Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1893, p. 5

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T 4mim vli f FWHWBii WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25. 1898. .?-Tafclag «flbet on SUNDAY, HOT, 6th, ifiHtaina puss this station u follow! ; QOIHO KOMTH. iffSfwilllams Bay Freight peases.. " "Lake Genevn Passenger •' ... l&ake Gnneva Passenger " .... 'Lake Geneva Express " . .. •Lake Geneva Passenger •* ... OOIIS tODTBi 1W1. DM A.K. •:M •• 838 P.M. 4:80 " •*1 M xPassen^er Depart , !»*Lake Geneva Express " : , "Williams Bay rrei*M •• ir ^•'jjldtfsefioaeva Passenger " , * :,»v - EXFLAHATIOH# ..7-33 A.*. . .8*22 •• .1:26 P. M. .-tfr *. Daily except SnnJajf* " | • Sunday* mlj. :;w r Daily. B. BUBS, Agent. McHenrr, Xtt MASONIC. MCRBNBV LODOK, NO. IM A. T. and A. M.-- Itgular Oomuaunir.ntitna the second aad Oartb SSsadsjs ia swiii uiuniit. W. A. OBISTT, W. M. Sr A* McHEKKr CHAPTER IT, ». p0Sf ORDER OS* THE S ASTERN FIT ABU . Regular Meetings the First anrt Third Wed- -r gj§jyxay evenings of eaeh moatii, gi Kasonie JnLtA A. P TORT, Worttty Matron, r; i:(lfAHTli.WBMTWOBTnt Secretary. jlfi ' She •went to thn rivor io skate; ' Her soul was filled with bliss; She struck a rough spot in the ie<^; •siqi em **mf pepavi poT S 5 . {DON'T fail to attend the entertainment City Hall Saturday evening. FLOUR.--Pillsbury's Beet $1.09 per i sack, at John I. Story 's, Riverside Block. f ; '.You will miss a rare treat i! yon fail to * hear Mrs. Pilcher next Saturday evening. : >jFw>trB.--Pillsbury's Beat $1.09 per ". »ack, at John I. Story's Riverside Block. \*-i , NOTICE, John Evanson & Co's Hand- > ;^»rchief Sale, Saturday evening next, ^ ?pbin 7 to 9 o'clock. ' Happy and content is a home with "The Ro­ chester," a lamp with the light of the morning. , ' Catalogues,write RochesterLampCo^NewYork. / & 8NOW White Kerosene, 150 Test, at 7% "cents per gallon, at John I. Story's, Blverside Block. ' j/ABOUT a foot more of the "beautiful /snow" fell on Tuesday, and we now have Van abundant supply for all purposes. JSNOW White Kerosene, 150 Test, At 7% cents per gallon, at John 1. Story's, JjUrerside Block. Now is the time of merry making, fj&me one, come Ml, and share the fun that is in store for all who attend the Cobweb Social at the City Hall, Feb. 3. | ON February 3d the Aid Society will Ueet with Mrs. John Evanson. Supper served from 5 to 7 P. if. A cordial invi­ tation extended to all. " NEW advertisements can be found in columns this week for John Evanson lb Co., West McHenry, and J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. Read them. £ -- , ' - A MALE quartette, consisting of Dr. A. ' • E. Auringer, Dr. W. E. Pilcher, W. D. jfentworth and W. A. Cristy will assist Mrs. Pilcher in her recital at the City Hall Saturday evening. '&. , A MAN should always be polite. When you. see a loan rushing along with icicles J? hanging to his beard and beating his * ears with his hands, be sure to stop him •nd tell him it's oold--he will be expect­ ing it. Remember the Cobweb soeiable to be if ven at the City Hall, on the evening, R b. 3d. Arrangement^ are being made for a fine programme, after which a good •upper will be served.- Entrance to hall lOcenta. The strings attached to the «ebs 15 cents each. Supper at the small ^ fttm of 10 cents. |I " '*. A WESTERN paper recently gave its delinquent subscribers the following % notice: "The wind bloweth, the farmer \ eoweth, the subscriber oweth, and the i's ~ Lord knoweth that we are in need of our dues. So come a runuin' ere we go ( gunnin', we're not a funnin', this thing r ' of dunnin' gives us the everlastin' blues. •- _ :;*• MRS. A, M. PILCHEH, of Portage. Wis., ML give a recital at the City Hall, Satur­ ate « day evening, January 28. Mrn. Pilcher ^ is an elocutionist of exceptional ability. ,.j- For years she acted as instructor of elo­ cution in both Dixon college and Aurora ' Seminary. She will be assisted by an •J «ble male quartette. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. VBfeSOVAI.. " :• Mm Mtmna 0OL*Y, of Nanda, spent Sunday with her parents here., MRS. ALBERT COLBY has been on the rick list the past week. FRANK CHQATB, of Woodstock, was on onr streets on Suuday. O. W. PRATT, of Wauconda, wpks on our streets on Sunday. E. GREEN, ofWauconda, was a caller the first of the week. DR. J. DAWSON, of Nunda, made onr sanctum a pleasant Mil on Saturday. GEO. G. SMITH and wife spent Sunday with friends at Kirkland, 111. P. 8. MAYES was a Chicago visitor last CHAS. LAMPHESE took in the rights of Elgin on Saturday. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS, of Elgin, was call­ ing on friends here Tuesday. Miss ELIZA SLADE is visiting with friends in Chicago. JOHN BONSLETT, of Chicago, apeat Sun­ day with friends here. MRS. J. M. PRESTON, of Milwaukee, is visiting with friends in this village. WILL BONSLETT, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents in this village, MRS. S. P. COLBY and son, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. MRS. A. M. PILCHER, of Portage, Wis., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Aurin­ ger, in this village. MRS. HENRY MENTZBS waA daughter, aud Miss Mable Mentser, of Greenwood, were visiting friends here on Sunday. JOHN MCGEE and wife, of Woodstock, were the guests of Dr. Fegers and wife on Sunday. ADOLPH FISCHER and wife, of Kenoshe, Wis., were calling on friends here last SHERIFF UDELL, of Woodstock, was at­ tending to official business in this village one day last week. N. H. PIKE, of Chenoa, 111., has been spending a few days at his cottage at Pistaqua Bay. / M. ENGLEN rejoices over the arrival of ^a girl baby at his home one day last week. ^TAY"COOK, Lewis HUl and Will Lam- phere, all of WaucOnda, were on onr streets on Sunday. E. E. THOMAS and wife, of Woodstock, were the guests of Mrs. E. M. Owen over Sufi^tay, \ MRS. C. STEOEMANN has been danger­ ously sick the past week and ia bat little better at this writing. /JOHN F. CLAXTON came into oar office /on Tuesday morning with his hands full of Cigars aad a broad smile upon his face and reported the arrival of a ten pound girl. John was happy and we don't blame him. All doing well. tOWKM. BAS8BTT. John E. Baasett was born September 10t"h, 1815, at Ruehviile, N. Y., and died at his home five miles weet of Mc Henry, January 9th, 1893. At the age of 18 he was converted to God, and began the work of the Ministry two years later in the Erie Conference of the M. E. Church. It was in the days when ministers travel­ ed long circuits on horge-back, preaching at several appointments on the way. He was one of the pioneer preachers who did so much in shaping the character of onr nation. In 1840 he was married to Celestia Norton, at Chester, Ohio. Five years later he felt it his duty to retire from the traveling connection and con­ tinue his work as a local preacher. In 1855 he moved to hlsjniinois home where e spent the remaining days of his life, rother Bassett was a man who enjoyed the respect of everyone. He was thorough­ ly Christian in all his dealings, which fact is the highest eulogy that can be given to any man. His rare intellectual pow­ ers combined with a deep spiritual nature made him always a power for good both in the church and out, , , ^lie leaves a wife aud two children, a son Wilbur F., and a daughter, Mrs. Magoon, of Elgin, HI. The funeral was held Jan. 10th, in a school house near the home farm. He was buried in the cemetery about foar miles west ol Mc- Hepiy. % C. W. FLETCHER. f DIEI>.--Gone to spirit life, Amy; young­ est child of William and Sarah Stevens, oorn August 5th, 1889, and passed on to the better home January 19th 1893, making her 3 years 5 months and 14 jays old. j£my~was an uncommonly bright little creature, of a very thoughtful turn of mind, the pride and joy of parents, glad­ dening their hearts with her sweet sing­ ing, «nd in gojf»g h»(? vacant a large place in the family circle to be missed in a thousand little nameless circumstances. But may we not believe that this priceless gem, snatched from the home she had made so happy, has now been gathered as a beautiful rose­ bud, where there shall be no blight, and no broken ties of affection, henceforth to grow in purer beauty, and stronger goodness and larger life, under the cul­ ture of God's good spirit, to beoneof the chiofestjoys of the household, a glory shining in the heaven. 