Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1893, p. 8

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1 ••www ? {*?. •"'Vv.v " •V- ,«p. _ --'•• .t "s\»> * - j«rutlM fchove h«*d i<* tto W.n T U l»r ertcliL fc%Ahj| •-••• ' : •*• •*.W I: Re Oould bu,t Cannot. ^ , - v i was on© of the fellows * • That can drink or leave it alon% L a fine, high scorn for common men, W- Who are l^orn with no^ack-bone. *f Why " said he "should a man of strength, :v Deny to himself the use Of the pleasantgift of the warm,r«d wipe Because of it* weak abuse? " fie could qnote at a banquet, ' • With a manner half divine, Full fifty things the poets say, About the rosy wine; And be could sing a spirited song About the lips of a lass, Aijd drink a toast to her fair young worth In a sparkling, generous glass. • And since this lordly fellow;" jL-, ^ ^ r«nld drink or leave it aldit, Be chose to drink at his own sweet will, i 'Till his will was overthrown. And the lips of his lass are pale with grief And her children shiver and shrink, the man^ho once could leave it alone Is tha pitiful slave of drink. W W DOWN "THEY GO ! r .V* ' Vr*'k :: " f * I \ i ? * ? < . • . < « i f • ^ - 1 1 MoHenry, 111. 1803! THERE II I\ OTHOTG SPECI A T , j^jjircus EXCEPT THE FACT That we have made a Sweeping Reduction In our prices on all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes, Also Groceries, ' ** And ask the people" of McHenry and vicinity to call and inspect qu stock; which is always complete, and get onr prices* ' >'• Yours,', • - U-,*< ^ K J s «- ; • f , i i : All Competitor* Acknowledge it S as the Standard. It makes more Bread* It makes better Bread* It makes whiter Bread Thaniiiyother Flwr, For Sale by all the leading Merchants in town, aad at The Roller Mills. JOHN I. STORY; Thlf Bascoift Folded Pillsbury's Best at lowest market price. Washburn's best $1.10. ^ choice Fancy Patent at $1.05. Try a sack of any of the grades mentioned here, and if you do not obtain the best' results your money will be cheerfully refunded. fc# Leave your order at the Mill* we will do the rest* Bran and Middlings for Sale. •m zy\, •4*vV GRANDMA £2ys it is 20 years since sh* mad«1 such good bread as this. She sayi OlLLETT'S M A G I C . YEAST S3 I* like the yeast she used to make herself, 1 "' id she hopes she will never haye to do Ithout it again ; and we all hope so, too. Call for it at your Grocer's. It Is always good and always ready. PATENTS i Ca*eat8,«ndTrade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- cot business conducted for Moderate Fees. OwnOmcE is Opposite u. s. patent office sad we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. ' Send model, drawing or photo., 'with descrip­tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of 2charge. Onr fee not due till patent is Secured. , A Pmiphlct, "How to Obtain Patents," with# cost of same in the U. S. aad foreign countries 2 sent free. Address, \ 'C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington, d. C. ; ^ The above is a cut of our new Folding Machine* which now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing suck a machine are invited to call aho see ir at work. It is simple, easily bandied, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f?o., of Sidney, O., who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five jears. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on .the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union. Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse', N, Y ; Mather Manfg Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,, Milwaukee; Wright, Barret A Stillwell, St. Paul; Geoct&in & Son, Toronto, Canada. iiififliftiii FACTS It is a feet that there is a wide difference in the quality of Farm Mnohinery. Some manufacturers aim only at CHEAPNESS. Others aim to produce a first class durable Implement as cheap as such can be built. Those who have followed the latter course have built up a trade extending all over the world. We,carry a tulf line of first class goods in CULTIVATORS, PULVFmZFHS, Drags. Buckeye and Corham 8eeders. SULKEr and GAiVG PH»WS, ^N0 THE CELEBRATED N0RWE6IAN PLOW. BUGGIES. WAQOHS, CARTS, Of the best makes, and at prices to suit the times.," Aftill line of HARNE88, both single and dfttfttte, Which .Ve invite all to call and examine, as we are confiden that in quality and price we aan discount anything in thi line on the market. PUMPS ful1 liue of Pumps, both wood and iron, always on !! hand. PiTMT» Rup\TDTOn nfnmntltT fn at cktte profits the Largest and nest ealt^ ully selected Spring stock of new t 'i !P'vS.:SS * , n '*• vl 5! » Goods, Suitings, " ^ ^llWi SATTEENS,' WASH FABRICS, GIN GH AMS, «*v SILKS. VELVETS, PLUSHES, an<l PRESS TRIMMINGS ! ' i • '.V, '/? •. Do not t&ll t# IK TOWN. 1 " fr** t , , ^ mKf ' ' * ../jm 'a TOT7 '•>*' H- w • i,K V , our Ifew Black and Colore# orted * Henriettas. 1 ' f U H NEW EMBROIDERIES! NEW LACES, WHITE GOOBE^ TABLE LINEN, V-\-j R-I-P-A-NS ABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, liver and bowels AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. SlPANS TABCLE8 are the best else kuwa for Iadlcentloa, BUlnmeM> iMiirki, Constipation, DyipeptU) Chroale S Uver TrmiMea, DtsElaea*, Bad Complexion, • •riMtenr, OAtidre Breath, bb<1 all dl». f orders «f the Sumach, Liver and Bowels* J Ripans Tabules contain nothing' iniurloug to • the most delicate constitutiou. Are pleasant to • take, safe, effectual, and jrive immediate relief. • l'rjce--Box (6 vials), 75 (tents; Paekage (4boxes), • y5-. May be ordered through neareel drumist. X or by mail. Sample free Ijt mail. Address - THE KIPANS CHEMICAL CO 10 SFRCCE STREET, NEW "SORK CTTT. ess f CO., Z PATENTS . . FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR ORNAMENT. • frits DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys. Inventive Age Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. ":f .j.. Mention 'this paper WASHINGTON, D. C. -- KaTIONAL Tltt*rif* Is BOW year of phenomenal suocaw. o other family weekly in the countey tawi had ssflk Pump Bepairing promptly attended to. Call and see ns when in want of anything iri our line, as we are confident ^|y<^w©ney. gWafciB Aoowi McHenry* April, 1893. Successor to % M. Owen & Son. When you are spending yonr good round dollars Lin« It m&y interest you to know that I can saftTyou a good per cent on your parchases. "m If you contemplate buying ' VAPCm, STOVE This spring, come and see what we have to show. un YOUR OLD TAFOS STOVES CLEANED & REPAIRED By ouo who understand* them, before starting them again* ilk will pay you. If you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything belonging to the Hardware business, you will do well to get mv prices. Yours Respectfully, F . L . M c O M B E R West McHenry, 111. TT9 Akrowth, and maintained It so iteadllr V.: ki K°fs "I1" 'Very County in Uis Unltad Btatss, AA« r- ••f of siib»fnber«*t nearly evsry Postoffloe. II Ua^gainecl this pron.l position solsly on Its i highly-interesting FAMILY oewspapsr. F°r tljelftar 189J. FFI wtn HA made much better and more attract!** P®® retaining all of Its precem doduIai ^ J* ISUIF*, IT Will COIIBUIIILLY ADD qiw oum. P ITS 4 WMZS?vnmsa* * ̂ *•* *» f " h^Tk.ttrugTle^0 C*lO*T STOHIHI of Romance, Trarsl. P »»« *ND Adv-nture, by leadlnr wrttlrV \rrAstttnciTON new*, fuii JZ,nnta ^ •*.. WH*1 U TOILNF PLAOE 111 TH« *E*T of GOTENUNAAS •MKftil reports of ali important matters in «™nrr*» •W tin iCjiocutlys Departments; gomip about pukSS H*r£f,"°Wao,s;^sl,1"- »»«• •» • A - • ! ? , ? ^ D E P i i T i n n t i aditad by practical man. * 0UBKAI. VKVpp, oanftillr eompDai. * - Tmmrmu la strictly noa-nultma. I American. Tt bsllcTsa tn ^M^Mtaat I?Kf.