Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1893, p. 1

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... j::.L "Pledged but to Truth, to Llberty and Wawi No Favora Win ua and no * U HBD BTBBT WMMHIBAT BT; ^ y 8LYKB.4 - ^DITOB ^JSTD PROPRIETOR Offlee |ii Pekovsky's Blcek, : &mth of the Po#t6«o»» ••••., :-'v- • *XRM3 or SUB80RIPTI0IL i year (in advance) io 1V Hot p»in within Three Mont hi.., f i» Subscription. r<metv«t for thvsft M jdi ihs in the same lugopevtScn. ' Bates ol Ad?e>rtttAiif. iaaomfci utmi 'tatasJiNiifeTsrttsing S*UUirOBAliSB, Ud tHMni to slate mplainly thitthay Wlllb« foadlly un Ch«y arc m follows. . «ne yea* 7i\00 I M H S one yea* • . » • ' • • : W , , 'V" |©«) has one year . ama«?ie<year .-v*; *t"'- ••* -•**. *>oo inmnoaftf oar- v. - - SO CO lamn^ne y ear - . . WOOO i., ^ ^Ojttinoha»ana the miaiaremant of one - Inoji do#n the coltlmn, Single colaron width, v • ^ fo*rly advertisers, at the above rates, have I: WtfSmgiSSXSUS °«°° M I ^Bixalar ftdjr«rti«era (meaning those having Standing OT§») will M entitled to4»*ertlon v Of local oofkpe at the rate of 5 centa per lino v each week. JAU others will be charged 10 eSBtsper jfas the dm week, and 5 centa per •ttae tor eaofi subaequent week. - Transient advertisements will be charged *« the WkWrof tt oante pe line, (nonpareil ilfp#, eameiia this is'set in) the first Isiae, and . f eaato. ys^aao for „»}*. shu*, tn inch advertisement will coat $1.00 for one • *fek, SLiJOfor two week*. ItOO for throe ireteM, andaoen. H is tfa r " fa - - t>entaJ 8nrgeoii.1 •. - Office urith Dr. Aurtnyer, VTetf McHmtry, JU. Tirown, Plate andBrtdsre WoA art's UcaHy tfxecuted at reasonable prices Hpeejauuten tloa given to the c*re of Children's Teeth. OOirscL*A**W;f«BB. • A. M. CHOHOM, Watobnuaker and Jewel«r renty-flve State »t Obi- alal attention given to re- I Ohreaometers. iixffliMtt of ftogas in hia lino MoHenr? Ho^ise. •V BXIME&. 'Pl^etor^? ,. sitaatad on«tbe fcaake of efcaftat RHnfer.Tn the v 111 *ge of MoEianry, special &% r*>nti«n will be eiven to the entertainment*"! Utaaters^ Fighemen and Pleasure Heekon pmerally. . 0|»«4tsmen Supplied wlth Oom »!«•#» Outfit® CALL AT fHE UTTU ST0B1 AB0939 I COBIM, *%• »«AUn will be liberal In . Tiepui ... „ . f4lt^>ial notiebs, bat, as a business rale 41 reqi * " SMit require a anitable fee from everybody •Muagtho nae of its columns for pecuniary ! «klifr BUSINESS „OABDB. m . C. OOLBY. D. D. A. t |f\ BfNTt<T. Woodstock III (Special atten-Lf tioaftaM toJregaMteg children's teeth pirti es coming f¥«m.*VKnce woalddo wel gtv e tifttnly notioeliplliiail. Office, Kendal »ck, corner Main Mreet and Pu Wicdqua re ; v o. J. HOWARD, M. ». AND SURGEON. Office at • SL tae erskiencejjf R. A. Howard, West Wft,*n,*in- . • -'•S0:" "* T •' ' ' • . 0> B. riOBRS. M, b- . I7SI01AN. ikKD 9TTRGBOV, MeHenry IllB. Office at Reddanoe. t\, ii'jifAxr'ii';*.. . ,:'* i i,ii'.. ' i DB. A.IB. AURINQER, iiOlAN AJf Mds building, RGEON OfltfmnDr >« t McHenry I I I . ae«i« lenco. house formerly occupied by Dr'. All professional ealla promptly at-Onbor «*nde 'to. |h 8fl|BPAIto. ^ *• *H % SHEPARD A8HCPARO, %A T®OBNKYFE AT LAW. Suite 512, Worth- " A etn offlo# building, S8.Ua8»Ue Street Qhioaito, Zll. 0-1f "• KNIGHT A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. U. a. Kxpreaa oo.'s BttUdlng, 87 and 89 Washington 8t. --ju. :-- • "Y, S. LUMLKT. ' <1 'fTOitNEY AT LAW, and BoUoitW fat ^haaCe^boD8TOOK, ILL. ' in Park House, first floor. .