'Tls always, always thee, #ttll all that's here below, The loveliest and the fairest, are always first Xo go; Tke bird that sings the sweetest, the vine that crowns the lock, The glory of the garden, the flow'ret of the f flock. But can we not? "Give np our 'ear ones, In tears and pain, And the flower we most do love, For we know we shall find them nil again, In the fieldstof light above." H, 8, Vi- k I 'V-/ ' A COSTUMEBfrom Chicago,Vill beat the ^ • McHenry House, on Monday morning, % Feb. 13th, with a variety of Costumes, ' ;>&|faeks, etc., and all those who wish can ^ #elect in advance and be ready for the | t*arty in the evening. Remember the \ -Social Party and Masquerade will be in the evening, and those who desire to mask should select their costumes early. IT is reported that recently a Carthage ^ jyoung lady was teaching a class in spell- f Jug when the word "husband" was put on the blackboard. None of the children could pronounce it and, in order to help . ."them out, the teacher asked: "What " Would I have if I should get married?" , The response was prompt, but was not What she expected, and she blushed such brilliant red that the sunlight paled. H E man$ friends of Dr. J. Dawson be pleased to learn that he has lo­ cated at Nunda, and for the present can •be found at the office of Dr. Ballon whose practice he will attend to during his illness. Dr. Dawson is a graduate of both schools of medicine, was assistant physician of the Illinois State Peuitenti ftry for three years, for the past two ^rears has been practicing in California, where be went for his health, and has BOW returned to McHenry county, his ;o!d home, to practice his profession AM OBJ? his old Wends, whoee number legion. We predict for him unbounded t' success. "sMeta! New assortment jus* reorive* \ y Story 's Drug Store. ^ Fi nm W Pillnburj'n Beet $1.09 per sack, at John I. Story's, Riverside Block. THE Chautauqua Circle will meet with Mrs. J. I. Story, on Thursday evening, Jan. 26, at So'clock. Let there be a large attendance. Miss JULIA A. STOBT, President, Miss AMY O- OWMf. seereUry, SNOW White Karosene, 150 Ifest, at 7% cents per gallon, at John.I. Story's, Riverside Block. Beal Estate Transfers. Record up to and including Jan. 16: D Oollin* and w to J D Pringle, to in seX neV sec 11, Marengo f 180 00 E A atone aod A to E E Richards A S fO Jeweti w60it It 5 blk 1 Woodst'k.. 1000 00 P Pringle and w to H Glass and w, lfta In wjtf bwX IB Seneca 800 00 oo Poiterand w to w stover, It 8blk 33 M IH adn to hiurongo 180 00 Catharine Moses to S J Mansfield se?< neX ne* and sM i»j* mM H nn Greenwood..... .. 101000 A N Seeley and w to P H Du Val nnd H of wtf swX and ne* sw* sec IS 3he muni.... ................... MOOOO J M Winnie and w et al to P P Wiune und K of swX s of Uy swM and xr j£sek soffcy see 84 (-226a) and a!! of mX sejtf and ne« a ot rr sec 31 (118Xa) Grafton I848B K G £ Htandish and w et al to E B Stand* ish iwK swM sec 17 stf se)C seM so® 18 n 24a tX De3i sec and 30a in w# nwli see 20 Sen®cs. .. ISM 00 Elvira T Hmith to Mary A Teeple 106>r a in w>t wH sec S Coral 74B& 00 D P Sogers and w to E L A F N Smith . 81.81 a in sees l^and 19 Alden. MS 4o Board of supervisors. yA Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors will be held at the Court House in Woodstock, on Saturday next, January 28th, commencing at 10o'clock ^har^ WM. AVEBY, County Clerk. FLOUR.--Pillsbury's Best |1.09 per sack, at John I. Story's, Riverside Block • Cobweb Social. While this is the season in which we least expect to see cobwebs floating in the air, yet all who visit the City Hall on the eve of February 3d will .be surprised to see that the busy little insects that weave those intricate meshes have been busy at work even in this wintry weather. 4 All are cordially invited to come and join in the unweaving of the webs. Please remember date and place, City Hall, February 3d. J Almost a Fire. ^ I McHenry narowly escaped adkmetrou fire on Sunday afternoon last. Between six and seven o'clock fire was discovered in a store room, in the rear of H. C. Smith's Block on the weet side, and it was only by the most prompt action that a serious and disastrous conflagra­ tion was prevented. How the fire start­ ed is a mystery, as no one was known to have been in that room since early in the morning. From appeirances it evident­ ly had started near the wall of the main building, and when discovered had burn­ ed through the siding, ran up the ceiling, burning a hole through the roof. In the room was a quanity of Kerosene Oil, boxes full of straw that had been used for packing, a large quanity of liquors, and other inflamable goods Had the fire once got under headway the whole business portion of the west side would have been in ruins.. As it was it was discovered just in time. Mr. Smith's loss will be about f *200. Nunda Department. SHOW White Kerosene, 150 Test, at 7% cents per gallon, at John L Story's, jHvsnsoe Nice Dress Suits, 'he ihembers of Slocum's Orchestra ave purchased of P. E. Saunders & Son handsome dress suits and hereafter this popular archestra, in addition to furnish­ ing the finest music in the country, will appear in the latest and most fashiona­ ble dress suits. The character of their business during the last year is such that in order to meet the requirements of the times the purchasing of such garmentt- was the only alternative, and they are at present better able than ever to meet tht- wants of their customers.