'W r vj» Iji.yn.nwj I iff) 'ilMy i, "t1» 1 '^')NI». " :*' £zm H . . r * v i v*, -1 m **#* mh\> i» Pledged but to Truth* to Liberty and La#9 No Favor* Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." • 4-- , ! u., ' 1 v ^ r • • i' • 19. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3. 1894. NO. 26. \A'% v,-. OPFICC IN TMC NICHOLS BLOCK. Doors North of retry Sc Owen's Star*. . PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BT # . , ! ? A N m i ^ T r m W r - ® JWUTOB AND FROPEIKTOK. TERiiS OF SUBSCRIPTION! in advance) .....tl 80 W within Three Months... .... 8 00 Subscriptions received for three or six month* in the nm proportion. rr: f-#" * \ > - RATES OF ADVERTISING* We anneunoe liberal MtNfMr MT«tMltt la tne PLAIKOEALSB, and endeavor to *tate them eo plfclnly that thef will M readily us der stood. They are A* follow*: I Ineh one year - t Inohesone year rs Inches one year « * ' H Column one yea* * f - * M Column one year* - • • • »vv Oolnmn one yeat '•*" ^ One inch means the measurement of one Ineh down the column,single column width. 1080 15 00 80 00 60 00 10000 Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as th efcooeft without extra oharge. liar advertiser* (meaning those having udiag oards) will be entitled, to insertion of looal notioes at the rate of 5 cents per line •aoh week. All others will be charged io eents per line the first week, and 5 oents per line tor eaelt subsequent week Transient advertisements will be charged at the rsfe of 10 eents pe line, type, same as this Is set In) the first (nonpareil Issue, and quent wsues. Thus, rill cost 91.00 for one 5 cents per line for subsequent issues, an ineh advertisement will oost 91.00 week, 91.50 for two weeks, 9100 for three weeks, and so on. The PiAiNDBAMm will be liberal in giving editorial notiees, but, as a business rale, it Will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its oolnmns for pecuniary train. BUSINESS CARDS. F. q. COLBY, D. D. S. -fXKWTlST. Woodstock, 111. Special atten- XJ tlon paid to regulating children's teeth Parties coming from a distance would do wel to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal fyltHSk, corner Main street and Publioiquare , O. J. HOWARD, ML. IX . v PHYSICIAN AND BUBGKON. Offloe at the eraidence of B. A, Howard, West MeHenry, 111. O. H. rSQBBS, M. D- rsIOXAN AND 8UBGHOH, MtBtBry usee at Residence. DR. A, E. AURINGEB, HYSIOIAN AXBSUBOEON, Office n Dr -- • -- mrT.IIL. Dr. at. UHYSIOIAN ASD SURGEON, Office i Jr Ohitds building, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly ocoupied by Osborne, All professional eails promptly tended to. BBBPAKD. IV L, BH*raJM> SHEPAKO * SH1PARO, ATTORNKYS AT LAW. Suite SIS, Northern Offioe Building, 18 LateUe Street Ohleago, III. «-ly KNIGHT Jk BROWN, A VTOBNBYS AT LAW. U. S. KxprMS 0®.> A. Building, 87 and 89 Washington 3b < CHICAGO, ILL. • ..(."U'H ! 11 1 • 7 ' Y, 3. LUMLBY. A TTOBNBY AT LAW, and Solieitar In A """""KOOWTOOK, ILL. - , Office in Park House, first floor, turn. J03LYN * OASBY, (NETS AT LAW. Woo.»»«j Bsinees will receive prompt O. P. BABNB8, , TTORNEY, Solicitor, and| Counselor, Collections >a specialty. WOODSTOCK, 1LLIKOOU , f ;<i:M JOHN P. SMITH, \ Watohmakw <Ac Jeweler McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Olooks, Watohes and Jew. A elry always on hand. Speoial attention given to lapedfing fin* watebss. Give me aeaUL' JOHN P. BMTTM. Horsemen* fcook Here. I have a fine stock of H rse*. among which are •* Young Green Mountain Mornn/' "Mor rill Oharies," and others. Call and see theee Horses before making arrangements else- N. S. COLBY. MeHenry, 111 ., May TO. MM. •••'"•.Jte:UJ. W .W/ H. C. MEAD» ^Jtu0iee^ the Peace and General "In* turance Agent including Accident i and Life Insurance. OFVIO® WITH B. GILBRKT, HBAB