,^'i' ilf: > , , . - • ""' •> V". iHwy. ©ne afternoon last week there was •* private funeral service in ft fin© mansion flffwfeedonan uptown street in Port land, He. Tho funeral procession con- •isted of ft single laudaa and a hearse. Paaaoraby looked at the pathetic little! corUge as it came out of the ^Traveled- driveway from the rear door of the state ly dwelling and lichtly remarked, "One of the help is dead." Kone of the papers in their rfiortuary columi furnished a clew to the identity ©f the dead. Only the heartbroken fa- "ther, the mother and sisters knew the old, sad fltory which for ages bards have (rang. It was indeed an awful lesson. Decades ago the trite saying was penned, "There are sermons in stones, and good * in everything," and that truism is as po tent today as it was then. Kone knew and few guessed that the poor, frail frame that was on its last long journey was once the body of a young woman who, seven years ago, had fashionable Portland at her feet, was courted and petted by all and was al lowed every pleasure that mind could invent or money procure except free dom. She longed for New York. The night ingale was caged, and she longed for freedom. She burst the tiny, woven gold- eh chains of love and became as the moth to the candle. Three years on Fifth avenue, then to Broadway, then in the human maelstrom toward the Battery, then that haven of home. , of all, Calvary.--Exchange. "'« *"v A YOUR BREAD - CAN'T BE SOUR |F YOU USE G-ILLETTS MAG SO YEAST PURK QUICK ECONOMICAL Ask for • • r .Tt 'r" at yourGroeer's. Let blB sell to!» nfher kinds to other people. IT' NEVER GETS SOUR. GEORGE 0. 2:211-2 TO:.: S*V H«» * 8n»k« Fight Ended. A remarkable occurrence took place lately in the zoological gardens at Bres- lau. In the cage of the large snakes a South American boa constrictor con tended for a rabbit with a large python from we6t Africa. It did not succeed, however, the python being the stronger of the two, and it withdrew. About two hours later the keeper found the same snakes fighting for another rabbit. As the keeper supposed that the boa, which was the weaker of the two, would again give up its prey, he left them to themselves and went home. The next morning he was horror stricken to, find that the unfortunate boa had not let go its hold and had been swallowed by the python as a pendant to the rabbit. The boa was nearly 7 feet long and corre spondingly thick. The python had al ready swallowed one rabbit before the one which proved fatal to the boa. Its circumference throughout its length was t from 23 to 28 inches, and its skin was expanded to double its usual size. The supposition that the snake might per haps not be able to digest the boa proved false. Digestion proceeded only some what more slowly than usual.--Pall Mall Budget. A Graceful Act of » Noble An interesting incident in San Fran cisco the other day was the gift of $20 by William T. Coleman, the head of the famous vigilance committee, toward making comfortable the last days of Ned McGowan. The latter was the leader of the lawless element of 18G6 whose conduct brought about the mur- derq^^fres King of William, brother of ifialo police justice, and the ex 's:! jja of the murderer Casey by the •g^aantes. /McGowan was himself condemned to death by the committee, but escaped, first to southern California and then to Europe. He afterward returned, stood trial for his offenses and upon securing an acquittal assailed Coleman savagely in a newspaper which he started and in a history of his own career. About three years ago he went once more to California to sue the historian, H. IL Bancroft, for libel in his history of the state, but came to grief, and is dying of destitution at the age of 86. He was once a political boss, the head of a great gambling establishment and worth half •jfcTOflUoa.--Buffalo Courier. Works Both Ways. The district court has rendered a de cision in regard to the Jim Crow car law requiring the railroads to provide sepa rate cars for whites and negroes that "will seriously interfere with justice. The decision declares thaft the law makes no exception of deputy sheriffs or officers accompanying prisoners, and that a white officer having a colored prisoner in charge cannot accompany him in the same car. The case arose over the sheriff of Lafayette parish who was taking a negro to an asylum for the insane, and who^ was forced from the car. By the decision no negro prisoner or lunatic can be conveyed by car to jail, prison or asylum by a white officer. The law will in this respect work a great inconvenience.