Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1893, p. 4

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p*r* ^ -v* FXf:;: » mm t , . MARCH 33. 1898. jr. VAN S*LYKK. Editor, I^Od the Elgin Board of Trade Mon ,#* seven thousand three hundred and igSfcuitf UuUiidn w butter sold at 2o cent?, agaio&t 26 and 27 cents last week. Bids opened at 29 cents. Soles were active. rhtar At last, one Democrat baa been found who neither wants office for him- %»lf nor for his friends. Bot he is in the •how business, and probably wishes to |t88 this remarkable fact to get some free advertising; hence we omit his name. #4- £' At last the secret is oat. 'Twae the "left bind loot of a grave rabbit," «anght in the "full of the moon," thai did tli® business at the last election. Vice President Stevenson now has th«- ern Dsmoora&s, the New York Hill and | Tammany people, and mow backs of the West have not received a single recog­ nition jet in th" appointments, And, to cap the climax, Mr. Cleveland has estab­ lished a set of rules limiting the hours in which he will receive callers and by which office seekers get but three hours a week. It net m* to be pretty well settled now that appointments will be made very slowly, and in tact that very few will lie made until after the meeting of congress next fall. Mr. Cleveland undoubtedly re­ cognizes the fact that, he is to have a "rockv" timo with thi* congress in holding it in line with his views on the financial question. Of course, he must have realized this all along but there are some additional reason torbecotningconscjous of it in the fact that the Democratic Senators have delibrately made up their finance committee with the apparent purpose of defying President Cleveland in his poliey on the financial question. Of the six Democrats whom they put on the Finance committee to handle measur­ es relating to financial affairs ot the country, five, are absolute silver men, the Republicans put one absolute free -ilver man and one noncomniital Repub­ lican on the committee, thus giving the silver people certainly foil control of that committee. This formation of the finance committee was an additional vidence to Mr. Cleveland that he will Wants an office. £ , . , « Evidence to Mr. t leveiand tnat ne will loot, and the man who gave ft TO aim to exercise every art which his po- r W Boston papers fear that the World's Fair will not be ready to open •; % May 1st. Director General Davis and thief Burnham are the best authority re­ garding the fair, and they are confident . that every thing will be ready. Let Bos­ ton people come as early as they please. They 'will not be disappointed. (0" The Citizen's candidate for mayor j I ef Chicago, Samuel W. Allerton, was en- j Ihusiaetically endorsed at the Republican i Convention last week. Through the j v^Mlerton forces and the united efforts of r the good citizens of Chicago, it is j hoped that Harrison and his lawless : gang will not ran the municipal affairs ofI the World's Fair city this time. ^ t®*Thz InterOcean says: "Congress- -4 Jnen Black and Hunter are in Washing- •. ton trying to secure recognition fortheii constituents. Si nee these two gentlemen are Congressmen-at-large every Demo­ crat in Illinois is a constituent of each, and it will be in order for every office j £ seeker in the State to call upon Black g||i fand Hunter for whatever they think tfcey want from the administration. fr • h. IflF' President Cleveland has withdrawn She Hawaiian treaty from present con­ sideration by the senate to study it more carefully. It seems an ill advised Snsvement. Perhaps he would like to > lure the whole scheme of Hawaiian an- iaexation belong to hie administration L ' lb it. the history of these preliminary steps r-- * cannot be wiped out, and if anything I' -/.. «hould occur through delay of the ne- I ; gotiations by which the opportunity is ril lost and some other nation shoald con-, v-.t . . trol the islands it would give nee to a f!?;: criticism that would never cease. If an- 1*'^"'., amatioD is to be had at all the time to li£/l do it is now. . An Extravagant Conrresa, billion and twenty-six million dol­ lars is a large sum of money, but it is the amount Mr. Doekery, Democrat, of the house appropriations committee, esti­ mates as the probable sum appropriated by the last congress in its two sessions. The first