Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1893, p. 8

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• i ^ v,vihtf !,*«»» t4U sHor claims no oT credit fi» (M DOWN THEY GO! f*n "A> *: ^nr, w> 7 1 t : fc Ufa W. C. T, U. will meet with Mrs. If Bennett, on Thursday afternooiv ' 4, At 2:30 o'clock. ^ £ MRS. h. B. BENNETT, PrtfcM&at. A )ln. X. J. WALSH, Secretary» N ' • A Olrl* Opportunity.' i «<I wisli I had not, dincussed tliatititdr Mth Donald last Bight." ««id our young gfrl to herself, as she walked slowly home from her class: "He is so clever and BO much used to argument that instead of toipiug, I am afraid 1 only harmed him. # Btit when Donald came to speak of th* be said, "Our little talk finally n Bed me not to enter that scheme, .. Annie: I could talk ddwn your argu- ; ntents, but 1 could not feel willing to be engaged in what aShigh-minded girl li» you thought'.below your standard of ; riffbt. In these days, when a young man Iws to fight for every inch of hiar way in the world, and then struggle to maintain It, the dust and noise of the battle are so, •!-®reat that we cannot always see and bear the truth; that is surely one reason #iat God gives you different lives from • ours, sheltered lives, calmer, less tempted ksa beset, that you may keep the stand- **rd for him and that we may judge our­ selves by your standards." Ah girls--dainty, winsome girls! keep your standards high: you can do more to keep the world pure than a bench of bishops! ' - , I J'* ' ^ V. * , X 5 * V ' IliaiMi I&- ©illett'5 na6!c Quickest THERE IS AOTHIAO SF»EOIAJpi THIS* A^tvou^CE: EXCEPT THE FACT - Th* we have made aSwe^Ing Reduction In our , Notions, Boots Also Groceries, i&r .. • oes, And atsk tit® tw»ple of McHenry and vicinity to call and inspect OW stock, which is always complete, and get our prices* '-r> J • Yours, * ' >WE SING THE PBMSt otfANTAGLA US FOR IT WAS STOOD TOE TEST, OF ALL TNE SOAPS "OUBCIBLS MVE TFFLEO _ mis FAIRBANKS is WE BEST. ©U!B CLOTHES SWELL SWEET,OUfl IWlN SH!Nfe$ THS HOUSE IS CLEAN AND fiRICNT WONDER RWMIIK'S SANTA Ci AU5 • FILLS HOUSEMAIDS WITH DELICKT. ^ ^Jmi5<IRBANK &.CO CHICflCOi JOHN I. STORY, MoHenry, 111. 1893: ii The Bascom Folder. £ !k ' Tb<t ONLY YEAST njak'O? Bread vbicb Prevents and Cures Dyspepsia PATENTS | Cave*ts,andTrade-Marksobtained,andall Pat-J ! ent business conducted for MODERATE Fees, < 4 !OW« Ornee ts OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE] "•ndwe can secure patent in less Lime Uian taocej remote from Washington. _ _ ( Send model, drawing or photo., "with descrip-i tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of] charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," withi cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries] sent free. Address, C.A.SN0W&.C04 Qpp. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. The above ia a cut of our new Folding Machine* which can now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little powef that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f-o., of Sidney, O., who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five > ears. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union. Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N Y ; Mather Manfg Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, JJarret ds Stillwell, St. Paul; (ieoctfcin& Son, Toronto. Canada, w&t': s§ '>v" ixr ' v'l vf*\% ' , i ^gctAVS SQfif <m v SINCTXE PBAISEr=a~~~- ?V 'Seeing' Is Believing* must be simple; when not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good--these words mean much, but to see "The Rochester * will impress the truth more forcibly. All rnetul, touch and seamless, and made in three pieccs only,«%|* it \s absolutely scfczna unbreakable. Like Aladdin's ^ of old, it is iiideeii