Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1893, p. 1

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gc|[«irj flanlMler. PCBti HBO RTIBI WlOIlUUT BT V A N S L Y K B , - 1 EDITOR AND PROPRIB*C* Office In Pekovskfi Blocki S? ' ' UK dovWDMk of th« Port Oi#»« . ' " I fiimcs oi1 suBaoai P now. Subscriptions ree*ivw» for three or six month8 in the same proportion. F. E. PILCHER - - Dental - Surgeon. - - Qfflcewiih Dr. Auringer, Wett MeHenry, JU. Crown, Plate and Bridire Work art'stically executed at reasrnabie prices, fpeefai atten I&tpSiven to the care of Children's Teeth. OOHSTTLTATLOH FESB..1 . Bates of Advertising. £we announce liberal ratee for u »hft plainL'KALKR, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will ba readily nn deiatood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year V\ ' * ,5S t Inches one year. „• • S Inches one year. - i»uu ¥ Oolumn one yea* ^ - » - • 30 w y Oolumn one year. Oolwmn one year One Inch means the mea»urenc.ent ofone ' inch down the column, single column wtatn. yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often aa they choose, tflthout extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having itanfing cards) will be entity to Insertion of local notices at the rate of 6 cents per line each week. All others will »)© . ~i2 SOSitc par V.a* the week, and 5 cents per tUke for each subsequent week 60 00 100 00 Jkm M. CHURCH, Watehmaker and Jeweler O.On > IfundredTwcnty-Five State RtOhi- A , cago. III. Special attention given to re­ pairing; K1 ti>« watches and Chronometer®. ^AFaH Assortment of Goods ! Ms line W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace, Insurance and Collecting Agency. OFFICE OK RAILROAD BT., DUB P. O. NUN DA, Ills . BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Eoteil nuns n FINE CIGARS, MeHJSN.BT ILLINOIS Rains now pleasantly located in our n 'w store, former y occupied by Althoff Bros , we are now pnpired to offer to the smoking pub SkaSKf Ciaar. of our own ««ufac. t«reg together with smoking a»d Chewing Tobacco of the best brands, ' fipsS a Specialty. We have a Tory large wsortnmt Si*S Somf very handsome pattern*. CALL AND 8KB US.'. MeHenrv. 111.'. June M. 1»2 H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and O-eneral In­ surance Agent including Accident and Life Insurance. OFFICE WITH B. GILBRKT, MBIN DEPOT, WEST MCUBNKY. III. MeHenry House, {"j*> Jfcfc HENR y« ILL* •:m HSIMBR. Proprtm** I have just received a lar^e in­ voice of ladies' nod gents' ribbed I gust there died at Selkirk an oid mason and plain Balbrigan ;? ' ̂ I who,in Jusyout*, hd»ca_t0bmid Ab- Tinder-aria#, CALL AT THE LTTTLI S10B1 ABOWSD Transient advertisements will ** ,i tht rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareu type, same as this is set in) the firsti?8a®'JLn. at the rate of 10 cents type, same as this is set In; """"«<hnA 5 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost £1-2*,,50Jrh°ee waak, for two weeks, *2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The Pi,Ami>RAT,iiR will J ^ edUonai notioes, but, as a business ruie,« will MnnifA ft ftuittibto fw from seeking the nse of Its colomne for pecuniary gain. P- BUSINESS CARDS. r. o. COLBY, N,D.». V ENTI"*T. Woodstock. III. Special stten. tioa p vid to regulating children s te®th _ _rties coming from a distance would do wel to give timely notice by mail. Office,Kcn,iiU block, corner Mam street and Pubilciqua re O. J. HOWARD, M. 1>. 