Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1894, p. 8

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Sl< %*rof jpmerally admitted that of retrogression in both in material pros- |>#Dd- national prestige, the year I %» welcomed with strong hope confidence. Even those who fear •4 rfar «i;tvo this feeling in .n urare. Even wai would re- Curse of idleness, which, an deputation told the prime ir this week, is the greatest bur­ sa the nation. 1* one of the significant signs ot the hoar that the present generation, JfWhich knows nothing of war, has no ijgonoeption of its horrors. It is not go- ingtoo far to say that if it were not for tito prevailing fear of the inadequacy «fthe British armament a considerable on of the English people would at welcome the war which, nearly $11 agree, is threatened by the piesent conditions. The reason for this san- f ainary sentiment is the fact that the ngiish people are poor, poorer than uver before in these latter days. In epite of this still growing feeling uf threatened trouble, no fact of any de­ scription pointing to an. international quarrel has come to light recently. All bellicose talk is still in the air only, »nd while the popular dread is perhaps 3*4, to little more deep and widespread than I' ,' in similar crises in recent years it will Jbe well to remember that the expected ./ . seldom happens in such cases. It is re­ s', , markable how undisguised some war «• ' y«Utyn» have become. Even Mr. Astor's h"". nSle journal has caught the fever. It T. \ to only fair to credit the Pall Mall Ga­ zette with sincerity when it said in a warning leader yesterday: "What we have to understand as a nation is that for the present we stand almost alone in Europe, and that the future is black with uncertain men­ aces." ' The most significant recent utterance, in the opinion of the London press, is that of the pope when he said to the cardinals and prelates offering Christ­ mas greetings, "If peace and charity have disappeared, we must not despair." The tendency is, however, to give these words both a broader and more specific meaning than his holiness prob­ ably intended to convey.--New• York Son's London Letter. I LAW AGAINST SENTIMENT. Henchell's Bin EUmina*lns S | wnce From Breach of Promise Salts. ' The lord chancellor, I hear, is cred­ ited with the intention of preparing a bill to do away with sentimental breach of promise actions and to limit the right of invoking the law in such mat­ ters to cases where it can be proved that actual pecuniary loss has been incurred by reason of the unfulfilled promise. 1 If Lord Herschell's bill ever becomes an act, every shred of romance will of course be eliminated from such actions as come before the courts after it has passed, and breach of promise will lose the fascination which it has so long ex­ ercised upon the public mind. On the other hand, juries will be spared the delicate and invidious task of* estimating the value of a lacerated heart in current coin of the realm, and counsel will be relieved of the necessity of talking a great deal of sentimental * nonsense that must be terribly trying to their sense of humor.--Lady's Pic- . tOnffe I 'J Ceylon Tea. ' It appears that some of the Ceylon tea planters are making an organized attempt to obtain a sale for their tea- seed in the London market. A parcel qf seven bags of that article was offered at the drug, sales recently, but no one seemed to know what to do with it, and although the broker declared his belief that the drug was "a favorite medi­ cine in China" the audience remained unmoved. Nevertheless the teaseed might hav& been worth purchasing for the sake of the bland oil which it con­ tains, to the extent of about 35 per cent , by weight, and which resembles olive oil in color and somewhat in taste. The seeds are about the size of a cherry stone, subglobular in shape and of a deep brown color. The oil would be useful for burning or lubricating.--- London Chemist and Druggist. ^yhow.TT- ? .-i It is the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. X*S Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co PHILADELPHIA. 