* J f JOSLTN * OASKT, % TTORHBTS AT LAW. Woodstock 111. iA All business frill rooaive prompt atten- A a P. BARNE9, BT, Solicitor, and) Oonaeelor, tlbnaia specialty. WOODBTOCK, lixiiroia. * m. ;|tOHN P.eRMITH, ' cei* Sc Jeweler MoHBNRY. ILLINOIS. 4 rIKK stook of Oloeka, Watebea as<t J«W> JnL >elry alwaye on hand. Special attenttoa liven to repairing fine watohes. Qlve mo U° JOHN P. SUITS. Horsemen* Look Here. i I hsm fine stook,Of H rsei, among which 4?e "Y**ng GreenJCountain Morgan," "Mor- jrlll OhaHes,**and diners. Call ami see theae Hornes before making arrangements else­ where. , „ „ „„, „ ,r f jr. S. COLBY. 1 McHeary.mMay 10,18M. Qiitei States War Claii Apcy WM-H. COWTLIN, Woodatooik • l"- Mlinofa* Proaeeutes a t l «laas9« and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldier*, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting did ami r e j e c t e d c l a ims , - • ' . • All oommun'eations promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWIUJS Office at Restdene*. MadUmn St.. Woodetoea. Illinola. *.« •1 i" FREE. Land in Californi i Free, J^^That can arrow. IF irrigated, Orantjea, U-rapes or any fruit in California that will arrow by ir­ rigation This Jand hag iio m*r- tot value witnout irrigation Wa will Plant thoTrees Free, take care and cat tivate them for 5 years " half the profit, pay the taxes, labor other charges, witt pav you back the year after irrigation one-third of investment if yon will Kelp get irri- i. , Price $35 for 5 yean, parable $5 per % *i> month tilt $25 is paid. FREE DEED to ^-the land, no charges to yon for taxes or ^ ̂ Uibor or trees. Address » California Land fnllfttfr "^chaoge. . , 388 Maia St, Dajtoa, 0|" And see those fine Diamonds, some of them an inch across, or l e s s , and many of® ' : t he^^ i i l weigk a pound. „: Mr f Al«o We still have ^ict hand a fe* moi^ of thoBe fin«: Gold and Silver batches Which you can buy at your -- - - * - :-..i ?. '-':AV JOHN P. SMITitl- 1 own price «Th<r Jeweler. 9. J, BARBIA.N, J. J. BAWII* BARBIAN Whoieaale andBetail - naai^BRS ur; • . It- '* • ̂ , .!• •> FINE" CIQAB&, MeHENBT ILJ^G^X „ Being now pleasantly locate^ Itt ifcwif store, former y occupied by itthHC are now prepared to offer to ibeSm< Ho a fine line f^Cisrars ofcuailii9i<Nl| tare, together with •imaicing and Tobacco ot the best brands. "We have a very large astoVtmiht TORY HANDSOMENPITTERAIS ..iSefec. * •/• ^M?:'- *X>M1 HEAR THE DJSPOT, frSKT MoHENBY,l^L. Keep* open for the aeoosunodaUon, of the Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at All times keep the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Oi ..„. , £tabo found in the market. igars Also Agent Tor FALKf# UilwankN Beer In Large or 8mall irays on hand, oheaper t.; ty oonsiderod. Orders by mail promptly atta&(l€<%'t9»; oooD'jtTJLBLmayroft HO. •tMl andjMe ae. .. Robert So West MoHanrr.lll. 'I; ULOON AND r mohinrv;, Fin« Kenticky tn any quantity from Glass to ICO barreli. > „ , v AT 0E RETAIL Beer iit l^otyee, kega or Was elifaip ar the c£Jlii|«Bt. > - ' - ItoiMiqfecfeut the %st and sell at Bea&oj>*ble Prices. 4\l and sod jfrI . will use YOU well. , • * /• ;*;: ANTOI^r TBGWai Kf i&ll -'.