1)HYU0IAN ASD 8URGEOH. O«ce at the ersl<ience of &. A, Howard, West fteHen try* XU. T O. EL r*GB$B. X »- PHVSlOlAN AND SURGEOW, MeHenry Ilia, ofltoe at Uesldenoe. FOT. A. EAURINGEB, PffY9*©lA1? ASDstrROEON. Ofl»i»«r Obi Ids building, W«st McHenry LIll Hesidenqe, house formerl- Osborne, All professions' led to. a, •. inmiil SHEPARD M, SHE! ATTORNKYb AT LAW. Suite 512, North-em Office Building, 86 LaSalle Street Chicago, III. ' 4® ly Being situated! banks of the Fox River, in the Vill )ge of MeHenry, special at t-ntion will he (riven to the entertainment <*f Hunters, Fishermen and Tleaaure Seekers g^terally. Sportsmen 9uppli«(i with plAtA outfit* R. NEAR THE DEPOT. And see those fine Diamonds some of them an inch across, or less, and many of tb*m Vrill weigh a pound. Also we still have on hand few more of those fine. Qold and Silver Watehtt Which jou can buy at your own price. Jfflffl P* SMITH, The Jeweler. mrraiT MoHBNRY, ILL Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant y Where he will at all times keep the best > h*a»ds of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ^™Ctobe found in the market. . Also Agent for ' "FBLA-NZ FALK« Mhrukit Lagtr Bm, Beer to targe or Small Kegs or Bottles al. mri on hand, cheaper than any other. q,v considered. - People Wl*o Met Scott. Under the caption of Scottiana a cor- reepoiidcist of London Notcs and Queriea records iri that jonruaj the further snap­ ping of links which bind the present to the living personality of Sir Walter Scott himself by the death, within the past few months, of four ^Jj^lividnala who were more or less ass<* iatnd with him. The correspondent states that last Au- Which,I am selling at bed rock slices. *'I am soiling a Ladies' good ribbed V%8t for 9c, An extra fine Vest,•• 25c. And a silk fiiished Vest- . .33c, of any Underwear ""'TO «all and see Gents' Btlbr^n Underwear from 28c to 49c. It in need tof It will pa^'ytm what 1 have to offer yon in this line. I have also a fm» lin# of Dry Qfoods a&d Noilo&s. BOOTS, - - - - SHOES. botsford. He nsed to .relate that fre­ quently, while engaged ill his work ,on Abboteford, Sir Waltar came and con­ versed with him and his fellow work-, man. "For," said he, "the shLtra* had oao pride aboot 'im." And then toward the close of last yeat died Dr. Skene, historiographer royal of Scotland, who was the son of Scott's old friend Skene of Rubislaw, and who had actually resided in Abbotsford as the guest of Scott. Next there was the late Dr. Wordsworth, bishop of St. Andrew's, who it is believed accompanied his illus­ trious uncle, the poet, and Dorothy Wordsworth on their tour through Scot­ land, when they visited Abbotsford and saw Scott before he set out on what proved to be his last excursion to the continent. Lastly*. there died during February William Haldatle of Earlston, who Wfs personally acquainted with Civil Service Reform. Civil service reform is moving on iy. It would be expedited if those T. believe in it would live up to it. As we lave said before, one trouble is that peo­ ple are good natured, and when their rriends want places under a new admin­ istration--that is, places not vacant and )nly to he made vacant by the demands )f the office seekers--these good natured people allow themselves to become part 'sf the pressure for the places by their recommendations and solicitetions. It mist sometimes look to the appointing powers as if the whole country rose up tnd demanded not civil service reform, but positions in the civil service, There is such a thing as rushing a re­ form ahead of public opinion and., thus injuring the reform, and there positions which are political in sense and should be taken poi by the party of the majority af slection. But it is the duty of ev< ten to do his share in eliminating not .. jnly the spoils system, but the spoils have 6ur Idea, from politics; to press upon the an- thorities the necessity of continually ex­ tending the merit system, and of acting tccording to its spirit outside of the classified service. For it is no exaggera­ tion to say that the evils of the spoils sys- teiix are illustrated in every sinister ca­ reer in the history of modern American An Odd Missouri 1**. Missouri law is sometimes comical. I read a few days ago that a new statate had been passed by the Missouri ! ture which makes it a . fense for a husband to deaert Ml̂ until he has lived with her for