Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1893, p. 8

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*' / lh * w -< ®ISS881iS^^Sii5®iliS IMHWMMte f-"™* ^i; »4; *1\ V,' '!iv -; : How #« fenioy Follttoa. *WWW vl -v**-? •'» I»>J to Hi,# o^ua* -V-WLYTF M***' UVF TO *. POLITICAL IWUTY, AND (pi't care a rap whether a man is a Re- jtobiicaa or m BmaoctMt as long as he pajri hil UQl promptly, the presentaitu- atfoni* faiiotf&terest. Heveland goes fishing, for example, H|9 »epii hi ican papers gives n| .-I r\n one can help laugh- tog at, however mad it may make him, far the president assumes the propor­ tions of the big tun in the Heidelberg castle which holds 100 barrels of beer. When he starts for Washington and the extra session, one paper, Democratic of OOtme, tells us that there was a largo crowd at such and such a station, and that the president received a perfect ova- Won. On the same morning the opposi- oition tell their readers that when Cleve­ land's train pulled np at that station he "%as greeted by two old women and a •mall boy who wanted him to boy a quart of huckleberries. Thi3 is just as it should be. An elec­ tion in old Ireland is a pretty tame affair unless the shillelah is able to get in somo of its fine work, but in this country we take it out in cartoons and paragraphs and squibs, and as many lies as the im­ agination can concoct.' When Harrison xeigned, we hardly ever saw him, be­ cause he was buried under grandfath­ er's hat. Indeed in some dyed in the wool Democratic sections he was aevei' epoken of except as "The Man Under the Hat." We haven't any doubt that Mr. Harrison, when behind closed doors, had a good time over the fun of the thing, and in like manner, of course, Mr. Cleveland reads the comic papers and enjoys the monstrous caricatures with which they are adorned.--New York Telegram.. Quietest The New Shnffleoft. 1 more in that Rockland (Ills.) man's experiment than would seem at a first glance. He proposes to have him­ self buried alive, and promises at the endJ of a few weeks to emerge from his tomb foil of life and vigor and not the slight­ est bit damaged by his contact with sus­ pended animation. If the Rockland man succeeds, there ought to be no more suicides. His duc- tflized slumber will be a panacea for at great many things, including heart pan­ ics, domestic difficulties and short bank accounts. We say this taking it for granted that he will not keep his secret, but will let the whole human family into his confidence and fully explain how the oriental trick of filling a grave for •while without dying is done. When all the world has been enlight­ ened on this subject, the lover whose breaet holds a tempest can seek surcease of sorrow in one of the public letheala- riums which will of course be estab­ lished. He can suicide for a few weeks, as it were, and only bom fools Will then suicide for keeps. The man of family who finds hard times pushing him to the wall can take his whole brood to one of these temples of temporary oblivion, and all can rest there until the crisis is past. So, too, the young man who has no money to spend on his vacation can have himself put away in a niche in one of these places (Mid give out that he is all the while • tearing Europe. • - The lethealarium will serve many pur­ poses of this kind and will help to 'fpread optimism all over the sphere. Dying for a few weeks will become a great fad if the Rockland man triumphs Tempus may fugit, but eternity will not be in it any more.--New York World. Tte ONLY YEAST njiWog Bread Vb>cb Prevents and Cor^S Dyspepsia ^r~~ All along the „ , * * - j V ^ THERC: IS . ' ' , _ _ ITN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT.;""" NOTHING * ^ J'ii; a® EXCEPT THE FACT we made a prices on Reduction in out* kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes, Also Groceries, V /yh And ask the people of Mc Henry a ad vicinity to call and inspect our stock, which is always complete, and get our prfces* #.7,?^ Yours, • < •<* MoHenry,Ill. 180S! JOHN I. STORY. DOK'T BREED TO GEORGE O,2:21* Unlees you want to raise a fast Pacer or Trotteraa all bis colts are fast; never has sired one but what can be put m the lift. It don't seem to make any difference what the dams are. He sired the following colts with records the first year out handled by professional borscmec: ETHEL B (p) 2:18| at 5 years, HENRY O (to 2:20* At 6 years. MARY LEE 2:22£ at 6 years, PRINCE T 2:29J , ALGONQUIN 2:29*. Two below 2;20?i from dams of no known blood, also sire of M»ry Ln,2-yr. o'd, record of 2:49 In a race, and several more below 2:4f», GEOUGE O is standard under both the Trotting and Pacing rales and will soon have two numbers. No other stallion in Northern Illinois or Southern Wisconsin csn boast of It. Service Fee, •BO* For circulars send to ,* ' > GEO. w. OWEN. MCHENRY* ILL. ?