Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1894, p. 8

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tbe new Bangor itWto Btownville to Ilililillttte experience Mbat made their hair a time. They were 1 ~.ttiW?'.'!>" ti'v * • » ;!<•; tue on tee top 01 « lol 01 - in a box car, and spread pat i pa the bales, expecting comfortable tide. Just ; northward from Brown- ition arose between the engineer, and fcr a few I air was sulphurous. i tide began. The engineer, headed fellow, was mad all |md when he opened the ibeclid it no half hearted or tin- Way. Off sped the train over _ ___ j *nd uneven roadbed, not yet iSfftdy for trials ot speed. Faster she went, the cars lurching 1 pitching up and down and from lo side in a mftnner that suggested ry derailment and everlasting The trees beside the road flew > atxeaka of lightning. The hay Iced about and tramped each ilfthont mercy, and all the while Shlaihriteal party reeled and jostled like tipsy fellows on a spree. |g They hong on lor dear life to keep , H .fjifi* breaking their necks or from get- v crushed. Those who have tried it 1 > IH» that the inside of a box car does lSPafford many points of vantage for 1- steady himself, and really all ministers could do was to thump ««ch other whenever occasion offered. The entire run to North Twin station was made at an average not very far short of a mile a minute, and it was with a sigh of relief that they alighted 1 from the train. It pleases them now it«ay that the engineer was reported to gffi.-.^«Jj£r$ntendent Cram and was promptly feoiittced before he had endangered any lives or the property of the oom- JbUa.--Lewiston Journal. fiti+r * A SPECIAL HOUpAY OFFER. QM Toug Woman's Novel AdTWthWBWl to AttrMt a Husband. There was a small red flag stuck up­ on a chunk, of ice which floated down the river the other day. The chunk drifted into an eddy near the bridge, -and one of the workmen becoming curi- ooswent down and looked at it. There was a letter pinned on the flag, dated Niobrara, Neb., Dec. 5. "I am an un- 1 married girl," began the letter, "and would pass anywhere from 18 to 30 years of age. I would like to margy some man from 20 to 60 j'ears of age. "What great fun it would be for you to come tip and win my heart for a las present! First come, first kmight say that I am not only jg, but a good cook. Indeed bread is the talk of miles. Dmpanying tintype is a poor of me. I am not freckled. This is for you, dear. I am very af- tte. Sallie Killerford, Niobrara, The tintype was gone, and i one must have taken advantage of Special holiday offer. The message sent adrift again. --Leavenworth .) Times. C , Boots, Shoes, Gloves, Mittens, Out F«rg*t ttai I curry a larger «t9Ck th«B »*»r b#fHrA n 1 ' We are makingsweeping redactions onallour goods, and it will pay you to make as an early calf# ^ r"v * \ ^ 1 /•* * V * * 4 ' . ,-V/')^ .iAs,evAt; . -*i 1 ; v : - i: 'JOHN L STORY. MoHenry, HI. 1804|. . ^ ^ What is this Jfranyho\j| •vs .T V. v,SO - tf CLOTHED AND IN HIS RIGHT MIND^ v'f-'A No man can be said to be thoroughly • in possession ot bis senses who does : not pr 'Vtdo pro ection against fitmoa- -i;' ]>horic changes in t< e form of fall and -A winter clothing, This is the season when you are most likely to lake cold, :'<< and a little care now may prevent a long lit of illness. Wonderful h iw Jx cheaply we can fit yon out with a pr< per suit of c'othes, a nice coat, an e'egant vest, a handsome pair of pants, or a Biylieh overcoat. Our price*, which are lower than ; j- ever before, defy competition. Coins V-: and see as, and let