IESDAY, AUG. 9, 1893. _ fakteg eSfcet on ftunday, June lltfc, MM, EMu pin this station M follows: 001*0 (TOBYS. »ng«r... .1:W A. M. iOeneva Paa»eng<Mr " 9:8S •• naBajr freight.. 10:45 " i(rer..'„ ..2:45 P. It •UkSGenevaExpress ... 4:66 » •#*MS U«a«n Pamanr 6:51 " Ulipe Geneva Paaaenger " 5;» - 001*0 SOUTH. tnger Qepart 7 •«» A. M. k« Geneva Expreas •* 8:22 •• .. Jllama Bay freight •• ...8:28 P.M. *(<*ke Geneva Paaaenger ** 3:26 «« •Lafce Genera Pa Monger H . .. 5 32 M , {Lake Geneva Paaaenger " 7SI M BXFU>iTIU. Daily except Sunlftj. Sunday* only. , • :%'t Daily. N" < v,(I - \ Monday# only. ^ ^ B. BUSS, Agert. Ho&nry. 111. MA9ONI0. MCBKNRY LOMS, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- (•tular Oomanwlcat,i>?ns the aecond and patfrtb Mo»day*a| each month. If. A. CBIBTY.W. M. McBENRT CHAPTER No.»2. ORDER Of THE KASTEEN STAB. Regular Meetings the First and Third Wed- lendav evenings of each month, at Masonic Ball Jni,iA A. PTORT, Worthy Matron, MAKT L. WBHTWORTH, Secretary. REMEMBER and attend the races at the Driving Park on SaturdW^T o! next week, August 19th. 7'^„ THE W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. jjjfantworth on Thursday afternoon of this week, at 2 o'clock. WE understand a new shoemaker will loon open a shop in the Huber block, opposite the McHenry House. \ / ^ / WM. STOFFEL, of this village, has re-N cesved the appointment of Storekeeper at ithe Elgin Insane Asylum. THE female base ball dob, advertised to play in this village on Wednesday last failed to materialize. Cause unknown. BEAD the new advertisement of A. P. Baer, of the Farmers Store, who has a great Coat and Test Sale this week. \ A MERRY-GO-ROUND was set up on P. kuprish's land, north of the Square, on pnday. and draws a crowd of boys and iris every evening. v\_y AT Richmond, on Saturday n«rts. there will be stake races for two and three year olds and a 2:50 trot. Some fine sport may be expected. THE dancing public should not forget ,he Harvest Party, at the McHenry louse ou the 16th inst. See notice in another column. N. E. BLAKE, an old and highly respect »d citizen of Harvard, died at hiB resi dence, in that city, on Thursday, July 27, aged 68 years. He had been resident of Harvard since 1867. WE ieam that ' the Howard House AiTnex, formerly known as the Sycamore Club, at Fox Lake, burned on Monday Qight with all its contents./We have not lecirned the cause ofthft fire. \ THE Board of Health, at their meeting •on Monday evening report the village till in a healthy condition, with no cases of contagious disease, and but little sick ness of any kind. WE have neglected to notice the new nd handsome sign that points the way to Wightman's Livery Stable, in the east part of town. It was painted by Fred M. Ryder. THE 95th Regiment Illinois Infantry Will hold their Annual Reunion at Wood stock, Sept. 4th, the anniversary of the day they were mustered in to the service of the United States. /The Giant Oxine Nerve Food, and also the Oxine electric Porous Plaster, sold in McHenry by J ohn Evanson & Co. and J. P. Smith, Local Agents, appointed by J. Snyder. This is the greatest Nerve Rem edy now in use. Try it. Da. COLBY, the Painless Dentist, as will be seen by his advertisement in another column, will be at the hotel, In Algon quin, on Tuesday, August 22. Our read ers in that vicinity who are in want of Dentistry should bear this in mind and give him a call. WiHmm that^Miss Grace Stevens has accepted a position in the Dundee Public fichool for the coming year. We can as sure the school board- of Dundee that they have made no mistake, as Miss Stevens is considered one of the finest teachers in this section. THE Steamer "Bonnie Jean" has been purchased by Rothermel and Jarnecke, andean new be chartered for excursions, private parties, etc.. on Pistaqua or any of the adjoining Lakes. Their head quarters are at Stilling's hotel, Pistaqua Bay, McHenry House, McHenry, and Lakeside Hotel, Fox Lake. AMONG the many new vehicles in town -that we have neglected to notice, none deserves more attention than the new bicycle wheel, pneumatic tire carryall of Tillage Marshal Holmes. H4 uses it to carry oil, etc., in furnishing the street lamps. The only lault we find with it is that it is too