Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Nov 1893, p. 1

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£ > •VrV-V*U 'W^aAV >,", ' ' '* ' *: C • •,*-•& ,,s. P, ^ £ 4 *s& &» " i * f " 'f>:;r-^ «r f, .•.^y:/j-> -vm* . ^...^nqnttgwiug Wedgtd but to Truth, to Libert? w| No Favors Wlit us tnd no Pesr l1i«irAw«,H M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1893. CARDS. «BiVTS, Come Measured* Suit, Pants or ve*t 6M3H*i LIVES PROBABLY LOST IN A DETROIT FIRE. ANOTHER BUTCHERY Soot ami felioe Bf«tl£ei% |pB^0Ofc*T» D. D.» III. Spe«!a>i utn. $|o*ji§^*«*Mtuig eJUId reu'ar teeth tfrom » liataaoe WO*idd© wel Mtiee by mall. OiBojt Jtesdal , wra*r Mam «reetand PublTeSauare ww* Over Jffeman Bros Jewelry Worm op* poeite Bishop'» mi, Mcffemy Bodtsasd -8lio«» oi«Bi(IMan4 of tie best material and a fit gu4(jnwid. REPAJRTNG JProaptly attended 'o. rina Boots and Shoe* a specialty. Call and see me. a J. HOWARD, SIOEAH AND 8UBGEON cljenry. in 81 lite ersMence o f B . A. Howard, EffeXOlAN AN© SUBaSOK, UgM at Kealdeoee. utBunr a St oa. A, a. _tSIOlAN ASD8ir'lrt|f. OfiU* <mlid» building. W#st «SBenry , I»K _ idence, house formerly oooupted by Dr. me. Alt professional eells promptly at- ed to. B. V. KBIF4BS. /• *• W1JA1& SHS?Atft» * SMBPASO, S* TTOaHKTb AT LAW. 8ui*e *12, North- A era Offlce Building, 86 LaSalle Streef P3|Nk>,iiu -•••• KNIGHT * BBOWH, ICAGO, ILL, T.3. LUMMY. LAW, and A TTOENEY AT I" ^SfboMTOOK. ILL. Offleeln Park House, first Ion. Solicitor la JOSLTM * CASEY, ATTORNEYS AT, LAW, 1 .JHL All business willreoeive Woodstoek 111. prompt at ten* a P. BARNES, TTOBHBt, Solicitor, and J L Oelleettons'a specialty. - woGssroca, iLtaggis? Oonaseiov, iii'ii.^l», yA'i. JOHN P. SMITH. . A Watohmaker 4c Jew^er MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. A TIN® stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew. elry always on band. Special attention five* io repairiag An* watohes. Give me F . JOEOF P- SMITH. : Horsemen, took Here. I have a fine stock of H rses, among which in •<IAQBI Green Moat, tain Morna, "Mor- itl Obaries," and others. Call and see these Forres before making arrangements else- ****** •• N. 8. COLBY. . McHenry* 111., May 10. IBM. H.C. MEAD, |||-; Juaiice of the Peace and General In- turance Agent •nclu&UTFF Acctdent and Life Insurance. ^ ornoa WITH B. QILBSST, NEAR DSPOT, WBKT MOHBHUY. III. • W. V. ST. CUIRf JmiUe of the Peace, Imuran*# ca%d Collecting Agency . OVVIOB OUBAIMOAO ST., 11*4* ' NUNDA, Hl» A. as. CHURCH, Wetcliniaker and Jawttv ' *TO«On \ HuadredTwenky-FiTe State ftt Ohi- W oaae. 111. Special attention given to f«* palrlacr l*e watekes and Okioaoai teia. syAVull Assortment of Qoofli In hie Use - F. K P1LCHER- w - - Dental - Surgeon. - - OffictwUh Dr. Avringcr, Wet McHmm, M. Crown. Plate and Bridge Work art'stlcally exeoated at reasonable prices. Special atte* tton give* to the oare of Children's Teeth. , OOXBDLTITIOL IMA .. MeHenry House, J. MEBBNBT. ILL. *0& MM1MBB. nix«ir situated oa the banks BlVdrVln the Villi ge of McHenry, special at Vatlon will be given to tbe entertainment or R«»rore, fishermen and Pleasure Seek eie »rn, generally. Sportsman Supplied w«tt» Cam plete Outfits v Executor's Notice ESTATK of Aaron Hoflfman deceased. Tha u»-<lerBigned havinc bf»n appointed •xeonter* #f the last Will and Testament of Akron Hoffman, deceased, late of the Oonntv of McHenry awl State of Illinois, hereby g've ni»ti<*e that they will kppoar be­ fore the County warm M< 11'wjT Goanty, at • tbe Court House at W od^tock. at the oe- eember term, on the ttret M nday in Decem­ ber next, at which time ah person* h vmir elaims against said estate are nciifled and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requeste i to make Immediate paymen tfto the undersigned. - Dated this 16th aay of October, A. D. 1883. -y. MARK HOFFMAN. i::.. PlULIP llOF*HA». f Uw4 Executors. Administrator's Notice* ESTaTE of Jedidiah BibbaM, deceased. . i The undersigned having been appointed " Administrator of tne estate of Jedidiah Hlb- bard.irteceaMd, late of tbe count y of McHenry and state