Ittskttae til# joint at the itnto the status of attentive de- b&- ;awsionfc> the laws organising the M • pertinents. lias subwitted a partial re- | port. It was implied wider the direc- ? tlon of Messrs, Cleaves and Courts, • Clerks of tho committee on appropria tions of the senate and house, respective- * ly, and is an indeS and reference to all the laws relating to the executive de partments. A {general ^ capitulation ahows that appropriations have been I3j8<le for specific salaries for the year »«ttding June 80,1894, in the several de partments as follows: Executive--1 salary, the pTeatdfcnt, $80,000: 1 •alary, the vice president, $8,000; 21 salaries, 5' "•J4|pcatiV0 office, $35,$>0, I)epartment of State--88 salaries, J118^20. "V ;i pepartment of War--1,789 salaries, $2,030,376. ^ ^ 3*-|>ei>artnientof the Treasury--8,712 salaries, vV-ik-mwa. , Postoffice Department--«55 salaries, $774,400. . Jkrpartmcntof Justice--106 salaries, $167,750. l"»epartinent of the Navy--219 salaries, $369> 'V-flO. . department of the Interior-3,8S7 salaries, 1 * . Department of Agriculture--88# salaries, • |<pi,m ! r liepartment of Labor--75 salaries, $101,090. . {";% ;i Service Commission--® salaries, $36,i00. . v ' . )"ish Commission--167 salAriesv$lEM250. interstate Commerce Commission--« salft- *IK $41,000. - tTader Smithsonian Institution--1Theaalaries «pr compensation of all neoesaarf «t»|ilbyees on account of the Nat tonsil taineiixa, bureau of , ' International exchange,' North Auexican eth nology, National Zoological park *nd the A?. ! twvPhysical observatory are provided for in Unerai appropriations, without specifying *•,' '•. .JKiambers or amounts, ^Government Printing Office--7 salaries, $1V % fv i^'iMjibrary of Congress--30 salaries, $43,800. J ' eateries, $1,593,- <J*and total, $13,3M,19t. w ; .7 * . <1 - A- v a&S affords an excellent opportunity for the pick-pocket to get your watch. If you would be proof against his skill, be sure that the bow (or ring) is a This wonderful bow is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Pf , Filled Watch Cases, ̂ which are made of two plates of^gow' soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as solid gold cases, and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear ao years. Always look for this trade mark. " None genuine without it. m Sold only through watch dealers. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co>i PHILADELPHIA. v f - > " k THEHK IS iff NOTHING SPKOIAI t> THIS .Ajvivorixvojc ̂ lisrvi? W X 1 iW-ii \ '»• - • %'• % ii •'?. ^';jkhXu * * ? 5 ' *1 ,A . ' \ * 'Wat-. I# on In our That #o have rHAde & Sleeping; ftedu ^prices on all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes, ^ Also Groceries, ! >»; ̂ And ask the people of McHenry and vicinity to pall and inspect our stock, which is always complete, and get our prices T f i r --Washington Dispatch. HE FORtsAW His ;rnsw; -V jhwonlUoa Of a Xu Wko Was h Accidentally Killed. If Christopher P. McGtrire, the Pliila- aelphia • boiler setter who was instantly Mlled Friday afteraocm by falling down tiie cellar stairs of the store at 48 East Forty-second street, had only taken heed to the curious premonition which came fe> him before he left home on the previ- Ctos day, his wife and little daughter . Would not now be crying their eyes oat in their cozy home. . McOnirewas the superintendent for Harrison & Wharton of Germantown, and troveled all over the country, look- tg after the setting up of their boilers, e always went on these journeys cheer fully enough, but when he was ordered to go to Boston Thursday he went to his .llome at 3235 Irving street in & singular < C'^itate of depression. He told his wife tOxd. friends tliat he felt certain that he would meet his death on the trip and re«- fused to be laughed out of his convic- Hon. * His wife accompanied him to the Vfferoad street station, and after he had got on the train he jumped off to em- trace her again and begged her to at go with him. She could not leave thesr little daughter, and he went alone. • She caught some of his worry herself and did hot sleep a wink all night and surprised to get a telegram iflMmoon telling of his sudden She came to this city and took body to Philadelphia.--New York SOURBON & PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter-j ated direct from the distillery.] Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the I medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged| and infirm. II you cannot procure It of your druggist or I liquor dealers, upon receipt of $LB0 we wiU express prepaid to any address a full quart1 sample bottle of Old Elk Bye or Bonrbon. STOLL VJUMATTA i CO., l<exlnffton, Ky. McHenry, 111. 1893! • CLOTH E D ~--v- AND IN HIS lilGIir MtlTD. No ra^n can be said to be thoroughly in possession of his senses who does not provide pro ectlon against atmos pheric changes in t' e form of fall and winter clothing. This is the season when you are most lifcely to take cold, and a little care noyr mav prevent a long fit of illncsB. Wonderful h >w cheaply we can fit yon out with a proper suit of c'othes, a nice coat, an elegant Teat, a hamlaouie pairof pants, or a styli3h overcoat Our prices, which are lower than ever before, defy competition. Com* and see as, and let us take your measure, JLWW BUCHHOLZ, McHENRY, ILL. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Tb« Paris Universal v One of the principal erents of the Week has been the issue of a decree, 'Signed by President Oarnot and pub- i limbed in The Journal Official, organiz- %4ag commission for the nrfrersal ex- hibition to be held here in l900. The measures proposed are similar to those *Utaken for the exhibition here four years v'filgo. One of the most intimate friends fit the president, M. Alfred Picard of Address a letter or postal card to THE PRKSS CI.ADIS COHPAirr. JOTN WEUDERBURN, P.O.Box 468. - Managing Attorney, WASHINGTON, 0. C. Vcthe Con&eil d'Etat, is named commis- .-^jSsary general and director in uhief of the ' ".entire enterprise, and he will be aided ; Sln his herculean task by numerous con- . /î ultative committees. It is needless to "fidd that this exhibition, organized for , -^he purpose of inaugurating the com mencement of the twmiiieth century, is I' "to be immeasurably superior to the great ? fair of 1889 and to be on a scale alto- f ^^gcther unprecedented.--PariB Letter. On Rsinier's Top. • Tlie first party to reach tLe top of ' , ,3forot Rainier this year mad© the trip iibout five weeks ago. It has been gen- ,'^rally thought that it would be impossi- * t>le to reach the summit this year be- Vccanse of the immense amount of snow - * ?»; . (that fell last winter. Dr. Joseph Felix, •" |,r°feS3°r of geology in the nniversity at Xeipgic, who climbed RaiflleF three weeks pronounces it far mote interesting j >? than any of the mountains of Europe or * b-r ' ,of Mexico. Mount Rainier has 17 gla- ;tfe ' t -ciers, 3 large volcano craters at its sum mit and several other craters along its sides. 4 Foand a Nugget Worth •983.50. t; One df the handsomest nuggets tit s j gold "ever? brought into Los Angeles was k shown the other day by John S. Reed, a well known California miller, who has lately been, prospecting in the gold dis trict 40 miles northeast of Mojave. The ' nugget weighs exactly 56| ounces and j - is worth |983.50. It is in appearance H like a medium sized cobblestone and 4| baa evidently been twice Si big as it now > is, for there is a mark tdtowing where half of it has been broken off. Mr. Reed unfortunately could not find th$ missing half.--San Francisco Examine*. •K, ' tacking In Taste. '• . rt' Maud--Why aid yon bswak ofl! yonreii- j| 'iMgnimit with Charley? || Ellin--Well, you see he would wear ̂shirts and neckties which didn't become • my oo)B|dexion.--Chicago Record. --i. --.-- _ PENSIONS PBOCDEKD TOR _ SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also,for Soldiers and Sailors disabled In the line of duty in the regular Army or Navy alnee the war. Survivors of tne Indian ware of 1833 to 1843, and their widows, now entitled. Old and rejected claims a specialty. Thousands entitled to higher rates. Send for new laws. No Charge for advlcs. Bo foe Will successful. JALOON AND RESTAURANT. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. THIS WEEK •4;; %Te offer Bargains in this line that will interest you. J. «f. GUST! Ringwood, 111. ^ need a heating or cook Stove? ly. We kavo »lar^e stock of the celebra ACORN & GARLAND ibcI» now is the time to "Sri i&A well aa other makes. Our stoves give universal satisfaction and iare worthy of inspection. The Largest Stock of 8toves in the County. *y •• ^ '<§> „ S v We have on hand Anti-Rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, and everything found in a hardware store. First class new work and Repairs in Tin, Copper and Shtat-Iron< " .. > Your trade is respectfully solicited. ; > . ' V; JACOB BONSLETCIMeiiy. flfhe Bascom Folder, z "J "***f '* ^ "-V5 w - ,5" • The above it a cut of our new Folding Machine* which can now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Our patrons, and those needing such a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f-o>, of Sidney, O., who have been build ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine is fully warranted for five) ears. If you need such a machine please write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms, Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union. Chicago; J. & F.Garret,, Syracuse, N Y.; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder 3*use & Co. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright,*Barret Stillwell, St. Paul; Geoctkin& Son, Toronto. Canada, Fine Kentucky Liquors, French* Bitters, ; McHenxy Lager Seer, -AND- J. Scllitz lilralee Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as the cheapest. W e buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. all and aee me and I fou well. AKTQBrr JSKGLiSJS FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. JUIjIA a. story, ONE PIM>KWK8TOF BIVKKS1UK BOOSE, MoHenjy.Hl, Drugs#Medicines say that his as good bread as his! tr- - iWill give you the great ad^*Smtaf?e Hj||vhich his mother had, and beside^ ' ibread made with this yeast wil -,klielp bring back his toyhood*!^.... , - digestion, ensuring his enjoymeifl, •, " iof the rest of your cooking ajfre. Jgn Get Magic Yeast at your Grocer's. It is always GOOD and always READY. DR. FRUTHI --WILL BE-- '"I".: AT WOODSTCCK, Iklf Friday* Oet» 2 7« Office Hours from 9 a 7« 1803.. . M. to 5 AT HOTEL WOODSTOCK, ,'i7 J DR. D. O. FRUTH, iUftd bate Burgeon mxry of JfYtdh & • FULL LINE OF- Brills, Chemicals. Dje M, Paints, Oils &Color« Consuotly on hand. Alto a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Artietdi, AMll A COMPLBTB STOCK OF ^STATIONERY AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES •he Provident Medical ' York now Prexidenl of th* d'val Institute, chartered -y am Bis long experience in the largest hospitals In the world enables him to treat ail CHBontG NBKVOUS, SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES upon (he latest scientific principles. DR. FBUTH has no superior in dir.gnoBlng and treating diseases and deformities. R.« WiU give tSO fbr any case be cannot tell tho disease and where located In five minute*. Medical and surgical diseases, acu e ana chronic Catarrah, diseases of the Eye, K*r, Nose, Thmat and Lungs, I>yspep»is, Bright'* Disease, Diabetes, Kid .icy, Liver. Bladder, .Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases epeedily '-cored by treatment that has never <ailed In thousands of cases that Ir-ad been pronounced jKiyond hope. Many people meet death every §ear who might have been restored to perfect ealth had they placed their cases in th« ands of experts. DR„ FRUTH has attained the most wonder ful success in the treatment of rases to which he devotes special attenti n, and after years pf exnorience, has perfected the most infalll . jbie method of curing Organic Weakness, Ker- VOUB Debility, Premature Decline of the Man- ly Power, Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair- tod Memory, Mental Anxiety. Absonceof Will 'Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney effections if consulted before Idioey, Insanity Falling Fits or Total Impotency result front YOUTHFUL ERRORS, the awful effect Which blight the most radiant hopes, unfiling pati ent tor business study, society or marriage, rtnminllv sweeping to an untimely grave thousands of young men rf exilt'd talent find brilliant Intellect. PILES CURED with- out pain, knife cutery, EPILEPSY positive, ly cured by our new and never failing hosni- Sal treatment, FREE EXAMINATIONS of the urine, chemical and microscopical, in all cases of Kidney Diseases, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Sperm a tor ill® Bring epeot- icens, . WONDERFUL CURES perfected in all cases that have been neglected or uneklli- fully treated. No experiments or failures. We undertake no Incurable esses, hut core thousands given up to die Remember U>« date and eome early as his rooms are always jcrowrted . Cases and ernrespondeoo^eenfldential, ana treatment sent by expre^« |lrtth full direct ion a for ase, bat perso«yyilia«ltattoa pre- OR3&MUT*. 