Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1892, p. 7

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» 1 aay hand, •onpltte it% land «ttlm tn the the faint roken tbame ritiug, broke tilsttl atti« & Blue Mfe i 5C.22X2 Thuf*n the aril** to action, bat fee mart 4Aii»(iAla|tannfik, Ihy - • ghw Up , KHom , and all t bowels rcurad. ^Uvtvtftcunjoff Caiarrh, no matter MB aMMnuaa ta^» l^feas • RTnuHl DJ U6 UUUIMXIVB Cat VT. OUVi Cwmrrfa Remedy. foant It prove, bettor thaa any words could, that this is a remedy that carta Catarrh f Coata only 50 cents. ' Throat.CrmrpJmtnen- ft,Wheeling Cough, BreifoMtisand Asthma. A irtaia cure fer CoBtumptisa in frst: srtagss, ant L sure relief U advanced itifM TTie at «noe. will see ths excellent affect i«VWT ths •4aas^jaaa"~r'>~ "» n of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food--palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and strength. The combina­ tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest uf all fat pro­ ducing foods, with Hypo- phosphites, provides a re­ markable agent for Quick Flesh Builaing in all ail­ ments that are associated with loss of flesh. Prapsto* t» Seott a Bewae.Ofcewl Beer Yock. Sold by all druggists. cciu AMD niTitm Mil, Oeuffes, Sera Threat, iaflaenza, Braachith, Pseuaienia. SwelNnf altta Jowl, Iwafeaga, laflaaMNrfiem, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ft wUiIUl, Ofiilhlal»a, Headache, TWathachw, Arthaa, J DIFFICULT BREATHMQ. •'• •IttJBMS:ODE WORM? PAWS la Item one *e«wfntr jiSutea. HOCGBK MOPB after reading this advep> SiMBueat aeed aar «m 8CFKEB WrrHPAUJ. JMDUMYE. Ke>ijy IMICT Is » SUM COM for Bwir aprrtu, BnOtu. Fates ^ ̂ «a Hteok, Chest or Limlwu.;;: ;; i.,~ tt m the First and As tbe I • > OaJjr PAIN BEXEDV tnMmthr M«i Uw sst excruciates lays ialiaaaatation. and cure* Congestion;;. whether «C the Lungs, Htcsaafh, Bowels, or oilier viands or «ae iwlinUoe. A hatf tea wpwtful in half atussafeSer oi vstr; trill ia a (ear Minotes dure Orami", Spasms, Hour igoo»*cfc, ImiUuii. Xervpusoeat, Sleeplessness, Sick Bt^take, Dtamaa. Dysecters, CJol£, Flatu­ lency, sad all internal psdns. There m aet a nbMIui agent la the wrUt that -will eaxe Ee»er sad Ague and all other Malarious. Billions and other f eve re, aided by tUUWA\"S MEl^sc «s»ck!y as RAliWAIPs MKABT •-. < MiStf cents per bottle. Sold by Draygtets. •" BE SURE TO «ET RAD WAV'S. Bile Bevns c , Small. • •f-V5?..' to care Bilious Attacks, Sfcadache sod Constipation. 40 la fettle. Pric« 25e. For sale by druggists. PSHlWrs IV, 70" and sample dose fee*. A £ SMITH A CO., Proprietors, MtW fOMC, ' ~ JbiAJUESISgivesini PILES instant sss Bos MM. Nirw TOSK Orrr. •""EwSss ^SSLlSftJSISUHa i (cr book of proafi I I VIRIM TO un sr 1 AadktMM The a Q| IMS KslaWaBt. jmTflfWlft discovered In Congo, West Cure for Asthma, (an &E»on<MBce. UM Is Nature's Bure Malocd Ko var, N«wl» rk. vlbal, address mumon TUB r ANA • SH1L0 CURE. cif--ii^y^owi'M.cwfttos Twas the dear little girl thni I s(WMad^> . "For was it a moment like this * I said "when Blie know I n|i< busy, * To com • romping in f,>r ^ kiss?-- Come rowdy <nu tip from hf>r mother, v And c nmoriu" there at rnv knoo For 'one 'ittlo kiss lor my dollv, " *. ' "f * Aad one 'ittle uizut lor toe !' " , >;» God pitv the heart that repelled $0, „ ' ' And the cold hand that turned her (iwMfl; And take from the Hps that denied her ;* • This fcUBwerlc»« prayer of tci-iiav! ; Teke, Lord, from my raem'rv forever Tbat pit.iful sob of du«pair, '" Arid the patter and trip of the little bare feet And the one piercing cry on the stair! I pot by the linlf written prwm. Whllo the pan Idly tr;iilml In mv hand, : Wri tes on--"Had I the words to compwslfc. Who'd read it or who'd understand• But the little bare feet ou thfl stairway,' And the faint. Araoth^rod ln,ns;h in thj ball. And the eerie low H-p or> the silence, Oey tip to mo over it uIL THE 1K30N OF SILENCE. reluctantly niin Martiti came to the conclusion that he vyom have tp consult a physician. He had never been t?) a physician in his lontr life, and to have to go now was bitter to hitu. It was a luxury. He felt he couldn't afford it. A man who keeps a $10-a-week family on $8 has a hard ;tiine o* it in this world. For 30 years the roar of the city had been in his ears, >nd he had had no vaca­ tions. bo