Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1893, p. 1

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I T ' ' 1 1 i n 1 " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty tnd Lawi He Favors Win us and no fear Shall Awe." •• •• • ' •••"• ; •-'•• •• • • 'vVi': • •*;v--- -- _ --- i-- ---- • • '• VOL. 19. M'HENRY* ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1893. • •' NO. l i jP® Vvbu ud Bmr WamnHDAT bt ,1-A. -;0 ' 'HUPP »:r- ktvittor *wr» i» the N!Uh»1s Block, Two Dow* North of Party A Oirei'i Stors TKBics'or bubsoriftio*. (I t&t* (In advaaae) .J #1 Hot Pui within Th mi WM-. aarae proportion. Nov rui witain tbiw *on»n»... .... » w : Sabaerlptloas nwtrM for three or six jaontbs in the Kates of Advertising, v,; tfe anuaanoe liberal rates for ml*«rllaing the Plaikksamm. and endeavor to state stk ono yaar Inches one year gmehea one year - polninn one year Dolnma one year, tan one year .* -f,, Slhem so plainly thatlhey will b®»a leratood. They are *s flollowai • . .'V BOO IfnohMone Tear . - 1®®® *0 00 ,«000 H* * .* ]M»00 M Ineh dmum the miaaiureitent of one i«fe down the oolnmn, tingle oolnmn width. Teatly advertisers, at the above rates, have M privilege of ohanging a* often as they AtOMe, witnont extra oharge. lar advertlMrf (meaning thoae having '.;'«*ta&alng cards) will be entitled to insertion eflocal notioes at the rate of B centls per line Meh week. All others will be oharged 10 •:Mw* V0t line the first Veek, and 6 eenta per (lie for eaoh aabaeq aent week. v 'Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 oenta pe line, (nonpareil Srpo, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and eeats per line for snbseqnent Issues. Thus, an Ineh advertisement wlllooet $1.00 for one week, $LS0 for two weeks, 91.00 for three .•greeks, and so on. • s The Plaiitdxalbk will he liberal In giving editorial notioes, bat, ae a business rale, it K'?.. i _.ll teqalre a suitable fee from everybody Saektng the ase of its eslsrnu for paenniarj •gain'. BUSINESS CARDS. ; ; f . <0 F. C« CX)L*BY5 D, D. 8. turtl^T. Woodstock. 111. Speelal atten- " tion paid to regulating children's teeth <r*rtfM coming from a distance won Id do wei fi^le give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal •felhlook, corner Main etredt and Publicdqaare O. J. HOWARD, If. I>. * ITHIOIAH AND SUBGION. 0«ee at the eraidenee ofr K. A, Howard, West lo Henry, III. a H. rBGBBS, K, D- >HT8I01AS AND SUBOBOK, 111*, offloe at Residence. Sfc'irM i- iMd : • s^- v,:. DS. A. B.*AUBIKGKB, " ̂ '* t>HTSIOlAN ASDSUBttKOK. OMoeih Dr •\'wT Ohltds building. West MoHenry, 111. Baatdenoe, houaa formerly efccupied by Dr. #ehokne. All aroAsalonal ealla promptly at- tended to. ]§::' '; jK. Y. SHBPABD, • V #!» L» SHWABD SHEpARD A SHEPARD, : 'TTOBNKYb AT LAW. Suite Bit, Worth- l era Offloe Building, U LaSalle Street Chicago, III. «Hr C* KNIGHT & BROWN, 5§a TTOBNCT8 AT LAW, U. 8. Express Oe.*e *1pk. yffl«»rtipg^W^d^Waahingto>| St. » li.m' •>j i • , :-i i " V. 9. LUMMBY. : If A TTOtfNEY AT LAW, ahd Solicitor In °"nC"^b0D8TOOK, ILL. '.'VOtMte Parjt House, first floor, J03LYN * OASBY, - ( ATTOBNBY8 At LAW. WooAstoek I1L All business will reoeive prompt atten­tion U P. BABNB8, « a TTOBNBI, Solicitor, and| Otwelw, A OoSleotionaia specialty. WOODSTOCK, UU.IXPM. JOHN P. SMITH,. W«tohmaher t A Jeweler MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. AriK® etoek of Oloeks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing, fine watehes. Give me *" °RlL JOHN P. 8MITJB. HorieviMvi, Look Here. I have a fine atock of H >*aes, among which are •' Tonng Green Mountain Morara," "Mor­ rill Obanee." and others. Oall and see these Homes before .making arrangements else- If. S. COLBY. MoHenry, 111.. May 10, UM. DiiteA States ffar Claii Atency WM- H- COWLIN, Woodstodk • • Illinois.. . Proseoutesall elassasand kinds of olalms against the United States