fast, and continually keeps ahead of him. A TRAVELING man who has just return «d from an extended trip through the east says that there must have been a ipistake in the count last faJl as* be bad gone through several states and had found but a dozen people who would ad mit that they voted the Democratic : ticket in November, and they said if heaven wo ild forgive them they would .never do it arafa. . ff you can aff »rd to be annoyed by sick Seadache and constipation, don't use «e Witt's Little Early Ri«mt these Itotie pBs will cure them. CBAS. NORDQUIST, of Chicago, has been visiting his parents here the past week. CHAS GOING, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his mother in this village. J. VAN SLYKE and wife were World's Fair visitors a few days last week. C. E. COLBY and wife, of •• . was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Going Sunday. E. Wraps, of Chicago, spent last week wjth friends in this village. / H. E. WIGHTMAN and family had picnic at Pistaqua Bay one day last wgelu Gcs CARLSON was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. N. L. HOLMES and G. F. Boley were attending to business in Chicago Monday. MRS. C. V. STEVENS was a visitor at the World's Fair the first of the week. MRS. DALTON, nee Hattie Mead is visit ing with her parents in this village. FRANK CHAPMAN, of Chicago, was out over Sunday. MRS. W. J. MCLEOD and Miss Ethel were visitors at the Fair last week. / MBS. FRED BLOCK has been quite sick1 the past week but is now reported better, JWFFCEBSON MURPHY and wife, of Wood stock, were the guests of Miss Julia A, Story, in this village, on Sunday, /FEO. SUTTON and wife rejoice over TH\ Arrival of a ten pound boy at their/ Residence, one day last week. ' Miss WILLIAMSON, of Kankakee, has been the guest of Fred W einland and wife the Dast week. MRS. CHAS. BYBD and children, of Chi cago, are visiting with her parents, H. Nordquist and wife, in this village. ED, GRANGER, A. Eldredge, Cal. Curtis and Theo. Wiedemann were Elgin visit ors on Sunday last. MRS. PORTIA GAGE, her son Aschael and grandson. Victor Gage, of Yineland, N. J. are the guests of Hon. Geo. Gage and family, in this village. HON. G. W. ELDREDGE passed through here ou Sunday evening on his way to Springfield, to attend a meeting of the State Board of Equalization. MR. AND MRS. E. M. THOMAS, of Fort Bennett, S. D., Mrs. Cora Dickinson, of Dallas, Texas, and Miss Alice Bennett, of Desplaines, were the guests of J. I. Story, at the Riverside House, Sunday. HON. H. L. HERTZ made his first visit to Chicago, on Tuesday, since he took up his.rcsidence. at Pistaqua Bay. He is recovering from his severe injury as rapidly as could be expected, which is good news to his many friends through out the state. : ^ JAMES LADD advertises an Auction Rale of a very choice lot of Cows*, new milch and springers,to take pUce at the Stock Yards, West McHenry, on Monday next, August 14th, commencing at 9 o'clock. These cows have all been picked from choice dairies, and are, without question, the finest car of cows ever brought to this section. Dairymen should bear this in mind and attend this sale. Baoss at the Driving Park. There will be some grand sport at Gage's Driving Park, in this village, on Saturday of next week, Aug. 19. Therfe "Will be a Purse for the 2:38 class, a 3:00 Purse, besides several Special Races. We are also informed that "Midnight," "George O," and several other fast ones will give exhibition heats. The full pro gramme will appear in these columns next week. Seven entries have already been made and a big field may be ex pected. Come out if you want to see some interesting races. iyg J- The Illinois World's Fair Commission ers have set aside August 241m "Hlinois Day." In addition to the literary and musical program which will be of a high Order of merit, and wherein all the ele ments who have been instrumental in building the great Fair will be represent ed, they have arranged for a grand special parade Of all the attractions in Midway, where the manners, customs, drees and peculiarities of all the nations ̂ of the earth are represented. Prof. Hag- enbec, proprietor of the famous trained animal show Baid, "most certainly we will join in making Illinois day the great est of the year." Robt. Levy, manager of the Turkish village and Bedouin camp said "we will turn out every man, horse and camel in this camp," and so with Mr. Sling, who has the great Japanese village. In a few days the entire pro gram will be arranged and then we ex pect that every paper in Illinois will take hold and boom Illinois day. A good start has been made, now let the good work go on. The Illinois commissioners are bent on making Illinois day the record breaker.