it was just his luck to stuuable into the ollicu of the must ex- peusive doctor in the metropolis,, It tto« servant had seen h'itn he wouid not have (pot into tb« presence of th» great doctor, but Martin, knowinir nothinjfof how a man whose time is worth *10 a minute is hedged in, and happening to conic when the last pa­ tient was undervuin^ examinalnon, walked right from the street, a mil by Rood *wck, to ttoe infinite astrmish- meat of doctcfr&nd patient, stsiwbled into the consulting room. •'There is something : wrong vith iMj11 he said fnunhling with his hat. **l don't know just what it is, so I thought I should see a doctor., Which »f you is it:" ' •The patient waved his fcrffnd to­ ward the threat specialist, mid Mar­ tin turned his pathetic, a©pealing fflance towxtrd him. •**See wtiat's wrong with him." said $be patient in a whisper, who was •evidently impressed w4th the humor •of the situation. He thought it funny t*i»t so evidenUjf spoor^ a man should -consult a phys»otan whoso fees amounted into hundreds. The doctor asked rmany<questions, and examined his new rpatient care­ fully. Then he stood 4Mwi»y and looked at hrw a moment. ••'There is nothing Tadically wrong "With <you. What yon meed is absolute ,Oul<*. Medickue will tuut do you any good. 'Get out of tifc«Toar of the city for a couple of week^'or a month, if possible. Go iat® tthe country, to some farm-hoMse. 'That's -ail yon •need." Peter Martin «at>dowu with a sigh >exhaustion. "I cannot get away," ihe «aid; "I would ilose my jalaee, and, besides, I •can't afford it. 1 #et only $8 a «BAA|» ")> * 'rrvvlVt 4-Ah, 1 am -sonny for you,"id the doctor.; l^we >ha»ve <no {prescription for IKwerty." SCbe wealithyipatientipot his hand iln his pocket and drew outcome •monety. -<tHere,"*)ie«aidl "thatt >will ihelp QTCOB to a lJttie vacation." Peter sh*>ekihisihead. He wos too tnervous and shaky to ftraw himself •up iod ignattt4»y, .as .perhaps be should hawedone. 4'I h ive •ever taken .any money that I did mot'earn," he said, "and I'm toe oUb'to begin. How much is yeur fee?" she ;asked, iloeking>ut the specialist •"•I usa:iBy i?et 25<oente. " answered Dbe ®rca.t -'that is, •if where I don't ̂ ive any :mediolne.>,' *Of .o«ui»e,?' said (Peter -simply, d»w«iBg omt, lean jiurae.aiid,paying •over the com. "Good-morning, gentlemen." And with that Jdartki tremulously 'de­ parted. "Yowdid tAkat 'Wicel\y,M said ithe patient, rising. -'•'I ;mu«t fell low fhim and try to ssooelfti over lwy blunder " | "Are yon «ei4W *©«8auaaniiiiiettt -with i teijii?*' j "Perhaps.** Martin, as he slowfly down ; the street, felt a touch on his shoul­ der. He turned aad saw ,tvbe man who I bad been with tike 4®ctor, j If you come witia rae, I tbink I con help you. \V ill «te|» iato auy cur- rlage^" Somewhat reloeteatly Meter -ddd -so. He did not like the"tean, but there was something in his dark glance that compelled obedience. When the car­ riage stepped Martin was taken iuU> a house that was luxurious!? f«fi­ nished. "Sit down," said, the straocer. "Now let me understand thoroughly about your occupation." Martin told him all at*out it and the stranger listened patiently. passing Mb hand over Pe(er*» The eyelids closed and Peter an­ swered not. -- •'When you awake yon will bastone deaf--you will hear absolutely nnth- iojf. You will have to be very care­ ful at the street crossings, and wher- eviy there is danger. Now wake up." A shiver ran over Martin's body and he looked around wildly for a moment. ' What have you been Going to me?" i he asked. "Can you hear me speak?" said the man loudly. "What have you dont to me?" re­ peated Peter. "Everything seems unnaturally quiet." Toe dark man drew a writing pad toward him and wrote on it, handing the result to Peter. He read the words: "You are stone deaf. Try the ef­ fects for two weeks and then come back and see me. If at anytime be­ fore you wish to have your hearing restored, come to this address. Try the effect for two weeks if you can stand it." ' Here followed the man's name r.nd address. Peter folded the jiaper in a dazed sort ot way ana put it into his pocket. He went out intothestreet The traffic was as busy as ever, but an awful silence was over the city. There was something unearthly in the appearance of bustle and the absence of all sound. He was