us take your . measure, S'S AUGUST BUCHHOLZ, | • McHKNBT, ILL. It Is the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. IsV Ask your jeweler for pamphlet KeystoneW3tch Cflsc Co»» PHILADELPHIA. t*LS * - f r - "X • , ; ? "<i _ i'« t*! l* I? ^ C; ^ \ ̂ ^ i t ' V £ f ^ For your past|^ patronage, || v c}< f 1 * * ^ ^ v, o i ' " » ' ' t • '« jA \ 8 J , \ V -1 *k ' ^ ^ ^ * **" '* v- *" , , ' < •* \ - l * \ V," f K-fyjft - •«, I® :">R •i '•£& 'hi' ' ^ ' 4 U » i ^ jk tr * »• ^ Ufcj c?,^ ^ , ^ ^ "r " £ > , # ? * r"-' ^ J '»*< • , ; v('t3 ' t l':t p- > ^ ->' & \x ' I ^ ' / f • • r-i. ! * * ' ',c]± >\ can serve you well, v 'ife* 22 pounds choice California Raisins for $1. - ' v **•>' , 27 pounds choice plum pudding Currant* ifbr il, *^ »/** - t*. ^ , 18 pounds choice Turkish Prwoes for |1. wj ^ * pounds good whole Rice tor II, - ^ ^ \ ^ ^ - / And all other Uroceries in proportion, ' v .-..W I- ,t~ i! • f Heavy yard wide Sheoting 5©. * German Bine Print, wide, do " Indigo Blue Print, 6c. lf * j ' \ < \ Good Drea8 Prints--Gin shams, good style, 6 to Amoskeag Shirtin?, 30 in. wide, extra heavy, 10c, W OOL HOSIERY will be sold at a big reduction to make room for other goods soon to arrive* ^ . Gloves and Mittens at 10 per cent disconnt to close them otlt. • * *' {^""S^tjBoots and Kubbers at the lowest prices, . , mm A. P. BAEB, West McHenry •Lv" 45 V:. '<< *f' f UP QUALITY <K ' f vf- A • )*,•&<> i f f - R I P A N S A B U L E S I Cotton In ToorUitsn. Rosnans, since their occupation district embraced by the valleys Syr Daira and the Zarafshan, given a very great development cultivation of cotton, and with ® view of increasing the yield and al- jiiihe quality have introduced several American varieties of the plant, notably the npland. At first the natives were so prejudiced against the new plants that the experiments failed, but the Russians persevered, and' whereas mne years ago Toorkistan t produced only REGULATE THE " STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. TCP AS IS TABDLESan the beat *«*U- eiM kwn for Iwllirrtlwi, Blttaane*^ HcMUelu, Cswtlratl«>) Dyspepaia, Obrtmle Urer Trnkln, DtcaiaeM, Bad Complexion, VgrMatcrf, Ofeiulire Breath, and-all 4b- •rdera mt the Stomach, Mver and Bowel*. rials).76ceata;Package(iboxes), * tS- Har be ordered through nearest dnig'g!?it, * or by "Win Sample free by mail. Address ! THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO., * 18 8FEDUE STEEET, SEW "SOKK CITY. , OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest ^ t ^ possible rates, over the White Star and 8,800 poods of cotton "worth 2,865 (North German Lloyd Steamship Oom- rublee. the quantity exported in 1890 Pan*e8, Moiwy sent at trifling cost to wa^ about 2,000,000 poods, of an esti­ mated value of 13,000,000 rabies. Si­ multaneously with this rapid extension in the cultivation of American cotton Ja Toorkistan, factories are being built lor cleaning the cotton before exporting it to Bnssia in Europe, and at the be­ ginning of this year more than 50 such factories were already open.--Revue Sdentifique. •< Passengers Have Bights. ;•. _ Mr. Thomas C. Weeks, an attorney, obtained a judgment for $5 and costs against theTraction company for fail- ing to carry him to his destination. The case was tried before Justice of the " Peaoe Tliursby. Mr. Weeks boarded a JCMidl lill avenue cable car about 7 p. IB.: Dm. 9 to go to his home, on East Baltimore street. When the car reached* Sonfikind Lombard streets, the passen- told to get out, and the car west. The passengers in th&: were similarly treated. Mr. Weeks demanded the return of his fare, wUdi was refused, and he went home by another route. The company has appealed the case.