at 1 years. I do not know the pi of the statute, but it is plainly i ply interpreted, it seems, by who has read it, and i£ means thai you marry a woman in this staiMfcj marry her for 10 years, and wbffl|g! have served your 10 years youj her goodby and go: It's a sort of a tontine : Suppose. The lawmakers mj been married men with wrv who wear the breeches or theyj ,ve taken snch n practical vie Ld set a timelock or They probal earal Bcott and was present at his funeral, politics; every disgraceful "success1 t§ He had many recollections not only of Scott, but of Hogg, LocLhart, Willie Laidlaw, Andrew Gemmel (Edic Ochil- tree)and Tom Purdie, ^ Intellectual FnMM In Boston. to be laid at its doprs; every ring has here its origin. It is the an& * • ?my of honest administra' avei^ umunity in the cou'- ry; (prate? our legislatures tiona% ti' •> cause about evolution Those of scientific and don't h pp®- KNIOHT A BROW*, A TTORNSV8 AT LAW. U. S. Express Oo.'S flL Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. OHIOAGO, ILL. t V.S.LUMLBY. d TTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor' In ChanceryJ^OJ^TOOK, il^ Offloe in Park House, first floor* 5^. JOSLYN * UASEY. ATTORNKTS AT LAW, WoodStoA lU. . All business will receive prompt atf tten- tion. O. P. BARNES, XTORNEV, Solicitor, and| Oouaeeior, L Qollections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. _ JOHN P. SMITH, IB^tttolfciaasalcer Sc Jeweler MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. Ar iNE stock of Clocks, Watches and Je w­elry al way s'Oh hand. Special attention given to repftlyinjj^fl^p! watohes. Give me a6* '*** JOHN P- BMIWB Horsemen, Look Here. I have a flne stock of H 'rses, among which are •' Young: Green Mountain Moraan," **Mor- rill ChariesT" and others. Oal I and see these Horses before making arrangements else- Wher°' N. S. COLBY. MeHenry. Ill , May 10,1892. . United States War Claii --o.r-- WM- H- COWLIN, Wo@d Steele Illinois^ Prosecutes all claasss and kinds of ciaim§ against the United States for ex Sol«ii«rs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made Inr prosecuung old and rejected claims. AU sesiaiaBisattona promptl^nsw PoeUge Sttraaps are enelosed for reply. WM, tL CO Wi . l l* Office at Sestdsnee, Madison St., Woodstock, Illinois. answered if rmt: FREE.-- Land in California Free» "That can grow, if iirigftt|M], Orau&res, drapes, or any fruit in California (hat will grow by ir- rt^aiioa This land h^s no mar- m*t valye irrigation Wa will Plant the Trees fit&m' Take care and cultivate them for 5 years for half the profit, pay the taxes, labor and other charges, will pav you back the f first year after irrigation one-third oi your investment if you will help get irri­ gation. 0 Price $25 for 5 years, pavable $5 per month till $25 is paid. FREE DEED to the land, no charges to you for taxes or laubr or trees. Address Galiifrriiia Land and Wat* r ' • Exchange. ' FLGFR Uma SK,D*YTOIVO. *lJA: Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOGD'&TABLllf&'.FOR HORSFIS^ all and;see us. leesli MeHenry. IIL r V|"v"' j1 J. K. SAYLOR & SONS, SKXUj~~~'ty- •BREEDERS OV » MorganHorses, Embraclnc th# celebrated General Glfford, Green Mountain and Morrill blood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stallions aod FUlieg 8endfor pedi­ grees. Pesex aod Registered Poland China --SWINE.™ 6h616d' Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turkeys* * High Oracle Jersey Cattle. For sale. Gom^and Inspect stock or address. ^ SAYIjUB & SONS West MeHenry 111 J0H1T HAUPRISH'S OHOflfVy III* ford can get thfm* for 97c per pair. This is a big bargain. I have also a full line ot worn- en's and children's shoes that 1 sm selling at a very small margin. Men's shoes in great variety. To Blow been brought up in the nurture and ad- . .. monition of modern thought. But un- bofubarded and many hvj Ifvouwant a pair of good Ox- highly differentiated intellects don't 'p ..lik n,.iont tin vnn mind, neither do the young who have rd Ties, with- patent tip. JOU : „N IN .nrtnr, and ad- scientific men and women, whose hair is lands of dollars' wort: lightly streaked with more o»ta» silver,' Dr: are » little nerroia while .waiting the , Hissi^ipp. and Mmoon evenings yet to come when Professor i P08® cJclon.