Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1893, p. 8

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fSL,, •->.* that passed M WEDNESDAY Just began to ma tastnat Ir rotsndofl-- , and foito tlwtf Thotigfc4~ i both at t4wi*l*,etlll rvroodland Boto,sweetbird; ___ ^HuduUt be loved and fcMrd. I Lawpman la Yoath'a Q>mp«ntoa The Mood m W« 8m It. lid ym ever stop to consider the fact ; the inhabitantsi of this earth bme • seei but one side of the moon, and inquire the reasons why such is the ' The explanation is this: The moon j one revolution on her axis in the i jXsriod of time that she takes up in ig one© around the earth, thus fheeame geographical region of thefcmax burface is always toward us. As one ex­ planation usually calls for another, it fmay not be out of place to mention the ' foci that the reasons the two motions of the moon above referred to so nearly coigc&te aw fiiese; noon is not a true globe, but is inform. It did not in all jnn$MJgUtiea ocginally start on its axial . relation with precisely the esame Telocity ' r winch it moved around the earth, but the very best astronomers say that the two motions were not fair apart In thestart. AHgnming that the moon waB • BOini-liquid or at least soft in those re­ mote days, the earth's attraction caused ^the lunar surface to elongate, and in the Wntoli'l ages which followed its axial ro- ttion, owing to the attractive influence ' both the earth and the sun, was made 1)6 correspond with its orbital movement the earth.--St. Louis Republic. -3#' : . : •! - Old Time Banking method*. ' While discussing the matter of the auu trials of banking business today President James Espy of the * Ohio Valley National bank said to a ; group of friends: "I tell you that we do v'Pjot know anything about the peculiari­ ties of the banking business. I have heard officials of the bank when I was be- , ginning in the business rehearse the expe- " xiencesin early banking in Virginia. Aa |b well known, the residents of that state t '*• irere not much given to business tactics. •/ Whenever they had occasion to issue a ^ \iote, and it was quite frequent, the bank t^fl&cfala had to drive around to the vari- faras, or to the place where the • lived, and it was quite difficult ttf . to sign the original, but much 1 so a renewal. Experts got so they >uld tell whether the note was renewed l the house or in the field, as they could ell whether it was written the psm- lel of a saddle or at a regn. - deek."-- " icinnati Enquirer. ZSfiitM, YOUR BREAD CAN'T BE SOUR " ' IF YOU USK GILLETT'S GIC PURE QUICK BCONCf r.1!CAL k tor "Magic" r t yoar Grocer's. Let httH •ell his other kinds to other peopl* NEVER GET* som. JBXCEPT THE FACT §1 • 'ij that we have made a Sweeping Reduction In our] prices on ail kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes, Also Groceries, Ami ask thepeople of Mc Henry and vicinity to call and inspect pur stock, wHich is always complete, and get our prices* Yours, •' , ' -Jm Owes its REPUtATIQN and T0IT5CMN ... . . . /merits;" • IT IS PURE, UN ADULTER ATEaANOra? RAPID C leansing Power has noewal it is invaluable, in Kitchen a.Laundry. -sOlo by all grocers. K FAIRBANK & CO* CHICAGO. ',fC , ' •-I $ '\v'M WLnMXenry, tlL 1@03! TThf Bascom Folderi it is easy to the a short, <ptok jerk--the ring dips off the j, witch Item, and |ki toe waicn, fog the victi m only tbs tl&in. Tilt Hn Hi** 1MMM p»: The tow fcaaa croeve on ettk nd. A cottar runs down ta«id« thf • ana at (atom) lltsioto tM ftoevei, firmly lockiiif the tamp M t)M ptidtnt, M that it cHWQt be palled or twkM ott. Sold by *U watch dealer!, without JK9E> Coat, on Jas. Boss Filled and other cases containing this trade mark- Ask your jeweler for pamphlet*, (i Keystone Wfttch Case Co>i • PHILADeLPftlA. DR. FRUTSf • •i •'«" , •j ^ WOOD Friday, 8ept9 Office Honrs from 9 y„ ( ft: TOCK, ILL., , 29j 1893- 1 ' l'"- Why He Didn't Sltoot. A man with a wife who has her own , Ĵ ays about doing things catohee her * vfeow and then, " " " M y dear," he said the other morning $1- -cs he was dressing, "I thinV you were , fight when you told me last night that "» ' there were burglars in the house." S s7\' j, "Why?" she asked nervously. 