roftounwn. »per 'Wilt <m- _ _ to come at the lawTge&aral public of Hew York ~ apparently backed up by the newspaper guild, Thp; wWMBt&a aaade in behalf of theap- proatiMtig fair are not actually accom- prtiiva threats of newspapfii' retribu tion, Irai in most cases the person ap- t.lw made generous by an unde- Ldr»6 of what may happen to liim Ijint. With the demand is coupled Mpgtoance that the Press club is a HiihrOpic institution, which takes • of Its members in sickness and bur* ie# them when dead. This is a humiliating reflection on .the members of the newspaper profession. The great majority of them and the most reputable of them do not belong to the Press club at all. They are self respecting and make their own provi sion for sickness and death, or, at all events, do not appeal to the general pub lic, directly or indirectly, to do those things which every real man is expected to do for himself. There is a growing knowledge among the public that the Press club idea, not only in New York, but elsewhere, is strongly worked, and for their own ad vantage. by men who either are not newspaper men at all or whose connec tion with the press is very slight. It •will be a good thing when this knowledge becomes general.--Life. OWN THEY mzwzjk v>* trn*' * >.?. * si* « llBili 11 along •JA V< rpf T 17" JL JCJL J£L* Jt*..JLLI JL^9 IN THIS SPEOIA-Ij t EXCEPT THE FACT That w* have made a ?»n Pneumatic Caissons For a Building. pneumatic caissons are being used In preparing the foundation for the new office building which is being erected on lower Broadway by the Manhattan Life Insurance company. This structure is Jbdng built on a lot 122 by 67 feet in size and at a place where a rock bottom can not be reached without passing through quicksand full of water. Fifteen of these caissons will be employed, four circular •nd 11 rectangular. The latter vary in size from 25* feet in length by 21} feet In width to is feet square. The largest of the circular caissons is 15 feet in di ameter and the smallest 10 feet. They we made by riveting together steel plates, angle bars and beams into boxes from 8 to 10 feet in depth, with a top thoroughly braced with steel beams to support the superposed loads. All the rivets on the sides have countersunk holes on thjfe outside so as to diminish the frfctipn v0&ch arises when the caissons axe sinking. All the openings in the top are carried np through the masonry which is laid on top of the caisson and are provided with the same valves that are used in subaqueous works. It is stated that these caissons will be the first ewer employed in building construction. Dry Goods, Notions, Boots Also Groceries, And ask tb© people of McHenry and vicinity,to c&l) and inspect our stock, which is always complete, and get our prices* :y|Ss»w, •• MeHonryi 111. 1803! JOHN i. STORY. The Bascom Folder. •TO CO or COURSE.™ Jffcr WHICH IS B055v v ITS MERITS rcmifmti Is now offering at close profits the Largest, and •VfTT fttlly selected Spring stock ftf M|| '* /w» » «'-•» tueafei.*! am ASSURE IT AWEi. WHEREVER FT FAIRBANKS SANTA CLAUS tS THE BEST FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD USE AjLL GROCERS KEEP IT. J\\OE. OMly BY N.K FAIRPANK &C0. CHICAGO. "Seeing If Believing' • m-, a s°od f must be simple? when it is not simple u 13 not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good--\.i\cs<z words mean m«ch, but to see " The Rochester " *6. will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough 2nd seamless, cud made in three pieccs cnlv,< it iz absolutely cafe and unbreakable* Like Ala;:din's cf old, i: b indeed r. "v.-oncierful lamp," for its mar- .lig'nt in pnrer find brighter than gag lie softer than cbotric light and more cheerful than either. T.oolt for this stamp--Thr Hoc if ester. If the lamp dealer hasn't the genuine Rocht 'ter. r..:d the stvlc you want, read to ns for our new illustrated catalogue rs sand v"- v-;,.l s^wl you a lamp safely by express--your choice of over 2,000 Î f; • »i:- V.:'s Largest Lamb Store in ike world,- -7? jiaciit&XUaL unp CO.