--Harvard Her- alfl. RINQWOOD] For the benefit of the foreign readers of the PLAINDEALKR who once were resi­ dents in this locality, we note the contin­ ued winter weather. We h»ve had si no winter set iu, steady cold weather, ami during the past three weeks mercury has bung below zero most of the time. Snow fell to improve the sleighing, already good since New Years, and to-day th<- air is full "of the fleecy matter. Wind south and southeast by turns and pres­ ent indications are prophetic of contin­ ued storm with probably rain to finish. The winter so far is remarkable, here at least, for the healthfulness of the inhabi­ tants. Mrs. F. L. Carr and little boys have re­ turned from a visit at Grandpa and Grandma Neville's, Wauconda. During the visit Mrs. C. was the guesser in aeon- test for a pretty lamp. There were a number of good guesses but the lucky one was Mrs. Carr. R. E. Stenzel and Ed. Carr have rr- turned from Twin Lakes where they have been at work on the ice. Our merchants, J. W. Cristy & Son, are to the front again in the flour trade with Pillsbuty's Best at fl.15 aud other grades accordingly low. For flour and feed at bottom prices go to Cristy & Son On Monday last we were shown Jas. G. Blaines books, "Twenty Tears in Con­ gress," in two volumes, and "Political Speeches and Discussions" in one. The books are the most remarkable produc­ tions of the greatest statesman of this age, and should be in the libraries of all thorough readers and thinkers, regard­ less of party affiliation. The first men­ tioned work is the most fair and unbias­ ed account of 'he causes that led to the stormiest period of our history as a nation, and of the means applied and the ends attained by them. There are too many empty-headed, blatant politicians who would talk with more accuracy and seeming common sense by a careful stud v of these works or of "Benton's Thirt.s Years Review." If you wish the pure De­ mocracy of the soundest of Democrats, post yourself some way, and have reason as long as you live to be grateful to the source of those good things, good men who write good books. A letter just received from Felix Men­ delsohn, who attended echool at Oak Lawn Academy here, and is now Assist­ ant Secretary to the Second Vice Presi­ dent of the Illinois Central Railroad com­ pany, says: "We have just bought another road and are very busy at present." The above is characteristic of Felix, and those who remember him will be glad to note his position. He has had his salary twice increased since his em­ ployment, and will soon be known^s an officer of the road. Success to Felix. This is just +be time of year that agents for foreign Nurseries are reaping their harvest. Don't forget that we have a good Nursery atRingwood. Yoo can buy goods just as cheap and have fresh stock at a season when it may be set out, and so labor and money saved What has become of our band ? Turn out boys and serenade Jack Frost in bis transient abode. Even noise is better than nothing. Beat the drum! < Mrs. D. Chimin* returned Friday even ins from a visit with her parents, in Chicago. Howard Waterman is movinor into town, occupying one of W. Ladd's tere- ments, which he will vacate when hi* own home shall bei*ady. aV»n* J**-. Ice is 22 inches thick. ^ More snow aud good slrighing, Geo. Ford is better at this writtegr, Good hay is worth ten dollars per ton. J. A. Sheldon, principal of the Huntly school, was in this city Saturday. Mr. Roberts has moved into Us new house on Williams «treet. Dr. Dawson, who takes Dr. Ballon's practice has arrived in town. Alonso Armstrong, of Nebraska, is vis­ iting his sister, Mrs. D. B. Warner. Miss Ferris, of Wauconda, was the guest of Miss lone Watson last Sunday. L. H. Rice, of Aurora, spent Sunday with friends in Nunda. A. I. Maliory was a Woodstock visitor last week. Miss Antoinette Desantelle, of Chicago, is spending a week with friends in this city. Miss Susie Bryant, of Barreville was the guest of Miss Minnie