ffc M' BaiMng on. the Bereft a* Ntirpoit •m% •: .» , **. % • . . . . - - .. .., r.,... • • • ..--v- _,_r ̂.i .̂ U44f*3 Dn ndtoMty have established a new; UtUBgflfco^cijlled Befley 's beach, "atjj the «M $f BeQevtie avexrae, in the hearth of the milttottaSree' quarter. It is only •boot WOywrifo in length, but that email' spaoft the cottager# think tliey can hold against fr* of the common herd,* No tana or horse cars are allowed to land piasengers there daring the morn ing botes. A bathing house has been; built, with a granite portico. In this are little retreats 9 feet by 12, each of which beers the initials of the gentleman who*" Owns it. A stranger could no more buy® or hire one of these bathing houses than he could engage a front seat in the bal cony of heaven. Fifteen of the houses belong to the Vanderbilt family; others to the Astors, the Stuyvesant Fishes, the De Forrests and their clan. The hours for bathing are from 11 in Umi morning until 1. At 11 three guards make their appearance; one patrols the beech; two others in a lifeboat cruise 100 yards out. It is their business to rescue swimmers who run danger of drowning, Three young ladies, Miss Clews and the two Misses Hereon, put their patience sorely to the test. When Miss Clews'1* head appears, the guards take out their oars as a matter of course and head for the open sea. When the bathing begins, if a stranger makes his appearance on fhe beach, men and matrons follow him with such sad, reproachful glances thatf he wonders what he • has done now and sneaks out of the sacred preserve in a demoralized condition.--Cor. San Fran cisco Argonaut, One Eye and One Lnnc- : On I, a venerable New York Chinaman Who pronounces his name' 'One Eye," has made a vacancy in one of the best fam ilies of Baltimore by complaining against "William Kuhn before United States Commissioner Shields. Even first fam ilies resort to laundries, it seems, and - when Mr. Kuhn called for his goods at 60 Third avenue and failed to produce the ticket which was supposed to be their equivalent, there was considerable trou ble, which he promptly pacified with a counterfeit $5 bill. The $4.13 which he received in change completely wrecked Mr. On Ts ex chequer and might have furnished Mr." Kuhn with funds for a prolonged racket had not On I and his partner, One Lung, chased, him down the Bowery and had him called up before Commissioner Shields, On I may have some chance of getting justice, as he was born on "Malch 17, 1839." A man who would pass a $5 counter feit on an inoffensive heathen who had helped him on the path to godliness by administering to his cleanliness would steal sheep and might even remove the copper appendant from the eyes of a de ceased African.--New York Recorder. m GRANDMA says it is 20 years since she made such good bread as this. She says QlLLETT'S YEAST Is like the yeast she used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without it again ; and we all hope so, too* Calt for it at your Grocsr's. It is always good and always ready. GEORGE 0. 2:211-2 'i.: BradintH to Help Germany. We are happy to give assurance to Chffmany that we shall be pleased to sup ply her with all the breadstuffs she may need this year. We shall ask only a fair price for them. We can also supply her with other Muds of agricultural prod ucts, quantities of them. We have some Indian meal to spare, and it can be fed to the army horses, as the kaiser has ordered. We have yet some hay left. If Germany needs fruits or wines, we have them for sale. We can supply her with the best pork and bacon in the world, besides other meats, fresh or salt, in cold storage or otherwise. This is the market to which Germany ought to came whenever she needs anything Whatever it may be. * We must trust that Russia will not feel badly because we stand ready to supply Germany with food for man and beast. We stand thus ready at this time and nearly always. When once the Ger man people and their cattle get accus tomed to American products, we are •ore that it will be hard to induce them to feed upon anything else.--New York thm, . An Alderman Was Referee. * You have read in the yellow covered tkorj book of the "solitary horseman who might have been seen," etc. Well, this wasn't a horseman. Last night after the fire investigation had adjourned a group of aldermen might have seen on the sidewalk on Nicollet gathered around a bright spot under an arc light watch ing a prize fight between two beetles, one of the big, vicious looking variety that flutters around the street lamps every night and another of a smaller kind. One of the members of the coun cil Was acting as referee, and the others occupied reserved seats on an area rail. These aldermen must have relaxation firom their arduous duties in these days of investigations and things.--Minneapo lis Journal. DON T BREED TO GEORGE O, 2:21 J Unlets yon want to ralae s fast Pacer or Trotter as all his colts are fast; never has sired one but what can be pnt in the lift. It don't seem to make any difference what the dama are. Be sired the following colts with records the first year out handled by professional horsemen: ETHEL B (p) 2:18J at 5 years, HENRY O (p) 2:20* at 6 years, MARY LEE 2:22£ at 6 years, PRINCE T 2:29*. ALGONQUIN 2:29f. Two below 2:20?