Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1893, p. 8

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, . r; mm *! snietfj ttASIC '<"11 coros aw?.s» EfcjMMg Quickest 1 *v, »r* f* irv THIS jk:viN"ouj* I •omething „ ^;^pri8. it tt feeing a black Tuea- mm on and off the o.t- ,.,t. :* ,s |C)ng as they Jive in the way that one remembers » grot pari I. and even the uien who made hnnMb of thousands through that day's awful drop in values will always look: back upon it with a twinge of terror. Sop>g time, when these troublous times and Wal l street has a chance to JMMttefor a bit of gossip again, a great Stoty will be told about that Tuesday--a story that will astound everybody ex­ cept* few of the country's greatest spec­ ulators, and a story that will make many^ people in this and other cities torn pale] and catch their breaths. They will show then how frightfully •Arrow the escape from a financial catastrophe of crushing magnitude. They will know that the fate of the street, and with it the fate of scores of tributaries to the street, legitimate and. Otherwise, of bankers, merchants and? manufacturers, too numerous to stop to oonnt, hung in the balance, and that a finger's touch from any one of three men Would have turned the scale ruin- ward. And when they learn this they will probably come as near to really thanking God as their religion or lack of religion will let them, because instead of the one man's finger touch weighting the scale down \frith disaster there was a sturdy shoulder push from all three of! that day's destinies of the street to force s It up into safety.--New York Preaft, A Murderer Pensioner. i* • Ambassador Bayard has been in­ structed to make inquiries in regard to whether Captain W. C. Minor is still alive, or whether the government is pay­ ing a salary to a dead officer. Captain Minor is a retired officer of the medical corps, his retirement being due to brain trouble consequent upon a sunstroke re­ ceived in the line of duty in Florida in 1870, and he was sentenced for life in an English asylum for shooting a man on English soil 21 years ago. It is the only case on record of a murderer borne on the rolls of the army and drawing the regular pay of his grade. Eis pay is drawn by Richard E. Rice of New Ha­ ven, the appointed conservator, who files quarterly certificates bearing the sig­ nature of the superintendent of the Broadmere Criminal Lunatic asylum to the effect that Captain Minor ii living. The last report from the superintendent read: "Hewds confined in the asylum April 17, 1872. His offimse consisted of lk . shooting with a revolver and killing a Jman in the Belvidere road, Lambeth." ,! >,t The relatives of Captain Minor have re­ peatedly made strenuous efforts through the state department to secure his re- Albany Express. •Y* • A Stat« Soda FoantalM. It may sound like a Munchausen yarn, hut it is an actual fact that in the squint eyed little burg of Sodaville, in T/mn county, in block 8 of the town plat, there is a soda spring, and that the last legislature, in its infinite wisdom, pro­ vided that "inasmuch as there is a great and growing demand on the part of the public for the waters of said spring," the state would spend $500 to improve it. This is at last the fond realization of the long felt want which has been loafing around the country like the ghost of boyhood's happy days in quest of a watermelon patch where haply lingered no vicious dog. It is a grand and im­ posing sight to see the legislative fancy rising from the sordid contemplation of a cold and unresponsive hog law and hovering on halcyon wings oyer the soft murmur of an idyllic state soda foun­ tain.--Astoria (Or.) Budget. A Fracas la the How, !, , ' The*e 'was a personal encounter ittntb floor of the house of representatives Feb. 15, 1798, between Roger Oris wold of Connecticut and Matthew Lyon of Vermont, editor of The Scourge of Aris­ tocracy and Repository of Important Po­ litical Truth and one of the few victims of the sedition law, under which he •erred a term in iail and a of *1,000. An old time cut represents the two congressmen hammering each other with • cudgel and tongs. Under gross provo­ cation Lyon had spit in Griswold's face, hot at the time of the fracas the house bad not been called to order, though prayer had been offered by the chaplain, #tBa®aio Courier, Tb« ONLY YEAST n7&Klo$r Brsa<J wbicfy "* Prevdyfsi - at>«i Ccire-S Dyspepsia EXCEPT THE FACT That we have made a Sweeping Reduction in our prices on all Kinds of * Notions, Boots Also Groceries, ask; the jwople of McHenry and vicinity to call and inspect our stock, which is always complete, and get our pricet*, ^ SOAR apd thank meforqjliqg your atterjtior) to ii." MANUFACTURED 5 ONLY BY