DWPOT, ' . WEST MCHBNBY, III. Q. F. BOLEY, sf IcEenry Brewery. , McHENRY, ILL. Aheayton Band with the Beet. Beer. IOC. . . IWo BiuuRe Trom jour Cigar IfM - Like ir.ceuBc in the air? ;v Or does it. only cause a smudge ; • And make your neighbor swear? Why will yon stick to cabbage lee Yes And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dim# "Our Monogram" cigar? lOe- BARBIAN BROS. MAKSB8 OP Choice Cigars^ We can sell yon one or a thousand--retail or wholesale. JOHN HAUPBISH'S Steam Ziatmdry MoHenry* III. Ha^^fust'put in a neWIfOnlng and PolishiDg Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES I ID now prepared to do all worjE to the Laundry linn on abort BOtlce. and guarantee satlsiactlon. Ift» All work left wltb me will be promptly done , as the new machinery put in enables me to do my work much faster and better thau heretofore. All Laundry will be calle.d for and delivered when done, If word Is sent me. JOHN MAUPRlSHt BEST IN THE , ' j®'1 "*• H" V COAL & FEED -- l*or Spot Cash Only. " Si Accordingly. \ 4 ;r """wf .J It will pay you to Investigate, WtiST MoBENMY, ILL. McHENRY W. K ST. CLAIR, JTaMtfe« 0/ the Peace, Insurance and *-! Collecting Agency. * " . - ovrtox o* KAILBOAD ST., MI NliiiuAt iii« ;v - " "i*1 '^"i A. M. CHURGMy Watohmaker and Jeweler NO.Osi HuailredTwenty-Five Stat* St Chi-oaao. 111. Special attention given to re- pairiafr be watohes and Chronometers. _ Assortment of Goods In his line Ws E. PILCHEIt. j . iSlmtal - Surgeon. - - 'fljieii'ffl* Dr. AuriHfftr, Wett JicBm&t, M. Grown. Yiate and Bridge Work artistically executed at r^onabie prtces- Speciaiavten tlM given to the care of Children's Teetk. OOHSDLTAIIOV FID, up I '* e MeHenry House, ; McHENRY. ILL. ^ '* BX1MEK. PreprUlort v., f. •••". - v;-<; . a H Being situated on the banks of the Fox Mver, In the VilUgeof MeHenry, special at aeetion wilt he given to the entertainment of Husters, Fishermen and Pleasure Seekers «tnerally. IpwrtiinM Supplied With Com • • ' , i - H. Miller & Son, -DEALERS IK-- 3C4EBLE & QRA8JTE, Monum exit m9 H ea^etoai Tablet*, Eto. Cemetery Work of every de scription neatly executed at the Lowest Price*. BtUahctbs lautatNd. Shops at McHenry and John** burgh, 111, where at all times can ce iound a good assortment of finished work. Ueory MUler ft CHARLES a BERNER, Boot and §hoe Malcexv Over He-man Bros Jewelry Store, op posite Bishop's Mill. MeHenry, Boots and 8ho*a m&nuf&fttared e<«4ra best material and a fit guaranteed. REPAIRING Promptly attended to. Fine Boots and Shoes a specially. Call and see me. CHARMS 6. BEBMEtt. MeHenry, III,, Ang, 15,1S33. OO YOU KNOW WHO SELI.3- Boys cape Overcoats .$1 60 Men's chin Overcoate 4 50 Men's wool Suits 4 50 Boy's Suite f 1 25 and 2 50 Men's wool Shirts and Drawers...... 50 f 1.5o Buck gloves only 1.00 Heavy lined gloves and mittp...~.^.. 55 3 pairs handsome sock* 25 Best beaver cap. Hundreds of goods at theee prices. E. LAWLUS. ' - ^ Opposite Overside House. ifMjjjiy JAii $ ANYBODY Who ha s been unfortunate enough nev er to have visited our store should take the first opportunity to do so. Here Jke will find ANYTHING He wants in the way of a watehj a clock, or jewelry of all kinds. The great variety to select from stands in strong contrast with our unvarying principle of selling everything at the bottom-most margin. In doing this there is scarcely ANY PROFIT On one article; but a little profit on each of many sales suits us better than a big per cent on a few. In this way we have the pleasure both of success in business and of benefitting the many instead of the few. Can we not benefit Yofef ; Uepairirg of all kludi Promptly Attended to. V,*vv 4 ";lrOW IS THE TIME TO BITI A"" Sewing Machine! Only $5 a month until paid. HEAMAN BROS. A Love of a Bonnet I# frequently the canAe