--/2c. A Slick Gang Jailed. On Tuesday Sheriff Conrad returned from New York Btate with Peter Has- brouck, the fourth member of a gang of slick thieves that Lake county officials have at last run to earth. For a year or so they operated bet ween Chicago and Milwaukee, stealing horses, cattle and other property. The members were Ed. Doyle, located at Chicago, Kerr at Rogers Park, Calkins at Waukegan and Hasbrouck near Milwaukee. They would steal things and take them by night to the quarters,of another member where they could be more easily disposed Slowly the officials got on to them and gathered them in one by one. Ed. Doyle was run in at Chicago a few weeks ago. Hasbrouck, the last of the gang, heard he was wanted and fled to his father's home, near New Palts, N. Y., but a personal in a local paper put the officials onto him and he,was arrested. Sheriff Conrad secured requisition pa pers and went and brought him here to stand trial. Some of the property stolen has been recovered, including a horse be longing to Timothy Bacon, of Wau- conda. The officials have a lot of evi dence against the accused and are sure they can send them to state's prison for long terms. - I)o\ le had a hearing recently and was bound over to the grand jury. Kerr, Calkins and Hasbrouck were top before justice Heath Thursday for a hearing. Hasbrouck waved examination and was held to the grand jury. The other two asked for examinations and their cases were continued.--Waukegan Patriot. GEO. SMITH has a fine string of horses at the Driving Park, which be is putting in trim for the fall meetings in this sec tion. -Among those he is .handling now with a view of early work, we noticed "Ranger H," "Lottie W," "Florence S G," "Smithsonian," Ben H" and "Villa S." The first named, "Ranger H," was sired by Typhoon and is as promising a young horse as can be found in the county. The other five named are all George O colts and are each showing gait) creditable to their illustrious sire, When Smith comes out withes string he will make them all trot. ' „ v v No contempt is too severe f6f that most miserable of all creatures in human form, the one who lessens mans faith in humanity by the deliberate bietrayal of a confidence solemnly gained. Such a man or thing, rather, is a blight upon cur race, is a disgrace to our business com munity, and whom all to be secure must shun; for having done their worst with one business man they are not capable of respecting another, while it is almost criminal to trust them with such a thing as confidence. We can forgive the hasty excited or incautious word, even though it should inflict a wound, but the deliber ate assassin of a trusted friendship can' receive nothing but contempt. They are beyond being reached by any other rec ognition than of their own degradation The nobler sentiments of self respect honor and esteem are foreign to such creatures, and pity or sympathy for them is a vain expenditure. Do not seek to punish, butif you would be safe, avoid such a one. We have them in our midst Learn wisdom from the past. THE Modern Woodmen of, Ringwood will hold an ice cream festival, at Chas, Harrison's, Friday evening, August 18 The following is the progrcunme. Opening Song Recitation.........*..