session appropriated $507,000,- 000, and the second session, now just adjourned, full $519,000,000, making a total sum off1,026,000,000. Considering that this Congress making these lavish expenditures was selected on pledgee of greater economy-and frugality, it leads one to question the sincerity of politi­ cians and to regard their promises as hypocritical fustion and bombast--only made to win votes on. No sane man believes so large an expen­ diture necessary. They exceed the esti­ mated revenues by more than forty mil­ lion dollars. The people would not complain at even this vast sum if they believed it necessary. But they know fall well that large items of it are for po­ litical natron age, with which congress- own can smooth the pathway to their re­ election, and use otherwise for the party's advantage. To talk of "economy" by the light of such figures is most ridiculous, a false pretense out and out. But the fact is t&ere; let the people think of it. sition and power give him to control or bring into line with himself a majority of the members. He knows that no lever is more potent than that of office giving and, for that reason it is believed, as well as for others he will delay appoint meut making, until congress gets into session and he can thus have the powtr to dictate the course of that class of members who are undetermined in their course and willing to accede to his wishes if they can carry favor and get advan­ tages lor themselves by so doing. On this subject of the next session it is worth while to remark that there in some reason for believing that an extra seesion may be called in September or October with the intention of keeping Congress in session from that time until its date for regular meeting in December. The fact that Mr. Cleveland has appar­ ently determined to hold back the Hawaiian treaty for the present and not give the Senate an opportunity to act on it at this session strengthens this theory of an extra session. Everybody recognize the fact that there is great danger that England m*y slip in and capture Hawaii if we delay the annexa­ tion until December, and for this, as well as for other reasons, it is likely that an xtra sesion will be called, providing President Cleveland thinks it worth while to send the treaty again to the Senate 11 is understood t hat one object in sending ex-Congressman Blount to Hawaii is to try to discover some huge plot set up by the Harrison administration to foment an insurrection there and bring about the application for annexation which was made. It is known that parties came here from Hawaii nearly a year a<?o suggesting that an overthrow of the Queen's Government there and an ap­ plication be made for admission to the United States might be made, and the ambition of this administration ap­ parently is to see if it cannot find some traces of improper encouragement of that proposition by the Harrison ad­ ministration. The President has not yet made up his mind what his course will be with re­ ference to the international silver confer­ ence which was adjourned, it will be re­ membered, to meet again in May. He h»d some consultations! with the gentW- imn who represented the United States at that confe-en(*» and will take the mat ter up shortly and determine what bis course will l>e in regard to it. While he is not friendlv to silver as matters now stand, it is probable that he would be willing to aid in bringing about a gener­ al international agreement by which silver could be recognized as a standard currency, nnd there is reason to believe that he will either reappoint the men who were commissioner under the Harrison administration to the international con ference or appoint new men to attend to it. Secretary Carlisle will soon take np the question of a general financial measure or measures to be presented to the new congress when it meets next fall He will include in his measure or meas­ ures. not only a tariff bill, but some legislation on national currency and it is believed will recommend the repeal of the present law which taxes the currency of state Banks so high that it cannot be profitable to issne them, and will offer a plan which will permit State banks to is­ sue currency secured by deposit of State or county bonds with some general sup­ ervision of the United States Govern ment. 0. P. A. R1NOWOOD Next Monday Misses Lncy