° ,ce? ™ . Drummond will nndoubtedly make the »™t- •>ave f» t tvJD men can be trained to watch final logical dash from the ape that i Don't torget that ^ 3pn head­ quarters tor CROCKERY A GLASSWARE yearningly and with irresistible instinct apes mankind to man, who still occasion­ ally apes the ape. It will be easy for members of a com­ munity nurtured on Browning to follow the lecturer then, and people who have feasted more on the delicate fruits than the hardy roots of life in their intellect­ ual and spiritual growth will take very ern- >me.-? Playing Santa Clans; Charles Keene's 8-yer >ld son! had a peculiar exper *e that m| ' cost him his life. Freddie ha«^clD|i«; to the roof of a 1-story building tisefl fot and washing purposes at s father's house in East Hoy- id espyii^p the chimney, which t as high as his head, thought be great sport to play Satita climb down the flue and, like the jolly little fat man in the story book, descend to the room below. The youngster had proceeded about five feet when he discovered that the chimney was not large enough to allow^ his body to pass further. His strug to climb back again only resulted in ] becoming wedged firmly in tha i Workmen near by heard hi§y help and hastened to the you" ^ sistance, but before he could cated the chimney had to be' --Connecticut Cor. New York Timea. My stock of Groceries is com- ^ plete and nothing but the best 1 jrindly to*the later lectures. The ma- goods kept tor 8ile. I t«yial is always a vexation to those de- 'eriiiiiied to «iis8ociate the natural LiMst bvit not least Flour at wholesale |i¥lc«9. ' * m 1K Elec|.ti^^a^ht Flour la J- 1'fttent Flour, * Minnesota Fancy Patent, 1.10 Pitlsbury's Best XXXX at the lowest market price. I |i«y the highest toarkftM e for all iiinds oi produce A. P.BAER, West MeHenry, 111. ^ --eooee^eeoeeeeeoeeeeees R I P A N S ABULES REGULATE THE frOHACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. RIPANS TABCLE8 are the bet Medt- elne for Induction, Blilnnets, llesdacke, C«utl|*Ura, Dyspepsia, Ghfwale Liver Tronhlea, DluUcw, Bad Complexten, i VjMiterf, OVtHire Breath, sad «U dls> J •rdera of the St^aach, Lives? and Bowels. O ~ ' " "" ' ' O O take, mfe. effectual, and trivc. O Frice--llox (8 Tisls), 75 cents j :• ft. May l>e ordered tliroiigh nearest drug or t>y mafl. Sample free by mall. Address « THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO F 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW "5ORK CITY. Xeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeoooeooooooo' mil •' • j ••Mi PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-1 \ ent business conducted for Mooch aTC Fees.* , > OUR orrtcr is OPPOSITE U.S. Pamrr Omec; | and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. , Send model, drawing or photo., with describi | tion, We advise, if patentable or not, free charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with oost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ! sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. ncc, Wa IMIMM OPP. PATCNT Omcc, WASHINOTON, D. C Having just put in a new Ironing and Polishing Machine, »Uo StEAM APPLIANCES I am now prepared to do all work . In the Laundry lln« on short cotice. and guarantee tatlelactloa. ML All work left with m« will be promptly the Lew machinery put In enables me to do my work much faster &Dd belter than heretofore. •U Laundry will be ealled tor and delivered when done, If werd It not ME* JOHN NAUPRI9H; Go toHEAMAN BROS. m ran PLATED WARE. pw Watches r' and Qhains. Be sura aad see our Mew Dia­ mond Set Ladies^ Keek Chains. |IOW IS THE TIM TO BUT A r*: . Sewing Machine! $$ a month until pud. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state tiiat it pays to ENGAGE in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant bus!- net*, that returns a profit for every <lav's work. Such II the business wc offer the working class. We teaeh them how to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully TLIE DUNKING of H3TO.OO A month. Every one who takes hold now and works will eureljr and speedily increase their eurnings; tliere can be no question about it; others now at work are doing it, ami JOB, reader, can do the sum?. This is the best fAylug business that vou have ever had the chance to secure. You will make a crave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. If vou grasp the situation, and act quickly, you Will direetljr find yourself in a most prosperous business, at which you can surely make ami save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' Whether yon are old or young makes no difference, -- do as we tell you, and sue ork will often equal a week's waget. hether yon are old or young, man or woman, it CFSS will meet you at the very Mart. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who worl for as mrm rewarded. Why not write to-day ftr Ml partlonlars, free ? E C. AIXEN A CO., ^ Box Mo. 430, Augusta, He. nd |tho upirit'aal, and for those it is not ttgrej?- ' able to be taken 'back into the physical ,itifcByriea oifheferoff beginnings, of titti race, or to make those agile mental joappl which flfag a man forward in the ^ A AOMSMTTO Wadding. A Wedding took olace in St. firtSlrs- burg op Sunday whu'h excited very gen­ eral interest. It was tM marriage of the daugliter of the SexuenVosky re^bapiit' of the impeziat"-.jgm:"d with Liettft^spsit Alexander of the EightjpHmrth Infantry regiment. The young lady, who is now 18 years of age and has al­ ways gone by tlf name of Eugenie Semenovkaia, taking her patronymic from, the regiment; was found as a baby, lying half naked in a ditch, by the men of the Semenovs^y regiment as they were marching ftpm Plevna upon Con­ stantinople in December, 1878. The little Turkish foundling was ten derly cared for andhf ter a time baptized into the Russian orthodox religion, her godfather being thasurgeon of the regi­ ment and her godmother the Princess Eugenie of Oidenlmrg. The regiment lire it t with intrusted eons, am hnsbasii by <3ti ation to qualified per- ;e now brings her dowry, provided rdia^s.--Jwnea epib Harness - Maker AMD DSALBB 1W HABVESi. SADDLERY, Bridles, Blankets* Whips, CUTTEES, &C* (I won't move A peg until you get me one of those flne single Harness, at Hubbard a ) 12 Sets Double Harness all ready. 7 Sets 8lnsle Harness all ready. DOUBLE HARNESS, complete,....#28 00 SINGLE HARNESS, nlcklew rub­ ber trim A. 10 00 HAME STRAPS. 78 In... ...» . 10 SPREAD STRAPS *••<*» ' 10 BREAST STRAPS. 11^2 I O...... MARTINGALES, 1 1-9 II..;....MV ;*S0 AXLK GREASE ,...*; 5 BOSTON COACH OIL ,26 COMMON C. P. BITS 15 ftOPE ll.ES.... 80 BUBT PLUSH PLUSH LINED FUR ROBES. F4 00 INCH LINES, with Snaps *80 TWO SNAPS.. * 6 BASNKSS OR ALL KINDS III STOCK. G.L.HUSBARD. ^Iwim3Ub>» 111**: I .. Embassador*. the suggestion that our abroad should adopt a dip­ lomatic court costume. It is doubtful, however, if it is acceded to. The simple dress of an American citizen prescribed for our ministers abroad by Secretary of State Marcy in 1853 will answer every purpose. Prior to that time American diplomats had worn a simple uniform, in accordance with the directions of the state department. Mr. Marcy's circu­ lar, just after Mr. Buchanan was accred­ ited to the court of St. James, troubled Victoria's master of ceremonies, and he intimated that Mr. Buchanan could not expect to be invited to court balls if he did not come in court dress. Mr. Buch­ anan answered tYiat he did not care if he never appeared at court, and he stuck to his everyday suit, which was a black coat, a white waistcoat cut rather high, a broad white neckcloth, black tra^pgg and dress boots.