^ from dams of no known blood, also sire of Mary L,u,2-yr. old, record of 2:49 In a race, and several more below 2:40, GEORGE O is standard under both the Trotting and Pacing rules and wiil soon have two numbers. No other stallion in Northern Illinois or Southern VV isconsin can boast of it. Service Fee, *50- For circulars send to GEO. W. OWEN ̂ MoHENRYi ILL. I>' THIS .AJMTOUISCJ: EXCEPT THE FACT That we have made a Sweeping Reduction in our ^ v prices on alf kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots Also Groceries, WILLIAM And ask the people of Mc Henry and vicinity to call and stock, which is always complete, and got our pri Yours, our McHenry, 111. 1893! JOHN I, STOE1V ; . 'Trout Killed by DUafectnti In Drains. The heavy storm which visited Slea- ford on Monday thoroughly flushed the drains, and the storm water carried the (•ferbolic acid with which the. drains had "$een disinfected into the Slea trout pre serves, killing almost every fish they contained. On Tuesday Superintendent Ittohdale took out 75 beauties, weighing irom 1 pound to pounds, and it is feared that scarcely a single trout will . ^eleft alive.--Westminster Gazette. f ' A Seasonable Joke. days are growing shorter," ob- . ;v ferved Mr. Clamwhooper to his family, ' '^s^Triday morning. i, "Yea, I have noticed it," interrupted gsS. the aunt. • They are half a minute shorter," add- ' . v<ed Mr. Clamwhooper'in the same tone Ipr voice. ? As no reply was needed to this the Kant made none.--Texas Siftings. He missed All the Fan. It makes one's heart bleed to learn that, although Dr. Tanner came into parlia- fV ,>«nent on the dead run, he did not get 'there soon enough to bloody somebody >'s nose and get his own ears bitten off return. We can't help sympathizing ith the fellow who arrives just in time > the fan.--Chicago News-Bee- sfv. v PATENTS Cutate, Trademarks, Design Patents, Copyrights, <lBft all Patent btuineu conducted (or MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to UTeaton wlthont Ad drew PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURM* v Managing Attorneys P. Q. Box MS. Washington, D.G. SSTTMs Company to nwiMiffed by a combination of the largest and most Influential newspaper* In the United States, for the express purpose of protect* tag tltelr enbscrlbere against unscrupulous and incompetent Patent Agents, and each paper printing this advertisement voucheB for the responsi bility and high standing of the Press Claims Company. IF TOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Address a letter or postal card to THE PSEM CLAIMS COMPIJTT, JOHN WEDDERBURN, • - Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON.P.C. PENSIONS PROCURED FOR S0LDIER8, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENT8. Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In the line of Inty in the regular Army or Navy since the war. Jnrvlvors of tne Indian wars of 1832 to 1842, and their widows, now entitled. Old and rejected claims • specialty. Thousands entitled to higher rates. fend fornewlawB. No Cbaige XOT advice. nuinooMRoL A. Englan'a 3AL00N AND RESTAURANT Mchenry, Illinois. THIS WEEK fOt L»H1CESI OUR - SHOES. We offer Bargains in this line that will interest you. JJ.JUT SSI, Ringwood, 111. Mr. Van Pelt, editor of the Craig, Mo : Meteor, went to a drag store at Hillsdale W Iowa, and asked the physician in attend- ' anoe to give Mm a dose of something for v, cholera morbus and looseness of the • - bowels. He says: "I felt so much bet- ter the next morning that I concluded to Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, J. Hfr'n mi!" •*-- fr'Twrr"" _ .'.V IP'8 bur /Softer? ': b USE NO OTHER SOAP FOR LAUNPRV ANPHOUSEHOLP PURPOSES,'. A THAN -* OOAR - ISFAR SUPERIOR TO ANYOTHERINTflE MARKET ANP IS MAPE. ONLY BY > Cv • . j • / - CHLCAG The com K" * V • 1 'v »" ^ ^ ' j,"" rs " ' --m •"M.V *,t What why the Bow on the Watch Cases, made by the^ Keystone Watch Case Com^ pany, Philadelphia. It pro-a tects the Watch from the pick pocket, and prevents it from" dropping. Can only be had- with cases stamped with this trade mark. f Sold, withont extra charge^ for this bow (ring), through Watch dealers only. * * Ask your jeweler for pam- * phlet, or send to makers. K • -- 5 1 r: J rJD T3L U T H I --WILL BE-- The above is a cut of our new Folding Machine, which can now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing auch a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder Do., of Sidney, O., who have been build ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is j'ully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine ̂ please write the above company for prices, discounts and term3, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F. Garret, Syracuse, N, Y.; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. (hic8go; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Stillwell, St. Paul; Gtaoctkin & Son, Toronto. Canada. AT WOODSTOCK, ILL^ Friday,Sept. I, 11 Office Houn from 9 a. it, to & *. .