--New Orleans Cor. Phil- *d«lphia Press. Edwin Booth's Successor. 1 Jfow that Mr. Booth has passed into history, the American stage is cleared of its conspicuous men. It can hardly be said of any living American actor that he is the leader of his profession in this country. Among the younger actors Mr. Mansfield has won a strong place, but it would be straining language to call him the successor of the great player whose name is on all lips today. The simple fact is that the heir to Booth's place on the stage has not yet made him self known to the public.--New York Herald. An Honest Jndge Tells a Story. An Aroostook judge who looked thor oughly honest and ingenuous has been telling this story to some of the Port land lawyers, and they believe him. The judge says that one farmer in hih upNDtv Wised last season 800 bushels ef oats upon 10 acres of land. He sold the oats at his door for 50 cents a bushel and tucked nearly $400 in the bank. He val- • land at $150.--Lewiston Journal. THERE IS ISOTJMIVQ- _ • • .. * i irv THIS -A-^'ivourvoiii^ficrvT - EXCEPT THE FACT That we have made aSwee^ Bedu^Jp Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes, Also Groceries*, ^ And ask the people of McHenry and vicinity to stock, which is always complete* and our prices* Your*, ..... Mollenry,!)!. 1803! I. STORY. DON T BREED TOGEORGE 0,3:21} Unless you want to raise a fast Pacer or Tmttera* all his colts are fast; never has pired one but,what can t>3 put in the list, It drnU seca to make any difference what the dams are. He sied the following colts with records the that year out handled by professional horsemen: j ETHEL B (p) 2:18J at 5 years, HENRY O (j») 2:20i at 6 years, j MARY LEE 2:22J til 6 years, PRINZE T 2:29* ALGONQUIN 2~:29} Two below 2:205 i from dams of no known blood, also sire of M*ry Lu,2-yr. o'd, record of 2 ;4|S* In a race, And several more below 2:40, (jEOKQE O Is standard undfr both the Trotting and Pacing: rules and wi.I soon have two numbers. No other stallion in Northern Illinois or Southern Wisconsin cm boast of i t . Service Fee, »50. For circulars send to GEO. W. OWEN, McHENRY, ILL. McHENRY 38 Al Competitors Acknowledge it as the Standard. For Sale by all the Leading Merchants in town, and at The Roller Mills. Pillsbury's Best at lowest market price. Washburn's best $1.10. A choice Fancy Patent at $1.05. Try a sack of any of the gj a ies mentioned here, and if you do not obtain the best results 3 our money will be cheerfully refunded. |3^~Leave your order at the Mill,' we will do the rest. Bran and Middlings for Sale. It makes more Bread. It makes better Bread- It makes whiter Bread Than any other Flour. The Bascom Folder. H. Miller & Son, -DEALERS IN- MARBLE & GRANITE, MoDiimeDlB, Headstones Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. Satisfaction Sunatwd. Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, III, where at all times can fce Jound a good assortment of finished work. Henry Miller $ Son. A. Englen's iALOON AND RESTAURANT. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. i ; . : A S t r a n g e C a r g o . The Hilda has just arrived in tlie Mer cer from Montserrat, West Indies, after • protracted voyage. Her cargo consists almost entirely of lime juice, of which •he brings no less than 50,000 gallons, faffing the first arrival of the new season1* l^oe.--London Tit-Bits. ISn^ish Sporting Term®. We reprint the following from an Eng- 4kh paper as a curio in sporting litera ture: "We learn with great pleasure that Lady Hilda McNeill, young Lord Strad- broke's sister, who since her marriage to a nephew of Sir John McNeill has been living at Rothley Grange, near Loughborough, is rapidly recovering from the nasty fall she lately experi enced in the hunting field. Lady Hilda is an accomplished horsewoman, and her spall throws no discredit upon her as a , cross country rider. The accident was the result of a cannon, another horse col liding with hers as she negotiated a stiff comic \ The above it a out of our new Folding Machine, which can now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The ma hine was put in by the Bascom Folder fk)., of Sidney, O., who have been build ing- and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five \ ears. If you need such a machine please write the above company tor prices, discounts and