--Boston Herald.̂ ing twister and then destroy it reaches the city by exploding torpedoes. He said: "I would have a station sufficiently high to permit the watchmen to see a cyclone when it is griming. The torpedoes would have to be sent into the cloud scientifically, of course, and therefore men should be trained to the service. I would have the station attached to the weather bureau, which would aid. in getttng^lllp^ee in­ formation of cyclones. Strong marine glasses at night by watch­ men, and an alarm could be given in Meaty of time. My method would of Bourse be of no use in hurricanes, but I UU f fjlv convinced ^hat mv thei" one for^elraa^and weli wlltli a fcriafc%*$o*. Pittsburg Diepatoh. j? ; '; -Chan*** In the Chnretu * The New Jersey state Epworth league convention, at its session in Newark,de- ooTtnced the race track legislation, pro­ tested against the opening on Sunday of the World's fair and declared unani­ mously that it discouraged the use of tobacco. The Ret. H. S. Springer of Arlington, in speaking for the Newark district, said: "Bring back the amen corner and the mourners' benches, aad let' ns not con­ tinue in the present formal way. Take down the advertisement of the under­ taker that is on the front of f our churches and put in its place the inscrip­ tion, 'I am the resurrection and the life.' •Take away the little sign with 'M. E. Church' on it and place one 20 feet long across the front of the edifice hav­ ing the words 'Central Methodist Epis­ copal Church' in big letters, every word spelled out. Let's haveeome sensation- alins to cope with the devil's plans of work." Chili to Chicago In a 22-foot Heat. An eccentric navigator named Bosnian proposes to make a trip from Valparaiso to Chicago in a 23-foot boat and has ac­ tually sailed away from Valparaiso on his long voyage. He comes via Panama, whence his craft will be transported to Colon by rail. Prom Colon he will em­ bark for Chicago by way of the St. Law­ rence river, and if he does not come to gflrief in his perilous undertaking expects to arrive in Chicago about the middle of June. Mr. Bosman appears to fbrget that the Hudson river and the Erie ca­ nal furnish fiim a much easier as well as shorter route to the great city of the marvelous 8^y>w,-and the dangers of the longer St. Lawrence rout& should not be deliberately courted.--Paimiiyi Star and Herald. Twenty-five pictures by modern French painters, now exhibited at the St. Bo- tolpli club, Boston, are insured for $248,- OQO. s ", f; FLOUR! FLOUKf Chick's Best, $1.10; Half fl .05; New Process. Bswamw Crazy Vran There was a lively time on a Pullman car on the Southern road last night while en route from New Orleans to this city. At Chattanooga William C. Blackburn .of this city, a porter on one of the cars, began to act queerly. He ran through the train screaming and nearly scared the passengers out of their wits. At one time he took all the money out of his pockets and threw it out of the window. He finally became so violent that it was necessary to chain him in an apartment. Upon arriving at the Grand Central depot he was taken to police headquar­ ters, from which he was sent to the city hospital. The only explanation of Black- bum's strange conduct was that he lia4 been crazed by tobacco. Some time ago he was an inveterate user of the weed, but stopped suddenly. Yesterday he took a big chew of tobacco before he began to act crazy.--Cincinnati Enquirer. Here's * duutee. A fftoftftsicnal man of wide reputation,3 who resides at Parkersburg, W. Va., | and is a great lover of aquatic sport, de- j termined to suprise hia friends here this < spring by coming out with a new yacht, \ and as a recreation and to make the sur- S prise more complete concluded to the vessel himself from a model of hiscwrajf' Being the owner of a large househeweH^a to great expense in fit ~ as a work cured thel entire Ho laraiSH about 80: wfacttiredyl : to launch.; get it oat can suggest a plan? tearing out the off the roof of the at a low price.