oT* <itrtHlPe1 in Hie family. Ours are not so expensive ||B to cause one. We hSve HSoveltiea in Style Surprises in Prices combined on exhibition* AIM, remember that we are prepared to do DRESSMAKING In affrfho latest styles. We aim to p'eare. * ' We will iu a few days receive a large supply of STANDAUD PATTERNS. IWIrs.C.W. BESLEY ' W B 3 F M c H E N B T , P A T E N T S . FOR PROTECTION, NOT FOR ORNAMENT. flit! DUBOIS I DUBOIS, Pateit Attonafs. Inventive Age Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. J f - ' I HEAR THE DEPOT. MoHENBY, ILL Kaepa open tor the accommodation of the PpbUo a Ilrst-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, (There he will at all times keep the boat brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars • i t - ' ^ s s p a p ^ e f o u n d i n t h e m a r k f b . T - . . PABSTS ' - tfilvaskN La£tr Issr, At Wh'ofesalo and Retail. Boer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles si ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty considered* Orders by mail promptly attended *>• GOOD OTA BUNG tVS HOR&F6 SWOall end see ns. \ , c.1 44 ^ Y K BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Pnfteadlngs of th# Sp©cl»l oember Moetingi it Oe- lllilaMmla board of wnp#rvf#f>r«« of MeHenry county met in special session at the court house in Woodstock on Monday, Dec. 11,1893, for the purpose of transacting such business as might properly come before them. Meeting was called to order by the chairman. The following named super visors answered to roll call: Sups. N. Brotzman, C. P. Wright, R. J. Beck, P. F. Axtell, Geo. P. Rush ton, Wm. Des mond, Geo. B. Richards, P. E. Stevens, John Weitzien, L. 'f. Hoy, S. E. CiarJt, (}«). W. Conn, George Mct'onnell, A. M. Wray, W. A. Crisoy, J. M. Gracy and W. P. Thompson: Sundry bills vrere read and referred to the proper committees.' The semi-annual reports of county clerk, sheriff and circuit clerk were read and referred to the committee on fees and salaries. The report of the county treasurer was read and referred to the committee on finance, also his bond as county col lector referred to same committee. Report of grand jury on the condition jpf jail and court bouse was read to the board and on motiou adopted, to-wit: WOODSTOCK, III., Op tuber 3,1893. We, the Grand Jury of MeHenry coun ty, at the September term, I)., 1893, beg to report that we have examined the county jail and the prisoners and find the same in good condition; the prisoners well taken care of, The court house and fail seem to, be weil heated and in cleanly condition. . K , • M D. FBIRHD '* IT. R. i- ITCH. W PBAMSa. Adopted unanimously. DANIEL SHKLDON, Foreman. STATE OF ILLINOIS,31 MCHENRY COUNTY. / I, W. P. Morse, clerk of thwcircfltteonrt and ex-officio recorder in and or said county iu the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing in strument, to which this certificate is at tached, is a full, true, complete and per fect copy ot the report of the grand jury at the September term, A. D. 1893, as appears from the original on file in my office. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my band and affixed the* seal of said court, at Woodstock, this 20th day of November, A. D. 1893. -- i W P MORSE, Clerk SBAC. I By W, C. EiCHBLBBnona, Deputy. Sup. Beck moved that the board ad journ for committee work until to-mor row morning at 10 o'clock. Carried. TUESDAY MOBMNQ. 10 O'CLOCK. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Meeting called to order by thec^airman. Members all present but Sup. Weltzien. The minutes of yesterday read and ap proved. The committee on education made the following report, which wa? read to the board and on motion was adopted, to- wit : STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 McHenry County, / Board of Supervisors Dec. term, Dec. 11, A. D. 1893. Mr Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour committee to wh(|p was referred the report of the county superintendent of schools would beg leave leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. We have examined said report, find it correct and recommend that the same be allowed. in full as follows: $0'days visitations at $4.;240.00 13 " -- 60 3 a office work at 52.00 exp in school visita'ns at $1 60.00 spentinexaminat'nsat $4 12 00 spent, official duties at f4 8 00 Total #372.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. W GEO. F. RU3BTOM dlt, o w, roNN, M. WttAY, c, P. WRIAAT. Report of committee on finance was read to the board and on motion adopt ed, to-wit: STATE OF ILLIN0I3\„ MCHKNRY COUNTY, / Board of Supervisors, December term, Dec. 11, A. D. 1893. Mr. Chairman and gentleman of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the collector's bond filed by the county treasurer would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined s<tid bond and the names of the persons signed thereto, that we find the bond to be a good, regular and safe bond for the amount therein set forth and we would recommend that the said bond be accepted and approved by the board, AS of which Is respectfully submitted. F. K. STKVEN*, Ch'ni, "OHK WELTZIEN, T. HOY, B, GRACT, . „ . A. C'KHTY. *<Stl' public buildftfgs off ered the following report which was read and on motion adopted, to-wit: iBTATE OF ILLINOIS,! MCHENRY COUNTY, F Board of Supervisors, December term, Dec. 12, A. D. 1893. Mr.Chairman and gentleman of the Board of Supervisors: Tour committee on public buildings would beg leave to submit the following report on the sales of stoves that were used the court house: 1 stove to Theo. Hsmer.^mk...|10 00 rSS A. Field. 10 00 Baptist church 30 00 James Lunny 5 00 B. S Austin 8 00 Mr. Bird 10 00 £d. Whitson................ 75 A'. B. Pratt 10 00 R» D. Cooney 7 00 Jas. McDonald..... 6 00 Co. G, state militia..... 10 00 i to oo. poor farm STATE OF ILLINOIS,\ - MCHENBY COUNTY. J8® Board of Supervisors, Dee. teriii. Dee. 11, A. D. 1893. ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on elections would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be fore them: That the polling place of the town of CoraTbe and is hereby changed from the old school house in the village of Union to Dave Hewitt's wagon shop in said village of Union. All of which is respectfully submitted. „ O. p. WRIGHT, rhm. f . * *. av l> T HOY, • • *. M. * RA Y. ; , » IR W. A.CRISTY.' ; . sport oT committee on fees ana sal aries was read to the board and on mo tion adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,! ^ MCHENRY COUNTY. J • < ; > Board of Snoervisors, Defe.' 12, A. D. 1893. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of the sheriff, county clerk and circuit clerk would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined the same and find them correct. * , Circuit clerk reports as follows: Earned Bal on hand from June report of 1893 f For recording.... I... 80085 Fcr clerk's fees in suits in court 618 55 Rec'd for services per formed previous Rec'd old shariff's fees Beed $326 05 800 35 276 80 96 65 138 40 Totals..;- 1418 90 Vmjfc Herb hire '500 00 . Postage and exp 17 45 >. " ^ Clerk's salary half year 750 00 'Error in former report (See Bk. 14.pg561).. 125 1268 70 BHI. due the county F 419 05 We would recommend that the circuit clerk pay the sum of $419 05 to the treasurer of this county. County clerk reports as follows: ~ Amt of fees rfed, per exhibit A $711 02 Amt fees earned, due and unpaid 476 20 Amt fees earned iU perexhibit B, froui June 1, '93 to Dec. 4, '93, 2375 94 Total ...$3563 16 Less amt previous earnings included 149 12 Total earnings for half year... 3414 Q4 Salary for half yearj...