o* IlUnois. hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court o* ' MeBenrv eonoty, at tbe Court House. In Woodstock, At the Jan uary term, on the first Monday in Jwuary next, at which time all persons having claiais agalast »ai» estate are aottfied and requested to attend for the pqr Dated tbis 6th 10W4 payntfnt; day of November, A. D. lagg* JAMBS S. PSB*T< AdminUtrator. OHAHLKf) ©. BKKKKIL Me9enry, I1V, Aug, IS, MPS. "v C*r. BOLEYy Fraprielor if IcHesry Breterr, McHEXRT, ILL. • . Always on Band with tHit$ X Bat Beer. " 10c.; trl- lOe. Does smoke from yonr cigar wriae ~" Like incense in the air? ' Or does it only cause a smndga '.v . And make your neighbor Bwear? ^ Why will you stick tp cabbetge leaves And drive yonr friends afar, When you can purchase tor a dims "Our Monogram" cigar? IOC- •' •;> «cC 'f' IOC. BARBIAN BROS. MAK*8S OF - ;;V, • " Choice Cigars. s We can sell you oae or a thousand--retail or wholesale. JOHN HAUPRISH'S Steam I«auzidry MoHenry, lit. . ist put id a new and Polishing Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES " I am BOW pre pared to do all work ^ lo tbe Laundry lino on short %. police, and guarantee- --- satislaetton. Wk»Allw«»rk left with me will be promptly done. &• the t ew machinery put In eoahles toe to do my work much f&ater aod better tbau heretofore. All Laundry will be called for and delivered when dons. If word Is sent me, v ; JOHN MAUPRlSHt •'" ' ,vS|piJUJ,^aE GOAL^FEED lie b Good Supply,' Prices Reduces Aecsrdingiy. . iff w.i.diKTr, K. McBENRY, ILL. JOHN J. BUCH'S ... M AMD Boarding Hcmse. UEALEB nr .fe lors and Cigars. laTSaraples o( floths torn all Nationsv Firi>t ciase in es«ty teapecit* -- • - '* • • Splendid Fit or no sals. Clothes fitted and ..on; short notice &nd no humbu|f. E. LAWLU8, Tai'or, Opposite Riverside Hotel. McHetury. MYBODY ? i Who has been unfortunateenough sev­ er to have visited our store should take the first opportunity to do so. Here he till find He wants in tbe way erf a watch, a clock, or jewelry of all kinds. Tbe great variety to seleet from stands in strong oontrast with our unvarying principle of selling everything at the bottom-most maogia. In doing this there is scarcely A*rv T^Drwrr MM X rHUrli On one article; but a little profit on each of many sales suits us better than a big per cent on a few. In this way we have the pleasure both of success in business and of benefitting the many instead 1# the few. Can we not benefit You? \v ^ Kepalrlng; of all kinds. Promptly Attended to. * .̂.f i|OW' IS TBB TIME TO B&Y Sewing Machinel Only 15 a month until paid* air a as AM BROS. A Love of a Bonnet CteagM la fke Fifth Story Two Me* &es» to Certain Death wd Another la Swal- Iwwed Up in the Roaring Fiuraaee--Five Otl»*Hm Missing. Detroit,Nov. 24.--One of the wont fires that Detroit has experienced In many years completely destroyed the five-story building at the corner of Jefferson avenne and Oates street,occnpied by JSdson Moore & Co., wholesale dry goods, and damaged several adjacent buildings, causing * total loss of $700,000. Three men, employed by tbe dry goods firm, l«iet their lives in the flame*, aod five others who are mtseing, are alto supposed to halfe perished. The dead are: James McKay, clerk, aged 88; Bradley A. Dunning, porter, aged 44; 1M. Qentber, entry clerk, single, aged 90. A Worthless Dastard Kills Foar Ptratiu and Com o> its Soield*. iHDIABAPous, NOV. 27.--A special to the Sentiuel from Seymour, Ind., says: As a result of a family feud five persons i are dead in their home several miles ea»c of this city. Four year* ago Clinton Jor­ dan, VI years old, married a daughter of Joshua Foster, with whom he has never lived happily. Last week thej st-pa* ;tted sod she returned to the home of her father. Jordan met bis father-in-law and accompanied him home, coutr*.rv to the Wishes of the latter, who feared trouble. Jordan promised to behave, but noon after hie arrival at Foster's horns he began a I qurrrei. | Foster then ordered him out. of the | house when Jordan fired at tbe old tnaa, ! but missed him, the ball striking Miss Cora