Owen last Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Hartman spent Wednes­ day last in Woodstock. F. Winecoupe, of Elgin, and Clayton Werden, of Wauconda, were guests of L. A. Werden last Sunday. Miss Eva Ballou was a Chicago visitor last Friday. Miss Minnie Owen, of Elgin, spent Sun­ day with home friends. E. W. Andrus, ofChicago,was a Nunda visitor Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Foots, of Irving Park, is visiting her parents in this city. ^ A sleigh load of our young people took upper at the Hotel Woodstock last Sun- ay evening. The banquet spoken of last week to be given by the Bachelor's Club of Nunda, to the young ladies, came off as planned and was a most elite affair. G. A. Arps, formerly station agent at Ridgefield, and now of Palatine, was in town Saturday night. On the afternoon of Jan. 16th Wood­ stock Woman's Relief Corps was insti­ tuted at Woodstock, electing the follow­ ing officers: President, Miss Emily Whitson; S. V. P., Mrs. Carrie Kirk; J. V. P.. Mrs. Amy Brink; Treasurer, Miss Mabel Hanaiord; Chaplain, Mrs. Alice Bllsworth; Conductor, Mrs. Laura Ver- inilyea; Guard, Miss Anna Dickerson. Appointed officers were: Secretary. Miss Edith Johnston; Assistant Conductor, Mrs. LaSaile; Assistant Guard, Mrs. Eliza Kelley. Post and Corps held joint installation in the evening, W. H. Mon­ roe, Past Post Commander of Post 108 installing the Post officers, and Mrs MnrthaSt. Clair, Assistant Instituting Officer, installing the Corps officers, as­ sisted by Mrs. Ella Hubbard, both of Nunda Corps No. 22. Union Volunteer Camp 197, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., held their election and installation of officers in G. A. R. Hall, Friday evening, January 20. The fol­ lowing officers were installed: Captain, Walter Shepard; 1st Lieutenant, Daniel **teel; 2d Lieutenant, W. H.Jones; Chap­ lain, Qhas. Smiley; Council, A. I. Maliory W.T.Huffman, A. J. Thompson; Dele­ gate, W. H. Jones; Alternate, A. J. Thompson. Installing officer, Frank Shepard, of Chicago, past captain of Geo. A. Custer Camp No. 9, S. V., assist­ ed by Capt. F. L Cheney and 1st Ser­ geant C. J. Tisdel. of Geo. A. Custer "'amp, Chicago. The gentlemen are all active and enthusiastic workers; in the order and well informed in the work. Prank Shepard is one of Nunda's boys and is well known in this community as a young man of character and ability and a son of S. S. Shepard, Barreville. riapt. Cheney and Sergeant Tisdel are both young attorneys practicing in Chi­ cago. All of them are gentlemen of a hi»fh type and their visit here and the in­ terest manifested by them in this camp will do much to inspire new real in the the boys of Camp 197, and the future success *s very flattering indeed. Many thanks gentlemen for your visit. The W. I. O. O. club, of Nunda, enter­ tained the young ladies for the first time in its history Saturday evening, Jan 21, at the Dental Parlor of L. A Werden. The evening's entertainment eclipsed in brilliancy all previous affairs in this city. Roses, carnations and stnilax were the floral decorations, while both parlors were festooned with pink and blue. Os- sian Congdon. seated at the head of the speaking table and acting as toast mas­ ter gave a toast to the "young ladies," which was very appropriately responded to by Miss Clara Beckley who gave a toast to the "young gentlemen." Sou­ venirs, consisting of napkin rings and bon bon boxes were given to each guest. It was a remarkable entertainment in every sense, being unique, original, in­ formal and brilliant and brings great credit upon the young men of our city. •Jt,' T' , * '.J**' QOOO8AT TOM PRICES! ALGONQUIN. C. E.'Chapell and wife spent part of last week in Chicago. There was quite a tarn oat at the Sparring Match, at Columbia Hall on Saturday evening last. Miss Laura Miller, accompanied with friends from Elgin, spent Saturday even­ ing last with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Miller here. S JOHN I. STORY, in Riverside Block, is new offering the following rare induce­ ments to the buying public. Read cam- fully and call around and,6ecure„so£ag of the Bargains before it is too lafo: Good Sheeting, per yard.......--„ Appleton sheeting. I Lawerence sheeting Indian head Peppereil Mills. D wight BAilis.....««................i. «*«.«..] BLEACHED FACTORY, <1% r>% 7% 6* 7% Gilt edge soft finish^.. Champion mills......... Snow white. Cobbote Fruit of the Loom... iiliiftiiiif'"- 6c ............ 