£x ^ 4 Iw Henry, Sha l l A^ ik i** . : "• • i 'ft' J!-" 'I'"" "••!,• T** • 'ts- | ILLINOIS,; WliDftESDAir, H&Y 3, 1893. ew Ironing ine, also Having just put and Polishing STEA14 APPLfANCES I«M now piiip#yiaii'Atii do all prork In the LaW^llr !i*«« on etidrt VQu with Will be promptly done«fat'̂ >» « ew mlehlh^rt sot 5o eptbki m* tn do my work ttoob Meter and better tbau her&fofow All ealt«4.-.'f<Kr" *n^: delivered wh«it f1<»«e, !f word it eeol me. • tv JOHK NAUPRtSN" : SAYLOfc i SO^S, CALL«AND BSB UB., " '% nAX*XA* «oe "MeHennr. 111.'. Ja^e^>iB»2. j*- BBBBOBKS OV Morgan:: Horses, Embraclog tbe oelebraMd Geqeral Qtflord, Qraen Mountain and Motrlll blood. | STOOK FOR SALS. StmllloM and c^Ddfor p.dK vgreea. < Bhex and BrgU^radPoland China toioa iMerlrio SHeep» i^:l - - • ;I'An^nt '̂ Mik • , #>W|W'W "VMr. J. R.84.*U»B &-80V8 Wert likHenty 1M Qo toHEAMAN BROS. FOB f mm =•,. * t'p PLATED WABf -a* New %"a*te)î s y" * -and Chains. -poll-oMt Bow. The great froti# saver. Save* the wsidt from thieves be polled off At ewe--coats ̂ pthiag extra. Ml« the IMoi) and •nt <(s ves, ocetng the 5?K,SE« er twisted off, had wkh- tssai mafic PHllADHJPtiMji* MeHENRY patienn Good nts from xiis Glo Up the Die CatholiOl Of Cincinnati gave a re- (bwrkable 4em<MKtra,tion of the faith that is in thenMFhen tWy Sprayed up the 8t*ps"on Monnt ^<iaiiis. This pe­ culiar curtain has beet* in v^ne for about SO years, and the Church of jfche Holy Cross, standing on the brow of'the cliff on Mount Adatns. has become cele­ brated far and near top th&,8d|rtCl«8,per- fOTmed there. Fully Uen'.iad women "prayed up the istepa^ IMday. There are 2C7 of the J all and about 85 landings. The. who visit the chapel must rei for three hodrs. The pilgrim up$n teaching the glairs $a T^ird street repeats a "Bail, M4ry." upon tlio fust step, she pauses thfe yrayev. That done, ishe htilteand silently _, thus step bj totha iop. pausing on I repeat the Lord?s |Jpayw.^ , s«e licopa 'in min^L'1' •*-- * " to have a< " Arriving monks bl« v.;---- W.' Jane G. Aaclfa^wha luts bem ly opposed tof ike ai^bage move- it, writes Co Uie ^oe^Mi Trsnaoapt:" I am really fttrtML^hat the inapCabto logic of even W:g<J#(»gJo lay xtjjrn the already overbjGr<3££9& CBpatderi of won. fittHie added. . Xfynblio ofll^afagpneniQjf,t^re won*' •a, wo^d ^^ play 12^es of |M WWnMi mm «*m>MWS twa y jdlow audi ofiicida to remain !"t.. MM snpHapiBt chaii^lQi^ vrootimiA -1- Qoamwt |4»ieS8Bi^lNre^ It is with extreme: "" f^o are urgent f<J^| service readf','̂ moValsof fourth< it ^aa a^ist 0^ oar m^°{ r&JL & Son, AlS^nm ix- ij!5RpITE, HtoBea Cemete script ion f fl?vrery H|^#xecuted at '«iS Shops at'McH^nry and J bQrgh, £11, where at all " can te found a good assoftm&i of finished; work. - ; , - Udnry.jHl^r & Son; OTBBARD.̂ Harness > Maker ill) DKALBB JK HABNESS SADDLERT, IfWHw, blankets, WUlpg, ""'OIP^DJbiXUS, Jko* atives (I Wbn't move a peg until yon get me one of those fine single Qaraexs, ui Hubbard's.) It lets Double Harnesa all ready 7: Sffe Slftale Harness all ready. DoO KABNBSS. oomplete,... .