1' pro ectlon agBttKpl.MlB .nge.4 in t1 P form of fa>ll otninft, This i« »fe«»eV*on when you are most like'? to 4*k No msn can tw said to be tbowingWy III pof>8e«»lon of hit sens'# Wkon«M Sot pr nherte Chun, Winter eloininjr, _ , ?on are most likely to c*ke cold, *n<t a'little oare now mav prevent a long ot illness. Wonderful h> *r Cheaply we can At you out wttH a pr i er suit of c'othei,» Biot rofit, M w <, * imnrtrrsmr pfstr of gv «'KI VI1«U overcoat Our price., which are lower tam •ver before, defy competition. Ootna and eeo us, and let us take your measure, AUGUST BUCHHOLZ, . , , , U-L. A. MOON AND BISTAUR&HT MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. A't • Satchels, Shoulder Straps, Harness, Whips & Collars. C. L. HUBBARD. Harness King. Nundn, 111*, 1893. litis t " " : "• II ' 1 H & - i : WE THANK YOU i / - v ; 22 poupus choice California liaisine for $1 27 pounds choice plum puddiDg Currants 18 pounds choice Turkish Prunes for 22 pounds good whole Rice for tl And all other Uroceries in proportion, (f '• f] For your past patronage! D S O L I C I T Your patronage for the year Heavy yard wide Shooting 5c. German Blue Print, wide* 9o Indigo Blue Print, 6c, ^ Good Dress Prints--G-inghams, good style, 6 to 80, ; v A* Amoskeag Shirting, 30 in. wide, extra heavy, 10c,* f 4' *' m . . . WOOL HOSIERY will be sold at a big reduction to make ] room for other goods soon to arrive. ^ Gloves and Mittens at 10 per cent disconnt to close them oat. fWFelt Boots and Rubbers at the lowest prices. Fine Eentncky Liquors, French Bitters, We can se: It,,* ••vi. - . P. BAER, West McHeniy. -AMD-- J. In any quantity frotft Snit«| Glass to 1C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE on RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs ot case as | cheap as the cheapest < W e buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. all and gee nee and f 1*ill use I you well. ANTONY ENGELN. WcFenry, 111.. 1888. I UP QUALITY •,r tt, 1 , 'i Vy. yyi • • ' , ' -; A /4 We have only one purpose in advertiaing--to let everybody that buys Boots and Shoes--that is all mankind hereabouts --know how thoroughly we combine perfection of style, fit a <* • 1 . 1 . - t.._ ««r prppo^ always to . i-f-M - fini*h with moderate p rices^ ,. in in S '^ x 1' . .. • . "V v ^^ Of course the 'upne^s' refers to quality and finish,while the •downnesfc' points to priccs. A happy combination, as 1, hundreds of pleased and satisfied customers cheerfully te#; tify. We have ladies' Shoes in all grades, Boots and Shoei for gentlemen, and foot-wear for children. We also wish to call attention to oar Hardware and G departments, which are always we]|j|£tg|6d with good ; ̂ * "iS DOWN PRICES > V* * JtTXilA (TOBY. THE STAFF t»F MFE. MAT. EXTQLEXT, MoH«nry DEALEK tiH] Drugs, Medicines, Paints,'Oils, Fancy Goods, Etc. Look out for new advertisement in this space next week. •v. *7 , J ! i B r a n d i n g C r i m i n a l s I n C h i n a . Finding that long terms of imprison­ ment and flogging do not check robbery and piracy and systematic practice of imposition on strangers in the nature of thievery in the Soochow district, the authorities have resolved to try brand- ting. For the first offense the thief is to be branded on the right cheek, and for the second on the left cheek. The brand is to be the Chinese sign for the word thief. As the Chinese have a su­ perstitions horror of all facial disfigure­ ment, the belief is entertained that the HAW punishment will check the criminal ment.--Sacramento Record-Union. SMAILES BROS. Jr̂ ' Du3ois Block, Our new Fall Goods are all in and comprise many new and designs. A cordial invitation is extended to eur friends anil | patrons to examine our stock. 3** ^ ECONOMY IS WEAI3H " Do you need a heating or cook stove? If so, now is the time to buy. We have a large stock of the celebrated ACORN & GARLAND STOVES, ills As well as other makes. Our stovn are worthy ot inspection. 4 Tb* Pallnuui Brother*. A ' Albert Denton Pnllman, George M. Pullman's brother, who died near Chi­ cago recently, was the mechanical gen- ins of the family that have made their fame in the manufacture of sleeping cars. Understanding as he did every part of the art of cabinet making, he was able to superintend all the details in the construction department of the great Pullman industry. There are Ipnr brothers surviving--George M. INlllman of Chicago, the Rev. R. H. . Pullman of Baltimore, the Rev. James •'H. Pullman of Lynn,Mass., and Charles L. ruuman of Chicago.--Exchange. 5yj! ! The Glutton LlliM. Navigation of the great lakes during Ithe season of 1893 resulted in the loss > of 123 lives. The number of vessels lost was 58, with an aggregate tonnage of 24,258 and valued at $1,040,400. i jPartial losses by strandings, collisions fires bring the total up $2,112,588, !"^®he shallow waters of Lake Erie claim- if jsd nearly half the lives lost, Lake Hu- being second.