a "wonderful lamp," for us mar­ velous light is pv.rcr and brighter* than gas light, softer than electric light and more cheerful than cither. I oot for t!ns stamo--THE ROCHESTER. If the lirap dealer has n't the genuine Rochester, r. u<J the itvle you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, audi v.e \v"'U :end you a lamp safely by express--your choice of over 2,000 varieties ir<_P' the Ijargest Lamp Storein ihe Ivor Id. aociUEiilEB JLAailL* CO(| 42 Park Place, New York Citj. L "The Rochester." |UY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. 6 PIECE PARLOR SUIT FREIQHT PAID WITHIN SOO MILES OF CHICAGO. , % ^ . liot tor sale by furniture dealers as price ts too low. Established twenty years. Befer to any bank n Cnlted (States. Send si* cents for sample of plush. EMFCELEi BEDSTEAD OO, --^p CENTER AVE.. CHICAGO. ILL. • - . ' • • s now offering at dose profits the Largest anil most carl- ^ gully selected Spring stock «f now r f'J sattee^TS, WASHFABB1.CS, y" ^ GINGHAMS, i' SILKS, f- VELVETS, FLUSHES, * a DRESS TRIMMINGS J® town?. •*? •. ̂ ^ •7T W»H«."« Do not fall to exiuiiine our New Black and Colored NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW LACES, WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINEN, BEDSPREADS, GTO. W NEW ••"CLOTHING. S'aite in Black and fancy Colors. Square cuts, double and Single breasted, sackj and frocks, bound and plain. MADISON AND Ee&MGB STOCK %-vibcs SUITS, @OP t&#ws SPIEIIf© OTEBCOATS. \ .IjUIilA A. 8TOB¥, P A T E N T S . FOR PnOTECTIGS, KOT FOR 0RNAM£»T. flits DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent Attorneys, Inventive Age Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. Book Free. Mention this paper lean l>e earned u onrSK« line of wok, ' rapidly and boncrsbly, by tboae or itber sex, young- or old, and in their •wn localities,vrberever they live. Any . one can do the work. Katy to learn. lumUh everything. We ptnrt vou. No ri^k. Yuu can devote your spare momenta, or ail your time to the work. This is an entirely new leud.and brinjrs wonderful success to every worker. Becinnerfi are earning from #-5 to $50 per week and upwards, and more after a little eiperience. We can furnish you the em-t a»d teacfa yov^lUEK. Ko met to explain htn. FbU IUSCIIA, lAlll* WASHINGTON, D. C. jTm VATIONAX TSTBVHB la now «L«ta| uptm tM Wtti rwr of plipnorriftial succeM, New Badger State Overalls, Pants, Shirts, Goats and Jackets. When you are spending your good round dollars for anything in the! HARDWARE Line it may interest you to know that I can save you a good per! cent on your purchases. DEALEB IN;- If you contemplate buying a VAPOR STOVE This spring, come and see what we have to akow. OUR DOOR WEST OF [ BTVKRSIDK HOUSE, KoHiniy.Hl, FULLtLINEOF- Latest Styles, Low Prlces9 Fiilly Warranted.---- jMk Just received, a large and well selected stock of Spring styles Drop, Chemicals. Dje M, Paints, Oils Mors CARPETS. WALL PAPER, ME YOUR OLD YAPOK BT0VIS CLEANED & REPAIRED By one who understands them, before starting them again , pay yon. It will Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Fhysiciang Prescription® Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- Window Shades, JPortiers, Polea»&o« If you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything I y0nr patronage is respectfully solicited, belonging to the Hardware business, you will do well to get my prices. Yours Respectfully, I JUT *T A. A, TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS. MEW AND STRICTLY STYLISH HATS, In the very newest designs and colors, great variety, dose prices. STOBY: F . L . M c O M B E R We«t MoHenry, 111. ^ecSSSor1' LUSTRE BAND WARE THE WEST SIDE K«|fs4inil.v wft-kly In the country t growth~nrt maintained H no gtMidlly. It Roes inlo