terms, ^as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agenis Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N, Y ; Mather Manfg Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Warder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Stillwell, St* Paul; Geoct&in & Son, Toronto. Canada. JTJSTEN BROS., 's in Fine Fiioiti of With two stores, one on the West side and one on the Ea side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, J. ScMitz 1Mb Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. AT W ROLES ALB OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. W e buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. all *nd rtoo me and I will use for we]J . ANT' T T R>'GLE1*. *'< ) \ . i 1 (Mi A Larg-er Stockoi all kinds of FURNITURE Than ever before, whloh we are ofleriog at greatly REDUCED PRICES. SOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. m-We also keep In stock a full line of sampler of CARPET?, and *e cao give yob anything from the cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lewer prices tban toy other bouse In tbe counry. We lia«e taken great pains in selecting our U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S , Coffins. Caskets and Trimming* ot tl;e latett design*. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to c&ll and see us wl en lo want of anything in our line. A SPLENDID NEW fiEARSE, ~ In cbnnrcttep. which will le 'urrft'itd a* Pater. P i # . McHenry* 111,. 1893. JTJSTEN BROS, 'p'TiTV •w. la?t« m vary rp%V \ •• Iro 1 n}SS ixV-N^l- vf' U "J M M ' C k t i ' Z - ENOUGH- ••V' &-v ' • OF / M irfei, ^ORP JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry, At a great Discount, during tbe next thirty dayg. We haye,an.over stock of ( lo hing and will give a special low price to reduce stock soon, for cash. Call in now. it will pay you. CONFIRMATION SUITS. We have a ful< assortment of these goods, in all sizes and at all prices. C aU in before buyirg, as vcu may see something here you cannot find elsewhere. We positively carry in stock all sizes of tbe very latest square toe Patent Leather Tip Button or Lace Shoes, at correct prices. A full line of ladies'and men's GAUZE UNDER WEAK. Our stock of Hats is yot complete, call in. Also, a full line of Straw Hats, Trunke, Lap Robes. Hosiery, Groceries and Flour. \ , Oa'l un yours for business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. JULIA A. STORY, II DEALER IN*- ONK DOOR WEST OK RIVBRSIDK HOUSE. UeHniy.Ill, Drugs t Medicines If so, bay one that cahnot be stolen. Tha; »only thief-proof Watches are those with BOWS. ' • Here's the Idea The bow has • groovflC^.. .%g on each end. A collaif ' runs down inside th^ , 3 pendent (stem) an<f. fits into the grooves«'//K? firmly locking bow to the pendente/^ so that it cannot b<| ' 4 pulled or twisted of!. to be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, scethni' the case is stamped with this trade mark. It cannot be had with any other kind, iU, -. :• Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or sen d for -<• ^Ofle to the famous Boss Filled Case makers, KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. 1 --WILL BE-- AT ^OODSTOCK, IFrfcray, July 7, 1893. Office Hbwra from 9 a. U. to -5 p. U. AT HOTEL WOODSTOCK. A FITT.L T>INK 6V Chenical!!. Die Staffs, Pants, Oils &Colors CoD«tantly on b«'d. AI«o a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. AND A COMPLETE STOCK OP STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by m Registered Pharma cia! Tour patronna'o }« respectfully aoHcited, fULIA STOH Y: When you are spending your good round dollars for anything in the HA1BWA1B Line it may interest vou to know that cent on your purchases. I can save you a good per If you contemplate buying a VAPOR STOVE This spring, come and see what we hftve to akoir. un YOUR OLD VAPOR STOVES GLEANED & BIPAIRID By one who understands them, before starting them again pay you. It will If you are 6guring on building, or making a purchase of anything belonging to the Hardware business, you will do well to get my prices Youis Respectfully, £>. L. McOMBER, West McHonrj, 111. DR. D. O. FRUTH, ; • * Late Surgecm in the Provident Medical Di p-wk-IQ sary of Few York now Pre&ident of the • l&uth Mtdtcal Institute, chartered HU long experience In the largest hoapitnti J in the world enables him to tr<-at all CHBONTC \i NERVOUS, I^KIN AND BI-O .D (li8CR8eeui>on th# J latest scientiilc. principle)*. DK FRT jTH has no superior in diagnosirg and trratirg; dl.senses and deformitief. He will