*...... Agnes Stevens Recitation...................Claude Thompson Reading........... Mrs. R. Lawson Duet (X E- Fay, Mary Carr Recitation Minnie Hitchcock Recitation. Mabel Carr Song ..Mrs. J ackson Recitation.. Lizzie Lumley Solo C. E. Fay Recitation.' Evan Andrus Recitation. Willie Lawson Recitation..... Fannie Hitchcock Closing Song..,.. All are cordially invited to. come and partake of ice cream and cake: The most complete assortment of Men's shirts can ba found at Evanson's, From a 50 oent cotton to a 4.50 silk shirt. - . ' What--7HEY- 8ay. This is to certify that Dr. Pilcher, who uses Dr. Jessup's local anaesthetic for the extraction of teeth, extracted teeth for me in his office, absolutely without pain or any of the disagreeable symp toms that usually accompany such an operation, and furthermore that no b.ia symptoms, such as sloughing, or swelling of the gums followed aforesaid operation. MRS. L. E BENNETT, EVA S. WILLIAMS, MRS. K. A. FRECNP; W. B. MASON. # might be added the names of many others, all of whom have ex pressed themselves as being greatly pleased with Dr. Pilcher's methods. One lady who had twenty-three teeth extract ed experienced no pain whatevef and another having twelve extracted laugh ingly declared the operation to be a very simple one. Pr. Pilcher makes no charge when plates are ordered. Seal Eatate Tranafera. Recorded up to and including July 29. J Hal by and w to G Guelker, pt It 9 blk 11. Huntley f 660 00 J W fannenetill and w to P Weber ne X aejtf sec 6 Nnnda 80C 00 L P Smith an«i w to J Brannan It 4 blk 1 Smith's adn Gary 100 00 F R Jackman and w J H, Grsoy It ll f I asers pit ne& sec 6 Dirr 1800 10 G H and 8 B H»nley to A Ibeh Its 2 and 3 blk 1 Hanly's adn West McHenry.. fit 00 A D Barren » n<l w to D R Joslyn w 8r It 8a assrs pit seli sec 5 Dorr 93J 50 Helen a Sprague and bus to E Kerns It 12 blk 5 Carv 800 00 J hvaneon to Emma L Evanson It 1 K M Owen's e«t a In West McHenry ... 600 00 E Wollenbarg to W Buhrman Its 25, a, 27, blk 1 Douglass adn Crystal Lake. 760 00 ' iiflli'Mi •'lii' .UsiLl..' COUNCIL ROOM, July 15,1898. Special meeting. Present full board ex cept trustee Owea. 1 \ Minutes of last meeting read and ap- (froved. On motion of Howard tfce,following appropriation ordinance was unani mously passed: Beit ordained Iff the Trustees of the Village of McHenry, State of Illinois. That there shall be appropriated out dlthe funds of said village, and from any money that may be in the village treasury the following suras of money, for the purpose hereafter speci fied : Streets, alleys and bridges ...$2000 00 Fire Department 500 00 Public Park 50 00 Miscellaneous and contingent expenses including salary, etc 1950 00 On motion Board adjourned to next regular. COUNCIL ROOM, Aug. 7,1893. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved. ' • • The following bills were presented and ordered paid. v* v J. Van Slyke, printing to date...$ 17 00 A. P. Baer, bill 155 Joh»! Walsh, police services 40 50 N. L Holmes, " " 40 25 Jacob Bonslett, bill. iiir" 5 70 John Fare, mowing 6treets..«..~. 13 75 S. McDonald, street commiss'r... 33 00 H. McDonald, sprinkling streets. 69 00 Wilbur Lumber Co., bill... 112 20 F. L. McOmber, " 3 38 G. W. Besley, " 5 80 The treasurer's bondsmen were pre sented and accepted. Motion by Howe seconded by Howard that a crossing and regulation walk be laid on North side of Elm street from the corner of Mrs. Clark's property west to R. Waite's gate. Carried by the follow ing vote: Ayes--Owen, Howard, Howe. : Nays--Nordquist, Besley, Grangjgi* The President then voted aye. On motion by Howard the publishing of ordinances revised by Attorney Mead was referred to committee on miscellar neous business. On motion by Howard seconded by Howe a wooden since was Ordered laid across the race on east side of bridge in front of Jacob Bonslett's property, thence across street to connect with sluceway on west side of street On motion by Howard seconded by Granger the walk on South side of Main street from Mrs. Schreiners corner west to Howard's market was ordered repair ed, and placed op a level with connect ing walks. On motion adjourned. G. W. OWEN, President. F.L.MCOUBEH, Clerk. Cheap Excursions. On August 22d, September lUtli and October 10th, 1893, the North-Western line will sell Harvest Excursion tickets to points in northwestern Iowa, western Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Manitoba, Nebraska, Colorada, Wyom ing and Utah, at exceedingly low rates for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return passage within twenty days from date of sale and will allow stop-over privileges on going trip in tet- ritory to which tickets are sold. For tickets and full information apply to Agents Chicago A