t:4 hkKl+. .s"* K" • . it&nfim!.* _ & -•>£ * .n H r*f ,> •' : , y l'"v ,»*, e i. m dbparthiknt Settcea un<1er the above head W t#w L»rties of (jliltt no part or credit for the Jsf 3ft,. tf-.W . M pte in L.-.'J' The W. C. T. U., will meet with Mrs. Dr. Anrinpyer, Thursday afternoon, Jan. _. .. *« ,«.T *i TO UjSE NO other Soap for launpry^ ANP HOUSEHOLP PURPOSE H £t\" i 26t&, at 2:30 o'ciock MBS. L. E. Bkkmktt, Pres. ii Wm,W. Colby, Secy. drinking- Dealer in Hardware, BEST BEST NOW OFFERING All Heating Stoves, both Coal and Wood, at Cost. Hatch for new adyertf sement next week. is§S;.% -4' liqvorttllMli- ir^MM* an opponents of saloons and tippling-house* who favor the dietary use of acoholic liquors in con nections with their meals. Commenting upon this practice, the Cincinnati Physio Medical Recorder says: "There are few popular ideas more com- letely destitute of fact or more injuri es in practice than the one which eup- the use of brandy and other alcoho- liqaors aids digestion and helps the Hutton or gromand to work off the shameful burden which he has imposed upon his thries-jaded stomach; for it is now & conceded physio-leg: fact that ardent spirits, in every shape and form, from small beer to alcohol at one-hundred per cent, impede and impair digestion, and are adverse to the whole alimentary process. . . . The idea that liquor aids digestion, is both erro. seoas and absurd; for, so far from that, •j »~v;5s th= £???«?. stultifies the brain, cowers the heart, and materially injores the whole human organism." I DON'T BE A CLAM. . _ r j to the town you live In and i jo the paper you see this add in and peat profit will be given unto yon If you buy. Men's CaBsimere suits only f4 50 Men's pants $1 25 to 5 00 Gents nobby chjeck raits.... 6 00 to 8 00 Fine dress nhirtw 50 to 1 25 Boys suite ...i 100 to 4 00 Knee pants **.... 20 to 1 00 Boys % wool waists 25 Boys school shoes. 1 35 Mens shoes '*1 00 to 3 00 Lots of new goods every week at Bed Bock Prices. £d. Lawlus. la front of the Riverside Hotel. Mr- - f'f I' "Jf V* ^ Pilisbary's j I Have Them Ms;". i$- "h ' ' rt/ t: \ tk' - Ct Mr. Win. T. Price, f - l ; .a Justice of the J lPeaee, at Richland, Neb., was confined to Ma bed last winter with a severe attack of lumbago; but a thorough application of Chamberlains Pain Balm enabled him to get up and go to work. Mr. Price •ays: "The Remedy cannot be recom mended too highly." Let anyone troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia or lame back give it a trial and they will be of the same opinion. 50 cent bottles For sale by G. W. Bealey, W. McHenry; |r I. A. Barrus, Yolo; L. M. Fenne, Wau- FLOUR, SHORTS, CORN, "EOOfidm ISWEAiSlI» Xfyoti waat to saye money and have gi)ud Bread and Washburn's Best &XXX Flour. g5gT"Nothing beats the Best . The above brands are never oat of season, and always in stock, at] THE ROLLER MILLS. Try a sack and yon will make no mis-j take. Leave your order at the Mill, we will do the res IT 15 fAR SUPERIOR T0ANY0THER IN THE ANP IS MADE. ONLY BY NWMRBANVMa CHICAG" Go to HEAMAN BROS. Iran and Middlings for 8alc|» §»• life ' . < r r FOB FINE Has come, and we have the seasonable goods that we are bound tljf sell if low priccs will have anything to do with moving them* Mn PLATED WARE. IF YOU WANT to KNOvi AT.I> ABOUT THEWMLD'S And to be KEIff POBttD in regard to the tame from now until next December you should subscribe for Is jet reasonably complete, so you cin suit and fit yourself righly I and the price is way down. In suits we joan Bhow you the bett assortment to select from in town. N§w W^teheS- ' and Chains. @£R' W~%'-" Chamberlin & Co., Des Moines, Iowa, desire to inform the public that tney are k manufacturers of the most successful^' preparation that has yet been produced,' for coughs, colds and croup. It will loos en and relieve a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. The article referred to is Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It is a medicine that has won fame and popularity on its merits and one that can always be depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to be aporeciat* ed. It is put up in 25 cent, 50 cent and' $1 bottles. For sale by G. W. Besleyj, West Mc Henry. I. A. Barrus, Volo. XmN. Fbbbb, Wauconda. WANTED! * Agents to sell oar choice and hardy Hnrsery Stock. We have many new special varieties, both in fruits and orna mentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or Mklary. Writs qs at once for isrms, •genre choice of territory. May