WK.FAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. MiMii fcjVtSl*y Jfiaa wnOSft »WHI|Lw, t ;en r^ng out of tl&'feofeu ^ j|, by yl̂ cpocket, , |̂fl| Jvery. Man whose watch : has been damaged by ping hut of the bow, and Every Man of sense who§| iperely compares the old pull-V out bow ana the new , GEORGE 0.2:211-2 DON'T BREED TO GEORGE O, 2:21} TTnlecs you want to rain a fut Pacer or Trotter a* alt his colts are fast; never has iire<i one but what can be pnt in the lift. It don't seem to make any difference what the dams are. Be sired the following colts with records the first year ont handled by professional horsemec: ETHEL B (p) 2:18J at 5 years, HENRY O ((») 2:20$ at 6 years, MARY LEE 2:22* at 6 years. PRINOE T 2:29$ ALGONQUIN 259|. Two below 2:20^ from dams of no known blood, also eire of M.«ry J.n, 2-yr. o'd, record of 2:49 In a race, and several more below 2:40, GEORGE O is standard under both the Trotting and Facing rules and will soon have two numbers. No other stallion in Northern Illinois or Southern W isconsin can boast of it. Service Fee, •BO- For circulars seed to GEO. W..OWEN, MCHENRY* ILL. IFVOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Address a letter orport»l csrd to ... THE PBESS CLAIMS cohpaht, JOHN WEDDERBURN, • • Managing Attorney, P.O. Bo* 4*3. WASHINGTON, X).C. _ _ . _ _ PENSIONS FBOCCKED FOR SOLDIERS, WIDOWS. . CHILDREN, PARENTS. «AUo^for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In the line of fluty in the regular Ariny or Navy ai nee the war., Survivors of the Indian wars of 1$32 to 1842* and their widows, now entitled. Old and rejected claim® s specialty. Thousands entitled to n'^her rates. Bend for new laws. K© charge Sot advice. EoXee MiracoloMlow(«atlKBa». Cunoua scenes of religious fanaticism, our Some correspondent says, are tak­ ing place in the Milan cathedral. For several days an excited crowd h<m . tiueuged around a marble Madonna, a tough work of the fourteenth century, wfeseli is said to have recently performed Miracles by healing blind and lame peo­ ple. The crush around the Madonna is •o great that the police have had to in­ terfere for fear of accidents happening, ' * 'on News. The 8tstc of the CsMf it is New York news that the Duke of Veragua would accept "should Ameri­ can gratitude for the services of Christo­ pher Columbus take the shape of a fund." In Chicago his grace's accept­ ance has not for a moment been doubt­ ed. It has only been a question of fund •r no fund, with a preponderance of sentiment in the negative.--Chicago Journal. A Way to Keep Batter Without Ice. suggestion to campers or other folk ; •who are really roughing it is hew to se- •ttre cool butter without ice. Fill * box With sand to within an inch or two of'the top. Sink the butter jars in the sand; ttten thoroughly wet the sand with cold Water. Cover the box as nearly airtisrht ; possible. A. Englen's JALQON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENHYf ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French. Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, J. ScMitz Kilwalee Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. W e buy none but the .best and sell at Seasonable Prices. all and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGLEN Mofleuiy, 111,, 18S8, MeHenry, XII. 1893! trOHNSTOE1* The Bascom Folder, - « . i . ' * 1 ' . V * " ' * - wnffna'wftml THIS WEEK FOI LOW MM! We offer Bargains in this line that will interest you. Ringwood, HI. will exclaim: "Ought to been made long ago!" J It can't be twisted off the case*- Can only be had with Jas. Boss- Filled and other cases stamped Iwith this trade mark* Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Watch Caw Com Philadelphia. mk FBIXrai , --WILL BE-- " WOODSTOCK, Prlclay, Sept. 29, 1803. Office Honrs from 91) IC. *» it The above is a cut of our nrew Folding Machine* which <san now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f!o., of Sidney, O., who have been build ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine please write the abeve company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or wqte their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N, X-; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,, Milwaukee; Wright* Barret & Still well, St. Paul; Geoctfcin & Son, Toronto. Canada. JULIA A. STORY, II DIALER IN:- OMK DOOR WEST Ot B1VEBSIDE HOUSE., II Drugs I Medicines A FULL LINE Of- AT HOTEL WOODSTOCK m FRUTH. Drnis, Meals. Die Stiffs, Faints, Oils &Colors ConsUntly on hand. Also a large line of "Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles* AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONEBY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Late Surgeon tn the Provident Medical Di<pm» aary of Hew York now President of the • .