North-Western R'y. 5w9. Congress is in session. Very dry and warm. Let us have some rai4i|^ J. Marshall visited Woodstock Monday. The races were well attended Saturday. Midnight wait in 2:2Gfc bad as the track was. Burglaries are becoming quite frequent. So are bank failures. J. J. Wilson, of Chicago, was in Nunda last week looking after his pickleinterests. W. P. Morse has been called to Nebras ka by the death of his mother. Miss Minnie Huskins, of Chan, Mich., has been visiting at Robt. Philp's. The reunion of the 95th Regt. Dl. Vol., will be held as usual, Sept. 4th. Pastures are failing as well as the hanks. Good many tramps in town nowadays. About 15 in town one day last week. Ex-Governor Chase, of Indiana, was visiting friends at Crystal Lake last week. Will Morris, of Toledo, Ohio, is visit ing with friends at Crystal Lake. Mr. French, of Chicago, was in Nunda the first of the week. J. J. Wilson, of Chicago, was a Nunda visitor last Monday. Anson Pettibone and wife, of Rockford, are visiting father Pettibone. The threshing machines have commeif- ced their fall work. Captain Berkley's new house is fast approaching completion. Tyler Huffman was a Chicago visitor last Monday. Mrs. Ballou gave a party in honor of her father's eightieth birthday. There were fifty-two guests present. Judge Sherwood, of Elgin attended the anniversary at Dr. Ballou's on Wed nesday, July 26,1893. If you want a nice little house safe, fire and burglar proof, call on D. B. Warner, They are beauties. The camp fire held Friday night was well attended. Department Commander Blodgett was present. Miss Georgia St. Clair has gone to Irving Park to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Foote. Miss Marion Smith, who hss been spending the past week with old friends at Niissda, returned Home Monday. . Etias Thomas, of Fort Benton, Dakota formerly of Arlington Heigths, was in Nunda the first of the week. John Grifflng, of Gunnison, Col., Mrs. A. G. W alter, of Hyde Park, 111. and Mrs. Kate Foote, of Irving Park, were recent visitors with W. P. St. Clair's family. OSTENO ITEMS. Chas Jeck s and Fred Geska traded horses one day last week. Warren Thomas made a trip to Elgin on Monday. Miss Sylvia Richardson returned from Chicago Tuesday morning. Artie Whiting, of Moreland, is visiting with friends in this neighborhood. Eddie and Cora Martin spent a few days in Chicago last week with their sister. B. Harrison, wife and daughter, Annie, and R. H. Richardson and wife went to the Fair last Friday. All the ladies interested in the Richard son Cemetery are requested to meet at Mrs. Warren Thomas Friday afternoon, Aug. 18th. Mrs. C. Hutson and daughter are visit ing at Mrs. B. Harrison's. T. J. Dacy put up a new wktdmitt for P. S. Martin this week. • Ignorance of the merits of DeWitta Lit tle Early Risers is a misfortune. These little piijis regulate the liver, care head ache, dyspepsia, bad breath, constipa tion and biliousness. Julia A. Story. Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call ou P- K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient wa en fix dates for yon at this office. If you need a Jacket or wrap forspring you will find Evanson's assortment very complete and prices absolutely correct. We could not improve the quality if Bud double the price. DeWitts Witch azel Salve is the best salve that exper ience can produce or that money can buy. Julia A. Story. BRING along your Key Wind Watches and get them put in good running order oents. J09N P. SMITH, the Jeweler, ONLY 25 CENTS.? Choice selections of books bound In cloth, for 25 cents each. Call and ex amine the assortment. General Merchants* » 1 , '-J -i - J ; • v ̂ rj * i • * " rare week v ;; ^ * * * * ' ' ' / $ Boys'andMen'sFine gate ia ̂ the new styles. , * " °t, ^ - Ti* . % - . Anything desired iM- ' 'il * front lQo ttffe A Bnral Xialto. Advance Agent (to manager of rural theatre)--Are there any theatrical people in this town ? Manager--You will find two Topsys wailing on table at the Tanner hotel, an Uncle Tom cleaning out a well, and a Simon Legree painting roofs. Marks, the lawyer, is skinning tomatoes in the can ning factory. The donkey is drawing a water cart and the bloodhounds are out after jack rabbits. Afire-eater is going to pose as an awful example at the pro hibition lecture to-night, and the cham pion snare drummer is trying to beat his board bill over at the hotel. Besides these, the advance agent of the Dizzy Blondines is down at the jail numbering off the cells for his company the same as rooms at the hotel. I reckon yon will feel right at home here.