7% 9c COTTON FL ANNELS. For 6, 7, 8, 10,12 and 17 c^Ter per yard, both Bleached and Unbleached. All 10 cent Ginghams at 7% cents a yard. ALL WOOL IDEE DOWNS. 37 cents, former price 50 cents. stripe 65 cents, former price 80 cents. A goodlder Down for 25 cents, former price 30 cents. All 8 cent prints for 6% cental •' -. FLANNELS. . Rockford Shrunk Flannel 32 cents, former price 40 cents. Better grade 34 cents, former price 45 cents. We will give a discount of 10 per cent on all our dress flannels, also, all red and white wool flannels and our entire line of dress goods. TOWET„S? TOWEL3!! 40 dozen at 15 cents each, former price 20 cents. 10 dozen at 8 oents each, former price 10 cents each. CORSETS. Onr entire line of fl Corsets at 79 cents, our entire line of 50 cent corsets at 39 cents. 20 per cent off on all doable Shawls. Our entire stock of Gents, Ladies and Children gloves and mittens at a discount of 20 per cent. We will also give 20 per cent discount on all Gents, Ladies and Children's all wool Hosiery. COTTON BAT'S. 8 cents, former prioe. 10 cents 10" " " 12 " 12" " " 15 " Rockford Carpet Warp, 22 cents per lb. A discount of 20 per cent on all Gent's Leather and Flannel lined coats, also all Overalls, Working pants and Vest Jack­ ets. 5-A Horse Blankets, 91.40. A discount of 10 per cent on all Table Linen and Napkins. 20 per cent off on all Ribbons. Bed Comforts 85 cents, former price $1 " 1.40 " " 1.75 " " 1.60 " " 2.00 Table oil cloth 20 cehts'a yard. We will also offer at actual cost for 15 days, our entire line of Underwear and Caps. 10 per cent off on all Boots, Shoes and Rubber goods. GROCERIES. Flour, Pillsbury's Best 1,09 191bs Granulated sutcar 1.00 100 lb. Sacks Granulated Sugar, $5.25 lib cans Prices bakiug powder 41 Pt> " " " " 22 lib '• Royal " " 42 X|b " _ " " _ " ......... 22 Chicago yeast Powder....... 1«> Church's Soda... Sun Gioss Starch Corn starch Good rice, per ib XXX Soda cracker........... ^ Keuosha crackers yd'l Best i lyster crackers. Arbuckle's Coffee 20 7 7 8 5Ji 7 8 7 Mrs. Gene Andrass has been quite sick the past week. Little Libbie Jaynes is on the rick liat. Miss Dollie Kee, has been sick the past lev days. E. Gillispie, of Joltet, was the guest of Miss Grace White onSunday last. Dr. Nason reports Patrick Balesty on the sick list. Lon Wenholz and sister Minnie, attend­ ed the funeral service of their father at Dundee on Sunday last. G. L. Beckley and wife, of Nunda, visited at Gene Andruss' here on Satur­ day last. There was two big sleigh loads attended the society at Billy Kee s, on Wednesday evening, of last week. The young folks of Cary, and also of this village, 45 in number, gave Miss Grace Peter a Surprise Party on Friday evening of last week. Mrs. W. P. Benson and .Mrs. J. Peter, made a trip to Elgin last week.. Otto Zimmerman and wife, moved to town this week. Miss- Kittie Doig, visited with her sister, Mrs. .1. Munshaw, last week. D. W. Thomas and wife, Sundaye4 at Cary. ' * Remember the Masquerade Ball, on Friday night of this week, at Columbia Hall. Everything looks favorable, as the sleighing will be good, and there will he srood moon-light. So all turn out and have u good time. Our Condensing Factory is progressing finely, as the past few days has been very favorable for them in getting up the frame and sheeting it up. They will soon have part of it enclosed and then they will have a place to work in bad weather. Snow white Kerosene 150 teBt......... Cooking Molasses .«?.*» Pure Gold syrup Good cooking Raisings v SOAP! SOAP!! Lenox soap 6 bars York ' 7 ^35 Cyclone " 7 u 25 Maple city 6 - 25 Ivory soap i ** .. iu American family, per Bar, 6c m 18 40 ' 8 25 S&Xfil] TAZMt. The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 23d, 1893, be at at the following places for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: Mondays--At the store of Lay & Ad­ ams, in the village of J ohnsburg. Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, in the village of Ringwood. Thursdays--At the store of John J. Miller, West McHenry. Saturdays--At the store of Pony & Owen, McHenry, All persons having Taxes to pay should call at one of the above named places *a,i as early a day as possible. JOHN H. FREUND, Collector. ; WUNDA TAXJC8! The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of Nunday Iftll be at the fol­ lowing places at the times named: At Munche's Store, Barreville, every Friday, forenoon. At John J. Miller's store;, West Mc­ Henry, Wednesdays. Balance of the time at my Harness shop, in the village of Nunda. G. L. HUBBARD, Collector. -Va- Baslnef The largest and best assortment of Men's and Boy'B Suits in town &t J. J. Miller,s. ' GENTS. If yon want your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, E. Lawlus will do yon a splendid job. . Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet temper, all result from the use of De- Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous ittle pillrf. Julia A. Story. Do NOT forget If yon want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. Piles of people have piles, butDe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. Julia A. Story. _______ PIANOS TO RENT. Six Upright Pianos to Rent from now antii J am 1st, at half price. Inquire of O.W.OWBH. 200Tons Corn Wanted! At the Highest Market Price. W. A. CRISTY, West McHenry, lit We will offer you every inducement to' trade with us as we are in position to increase our trade and are bound to do it if honest methods will do it. J. W."CRISTR & SON., Ringwood, Small in sice, great in reeult: De Witt's Little early Risers. Best Pills for Con­ stipation, best for Sick Headache, best for Sour Stomach. They never gripe. Julia A, Story. _____ . Success is every thing depends largely upon good health. l)e Witt's Little Early Risers are little health producing pills. See the point? Then take an "Early Riser." Julia A. Story. Nothing so distressing as a hacking Cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if al­ lowed to continue. One Minute Cough AN vrKBsai '•'•.Mr. ' * iV' ><4. -m. i Bargains I * "V . . 4^3 BEGTNNTNFWTOEIDSJ, contlnuelng two weeics, wMl ppooeed to clean out our Winter Goods in earnest, We propose to make prices on #1 artlcl* that will be Bare to cseWT it 10 make room for the arrival Of Jferil Goods already bought. 1 mmn^ltofA rOilSii ouitc& As oiAJrjr, g|vog l\ 1893 is to be our banner year. Can't pou help us to make it so? We have some Winter goods that you can bujf of us cheaper than you ever thought of. J. W. CKBTV & SON., Ringwood. FOR SALE. The wind from the North blows sharp and keen, and bad effects of colds are seen. One Minute Cough Cnre so safe and MIWB will quiokly perform a wonderoas mrs. i. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned, having decided to quit farmiug will sell at Public Auction on the Mosgrove farm, miles South of McHenry and 2 miles North of Bar­ reville, on Tuesday, Jan. 31. commenc­ ing at 10 o'clock sharp, the following: 30 cows, new milch and springers, four yearling heifers, 1 yearling bull, 1 span black geldings, half blood shires, weight 2700,1 bay gelding 5 years old, weight 1100, Morgan, 1 sorrel coach horse, 5 years old, weight 1100, 2 3-year-old bay geldings, 6 breeding sows, 1 full blood poland China boar. 1 Walter A. Wood binder in good repair, 1 corn planter, 1 Buckeye seeder, 1 Keystone pulverizer, nearly new, 2 riding cultivators, 2 set drags, 1 fanning mill, 1 pair 12o0 scales, 2 truck wagons, 1 milk wagon, single buggy, cauldron kettle, 2 set double harness, 1 single harness, 12 milk cans, 1000 bushels black seed oats, 500 bushels corn in ear, 3 bushels evergreen seed corn, quantity of timothy hay in barn, 2 stacks upland slough hay, large stack straw, quantity of corn stalks, heating stove,2 bedsteads, 1 set bed springs, 1 milk safe and other articles not mention­ ed. Free lunch and hot Coffee at noon TERMS--All sums of f 10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be given on approved Notes at 6 oer cent interest. 2 per cent off for cash. No property to be removed until settled for. JAMES W. HARNESS. F. K. GHANGBK, Auctioneer. Don't look to us for cut throat baits, but buy them, and them only where yon are positive you find them, aud oomato OS for lair honest dealing Pola'ftd China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale. 1 breed none but the best. Inquire of FRANK COLE, 20-3mt Spring Grove, ill. INSURELTKRFT HARD-EARNED PROP ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa­ nies sad has upwards of 1200 risks on' his book# all the time. - > ; FOR SALE. . House*and one acre of lancf, in this vil­ lage. House contains ten rooms. There is a good barn, an abundance of small fruit. Is pleasantly located and will be sold cheap. Inquire of. O. W. OWEN. Mc Henry, Nov. 22d, 1892.., Great Price Reductions will be made on all warm wintergoods, consisting in part of Shawls, Flaunels, Blankets, Yarns, Hosiery, Underwear, Hoods, Mittens, Kobe*, Horse Blankets, etc., as we are luliy determine to sell the bulk of above goods during December. SIMON STOFFEL, WANTED.