--New York Tribune. W The Largest Stock of Stoves in the County. The babies laagh, because the record has been brok'n, Rnd the record at thia time la; Sold In Me Henry since tbe 1st day of Janvary, 1683, to the 1st day of Oct., 1888, Fourteen Car Loads of Plllsbun's Best Flour. , AND IT STILL STAND8 AT THE TOP. For Safe ty all the Leading INercharte, and at the Roller M We have a good high grade of Flour at $1 per each, and for the price we challenge I comparison. Also a full Patent Flour at f 1.05. and we do not exagerate when we guarantee it eaual to other trrad^s that, cost more money. Try it and be convinced. 1 To the Farmers of VcHenry and vicinity would say that we are again prepared to do y«or , 1 Feed and W' eat Grinding promptly. On wheat we will guarantee as good a return In quality ) ffive universal satisfaction and I and quantity as any custom mill in the state of IUInots. and would respectfully ask when p © uu 1 *"»««'«. I Bee<fof anythlnf In this line to glte us a trial on the above guarantee. Bran and Middlings for Sale* Wl>« 1b aeed of Flour leave your order mt the Bollesr Mills and we will do the rest. McHENRY ROLLER MILLS. We have on hand Anti-Rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, and everything found in a hardware store. First class new work and Kepairs in Tin, Copper and Sheetrlron. Your trade is respectfully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. The. Bascom Folder F.L,McOMBER SELLS STOVES CHEAP. TAKES OLD STOVES IN EXCHANG Yours Be/pec tfully, F . L . M c O M B E B : »<! it" v s . ̂M . r - - ^ V "A ® 1 0 -5' ' ,'rfi 'I 1 'J'.i iMi. i. •» Jr- *, * \ ' '• t , jj -c •• iliS w West MoHenry, 111#?; JOHN J. MILLER. JMi JUSTEN BROS., The above is a eat of oar sew Folding Machine* which can now be seen at work in the Plaindealer Office. Oqr patrons, and those needing sue h a machine are invited to s, 1 - V 'I ADULTERATED WINE JnMUs royal taste and ruby color, is on account of its purity, age and strength, particularly adapted for invalids, conval­ escents ana the aged Bold only in lfpttlea in bulk) white cheap wine is sold the gallon wd gives a larger profit to uer but lees to the user. This is absolutely pure, and has the without which. no wine is fit to, Be sure you get "Royal Ruby"; bottles $ 1, pints 60 cts. Sold by W. BIS! KV. _________ •Books Heap, nice bouad onlj 80 and at J. A;;Storj'». We are entering upon Year for mutual benefit. We shall-render our services tol the buying public for the year 1894 •all and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes for a.& small a compensation as can 8UCh little p°wer thftt you cannot notice u- The machine *m pni IOI as biiidli tt- ow in by the Bascom Folder Co., of Sidney, O., who have l*en build, be done honestly. I ing and selling them for^he past eight years, and every machine it Thanking you for past favors we I fully warranted for five jears . If you need such a machine pi 0 ___ i__ A j I write the above company for prices, discounts and terms, as they solicit a continuance Ox your va 1 aeii the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agents Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F. Garret, Syracuse, If, Y.; Mather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse A Ca.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, Barret A Still well, St. Paul; Geoctfcin & Son, Toronto, With two stores, one on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public ' Larger Stoek of all kinds of (M 1 ' A SV\. *• j Than ever before, whioh we are oflerlog at greatly W> REDUCED PRICES. " ' f t patronage. '£ Yours for business JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. FUBNITUafllj; 31 KOW IS THEJTIME TO BUY. - .j; ^.We also keep in stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and weeso give yoh anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prtoes than Iher house In the county. ' '• - \ ;r • • . ' ^ ^ % -v-*- r ^ I We have taken great pains in selecting oar « ' ^ > **, | U N D E R T A K I N O 8 U P P L I E S , Coffu.s. Caskets and Trimmings of tbe latest designs. Ever) thing new and elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see us wles i want of anything In onr line. A SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, In connection, which will be furnished at Reasonable Rates. £>. '• •' sfi.. . 1 „ $k:. - w '-tSf f <*•*> .* ** < i&,.. •. "x . jtf„."if .jtS r

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