saucers, Eograved Glassware, Night Lamps &e. mm Extraordinary Discounts c Will be made on all our Ladies* Misses and Children!*! CLOAKS, 8ACQUES AND JACKE 8. Of all descriptions and sizes, as we are determined to close them all out during December regardless ot cost or projSts, and assure you of a good variety in cloth and plush garments, with plush and various kinds of fur trimmings. We have all sizes from age 4 to ladies' sizes, U, in colors and black. Call e^jty< i 9 ; , We are overloaded on the famoi^ , Cooper "Wells Wool Hosiery ̂ , And to reduce our large stock will make a 15 per oount discount oik all wool Hosiery during December • Wii • WEW tl^BBCOATS Ac SXJITS, " In all sizes, in colore and black, of the very best material and make, in very large assortment, at greatly reduced prices, to reduce stock, See our elegant light colored medium weight overcoats with fancy linings. Boys' mid Children's Orercoats and Wedding Suit* , A Specialty, Just arriving, new Carpets Rugs and Oil Cloths. i>| latest designs at low prices. t .1 * ' - . -v ^EDUCED PRICES. To reduce our yet large stock of Wool Underwear, in white, gray and scarlet, in positively all sizes. Our Shawls. Blankets, Flannels, Yarns and Mittens must all be sold before Jan. 1, '93, and means low prices to all. $£• - • ! P&TBadger State Duck Coats, Pants, Overalls, and workingaiid dress Shirts, all warranted not to rip. L&rge Stock. t^TWaim Footwear. We carry the famous Ball brand all knit wool boot, also the renowned Candee Rubber goods, also a full line of C. H.'Fargo'* custom made Boots and Shoes, which we warrant. Choice Glass and Stoneware, pure Groceries, good Flour, for years and in future at ^^ 1--•-- *,v- .• < 'V • . 0H, Wesl MeHenrj. IU.,18S», P • • . J' 'f" *- l l S » i Z */ •***. M

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