Bbotheks. Nurserymen. r.N.Y. COAL, In any quantity, and I have them to sell. cm Be rare and see our New Dia mond Set Ladies'Sfaek Chains. W. A. CRISTY, •V'tt jiimigiim vert lug »75 per vVms failurM tn this Ontfltfree, BROWN MOW IS THB tlMX to WIT A Sewing Machine! Only $5 a month until paid. UEAMAN United States VarClaii Apt! THE WORLD'S FAIR for the NEXT TWELVE MONTHS will be of absorbing interest to everybody, and TFE INTER OCEAN intends making A SPECIAL FEATURE OP IT. A corps of STAFF' REPORTERS will devote their attention to the Exposition, and the readers of The Weekly Inter Ocean will in each issue have a ; synopsis of sill happenings and features of interest on this grounds and elsewhere, with illustrations. •. f THB YOUTHS* DEPARTMENT, WOMAN'S KINGDOM, - - CiiRlOSI'fY SHOP, THE BOMB, FARM AND FARIFRl Sttll all LITERARY FEATURES WILL BE MAINTAINED AM IVPR0YK| Owing to the fact of the change in the political character of th|»v • . National Administration, NEWS ITROLx THE POLITICAL WQSLP: will be of unusual interest. THIS WILL BE POUND COMPLETE IN THE INTER OCEAN. In (act, it is the intention to keep . < The Inter Ocean to the Front as a Paper for the ; • And make it such a visitor as -will be enjoyed lay EVERY MEMBEJtjQf y 5PAM1X.T. youncf and old. To make THE PAPER BETTER TBUfpg EVE*- ' Sbell be our endeavor. The Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is . - 11.00 Per Ye® - The Price of The Semi-Weekly Inter Ocean is $2.00 Per,!#^ • >-%m, ¥be Weekly is published EVERY TUESDAY. The Semi -Weekly EVERR MONDAY and THURSDAY. Send lor sample copy and see tor youraett. Address all o îets THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Felts attd Rubber^? r-|:;^; We have the most complete line, as well .as Boots and Shoes ftjf in wantofa pair •:v- Gloves and Mittens, Warm Caps, Coats. Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, dta A fall stock of Groceries. Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and (join |Meal. As ever yours lor business. ^ JOHN J. MILLER, West McHern?. m*,--r>; >• I' . • ere's the »•?! ea Of Use NoiS-pull«out Bow The graa watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves ana fails--cannot be pulled off tioc cue--costs mirtiim f on each end. Ajiollar pendant (stem) and fits into the grooves, firmly locking the tew to the pendant, so that it cannot be polM at twisted off. Can only he had with ease* JR stamped with this trade mark. v Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases arl Ww fitted with this great bow (ring). Thef jlook and wear like solid gold cases. Cost «only about half as much, and are guaranteed ifortweaiy years. Sold only through watch . . • dealers. Remember the name DR. FRUTH! Will beat the Woodstock House* Woodstock, on Tuesday* Febi 7, 1803. Office hours from Sfc30 a. m. to A p. m. WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois. ProMoates&ll olaMM and klnda of claims 1 States tor ex-Soldiers, ndent Relatives or Heirs. against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. is mad* In proseouuag old and ystoneWatch Cas^fo., PHILADELPHIA. LOOK for the Owl aad wwe-.. WM, B. COWZJS 0*g»s^»e|4^e^.|jpieon St., B0 OTS ̂SHOES Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., New Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer for them, if he does not keep them send C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicagp* For Sale by S1M0M STOFFEL, West McHenry- teir Widows, He A specialtv" rejected cia i»»S«£wS5r:UK^Ptor?»"rred " I *° "»tor an descriptive list Nwrer pay in the long rno, and seldom in the short rn«. i iit'iini#" (alLLETT'S MAGIC YEAST It will make BETTER BREAD then you have ever mads before. If means POOR YEAST 8 moans POOR BREAD DR. D. O. FRUTH, Late Surgeon in the Provident Medical Di*p'iu tcery of New York note President of the FrtUh Mtdical Inolituti, chartered His long experience in the largest hospitals | in the world enables him to treat all Chbonic Mbbvocb, bkih amd Blojd diseases upon the latest scientific principle*. DR FKIjTH has no superior in diagnosing Mil treating diseases and deformities. He WiU give $50 for any case he cannot tell the disease and where located in Ave minnte*. Medical and surgical diseases, acu e and cbronin Catarrab, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Hose. T&»rm?