for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Belativea or Heirs. A specialty ta made In proseonung old and releoted olalms. Ait ooaamnDications promptly answered If Voetage Stamps are eneloaed Cor reply* WM, a. <fOWLA^t OHee at Beatdenee, Madison St^ Woodstoea, iiiMtt. . ¥RE^-^:3.r.y.: Land in Califoraia Free, fiP"That can grow, if iirigatecl, Oranges, drapes, or any ftuifc in California that will grow by ir­ rigation, This land has no mar- fcet value wiUiout irrigation. Wa wltl Plmt tiieTrMi PrM. Tate eaore aad cultivate them for^S years for half the profit,- pay the taxes, labor r and othc ̂̂ bargee, will pay yon back the first year after Irrigation one-third ot your investment if yon will help get irri­ gation. . Price #25 for 5 years, payable $5 per . montatill $25 is paid.. FREE DEED to $helaa4 no charges to yon for taxes or tabor or trees. Address California Land and Water P*oliange. ftp|laia a^tbmsftQUt O. F. PILCHCR * 3>ental - Snrgeoii, * Qfflr*%rith Dr. Auringer, WeM MeBenry, 1U. Crown, Plate and Bridge Work artistically executed at reasonable prices. Special atten tien given to the care of Children's Teeth. OOMSDLTATIOK PBBB, A. HI. CHURCH, Watohmaker and «T©trelor T^O.On t Hua4redTwenty-Five State St Ohi- Iv ca*w. 111. Speotal attention given to re- pairlngr tee watohea and Chronometers. WAVull Aaaortment of Good a in hie line S 4 P. ST. CLAIR, Juttice of the Peace, Insurance and . Coilecting Agency. - • MffH» am BAILBOAD ST., VSAB '̂Ow-' i f f# -v . H. C. MEAD, ,'; Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent Including -Accident . and Life Insurance. Onrios with B. Gilbsbt, kcak duot, Wilt McHbhbt. Iu. C. F. BOLBY, - , McHKNBY, ILL. % ?'%ihoaj/8 on Band with »* f ^ Best Beer, •5.^' MtsHenry Howsei , Me HENRY. ILL. JO& BS1UBH. Proprietor, frltnated on* the banVs offox Blver,In the Vlll ige of Mcllenry, special at tontion will be Kiven to the entertainment «>f Hontera, Fishermen and Pleasure Seekers gar.e tally. Iportimim Supplied wftti Oent plate Outfit* NEAR THE DEPOT. WEST MoHENRY, ILL Keeps open for the aooommodatum of the Public a Flrat-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all timea keep .the best hranda of Winea, Llquora and thi ep.the 1 , Olgara to be found in the market. PABST'S lfUwankM Lagn Baar. At Wholaaalo and Ratall. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al iraya on hand, oheaper than any other, quail. ty conaldered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. OOOD 8TABL1NQ FOR HX>R8m see us. Robert 8dhlesslea West UeSenri, 111. CfeMta^Tiidiiiitrks, Ocslp Pateiste, Sopjrighl^ Alia all Patent buainesa conducted for MODERATE FEES. ybftxmeUon and advloe given to lavantonwtthost dl^|44nii r r PRESS CLAIMS CO., I N JOHN WEDOEfieURN, . Swaging Attorney, P.<XBoxlt|i WASHiiSGTOK, D.6, iS^TMa Company la managed by a combination of the largest and moat Influential newspapers la the Called Stataa, for the expreaa purpose of pretee** tec their nfecerlberi against unscrapnloga and Incompetent Patent Acenti, and each paper printing thla advertUemmt vouches tor tho reaponaU Mlltyand high standing of the PreaaClalma Company. ao»aaa«M*>»aaakaaa< RIPANS ABULES REGULATE THE SFOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE. BLOOD. KIP AD'S TABU1.ES are the beat MeSI. elite kaawa for IidltntiM, BlU.aniseas,, Heodaehe, CmtlnUn, Djrspepda, Chronilc Uver trMklMi Dbslaew, Bad Complexion, Byeeatery, OSSeadve Breath, ul ail dl*> order* of the StMBaeh, Liver and Bewek. Rlpaaa TUmlee contain nothlngr lnJurloxiE to the moat delicate constitution. Are pleasant to take, safe, effectual, and give Immediate relief. Prico--Box (S vials). 7fi cents; Packaae (ibozeal p. May be ordered through nearest dnnWt or by inafl. Sample free by mall. Addren TH2 RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. | Caveats, and Trade-Marka obtained, and all Fat> , ent business conducted for modchatc Fees. 1 !Oum Orncc in Owoarrc u. S. Patent omet, land we can secure patent in less time than those', 'remotefrom Washington. . 