# 43 Park Place, New YorM Otfi "f§f '-."The Rochester.'1 Dress SATTEENS, WASH FABRICS, most care* y:/1^ v . ,5 -V.*-*** \ t ' / f t ? ••; • " a"; V=S» 'tf$:M VELVETS, PLUSHES, and DRESS TRIMMINGS IN TOWN, mm Bo not lail Blajck and Colored ' ft The above ii a cut of our sew Folding Machine, which can now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Offiefr* Our patrons, and those needing aqfh a machine »re invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily bandied, and takes mch little power that you cannot notice it. The ma"hine was put in by the Baseom Folder f'o., of Sidney, O., who have been baild- iner and selling them for the past eisrht years, aDd every machine is fully warranted for five vears. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, a's they sell the machine on thfe most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N. Y ; Mather Manfg Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton. Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Still well, St. Paul; Greoctfcin & Son, Toronto. Canada, jfe'v - V»2 11 YOUR BREAD CAN'T BE SOUR IF YOU USE "Wl" GILLETT'S YEAST When yon are spending your good round dollars for anything in the 1A1DWA10 " Line it may interest you to know that i can save you a good per cent on your purchases. BUY SMRECT F90M THE MANUFACTURERS. 6 PIECE PARLOR SUlt BUY DIRECT i THIS $65 FACTURERS. FOR $35 FRKICHT PAID WITHIN 500 MILES OP CHICAGO. ' Frames In Solid Oak, or Walnnt covered In TWnlinlr Crn»hed fatiy wwp, mwIM With Nllk piualt to match; al! six pieces have sprine edge (soft oil«c») and are well made throughout flonRtats of 1 sofa 1 nntcnt rocker, I easy chair, 1 divan and 2 parlor chairs. W© nsamtfacture ftll SSSas m ?hi8 itne ancfSn^antee f hemf We pack and pay the freight within 600 miles «fChU**r Hot tor sale bv ir̂rniture dealers as price is too low._ MstabliBhed tweety to United Stated ^ead six cents for e of plus'!/, ' _ _ ' V'T TOTWPTB.E OO*, MADISON AND CENTER AVE., CHICACQ, ILL. _ NEW Suite in Black and fancy Colors. Square cuts, double and Single breasted, sackj and trocks, bound and pHih. % h*M*M Sr*CM IWfM Svtrs, 0MM 9Mm JULIA A. (STORY. *11 DEALER INC OME DOOR WE8T OF BIVKRSIDB HOUSE. icl»ary,lll, PURE I OUILBK { ECONOMICAL « MEVER GETS SOUR: OMICAL for "Magic" at your Qpocer"*. Let blB> •eU other kinds to other peopis. If you contemplate* buying a VAPOlt STOVE TMs ipring, come and see what we have to afcoir. HAVE YOUR OLD TAFOB STOVES GLEANED & REPAIRED By one who understands them, before starting them again pay you. It will King of McBcnry and Lake Couo lltoal Has tbe fastest record of any BtaT,.v«, ve . , in XoFrheto Illinois Has won more | It you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything race* than any Stallion in McHenry or Lake Co. And can go a X, X. a mile or a race 3 ID 5 fMter than any other stalUoa In the two •onntlss. He his won 35 rices in 3 seasons. Started against ani staid in race wilb -torn, Almont Bashaw, 2:1 J6; won two ra«e« from Ethel B. 2:18^; started 12 times in 1492, Won 11 races Below you will find a few that »re recorded in year b~ok As an individual no horse can outsbow him. As fine and a* . flame a bead as ever wore a b'idle. Kind in Sadi belonging to the Hardware business, you will do well to get my prices. t Yours Respectfully, F . L . M c O M B E R West McHenry, 111. ont of harness; is no jumping jack when •predtnK, in fact never makes any mistakes, jHe is a natural pacer, and a race horse that j Bo man can fiiHl fault with; good bono the best muscled boree I *ver saw .Opjor black; etninis 15% hands high; weighs 1075 I us. He was never hitched to a byke, and 2*7* **ad a uriver that weighed 210 lbs. Midnight paced an exhibition mile at Mason city, Iowa last fall, in 2;U; last half in 1;04; I last quarter in 31 seronds. £ will Mateh him against any pacta!; or I trotting stallion, mare or gelding In MeUenry County, I also have in my barn a two.year old pacintt I JM» aired by Midnight, out of a common mare, «aa» 1 will show against any two-year old for . |8P*S<,i AB a proof that f e public Wtf tURii thirty days irom the day I got him i Bome 1 booked 38 mares, I think Midnight's I aervice fees less tlmn any h rse in the - tate j ^ Wish s rccorii of 2;i"3i, or any belter than 2 ;20 GEO. W. BESLEY, FEE. $20. ft; tor speed where speed has been foun<l. j^tniSht will start th s fall to lower his rec- SpUMid those who have seen him in bis races mar that be trill take a mark better than 2;12 'Jsjmuummo or Midnight, 2:i75i. -- Black I UX hands high; foaietj 188G; bred by B. or, Sernia, III. 81red by Nigger Hoy, ljrmoatb Bock, iMl, he by Hilt's Black . 1st dam Starlight, could pare in 2:27, br bone, dam of Midnight 2;l7^;'Z't rinm by Pharaoh, paccr- sue Hichbail 2;12M, toy £than Allen ght will moke the season of 1893 at the f the undersigned, at HunUa. H. B* THKOOFi Hooda, HL. April, 1801 DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, TOILET ARTICLES. West McHenry* III. lium TEE FINEST LINE OF LAMPS In the county, as prices trom 60 cents up. A T E N T S . rmTECTioa, NOT FOR ORNAMENT. DUBOIS t DUBOIS, Patant Attorneys. !nv»ntlve Age Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. ifiw. Mention this payer friva yon special nbow and bats bargains in John Evawox & Co. m Pure Wines and Uquors, and Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos always on hand. ^ - Physicians' 10ns - Drugs s Medicines --«-• FULL LINE OF Drills, Chemicals. Dye Still, Paints, Oils&Colors Constantly 011 hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY ASD DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions - Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma oist Your patronage is respectfully solicited. A, STOBYi THE WEST SIDE Is taking the lead in ladies' Fine Footwear this spring. We are showing the leading styles and best shapes ot ladies Fiue Shbes, in lace and button, irom $1.50 to $3.75 per pair. Ourspiing stoek is bought and now on sale. ̂ If in want of pair of shoes this spring do not miss seeing our line before buying or you will be the loser. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. We are not going out of the Clothing business, on the contrary we haye put in our store for this spring and summer's trade larger and finer line of clothing than we have ever shown at one time. Tho goods were caretully selected and bought for cash, and are now being offered to the trade cheaper than the so called cloth ing at costf that was bought some time ago, as clothing now is cheaper than ever before. Our Stock ot Spring Hats i* on the way. • ;;*** NEW FSxBIlOj; NEW LACES, - WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINEN, BEDSPREADS, ETC. •9W SFmilf^ OTEMCIOAli®. New Badger State Overalls, Pants, Shirts, Coats and Jackets. --~JLate»t Styles* Low Prices, Fully Warranted.----- AmAi Just received, a Urge and well selected stock of Spring styles CARPETS, WALL Pai%% Window Shades* Portiers, Poles, &;c. TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS. HEW AND STBICTLY STYLISH HATS. In the very newest designs and colors, great variety, close prices. one Crate of LUSTRE BAND WARE I - GROCERIES. WES PlLiMAB GUILTY Of still being in ths Insurance business as of old. and can fK>in£^iit our tour sterling companies, as all showing a healthy gain even during the fiery year ot '92, and can boast ot representing fonr of the strongeat, best conducted, and most popular companies in tho United States, viz. Caretully compounded. Give me a call4* M: West llcHenty, 111. ,1898. GEO. W. BSELEY. Call on us for Trunks and Traveling Groceries and the bast brands of Flour. Bags. As usual fresl* Yours for business, ;# JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. ir . : •. . Rockford of Rockford. Xfatiozxal, Hartford, Sua Fire, Itondon. Farm insurance is our specialty, and we fully expect to over $9,00C in premiums in '93, It pays to insure with.agents who hustle and represent the best companies always. Soliciting a share ot your valued patronage we remain yovm, Ws«t MoL'eury, IUM1883, --j$r- ̂ •mm