Dodge and Mary Collison will leave for school at Dixon. The girls are among our first ia school and social affairs and will be miss­ ed by a large circle of friends. Jack Lawson, of Park liidge, was in town part of last week. Will Dodge shipped stock from this station last week, most of which he bought among local farmers. He paid the highest price of the year for cattle of the same grade and should be remember- Oft v t tim<\ The Misses Cogswell are guests of Mrs. Ely Chase. Will Smith is on the sick list, having a tussle with that pestilence, la grippe. Newell Manor, of Hebron, was a visit­ or at Fred Morgan's on Friday evening. The M. W. A. does not forget its sick nor neglect them. Mr. Manor, after a fatigu­ ing journey put in the night caring for Morgan and returned home on Saturday morning. Quito a delegation from here attended the caucuses at McHenry on Saturday last, at which time was nominated sets of candidates for the town offices. Two caucuses were called; a People's and a straight Democratic. Both nominated a good set of candidates either of which would ably conduct the town's business. W. A. I^ristv, who heads the People's ticket, for Supervisor, is championed by his many friends in Riugwood, who, will try to carry him through April 4. Mr. Allen, who is a candidate for J. P., will no doubt run hard on the Democratic ticket. Ed. Sayler who is selling the Arnold Steam Co^ker, is meeting with the suc­ cess bis goods merit. He has in less han two months, working about half time, sold over eighty cookers bee'des some coffee cookers. That this way of cooking is the true method is proven by the number of doctors, teachers and scholars who are patrons. By its use about one third of the food is saved and the other two thirds consumed is much improved in flavor and neutritious qualities. Miss Nellie Christian, of Solon, was the guest of Miss Lucy Dodge over Sunday. Miss Mary Carr visited Mary Collison the last of the week. The Temperance Lecture at the M. E Cbureh drew a large attendance Sunday. Rev. Nickle spoke in a spirited manner. Lupl la Carr will at tend school at Dixon, is the last bit of news we hear of before going to press. Annual Town Meeting. Notice iBhcrebv ({'ten to the rUi*»n». let*! voter* of the town f Mellei<ry, in th» rour t y f MfH'firv «n * Hate of Hun l«, that th« Annual T<>w - Meeting for •»«•» town, will be liei<t at ihe Oity Hull, McHenry village, ia s* tit town, on Tuesday, the 4th day of April next. Ite'r* M>« first Tuewler In mid Month, ft.r th* j uipopes following, vU; To oteot. one Supprv.sor, ofie Town Clerk, i n < Asaes'or, one Col'ector, one Commission, er of Highw nye, tw« Justices f the Peace, »wo Con«i»b:ee, nf* n» nvmv Pound Ma ters as i he K tec torn may ^ettrmine. And to a*1* upon any «d Uionnl suhjeet*, „ ;.i. >u«>, !u iMiiaimtv-fc ot iitw, come uetore said mecilnjr w hen convered. . The Polls will be ope • at ceven o'clock in the fore o >»<, and kept open until Ave o'clock in «he Hficrnoon. Given under mv hand at Molienry, thUlUh day ot . D. !~93. n, *"• O. B, GKaMGKR, Ttwn Oterk. m. ht*: s Corporation Election. The Annual Village Election for the Village of McHeniy, will be held at the City Hall, in atd viltfige, oa Tuesday* the 18th Day of Aprils 8893, At which time the following ofScers will be elected: ONE PRESIDENT, who aball hold his office for the term of one year. THREE TRU^TEE^, who hiP hold their offl-e for tho term of two years, ONE VILr AGE OLKRK. who shall hold his offie for the term of one year. The po!l* ol said election will he opened at 7 o'clock in th* morning nd remain open un­ til 5 o'clock in tho evening of said «!av.., GEO. w. owen, village Clerk McHenry, ft J.. March 22, iffiai. - \ "Ji-« .t handle all , - • • ; - \ • ' • ^ * ' ' ^ ^ '* :-i* "i" I grades of Rubber Bodts, eommenci Bright Agents Wanted to 9»ll CRA-T.°,r°'s BLAINE! Written -Jby Mr. Blaine's mo$t intwiale literary Ji^end, ' • ' v«£.' f, Beat Estate Transfers. Record up to and including March 13: r»mi> and vtoF A Tanner swJt sw K 30 Dunham 98200 00 M A Webb and trioLK Cnsrey pt It 3 b>k 1 sn<>rcer*8 2d •<!•> Marengo 1400 on K Ori»-ey and w to Har'etCl te same |60>> 00 K Ban ho nm«*w and w to Mrs I. M Fuller It 3 blk 6 If I ^a-in Marengo.. 150 im ante toZ K Uondri^k It 7 blk 18 sime.. ttOtiu • r ha a L "tpphenr et si 'o C K H TuIIIp lit 3 and 4 nwjf sec 8 (*x) e}4 pec 7 (ex n 10 > and n lis) i2» • of d«K ne X-seo 7 life 6, 7, r, 9 and 10 - »8*rs i>*t ^ % neX sec 7 ('oral . .. . 