in a city of phantom's, and it frightened him »t tirst, hut Anally there seemed to come over him a sweet peace, because noise did not exist. ' When he went home that night his good wife received him as she had done these manv years.' , "$ow, you old good-for-nothing, what's kept vou? Here 1 am toiling and TTIOiling and getting something to eat for an old fool that doesn't know enough to come home for it be­ fore it's cold. Nice sort of a family man, you are, you doddering old-- sav! what are you looking at me like that for.J What's the mattter with you? Been drinking again?" Now Peter neither drank nor smoked, which no one knew better than Mrs. Sally Martin. He couldn't afford either, but. as he always winced when she accused him of it, sbe ac­ cordingly flung it at, him. "Sally." he said, quietly, "I'm deaf. 1 suppose you are speairing to me, but I cannot hear a word. You'll have to write it down." •'Write it down!" cried the good woman aghast. She had -some idea that he was shamming, but as she watched him she saw thaft this was serious. She broke out occasionally in wrath, hut quickly subsided and murmured: "Oh, Lor'!" And Peter Martin spent the first evening'of peace at his own fireside for 20 years. In two weeks Peter Martin called on the dark man in the fine house. He was looking much better in health than'lve had done when he left that place atfortnight before. The far-away look of the deaf was already begin­ ning to appear in his eyes. A sweet serenity sat upon his countenance. 'tl etm pleased to see you look srj--" Then the man remembered and drew his writing pad toward him. "If you will sit down in the chair I will1 take away your deafness," he wrote. Fftter read it with a smile. •'H merely came to thank you,"* he wi. "1 will notsit dowa "--Detroit IJ'UMJ -Press. Low Vole* Shows Refinement. *2fbn inherited from his immediate ancestors, the apes and monkeys, a voice of considerable altitude, in which1 the lower tones were almost unknown. The monkeys chattered to their fellows from tree to tree In shrill, head tones, the natural vocal expression of a weak and timid race, in whose physical formation the head had begun to hold an important place. The upper notes of tbe resister were characteristic of the first men, as they still are of savage tribes and peo­ ples, and of the half-civilized mem­ bers-of modern society, whose voices have never been subjected to dis* .cipline. The voices of country people ac­ customed to magnificent distances and<conversation at ^ong range are, if not keyed higher, oftener used in the upper ranges than those of city peo­ ple who feel obliged by the necessities of good breeding to moderate their tones. When a man is self-contained he uses the middle and lower tones of his voice; when angry the voice mounts gradually to the head. If the gentler sex would oftener bear in mind'the eulogies of Shakspeare and Scott of that voice gentle and low, which is an excellent thing in wo­ men, they would more rarely have occasion -to wonder why they have ceased to be attractive. The music of the Chinese, Japan* •ese and of ;all wild tribes is keyed higli and sung usually in falsetto, the lower notes being obtained by drums, tomtoms, <or some other instruments of the kind. Although their songs are far from agreeable to the ear, sthev still think they sing.--last's Weekly. Dining st the Bottom of tbe Sea. Some time ago the labor of deepen­ ing the harbor of Cistot was com­ pleted. On that occasion the con­ tractor gave to tbe members of his. stattaUcMCould be had of the nmaT or became penpaafently diseased ~fron sleeping in damp or cold beds, they would probably be astonishing and ap­ palling. It is a peril that besets travel­ ing men, and if they are wise they will invariably insist on having their beds aired and dried, even at the risk of caus­ ing much trouble to their landlords. But, according to Goo l Housekeeping, it is a peril that resides also in the heme, and the cold "spare room* has Slain its thousands of hoplese guests, and will go on with slaughter till people learn wisdom. Not only the guest but the family often suffer the penalty ef sleeping in cold rooms and chilling their bodies at a time when they ne««i all their bodily heat, by getting betweeia cold 6heeb>. Even in summer a cold, damp bed will get