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- Ition. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 1 A PaaiPHLCT, "How to Obtain Patents,'* with !coat of aame in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Addrecs, C.A.SNOW&COJ > OPP. PATENT OFFICE, Washinqton, D. C. I FLY NETS Of the beat makes for large or email hprses, in leather and cord, for buggy or work team. Colored and white body and flaok Bete of all kinds. Dusters, sweat pads, whips, etc. Stock large and prices very , low at Simon Stoffel's. CHARLES a BEHNER, Boat and Shoe Maker, Over Hrman Bros. Jewelry Store, op» posite Bishop's Mitt, McHenry% Boota and Shors mannf«^tnred Of Ul8 boat material and a At guaranteaid.,; ' HEP A ¥&&&*¥'•• ' »•' ProScptlT attended to. fine Boota tfciSwsa a apeclaity. Oall sad ee« mo. OHA«Lrs e. BKitSER MoHenrjr, 111., Aug, U. IMS. PIONEER] HEROES I awo I D ARING ™E'rtl 0EEDS1 Tha thrilling oxnlolta of Aaarleaa border herooaand heroinea. with Indiana, outlaw* «nd wild beaeta. from the earlieat timea to now. Lives and fanona droda ot DeOoto, Standlab, Boons, Kenton. Brady, Crockett, Oaraon, Ouateri Oonatoek. Wild BUI, Buflhio Bill, Gena. Crook and Mtlea, Gerontwo, Sit- tin# Bull, and other great Indian Chiefs, etc History of the War with tha Ghoat-Daneera. and all. 250 Knfraviapa. Tonaf boya aot answered. •̂SeraS'."} Agenta Wanted fnada PLANKT PUBLISH!If3 CO. Box 6001, St. Lonia, Mo. Think Deeply Wbso yon are purebate of of Jewelry, no matter bow srpall may be |.Us aaioaai y Act Wisel/ " ^ *'"• fey eomlnjgiio 'loot over" fc#T£irg» r sod well aasorted stock of all y time Is new and seasposb^e. Decide Quickly . To buy of us. After sselttf^ Km prices and examining the quality of our good* veu can't resist them., li Ss 1mpoafllJjl||i |Q 4p - better elspwhere, No Better Values • " Can be found. We g»t none but tbe choicest oj the best goods on the market. *f; . * Prices WonderfliKy Lsw^ . We are always ready to see you . and show you oar astonUhlng barealos. Repairing of all kind* *Pl*oniptly Attended to. Do not mm seeing tbe WorldHr liir (Nothing at J. J. Milkr>. I«li the finest lic« in West McHenry. *- * TIM* TO BUT _ Sewing MacMne! Only $5 a month until paid. HEAMAN BROS. King of MoHenry and Laks Qounties. Hs« tbe fastest record of soy stallion In Northern Illinois, JBas won more races than any Stsllloa la UcHenry or Lake Co. And can go a X, Jtf, X, a mUe or a r*ee3 in B faster than any other atallian in tbe two rountiea> He h^a won SB races in S seaaona. Started against an>l ataid in race with Storm,. 2:08Jt; Almont Bashaw, 2:1 M; won two raoea from Ethel B. started 12 Umea la MW, won 11 races Below yon will find a few that are recorded in year b ok Aa an Individual no horae can outsbow him. . Aa iae acd aa game a head a© ever wore a Virile. Kind in and out of harness; ia no jumping jack when speeding, in fiact never makeeany miatakea. He ia a natural pacer, and a race horae that no man can find fault with; good bone, and the heat tnnaoled horse I ever aaw. Color bUek; atanda 1SX handa high; weighs 1075 lus. He waa never hitched to a byke, and always had aariver that weighed 310 lbs. Midnight paced an exhibition mile at Mason city, Iowa laat fall. In 3;U; last half la !;St; last quarter in 31 second a. I will Match him against any pacing; or trotting atalllon, man or gaMiag la MeBenry County. I also have in mr barn a two-year old pacing <11 It aired by Midnight, ont of a common mare, that i will show against any two-year old for ' I t*e public got him borne 1 bdokod'98 tnarea, I think "Midnight's service fees leas than any h^rae iu the State with a record of 2;17X, or any better than 3;)0 FEE. - - $20. Look for speed where speed has been foun t. Midnight will