--Puck. The Columbian Interdatioaal? Regatta. Will be held at Lake Geneva., Wis., Aug. 14th to 19 th, and for this occasion the North-western line will sell excursion tickets to Lake Geneva or Williams Bay at very low rates for the round trip. Tickets on sale August 12 to 19th, good for return passage until August 21st '93, inclusive. For tickets and further infor mation apply to Agents Chicago &, North-western Railway. 5*2 Free to Home Seekers, The Northwestern Home Seeker is the name of a newspaper just issued, giving valuable information regarding the agri cultural, mineral and other resources of South Dakota. This new State is enjoying a wonderful prosperity and any person looking for a desirable location, or Interested in ob taining information concerning the di versified resources of South Dakota will be mailed a copy of this paper free of charge by sending their address to W. A. ThrsJl, General Passenger Agent \orth-Western Line. Chicago. . Lake Bluff CaznD Meeting. On account of the Camp Meeting at Lake Bluff the North-Western Line will, from July 1st, to September 1st, inclusive, sell excursion tickets at reduced rates. For tickets and full information apply to Agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 51-8w FOB ULDIBS ONXIY. $250 in gold will be given to the lady making the largest list of words from letters contained in the word "BEAUTI FUL," f 100 in gold for the second larg est list,J|50 in gold for each of the third and fourth largest lists, diamond ring for fifth largest list fine lady's gold watch for sixth largest list, solid gold necklace for seventh largest list, hand some Swiss music box for eighth largest list, banquet lamp of elegant design for ninth largest list, lady's toilet case, com plete, ornamented in silver, for tenth largest list. We shall give away more than one hundred other prices in order of merit, if there shall be that number of successful contestants, If two or more lists tie the one bearing earliest post mark will receive reward. The competi tion is open to ladies only, and is given for the purpose of introducing in the United States Madame Le Fontaine's Parasian Beautifier, endorsed by leading singers, actresses and society belles. It is a standard preparation of exceptional purity and wonderful qualities. Every contestant must order the Parisian Beautifier, which will be sent prepaid to any address in the United States upon receipt of fifty cents (introduction price.) Enclose postal note or stamps with list of words and address at once, The Paris ian Toilet Co., Notre Dame St.. Mon treal. Quebec. Free to Housekeepers, To introduce Rudge's Royal Mead, the latest summer drink, into American homes this season one trial package will be sent to any address in U. S. FREE. If you can make thirty words from the let ters contained in R-O-Y-A-L M-E-A-D you are almost certain to receive one of the valuable articles which are to be given to each one of the first ninety-nine persons in the United States able to send a list of thirty words or more. Besides this to the person sending the LARGEST list received will be given one of Stein- ways Upright Grand Pianos; a trip to the World's Fair and return lor second largest list; an imported Shetland pony for the third; a Pneumatic Bicycle for fourth; fine Gold Watch for fifth; pair of Diamond Earrings for sixth; a Parlor Organ for seventh; imported Music Box for eighth; Black Silk Dress Pattern for ninth; and a Guitar for tenth largest list received. Rudge's»Royal Mead is the popular temperance drink of the best classes In England to-day, and is sure to be used continually by every American family who receives one of our free pack ages for trial. Our word building con test is given to advertise Royal Mead, and is conducted fairly and conscien tiously. It closes Sept 1, 1893. Send seven U. S. two-cent stamps to cover ex pense of forwarding, and receive a large water colored reproduction (suitable for framing) of "Maxy," the fl,000 prize St. Bernard owned by the Presidant of this company. The finest dog on the continent. Address, THE RUDGE COM PANY, 118 St, James street, Montreal, Quebec. 