Foster, aged 17, in the bead, killing her instantly. His second shot hit Foster ! in the head and he fell, but he soon rose missing: Edward N. Voit, ordfc** and ran about half a mile to the home of Patrick Markey, aged 82, leaves and three children; Daniel A. Bar ker»clerk; Henry Eider paeker; Charles W. Kiichner, clerk. Two Men on thi Top Story. The saddest feature was not the destruc­ tion of property, however, but tbe lose of ttftk Long before the engines responded to thejnneral alarm two men could he seen on lpfe window sills of the fifth story on tha Bates street side of the building. A another son-in law,William Powell, Where he fell and lingered until late yesterday afternoon, when he die* Jordan the* turned his revolver toward Mrs, Foster his mother-in-law, shooting her in the the neck, the ball ranging downward and causing a wound from which she died last night, Jordan's wife attempted to defend her mother, and he stabbed her repeatedly in the breast, .hands and face, and ended by shooting her through the head. Jordan «l*» went up from the crowd, which in | hi" Jes\and Placin« |§ frequently the cause ef a quarrel I*: the family, ours ara BOt SO expensive as to cause one We have Noveititttt In Stylo Surprises in Prices combined on exhibition. Also, remember that we are prepared to dS - ! DRESSMAKING In alt the latest styles. K'-'Y- We aim to p'eiieu ' We will in a few days receive # large supply of STANDARD PATTERNS. rs. C. W. BESLEY ,WB8r McBENBY. ILL. . , ; M . - , - v . . . . - ' • " ' . I Imn. in, ii iK i itttjin „ i'.i.ii'i. M. w I J HEAR THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, ILL Keeps open for the aeeosamodatio* of tite Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Wrhere be will at all times keep brands of Wines, Liquors and cigars all times keep tbe beet qn to be found in the market. KilmnkM Laser Beer. At Wholesale and Retail. '.fe ?~i * \ Near Iron Bridger McHenry, Hi. i,,- ...4 Beer in Large or flmall Kegs or Bottles al- grays on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. r̂- GOOD STABLING FOR MOMJBm amI* n n a m^uent realised the awful peril of the UnfikitunateK, and saw too plainly what liiral cbance there was to render effectual sssMsnce. Caught like rata in a trap, witk%h0 flames roaring above and beneath thsea and spreading every moment, with the Smoke behind them increasing in suf* ng volumes, the unfortunates were driven to the window at lis. There dung. The crowd shouted. "Don't jump." "Don't jump; there's help com- lag.1* Was a Leap to Eternity. But even as those below called out these words ot useless encouragement the flames behind them advanced and buret out around tbem. A bale of jute was pro­ cured by the spectators »nd placed below the window on which Bradley Dunning was perched. Driven by the flames which rousd around him he sprang from the willow and landed on the bale. He bound- W off and fell to tbe sidewalk where he Imp and apparently lifeless. An am- ce carried him to the hospital where he filed soon after. By this time the flre- mea who had arrived spread a net to catch McKay, who fell into it. His in­ jures were such that he, too, died s<k>n ffter being taken to a hospital. ~ ^ . A Third Awfal Tragedy. - Hardly |tad this double tragedy IsStns- spired than another it an was seen nsar. the upper window nearest the corner. He was evidently nearly suffocated for, although he succeeded in reaching tbe sill, his strength apparently gave out and after and effort to raise himself,one arm having been thrown over the sill, he slowly sank back and disappeared from view, being swallowed up in the furnace behind him. He is thought to have been Edward Gen- ther. One of the Hissing Found Alive. At a late hour last night Charles W. Kirchner, one of the Bdson Moore em­ ployes who was supposed to have perished, was found safe at home where he had gone immediately after the fire. It is thought that the flames started in a lot of couon batting on the top floor used for pjpeing. Mow the fire was ig­ nited is iiot known. James L. Edson, senior member of the firm, said the loss on stock would be about $600,000. It is weil covered by insurance. The burned building belonged to tbe estate of Francis Oalms. It was erected twelve years ago atacosi> of $100,000, when it was oonsid- ered one of the finest business blocks in the city. The loss is total, with !6U,'JQ0 insurance. •. POWDERLY OUT FOR GOOD. TlM K. of L. Assembly Aoeept» HIS Ess* ignailoa and JElecta Swverolgn. PHILADELPHIA, KOV. 98.