3 4'- :- - A "Because all the money that was in ; ^ - t tny pockets when I went to bed is gone." ' * % '"Well," she said, with an I-told-you • eo airj "if you had been brave and got '•( > 'Tip and shot the wretch, you woeld have i ^ ;had your money this morning." / "Possibly, my dear, possibly," he said "but I would have been a DON TBREED TOGEORGE Unlets you wsnt to raise a fast Pacer or Trotter as all his colts are fast; novor bas sired one but what can be pnt in the li»t. It den't seem to make any difference what the dams are. He sired tbe following colts witb records the first year out handled by professional Horsemen: . •• ETHEL B (p) 3:18$ at 5 yearfe i-j- HENRY O (p) g^0| at 6ye»n,, MARY LEE 2:22} at 6 vean, PBINOE T 2:294. ALGOXQUIH 2:29}, • Two below ? :20\' from dams of no krowit l>lood, also sire of Mary Lu,2-yr. old. noordl of 2:49 In a race, and several more below 2;S>» GEOKQK O Is standard under born tbe T otting and Pacing rules and wiil BOOB hare taro a a tubers. No other stallion in Nencberm Illinois or Southern Wisconsin can boMt of It. Service Pee* *00. For circulars send to GEO. W. OWEN. MeHEMRTi ILL. ffTOU WART INFORMATION ABOUT Sbe laughed softly then and gave ^JnIC of it ,back to him.--London Tit- "•'•tl y The migtliac Tree. ^:|f A^eciee of acacia, which grows rery "a j abusdantly in Nubia and the Soudan, is sailed the "whistling tree" by the natrres. Its shoots are frequently, by * • the agency of the larvae of insects, dis- torted in shape and swollen i"to a globn- * l^addor from 1 to 9 inches in diame- Alitor fee insect has emerged from ; ,'fjl a cizdidar hole in the side of this swell- * J i ' iag, opening, played upon by the becomes a musical instrument in sonnd to a sweet toned . , ftata.rillew York Telegram. ..V *- > Ktf-. ^>i. •* -- •' -'^,-4' ' A, Sood Exeaw. f " t JaSge---You are charged with assault- ittlBUUB. ler--I plead guilty, your hoaorr I have a good excuse. I addressed :̂ PbilAmcivi^tlu^fciii^s»,iiaid he never ^ mastered xm. J»4ge--Why, the mam. is deaf and 'Afflpah! Prisoner--Well, why didn't keaay so? 1 --Schalk. --• "[ A curious box was recently found '7#j amid the ruins of Pompeiit The box was . -VK marble or alabaster, about 2 inches square and closely sealed, When opened, itwaafouad to be fall of pomatum or giease, hard, but "*«ry fragrant̂ The; smell resembled somewhat that of the' roses, but was much more fragrant. American pioneers were God fearing ami BibleJoving. They staked out town s, 10 Jordanst 9 J^richos* s, 22 G-ogbenSy 21 Shilohs, Tabors and Monnt Ta- and Mount Zions, 28 ions, 2oii9brewsand 86 . ol policeman, who, as he thought, swallowed a sixpence 18 yean ago, recently had a severe pain' in his throat. A fit of cotarhing cams ©n, and ^ Sf^ng lQ6t of its original - thickness, Was " * Addrets » letter or postal card to ,nintHB.)PHgM, CIJaSlB COM*»Airr, WW WCDDERBURM, > . Managing Attorney, P.O.Bex 4U. WASHINGTON, D.C. ^.^PESSIONS F80CDBXD FOR 80LDICRS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. ..^ho,for Soldiers and Sailors disabled in the line of enty ln toe rteolar Army or Nary elnee the war. ftoTrtroni of fce Indian wars of 1833 to 1842, ana their wldovB, mow entitled. Old and rejected claims S Tfipsmda entitled to nigtaer rates. Sjmmc«SSfi?