3310 00 G W Go diich ami w to H Y nng w>4 sec 8t% e}4 nejf w>4 r t X e 43> eJV i> w «ec .l5 (ox s of h>) Seneca and eX U 2 nwjtf mo i » oral 18600 00 H Yonng and w lo F Miliar ss3i sec 33 ^ent ca and It 2 sec 4 Cot' 1 7800 00 F Ham and w to A Wiukleman e^sw^ sec 9 Coral. MOO 00 l.evoy to L Johnson lt49assrs pit sec l K i i e y 1 2 0 0 0 0 Hart ha A Barnes to Wm Aiz ted t noli sv \ cec 13Rile 20C0 00 unan Barnes to Wo Aixtedt sej^ swK sec 13 Uley, 2000 00 Ellen Barnes to Wo Aixtedt self nwX ••'C 13 Ril«y 2000 00 K Hariman and w to A G Hartman n 42« n \ s*c 34 Rilev, 2400 00 R O strong et al to Ag» es Njgh Its 3and 5 blk 5 Paddock's adn Orvsta1 l ake . umlty and w to H Prouty It5 Meads «TTHE OFFICIAL COITION The only work endorsed by, V. P. Motion, \ AtVy Uener»l Miller, Priv &ec Halfa*<t, &ec Faster, and a ho^.t ot otJif r of Mr Bia nc's j Co leagues, Cabinet office s 8en- Ptors. in n<*t> will outsell aau and, all\ o(/ieri-f|ve to one. Demand is ^• m" S»«V Immense. Send, al once f>r outfit and, \ ava time. Don't waste iime m che^p onn CHK-hpenny b^oks, G"t the official work and beet terms by w riling quickly to Horth American Pub.Ja 2I4-9SIO Clark St.. Chicago. ' -r THE GENUINE . 1 A i 1ST* 1 uoholy ©nthudiism that the ilir ia the n>iad and heart are irresistabie. iamore than prayer siyiag ia these de^aaerdte daj^t. SrMi-m N : West McHenry. III., 1393, Administrator's Notice. EST \TE of Dr. Benjamin F. Norton, d«* cea- d. i be umlersigne 1 having bee*"ppo-nted Ad- m niftratrix ot the Ebtateoi Dr. BenjtT.n F. Norton, deceased, late of the Coun y of Ale- Henry and Slate f Illinois, hereby gives noticH ih«t she will appear i>efore the County Court of M-Henrv, C<», at the Court House in woxifrtofk, nt the May Term, on tie first M mi«y in M*y next, at which time alL pers"nf> having claim" against said estate are i notified and reqiifStrd t Httend lor Ihe pur-j po-e "t having the same adjusted, Alt per- wn* Indebteii to sables Mo aie reques'ea lo j mr ke imme'lia'e pa> m-« t to the unii«*rs gned. j Dateit thin 8th (lay of March, "a. D 1893. Mrs ^rotiSTA "obion, Admn.islatrix, O P. Babmbp. Solicitor. Master's Sale of Real Estate. STATE OF ILLINOIS. $ , ' McHenry Connty . . In the chcuit court nt McHenry County, to the May t«im, A. D. 1F92. Leon aid Bunstet , I v« > Michael Diherty, et al. ) Y virtu* of a decretal order made and en- B1 88100 1800 0U SO CO 2<l a<ln Hetiron.... Oak wood Cem sss'n to L Backns Its 4 and 5 blkilOakwrod cem Dunham... J F Baldwin and w to F Honola Us 1 and 2 blk 1 Baldwin's adn Cary (ex e 50 fti ^ame to J Smith It 12 blk 1 same J »< hreit>er and w t<> J C Buhrmin pt seM sec '3 Aig^nqnln... B Hubbell to J Duggan pt nw% sec 2 Durham A Hanfn- and w to E Barnes It 3 of It 7 blk 1 Walltup'a adn Ntinda CKub'ai.k and w to W C Warnke It 7 b!k 5 P'umleigh's a>»n Algonquin Helen P Web r and husto W t* Doerk Its 1. i and 6 blk 6 Pieri-on'sarinOrya- tal Lake . J Ituspel) etal by Master to Jane Rus. eel it 13-2assrs pit neK s-c 7 Dorr J Winn *nd w to G H « oulman It 3 r w<4 and las side nwX nwX sec 7 Bur on J Man, Held and w to E J M«n"fleld n* H neJi and 6a in n«'M nv M ai.<l n 10a i>< X !'<•!* se.c 11 and nwjtf nw3< see M Greenwood 8000 0V Lvita K Owen et al J Heimer pt US oik 24 McHenrv, w ot river ...... MM' M W ink-cs liy ad ma to J F smith It 29 Johm-burgh 875 00 ^ M Smit- and w to J F4n>ith k'aesiae n'V • «ec 13 M Henry 1200 00 P austin and w to J Cavin ne 1 4 ne I 4 sec ll and nw 1-4 nw 1 4 sec 12 (ex 2r) Seneca 2800 00 101 00 100 00 800 00 600 CO 350 CO 680 Or 200 00 70 00 lfiOO 00 tered in the a bo. e entitled canse at the j May ter •>, A D. 18»2, of the trrcuit court of | McHenry county, Illinois, 1 shall on Satur- "ay the first day of April. A. D 1"»3, at the! hour of one o'clock p m of saril day, at the 'ssi. door of 'he Court House, Mi ihe city of j Woodstock, McHenry county* Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the high­ est and best bidder for c.a8h1"che o'lo* i v premises situated in the connty^of McHenry an«» ^tate of Illinois, to-wit;-- Th" eou'heast quarter (X1. of the aontheait quarter (K) of secti >n ibi'ty-f nr (3t). In Town"hli number forty five (48). and tho; west ha f (X) of lot one (1), of th« northeast quarter (Jii of "ect on