-ftnd Mings. Dys»et> ia. Brljrbt's Oiscabe, Diabetes. Kidney, Liver. Bladder, Obrr>nic Female and Sexual Diseaaes ipee«ii!y e» red by treatment that h»» never 'ailed In thousands of cases that bad been pronounced beyond hope. Man? people meet death every year who might have been restored to perfect health had they placed their cases in the bands of experts. DE, FRUTH has attained the most wonder- fat Buccese in the treatment of eases to whieb he devotee special attention, and after years of exoerietice, has perfected the most infalli ble method of curing Orvanie Weakness, Her* voub Debility, Premature Decline of the Man ly Power, Involantary Vital Losses, Impair, •d Memory. Mental Anxiety, Absence of Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney affections if consulted before Idioey, Insanity Palling Fits or Total Impotency result from TQUTHFU L. EBBOR8, the awful effect which Might the most radiant hopes, unfitIng patl enttor business study, society or marriage, annoallv sweeping to an untimely grave tbonsands of young men ' f ez<ilt«d talent and brilliant intellect. PILK9 CUBED with out pain, knife eatery, EPILEPSY positive, ly cured by oflhr new aad never failing hospi < tal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of t the it me. chemical and microscopical, in *11 eases of Kidney Diseases, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and tJpermatorrhae. Bring epecU Ken*. . WoKDEEFUt CUBES perfected in all sees that have been neglected or unskill- treated. No experiments or failures, ndertake no Incurable cases, but cure, thousands given up to die Bemeretber the date and eome early as his rooms are always crowded Gases and eonrespondence csnfidential, and treatment Stat by express with full direct ions for ue. but personal consultation pre We use Alnnhnl pare alcohol to mako Wolff's Acme Blacking. Alcohol IF good for leather; it is good for the skin. Alcohol is the chief ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bay Rum the well known face washes. We think thereit nothing too coatljtoi in & good leather preservative. Acme Blacking retail* At 20c* and at that price sells readily. Many people are so accustomed to buying a dress ing or blacking at 5c. and 10c. a bottle that they eaapQt understand that a black* ing can b*^pehP at 20c. We want to meet them witTJfetpness if we can, and to*o> compliA this we offer * reward of $10,000 for a recipe which will enable us to make Wolff's Acme Blacking at such a pric« that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. We hold this offer open until Jan. 1st, 1893. wotwr * BAITOOLPH. Philadelphia. BUY PIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. 6 PIECE P A R L O R S U I T BUY PIRECT ! THIS $65 COMPETITION Usually levels matters, arid it la not difficult for the public to who is the most aggressive and FREICHT PAID WITHIN 500 MILES OF CHICAGO. Frames In Sslld OnU, or Walnut covered in Mohair Crnahed Pluab (any ©olor). banded With Silk IH*«fc to match; all six pieces have spring edge (soft edge) and are well made throughout Ooiiaists«if 1 sofa. 1 patont rocker. 1 easy chair, 1 divan and 2 parlor chairs. We manufacture all goods in this line nnd iruurantee them. We pack and pay the freight within 600 miles of Chicago* Not tor «nle by furniture dealers n* price is too low. Established twenty years. Befer to any hanKItt United States, tend six cents for sample of plush. EMPIRE BSDSTXSAD OO., , MADISON AND CENTER AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. Leader tb. Low A P: BAER. West MoHe&ry, III., 1808. •AiifiiMjii Vf KMl |"iiy We u t (erred. OS. P. O. FRUTH. GEO. W. BESLEY, JUXJA A. 8TOBY, ':"V ;v Traok MAmc T<md&rM . . C U K E S J Rhaalilcn, (.'u'h, lllului Sorn IT• . iitC'hen, Ihirixtl Wlro Cut*, Bums •• linr*«. f vw lri. Oreaw H# upt*». !-im| OuMtter. CUS CARLSON, -DftU.11 !•-- Hmmmm luppliM of sll kind DEALER IN West MoHenry, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, TOILET ARTICLES. T&l FINEST LINE OF LASPS In the county, as prices tew# 60 cents up. " > DEALER INI- OWB DOORWB8TOV aivKBsxoa house. MeHnrj.m, Pure Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. Drugs s Medicin •A FULLtLINE OF- DriiLCliemicals. Die Stoi, Famts, Oils &Cte Ck>MUntly on hand. Alio a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articu AMD • COMPLETE 8TOCK OF STATIONEBT AMD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES •3^ The best brands oi Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobaccc always on hand, • ^ , Physicians's Prescriptions -••4m > Otaelolly compounded Qjye me a (mil4 --A./ QEO- W. BES F^nrielaaa Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- \<** \ 4 •!ITOL3tAri!4L; Wrc/V^" ^