$ 750 00 ' ^ Clerk hii$ 700 00 ^ / Total... $1450 00 Fees reed for half year 71102 Balance due clerk $738 98 We would recommend that an order be dra wn on the treasurer for the amount of $738.98 in favor of the county clerk. Sheriff Udell reports as follows: Earned Rec'd Sheriff's fees in suits in court, Schedule A $299 60 $ 71 85 Miscellaneous services schedule B,.» 526 12 105 12 Totals for half year $725 72 $166 37 Sheriff's salary for half year, 600 00 Less amt rec'd for services..--.... 166 37 Amount due sheriff .$423 53 We recommend that an orderbedrawn on the treasurer for the sum of $42S 63 iu favor of the sheriff. All of which is respectfully submitted. XiKO VOCONNELL, OlMUS. M WUAY. • M I>ESMOND, J. HKC'K , Report of committee on claims was read to the board and on motion was adopted, to wit: -.W4 '"Ifctal. $106 75 We would recommend that the amount of ten dollars be paid to A. Udell for sell- iag, delivering and collecting pay for the above stoves. * All of which is respectfully submitted. F F. AXTEfX.Oh'm. V '• " . 1 W. P. THOMPSON, . L, T. HOY. » % *: * ° r- BUSHTOW. The comtBittee on elections presented the following report which was read and OB mntinti adontwi. to-wit: «sc- i *<.u JJ'< !.:• " STATE OF ILLINOIS,! MCHENRY COUNTY, / Board of Supervisors, Dee. term, Dec. 11, A. D. 1893. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Yoqr committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following and that the clerk be di rected to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for theseveral amounts allowed, as follows, to wit: BILLS NOT PAID. W E Wire.coBupst'ps/sta'n'y, etc.$14 79 Woodstock Sentinel Co, court dockets; blks for co officers, pub proceedings co board.. 78 20 B S Austin, goods for jail 43 60 JCChoate, 44 " 3 90 Stone & Hart, " " 18 40 F Arnold, work co.clerk's office ... 42 75 Asad Udell, dieting bill from May 31 to Dec 12, 1893 ....422 50 L Leidig, shaving prisoners 2 00 C E J ones, goods for jail 1 75 L P Card, justice fees 6 87 Wm Averv, stmpc, tel, tel'p'ne etc 15 24 Asad Udell, bailiff co court 37 00 " " jan May 31 to Dec 1 '93.210 00 " " taking iusaue to Elgin 34 60 M Carls, wit fees pe< pie vs P Wirfs 2 60 Peter B Freund, same Jacob Rothermel, same Jacob Myers, same i F W Benjamin, same. People vs I Barnes E O Knapp, same E D Nickerson, same..., A J Boyiagton,> same People vs Hansen M W Harmon, same - C H Ward, same W Schroeder same, People vsZenk Joe Klien,same Luthtr Smith, same.. ^ Wm Humbrecht, same Frank Herriman, same M Martin, same W A Dunning, same, People vs Pabst & Zenk ,... John Hawley, same J Burk same, people vs Heiner Tim Condon, same, PeoplevsRab- erts & Mulvana Same, same James Burke, same J M Thompson, same C E Burkhardt, same C Burkhardt, same H G Ehle, same, People vs George F G Herriman, same, People vs Tiffany Jas Burke; same. People vs Jones Wm Roach, same Tom Muldoon, same, People vs Anna Buchner : R. V Thompson, same, People vs Sanborne W Or vis, same W Wilson, same B A Stevens, same, People vs San born & Carey 2 80 2 60 2 60 2 20 2 30 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 30 2 20 2 20 2 60 2 00 2 20 180 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 60 2 00 2 20 110 210 8 00 8 00 800 810 L C Davis, same, People vs Mack.. 2 20 Mamie Otto, same 2 40 Henry Keyes, J P, justice fees, peo ple vs Tiffany 845 L E Mentch, coroner's bill 1100 D W Hewitt, arresting and bring ing Wm Hall to Woodstock...... 8 00 LT Hoy - 23 00 Total. $107826 CLAIMS PAIS. A F. field, coat $441 00 A 0 Hupp, publishing proceedings of Board of Supervisors 6 mo 12 50 P F Fettibon% stationery Same Same... Same Same.. fame Same.........„..iU,.....