--Salesmen, Local and Trav­ eling, to represent our well known house. You need no capital to represent a tirui that warrants nursery stock first-class aud true to name, ft ork all the year. #100 per month to the right man. Ap­ ply quick, state age. L. L. May A Co., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedamen, St. Paul, Minn. - .- "7 This, house is responsible. ' . 9-8w Over 200 new, stylish garments, for Ladies, Misses and Chiidrens' wear. Consisting of Jackets, Saques, Cape coats, Newmarkets, etje., just received and now on sale. See our elegant styles, colors and trimmings. Prices way down to satiety calamity howlers. Only at SIMON STOFFEL'S. For instance, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Bay City, Mich., accidently spilled scald­ ing water over her little, boy. She promptly applied De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, giving instant relief. It's a won­ derfully good salve for burns, bruises, sores, and a sure cure for piles. Julia A. Story. FOR SALE, My house and seven acres of land, sit­ uated near the corporation line, in the village of McHenry. Good house, a suiall barn, good well of water, and a de­ sirable location. For further particu­ lars inquire on the premises. NICK WINKELS. McHenry, Jan. 2,1893. 26ra3. DO YOU KNOW J That Julia A. Story has just received the most complete and beautiful assort­ ment of Box Paper ever brought to the town? Call and examine. We will sell all our Ls^es* Wra, and Newmaukets at just one-half price . !'V The |18 .... r. * Some floe all wool suits #15 nnel.. 12 50*' .. 10 OVERCOA1S at bottow prices, aed some very flue ones left. eORSETST We have a f*w odd *isee Corallne Corse18 and oth r makes at one half , prlos. Uorallne. 5tc; 8 >me 6O9 093* 2§c* • ^ V .J Advance Of Wall Paper & Borders We will sell all Wall Paper and Bor­ ders now in our rack si one, half pHea. •** 'V, • The 50 cent grade .. .V cente -• •• 20 - * ,10 eents f , " 1ft ** " •«•«»•»>.>»• 5cep^s », aiftlta* «%#. ^ Atcck on handai d some ot the best i^at- ^ lerns of the season R« m»*irbfrr save 41 Oil every do lars. » buy acd you will soon need It, In our Shoe Department you will be surprised at the. low uriee's we are making on the lK>*t m'keain the lend. Felt Boots and Rubbers are going out like hot.cakea. - a. ; ALOXJBTR VXOVB FARM FOR RENT. A good Dairy Farm, within one mile of Depot and Butter Factory, for Rent. With or without stock and machinery, to suit parties. For further particulars inquire of H. C. MEAD, West McHenry, 111., Dec. 19,1892. 24 tf FOR SALE OR RENT. A food house, situated in the village of King wood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also bouse containing ten rooms. A barn, well aad cistern on the premises. Also a building, 12x32, containing two* rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop. Pos­ session given at once. Apply to WESLEY LAPD. Ringwood, Oct. 17,1892. Powder MOST PERFECT MADE In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes, Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Price's Contains No AmmonfcL KoAium. Or tuy other Ttie only Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. It* Parity Baa never been #«ii We are quoting lower prices thauV, - * e- anvb«>dy on Flnur. A splendid flour^. at 88 oenif, by the barrel. PiiUbuo's4: and other at lower than Alliuot pfles* Duilng the coming World's Fair - year we anticipate a larger tr*de than 4 ^ any former, and hav« already placed'V* «ome ex'ra large orders fOr Spring and «-.•- ^ ; Summer Goods, te arrive earl?. We „ a ahull have our store died with more „* new goods than any other in this sec- "l* t'on and buying all for Spot- <7ash we ; We solicit a share of vour trade and *uaiantea,ia^*|#ciiona ... ^ & I & General Merchants. MtHENRY, ILL. ' iCiC, -'V mm PIRRYAOWH, Bnnkara. Thit Bank receives tctepoiite. fiwt and sella Jforeign and Domestic A' ehemg+rnddomm • ;Z-~? " V General Bulking . - W - ; We endeavor 0 do alt business «a trusted to our tare in a manner and upon te&i* entirety satisfactory to OM customers and respectfulty soiietoi ths public patronage. MONEY TO LOAM; ; On Real Estate and other Zfirti das- security Special attention fftwm to east •*<$*!/*# ' K jli 9trst Okm k,.

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