--The K. of L. assembly has accepted T. Y. Powderly's resignation as general master workman and elected to fill the vacancy James R. Sovereign, of Iowa, by a vote of 8Jf to 8, James Campbell, of Pittsburg, being his opponent. Sovereign is the third man to hold the office of general master workman in the order since its organisation in 1869, Stephens and Powderly being the two oth­ ers. The session was characterized by very peaceful and harmonious proceed­ ings. A new general executive board has also been elected, the new men being T. B. Mc- Guire, of New York, who was chosen last week; H. B. Martin, of; Minnesota; J. W. Kenna, of Indiana, and D. L. Boy, of South Dakota. The news of his election was immediately telegraphed to Sovereign, who is expectcd to be present before ad- journrnent of the general assembly. Mr. Powderly was seen shortly after­ wards. When asked h^s opinion of the assembly's action he said: "The king is dead, long live the king.' Mr. Sovereign will have no heartier support by any in­ dividual of the order than he will receive from me. He is eminently worthy of the position and I believe he will fill the office as well as any one can. I shall remain in the order and do what I can for its benefit. In the general assembly I rejected the charges made against me by Mr. Hayes and was sustained by the delegates; so upon the whole I fell very well satisfied." Chicago's New Postmaster. CHICAGO, Nov. 27.--The appointment of Washington Hesing a* postmaster for this eity is received with mingled feel­ ings. Probbaly the most mingled feelings are centered in the breast of Praok Law- ler who had a petition of 67JXX) names in­ cluding tbe most promiuent bankers and citizens asking his appointment. A tele­ gram from Springfield says that Senator Palmer is very much sufpr^nd. The ap­ pointment of Mize as internal revenue col­ lector is said to be hemLf such a hot Epaiigler and Peter t f C - a my " " v?" ' ; ' •iW- j\. - * '•/.' •' } <* ,v* ,v- §,jt • Robert Sohlessle. '% u promise, there ^tween R. S, ; that place.. volver against his breast, sent a ball through his heart. He dropped dead, fall­ ing across the dead body of his wife. Foster, the aged victim, was @0 years old, and his wife 80. Mrs. Jordan was otoly 18 years old. Jordan had an unsavory reputation, and when drinking, which he Often did, he waw ugly and quarrelsome. THE HAWAIIAN COMPLICATIONS. Natters Are In Statu Quo, at Hoaolula at Latest Advices. WASHINGTON, NOV. S«S4.--The Alameda arrived at San Francisco yesterday and by her came a cipher dispatch to the secre­ tary of state which has not been given out, but the department officials say it con­ tained news that Willis was carrying out his instructions to the letter and the re­ sults up to the hour of the Alameda's de­ parture were just what had been expected. No further news can reach here from Honolulu until Dec. 7. The Alameda's Rdvices to the Associated Press say that Dole is still in charge at Honolulu; that the provisional govern merit has its forces armed and ready for any outbreak; that on the 15th inst. they had all their men under arms in anticipa­ tion of an attack; that Minister Willis had made a speech to a committee of the An* nexatlon club in which he said he would act when ready; that he would like to see the star* and stripes waving over all the islands of the Pacific ocean under proper conditions. He also said that he had no need of the help of American residents in carrying out his instructions, which would be carried out at the proper time, and nothing that could happen in either country would avail to stop him. Secretary Greshara said he did not believe Willis said anything of tbe kind, and intimated that if he had he had talked too much. Another bit of news by tbe Alameda was that the intentions of the Washington government were known at Hololulu through news from Australia. HAS THE TEMPER OF A FIEND. lite Diabolical Deed of * Mew Jersey Glass Blower. GLASSBOBO, N. J., Nov. -- Samuel James, & glass blower, became angry at his boy assistant, and filling a blow pipe with molten glass wound strands of the hot composition around the lad's bands and wrists. The boy screamed for mercy, but James showed ljj^ie. Finally his vio- tim fell fainting. James continued pour­ ing out the molten glass until the blow pipe was exhausted. The cooling glass had tightly bound the boy's hands and wrists together. When the glass broken flesh fell away with it. It is feared that the boy will die. Jones La under arrest. He has been noted for his ugly temper. The other blowers threaten to lynch him. The earn* farty mna. PORTLAND, Or.,. Nov. 27.--Brigadier General W. P. Carlin sends to the Asso­ ciated Press the following dispatch just received by him from Lieutenant Charles P. Elliott, Fourth cavalry, dated Nov. 22, Falls of North Fork of Middle Fork of Clearwater; "Carlin party found on river today. Carlin, Spencer, Pierce andHim- melwright are well. Colegate losr. Kelly joined them in the mountains. Will work down the river by boat." The American Casualty Company. CHICAGO, NOV. 24.--The failure of the American Casualty company was a great surprise to its agents here and the numer­ ous policy-holders. Agent W. H. Thatch­ er said of those who hold policies that they will not lose anything. He said: "The policy-holders are protected by what Is known as the 're-insurance reserve.' Every insurance company is required to have this reserve and it insures the policy­ holders against loss." Quite a Shake at Montreal. "MONTREAL, Que., Nov. 28.--This city and tbe surrounding country has felt the most severe shock of earthquake that has visited tills part of the continent for several yeais. Buildings rocked and treqibled, the courts were stampeded and the French section went into a panic, thinking the world was coming to an end. The shake extended all along tbe St. Lawrense, but no dam­ age was done.. Bribery In the Coaghlia Case. CHICAGO, NOV. 23.--The court was reedy to go on with the Coughlin trial when the prosecution asked for a continuance. The reason of this is that is alleged that two of the jury have "been placed there by perjury and bribery for the purpose of ac­ quitting Coughliu. The air is full, of rumors of this sort, ' STATE INTELLIGENCE^ ̂ NEWS NQTES WHICH WILL BE WITH INTEREST. Bvoats Which Have Happened Prairie State Daring the Weolc ttmlvel by Telegraph--Home News Gathered for the Pemikl of Our People. KANKAKBK, NOV. 2&-Jesse D. <0* Smith, a former merchant of this city, murdered his divorced wife and Mrs* Gray bill, her mot her, and then shot him­ self. Both women were shot through the heart and death waa instantaneous. Smith shot himself in the head, but the bullet glanced and injured him but slightly. HS then went to his boarding house About a half mile distant and shot himself through the right temple about thfSS minutes before the sheriff arrived. Jealousy is the probable cause. Mrs. Smith secured a divorce from her huS^ band on the grounds of adultery this sum­ mer. Smith's wife and Mrs. Grayblil lived together. Smith is about 40 years old and his wife about 35 years. Graybill is about 60 years old, A?v old daughter of Smith's is the only ing witness to the tragedy. THREE INDUSTRIES SWEPT AWAY. Disastrous Fir# In the Village of Sit*' • aaont, IlllaaU. EFFINOHAM. Ills., Nov. S4.-arA disastrws fire occurred at Altamont, this county, sweeping away three of the village's lead­ ing industries with a total loss of S50,00& The Yoating flouring mill, the Star fur­ niture factory and the Altamont Tile works were burued. The fire originated In the flouring mill aod could not-be checked. The Effingham fire department was telsgraphsd for, but before a special train could be got out the flames had done their work. The loss is covered by $30,000 insurance. " Made It Worse for Kev. Stewart. V , MONMOUTH, Ills., Nov. SI--The synodioal commission not only refused to sustain the appeal of Eev. J. G. Stewart from the find­ ing of the Monmouth presbytery bat it also declared ail five counts in tbe libel- against him proven, including two on which hs had been acquitted by the prea£ bytery, viz: Attempting to impart the Holy Ghost as done by the apostles, and disregarding tbe expressed authority of the church. Tbe sentence of the pnsby^ tery suspending Stewart from the minis* try was changed so as to include also sus­ pension from church membership. Stefjfl art will not appeal. Illinois Coal Company Insolvent. SPRINGFIELD, Ills., Nov. 84.--Sevepiil months ago judgments aggregating llSMMXl were obtained against the Guard Coal company by employes injured by a cage falling with them. The coal company in­ sured in the American Casualty Insurance and Security company, Baltimore, Md., which became insolvent Wednesday. The Girard company has confessed judgment at Carllnville in favor of the stockholders amounting to $15,000, and Henry C. Ha*t- ilton, of Girard, will be appointed receiver.: The Fish Case Snded. JOLIBT, Ills,, Nov. 25.--The noted Tieh esse, which has caused BO much excite* ment in this section, was thrown out of oourt, muoh to the disgust of the deposit­ ors. The pt'os«cutiJ^3MitoEneye were un­ able to prove bayooa edoubt that the firm of Henry Fish & Sons w*a insolvent at the time that the deposit of |h0 was made, and as the assets have not yet been turned into cash they oould not prove that the firm was insolvent or that the deposits were not going to get their money. ISlimois State Fair. SPBIKOFIKLD, Ilk., Nov. 2a.--'The Sanga­ mon county board of supervisors in sss» sion here has voted a bonus pf $80,000 cash and 100 acres of ground for the permanent location of the Illinois state fair in Spring­ field. The announcement was ballsd wiui Intense enthusiasm among all business men in particular and citisena in general, as every one feels that it practically givsa this city the fair. 4 Explosion of a Thrashing XnglnA, JEBSEYVILLS, Ills., Nov. 24.--An expls* sion occurred ou the farm of J. W. Davis; east of this city, in which one man w*S instantly killed and another injured. The . engine was blown to fragments. The thrashing outfit was from Goarey, where the man killed, Edward Scholienberger, . lived. His body was blown over seventy* i'-f five feet and iuto a shapeless form. Stamping Out the Glanders, SPRINGFIELD, Ills., Nov. 25.--State Y«$» erlnarian Trumbower, who has been invest tigating tbe reported outbreak of gland­ ers, reports two cases near Smithbor^. Bond county, both chronic, and bota. killed. Seven other horses have been in­ fected by one of these and all were killed. The case in Clark county proved to h*> ulcerated tooth. liuuois Smallpox Ktop^n. SPRINGFIKLD, 111., Nov. 25.-The Stats board of health has received notice of two new cases Of iuunllpos iu Chicngu, aim on# death. No new cases at Hulls or New Memphis, and the patients are doing welL • • *> John Jarrett Has Rosy Reports. PlTTSBUBO, NOV. 27.--John Jarrett, the association of iron and sheet steel manufacturers says that business has already brightened up since the settle- ment of the sheet mill scale. He bad re­ ceived comtnunit ations fromaix manufac­ turers stating that they had all received* orders xince the signing of the scale and prospects for business this winter good. , ~. - " Victim of WhliiiffiiM LAPOBTB, Ind., Nov. 27.--Etffcfb Niles, a pension attorney of thi9 city, eaused the arrest of four citizens, charg­ ing them with entering into a conspiracy to do him bodily injury. A second conk- plaint alleges that he was taken froMn h|t v.* ,> 1*' * ^ > - - "v * „ \ \ v'-i* T *->.1 . ,"A ' . » * 4 ' * -.-.I vf ' , ' ̂ " 1 . sf*.• * a N .% X •> : ^ « V ' A ' *- r • ' • . 1 . * !' i ,>:r« * I ' s X;,! v';: NUssjays ̂ t. $ k <• $ ^ iSSi ises and badly victim of whi •'Wi- gStW m

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