- JiYuth Medical Institute, chartered Hit long experience In the largest hoapitifi in the worid enables him to treat all CHROHIO Nbrvot'n, giciK ANI> BLOOD diseases upon th* latest scion tiilc principles. DR FBIj Til has no.superior in diagnosing and treating diseases and deformities. H« Will give J50 for any case he cannot tell th* disease and where located in live minute*. Medical and surgical diseases, acu e and chronic Catarrab, diseases of the Bye, Bar,- Knee, Throat and Lungs, Dyspepsia, Bright'a Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver. Bladder, Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases gjseedily tn red by treatment that has never 'ailed l> thousands of cftsee that had been pronounced beyond hope. Many people maet death every year who might have been restored to perfect health had they placed their cases in the Bands of experts. * PR, FRUTH has attained tbc most wonder­ ful success in the treatment of cases to which lie devotes spocial attention, and after years •f exnerience, has perfected the most Infalli­ ble method of curing Orsranic Weakness, Ner­ vous Debility, Premature Declineof the Man­ ly Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair- id Memory. Mental Anxiety, Absence of Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney effectiopB if consulted before Idiocy, insanity Falling Fits or Total Imp^tency result from YOUTHFUL ERROR*, the awful effect whteh blight the most radiaut hopes, unilt ing pati­ ent for business study, society or marriage, annuallv sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men ' f ex\lt^d talent fend brilliant lutellect. PILES CUKBD with- but pain, knifecutery, EPILEPSY poeitsve- |y cured bj our new and never failing hospi­ tal treatment, FREB EXAMINATIONS of |he urine, chemical and microscopical, in ail cases of Kidney Diseases, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Spermatorrn». Bring ipeei- Tr ens, . , WONDERFUL CURES perfected in all •anes that have been neglected or unsklll* "itlfv treated. No exporinients or failures. tVe undertake no incuralde cases, but cure thou sands given up to die Remember th* late and eorne early as his rooms are always crowded « Cses and conrespondence csnfldential, and treatment sent by express with full direct­ ions for nee, bat personal consaltatlon pre- ferred. DR. 0. q. FRUtlT* 38SS LSKS Avenue,rChloago. -IG FhyfiAoians Prescriptions jr Carefully and accnratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist Tour patronage Is respectfully solicited, JULIA STOBYr vwwiwjw^^wwwwww%vwywtfwwtfvwjwi BALD HEADS! What Is the condition of yours? Is vour hatr drv ! to»h, brittle? Does it split at the emu? Has ê'ê Ha.PPfar!!"ce..? P°es ft faH out whett combed or Kit or fn 1 of <landruff ? Does your scalp itch ? ! SkookumRoot Hair Grower 1 re^es^jng'TfS'cf'B^Wln^atlng " the^Qlllclei, it stops falling hair, cures dandruff and yrotcltiair on balct "-your druggist cannot nrolr von send Ainu* »»•» an<j forward 01or$5.0a Boap, 50c. h There will be Unufiual Bu^y Selling at 0 Eyaosou's Closino; Out DUiiING THIS MONTH. • 1 THfi SKOOKUn ROOT HAIR GROWER 87 South Fifth Avenae, Kew York, N. Y. It makes more Bread. . It makes better Breads , It makes whiter Bread! Than any other Flou«» Pillf bury'rt Bent nt , A. < hoire TJancy Patent, at &J.4 f gialoh tnentionefl hcrov nnd1 >if results your moiMy -wiiQi All Competitors Acknowledge it as the Standard. For Sale by all the Leading Merchants in town, aad all The Roller Mills, Child's and misses' colored button Shoes, fine goat, 85c, $1, $1.35 What Challies are left 2c per yard. Choice in fine Lawns 5c. Ladies' low Shoes, patent tips, 75c to $1. QlQging Out Prices on Ladies' Shirt Waists. X*du»' muslin Underwear, Men's Tennis Flannel Shirts. V f .price, •tflishburn's best $1.10. 5- Try a sack'of any of the you do not obtain the best bp cheerfully refunded. CLOSING OUT PRICES ON CLOTHING. 100 Blankets far sale at 25 per cent discount. All fresh and just in They are on second floor, and open Saturday,, M c H I N R Y K ' H. Miller & Son, -DKALEBS IK-- MARBLE & GRANITE, HfozturoexitJBf, Headstonfeflt J Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de- SftUtfuUoa Qauutii^. Shops at McHenry and Johni- burgh, III, where at all times can fce found a good assortment of finished work. . / Uenrj Miller^ koitf] |^"*Leave your order an 1-H« Iffl 1. we will do the rest. Bran .andiMkfrll ings for 8ale> Special Sale of Fine Saturday evening, from 7 to 9 o'clock ~-*P- •M. My ^Test McHenry. 111., 1893, . m •K-i 1 , - K . /'14 tr% & DUU%1. Jn v-itifi} 1 a t o. %r;.; utldin*,. IKOT9.N, !> • C. Oeokrim Mention tkto s: " • Vv; * A ' V f, *•- A f let,' 1\> *.1$n« ̂ fm ....t T.' • . • ,

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