= The KMIMM of the Day of Judgment. ' 4 : Lieutenant C. A. L. Totfcen, in refer­ ring to the big spots on the son now visi- iie, says: This is the time of the eleventh stroke of the midnight hour, and it is signifi- £*nt of the universal financial stress. > The appearance of the extraordinary 4 Spots upon the golden face of the sun fittingly synchronizes with those days npon which congress meets in extra ses- tton to discuss the silver situation. There is a serious responsibility rest- . fog upon the men who constitute this . prelude to the Fifty-third congress, and all the inhabitants of this land of Ma- Itasseh will watch their votes with re- lentless determination to judge them in- Jfevidually according to their deeds. ' The day of judgment is at hand. v But all who now resist the spirit of re­ pentance will be in an evil way not too fong hence.--Boston Globe. PATENTS CSmsts, Trade-marts, Design Patents, CopyvfgMt, And gu patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to inventors wltboct CJiMge. A*!Jn:SF r^ESS CLAIMS CO., , : WEDDERBURN, • lllnaging Attorney, P%0. Box MS* WASHixaToif, D.C. ISTThis Company is managed by a combination of the largest and most influential newspapers in the United States, for the express purpose of protect* lag tbelr anbacrlbera against unscrupulous and incompetent Patent Agents, and each paper printing this advertisement vouches for the responsU bHIHrtm-T W|rK fn.lma rv.'np.ny A Modern I.ochinvmr. .A story of the bold spiriting away of s 2oung woman comes from Dillon, Mon., ad reads as follows: '•Last Sunday, while Miss Fannie Jag- fers was returning to her father's house *On Horse Prairie in company with James , l«ee, they were met by Bill Wells, a for­ mer admirer of the young lady and re- Suted to be a very tough citizen. Wells rew his pistol and ordered Lee to ride on ahead. He then tied the girl's bridle ^jrein to the pommel of his own saddle, and * |n that fashion they started for the Idaho 'line. After going about 20 miles Wells -fold Lee he might go home, which that man did. Wells went on to Idaho with the girl." V ( A Quaker In Westminster Abbey. ' An extraordinary scene took place dur­ ing the afternoon service in Westminster abbey yesterday. Samuel Fox, a, Quak­ er, who is well known to the attendants for his persistent efforts to remain cov- ©red during divine services, declining to f remove his hat, was after a violent straggle forcibly ejected. It required I cjforts of four of the vergers to re- re him from the building. Fox is known in Oxford, where he has ad- ^SfOOKd several meetings on the subject. Telegraph. IF 100 WANT INFORMATION ABOUT [ 4m Experiment With Quint**. ' fc remained for a Lawrence woman to j^H^i # new way to take quinine clear :i^|g#;i«Kvinga bad taste in the month. She had the rheumatism in her left leg, iand •betarisci rubbing it with a mixture of qnisi&B and lard. The absorption proee# cured the rheumatism, and tbs woman |s j^tog to get a patent on it.-- Lawi«)ooo (KwMQ^^tte, The s»M t complete assortment of Men's skMk ean b3 found at Evanson's From a 50 cent cotton to a 4.50 Silk ~" t Old Ktoek will accamulate, but we put » price that will make them go u gmt -varietgr of goods and jon can find something that you car tqw at a price that cannot be duplicated * W. «B»TV FT SOK, Bingwood. PASTUEAOE. will pasture a limited nomber of pud Horsea on the E. M. Owen village. Apply to G. W " O. K. Owen, at the Bank of Mc- . ;3 V' A^ress a letter or postal card to THK PREM CX.ACHS COJIPAJfT, • JOHN WEODERBURN, . Box 463. Managing Attorney WASHINGTON, ©. C. FKKSIONS PBOCUKEJC FOR SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. .Also, for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In the line of duty In the re solar Army or Navy alisee the war. Survivors of the Indian wars of 1832 to 1842, and their widows, now entitled. Old and rejected clalma a specialty. Thousands entitled to higher ratea. Send for new laws, Ko charge tor sdrice. ZTofts urtll successful. 3AL00N Snglwa's AND RESTAURANT. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Kentucky Ltyuors French Bitter^ -AND- J. ScUitz Milwaukee Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. . AT WHOLESALE OS RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. We buy none but the bept and sell at Seasonable Prices. all and see me and I will use jrou Well. AFTOwr. mot mv itfjii ij iijini im Ii)i»iiijniii III [Ifinfi mar hw altiim A In THIS WEEK i Mill ijul Hi i|i|li <irnt»)! iriiH niiiint^t'l) line that will interest you. <¥m# Ringwood, 111. Or SOAH ar?d tbarjk meforcWff your atterytiorj to if" MANUFACTURED ONLY BV Bascom " fiiM' +*> „ ; mt' '}> $ cut of our sew Folding Machines now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. 4gUH, whose watch ut 3 beea (iitlg), l>y A Every It whose watch ̂ ' has beeft ckmaged by drop-|^ pine out of the bow, and Jvery Man of sense who merely compares the old pull": out bow and the new will exclaim: "Ought to been made long ago!" It can't betwistedoff thecasei Can only be had with Jas. Bos^ Filled and other cases stamp with this trade mark-- 0m Ask your jeweler for pamjAlet. • Keystone Watch Case Co., Philadelnhla. W- DR. FRUTH! --WILL , a, if. ,, - AT WOODSTOCK, Fridayf Sept. 893. 