«„ Same Same............... Same... Same Same Limcoln insane asylum, clothing Klgin insane asylun, same Thos Conway, labor Geo D Brainard, index deeds. 200 80 J A Dufield, publishing proceed ings of the board 12 months Harvard Herald, same Hebron Tribune, same Chas F Renich, same J Van Slyke, printing letter heads A S Wright, paints and oils J D Donovan water and waste pipe Chas Sn< ider, labor H D Walling, to 8 days as baliff. J L Hibbard, to 6 days same*.... Same to 2 days same..- Wm Roach,to 8 days same........ L 0 Diggins, same H G Ehle, to 9 days same D W Hewit, to 8 days same........ Lafe Benthusen, same Woodstock B B Co., ioe John Updike, painting F E Ilanford, filling and sand.... M Flavin, hooks and work.... F Sauford, painting John Updike, same 12 50 ao io m. so 13 95 53 45 ; 4 50 72 00 6 50 24 00 14 40 61 60 <16 90 5 57 51 03 9 31 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 3 00 82 50 98 93 150 20 00 15 00 5 00 20 00 20 00 22 50 20 00 20 00 135 35 00 55 85 8 50 58 75 25 00 BBOA*t*VLATlSSr. Firm stock Farm products Groceries, etc household furniture ....7...*... Farm implements.... Total . «85» . *76 66 . B5S50 #388083 Yonr committee would recommendthat N. S. Robbbe re-appointed as superin tendent for the coming year, commenc ing Jan. 1st, 1894, at the salary of ten hundred and fifty dollars, ($1,050) per jJE' year, he to furnish his own help same as last year. We would further recom- mend that Dr. E. V. Anderson be retain- f ed as medical attendant at the poor j\. farm and asylum at two dollars and fifty " cents, ($2 50) per visit, and he to fur- W nish medicine. All of which i*8 respectfully submitted. ' < G. W CONN,Chant,,, V-H - V ' ' r « • ; ; \ ! \ f H t f F. E. STEVKNS, •' '. ;• \V; " ' '/ - * J. BECK. 4, V The committee on finance made the following report, which was read and on motion adopted, to wit: . rtf:, STATE OF ILLINOIS,t.- r MCHENRY COUNTY, FM • % " 1 • J Fiuek, mason work and aat'i 231 70 7 49 9 55 30 00 1100 11 10 10 70 18 10 27 25 1110 20 00 20 00 7 80 8 75 ^.4-^ A\ Chester penitentiary, clothing E S McFadden. work and mat'l F Sanford, painting P J McCauley, w'k on court house G F Rush ton committe work W P Thompson, same L T Hoy, same. F F Axtell, same J H Gracy, same.. F Sanford, painting Same. L T Hoy, committee work F F Axtel, same Baker Smith & Co h'tiugap'rts 1992 74 Elgin insane asylum clothing; 46 36 B F Ellsworth, pipes and fittings 13 25 Geo Guth, 5 cords of wood 25 00 L T Hoy material furnished at the cou*-t house 70 13 Bennett & Lied window awnings.. 14 00 W F Pierson, labor..... 2 50 Whltson Bros., 1 cooler 5 50 Total .....$4252 03 All of which is respectfully submitted. „ R. J.BECKCh'm. • F, E, STEVEN Si* • 1 * J ff. fiRAOT, "v K, BROTZMAN.',' GEO MC (JONNlfclii'v- Report of committee on poor house was read to the board and on motion adopt ed to-wit: WOODSTOCK, III , Dec. 11,1898 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors Your committee on poor farm would beg leave to submit the following report: The committee met at the poor farm, Nov. 20,1898, for the purpose of invoic ing stock, etc. VABM ftToOK. 1 Span of mules.1800 CO 1 ci es utmtre.. 76 oo 1 grey mare 50 14M ear.old 1 hlack coit 20 cows at | 1 bull 9J 20 700 18 2calves Hhogs l*ow s shosts.. ISO chi Kens... SO ducks . 5 turkeys. 10 130 46 •7-60 7 S 40 guinea hens.. 10 *oial.v........ .....'...."wfio VABM PBODCCL'S. 700 bn corn at Site i40 || stack stttw . .. 10 ?.et'ksc'n stalks 14 tons !t>ay II stack aiirthr nOObushelsosts.. 18B 1175 bu potatoes.. 871 Total .... SS660 ••OOEBIBS, BTC. loo lbs coffee .. .. 85 50 lbs sugSr...... 50 lbs butter .... S50 201 bs tea 6 80 50 lbs sugSr...... 50 lbs butter .... 12 50 :»l bn co rn u starch 50 SSIbs lard 4 64 43<i lbs flour 750 3 boxes matches 88 50 ll>s rice 2 AO 14 lbs sinoke toD 8 52 50 lb* salt 50 Slbscbew tob... 816 2601 t»s beeft- 12 60 1 bbl kerosene.., 6 4" gil syrup..... cabbage ... .. . 