4w4 One word describes it--"perfection." We refer to De Witts Witch Hazel Salve, cures obstinate sores, burns, skin dis eases and is a well known cure for piles. Julia A. Story. All the talk in the world will not con vince you so quickly as one trial of Ds Witt'a Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. Julia A. Story, Seed potatoes and seed corn. A few choice early rose potatoes, also a fine lot of Corbet field seed corn, and evergreen sweet corn, at J. J. MILLER'S, West McHenry, PASTURAGE. We will pasture a limited number of Cows and Horses on the E. M. Owen Farm in this village. Apply to G. W. Owen or 0. N. Owen, at the Bank of Mc Henry. INVITATIONS! If you desire to send any call at J. A. Story's and get some of the beautiful in vitation cards. Latest, styles and de- signs. JLOW IS THE TIME. To buy summer goods very cheap for next 30 days, as we will and must unload at once, to make room for winter goods. All dress goods, suiting, wash fabrics, capes, shawls, hats and clothing will be greatly reduced in price at Simon S toff el's. Happy and content is a home with "The Ro chester/* a lamp with the light of |he morning. Catalogues,write RochesterljunpCo^NewYork. The most intelligent people of our community recognize in DeWitt's Little Early Risers pills of unequaled merit for dyspepsia, headache and constipation. Very small, perfect in action. Julia A. Story, "Bargains," "Bargains" is an old chesnut, but yon will not say it after see ing the prices put upon our remnants after July 3. J. W. CRIBTY & SON, Ringwood. AI 200 NEW, STYLISH, ^W^ktnad® and cheap suits of Clothes for Men, Boys and Children just received. All sizes and at prices to suit all. Odd silk mixed pants, Spring. overcoa&iHvC&U on Simon Stoffel. FOR SALE OR REN*: r A good house, situated in the village of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern and a small garden. Also house containing ten rooms. A barn, well and cistern on the premises. Also a building, 12x32, containing two rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop. ' Pos session given at once. Apply to WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, Oct. 17,1892. Honona Lake Assembly. On account of the Monona Lake As sembly the Chicago & North-Western R'y Co. will sell Excursion tickgtfc to Madison, Wis., and return at veirfiow rates for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 17th to 28th, inclusive, good for return passage until and including July 29,1898. For tickets and further information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. 2w2 Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. When that remedy is used and the treat ment as directed with each bottle is fol lowed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent merchant at Wal- tersburg, 111., says : "It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after several other remedies had failed. The child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any med icine." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, I. A. Barrus, Volo, L. M. Fenne, Wauconda. DeWif s Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures burns DeWitt's Witch Hazd Salve cures sores De W itt's W itch Hazel Salve cures ulcers. Julia A. Story. t We are showis£ a Siwi fhe newest things in Parasols, Fans ail and onr prices are only just srrlfed. V'!5 r ¥ In White Goods and Embroid* ones, black, white and cream iaces our assortment is complete. \ ; 5 S-.t1 * 4; • A A?, wiling rapidly, became we have . the largest stock to select front*. mJ ^ f • A4 prices a little under the others, - j| I TT«^0 fmmease. Our tans, browns.. navy8 and black henrlettan are &l| 1 v'< good sellers, with trimmings and But-" 1 ' f •<y <* ^ , . (' .. ;• ••• J ; . V .» . ^ •' . * . ,/ V ; * s S' ̂ n 1 It U surprlsIng to see the number of ' • 'v Va' * * *" AND SHOBS W,;Vr" - -- k< We are turning out. We have a mtM* : larger stock than usual, bought ex- ftremely low for cash, and a» we hat die ' . ' I the best goods the trade always knew where to go to get v*Iue received. It is seldom we em miss • ' . • - ' \ " 'i ^ ^ : ̂ ̂ Remember, we «re headquarter! for v. £ • "" • •- . ̂ \l Js* ' ,1 ^ .