two (21, and the *outh on^.half (54 of the nor hwest q»arter of •nit Section two (2) and the northesH quarter lif). of the nonheHst quarter (X) of ^e<-ti'n tfree (3; and the northeast qu n ler (Jtf) of the | northwest quarter'X) of Action twe ve (li), In Township number orty-tour (44), all 4n Kange eight («> e»st of ttie third principal ] meridian, conta'ning two hundred and forty I .240) acres of la»d more or less. Said pieces | to be sold separately. Dated this 8th day ot March, 1893 M. I. JOSLYN, Master in Chsrcery of the Circuit Court ot ] McHem j County. Our experience wilh con­ vince us that they are the best that can be bought, rO®* Besular Wuhinrton Letter. Wi- > Washington, D. C. March 18,1893. The people who are looking on in Washington now have a good dedl of amusement. Bat those who are taJking part in the proceedings do not find\tbe happenings so amusing. The horde of office seekers who are flocking here from the South and West are a thoroughly disgusted lot. All the men who held office Under Cleveland rush promptly to the front expecting a re-appointment and have had their breath taken away by the announcement that the President would not re-appoint men who held office under hi in before. Just why it is that faithful service should be a bar to re-ap- pointmunt they are not quite able to make out. Of course this gives great satisfaction to the large number of office SSekers for there are ten times as nuany who did not have places before as there are of those who were formerly in office. The other class, however, who did not have places are equally disappointed be­ cause of the slowness with which the Offices are being filled and the disposition Of the President to ignore moss-backed Democracy and select Yankee- Mug w u m pH for all the important positions. New York and New E< gland "Reform Demo­ crats" of the pronounced Mugwump Cleveland stripes are thus far getting all the plnms. More tbau half the appoint­ ments this far made have been given to two StatesJNe# York and Massachusetts, while the other fortv-eight States and Territories stand idly by, finger in mouth, waiting. Not only is the Sec­ retary of State a recent Republican and several other members of of the cabinet of the reform Democracy stripe which irritates the old time Democrats, but most of the assistants selected thus far are of the same sort. Maxwell, Fourth Assistant |Postmaeter General, Quincy, Assistant Secretary of State; Whitney, Awittant Attorney General; are all of ths anti-snapper Mugwump element stjp- of Cleveland and ardent opj o- of Hilt and the Democratic Turn- New York. The Son th- THB WABASH RAILROAD CO Office of Assistant General Passenger Agent, 201 South Clark Street, Chicago 111., Dec. 20, 1892. To Membbbs of the Y. P. 8. C. E. I have been reliably informed that certain parties, representing our coropet itors have informed members of the P S. C. E., who are expecting to attend the convention to be held at Montreal. July 6-9, 1893, and who wish to make the going trip via Toronto or Kingston nnd the St. Lawrence river route, via the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. that if they use the Wabash from Chicago they will not receive as good accommo­ dations or as courteous treatment as they will b.y using our competitors. Such statements boing brought to my attention, on Nov. 22d I addressed a let-« ter to Alex. Milroy. Trnfic Manager of the Richelieu & Ontario Navagation Co , in reference to the matter and received the reply given below. I denire to state that every rer»on wishing to make the trip via the Wabash line (rom Chicago, and the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. from Toronto or Kingston to Montreal will receive as uood accommodations and as courteous treatment as can be had by any other route. Hoping we will receive a fair share of your business, I remain, Yours respectfully, F. A. Palmer, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent. frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for April. The "Art Aspects of the World's Fair," as set forth by Isabel McDougall in the leading illustrated article in Frank Les­ lie's Popular Monthly for April, make a beautiful and impressive showing of the wonderful White City at Chicago. Two other articles in this number especially noteworthy from a pictorial point of view, in addition to their