12 50 55 tons coal 886 4" gil syrup..... cabbage ... .. . 8 -- -- Total MM HOCSBHOLD rUBBITCBB. 61 bearistsal* 41 tilanfevts... 42 pillows ... 9>i (>tiiow caae 88sheets 45 ticks 35 comforters 12 mtrrort... II stands, .... 3 bureaus ,..10 4 settees 90 1 office desk.. 80 1 offii'.e table . ... 2 8ofti<v chairs..^...16 4 rocking chairs.. 6 1 milk tank .... 2 9 miU Betters.... 15 tin cupa' 3 <ii8h paus ..... 1 striner pall.....' IS tin basins ..s.. 2 psdW'cks 1 step l.t< der .630000 ...50 ....83 . .. 9 ....26 40 .. 40 ...6125 ...10 8 5 wash basins ... 6 washboards.. 5 wash tubs 1 CttUFE 75 8 60 ISO 60 1 1 washing macbiaelO 24 butter plates 2 sugar bowls... . 2 m.lk pitchers ... 24soup liehes...,. 24 plates 2 soup toureens... 21 chambers. 20 tea cups and taucers 16 deep <tl»hes 30 pi • tes 4-2 tab'e spoons... 22 tea spoons 22 knives forks... 24 milk pans 8 mops 10 brooms It pnila Total 60 96 ao a 2 1 840 9 1 ao 3 182 1 250 480 160 2 10 1 1 1 850 S 2 5-gallon jars.... 1 13-yralloa jar. $0 32 towels 4 2 platters t 24 pie plates 1 82 Matcc plates 168 2 bells 4 00 Fli»r matting 8 1 bread plate 80 8 butter <!iehei.... V* 4 syruixllRhes .. . 85 * wash bowls and pitchers 8 60 16'howls 160 8 lanterns 75 4 lard cans 1 50 7 hanging lam.ts... 6 25 1 Jacket Ismp ... 60 3 butcher knives.. 1 1 han<l 1-mp 85 4<lfning tables ... 8 Ranges and fix... 115 2 bsating stov«8..,l6 I sewing machine 40 1 KAsoline stove.. 84 3boiler stoves ...15 1 pair hand cuff*., t 1 muff 8 100 fi rub'r hose... 9 I pr hairclippers.. 850 160 -8 4 76 76 50 18 2 ouspidores 1 office <amp.. . I Do k 1 meat saw...... 1 cleaver........ 1 milk can 65 ohairs #976 06 VABM IMFIiBMBlfTS. 3setd'ble har ... 2> 1 pr bob sleighs.. 13 ldblshov plow... 4 1 single " 1 stirring plow... 1 riding plow 2 draws 2corn plows... . 1 self binder.... 1 mower lcorn plmter... 1 hiy knifs . ... 1 scyitie, snath.. 1 Ouflalo robe -- 4 hois* blankets. 1 wire streteher. 1 pert measure.. I set scales. 1 hammer........ 18 g'Mn btga. ... 6 pork barrels .. 1 grindstone.. 3 tcoop shovels.. 2 turn bhoveli... 1 spade..... Scorn knives... •: TfcMa .... 2 10 40 8 28 100 10 20 1 5l> 1 8 8 1 16 2t 50 S 5 175 160 1 1 1 1 brace and bit... 1 1 ouek saw 86 3axes 1 So 1 post maul ... 76 1 post augur 7S I grub hoe, plelc.. IS 1 iron bar 1 llog<*bain 1 1 square 1 3 h> es SO 3 forks J 2 manure forks... 76 8 spading forks... 160 1 boree fork and rope... . 10 1 pulverizer 10 1 feed cutter and power 18ft 1 spring wsgon... 50 llnmber wagon., 86 l trnck wagon... to - Shay racks 6 8 wheelbarrows.. 9 1 water tank. .... 10 ) garden rake,.... 85 1 hand iske 85 ;' :* Board of Supervisors, Dec. 11, A. D. 1893. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to settle with the county treasurer would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examyaed the various books, ac counts and vouchers and found the same correct, showing as follows: Total receipts from all sources $70763 81 Total disbursement 63710 04 Balance on hand Dec. 4,1893, $7053 28 We also submit the treasurer's semi annual report, showing official fees re ceived and disbursements made during the last half year: Total earnings $314 16 Expenditures, clerk hire $ 50 00 " miscellaneous... 