-'I •" * " Ofr cellar' is stocked with goods bought before the big rise. In this line w* lead. Fresii Groceries and fiaietr --'aajwsys on haud. , HARVEST DANCE. Yourself and ladies are cordially invit ed to attend a Harvest Dance, at the McHenry House, McHenry, 111., Wednes day evening, August 16. Floor mana gers: John J. Barbian, J. J. Bishop, Joseph Freund. Music, Smith's Orches tra, with Harp accompaniment. Tick ets, 50 cents. V, JOSEPH HEIMEB, Proprietor. OR AND HARVEST DANCE. Yotireel? and ladies are cordially Invit ed to attend a Harvest Dance, at Tha- len's Hall, Johnsburgh, 111., Wednesday evening, August 9. Floor managers: Peter Weber, N. Rothermel. Good music to attendance. Tickets, 25 cents. ADAMS & SIMONS, Proprietors. » ESTRAY NOTICE. Came into the enclosure of the under signed, two miles south of McHenry, about the 20th of July, a roan cow, 5 or 6 years old. The owner Is hereby noti fied to prove property, pay charges and take her awuy. 5w3 P. J. CLARY. Old stock will accumulate, but we shall put a price that will make them go. We hhve a great variety of goods and you can find something that you can use at a price that cannot be duplicated. -J. W. OBISTY & Son, Biagwood • P $10 and f 20, Genuine Confederate f9i Bills only five cents each; f 50 and $100 bills 10 cents each; 25c and 50c shin plasters 10 cents each; $1 and $2 bills 25 cents each. Sent securely sealed op receipt of price. Address CHAS. D. BAICLER, 80 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. HAY FOR SALE. The undersigned has about 70 acfw m good standing hay for sale, situated two miles and a half northwest from Ring- wood. Is first class hay, principally Timothy and Red Tpp, and will average from 1% to 2 tons to the acre. Will be sold on the ground or let out to be cut on shares and have it stacked on the ground. For further particulars as to price, etc., iuqme of WESLEY LADD, 4ml Ringwood, 111. A carpenter by the uame of M. S. Powers fell from the roof of a house in East Dee Moines, Iowa, and sustained a painful and serious sprain of the wrist, which he cured with one bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. He says it is worth $5 a bottle. It cost him 50 cents. For by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. L. A. rus, Volo. L. M. Fenne, Wauconda* Des Flainei Camp Meeting. On account of the Camp Meeting at Des Plaines the North-Western Line will, from July 20th to August 14th, sell ex cursion tickets at reduced rates. For tickets and full information apply to Ajrents Chicago & 52w3 Our remnants will never be worth more than now and are worth only what they will bring, and knowing this we shall put a price on them that will sell them. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. FLOUR! FLOURI Chick's Best, $1.10; Half Patent, $1.05; New Process, 95 cents; Hoiltet Abe, 90 cents, at Simon Stoffel's. FLY NETS Of the best makes for large or jmall horses, in leather and cord, for buggy or work team. Colored and white body and flank nets of all kinds. Dusters, sweat pads, whips, etc. Stock large and prices very low at Simon 8toltel;s. •^V.r-V ' • > ' GSPRICES castes MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes, Dr.Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Or. Price'* Contains No Ammonia, Mo Alum, Or any other Adulterant. .The only Ftsre JCreem of Tartar iBalring Powder. Purity Mas never been Questioned. 40 Years tbe standan| ' t o * * * ' ^ flour at our usual low prices* , j!1- v -i.wA.; * * Perry & Owen, ¥t General Merchants, y. . , /j, M$HKNRY% UM iint •* mirtown, iintm MoHKNRY, - * {ILLINOIS. Thit Bank receives Idepwit*. tape and *ell* Ibreign and Domestic JSr* change, and does a, Swartf Banktol Hiliiii We endeavor to do all ibusinem e»*» trusted to our eare in a manner and upon terns entirety satisfactory to ewr. cmtmners and respectful̂ ? soife&|ttfi public patronage. 4 MONEY TO LOAN; |j On Meai JSstate an other first ci$* security. Special attention given to 4*§ lections* INfeUJEtABICfMJ * ' to Mrs* Opss Oamp > es NlpC mrsmr pt§su»* M: