Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1893, p. 7

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WILSON BILL IS LAID FORE COKGFTESS. has made il the sctlve ' -Val' togh-ht'X of NOTO- wi« h««l work inc adv fiLj|a| •flRPiC'J of thottsaitds of but tradtar en curej.<»;iiiii8s * in J y, ea d make 100,(03 saving will av rnimmmmmmmmmmmm . f-r J / J -*••'• JMJlW.!s. A „ *»,*, • Ji . . v» ; 5 "'i - .* ti'jbAi CWCAGO'8 MAYOR. ,«• IAC is not sold on thousands and tens lonial statements, 9lute guarantee to »fonded.* That made merit very short, as Heats the user from or financial loin. "iSO-TO-BAO will ires this year, and the rage $50.00 for every one cured, or d grand total of $5,000,- OX) tared frt*r roinsr up in smoke ana out in spit," O-TO-BAC is, ^ieed, a God-send to ie padr man theaaf hard times. Aooor ing to the testimonials, however, the jpney-eaving is the least for almost every one rovement of the nervous in weight, and a re- _ ioal and mental powers that is incleeq miraculous. Prominent fhysieians look upon NO TO-BAC a? i- great success, and are resoribe it. legale drug house in this jaaada sells NO-TO-BAC, druggists are pushed to Hers, and the direct demand Is immense. The cost of NOTOBAC compared with results is a small matter, as the saving in a week pays the cost of a cure for a life-time. NO-TO-BAC is sold for $1.00 a box, or three boxes for $2.50, with a guarantee to cure, or money re­ funded. A few extra copies of the Inter Ocean Supplement (8 pares), illustrated in five colors, have baen secured and will be mailed for the asking, by addressing The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago office, 45 Randolph St., New York office, 10 Spruce St., Laboratory, Indi* ana Mineral Springs, Ind. Ihey Needn't Worry. Twenty-five thousand persons in the United States, it has been estimated, own among them $31,500,000,009 worth Of property. reports an system. Inc vtval of phys •deed very free to Every whc country and and the rotai* supply oust or e-v, T?5 lo labor andulr. is liable to functional anoe through sym­ pathy. Dyspepria, or. Indim^on, often *6 palpi- tat® in a distressing way. Nervous Pros* itratfon, Bebill I Impoverished I also cause its too I rapid pulsations. Many times, Spinal Affections, cause it Sufferers from such Nerv- en Imagine themselves the \ JHottms of organic heart disease " ALL NERVOUS DISEASES* as Far locomotor Ataxia, Epilepsy, or Vitus'* Danes, Sleeplessness, Nerv- .. Btratton, Nervous Debility, Neural- ItsuaohoDa and Kindred Ailments, are atod as Jk specialty, with great n by the Staff ok the Invalids" Hotel. For ftmptilet, References, and ParttcularsJ-eo- elose 10 cents, in stamps for postage. Address, WORLD'S DISPSNBABT MEDEGAZS ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. ICKAPOO INDIAN siatAi The greatest Liver,< Stomach. Blood ana) Kidney Remedy. Made of Boots, Barks and Herbs,! and Is Absolutely Free From All Mineral! or Other, Harmful In- redlents . 'ranists, $1, KSsfflWl Ktakape* Ii4lu Xedletae Ce., , BeaUr * Blgelow, Agents, New Hares, Ct. ( E-™--wmr ------------- i KNOWLEDGE Biihgs oomfort and improvement ah£ >' tends to personal enjoyment when a* . n rightly usea. The many, who live bet- ® ter than others and enjoy life more, with, less expenditure, by more promptly 2" - adapting the world's best products to V; v' theaneedB of physical being, will attest U1' J1 • the value to health of the pure liquid * laxative principles embraced in the , >.•, , remedy, Syrup of Figs. " Its excellence is due to its presenting 4* ^ - In the form most acceptable and pleas* ant-to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers |f;.: iiiyf^ana permanently curing constipation. ^ |t has given satisfaction to millions and i|j; " V*j met with the approval of the medical jj& ' \ T profession, because it acts on the Kid- f Beys, Liver and Bowels without weak® t"-'* " ening them and it is perfectly free from fev-.- \ I . avwy objectionable substance. ^7, Byrap of Figs is for sale by all drug* > gists in 50cand$l bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every if® •.nr. u. No. 52-98 PiSO'S'CURE fOR V CMMMptlm and p«oMe • who have weak longs or Aath- H-ms, should o»e Piso'iCnrc for • tJonsempttoii. It hu «ar«4 •IIWIHMI. UfcuBOtlajw • edoae. It !• not bad to take. • It U th* besteoagta •jmpv • SoM e far? where. Uc. Z&T V O N S U M P . T i O N Ttie Flgbt Is 0% y Washington dispatch: *The Ameri- Ban people, after the fullest and most thorough debate ever given by any people to their fiscal policy, have de> liberately^and rightly decided that the existing tariff is wrong in principle and grievously unjust in operation." Such is the opening paragraph of the ma­ jority report submitted by the Demo* cratic members of the Ways and Means Committee. The report was written by Chairman Wilson, laid before his Democratic associates, and received their approval. The report continues with an argu­ ment in support of a tariff for revenue only, at the same time denouncing the existing tariff as an extreme system of class legislation, having no lawful or constitutional exercise. The argument is lengthy and exhaustive, dealing with the various phases of tariff legislation from 1816, and its effect upon the wel fare of the nation and tbe industries involved. A reduction of about one- third is made upon the larger sizes of plate-glass. Iron ore is free and a dut; of 22i per cent, put on pig iron. In the remainder of tho iron and steel sched­ ule substantial reductions are made. Steel rails are put at 25 per cent., a rate calculated to protect the farmers from monopoly prices. The duty on tin plate is materially lessened. Ti e repea! of the sugar lounty is proviied for by a gradi a obliteration, whi;h thall not injure ti e industry nor b3 a source of loss to money at present in ested. The rat 39 on tobacco are left m high that ample protection is afforded. Agricv.ltmal implements are give l to th3 farir e/ free, also binding tdn3 and cotton ties. The tax on f piri u rns liquors is put at double the internal revenue tdx on the fame. The cotton, flax, hop and jute sched­ ule reductions have been in accordance with the general scheme of the bill, but they are not believed to be of such a marked character as to offer any spec'al explanation. The placing of wool on the free list has justified a very substantial reduction of the duties on woolen gcods. The carpet manu­ facturers have such a full control of the home market that they will not suffer from the free carpet wool. The average rate of duties levied under the existing law upon the dutiable goode imported in 1892 was 48r71 per Cent That the duties proposed ia th6 present bill have been levied upon that year'8 importation of dutiable goods, the average rate, including thote transferred to the free list,would have been 30.31 per cent, but so many of the rates of the present law are really prohibitory that it is impossible to say what its real rate of taxation really is, yet it is safe to affirm that it is much higher than any import tables will disclose. The experience of this and other countries has' shown that the decrease of tariff duties immediately operates such an enlargement of commerce of production ana consumption as rapidly to make up any apparent loss of rev­ enue threatened by these reductions. A most important change in the bill ~ from the present law will be general substitution of ad- valorem for specific duties. It is the purjiose of the present bill to repeal section 3 of the tariff act of Oct. 1,1800. CARLISLE'HEARO FROM. Anaaal Repork of the Secretary mt the Treasury Sent to Congress. Washington db p itch: The annual report of John G. Carlisle, Secretary of the Treasury, has been bent t > Con­ gress. The Seci etifry estima'e; the revenues of the government or the fiscal year wh'ch will end Jure 30 at $430,1^1,000, and expenditures at $458,- 121^000, leaving a deficit < f $22,000,000 on the year. He mcA'ions that theve 8c Bailroad *]) uds, kn wnaa "currency 6s," issued 'n aid of the Pa* cific railroads, fa'lin ,*4\je wit %'• e year 1894. to the amount of $2,362,00\ v\ hich mutt b© peil at m^tur'ty, acd recom­ mends that Congre ^ tales action at this session 1K> prbvide for them. He suggests as a means of erabling the government to promptly meet the emergency and to provide a larger re­ serve fund several courses of action. One is the issue of 3 per cent, five-year bands in small amounts to be disposed of through the subtreasuries and post- offices to our own people. Another, the issue of $50,100,0C0 in one-year 8 per cent, bonds at par. Until "the ef­ fect of the repeal of the Sherman sil- ver-purohase law is more fully de­ veloped he does not oonsider it ad­ visable to recommend further specific legislation on that subject, fie favors legislation to authorize a m:re extend­ ed use of silver certificates. He refers to the opinion of his predecessor and of the late Attorney General that the gain or seigniorage resulting from the coinage of the silver bullion as it progresses constitutes a part of the general assets of the treasury" and states that he has ordered the mints at New Orleans and San Francisco to be kept in readiness to commence the coinage of standard silver dollars at any time when required. He cham­ pions the system of substituting ad valorem duties for specific duties in the collection of customs, and recom­ mends an increase of 10 cents a gallon in the internal revenue tax on distilled epirits. the imposition of new taxes on playing cards, cosmetics, perfumeries, legacies and successions and incomes derived from investment in stacks and bonds of corporations and joint stick companies. Notes of Current Events. CINCINNATI is in communication with New York and Chicago by long distance telephone. THE Supposed gold find at Gladwin, Mich., proved to be white sand with a mixture of oxide of iron. THREE of the Austin, Tex., train rob­ bers are under arrest. Officers are close upon the fleeing fourth. AN unsuccessful attempt was made to wreck the Buhrer school in Cleveland, TX, by unknown persons. f BY the explosion of a drfcre wheel in a box factorv at-Tiffin, O., the planr was wrecked. Damage, $1,000. ha1 ltoex> tow* Of fiie CluMige* ti»*»Are Made m*A tbe Effects aa See* Threnfk Democratic Eyes--Approved by tke Ways MM! Mean* ' A F. Hopkins Sleeted to Fill Oat MFCYM Harrison's Unexpired Tens. John P. Hopkins, wins elected Mayor of Chicago # 011 out the unexpired term of the late Mayor Harrison, has been only thirteen years a resident of Chicago Hi was born in Buffalo. N. Y., Oct. 29,18&5, in the old Eighth Ward, Cleveland and Bissell's ward. He was educated in the schools of Buffalo, but ia not a col­ legiate. Be resides at Kensington, near the southern limits of Chicago. He reached the Western metropolis in 1879, obtaining employment at the car works in Pullman, where he rose frotp a lumber shover in the yacds to i. P. nopKias. paymaster in the company, holding the latter position from 1883 to 18S8, when he became secretary and treasurer of the Arcaie Trading Company of Fu 1- man. In 1889 the company reorganized a, the Secord-Hopkins Comcany, and? moving from Pullman to Kensington, established the largest store sout I of Twenty-second street. As early as 18S2 Mr. Hopkins took an interest In politics, and has fillei several minor offices. Since 1885 he ha^ bien influ­ ential in Democratic counsels, and has figured on important committees. Last year he was chairman of t ie local cam­ paign committee. ̂ He is the President t.f the Co >k County Democracy and a member of the Iroquois Club. A RAILROAD FOR THE PEOPLC. A CHgsatte Scheme Which Wester* Fans- «r» Favor. An enterprise, gigantic and unique, is on foot in Kansas and other Western States, and a convention was recently held in Topeka, Kan., to formulate plans. The enterprise i > nothing less than tho construction of tw3 great lines of railroad between the Gulf of Mexioo and the British pOisessions. This movement was started t y the Nebraska Legislature in 1S92, when a series of resolutions was^adopted setting forth the • needs of such transporta­ tion facilities in tho interest of the producing classes of the great ii Valley. The plans were by leading Populists of West­ ern States, Gov. Lewclling, of Kansas, tei ng one of the original movers in the enterprise. It ij the purpose of the originators of the tcheme to have the ten States through which the line3 are to pass build and equip the same. They claim that a tax of five cents per acre on the lands in these States would cover alP this expense and leave a sur­ plus of over $2,000,000 in the treasur One line is to be built from Dulutl through Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana to Lake Charles, on the Gulf of Mexico. The other is to begin at tbe northern boundary of South Dakota and run through Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas to Galveston. The Nebraska Legislature declared in a series of resolutions that, by rea­ son of the nearness to Gulf ports as against the long haul, to the Atlantic seaboard, the exports of wheat, cattle, beef products, meat product* ana breadstuff's of all kinds, which now amount in round numbers to $475,000,- (0> annually to the producers of tills region, would be reduced 20 per cent., amounting to $94,000,000 annually, which wohld pay the cost of the road three" and one-half times. And further, that the furnishing of said interior north and south transportation would attract the great manufacturing indus­ tries to the Mississippi Val'ey "country and make it the most populous, a) weil the United ?; fs thft wealthiest port: tates. "-••• - " - populous, ion of the A plan^ of action has been agreed hpon. First a charter will be secured bv a provisional committee, consisting of cne from each of the ten States. This committee is to act as directors until such time as the Legislatures of three or more of the States interested shall have passed an act making ita part of the duty of their State Railroad Commissioners to take charge of said railroad, when the charter and all the Eroperties accumulated under it shall e turned over t3 them in trust for the people. The provisional directors will ba ex­ pected to arrange for the construction of 2,550 miles of read in the immediate future, to cost $38,250,000. The entire cost, it is estimated, will be saved to shippers by reduced rates annually. The money with which to carry on the woi*k will be raised bv issuing 4 per cent, construction bonds in denomina­ tions of $5 each and multiples thereof, payable at the option of the road, and receivable for all kinds of traffic. Forty-yoar 4 per cent, first mortgage bonds will also be issued, to be taken by the several States and purchased from the school funds. This is the plan of the movers of the enterprise, but the question now is --will the Legislatures give aid to the scheme? A SUCCESSFUL operation was per­ formed at Paris on Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, for double hernia of the stomach. He is reported to be rapidly improving. INDIANA railroads have paid the Dunkards $1,185.45, 10 per cent, of the receipts from the sale of tickets to the national meeting in Muncie. w f 1 ̂ t V . • A?* * ..->31^'" i. A FAVORABLE report has been or­ dered on the House bill to provide for the^ opening of certain military reser­ vations. Western and Southern Con­ gressmen are greatly interested in the measure/ THE cable news from Vienna that Mgr. Satolli has been appointed Arch­ bishop of Bologna could not be verified at the ablegate's residenco at Wash­ ington. CHICAGO Norwegians arc subscribing money to purchase the viking ship, which is now at Baton Bougc, La. Highest of til in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOU/TEUR PURE situ A Dog that Asked for Aid. A short time ago Nero was walking Hp Border street, East Boston, limping badly. When he got to Manson's lum­ per mills, the doors of which are al- liVEys opes, he entered, approached one Of the men, and held up his injured paw. Nero has not a very pleasant- looking face, and the man did not offer .to touch him, but ca led on him to "go but." The dog walked away as far as the door, and turning aronni came back and again held up his wounded loot. The man stopped his work, and, gently taking hold of tho paw, found a safety pin imbedded deeply in the flesh. He extracted the pin, the dog whining at the pain, and when he got it out the dog licked his paw and then fawned about his surgeon. SLortly afterward he took his departure as if nothing had happened.--Boston Herald. NEW YORK grows 5,000,000 tons of hay and raises 30,000,000 bu-hels of po­ tatoes. The internal trade of New York exceeds $2,000,000,000 a year; $1,- RSO.TH 0,000 of freight passes over the railroads, $150,000,000 over the canals and $250,000,000 over the Sound and lakes. New York sustains over 1,000 newspapers and periodicals, has $600,- 000,000 in the savings banks, $800,000,- 000 in insurance companies and $700,- 000,000 in capital and loans of the banks. There are 6,000 miles of rail­ roads, which cost over $600,000,000. There are 23,000,000 acres of farm lands, valued at $1,056,000,000, and annually producing $178,00 ),000. A New Year's Gift Heralded. The measureless popularity ot Hostettefa Btomsch Bitters has been the growth of more than a third of a century. As in the past, the coming new year will he ushered in by the appearance of a fresh Almanac, clearly setting forth the nature, uses and operat ion of this medicine of world-wide fame. It ia well worth perusal. Absolute accuracy in the astronomi­ cal calculations and calendar will, as before, be valuable characteristic*, while the reading matter will include statistics, humor and gen- eral lnformftilon, accompanied by admirably executed illustrations. The Almanac is Issued from the publishing department of The Hos- tettev Company at Pittsburg, and will b« printed on their presses in English, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish. All druggist* and eouotsy dealers furnish it without cost. BISHOP ETHELBJERT TALBOTT tells interesting storie» of life among the miners in the West. One of them is how the keeper of a gambling house in Idaho became a regular annual con­ tributor of a $20 gold piece to the bish­ op's mission. It aided in building up a church, and the affable ways of the bishop so won upon the man that he made all of his chums "chip in" to help along the cause of Christianity. As a result the church was greately bene­ fited. ATTORNEY GENERAL OLNEY comes of a "fighting" Baptfct family. He is not and never pretende.l to be an ora­ tor, but he speaks with great foioe and deliberation, and as a lawyer ranks with the best at the Boston oar. SINCE 1840 the world's production of meat has increased 57 per cent., that of grain 420 per cent. " A HARD COUGH distresses the patient* and racks bith Luugs and 'threat. Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant is the remedy wanted to cure your Cough, and relievo both the Pulmonary and Bronchial organs. MANY people ride "over the hill to the poorhouse" in the do-nothing sled. En "Colchester" other column. Spading Boot ad In HOOD'S IS GOOD BECAU8K HOOD'S CURES It possesses curative power peculiar to itself, and has a record of cures unequaled in the history of medicine. ' The severest cases of Scrof­ ula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Catarrh and Rheumatism have been cured by it If you suffer from any of these complaints give Hood's Sar- saparilla a trial. •old by all druggists, tl per bqttle; six tor IS. Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restor­ ing tbe peristaltic action of the klimentarjr canal. The Greatest Medical Discovety of the Age. KENNEDY'# MEDICAL DISCOVERT. MMALS KENNEOR, OF ROXBURR, MASS., Has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every :ind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war­ ranted when tne^ight quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of It. Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bod* tifie. Read the LabeL Send for Book. Don't Wear Short Shoes. If 'people would learn to wear longer shces there would be less complaint of uncomfortable footwear and fewer feet would be decorated with corns and bunions. To insure perfect comfort, the shoe should be at least half an inch longer than the foot. Some people prefer them fully an inch longer. The shoe should fit snugly in theneel and should be loose-fitting in the instep. If those purchasing shoes would keep these facts in mind they would find that their shoes would wear better, be perfectly comfortable, and corns and bunions would disappear. Try This for Your Corns* Tincture of iodine is tho best remedy for corns. A few applications with a camel's-liair brush to the painful part will be sufficient. If the induration is particularly prominent, as much of the callous skin as possible must be re­ moved before applying the iodine, and the tincture should be of double strength. This however, is required only in rare cases. Threatened ingrow­ ing toe-nail can also be promptly cured by the application of the tincture. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward tor any ease of catarrh tbat cannot be owed by taktas Hall's Catarrh Cure. ___ _ F. J. CHUNKY ft CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 ysars, and belter* him perfectly all business transactions, ana oiaUy able to oafry out any by tneir firm. f « TECAX, Wholesale Droggl obligations Drngglsta, Toledo. honorable in financial! made WEST Ohio. WAJLDIKO, KIKHAM FT UABTIK, Wholesale Drua- Ci. Toledo. Ohio. s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act­ ing directly upon the blood and mucous snr> faees of the system. Testimonials sent free. Frlee 75 cents pit bottle. SoM by aU Druggists. THE Prince of Wales' favorite pet Is a little green parrot, which is highly gifted. The bird is located in a hall at Sandriugham and the advent of a visi­ tor is always the signal for it to call out: "Now, then, hip hip hurrah for the queen." The Prince bought the bird from « small boy in Trafalgar Square. • • .. ' THE first nickel steel crank ever cast in this country was recently turned out at Bethlehem , Pa. AN EXTEN DED POPULARITY. BROWK'8 BHONCHIAL. TKOCIIK8 have for many yean been the most popular article in use for re­ lieving Coughs and Throat troubles. IN all humau action those faculties will be strong which are used.--Emer­ son. ____________________ BKICHAM'S FILLS will. In future, for the United State*, be covered with a quickly soluble, pleasant coating. 25 cents a box. Miss C. G. MCCLAI teacher, 753 Park Place, Y. home teaching my |lr«t tefi| country school I wretched with that human called dyspepsia. After two weeks and getting no better, m friend wrote me, suggesting thit 1 -n; take August Flower. The very neilf | day I purchased a bottle. I am ; lighted to say that August Flower ; helped me so that I have quite re-v * covered from my indispositfpil." 0 • UTUNS IRON MIM s p e a k l a warm terms o f w h a t Scott's E m u l s i o n h a s d o n e for their del­ icate, sickly children. It's use has brought thousands back to rosy health. Scitfs of cod-liver oil with Hypophos- k phltes is employed with great ^ success In all aliments that duce flesh and strength. Litiftt • ones take it with relish. Prepared BRSOOTT ft BQ*M.H.Y. <s "MOTHERS' ^ FRIEND" HKES CffllD MBTB EiST. ctirto;^»eewMeae.-itrwiii» MOTHER'S vsxnro bete* km confinement, and says she woqli not be without it for hundreds «f dolhg* DOOKKXLI*. tie. 0 Mothm" anUM par boa MKMoriKLomQuutromoo* mm mm st mwwmxa ftVUMmbi ELY'S CREAM INAUT CURBS COLD INHEA |MeeMc~g| THE road to fortune is well traveled, but too many are headed ift the wrong i direction. FITS.--A11 Fits stopped free by Dr. RUne's Ore it Kerve KMtoier. No Fits after first day's use. Mat* velous cures. Treatise and (200 trial botUe free to ; W Ml fit cases. Send to Br. Kline. Ktl Arch (St., HiiU. Pa. i STONE arxea8t.,N.Y JSLV&L. aAil w tonal i NKMdin ,668iHr«rBSSi!:v" Uf . UTCn MBN U TRAVEL. W. [*r I WW Mow 1 B V to tlW a month ft expense* « WKLXJNOTON. MA1MMW, Wife PAIN. SPRAINS, BRUISES, OIL RHEUMATISM!! NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAC SWELLINGS, BUR ;at One bottle for fifteen cents, Twelve bottles for one dollar R Ripans Tabules are the most effective reo e ever prescribed by a physician for any isorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Bay of any druggist anywhere, or seed price to THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, to Sntoc* ST., Maw Yam, JE JUDCE8 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION . ,s Have made the HIGHEST AWARDS (Medals and Diplomas) ^0 -i,' WALTER BAKER & CO. On each of the following named article*! BREAKFAST COCOA, Premium No. 1, Chocolate, Yanilla Chocolate, ^ • • German Street Chocolate* Cocoa Butter. Tor "purity of material," "excellent flavofc* and "uniform even composition/' - WALTER BAKER ACQ- DORCHESTER, MASS. ACRES or UNO for sale by the SAIIT PACK A DDUJTB BiiuoiB Send for Maps lid CUM* 1,000,000 OOHTAMT in Minnesota. Ian, They will be ssnt to 70a "COLCHESTER" SPADIN6 BOOT, in Market. QCALHT. The outer or tap sole •xfeads the whole length ? *5*° the heel, protect- Inc the boot in dtggin# ana In other hsra work. ASK VOTODEALEa FOBTHKM. and dont be put offvttfc Inferior aoods. Colchester Rubber Co, HOPEWELL CUUMtS, land CoaiBslsslener, St. Paul, Miaa. " .i* \ ̂ ^ ASTHMAm^ w CUBED, roriAiPs iflfufi speemo Givee Belief la Fir* IOMIM. TrUl. nckage east 1BEE. Said bv D>«|-| flats. One Box Mil poat-pM eaiptof«lJ«. Six BOZM,«4A Thos. Popham,Phlla. Pa I ICTURE8, Picture Framea, Mfrrort, Photographs, Phot® Engravinga, Card and Cabinet Frames, and Beautifol Artis­ tic Wares. Catalogue of Pic­ tures upon reoeipt of stam] llkS, Chestnut St, P elphia.1^. UKNTION THB A Paek ef Playing Cards furnished by the ourijnaton «o« (G..atq fi.&).which _ Ktilwii lrom Chicago an IIOHN vr.mosusuB, I Waahingtoa, D. €l» ti!z£s«sn&ssw&& I STratVte^riir. l*acU«^ieatle*dabM, attyaiiioa mMnann r-" ton Boute 1 the Beet JSt. Louis to all points Sorthwiwt. West aud Southwest. Bend '5 cento in aoetaae for a full deck to P. 8JSU8118, G?n- enal Passenger Agent. Cwcaao. 111. ASTHMA C O C C I A CURED rilCCi. aar&BSD STAMP FOR I>A H tici ZAMS.'̂ M DR. U. C. LEWIS, Skaaeateh.), Naw York. DATtNTI and KNS10NS Secured. No advance fesw! f F«t«gereld ft Co^ "ndiuid G," Waihtagtnn, D. C.: 8. N. IT. xr«.s»-M t lniniMi latoan 'it3*

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