6 50 " treaeeal.Kyr 750 00 Total......... Atl of which ig J; m MS $806 50 respectfully submi WM, l>GSMON >, Ohmn, P. F. AXTELL. ' JO N WKLTZIEN, F.E. STEVENS. , Sup. Beck moved that the county '-|SP» f*f vi ders and jury certificates th» t have been! ...j'v checked up and cancelled by the com- mittee to settle with treasurer be burned in the presence of said committee. Mo* tion carried. Sup. Hoy moved that the chairman of the board of supervisors be instructed to call upon the presiding judge of the cir- cuit court, at the opening of the next session of said court, and ask him to see that the state's attorney comply with the laW relating to the reporting of all fines imposed and collected or reeeiv- ed in settlement by him aud the paying 1 over to the county treasurer any and all .. money which may be held by him be- longing to McHenry county. Motion carried. »".. W Sup. Conn moved that all expenses In- curred from repairing buildings, fences, >xk* etc, of the poor farm be designated in all ^ reports of committee nnder the head of running expenses. The ayes and nays « P? being celled tor resulted as follows: Ayes .' --Sups. Beck, Conn, Wray and Cristy. {/ --4. Nays--Sup. Brotzman, Wright. v' Rushton, Desmond, Stevens, Hoy, Clark, McConnell, Gracy and Thompson.--10. '. t# Motionlost. The following reeolution was offered bp 7^^ gup. Hoy, and on motiou was adopted, ~ to-wit: • Resolved. That if, after due legal in- t quiry, it be found that the county board , have the legal right, the poor farm com- V mittee be instructed to add ten cents per week to the actual expenses of board at county house, and that the fund so ere- ated be kept separate and apart for t^e - purpose of keeping buildings and fences in repair. Said fund to be kept by the ^ ~ county treasurer and paid out only on orders duly signed by chairman of poor v../, farm committee and superintendent of ' said farm. L. T. HOY » , :, 'k. Sup. Stevens moved that the speciar committees, board of supervisors and ' - •; clerk be allowed the usual per diem and mileage. Carried. .. Sup. Beck moved that the board flM$- journ. Motion prevailed. G. B. RICHABDS, Chairman, I Attest--WM. AVEHV, Clerk. * ' » Jeweled Blossoms. •* There's a caper in flower pins just BOW. It's a mighty pretty one too. bt place of the long silver pin that has hith- 1; erto secured the girl's blossom bunches ' •> ̂ at waist or upon corsage, we now have silver and gold pins, even longer than ' ' JJJ those of the past, and finished with fth '. ̂ enameled bloom having a jeweled oen- ter. ' \ v There are rosebuds, violets, pansies, • forgetmenots, lilies, carnations \ -3'"• many more. So you see it is possible to • - secure any flowers you are likely to wear with a floral pin that matches. The jewels which center the enameled £ blooms are in most cases of the same that. For instance, a plump little red rose half hides with its petals a small ruby; a clus- "j ' ter of lilies of the valley hdld, each of them, pearls; forgetmenots have tur quoise and diamond centers, and olivines vein the leaves. Of course in order to have on hand a flower pin to match, any flower she may wear mademoiselle must needs start a collection. The souvenir spoon fad was nothing to it. As one girl puts it, "It's a matter of dress, you know, and when it oomes to decking her person the wom an frivolous to encourage a fad will do it every time in preference to furnishing i her table or filling her cabinets."--New i York Mail and Express. : * f ,.;t ' 7 • New Steel Process. • ^ j,r,^ A new method of producing steel ?M0 % been suggested to M. Jules Garuier by ̂ ST. Moissan's diamond making expert- I ments. He claims that it is successful. > f The steel is instantaneously made by' | placing a bar of iron and a stick of char-} $ coal together in a parallel direction in; an electrical firebrick furnace of a tem-i perature of 1,000 degrees and subjecting! them to a strong current. M. Jules Qar-i nier expects that his discovery will revo-' lutionize the steel industry.--Exchange ̂ 21 Do NOT forget if you want a first Auctioneer, to caii on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we eas fix dates for you at this office. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only #2.25, at J. A* Storv'a. Call and examine. -5 • i i ' I " - ' ' * 1