every County In tii* Unttod fftatM,ttS hfi-H flubs of msbscribere at nearly «very PoaUifflce. It has gained ibis proud position <M> It. BMCtli M ft ht(hly-lQi«rMUiic Camlly n«wq»pM. F°r tlje.YgAr 189V At will b. made much better and mora attractive ttao «v«r. Wbil* reiainlnp all of It. prccnt pqpnlM iaatutaa, it will oonstautly ado naw ouaa. ITS Rvnwky WAR PH XI BEI, by ThM. Sat, th. Ahmw artist. WAK U'ITOIT by men who actually and fought in tha struggle. SMOKT »TOKIK* of Romanca, Trarel, Bspel, enoe and Adventure, by leading writan. ' •• / AaiWfCnFOW SEWi. Full aenonnt. of S»<PwI What to taking place at the seat of Government: CWreftll report, of ail important matters in (XinrreMi --' UM Kxecutive Department.; gossip about publio - GEO. W. BESLEY,^ DEALER IK 2 - Flour i GROCERIES. . ITQIRWRMOTP NI U. » lady of Nation* K., W. B. *•%! more ftall and con DRrAKTNIlll. National reputation. xdiud t>r Aw» ». or T. NKWIh Gooopl.t* than publiabad by aay •ther paper. AulllCITLTtlRAL OKriBT1IIT. aa. fully .dilad by practical m.n. Q.EMEBAL HEWS, carefully oompUed. TH* "NATTOWAI, T«HTTJ»* ia strictly non-partiaaa, cad thoroughly American. It believea In the graaMal M to the greatest Dttsber of oar people, and tha Nfhaei development of oar 'nHlvtfm. la BattOMi mjmr »»4 .xalved loyalty. i Tfo*, ^1 ftYeaf _ w payable iij W^stUffgHenry v I DniffSi Medicines. PaintSi 119 taking the lead in ladies' Fine Footwear this spring. We are ^ ( o t ' I ehowing the leading styles and best shapes ot ladies Fine Shoes, in Oils, Varnishes, TOILET ARTICLES. THE FINEST LINE OF LAMPS In the county, as prioes from 60 cents up. lace and buttoD. lrom $1.50 to $3.75 per pair. WE FLEA© ©WIMPY Our spring stoek is bought and now on sale. If in want of a Qf still being in ths Insurance business as of old. and can point to pair of shoes this spring do not miss seeing our line before buying I Qur tour 8teriing companies, as all stowing a healthy gain even i or you will be the loser. during the fiery year ot '92, and can boast ot representing fonr of the strongeat, best conducted, and aiost popular companies in* the United States, viz. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. Pheal= of Brooklyn, Pure Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. Ii rfftlmE to gtye mom and bettor matter Ibr the «n» g ?r * **»lt tban any other publication. ®wy Itae that appears In it ts written for It, and has. IgT.Til'g paper. It SMM 4MT »«il»r-i>lat« Matter. >ddreee-- THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE, «psr m,: WASHmOTON, o. e. The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos always on hand. - Physicians' Prescriptions - Carefully compounded* Give me a call* We are not going out of the Clothing business, on the contrary. we haye put in our store for this spring and summer's trade a larger and finer line of clothing than we have ever shown at one I time. The goods were caretully selected and bought for cash, and are now being offered to the trade cheaper than the so called cloth­ ing at cost, that was bought some time ago, as clothing now is] cheaper than ever before. Oar Stock of Spring Hats In on the way. Call on us for Trunks and Traveling 'Bags. As usual fresh Groceries and the best brands of Flour. Yours for business, 1 West McHenry, DL, 18ML GEO. W. BSELEY.' JOEN J. HOLLER. West McHenry. Rockford ofRockford. National, Hartford. Sun Fire, London. Farm insurance is our specialty, and we fully expect to write over 19,000 in premiums in '93, It pays to insure with agents who hu*tle and represent the best companies always. Soliciting a share ot your valued patronage we remain yours. SIMON West MoFevry* 111., 111 0. • MM /'JSSitIM T# .. , -4 if?* * h .tin1- f ^ • 'i- ,Arv'-"1

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