> •/ 'AT HOTEL W'lOWTOCX. TFUXIXA A. STOBX, DEALER OMB DOOR WK8T OF BIVKRSIDB HOU8S. VoHi&t7,ni, Drugs i Medicines DR. D. O. FSUTH, JjaUe Surgeon tn the Pronrtdent Medical tary of New York now President of the ^ m-ulh Medical Institute, chartered HI* long experience 1b the largest ,,ljo«pltaf§r^ in the world enables him to treat all ChbonjO Nervous, skin ank» Blood diseaeeaupoo th* latest, scientific principle*. DK FRL TH has no superior in diagnosing and treating diseases and deformitier. He Will give 150 for any case he cannot tell the dUease and where located in five minute*. Medical and surgical d iaeaeeB, acu a ana chronic Catarrah, dieeases of the Bye, Kail Nose, Tbrnakand Lungs, Dyspopsia, Briarht'e Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver. Bladder. Obrnnic Female and Sexual Diseases (peediljr eared by treatment that h*s never tailed la thousanrie of cases that had been pronounced beyond hope. Many people meet death every year who might have been restored to perfeof health bad they placed their oases in tM A FULL LIME Cheiicak D}e Stiffs, Paints, Oils &Colors Constantly on hand. Alto a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Article*. AMD • COMPUrrS STOCK or .STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES -- FhyfidcianB JE^resorlptioiMi Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A. STORY: hands of experts. PR, FRUTIl hat atuined the most wonder* fal success in the treatment of cases to whtafel he devotes special attention, and after .yeare . of exnerience, b&a perfected the most infalli ble method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, Premature Decline of the Man*, ly Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair* •d Memory. Mental Anxiety, Absence of Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney effections if consulted before Idiooy, Insanity Falling Fits or Total Impotency result from YOUTHFUL ERROR*, the awful effect whiofc blight the most radiant hopes, unlit ing patl> entfor business study, society or marriage, annually sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men rf ex*lt*d talent and brilliant Intellect. PILES CURED with* out pain, knifecutery, EPILEPSY positive* ly cured by our new aud never failing hospi. tai treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of the urine, chemical and microscopical. In all oases of Kidney Diseases, Brigbt's Disea Diabetes and dpermatorrhas. Bring irens, WONDERFUL CURKS perfected in all oases that have been neglected or nnakitl-< fully treated. No experiments or failaree., We undertake no incurable cases, hut our* thousands given up to die Remember the. date and come early as bis rooms are alwajre Oiowded Cafees and oonrespondence csnfidential, aaa treatment sent by express with full direel-# Iouh to use, but personal consultation pre* ferred. DR. D. O. FRUTH. aaae • »ii* A¥en"<t-|,^h|ft'>ga- McHENRY taease, tpeoU --AND-- call on the pbvgiciaiii and get him to ipply of tl •orp riaed wh ! me up a mm medicine. I was "en he handed me a bottle of Chamberlain'> Colic, Cholera and Diar- rlNeaBniiedj. He aald he prescribed it npitedy in his practice ana found it the bast lracoald get afrpnfi&re. I can tee- tiff tp its efficiency in my case at all Porealeby. Beeley, West McHenry. I. A. Bar- L !L Fenne, Waoconda. Itt Glass to any quantity from V IC a Snits CO barrels. AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or ease as cheap as the cheapest. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. all and see me and I will nse yon well. •#AKTQFY ENGIJSJI IfctfwiT* lil*. IfiSS, f J. &k "i ... t~ . .rA <L All Competitors acknowledge it as the Standard. it makes more Broad. |For Sale by ail the Leading it makes better Br^a^* 1 Merchants in town, and at It makes whiter Bread I _L 0 „ MSM * Than any other Flour. | TIlS Roller MiHi. Pillsbury's Best at lowest market price. Washburn's best $1.10. A choice Fancy Patent at $1.05. Try a sack of any of the grades mentioned here, and if you do not obtain the best results your money will be cheerfully refunded. & ' fg"Leave your order at the Mill, we will do the rest. Bran and Middlings for Sale- _ R. BX8E When you are spending your good round dollars for anything in the HA1DWAB1 Line it may interest you tp know that I can save yon a good per cent on your purchases. If you contemplate buying a VAPOR STOVJ© This spring, come and see what we have to ;«§§ HATE YOUR OLD YAFOR STOVES CLEANED & REPAIRED By one who understands them, before starting them again. Jtt will pay you. , £ V, ^ i If u are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything ine8S, you wiW.;.^^®W' ^^^,my - lonj^pyr $o the JQ prices :^l4" •. - 77->*4- », j Respectfully,\ ? Miller & -DEALERS IN-- MARBLE ft GRANITE,̂ Honnments, Headstom Tablets, Ete. Cemetery Work of every scription neatly executed at {iowest Prioes. - x Setisflutlon Shops at McHenry and Jol burgh, 111, where at all ti can te lound a w of finished workT Henry Miller & l PATENTS^ FGi PROTECTION. NOT FOR CRJlAKETifJ* * ( trite DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Inventive Age Bulldlni;. % WASHINGTON, D. C. ? • 1 Seek Pre*. Mention thi» .h.vJ