in its deadly work- It is needless peril, and the neglect to provide dry rooms and beds has in iMlie elements of murder and suicide. ' Flower W:« Bakifig \ Povvdef A Great Breach of Friendship. On the death of a celebrated Frenoh Journalist the following story was re­ lated of him, says the Boston Courier: He was once very sick and the visiting physician gave him up as lost. "lean- not do anything for you," he said, "you must die." Another doctor was, how­ ever, called in, who succeeded in curing him. The first time the convalescent took a stroll he met his first doctor, who, greatly surprised, said he thought him no more among the liv ng. "Well, you see," eaid the patient, "when you left Dr. V. was called in, and he suc­ ceeded in building me up ajtain." "Ght" well! well! A man whom I thought my friend! Really ft was not at all nice in feim!" An Inti^ie Prince. Contrary to expectations, there seems to be little hope ot the recovery of Prince Pedro of Coburg, grandson of th • late emperor of Brazil, who suddenly became insane in Vienna a few weeks ago. The young man inherited a taste for study from his grandfather, and was educated with the possibility in view that he might sit eventually upon the throne of Brazil, although his aunt was tirst in line. If egret at the exile of his grand­ father, and the loss of his chances, with too much study, are given now as the reasons of his terrible affliction. The prince spent the greater part of hia youth in Brazil, although his father lived in Europe. The Tei*p1inw. Wonderful t hings are told of the more rioent forms of telephonic apparatus. It is stated that the newest form of re­ ceiver, if placed upon a table in a small room, will reproduce speech spoken over two hundred miles away so that it can be distinctly heard by persons sitting about the room. The reason why these perfected instruments are not in service to-day is sriven in the fact that the cost of replacing the 500,001) telephones in­ stalled throughout the United Stiles wouid be enormous. Invented by Women. Women inventors by no means con­ fine themselves to those departments where they might be supposed to possess special experience. Patents have been granted to women for a pla/n for dead­ ening the noise on railways, for pre­ venting sparks (ram locomotives, for sweeping the streets, for a new form of life raft, for textile anamilactures, and electrical appliances. A Child fin^oys The pleasant flavor, gentle action end soothing effect «®f Syrup of Figs, when in need o( a laxative, and' if the father : ,\/'«Tlie Official Government RepoMi: The United States Government/after elaborate: tests/reports the ROYAL BAKING/POWDER to be of greater leavening strength than any other. {Mul- l htin 13, Ag. Dep., p. 599J \ ^ t. • • The Canadian Official Tests, recently riiadfe, slfiow ; ||e ROYAL BAKING POWDER highest of all in leaven- y • " 'lilg strength. (Bulletin 10,/. 16, Inland Rev. Dep.) In practical use, therefore, the ROYAL BAKING POWDER goes further, makes purer and more perfect food, than any other. „ f" GovernmentChemists "Certify: Miss a G. MCClavs, Stihm "teacher, 753 Park Place, Elmim^llL fY. " This Spring while away liome teaching my first tera imm ^country school I was ptifcdty jwretched with that tinman afcBiy called dyspepsia. After dieting far two weeks and getting no better, * friend wrote me, suggesting dMt I take August Flower. Tfhe vcijp aeit day I purchased a bottle. X ifte lighted to say that August YSMHOT helped me so that I have quite re­ covered from ray indisposition." Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phos­ phates, or other injurious substances. v " EDWARD G. LOVE, PH. D." "The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. " HEN^ A. MOTT,JM. D., PH. D.1N "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and h est in strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. "WM. MCM^RTRIE, PH. D." The Government Report shows all other baking powders tested to contain alum, lime or sulphuric acid. Good AdrNu There was much homely wisdom in the advice given by an old >lew Hamp­ shire farmer to his dreamy son who, neglecting his proper work about thn place, spent many hours upon certain foolish verses that he could not make sound right, even to his own uncritical ears. "Seems to me, Bill," said the farmer one night, looking across the "living- room" table at his eon who, with his forehead painfully knotted, was gazing disconsolately at a half-covered sheet of paper, "seems to me as ef, ef you'd really been cut out fer a poet, the Lord would ha' planned it some ways so's you could ha' fetched a couple o* words that 'd match out'n your brain, 'thout quite so much turrible hard work an' faoe- twistin'. : "Ef I was you. Bill, I b'lieve I shouldn't take to po'try till I'd foand there wafn't another nameable trade I was fit for. A hoe," he 'aftded, in a meditative tone, "a hoe, now^ would set full as easy in your hand %s a pencil does, Bill!" Clofs Barred Out. Even while in search of happiness or mother be costive'©r bilious, the most people nre narmw in their views ' At !I RANANI HAIH in am TT«TO» If I understand vou, then, your'staff and the representatives of the hearing is of no use to you in your business--that is, it depends on your sight only, if you *were deaf you c o u l d s t i l l f c & d y o u r p l a c e . A m i right?" "^uite right," Answered Peter. "W£ll, then, I want to try an ex­ periment on you. I think it will help you, in any case it will do 'yc»st no harm. Do you consent?" "If it will help me." •,I thini it will. Now fix 7our eyes and attention on this." The machine referred to was a small box with a thin, upright rod on which were two horizontal arms, each with a small, *ound, shining mirror at the end. The dark map touched a string and the mirrors rapidly revolved. Peter looked at the whirling mirrors intently for a moment, then leaned slightly forward with his eyes widelv opened. The stranger, watching him keenly for a few moments, at last stopped the machine. Peter's eyes remained ?*zlng fixedly at nothing. THB moment you present a bill to ^#y%u ate asleep" said (b# ww » he begin* to get mean. press a banquet unprecedented for its orignality. The table was set eight meters below tbe Jewel of the sea, at the bottom of thefcaruor, inside the '•caisson" in which the excavation had been at work, aod only the nar­ row walls of this caassoa separated the guests from the enormous mass of water around ana above their heads. The new-fashioned banqtietiag hall was splendidly decorated and lighted, and but for a certain buzzing in the ears, caused by the pressure of air kept up in the chamber in order to prevent the inrush of the water, no­ body would nave suspected that the slightest interruption in the work­ ings of the air-pump would have suf­ ficed to asphyxiate the whole- party. After the banquet an improvised con­ cert, prolonged the festivities for sev­ eral hours, after which the guests re- ascended in the open air.--Baltimore Herald. gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Calf Swallows a Fish. A belonging to a Nazareth (Pa.) farmer, while drinking water from a stream, swallowed a trout about ten Inchos long. The fish ran down the calf's tfemat, oausing the animal so much paim tihat the owner was obliged to kill it. 'A Btrsld of th* Infant Tear. CUp the last thirty years or mors from the century, and the segment will represent ths unbounded popularity of Hostet- ter'e Stomach Bitters. The opening of the year 1693 will he signalized by tbe appesranee •t a fpesli Almanac of the Bitters, in which the aaee, derivation and action of this world-fam­ ous Medicine will be lucidly set forth. Every­ body «boixtd read it. The calendar and astro­ nomical calculations to be found in this brochure aie always astonishingly accurate, and the statistics, illustrations, humor ana other reading matter rich in Interest and fall of jxwftt. The Hostetter CamfMby, of Pitts­ burg, Pa., publish it themselves. They em- Ptor move uisn sixty hande in the mechanical work, and more than eiewn months in the year are oonsumed in it* preparation. It can be obtained, without cost, of ©II druggists end oountTy dealers, and is printed InEngUsb, German. French, Welsh. Norwegian, Swedish, Eoliaad, Bohemian and Spanish. Paying Land. The nest 'best paying land on the farm, after the orchard and the garden. Is a Srst-class pasture, well fenced and watered with .pure running water. • lOO Reward. SlOO, The readers of this paper will be pleased to loam that there is at least one ara&ded disesse that eoience has been able to cure in all its stages, aud tbat ie Catarrh. Bail's Oatairh Cure in tbe only positive cure •ow known to th© medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con­ stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tlhe disease, and giving the patient strength by building np tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have bo much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for auy case that U falit M CUM. Sand for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolsdo, O. £3~Sold by Druggists, 76c. What It Means. The word "preface," used in the be­ ginning of books, was originally a word of welcome to a meal, and was equiva­ lent to "Mueh good may it do vou." Vine Playing Cards. Send 10 cents In stamps to John Sebas­ tian, Gen'I Ticket and Pass. Agt, C., R L A P. K'y. Chicago, for a pack of the "Rock Island" Playing'Cards. They are acknowl­ edged the best, and worth five times tho Cost; Send money order or p jstal note for 50c. and wUl send fire packs by ezpra^s, prepaid. ' THE January (holiday number) of Godey's Magazine will be one of the finest specimens of periodical literature ever brought oat. The frontispiece, printed in colors, from a water- color painting by W. Granville Smith, illustrating the complete novel, "A Christmas Witch," by Gertrude Ather- togt, is a feature never before attempted. There are also many and brilliant feat­ ures in this number. Every book-lover should have this issue of Godey's. Important to Fleshy Peoplo. We bave noticed a page article in ths Boston Globe on reducing.; weight at a very •mall expense. It will pay our readers to send two-cent stamp for a copy t©:Betlns j Circulating Library, M K. Washington street, Chicago, I1L At u recent twtiri'.y held ie an Irish manufacturinpr town 1A»is sign was posted consptauously on the hall door: "Danc­ ing, 8 o'clock to 12. Admission, 3d. -Ladies ia clogs not -ad•Bitted.1' THKHMARE U large numtoer of hygienic physicians whoclaitn that disease is always the result of a transgression of Nature • laws. The proprietors of Garfleld Tea are both physicians, and have devoted years to teaching the people how to avoid sickness by following Nature's laws. They give away with every package <©f "Garfield Tea a little book which they claim will enable alt iiersons, 4f directions are followed, to avoid sickness of all hinds, sod to hav£ no need fer Garfield Tea or any other Medicine. ir sfllkrted with fkrre Eyes, «se Dr. Isaae ThoatDssBi'e Eve Water. Drutfgists sell it 2 io Winter Kesorts of the South. Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla., aud other South Atlantic and Gulf coast resorts can be reached with but one change of cars from Chicago, and that at Louisville or Cincinnati, where the Monon makes close connection with the L. & N. and Q. & C. Vestibule trains, running through to Florida. » The Monon's day tralos are now alt equipped with beautiful new Parlor and Dining Cars, while Its night trains are made up of Smoking Cars, Day Coaches, and Pullman and Compartment Sleepers, lighted by electricity from headlight to hindmost sleeper The Monon has gradually fought its way to the front, making extensive Improve­ ments in Its rond-bed and service, until to­ day It Is the best equipped line from Chi­ cago to the South, offering its patrous facil­ ities and accommodations second to none in the world and at rates lower than ever he- fore. THE household of Secretary Busk, of the National Department of Agriculture, is managed by his daughter. The mar­ keting is done by herself. WANTED--A lady In this place to do writ­ ing at home. Wages $15 a week. Address with stamped envelope. Miss Florence Smith, South Bend. 1 nd., Treasurer. 4-% >$£& • 7;-' FITS.--All Fitastopoed free by Dr. Kline's Grot* Nerve Mentorer. No Fits after firat Say's use. Mar* veloue cures. Treatias sad tt.OO trial bottle free to Tit cases. ik>&4 to Or. Klins. ttl Arch St., Pbila. P*. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRtffRT «M NEW AND MV COMPLEXION t£ BETTCS. If doctor asya it acta gently on the «M and kidneys, and Us pteassai laxa»Ti>. Is made frojn aeri% and Is prepared Cor use m> < as tea. It is called ' LAME'S HEDIGm AH drv£gfcts 16 at rt)r and $1 per p*ck*g*. Tf j*m ft, tend vou? sndren for a free sample. £*«••*« I'rtnrito ••in tfc? bewela rn#ii Atrt.