--Baltimore Sun. any part of the world. SIHON STOFFEL. McHBNRY, ILLINOIS, Fine Entucky Liqiun, French Bitten, " ' r Beer, i® mi f' r 5,4,1*' -*1 » - %H'1 IP ' i i * 1/^-, . >ly fj. ..t* -i •--£ . iT- ; *** , a i 1 ^ t*rr ' { ^ , k ' ' o I f f j , j. • j ^' w . . . r « n< ; , "v ' ".I,, '•̂ ĝ̂ part „ * * ̂ n » ̂ . *• • ̂ * * jL*. . . " At"../ • . ' #.! J. t r„ - A7 / .. ». ._.T...... .. t * *• * ^ 7, * * . t. *"> ur «« *• J * * 4 / . THE STAFF OF L.IFJE. In any quantity from a Snits Glass to 1C0 barrels. At Wholesale or Retail. Beer in bottles, kegs or caAA» as cheap as the cheapest. I buy none but the beSt ttnd eeil at reasonab'e prices. Call and see me and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1894. ft *J £•> BEST BEST >>j :S i°: -• Do you need a heating or cook stove? If so, now is the time to ] buy. We have alarge stock of the celebrated V "ECONOMY IS ¥IMH beoause tbe'record has been broken, and 1 the 1st day of January, 1993, to tbe 1st day ol ; P2 Fourteen Car Loads of Plllsbunt's Best Flour* The babies laugh, beoause tbe'record has been broken, and tbe retard at thu time U; Sold in MeHenry since the 1st day of January, 1993, to tbe 1st day of Oct., 1893, AND IT STILL STANDS AT THE TOP. 'i', * f? ' , Tbe Color Une Is Costly. I'. ' "Mrs. Mary Place, proprietress of th« Colonnade hotel in Worcester, was fined $100 in the central district court be­ oause she refused to entertain the Fisk Jubilee singers, a troop of colored peo­ ple, a few weeks ago. Quarters had been engaged for them in advance by » the Young Men's Christian association^ - Wider whose auspices they appeared^ " tout when the company arrived ite memf! tiers were refused admission to the din*; tog room. Colonel Rockwood Hoar de- • fended the hotel keeper, while ex-Sena^ v tor Thayer's partner acted for the proa* H ecution.--Boston Transcript. Rub in*te in' • Plans. fivMnstein has declined an offer at $185 ,000 for a three months' tour, and henceforth he intends to stick to, his OWn music. He proposes to give three, llS recitals of his own pianoforte works at' * Berlin this winter, but no charge will1 made for admission, which will be to mxude students.--Berlin Cot* For Sate by all the Leading Merchants, and at the Roller Mills We have a good high grade of Flour at $1 per each, and for the price we challenge comparison. Also a full Patent Flour at $1.05, and we do not exagerate when we . ] guarantee it eaual to other jrrades that cost more money. Try it and be convinced. As well aa other makes. Our stoves give universal satisfaction ana * „ , _ , ,, , are worthy ot inspection 6 I To the farmers of McHenry and vicinity would say that wo are again prepared to do y«*or I need'of anything In this line to give us a trial on the above guarantee, The Largest Stock of Stoves in the County* Bran and Middling for g^i©, . . . D - • " M c H E N R Y R O L L E R M I L L S . We have on hand Anti-Rusting Tinware^ Table Cutlerj, and everything ionnd in a hardware sto ^ ^iret class new "work and Kepairs il Tin, Copper and Sheet-It on Tour trade is reepecttully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. J O H N J . M I L L E R . -i. 