3ISS Lake Av«nu«i' Physicians Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, STJUJUk. JL. JtTSTEN BROS *9 WA^WD*AVAFT^WTFWVWVTFW^VWVW^WTFWWWVUWG To our Patrone of VcQcory and Lake Counties, i , We„ent^ri9g tbe race kh,s ®<an w,lb a strong determination toiret purl Will use , " An W'oter trade, lf a good M80rte(j Rt0Ck. bought right, f »r cash and 8old on the closest living margin will acoompllah this end. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. In this line we aim to carry none but the best makes, in great gpariety, making the line a specialty. We are enabled to give you ;s a better assortment, at lower prices; to select from, than you may j | oe able to find elsewhere. Our fall stock is now in. When in need of anything in the Boot, Shoe or Rubber liue it will pay you to call on us, BALD HEADS! Clothing and Overcoats. I K " * • l-i; What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does it split at the ends? Has It a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed? to it lull of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ? is it dry or hi a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. ookumRoot Hair Grower meed. Its Xnowledgi SO ilVftt (FLBIUT oawauiu VVMVWM* »V*»«"•• -----™ tout a delightfully cool lug and retregt|58_T^nl.c'. ,U top* failing hair, cure* dandm? ana groum haironbata Km» tte scalp clean, healthy, and fnsfram irritating eruption^ by it Shoolcum. Ski* Soap. It destroys pcuuritio insects, tvhtah feed on send dbeettons, and we will forward VW>jwrbotUeT#»W«. Soap,We. HAIR GROWER CO., «e, New York, N. Y. Its production is not an aoctdent, tmi n-ue sclentlflc s# gdge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to thedlscoy- ic em. "Skookum "contains neither minerals nor oils. W 5fi Ijfimivif th* hair. rfttar is sh With our now fall invoice now bought, we are starting out by showing to the trade a two thousand dollar stock of ready-made Clothing, from o boy's 4-year old knee pant up to a man's 50-inch Overcoat, in all grades and at all prices, from a cheap cotton up to the finest men's woolen suits. Customers living within twenty miles cannot afford to buy here or in other towns without first look ing over our line and ijwttini* our prices. We shall make it your special interest to tiad« with us, Special attention will be given to the Underwear stock during the next two months. Cotton and woolen. In men's women's and children's sizes. ITa'a and Oap«. Trunk* and Trailing Bags, Floor Oil Cloths, Sorter?. Dock Coats. Rockford Overalls. Jack etc aud Shirts, and Glovos. Freih Or xjerles, Flour, Corn Meal and Graham. J. KILLER, » H ^ With two stores, one on the West side and one on the East side,. (McHenry), they present to the buying public A larger Stook f|# atil kinds of OT RNITU RE Than ever before, whtoh we t are oflerlng at greatly REDUCED PRICES. NO# H THE TIME TO BUT. 16k.We also keep in stock a full line of samples of CARPETS* and we can sive yoh aoj thing from the cheapest to tbe finest Brussels at Iwmi jMfupj* fh»n any other bouse In the county. ' W« haw« taken great patns In Mleotlng o«r U N D E R T A K I N G - : - S . U P P L I E8 CoflSns. Cnskets and Trimmings ot tbe latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see us when la want of anything in our line. A SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, * In ••SI .which, will be furnished at Reasonable Rates. MoHenry, III., I89& H. Miller & Son, • DEAL BBS IN-- MARBLE & GRANITE, Monuments, Headstone* Tabets, Eto. Cemetery Work *of every de scription neatly, executed at the Lowest Prioea^;-*^^^^^^,/1'-' ^ Satii&ctisn " Shop9 at McHenry and Ji>hna-' burgh, III, where at all timea can te found a good assortment of finished work. -,..V t Henry Mill## M cast t-aai fr-. - 8 LN I b m wotiXTica. m ron lilt# ,fiUB0*S & Dl;B0lo, hrnt m Inventive Age B«1!dtr.fe, , ;; WA&H^GTON, D. C. : ' -,J i 'i *- ' M S •' f: ^ .