^a,,wttr*1MW- K<"™ JL. AoigAen B mm AND OTADM.; McHENRY, ILLINOIS. JK THIS !i rt'iiiiii CDS LDI MMi !We offer Bargains in this line that wiil interest yoi§. Ringwood, 111. our uew Folding Qfftchhtfer fMJH now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. / Oar patrons, and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It ia simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot nofice it. The ms, hine was put in by the Bascom Folder f?o., of Sidney, 0,» who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for. five $ ears. If you need such a machine please ; write the above company lor prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union. Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, N, Y ; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Co.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret & Stillwell, St. Paul; Qeoctfcin& Son, Toronto. Canada. M* til 8 HOTSL WOOP&TOCK, Ti.- 'j- •; im. JUIjIA A. ST. DIALER IN; OV"E DfX»RWFPTOF B1VKK8I»K UOUSS. Melinrj.m, t Medicines A FULL 'iS O^e M, Paints, Oils Motors Coustantly on bard. Also a large line of } Patent iiedicines. Toilet Articles* : • • v . •? AMD • OOKPLKTB STOCK Of ^ ^STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1Pliy«ioian« Pre«cription» Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered PharmE- Your patronage is respectfully solicited. rjnDJLJUL STOBYJ DR. D. O. FRUTH, Late Surgeon tn the Provident Medical Di'prn- aary of ffew York now Prertdent of the i JPritth Mtebcal Institute, chartered His long experience in tbe largest hospitals in the world enables hlm to treat all Chbomtcj Nervous, skim and Blood diseases upon th» latest scientific principles. :$v:' DE FRIiTH has no superior In diagnosing and treating diseases and deformities. Hor wlll give i50 for any caBe he cannot tell th^ aj disease and where located In five minatev. Medical and surgical diseases, acu e and - chronic Catarrab, diseases of the Bye, Ear4:;'<i Nose, Throat, arhd I'^ungs, Dyspepsia, Bright'*; "4 Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver. Bladder#; 3 Obronic Female and Sexual Diseases t peedi!y* 7 cured by treatment that has never <ailed inTV' • thousands of cases that bad been pronounced"" beyond hop®. Many people meet deatb every. - . year who might have been restored to perfecs"' health had they placed their cases in th® "t« bands of experts. , DB, FRUTH has attained tlic most wonder*,/ .^ ful ©w^cgss in tbe tt ot cases wbici^i-' he devotes special attenti /n, and after ye»r4 . of exnerience, taa perfected the most inf&lliJ^.'M ble nipthod of curing Organic Weakness, Ner- Tons Debility, Premature Declineof the Man^t 'a- ij Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair* * •d Memory. Mental Anxiety, Absence of wilt- Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney^ effsetions if consulted before Idiocy, Insanity' -* « Falling Fits or Total Impntency result froaf ' ; YOUTHFU L ERRORS, the awfu 1 effect whictt blight the most radiant hopes, u oil ting patl. enttor busines-t, study, society or marriags, annually cweeplrg • to an untimely grave ib thousands of young men <-f exilf d talent and brilliant lutellect. PILES OUKBO wllli«.;V.v-^ out pain, knifecutery, El'll-BPSYiwwUive^sjH ly cured bj our new aud never failing hospi« ' tial treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of'. ;'- the urine, chemical and microscopical, in al^'^-j of K!do€y Byigbt's nigAta^ ^ Diabetes and dpermatorrh®. "Bring cpeci. mens, WONDERFUL CURES perfected in al |- cases that have been neglected or uneklll?;, vj fully treated. No experiments or failures. - s. We undertake no incurable cases, but cur#- thousands given up to die Bemember thf date and come early as his rooms are always - crowded i - Cases and oonrespondence csnfldential, an4 treatment sent by express with full direct. J ions for use, bat personal consultation pre.