0®oe Hours from 9i. )t, to ̂ AT HOTEL WOODSTOCK, Our patrons, and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine Was put in by the Bascom Folder Ho., of Sidney, O.y who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five j ears. If you need such a machine please write the abeve company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N, Y.; Mather Manfg Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. C bier go; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Stillwell, St. Paul; Gtaoctkin & Son, Toronto. Canada. . FRUTH '* s - DBA! in:- Mediciites OMS DOOKWBSTOF R1VKBSIDK HOUSE. VdBHttj.m, FULL LINK Of it--* Onuu, Chemicals. Die StiSs, Faints, Oils &Colors Con«Uotly on haod. Also a large line of # Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles* AMD • OOHPLKTK STOCK 09 I STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Late Surgeon tn the Provident Mtdical taryof-New York nmv President qfthe * JhYuth Mtdical Institute, chartered W Bis long experience in the largest hospitals In the world enables him to treat all OHHOMO NEKVOUS, SKIN AND BLOOD diseases upon the latest soienttOn principles. DR FBliTH has no superior in diagnosing in<l treating diseases and deformities. Hs will give t60 for any case he cannot tell tha disease and where located in five mlnt»*««, Medical and surgical diseases, acu e and ehrunic Catarrab, diseases of the Bye, Bar, Hose, TH">at and Lungs, Dyspepsia, Krlsrdt'a Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases speedily Anred by treatment that hus never tailed, in thousands of caees that bad been pronounced beyond hope. Many people meet death every, fear who might have been reetored to perfect fcealth had they placed their oases in tho liands of experts. V OH, i' BUTH has attained Hie most wonder- tul success in the treatment of cases to which fee devotes special attention, and after years #ff exuerlence, haa perfected the most infalli­ ble method of curing Organic Weakness, Ner­ vous Debility, Premature Decline of the Man­ ly Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair- fid Memory. Mental Anxiety. Absence^of Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney effectlone if consulted before Idiocy, Insanity Falling Pita or Total Impoteney result from YOUTHFUL ERROR*, the awl u 1 effect which blight the most radiant hopes, unfiling pati­ ent lor business study, society or marriage, annually sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men ff exilt»a talent tmd brilliant lutellect. PILES CURED with* tout pain, knifecutery, EPILEPSY positive. ly cured by our new and never failing hospi­ tal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of the uftne, chemical and microscopical, in all oases of Kidney Diseases, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Spermatorrh®. Bring epeoi- ^ WONDERFUL. CURES perfected In all leases that have been neglected or unskill- fully treated. No* experiments or failures. We undertake no incurable cases, but our* thousands given np to die Remember the jiate and eome early as bis rooms are always crowdcd Cafcee and <v"T"*#spondence csnfldential, ana treatment sent by express with full direct­ ions for use, bat personal consultation pre­ ferred. * _... DR. D. A FRUTH. 3531 Lake Avenue/Chlcage. -i m :'0t; Physicians Prescription® riiarma- cist Your patronage is respectfully solicited* STORYt HftiM WlVl#* mm* <W Competitors Acknowledge it "I as the Standa'd. >« !> • j # It makes more Bread. It makes better Bread. It makes whiter Bread Than any other Flour. i For Sale by Merchants ail the Leading in town, and at Boiler Miils. Pillsbury's Best at lowest market price. A ashburn's best $1.10. A choice Fancy Patent at $1.05. Try a sack of any of the graces mentioned here, and if you do not obtain the results your money will be cheerfully refunded* ave your order at the Mill, we will tycr the rest. and Middlings for Sale. * ™ "4.t ling your good round dollars for anything in the fave you a good per -intewst you to know th^^l cent on your purchases. ~ If you contemplate buying a VAPOR STOVE This spring, eome and see what we have to HAVE TOUR OLD YAPOB mm By one who understands them, before starting them agaiu,. pay you. If you are figuring on building, or making a purchase of anything belongiifg to the Hardware business, you will do well to get my prices. JTours Bespectful!y» H. Miller & Son, • --DKALBBS IN- MARBLE I GRANITE, MoDiimenta, Headstones Tablets, Efco. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. Sfttbftctioa BurtstHl Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, 111, where at all times can ce lound a good assortment of finished work. H«nry MlHer & Sou. ' * £ • rfif. FV^. : :MoOMBB t * > '•0 J . y. • ; Wmt i < 'i- «!,,- WWM; "> I FOR PROTECTION, HOT TCR 0RIIAKEIIT. frite DUBOIS & DUBOIS, Fatoct / Uormji, Inventive Age Buildlny, WASHINGTON, D C. Mention this paftj- ! .W'ViJ 'J

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