--Pitts1 Prices of a Stock During a Wall Street PaaM Some idea of the character of Friday morning's speculation may be gleaned from this incident: A well known broker had an order to sell 500 shares of General Electric. When the order was sent to him, the price had already fallep from 80 to 70. By the time he reached the trad* ing post the stock had sold at 58, and he offered his stock at that price without eliciting any higher bid than 58. Un* willing to sell at such a sacrifice he de­ termined to wait a little and tanked to execute an order in another stock in an adjacent "crowd." Returning almost directly to the General Electric post, he heard somebody bidding "nine for a hundred." He disposed of his 500 shares at "nine" and was astonished to learn that he Was selling than at 69 instead, as he supposed, at S9, and the stock kept on jumping until it ercssed 80.---New York Herald. . Kentucky Pride. Hie "Home and School puts a check on impulsive state pride by a curt catalogue of "things the Kentuckian can learn at the World's fair." Among these are: "That Kentucky is not the only coun­ try on earth. "That a horse is not the noblest work of God. - "That if our legislature is the worst in the Union it has competition. "That there is some beauty and a good deal of brains outside his own state. "That there is much in a name, aod ours might be improved. "That the earth will not worship him because he is from Kentucky. "That there are many other people as hospitable as he, and a few more polite. "That a man is not necessarily a fool because he doesn't 'talk horse.'" Tiburad, an uncaptured Italian bandit, died of old age recently. He had been fentenced to death 87 times. • *4 - .-w . "C, PASTURAGE. We will pasture a limited number oi Cows and Horses on the E. M. Owen Farm in this village. Apply to G. W. Owen or O. N. ,Owen, at the Bank of Mo- Henry. ^ . / " • -1 i The President'a Summer Home., --. ,:i "Belvoir," the house in the suburbs oi th^&ational capital which President Cleveland has leased for his summer home, has an interesting history. Gen­ eral Winfield Scott selected the place as the site for the soldiers' home,'but it was not secured, as no agreement could be arrived at with the owner. Francis Scott Key, author of the "Star Spangled Banner," spent many years of his early life at "Belvoir," and Presidents Van Buren, Tyler and Buchanan each spent several seasons there. Baron Gerault, the German minister at Washington about the time of the Mexican war, also made "Belvoir" his summer residence.-- Philadelphia Ledger. Inauguration Hotel Bates. "I only lately learned, and that by#V cident," said a society woman, "how deeply my husband and I were indebted; to Washington friends who entertainedj us at a certain hotel for the inaugnra-j tion. We had a nice suit of rooms thati were not magnificent, and those dear,) generous hosts of ours paid for them the rate of $100 a day."--P: Press. ̂ Society People. Mrs. John Sherwood is a much bigger wimi in Chicago today than Mr. Ward McAllister can ever hope to be. So grateful are the Chieagoese to their lady champion it will surprise no one if ttqr present her with a lake front lot and til* freedom of the city, a la the Dnke de Veragua's New York piirchment MNt* venir. Ward Esh't going to the Boston Herald. • * Looking For Dear Friends. I ""What has induced Marrowfat to j up genealogy all of a sudden?" "He's trying to find somyeft of a rel- ative in Chicago so that hfean get hm board at tile fa ir."-****» to. » CARPETS AN D WALL PAPER. New Carpets of < in good variety at W < Over 150 styfaa ot WM1 Papai Hats in latest styl stylish Footwear. StoteFa. ' ' 'll" . 1 .

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