* In order to he &§••••• urv. Address OKATOK P. WOODWARD, LKROV. ?5.1. 9 MENTION THIS PAPSR ««» L I P P l M O l t l Now stands in tbe front rank of ntontblrosiMfts^' tioos. Kach number contains a complete aarMiasB- well as a liberal quantity of miseeiiaBe--usaSlg^ One yeai's subscription Rives a volnme cd MsnP 2,00(> panes. The best writers ot the aye havehsflfe: secured, and n«*w {esturt's wilt trom time to *t--»hO added, which will (riv«> to Lippin. ottV a place of its own. 1 or full pro-pectus sddnse UP> I'lXi OTT'S MAUAZlNK l'biud: fpbla a&«0K Dum ber; tB a year. Sena tor sample copy. ; Young Mothers! WE OFWF TOM S JBunn<|P wkieh Istsnt its hifoof Mother ami Chit^ "MOTHER'S FRIEND* JKeks Confinement e/<CS fl»rtw OMlJMsfe ,4 J Afterasfagoncbottleof " Mather's Prlael*! suffered but little i>sin,and did notex] " " weakness afterward usual In snsh asmib Oaok, Lamar, llo., Jan. 19th, Ob. •badpiblo BBQUUTOK ATLANTA. GA. 60ZD BV ALTI RKOOANMR I -j - -rj H I T 99 Mr. Jmaeph Memmerich, An old soldier, came ent of the War greatly enfeebled by Typhoid Fever, and after being in various hospitals the doctors discharged him as Incurable with Consumption. He has been tn poor health aiaoe, mntil he began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Immediately fats eengh grew looser, night sweats ceased, and he regained good general health. He cordially recommends Hood's Sar­ saparilla, especially to comrades in the O. A. B. HOOD'S PILLS cute Habitual Constipation by restoring peristaltic action of the alimentary canal OLD, CHRONIC PAINS 8UCCUMB TO ST. JACOBS OIL IT HITS THESPIFR' • AND CURBS. Ely's Cream Balm WILL CURE C A T A R R H Apply Balm into each nostril. ELY BliOB, SS Warren St.. N. T. IF ¥OU ARE XsOINC TO, JTw FLORIDA Be sure and get vour tickets by tbe MBflP CRESCENT and E. T. Va.ftSa.Rjs. * ii»I Kj m*f m»rt. Ytu will get thrrt iWto m vm. odII >ing daily Between «E, pasaiME thrnugjfc ackaonvme; The Little Children. Ever since the time when two she bears ate forty-two little Israelites tor making fun of the prophet Elisha, public sympathy has been on the side of the little street Arabs, who roam about and are forced to look out for themselves. How many of them die like poor Joe in "Bleak House"--be­ fore they have had half a chance. Most of them are swept away by pulmonary disease. Consumption drags them down to death by thou­ sands. All of them could be saved by the use of REID'S GERMAN COUGH AND Kidnky CURE. It is only by taking care of the health of the smallest children that the race Is elevated. See that you do your duty and provide for tbe comfort of your; own child. Get this great remedy. It contains no poison. It will cure croup. The small bottles cost twen- ty-flve cents, the large size fifty cents. SYLVAN REMEDY Co., Peoria. 111. meet and travel with the very best class Your surroundings wilt be as lumioes can procure. We have five complete magnificent trains running NATI and ST Auoustiwe, tanooga, Atlanta and Jacl are the only Cssisltts VsstlMSi Wwft cinnati to the SOUTH. You will save neni day in time. This line 68 iio wtes swwl are no charges on limited trains and yea best to be had. DON'T pav the same price up with i n ferier service, tor rates or I ticiihirs address D. G. EDWAKDS, G. J C. Routs. Cincinnati, O. or ask your & Agent for ticket via QUCEMaatf CRKSCMf I £evo«t tojjgu. The--, eolyyi genulnsfAXMBSnSBaVtaVMI pyrightsd by raOF ire oi imitations. nary Intel ly learn to In any Ie. Many measure, Illustrated I TH w THE LIBRARY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE MENTION THIS PA FER Idaho, WnMipw sad PRii oovciMjmnrr AND LOW PRICE 4STTh« bwt Africa] tural. Qnsiag aarf Landa bow omb io wtt-ler*. Ilitlti m CMAS. a. LAIBOKN, L*a4 l«K„ X. r. B. a^, St. Mention this papkr »•«« wmn <» j,i EPILEPSY CM BE CHER. FITS Dr. O. Phelps Brown Epilepsy Specialist; aiist--discovered that I caused by a peculiar ot the stomach aud celebrated HERBAL REMEDIES for which have CUBED THOUSANDS of eaten particulars, testimonials, aud bis "Ires* O Cause and Cure of Epilepsy." J. GIBSON BROWN,4 GPAHP nio Jersey Clty;lLj eeeeeeoeeoeeeaos__ fy the blood, are safe ai the beet medietas Urn I S form tbelr proper n { eating are Den «ited THIS PAPER Dew. constipation, dbrnndk breath, headftohe^isefaf dipewi painful