|38 00 8iNOLe ^A«NE«s otekle «r rub­ ber trim 10 00 the tive», their rel th« pttttkftrea«ury. An ex- the U™m Btates oenatorwSioso wife's motB«A;Mtan and a lot of coua- ins are all ..iffliyWIepartmentB. There are Beveral'ipnua; cuton, besides CSB»«i of congr»Bfm(teA;̂ » : have thloaA their relative* into1Ue.public service in a Tari- etyof ways. Cabinet officers hare their eons thus fastened upon the treasury. IT is bad enough for senators to make their rel- fttives clerks td Senate committees and otherwise provide for them in document rooms and other places, where they will be remembered in at least one of the ptunerous appropriations at the close of the s8Mion, but t&e practice of coioni*- aujf' l^rva^cml ' l-Ji m fiaigfcf^ >A«fV oftheria%ai that" ing them in the departments is the worst [ of nepotism.--Washington Latter. Ba^S STiftt-ffl 78 PPRK^U STRAPS. BRECA8T STRAPS,' 1 1-8 In.. ...u. MAItTIHOALES. 11-1 hi.... if*. %.. AZLK ORKASi. ; • BOSTON < OACH OIL. :T,. COMMON O. p. BITS'. ROPE URS . RUBY PLU»U PLUSH LINED FOR ROBBS. $4 00 INCH LINKS, with Snaps. ... . .T.. 2 60 TWO *NAPS BAENESS OF ALL XIND« Df STOCK. X O. UHUSBARD Nundx.Hl. 1K03. i'M- mond Neck Coains, •jm&Wrta THK TIMK TO BCT^.^;, - " Machinel Only |5 a month uhtil pai|« HEAMAN BROS. '"vr i. i. -'jHS M BOOKS! BOOKS! Oaly iS îid ̂Good standard worts for Mk at IpptfMf'fl.lor 5 cents a book. Among tbein will be found works by Dickens. fVillins, Mrs. Henry ' VOOF, Qeorge Eliot and many others. nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in a permanent, nlost healthy and pleasaht buai- neas, that.returns a profit for every day's work. Such is the basimts We offer the working claeft. We teach thett make jponey rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows oar instructions UtUltljf the making of M9004>0 s month. Bvery one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings; there can M noqakationabout it; others now at work doing ltftod yitu, reader, can da the game, l is the wftt paying business that can are This is the oest paying business that vou have ever had the chance to secure. You wili make • frave mistake il you fail to give it a trial at once. ( yon grasp the situation, and act quickly, you will directly find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which*you can surely make and save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours* work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it makes no dlBwenee, -- do as tre tell vou, and suc­ cess will mssfcyoa-at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for as are rewardM. Why not write to day for I, fire#? K<rC. AL14KN « CO., tNs,«0, 4N>1 fell parttoalarsji Bo*: % • ' , Angusta* Ha. • $ wrable lairs inq * wuxt SALB,t §. and jwveo a^ree df lan<i, sit- the oorporallon line, in the McHenry, .Oood house, a well'olF water, and a de- on. , For further particu- OB the premises. . NICSCWINKBLS. aimi. McH«a7,aa«.a,1893. . Would XH«» Kat&oi' ITISB Testify. • > IMTB. Carrie Welch, aboui 25 yeaari of age, entered watton Cambridgeport, late Tuesday ni^» and dropped a note on the captaiB'e defik. It was an m* nounoonent that the writer intended to take her life rather than testify in the divorce case of her parents, which was to be' called the following day. "You will find my body," said the note, "in the Charles river near the Western ave­ nue bridge." A poUcemaA was sent aft­ er the woman, who had hurried away, and in a short time he overtook her and carried her back. When they reached the