start tb a rail to lower hia rec­ ord, and loose who have aeon him In his races say that he will take a mark better than 2; 12. Bbrsimrg of Midn«oht, 3:17%. -- Blaek horse, 16% band a high i foaled 1886; bred by B. H. Pooler, Hernia, 111. Sired by trigger lloy, he by Plymouth Rock,3:34, ho by Bllra Black Hawk, lat dam Starlight, eonld nacs lnS;S7, bv McKay horse, dam of Midnight l;17X;ld nam pacer, by Pharaoh, paccr; sire Hiohbali 8;1>X, <Mdam by Btban Allen. Midnight will make tha season'of tMst tho stables of the undersigned, at Jfunda. H. B. THitOOPi Knada, I1L, April. MML Aa a proof that points ot speed. like bitn, tnirty days lrom the day 11 r. j, babbtav. J. J. BABBtUt BARBIAN BROS. Wholawle sad Batail '• . DBALBBS IK FINE CIGARS, MeHBJtf&Y ILLINOIS, Being now pleasantly located in onr n«w store, formerly occupied by Althoif Bros., we are now prepared to offer to the amoklng pub lie a line lino of Cigars of oar own mauul&c tare, together'with Smoking and tihawlag Tobaoco of tho best branda, i Pipes a Specialty. Wa.have a very large asaortmeat wfl «M|t very taBdsomo patterns. • r •^ OALL AND 8KB U8. % sAaktAitslibt MoHeiirr. HL». Jaae SW. un. WITHOUT PAIN< Teeth Extracted VP V w '•r Jna JDk JEhf WHBH rLATXS ABB OBDEKKDB, BT DR. F.O. COLBY, Woodstock, .-Il\- - ^ •• > 1 WILL BE AT RIVERSIDE HOTEL* McHenry, AMD At tho Morton House/ . t Algonquin* Al4ites to be named ! . • i^irotjms Bbsfbotfollt, F. C.COLBY, D- O. I, J0HH HAUPRISH'S ' MoHonryf III. . Having jiist put in a new Jtronlnjn: and Poliahing Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES I am now prepsred to do all Work In rbe Laundry Use on short cotloe. Ind raarantee satlslsctloo. IA* All work lefl with me will be promptly the tew maeblnerv put In ensbles me to do my work muob (astsr and better tbao beretoforo. All Laundry will be called for a^d delivered wben done, If word is sent me. JOHN NAUPRISH Now Twlt'i New Diana. The new Diana for the tower of the Madison Square Garden will be of alu­ minium. Copper was tjae material of-tbe original chaste goddess, who pointed with her bow to the wind's eye from that lofty pinnacle awhile ago. The white *»eta! is far better for the purpose on account of its comparatively small weight for the bulk. It ia only about as heavy as chalk. This wholesale price of it has been brought down by improved processes to f 1.25 g pound. Perchance aluminium will, at some time in the fu* ture, be tho material universally em­ ployed for making statues. Inasmuch as there is plenty of it to be had, every clay bank being a mine of it, it may reasonably be expected that pro­ cesses will eventually be discovered for separating it in unlimited quantities at a comparatively cheap rate from the ma­ terials with which it is found combined in nature. One important advantage that it has for Bt&tuary'and monumental purposes is the fact that it does not cor­ rode and is as nntarnishable as gold. The aluminium Diana is being put to­ gether by a New York firm. She will be 13 feet high, whereas her predecessor wap 18 feet in height. The sculptor, St. Gaudens, and other Experts were of the opinion that the original goddess was too big. So they took it down and or­ dered a new one, while tbe big copper huntress was shipped to the World's fair at Chicago.--Exchange. - • - Dakota's Great WhaatlleMa. : A* large party of foreign agricultural commissioners to the World's fair, un­ der the escort of Governor Shortridge of North Dakota, saw some harvesting operations in that great wheat country a few days ago which must have opened their eyes, accustomed as they-are to the small acreages of Europe. Driving through a vast wheatfield bounded only by the horizon, they beheld as many as 43 twine binders moving in a steady pro­ cession half a mile long and cutting great swaths of grain. They were told by the jowner of this farm that in harvesting time he cut a square mile of grain in aday'and em­ ployed 80 men to shock it up. At noon the visitors sat down to a prairie ctifbken dinner on a mammoth scale, which ex­ cited their surprise almost as much M the prairie acres on which they gazed. Afterward they visited the famous Dalrymple farm, covering 54,000 acres of ground, and saw numerous thrashing machines making their inroads into the stacks of wheat which it required 180 twine binders from two to three weeks to cut.