*uYtBr 4 ' ?ayabl<.in AowuiCC' ^ llalgu togtya Wioy# and batter matlsr fbr th» ma than any otbur publicatton. radlnf'n u written for U, and has the national tribune, W ra -. ' i' . GEO. W. BESLpY, DEALBR I* Drugs, Hedicines, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, TOILET ARTICLES. West MoHenrya THI FINEST LINE' OF LfMPS In the county, as prices trom 60 cents up. WlWVfWVfVWI Pure Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. JULIA DIALER INI OKI DOOR WK8T OF RIVKBSIDE HOUSE. -A FULL|iLINB OF- M^m; PratL Ctiicak Die Stnfis, Faints, Oils &Colors Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles;* ' AMD A OOMPLKTK STOCK OF ^TAHONBRY AKTD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES ^ Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist Your patronage is respectfully solicited, JUI.tA A. NTORYs THE WEST SIDE TT Suits in Black and fancy "Colors. Square cuts, double and Single breasted, sackd and frocks, bound and j^ls>|n. ,, i. .1. Jo. £ Lmnm Sr»c* 9-nrncg Svtra» Om» Item SPlilNS OT£UE&€OATfii;> • i'ii New Badgjpr State Overalls, Pants, fihirts, Goats and Jackets. . Latest Styles* Low Prices, Fully Warranted*- Just received, a large and well selected stock of Spring styles CARPETS, WALL PAPER -;53 ' • i ; ;r\; I Window Shades, Portiers, Poles. &6i TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS. NEW AND STRICTLY STYLISH HATS* In the very newest designs and colors, great variety, close prices. LUSTRE B ANQWARE ! Is taking the lead in ladies' Fine Footwear this spring. We are snowing the leading styles and best shapes of ladies' Fine Shoes, in lace and button, from $1.50 to $3.75 per pair. Our spring stoek is bought and now on sale. If in want of a pair of shoes this spring do not miss seeing our line before buying or you will be the loser, * CLOTHING, CLOTHING. W© not going out of the Clothing business, on the contrary, we naye put in our store for this spring and summer's trade s larger and finer lipe of clothing than we have ever shown at one time. Tho goods were carefully selected*and bought for cash, and are now being offered to the trade cheaper than the so called cloth* ingatcost, that was bought, some time ago, as clothing now is cheaper than ever before. * Our Stock of Spring Hats Is ob the way* * Call on us for TrAks and Traveling Bags. As usual fresh Groceries and the best brands of Flour. Yours for business, 1 / The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Cheiftng Tobaccos always on hand. Physicians' ̂ Prescriptions - Carefully compounded* (|ive me a call' w*t ucHeory, Di., ism. ̂ GEQ. W. BESLEY. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. Just unpacked, one Crate of I - GROCERIES. I ' . WE PLEAD GUILTY Of still being in ths Insurance business as of old. and can point to our four sterling companies, as all showing a healthy gain even during the fiery year of '92, and can boast of representing fonr of the strongeat, best conducted, and most popular companies in tie United States, viz. % Rockford of RockforcL National, Hartforda Sua. Fire, £.oxidon. Farm insurance is our specialty, and we fully expect to write over $9,OOC in premiums in '93, It pays to insure with agents wha hustle and represent the best companies always Soliciting a share of your valued patronage w Vu , A West HoFeiity, 111., I8W% i* patronage we remain youei, ; i i . -V • i&i A^. . K . h *1 'ts - . V.* V

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