literary inter­ est, are Dr. Popoff's "Russian Folk Songs" and Charlotte Coarsen's "Bavar­ ian Highlands." "From Ashes toPalms: is a study in Lenton lore, with some cu­ rious illustrations of Paschal customs in Europe. Other attractive illustrated papers are: "Birds in Flocks," by Nellie Hart Woodworth; "A Celestial Farm on Long Island," by Don Seitz; "The Sym­ bolism of Lines," by J. Carter Beard; and ex Mayor Oakey Hall's reminiscen ces of "The New York Fanny Kemble.' A second installment of Etna W PierceV new serial story, "Jack o' the Li«ht," is given, together with short tales and sketches by David Ker, Katherine St rick land, Charles H. Crandall, Serena Town- send, Mary A. Denison, Eleanor Waddle, and others. The Klohelieu A Ontario Navig-ation Co Alex. Milroy, Traffic Manager. No. 228 St. Paul Street, Montreal, December 7,1893. F. A. Palmer, Esq., Ass. Gen. Pass. Agt. Wabash R.Chicago Dear Sir: Your favor of the 22d ult. came to hand during ray absence. I carefully note what you say and beg to thank you for giving me the opportunity of putting this Company in its proper light with all our connections. It is the aim of this company to extend every facility to its Western connections (including the Wa­ bash) on equal terms and conditions, and it is unfair to us for any Company to say that they own us," for such is not the case. l am sure your own experience in 1890, which you refer to, in relation to the Grand Army refutes that. You did not find that we left your passengers behind whilst we took those of the other roads. Well, you will receive the same treatment the coming season and I only hope you will send us larjje numbers, and we will do our best to take care of them. Believe me, Yours sincerely, (ittpet!) Alex.Milbot. TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS. Examination for Teachers' certificates will be held at the following places: Harvard, March 20th, 1893. Marengo, March 21st. Huntley, March 22d. Nunda, March 23d. McHenry, March 24th. Richmond, March 27th. Woodstock, March 28th. Hebron, March 29th. Examination to commence 'promptly at 9 o clock A. M. W. E. Wire, Connty Superintendent,of Schools. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. An incorporated village on the Lake Geneva branch of the C. & N. W. R. R in the eastern central part of McHenry County, 12 miles east of Woodstock (c. b ), 27 Houth of Geneva, Wis., and 52 from Chicago. Fox river and Boone Creek, the latter a water power stream run through the village, and Fox lake, 9 miles, and Pistaqua bay, 3 miles north­ east, are popular hunting and fishing resorts. Methodist, Uniyersalist, Luther­ an, and Catholic churches, good schools, a newspaper, the Plaindealer. and a Bank, are sustained. Two fine excursion steamers make numerous trip* each day during the season between McHenry and the Lakes. Grain, flax, wool and live I stock are shipped. Improved land 950 to $75 per acre. Population, 1,500. Salary and expenses paid weekly from start.^ Permanent position. Good chance for ̂ advancement. Exclusive territory. Largest growers of Nursery «t< Clean, Eardjr stock, true to name. Fair treatment gua^^ _ anteed. LiberalWe mission to local can in- part time terest any agents. one not earn lng 175 per month and expenses. Don]t hesitate because ot r •Hons f ailures in this or ot, lines, Continental Hurseries, Chl««o. Dl. bou&e is reliable® Wune tuts J*P®r. EQ.) R I P A N S ° TiBULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. 0 ItXPANS TABtLES are the best Medi. elne known for Indigestion, BlUousneafl, lleadsche, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Chronie Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Vyscntci-y, Offensive Brcuth, and all dis­ orders of the Stomach, Liver und Bowels. IMITATIONS Are but imitations, and the dif­ ference io cost will not warrant the purchase oi Imitations. Itlpons Tabnh'g contain nothing1 injurious to the most delicate constitution. Are pleasant t take, safdj effectual, and give immediate relief Price--lSox vial 0.75 cents; Package (4 boxes), $2. May be ordered through nearest druggist, or by mail. Sample free by mail. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., t 10 BPBT3CE STREET, NEW "SORK CITY. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we tlmt it pay* to engage In a permanent, most lieiilthv and pk'usnut busi­ ness, that returns a protit for every day's work. Such Is the business we offer the workins class. We teach them how to make money rapidly, and Eiarantee every one who follows our instructions Ithfully the making of 9300.W0 a month. Every one who takes hold now ami works will •urely and speedily increase their earnings; there enn be no question about It; others now at work are doing It, and you, reader, can do the game. This Is tlie best paying business that you have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a f rave mistake it'you fail to give it a trial at once, f you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you "will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make and save litrge sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or voting, man or woman, it niftkes no difference, -- do as we tell you, and sue- cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for us are rewarded. Why not write to day for full particulars, free ? E. O. ALLEN & CO., Bra No 4*0, Au|aM% IK*. P A T E N T S . FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR ORNAMENT ffrite DUBOIS t DUBOIS, Patent Attorney Inventive Age Building, WASHINGTON, D. C, Book Pre*. Mention this paper We have a nice line ot BUBBIB ,* •*< $ wm ' fdrir Oar Sprtng Merohandise iB here afsr», ftiid no mat- iter which point yon take theie is no place in the town that offers more favorable conditions to tho trader; none that takes more delight in doing well what it doe* at JWhat more coald we say for our store? c'/F'V * ^ $r h • ; •••' •; I er* We want to sell yon the goods for cash or Mi equivalent; in doin&r so we don't ask you to settle yOur Accounts immediately. A new casl| sjstesn.4** |iew dregs takes effect April ls< We bid you welcome, When you are spending your good round dollars for anything in tlie H1BDW1BE Line it may interest vou to know thai fean save you a good per cent on your purchases. If you contemplate buying a VAPOR STOVE This pprinfir, come and see wh»4 m*---.llilWi; toridfeow. Hi71YODR OLD VAPOR STOVES CLEANED & REPAIRED By one who understands them, before starting them againv li will pay you. If you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything belonging to the dardware business, you will do well to get my prices. , Yours Respectfully, F . p. | ^ 0 J p | I B E R West MoHenrj, HI.1 J .1 i "iinni'.rt- XROKfMMi'a «/ tmmmm Competitors -- Acknowledselt •s the Standard. For file by an HtfrttatHnB Merchants In town, and at Tho Roller MHIs. PlllsV'ury's Best at lowest mirket price. W ashburn's best $1.10. ' A thoire Fancy Patent at $1.05 Trj a sack of any of the .giales mentioned here, and if vou do not obtain tie best results your money will be cheerfully refunded. far Leave your order at the Mill, we will do the rest. Bran and Middlings for Sale. It makes mare Stiid. It makes better Bread. It makes whiter BresMt Than any other Fioulv I -r McHENRY CIiOTHEI>^ For men and boys, a1 so for wo* men and misse*. J. W. CRISTY & SON, BIHQW00D, ILL. GLASSWAItE. A choice assortment just received at J. A. Story's Drupj Store. Berry dishes, jelly dishes, water •ets, toilet sets, al beautiful variety of fioirer bowls and many other varieties alt ait a lo# | flea, C&U and exaroias. H. Miller & Son, -DEALERS IN-- _ MARBLE fc GRANITE SfonniKientM. H eadstonea, Tablets* Kto. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. &Atisf&ction GuuutMd. Shx>y»s at McHenry and Johns- burgh, III, where at all times can be Sound a good assortment of finished work. Maury Miller 4k So** 0. L HUBBARD, HarueHs - Maker AND DBALVR T* HARNESS. SA.DDLERY, Blanket^ Whips, $UTTKR«, Attn ovc a ut-g u iiitl you »le • u of thuss floe single Harness, at Uubb&ril'a ) 12 Sets Doub o Harness ail ready. 7 Sets Slnitle Harness all reedy. Do©BLK HaRNK88, complete 938 00 Sinolk Haknkss nl. kh> or rob- b» r irlm 10 00 Hamk straps 7 8 In............. 10 -'PKKAD STHAP8...... 10 BKKAST SXKAPS^, 1 1-a ln...V»»*." 60 Mautingvles.11 2 is 60 -ri AxlkOkkask 6i Koston • oach Oil .t.-.* 96 Common C. P. Bits 16 , ! KOPR I IBS KUBY I'LDSH 1'litsb LIMBD FUK ^ Pobks 94 o n f . h Lkch Kinks, with Hasps.......*C '2 60 £ IWOf »HAP8 ........... t UARNK88 OF ALL. KIN'l><i IN ST« CK. - 'Al 0> L. HUBBARD. .. !..K. ' ... J.M ' ' \i " i. Vf ;• • • I 1% MM,: A«nda,lU., 18»a , •J , I ^ 1 * ! Mil

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