---New Y ork Post. X< ̂ FRED. M- RYDER, Bovii. siea AND • Carriage Painter, McHENRT. ILL. ^ loosed the shop of 9. Hanprlsta, In tha Tillage of MeBenry, 1 am now preared to do all klnde of Painting on abort notice and guaraatoe aatiaiaetion. Carriage Painting a Specialty. V All work done promptly tad prices reaaoaable. OlvemeacalU FBKD. M. BTDEB. lfoBtnry. Ang. L ISM. G. L. HUBBARD, Hnf|iem - Maker A WD DEAL** m HAJtMESS, SADDLERY. Iljggdtes,. Blankets, Whips/ CUTTERS, 4co* ALL GOODS AT COST! '5 Stock must be closed out ia' ten days from date. Single and light double har­ ness at 30 per cent off. Heavy double harne'ss 25 per cent off Several 'sets of second-hand double and single harness at al­ most nothing. All poods must go A chance of a lite-time. C.L. HUBBARD. Mmdn,Ilkt 1803. A Jnit bat Lenient An unusual incident occurred in the city court at Savannah a few days ago. Judge McDonnell was tardy in putting in an appearance, for which he fined himself $10 and then promptly re­ mitted the fine. His honor went to see his physician to have his arm, which he recently injured, dressed, and the doctor kept him a little longer than he had counted on. When he entered the courtroom, the hands on the clock above the judge's desk pointed to just 10 min­ utes past 10. Judge McDonnell took note of the fact and said: "In accordance with the rules of this court every officer who comes in late is subject to a tine. The clerk will therefore, enter a fine of $10 against the court for tardiness, to be paid into the registry of the court. Owing to the fact, however, that this is the first time this thing has happened, and also that the court had to be detained in order to have its arm dressed, the clerk will re­ mit the fine."--Baltimore Sun. lagllah Taught la Frenoh Snfcoala. The French minister of public instruc­ tion has issued a circular which will have the effect of greatly stimulating the study of the English language in France. In all the higher schools and training col­ leges the compulsory studies hitherto have included two modern languages, one of which must be German, This or-, der is now annulled. Two modem language will be the rule as before, and one will remain at the op­ tion of the pnpil, but as to the other he can choose between German and Eng­ lish. Moreover, the time given t6 the study of German is reduced by two hours, while that devoted to English is increased by the same length of time, and pupils will begin their English les­ sons one year earlier than hitherto.-- London News. A PhoaphorosooBt Tree. A large willow tree on the'bank.of Tan run in Frankford fell over recently and developed into a natural curiosity. The inside of the tree, which has been dead for several years, was found to be a mass of phosphorescent light known as fox fire. As darkness came on and the curious phenomenon was discovered, hundreds of people gathered, and as many as could get around the old trunk went to work with hatchets and knives to secure specimens. Soon the ground around was strewn with small chips,* which glittered like so many little stars. --Philadelphia Record. A Live Toad In a Hailstone. A hailstorm visited Pawtucket about 10 o'clock Saturday evening, such as has not visited this vicinity for years, if within the memory of man. One woman picked up a large hailstone and allowed it to melt in her hand. She thought something was inside the little piece of frozen rain, but was surprised to find when all had melted a little live toad or frog in her hand. There is a quite gen­ eral belief that a great many pebbles came down with the hail.