-• • ferred. _ DR. D. O. FKUTH. . S539 laka Avenusi'Chltiage. lit from hie throat. ®"K>m ptesent indications the along the Connecticut shore this year mm/be one of the largest in many years. Fins Kentucky Lipori French Bitten. ' • licHenry_ Lager Beer, J. Schlitz HilfAalee Battle Brier, In any quantity from a fcmitz Glass to ICO barrels. AT W ROLESALB o» RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. W e buy none but.the best ana sell at- Reasonable Prices. all sad see mo and 1 will nsv yon veil. , AHTOST f . v ' - : ; r Msk 111: Mm WW^WtfVWWrtWWWWWWW/WWWlWIi \P HEADS!. JUSTEN BROS., 4 " Ail Competitors Acknowledge it aa the Standard. What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dr. y, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has it a? !? Does it fall out when combed < >r S itffiitl of dandruff? Does your scalp itcli, ? f a< heated condition ? if these are some of 5" >b ewar«ei41a time or^ou will become bal d. j •t makes i\ore Brea^. It makes \otter Bread. It makesVhiter Bread Than another Flour. ineed. Ita prodofltlon is not an accident, but the reraltofadeDftlflo • Knowledge of Mm diseases of the hair and acalp, led to the dlM;ov- tr re< bow to treat tnecn. "Skoolcum "contains neither minerals nor oils. It ~ MtaDTeTtnitadellglitfnny eooling and refreshing Tonic. By stimuiai in 4t 4tO0* faUtng hair, cwrte dandruff and groui• hair on bat hair. SKOOKUFT I Pilltjbury's Best. - A rhoi« e Fancj gia l»H mentiol .tcaanot simlyfoit send direct tons, and we will forward of price. Grower,£U)0per bottle; fi for 9&40. Soap.eoc. Fifth ROOT H A1K ifMUf Mew Terk ve your l For Sale by Merchants The liilei all the Leading in Uyn, and at Mills. lowest ni irfcet price. Washburn's best $1.10 Htfiit at SI .05 Trjp a sack of any of the hero, ai i<i it'you do not obtaia the best money wiil fee cheerfully refunded. healthy, and free torn irritating efuntinfi« i>» ouuv it destrpye parssiiio imects,~whi6k ji*i on OROWER at th*9 jri l l do tbe res^. M.idcWngs for Sale. :h two stores, one on the VTest side and one^ oh tM East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public Larger Stools oi all kinds of BTjiaTVITXJRE Than «?er before, wbloh we are oflerlog at greatly REDUCED PRICES. HOW,IB THE TIME TO BUY. l&»We also keep Id atock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and wa can give yoh anj thing from the cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at lower prices tban b«ua» io the county. '/i', 4 < - * Jh k' , 1 *n We lia«e taken great paios Id selecting our U N D E R T A K I N G S U P P L I E S Coffins. Caskets and Trimmings ot the latest designs. Everything new aod elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do net fall to call and set as when la want of anything In our line. • SPLENDID &EW HEARSE, Ia connection, which will te furnished aft Reasonable Rates. JT7STBSN McHENRY H. Miller & Son, : -DKALEBS IK- • MARBLE I GRANITE, % imentSt Headstone# Tablets, Etc. ~ Cemetery JV^ork of every de* scription neatly executed at the Lowest Prices. SaUtfeetloa Goua&tMd. Shops at McHenry and Johns# burgh, III, where at all timee can te Hound a good assortment of finished work. Henry Miller FT Hon. ATENTS i tor pnoTcciion, kct ror. crr:.u:;ST. trite DUGOiS & DUBOIS, Patent /Momej84 ~Ttr?~"'•f*•"'"I*" ' rfjkJ ' ' ; i Viini'si'.'i': WASHINGTON, O -sm»a w '*. * *

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