KivetSO for any case he cannot tPll ihrf ' diaease and where k-catod in live minute1 Medical and surgical diaoa^es, - '.5>na™™| chronic. Catiirrah, diseases of the Kyt, !3ikv, H Nosr, Thvf>at and Lungs, D7°"»j>»ia."Brterht 's % Disease, Diabe'es, Kidney, Liver, li iaiiu&r, Olironic Female and Sexual Diseases *j:eerti!y iJ cred by treatment U :s rscvr>r failed in I thousands of ca^es that i ad been pronounffc4~"~ r l beyond hopn. Many nvcry :l ye«r who mipht have been restowea to pnJ health had they placed their cases in tho^ *i hands of experts. DB, FKUTU lias attained the most wonder? ful success in the treatment of cases to whicit ^3 he devotes gpacial atienti in, and after yenrf of experience, has perfected the moat infalli ble method of curlnf? Orranic Weakness, Ner^-' vous Debility, Premature Declineof the Man. iy Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Imp-sir. ed Memory. Mental Anxiety. Alistneei f Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Bnck and kidney effectionn if consulted before Idiocy, Inssnity Falling Fits or Total Impjtincy result from YOUTHFU ERROR*, theawfiil efTec.i whicli . blight the most radiaut hopes, unli ' ing psti . entfor busines •, study, society or marriage, anmiallv sweeping to an untimely grava thousands of young men <f exdt ' i i talenl and brilliant intellect. PILE* OUKED with, out pain, knifecutery, EPILEJ'nV positive, ly Cured by our new aad never failing hospi * tal treatment, FREK EXAMINATIONS of. the urine, chen.icai und microscopical, in all ' cases of Kidney Diseases, Rright 's Dumb*, Diabetes and dperuiitorrhsB Brng spcci- nens. WONDERFUL CURKS perfected in all ca*es that have been neglected or uns^iii*. fully treated. No experiments or fnilurq^ We undertake no incurable cuses, but cur#- thousands given up to die Remember th$ date and come early as his rooms are alway®, crowded Cases and correspondence csnlidential, an<i treatment sent by express with full direct, ionsfor^e, but personal consultation pre. ferretl. 3532 OR. D. O. FRUTH. Laks Avenue/Chlca^o. mm. m King oT McR«nry and Lake Countli**. Ha* thefa«ite8t reaord of any H|B1IIOI» ia Northern Illinois. Has won more racc« than auy Stallion In McHenry] or Lake Co. And can go a }{, V, X, ft mile or a ra«e3 in R faster than any other stallion in the two counties Ho Ins won 35 races in Sseasons. Started against. aiH "tfiid in race with ^torm, 2.0Sli ; Almont Hashaw,-2:1 X ; won tworncoa from Ethel B. started 12 times in ]$9i, won II races Below you will i lnd a few that are recorded in year b ok As an individual no horse can oiitsliow htm. Asflnear .das game a head as ever wore a b'idle Kind in and out of harness; is nr> jumping jack when speeding, in fact never inukes any mistakes. He is a natural pacer, and a race'liorse that no man can find fault with; good bone, and the best muscled horse I ever saw Oolor black; stands 15^ hands high; weighs:. 1075 I us. He was never bitched to a by Ice, and aiwavs had auriver that weighed 210 lbs. Midnight paced an exh ibitiou 4111 le at Mason city, Iowa last fall , in 2;14; last half in 1:04; last quarter in 31 second*. I will Match him agalnit any pacing or trotting stallion, mare or gelding In McHenry County. , I also have in ni v barh « two-year old pacta* Ally sired Uv Midnight, outof a common mare, that 1 will 'show agaiustany two-vearotd for polnta ot speed. A* a proof that t e public like lilm, thirty day* from the day I pot Inm borne I txxjked :W mares, I think Miduighl 'a service fees less than any h rte in the *t«e with a record of 2;l7?i, or any better than 2;20. FEE. - - $20. Look for speed where speed has been foun I. Midnight will start th s (all to lower his reo. ord, and those who have seen hint in Ins race* »ay that he will take a mark better than 2:1*. URi' .BIMNG OF Mll)V!(illT, 2:?7 ,v'.-- Black horse, 15\ handahigh; filled i»red by K. H. Pooler, Sernin, 111. sireil by Nigger lloy, he by Plymouth Rock.2:34, he by Hill 's Black Hawk, 1st dam Starlight, could pace in2:2«',b*r McKay horse, dam ot Midnight 2;17?i;2t dam pacer, by Pharaoh, paccr: sue Itirhbail 2:12Jj t 3d dam by Etbau Allen. ^ Midnight will make tbeeea of IS93at WM^ •tablesof ibe undersigned, at Nunda - r H. B. THKOOFj Nunda, 111., April, 1893. & P A T E N T S . FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR OAHAMENT. Vrite DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Patent "-rmejfc Inventive Age Building. WASHINGTON, D. C. Book Free. Mention thia papav m.