--Providence JournaL . John and Margaret Bellamy of Fotrk Wayne were united in marriage six years ago by Squire France. Differ­ ences-arose and a divorce followed. Re­ cently jthey were again married by the same squire. Pike of people bare piles, bttt DeWitipg Witch Hazel Salre will curs tbsm. Julia A. Story. '.The Daaao 4a Tentro. For my part I faQ to see where the laresent style of kicking, or the displays of the leg dramas, or the very decollete bodices and abbreviated skirts of the ballet dancer have any advantages over the sinuous movements of Egypt. Ori­ entals, Japan for example, dance with their hands. Western peoples dance with their legs. Look at the rigid bodies of Pat and the American clog dancer. France and Italy have brought all the body into action, whereby grace is sometimes attained. Th© midorient confines dancing to abdominal gyration, marvelous as gym* nasties and absolutely impossible to women who have ever worn corsets. Such development and control of ab­ dominal muscles as are exhibited by the dancing girls in Chicago-Cairo would, if possessed by AtbhIcuu women, be the salvation of the race. Invalidism would be impossible, and children would be born healthy. Other than as gymnas­ tics the danse du ventre has no interest whatever. It has neither grace nor beauty, the dancer* are not attractive, and their persisting in wearing French heels denotes incapacity on their part to appreciate the eternal fitness of thing*. Vulgar men and women who have set tip a howl against this performance wopld do well to look around the American ballroom and dinner table and dispover like food for prurient fancy. I am quite side of Comstockian morality.--Kate Field. Crops Saved by Vroat Torehea. As fine a display of fireworks as could be desired might have been witnessed after midnight the other morning in the mountainous farm lands covering the northern portion of Saratoga county, N. Y, Frost comes early thereabouts, and three years out of five damages or de­ stroys the corn and buckwheat. A Swedish farmer on Hadley hill sug­ gested the use of "frost torches" in time of danger, and explained that Scandi­ navian agriculturists made them of petro­ leum soaked peat. Peat is not handy in the locality of Hadley hill, but pice is plentiful, so in odd times during the summer a number of farmers cut stakes 2 inches in diameter and 6 feet long and provided themselves with kerosene. At 8 o'clock the other evening the thermometer fell to 88 degrees, ami the experimenters put their stakes to soak. At midnight they set them up, 60 to the acre, in the buckwheat fields, and by 1 a. m. had them blazing and smoking. Every man who tried the plan saved hiq crop. On other farms, where nothing was done, the probable yield is reduced at least two-thirds. The "frost torches" cost in all a half oent each.--New York Sun. Swiss Walters Drop the Dress Coat; The dress coat of the kellner is short­ ly to disappear from the leading Swiss hotels, so that it will no longer be possi­ ble to confound the waiters with the guests. At a recent meeting of the Union of Hotel Keepers the question was sol­ emnly debated whether it was not prac­ ticable to clothe the waiter in a more rational dress than the hitherto obliga­ tory swallowtail. The precedent for such a revolution has already been set in Germany. A few months ago tha "Deutsche Gastwirths Verband" offered a prize for the best example of a conven­ ient dress for the waiter. The design accepted was a tailless jacket (Joppe) oi dark blue cloth, after the fashion of the stewards' uniform on board ships. This has met with a wide approval in tha profession, and it is already adopted by the kellner in many of the large German towns. The degrees