dlyeft--. bad- < andall diseaste-c the atoBiek, function*. by talbng one < en,--• oaw eseMsei lasM-caasadby sM h. hver or bowels t»l . FtiwMiNslMi iple. l&c At Druggists, or« CH&tlCAL CO, lOSproce81., OOKPn«ED AND EOITGIt B¥ EDMUND CLARENCE STEOMAN AND ELLEN MACKAY HUTCHINSON Alone contains more carefully chosen, ably edited, and artistically arranged ADVKJTl KES, DRAMAS, POKMS AKBCOOTK^ ESSAVS, POLITICS BALLADS FICTIONS. TIIKIM nfiV BIOGRiPHlEI, HIsiTURlBS, ^PRAVELI • CHARACTER 8KRtCHBS, HVXOROVS ARTICLES, WARS. * CORRESPONI1EXC1C, IAKRATIVE8, WITCHCRAFTS. AVO CRITICISM, NOTED^AVINOS, WOSDERS, 'ban were ever before gathered within the same space or offered in one collection. Among those best competent to testify, the following have made constant use of theee volumes. aM highly recommend them: $40,000,000,- It by the Bell Telephone Patent In MR lads' * >rc*ss>assp •ddnUta* ;toaa, Jim Xknsh I Invention may b« valuable. Yon should pretest**! pstent. Address for tnU and intelligent iflilw l* ofcharg*. W. W. DUDLEY * C< Solicitots of FiuMB> JPaetBe Bldgn m F St. n. w„ w<ui>inxt«Na, Mettfton this paper. I eatl i*rwC«mpl>iTon:rart<iCoR«il| SaaS at «m U»>l» u Mt <Mk kucw, !w MENTION THIS PiMH mmm-- to uxaMMM >7.60. RIFLESIt.Nl WSTrnrat MENTION THIS PA PEP where. Icfer*. ymi Mad «toip far <«Mkp>0 The FewttiiCuieem 1SS Sahi St. OnMUa W. T. Harris, Lt>. D., L mtcd Oliver Wendell Holmes, Chauaoev M Senew p« < or Son^r/WattS?.^ • IIIOH PiVE OB EUCHWE>A»f» ThS CeStuA lsg'sEiae, ^ R", & p'R". Joel Chandler Hams, Hon. Whitelaw Beid, Professor David Swing. " leliuiVa-WM Cornelius V anderbilt, Bichard Henry Stoddard. AKXONT KSOLB; Ul.. p»§, ' ' " AN EXTENDED POPULARITY. BROVX'S BHONCHIAI> TROCHES huve for many years been the most popular article in use for re­ lieving Coughs and Throat troubles. IN Denmark the lighthouses are sup­ plied with oil to still the waves in a storm. ASTHMATIC Tbobblbs and Soreness of the Lungs or Throat are usually overcome by Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant--a aura curative for Colds. I PBEFEB silent prudence to toque- fjjp6s folly,--Cicero. , ^ leston, 'Merchant, Cowells, Andrew Carnegie, I. Vincent. Gen. Fits Hagh Lee, ri , Chancellor of Mrs. J. E. B. Stnart, C Chautauqua, V niversity, Mrs. Roscoe Conkline, imes Whitcomb Biley, Hon. Charles A. Dana, 'illiamE.Sheldon,Ex l're Bishop Phillips Brooka. National Teachers' Ass'n. Cardinal Oibbons, _ And thousands of others tcho are v>eU"kn'otrn[ The Stedman-Hntehlnaoh Llbrsry of Amrrican Literature is indispensable to busy persons whose time is limited; to children whose tastes are to be formed; to those who nse books for entertainment and instruction, and to all who wish to know anything about books or authors, or who wish to improve their own conversation and writings. It will cost you nothing to ask the next book-agent you meet to bring you this Libhary. He will be glad to bring IFC In the mean time write to CHARLES L. WEBSTER $ CO., 67 Fifth Ave., N. Ye per pack for the slickest oards Sl.Wyou will receive free by **pre»» ten MENTION THIS i-ACKK .. FIT FOLKS I c\ fcr.0^?l%NVD! Hr«. Mapla. Oraeon. Mi . "My nuht «ra»3S0 ijvuaila, awo i»! ba. For circular* aildiMa,! 1)KK MoVick»r »Th««tr*. MKNTION THIS PAPER van mm All I IOÎ ̂ Anyone can play the Piano or Organ I f lUOIV WITHOUT*A TEACHER! My a ; Ore of the wonders of the nineteenth century is Soper's InntM. . piano or organ--to teach sn> person to play upon either piano or orsaa at once, without tbe aid of a teacher, and the price asked for it (•l.00)ia a mere trifle when compared to The NEW YORK taneoua Guide to tbe keys of tbe the benefit to be derived. The thousands of flattering teatlmoeiala which have come gratuitously to ths ynblisbera from parcoM who are using the Howr Instantaneous music, apeak none too highly ef lis m«ci& Prtee, tl.M, Iselsdiag Set ef Tea (H) Pleeea ef either Chsreh lisle ar Pepalar Airs., , admim, iopir miisio, oa would Building, New vornu •atNTlOS TH PATENTS! PENSIONS! Send for Inventor's Ouidc, or Hotr to Obtain Send for of I'enaloa and Uountjr. A*ATKICK O'f.UtKELU Washington MENTION THIS rAPSS N. U. WHILN WHITING TO APVE1 . VV please say yoa saw the advei Ja tkb paper. _ Plso's atMsedy Am CManrh Is tlus Best. Easiest to CBS. 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