'I "WHY? fiaatejDC*<Roy{d Ruby Pott Wine" and we call it " RoyaL" i beld up tolhe light will show why I H Buby. $500 reward for any p|thto wtoef(Nind under five years to 18 j eoidlal Is required; looyou with some- inbotttoi We are entering upon the New Tear for mutual benefit. We shall render our services to the buying public for the year 1894 for as small a corpppnafl/fcion as can be done honestly. Thanking you for past favors we solicit a continuance ot your valued patronage Yours for business, I0HM 3. HOLER -I w; • *$•> t '" 4 l ' 'H pi The above tea cut of our new Folding Machine* which can now be aeon at work in the Plaindealer Office ^ Our patrons, and {hose needing sn< h a machine are invited to call and see ir at work. It is simple, easily handled, and takes such little power that you cannot notice it. The machine was put in by the Bascom Folder f >o., of Sidney, O., who have been build­ ing and selling them for the past eight years, and every machine it fully warranted for five years. If you need such a machine pie write the above company for prices, discounts an4 terms, as they sell the machine on the most favorable terms. Or write their Agent* Chicago Newspaper Union, Chicago; J. & F.Garret, Syracuse, H, Y.; Blather Manfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Marder Luse & Ce.. Chicago; Benton, Waldo & Co,. Milwaukee; Wright, .Bwrot ^ We have only one purpose in advertiainsr--to let everytoodjjjr that buys Boots and Shoes--that is atl mankind hereabouts s^SIl --know how thoroughly we combine'perfection of style, fit "ii /IK a n d f i n i s h w i t h m o d e r a t e p r i c e s , W e p r o p o s e a l w a y s t o - •;i! ft, 'A- < --7^ ^ -• \!.i l •,,, .• Surpass in Upness^ 4 • " ' .1 ^ * '• - V \k ' V" «.V*^ *'* i"_- 'Exeell in Downness ... >• a • ^ •• iv-.w vj i v v" \ v. * * ^ . ,• Ot course the'upnciss' refers to quality and finish,while thf 'downnesft' points to priccs. A happy combination, as* ) >r ^ hundreds of pleased and satisfied customers cheerfully tes- 'r v tify. We have ladies' Shoes in all grades, Boots acd Shoes for gentlemen, and foot-wear for cnildren. ni- :| - e t .'A We also wish to call attention to our Hardware a?«l _ departments, which are always well stocked with good IW, DOWN PRJOESI A i< f ' ̂ ' \ £^,\ \' Uv* * • MAT. A\% _ Ji&M ' SMAILES BROS. ' * ? t - ' ' A ' v " 1 i . v, Elgin, ^ '• .v" « Ja .> -v m Our now Fall Goods are all in and comprise many new ^tylepl '• ^ and designs. A cordial invitation is extended to onr friends an|f / patrons to examine our stoek. - ^ H V ; ^ 'r.sjf r ' I*, - S". '• fi -f* r<*! ' -A X-v; F. L. McOMBER />- bETiTiS - STOVES > " 5 ttk -A "V'A: 'i"y W- I.. 1 , j . ^ , "H %11 ^ i i V « ' • " 4 - v "f'i 1*% * < i- * >• •" j* ' ^ i ' * , / {f ? OLD STOVES ;?;• ; IN EXCHANGE: f lYours Respectfully, > ^ } * M c O M B E R . ^ A "fwz/--:' " ' - .-V v.v/ ] .t/i -"i" Weat M. JUSTEN BROS., With i wo stores, one on the West side and one on the Eabt side, ^||c|Jegyy)» th^y present to the bnyiug public V ^nmrtk " ^ 3Llir^er Stookof ^ all kinds of Th»n ever before, whloh we 4 are ofleriog at greatly REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUlf. | I^,We also keep ID stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and we o«a give yoh anything from the cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices tba« wy afchay jbwn»o In the county. ^ 4S m iL-. ,r- r • Stillwell; St. Paul; Geoctkin& Son, Toronto. v •> ; . . ,*l "p'i mMmi We ha^e taken great palBSiaf>«leotlng>rai U N D E R T A K I N G - ; - S U P P L I E 8 ( CoflBns. Ca8ket8 and Trimmings ot tbe latest designs. Everything new aii C ; , elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall to call and see as wtii t want of anything in our line • SPLENDID NEW HEARS®, ^ Itt eettBeetlen. which will te furnished at Reasonable Rates. -V t - V , . - . ft#

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