of aristocracy among the waiters are marked on the collar. The ober kellner, or head waiter, wears three stars on his collar, Frans or Jean two ftars and the Piccolo one star. Bern Bund. ANtvdldiMt, A novel snit is to be «at«red inth* courts, at its next sitting, in which * party claims the right to haws £3 mortem examination of a while the other opposes it ~ first to proceed with seems that a few yean ago a rington, a well to do mttlomsii <jf county, married a second wifiŝ he presented the jewels, cdhliklii valuable diamonds belonging first Mrs, Warrington, and wMStt ifttfl; had received as part of h« •< portion from her father, a wea__^ chant in jewelry in San FranciBQOk. a,, Warrington dying shortly after second venture into matrimoDy, Ifau'*' Warrington kept the <**»»»«»*« in |M$. ance of the family of "her - who claimed them as the dtvwinWl utila* an s heirs. Suit was brought S(S$Bflfei her, but she declared that her bad sold them shortly after they wen manned and that she had no property to to make good the loss even til she were liable for the act of Mr. Warrington. * C This story was not believed lay the,, first Mrs. Warrington's family, iffce" ; maintained that the woman still had % them in her possession, and soon aftssr her death, which took place sosnewssfai ago. the nurse who attended her ia lier lssfc illness testified that the day she had died she had her bring her a box filled with unset gpms, which she deliberately swallowed one by one, passing away ;> a few moments after she had got tha last one down. The family now wish to disinter her body and to open it for tha * recovery of the diamonds, but her; Own people, not crediting the nurse's story. re­ fuse to allow what they consider a dese- emiion of the dead.--Lincoln (Neh^ îe ̂ JL Famous Theatrical Manager. No better hearted man ever lived than Uncle Dick Hooley, Richard M., of Chi' cago. More than 80 years ago he owned and managed Hooley's Opera House in Brooklyn, -,vhero minstrel pcrfoimaaces, vaudeville, burlesque and variety enter­ tainments were given. He made a great deal of money and went to Chicago, where he owned and managed a first class theater in first class style. I doubt if he ever did a mean or an indefensible act. In his home life he was charming, in business his word was as good as his bond, and in every circle he was wel­ comed because of his genial manner and his hearty participation in all the ongo­ ings of the occasion.--Joe Howard in New York Recorder. v Income Prom German Railway Itatiaei. It is the custom in Germany not to al­ low persons on the platforms of railroad stations save the actual travelers except on payment of a small fee, which fee in large cities constitutes quite an income. Thus during the eight months frqpt Jan­ uary to August, 1892, the Friedrick Strasse station in Berlin took 24,576 marks, the Alexander Platz station IS.- 779 marks, the Silesian station 12*204 marks and the Potsdam statioa &gSl marks.--American Register. , Dueling In Ruaala. A St. Petersburg correspondent says: Dueling in Russia has become so com­ mon that the government has been, com­ pelled to decree a severe code of punish­ ment. Killing an antagonist will cost six years in prison; severe wounding, three years; duel without injury, six months; provoking a duel, six weeka to three months. A metallic pavement is to he tried in Paris. The prefect of the Seine, with the approval of the municipal authorities, has sanctioned the laying down of aa ex­ perimental length. FLOUR! FLOUR! Chick's Beet, $1.10; Half .Patent, $1,06; New Process, 95 centB; Honest Abe, 90 cents, at Simon Stoffel's. DeWitt's Witch H&xjI Salve cur** sons DeWitt's Witch Haiel Sal vecareeufcere. " Julia A. Story. ' * j. ^ ^ ^ic^fis«te*a Carremey Sab--as. Brief mention has been made of Mr. ̂ Feffer's latest bill, but brief mention can hardly do justice to it. Its title is ::A bill