station, physicians were sent for, ami it was discovered that she had taki :i poison. She was finally pronounced out of danger and was placed in charge of Hie matron of station 1 for the night, and the next day was taken to her home. --Boston Transcript. ; r- ;---- • Lived on Klk and Eagle Meat. r Fopr hunters were snowbound in the mountains at the headwaters of the Wynoochee river, Washington, for five weeks during February and part of March. When the storm which snawed them up came, they exhausted their stock of provisions and had'--1 killed 11 elk. They lost their gadte.fand were three days without food :.||ten they killed-an' eagle. Later they foottd an elk power­ less in the deep snow. They lived Ion elk and eagle alone for over a month. The snow was 8 to 15 feet deep, and they could not make any progress through it. Eventually they reached a deserted camp' and found an ax with which they split wood and made rude snowshoes, by means of which they got back to civi- [ fixation.."' * > --**n ~r~*' .v :---y - • Iiuiii^u^tm Kxtravaca^Mt., Inauguration extravagance ."is still talked of. "We paid, fBa a day for • onr? two rooms," said (ififeMiiiirt yesterday^ "and could barely gef <pgugh to eat." "Why, my deal!^ sowv^ed. her com­ panion, "we paid^OOa^ayand starved --literally starve^."--H|>r York Times. Timothy, Clover, White Russian, Bartay, Sepd Oats, Seed Cora, Garden seeds,' Lawn and Orchardr • always at Simon Stofiel's. ' vmi in thei • amount -«<f? tha airtan'l Vent aCosiadrv-titOi don Truth. . miw ^ •jPuj! • riiasold, However tJnion Leagu^ clnh:^ 8eligtnantome Fiffihavent Wl«# hi' xmitedly;] dtninended^ wmi a heyc eon of so J»BBon.for the rejects , , r^ . l^becauseofhis It'-ip an nnî rtunate occurrence. It wah itaipBr coeniopolitan, republican, Anteri- <Mpi nor Christen. The Unioaa League cmb has made a mistake.--N«W Y«rk Commercial Advertiser (Bep.). V A ^e^aey to Charleston. The bequest of the la|0 John Thomson to the city > of Charleston of a residuary IkmeiP which it is estimated will amount to ^0nexoeeding$lOb,(jWand possibly twice as Iguch, had nataniUy. caused a good deaLw 'talk abound town, and the Stk injOMXt instances resolves itself1 into th6 question, "What shall we do with it?" If is no secret that Mr. Thomson at onetime intended^ to leave a handsome tq Que nmse^pi of .; the College of fact, a will was made to -"but it seems that the pres­ ent will was made subsequently to that. a city absolute­ ly, which gi%'es ev»ry citizen and tax­ payer a right at least to express an opin­ ion as to what the city council should do with it. ---Chaglegfcs^J^&WB. For the first time in the histocy: <xf Belgium, it is said, tite monetary prmniasof nshed. S ri w • SIMsUa>">" ElUottFi'SbepMnl^ lA&iyette, Ind, y one day, to ch Pre# that 'Ibis 4>ill on t^serviafs, 4h® over|8^0.- whi^h wwr* aroaaed our-r •i ii isl • isf si ploriB^partywhich ̂ «»s north pole t̂ is now an acceittedi that J^s ^r% pqle wiU aerc reacdiedkwithdutl^ie ccaaî tiragon of that i _ i"l lilitf) ii"1 cam%e will 1 of g^a* importancei.--BritiA MedioaH joixnihl.. ratidti V.;, ,^,v' ThsHtouthern straw to be very large ^Jiis y ato-.^ Ths Arst " been**! itrawhlffzies most donbhi Piles ofpeoph have pilm 8toy, Vgtch ̂ HazelSmlrv

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