to advance learning, the arts and sciences and promote the general welfare by founding a college ot scientific learning in the District of Oo- himbia." The bill consists of 19 flec­ tions. The first provides for a department of education under the control of a secre­ tary of education. The second provides for the construction within throe jMap| in the District of Columbia of «» collage of scientific learning, in which Shall ha taught all the classical and professional studies and arts and sciences necessary to give students a knowledge of the highest courses appertaining to stteh ad* • ucation and learning. Another section appropriates $20,000,- 000 for the cost of constructing th" col­ lege and providing it with the naosmty appliances. The eighth section appro- priates $800,000,000 to be carried to fha credit of the fund, the interest thaceof to be applied monthly. The fourteenth section provides for the purchase of aluminium for coinage, of the enmncgr to the amount of the appropriation. The coins are to be 1, 6,10, SS and 8ft cents, and $1, $5, $10, $80 (and amtt̂ ias • of $20). This currency ia to he (he lags! tender for all debts, public and private.' --Washington Dispatch. Itoageat Track Laying This Tear. The longest stretch of track laying done thus far this year has jnafr heeo completed by the Minneapolis, St. Bnl and Sault Ste. Marie company in the extension of its line from Cathay, N. D., to Sterling, on the international boundary, a distance of 182.4 miles, all ironed since last spring. At the boundary line con­ nection is made with a branch of the Canadian Pacific, now building &o«a » point west of Regina, about ISO miles long, which will be completed In Sep- • tember, thus making the Boo line an im­ portant part of a new route from Sfc. Paul and Minneapolis to tha Pacific coast, and inaugurating a competing .line which may greatly disturb conditions. No work of railway bnfid-J lag in 1893 is likely to be move Car> .: reaching in its effects than that whioh virtually extends the Canadian Bsdfio system to the Mississippi river.--Rail­ way Age. Eeoentrlcitiee of a Great Man's ITaafemila. * Tom Reed visited Wall street yester­ day, and before he got out he waa lib* ' innocent cause of a great deal of pro­ fanity. He wore a gray suit, a sfeatw" hat and & flaring red cravat. In hia hand he carried a big umbrella. Ih&Qfit of the Wilkes building he ran aearasBlik x Edwin Einstein, who came lit a bad aso»' ond to Mr. Gilroy in the last mayoralty contest, and the two men stopped oaths narrow sidewalk to converse. l&,Baed; became very much interested in his dis­ course on the silver repeal and waved. his big umbrella in all directions. Tha brokers dodged and used bod WOtthk-- Exchange. '• N ' \ / PraalBiaarar Bpeelft. A tidy little sum has been jpsutd onthy the government in preminma to the: builders of naval vessels during the pres­ ent year. By exceeding the speed re­ quired the Bancroft netted her contract- cos #15,000; the Detroit, $150,000; the New York, $SOO,OOQ, and the Machias, $45,000, a total of $440,000. This amount is likely to ha increased. The money maybe regarded aa well invested if it does no more than call attention to the high standard Cdi excellence attain­ able by American shipbuilder*--Bos­ ton Transcript. »sc Power. IS than any valid objection ta Aft proposition made by the American con­ sul at the Belgian city of Liege that • mastiffs shall be used in this <Sountry aa beasts of draft and of burden, aa they are used in Belgium? K dog power ia running to waste here as it formerly ran to waste is Belgium, why should it net he by the Americans, aa fa by the ftelgians, to their proftlf Haw York Sun* - Our remnants willnevwr be than now and are tMtkjwf will bring, and bwwh|ite* - ttrioe on them that will MP J. W. Cbibty 4 80S, m *0 '-i .• * .VIMmt

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